Presentation of wiki agnia barto my favorite books. Presentation on literary reading "For children about writers

reservoirs 14.08.2020

She was born on February 4 (17), 1906 in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian. Agnia began writing poetry as a child, but in the future she saw herself as a ballerina and even graduated from a choreographic school. In 1925 her first poems were published. Barto's extraordinary talent as a children's poet was noted by K. I. Chukovsky.

Agniya Barto was born in Moscow in 1906, died in 1981, lived for 75 years. She was born in the family of a veterinarian Lev Nikolayevich Volov, who inspired her from an early age to love reading, to the great Russian poets and writers. She began writing from an early age in elementary school. These were serious poems - about princes in love! And only then, when she became older, she wrote poems about her girlfriends. Since then, her poems have become distinguished by accessibility, understandability, humor, as if an expression of children's feelings. Barto's poems bring adults and children together, helping them to communicate. She wrote not only poetry, but songs and various comedies for performances in theaters and films. After the war, A.L. Barto hosted the program Find a Man. She managed to unite 927 families scattered all over the world by war. Then came the book "Find a Man" and a film with the same name. In February of this year, she turned 103 years old. For 28 years she has not been in dreams, but poets do not die, poems remain. So today, guys, I want to introduce you to some poems by A.L. Barto and remember the ones you already know.

After the publication of a cycle of poetic miniatures for the smallest "Toys" (1936), as well as poems "Flashlight", "Mashenka" and others, Barto became one of the most famous and beloved by readers of children's poets, her works were published in huge editions, were included in anthologies. The rhythm, rhymes, images and plots of these poems turned out to be close and understandable to millions of children.

In 1925, the first works of Barto, children's books of poems "The Thief Bear" and "Chinese Wang Li" were published.

During the Patriotic War, Barto often spoke on the radio in Moscow and Sverdlovsk, wrote military poems, articles, and essays. In 1942 she was a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda on the Western Front.

In 1958 she wrote a large cycle of satirical poems for children "Leshenka, Leshenka", "Grandfather's granddaughter", etc.

For many years, Barto headed the Association of Literature and Art for Children, was a member of the international Andersen jury. In 1976 she was awarded the International Prize. H.K. Andersen. Barto's poems have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

1. mooing 2. sighing 3. jumping First round: Attention! Question What does a bull do when it walks and swings? Which of these works was not written by A. Barto? 1. horse 2. Nastenka 3. fire flint Of the three items - two are taken from the works of A. Barto, and one is not: A. Barto, and one is not: 1. plane 2. ball 3. samovar sigh flint samovar samovar

What is the name of the poem that contains these lines: It's time to sleep! The bull fell asleep, lay down in a box on a barrel. Sleepy bear went to bed, Only the elephant does not want to sleep. which contains these lines: It's time to sleep! The bull fell asleep, lay down in a box on a barrel. Sleepy bear went to bed, Only the elephant does not want to sleep. First round: Attention! Question 1. bull 2. elephant 3. bear What word is there in the poem "Bunny"? 1. friend 2. snow 3. bench 1. Tanyusha 2. Lidochka 3. Nastenka elephant bench Tanyusha Tanyusha

First round: What could little Nastenka do while lying in a stroller? 1. cry 2. dance 3. smile Which poem ends with the words: "... And then we'll go back to mom"? "... And then we'll go back to mom"? 1. truck 2. plane 3. boat Why did Tanya cry? 1. fell 2. dropped the ball into the river 3. hit Attention! Question smile plane dropped dropped the ball into the river

Second round: Attention! Question Attention! Question 1. horse 2. bunny 3. goby What are the numbers of animals that A. Barto wrote about in the "Toys" cycle: What are the numbers of vehicles, means that A. Barto wrote about in the "Toys" cycle: What is the number of toys , about which A. Barto wrote, in the "Toys" cycle: 1. truck 2. helicopter 3. boat 1. ball 2. pipe 3. doll

Third round: Attention! Question Attention! Question 1. Wolves 2. Robbers 3. Bears It was in January, there was a Christmas tree on the mountain, And evil people wandered around this Christmas tree ... I can’t come to an agreement with Nastya at all! I tell her: “Hello!”, And she “…”. “Hello!” and she “…”. And in the north, where there is snow, where the frosts are fierce, The boys got up in the morning before everyone else - .... 1. Hello 2. Agu 3. Hello 1. Tungus 2. Nenets 3. Yakuts Wolves Agu Yakuts Yakuts

Third round: Attention! Question Attention! Question 1. acid 2. vinegar 3. tea We look at the boy - he is some kind of unsociable person! He frowns, grunts, as if he had drunk ... Everyone puts a sandwich in their mouth first, a sandwich in their mouth, and then they eat compote. He is always - ... Masha put on a mitten; - Oh, where am I finger .... 1. correct 2. also 3. vice versa 1. hid 2. things 3. put vinegar on the contrary

Agnia Lvovna was born

February 17, 1906 in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian. Agniya Barto received her primary education at home. Her father was in charge of her education.

Agniya Barto about her father

“My father, Lev Nikolaevich Volov, was a veterinarian, he was fond of his work - he treated animals, like Dr. Aibolit ...”

The girl studied ballet and brilliantly graduated from the choreographic school. But I didn't become a ballerina .

  • Agnia Barto's poems were first published in 1925. Basically, all the poems of the poetess were intended for children. Barto believed that her works would help to educate honest, highly cultured, patriotic citizens.
  • In 1925, books of poems for children were published - "Chinese Wang Li", "The Thief Bear"

Movies based on scripts Agnii Barto

  • During the Great Patriotic War, Barto spoke a lot on the radio, traveled to the front as a correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, often spoke at factories. There she saw the work of teenage workers, which struck her. This difficult time was reflected in her poetry.

In the days of the war

The eyes of a seven year old girl

Like two faded lights.

More noticeable on a child's face

Great, heavy sadness.

She is silent, no matter what you ask,

You joke with her - she is silent in response,

Like she's not seven, not eight

And many, many bitter years.

A. Barto

  • In the postwar years, Agnia Lvovna became the organizer of the movement in the USSR to search for families separated during the war.
  • She suggested looking for lost parents on childhood memories.

Find a person

Agniya Barto broadcast on the radio for nine years. She managed to connect 927 families destroyed by the war.

About these searches Agniya Barto wrote the book "Find a Man". ◦ This book was published twice - in 1969 and in 1975 - by the publishing house "Soviet Writer".

  • Some of Agnia Lvovna’s poems have been set to music, “Amateur is a fisherman”, “About Lyubochka”, “Rubber Zina”, “Song about Petya”

To the children of all the earth

Many thousands of people in our country know Agnia Barto's poems. And so that these poems could be read by children of other countries, they were translated and printed in Uzbek, Georgian, and Ukrainian. Barto's books are known in Poland, and in Hungary, and in France

in 72 countries.

  • Agnia Lvovna Barto was repeatedly awarded orders and medals for her writing and social activities. She traveled a lot abroad, helped children's friendship.
  • The writer died in 1981 having lived a long and such a necessary life for people.

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Biography Barto Agniya Lvovna (real name Volova) (1906-1981), Russian poetess. She was born on February 4 (17), 1906 in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian. If you observe historical accuracy, the daughter in the family of Leo and Maria Volov was born not a hundred, as encyclopedias say, but ninety-nine years ago - on February 17, 1907. Agnia Lvovna herself had a hand in this mistake. Being a fifteen-year-old girl, she added an extra year to herself in order to go to work in the Clothes store - it was hungry, and the workers received herring heads, from which they cooked soup.

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She received a good home education, which was led by her father. She studied at the gymnasium. began to write poems, epigrams and sketches. Later, she - tall, graceful, subtly resembling the young Akhmatova - graduated from the choreographic school and managed to work in one of the Moscow theaters, but the troupe emigrated. Agnia refused to leave and left the ballet field. WHEN SHE studied at the choreographic school, where A. Lunacharsky came for graduation tests and, after listening to Barto's poems, advised her to continue writing. .

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The first husband of Agnia Lvovna was the poet Pavel Barto. Together with him, she wrote three poems - "Girl-roar", "Girl grimy" and "Counting". In 1927 their son Garik was born. Soon after his birth, the couple divorced. In the spring of 1945, Garik tragically died at the age of 18. The second husband of Agnia Lvovna was Andrey Shcheglyaev, a major Soviet heat engineer, with whom they lived for almost 50 years, in great love and rare mutual understanding. From this marriage they had a daughter, Tatyana Shcheglyaeva

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BEAR They dropped the bear on the floor, They tore off the bear's paw, I won't leave him anyway, Because he's good. BALL Our Tanya is crying loudly, She dropped a ball into the river, -Hush, Tanechka do not cry: The ball will not sink in the river. PLANE Let's build an airplane ourselves, Let's fly over the forests, Let's fly over the forests, And then we'll return to our mother.

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DAUGHTER TATYANA SAYS - Mom was the main helmsman in the house, everything was done with her knowledge, - recalls Tatyana Andreevna. - On the other hand, they took care of her and tried to create working conditions - she did not bake pies, she did not stand in lines, but, of course, she was the mistress of the house. Nanny Domna Ivanovna lived with us all her life, who came to the house back in 1925, when my older brother Garik was born. This was a very dear person for us - and the hostess is already in a different, executive sense. Mom always took care of her. She could, for example, ask: “Well, how am I dressed?” And the nanny said: “Yes, it’s possible” or: “Strangely gathered” ...

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Agniya Barto, before submitting the manuscript for printing, wrote an infinite number of options. Be sure to read poems aloud to household members or by phone to fellow friends - Kassil, Svetlov, Fadeev, Chukovsky. She listened carefully to criticism, and if she accepted, she redid it. Although once she categorically refused: the meeting, which decided the fate of her "Toys" in the early 30s, decided that the rhymes in them - in particular in the famous "They dropped the bear on the floor ..." - were too difficult for children. “She did not change anything, and because of this, the book came out later than she could,” smiles Tatyana Andreevna.

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During the Great Patriotic War, Barto was evacuated in Sverdlovsk, went to the front with the reading of her poems, spoke on the radio, wrote for newspapers.

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Barto received many letters from her little readers and often entered into correspondence with them. And since 1965, letters have become her main business and concern. Every month for 9 years, Agnia Lvovna hosted a radio program to search for children who disappeared during the war. Barto came up with a way to search for people without using official data - only through childhood memories. Such a program as "Find a person" could only be conducted by Barto - "translator from children." She took on what was beyond the power of the police and the Red Cross. Grown up children, who were looking for and who themselves were looking for loved ones, often did not know either their real name, or the names of their parents, or even the place where they lived before the war. All they had were fragments of childhood memories: the girl remembered that she lived with her parents near the forest and her father's name was Grisha; the boy remembered how he rode with his brother on the “gate with music” ... Dog Dzhulbars, father’s blue tunic and a bag of apples, like a rooster pecked between the eyebrows - that’s all the military children knew about their former life. For official searches, this was not enough, for Barto it was enough.

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Agnia Lvovna Barto (1906 - 1981)

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    poetess; writer; screenwriter. Awards: Stalin Prize of the second degree (1950), Lenin Prize (1972), Leo Tolstoy medal "For merits in creating works for children and youth."

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    Agnia Lvovna was born in February 1906 in Moscow into the family of a veterinarian who instilled in her a love for the classics. Agnia began to compose poetry early, in a gymnasium, then in a rural school. She dreamed of becoming a dancer and entered the choreographic school, but she did not stop writing poetry. The first and very strict connoisseur of these poems was my father. He demandingly followed his daughter, taught how to write “correctly”. When Agniya Barto first brought her poems to the publishing house, she was only 19 years old. This was in 1925.

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    The heavy page in her biography was the war

    She first managed to see fascism. The German army bombed hospitals, schools, shelters. Agnia Lvovna spoke a lot on the radio, in front of the soldiers at the front. She was a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda and often spoke at factories. There she saw the work of teenage workers, which struck her. This difficult time is reflected in her poetry. So the poems appeared: “I decided to become a student”, “Newcomer”, “Fidget”, “My student”, etc. But still, her poems are humorous, cheerful, kind and consonant.

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    Every child from childhood got acquainted with the work of A.L. Barto. These are poems from the collection "Toys".

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    Bear They dropped the bear on the floor, Tore off the bear's paw. I won't leave him anyway, Because he is good

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    Time to sleep. The bull fell asleep, lay down in a box on a barrel. Sleepy bear went to bed, Only the elephant does not want to sleep. The elephant nods his head. He sends a bow to the elephant.

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    I love my horse, I will comb her hair smoothly. I'll smooth the tail with a scallop, And I'll go on horseback to visit.

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    Most of Agnia Barto's poems are written for children - preschoolers or younger students.

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    The feature films staged according to the scripts of Agniya Barto were widely known: “The Foundling” 1939, “The Elephant and the Rope” 1946, “Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Character” 1953, “Ten Thousand Boys” 1963, “The Black Kitten » 1965

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    Many poems by A. Barto became songs:

    “Amateur fisherman” “A song about Petya” “Lyoshenka, Lyoshenka” “Polite waltz” “What the birds sang about” “Chatterbox”, etc.

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    Determine the names of the characters.

    “We go with a couple ...” “I have no time to chat ...” “A blue skirt, a ribbon in a braid ...” “He has one question: - Will Santa Claus be giving out gifts soon?” "Good soul..."

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    Many lines from A. Barto's poems sound like proverbs or sayings. Remember what poems they are from:

    “And when should I talk? I don’t have time to talk.” “There are such people - Give them everything on a platter!” “Following fashion, do not mutilate yourself!” "It is very bad to live in the world, If you see everything wrong." "One group plants a garden, another breaks it down."

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    Who owns these things?

    A skirt and a ribbon Half a cookie, a penny, a nickel A bouquet and a leaflet with the words “Congratulations ... I wish ...” A number and a theater ticket A fishing rod A diary with a deuce

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    Answer the questions

    What is the name of the boy, the hero of the poem "Letter R"? What did the girl lose in the theater (the poem "In the Theater") What does Masha dream about in the poem "First Grader"? Who did Natasha feel sorry for in the poem "Not Alone"? What was the name of the rubber doll that the heroes of the poem washed with gasoline? What was the girl's name? He is a boy of about 8 years old, his grandmother bought him a scarecrow, but did not hand it over. The hero of the poem "Mom or Me?" The girl who “unintentionally touches her, immediately“ Guard! What is the name of the boy who helped out the grandmothers, became an older brother, his turtle lost weight, he shook tricks out of Andryushka?

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    09/27/2016 2 She said this: “I will start reading the poem, and you all together, continue it if you know. My job is to compose poetry, and you, the readers, should read and know them!” Let's remember the familiar and favorite lines: "They dropped the bear on the floor ...", "The bull is walking, swinging ...", "The hostess abandoned the bunny ...", "Our Tanya is crying loudly ..." And the name is this poetess... Agniya Lvovna Barto.

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    09/27/2016 3 Agnia Lvovna was born in Moscow on February 17, 1906. She studied and grew up there. Her father, Lev Nikolaevich Volov, was a veterinarian, and they always had many different animals in the house. Father's favorite writer was Leo Tolstoy. And as A. Barto recalled, her father taught her to read from his books. He also loved to read and knew by heart all the fables of I.A. Krylov. Everyone has a dream in childhood - Agnia dreamed of becoming an organ grinder: walking around the yards, turning the handle of the barrel organ so that people attracted by music stick out from all the windows.

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    09/27/2016 4 She began writing poetry in early childhood - in the first grades of the gymnasium. And she wrote, as it should be for poets, mainly about love: about gentlemen and "pink marquises". The main critic of the young poetess was, of course, her father. Agnia studied at the gymnasium. At the same time, she studied at the choreographic school, although Agniya Barto was very shy.

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    09/27/2016 5 Being a fifteen-year-old girl, she added an extra year to herself in order to go to work in the clothing store - she was hungry, and the workers received herring heads, from which they cooked soup. Later, she - tall, graceful, subtly resembling the young Akhmatova - graduated from the choreographic school and managed to work in one of the Moscow theaters, but the troupe emigrated. Agnia refused to leave and left the ballet field.

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    09/27/2016 6 In 1925, Agnia Barto's first poems "Chinese Wang Li" and "The Thief Bear" were published. She regularly published collections of poems: "Brothers" (1928), "Boy on the contrary" (1934), "Toys" (1936), "Bullfinch" (1939).

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    09/27/2016 7 The first huge popularity came to Barto after he saw the light of a cycle of poetic miniatures for the smallest "Toys" - in 1936. In 1940 - 1950 new collections were published: "First Grader" , "Zvenigorod", "Funny poems", "Poems for children". In the same years she worked on scripts for children's films "Foundling", "Elephant and Rope", "Alyosha Ptitsyn develops character." In 1958 - a large cycle of satirical poems for children "Leshenka, Leshenka", "Grandfather's granddaughter", etc. In 1969 the documentary book "Find a Person" was published, in 1976 - the book "Notes of a Children's Poet".

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    09/27/2016 8 A. Barto raised children by means of humor. Many lines of poetry came into use, became sayings: “Tamara and I go as a couple”, “Leshenka, Leshenka, do me a favor”, “But when I talk, I don’t have time to talk” and others. ◦ How great the impact of Agnia Barto's cheerful poems on her readers can be judged by such, for example, a fact cited in the Teacher's Newspaper of April 6, 1976: “The boy underwent several operations. There was another one coming. The doctor said it would be good to endure it without anesthesia. And the boy agreed on the condition that during the operation Agnia Barto's poems would be read to him.

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    09/27/2016 9 Tatyana Shcheglyaeva, daughter of A. Barto, recalls: – Mom was generally a person of principle and often categorical. But she had a right to it: she did not write about what she did not know, and she was sure that children should be studied. All my life I have been doing this: I read letters sent to Pionerskaya Pravda, went to nurseries and kindergartens, listened to what children were talking about, just walking along the street. In this sense, my mother always worked.

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    09/27/2016 10 At the end of the war, a tragedy struck the Barto family. Son Igor was crossing the road, he was hit by a car. The experience of a mother who has lost a child can only be understood by a mother who has suffered the same loss. We must pay tribute to Agnia Lvovna's strength of spirit - she did not break. Moreover, her salvation was the cause to which she devoted her life.

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    09/27/2016 11 A. Barto received many letters from her little readers and often entered into correspondence with them. And since 1965, letters have become her main business and concern. Every month for nine years, Agnia Lvovna hosted a radio program to search for children who disappeared during the war. That's when the vast experience and the "feeling of a child" played a really amazing role: Barto came up with a way to search for people without using official data - only through childhood memories.

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    09/27/2016 12 Such a program as "Find a person" could only be run by Barto - "translator from children". She took on what was beyond the power of the police and the Red Cross. Grown up children, who were looking for and who themselves were looking for loved ones, often did not know either their real name, or the names of their parents, or even the place where they lived before the war. All they had were fragments of childhood memories. For official searches, this was not enough, for Barto it was enough.

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    09/27/2016 13 On the air of Mayak, she read out excerpts from letters, of which she had received more than 40,000 in nine years. So, out of ten people whose letters Agnia Lvovna once read, seven were immediately found. It was the 13th: Barto, who was neither sentimental nor superstitious, began to consider him lucky. Since then, the programs have been released on the 13th of every month.

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    09/27/2016 14 In nine years, 927 families have been reunited with its help. Based on the transfer, Barto wrote the book “Find a Man”, which is completely impossible to read without tears.

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    09/27/2016 15 Over the long years of her work in literature, A. Barto not only created many books for children. She has an outstanding social temperament: she was a deputy of the Moscow City Council, and an assessor in the People's Court, and a member of the editorial boards of magazines and publishing houses; she speaks at congresses and in the press on the upbringing of children, we hear her voice on radio and television; she - the President of the Association of Art and Literature for Children under the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship with Foreign Countries - represented our art for children abroad, promoted it.

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    09/27/2016 16 She died on April 1, 1981 in the hospital, where she ended up with a heart attack. Many years have passed since that spring, and many who were friends or worked with Agnia Barto are no longer there. But every year, on her birthday, people close to her and those who cherish the "memory of childhood" still come to Lavrushinsky. The government highly appreciated the poetic work of Agniya Barto: she is a laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of the Badge of Honor and medals. These awards are an expression of the wide recognition that our children and our country have given her.

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    A. Barto reads his poems:

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    09/27/2016 18 /ShowTov.asp?Cat_Id=670082&partner=4 Pictures with illustrations of A. Barto's works are used and photo by A. Barto - Yandex Engels Dyagileva Polina and Class teacher Eterevskaya Lyudmila Vladimirovna

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