Scenario and presentation for the intellectual game "finest hour". Scenario of the game "finest hour" for high school students and teachers

Encyclopedia of Plants 01.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The game is designed for younger children school age. The game consists of 6 stages: "Warm-up", "Magic tool" (name the magic tool of a fairy-tale hero), "Confusion" (correct mistakes in the poem), "Attention! Wanted!" (name the hero according to the description), etc.



MKOU "Torch of Socialism secondary school"

Intellectual game

"Star hour".

for students in grades 1-4

Prepared by: Gribanova Lyudmila Alexandrovna, teacher primary school

Goals and objectives of the game:

1. To develop in children through the game ingenuity, imagination, flexibility of thinking;improve the culture of speech of children; broaden the horizons of younger students; develop attention, the ability to self-control.

2. Aim at obtaining new knowledge, interest in raising the intellectual level.

3. Develop teamwork skills.

Game conditions:

1. 2 teams take part in the game.

2. The game is designed for children of primary school age.

Equipment: plates with the name of the nominations, points for the question, asterisks corresponding to the points for the participants.

Game progress:

1. Introductory speech.

2. Warm up.

3. "Magic remedy"

4. "Confusion"

5. “Attention! Wanted!

6. "Stuff"

7. "Dare"

8. Reflection of the game, the final part.

1. Introduction

Often, in everyday life, we meet the expression "finest hour", especially when it comes to people who have achieved some success. It is said about writers, scientists, artists, actors that at some point in their lives there was " finest hour". This is the moment when a person was able to realize his potential to the fullest, i.e. apply his talents, knowledge and skills. "High hour" is the moment of the highest recognition in a person's life.

Today I invite you to take part in the game, during which each of you, if you try hard, will also be able to realize your potential for the benefit of your team, bringing its "finest hour" closer.

The game consists of 6 stages. For each stage won, the team receives a star.

The team that gets the most stars will be the winner.

And now we will choose the members of the jury (3 people).

Teams-participants take their playing places.

Representation of teams (name and motto).

So, 1 competition of our game "Warm-up". (Each team is asked to answer 20 questions, no time for discussion). The team with the most answers wins and gets a star. (correct answer 1 point)

"Warm-up". (1 team).

1. What vegetable did grandfather and his whole family pull from the land? (turnip).

2. How many days are there in a year? (356).

3. Is there a herring on the festive table under this clothes? (fur coat).

4. The name of the great Russian poet Pushkin? (Alexander).

5. We have it "Indian", but in America - "Indian"? (Summer).

6.Most big ocean planets? (Quiet).

7. Signature of the star and not only her? (autograph).

8. Pass through it to get minced meat? (meat grinder).

9. The most favorite time of the year for schoolchildren? (summer).

10. Was the chain made from this metal, along which the "scientist cat" walked? (gold).

11. What color was the goat that lived with my grandmother? (gray).

12. Does this fish have long whiskers? (catfish).

13. Starting a treadmill? (start).

14. The monetary unit that is minted? (coin).

15. Name the planet with female name? (Venus).

16. Skates on wheels? (videos).

17. Ship cook? (cook).

18. Where do they not go with their samovar? (Tula).

19. What are the colors of the Russian flag? (White blue red).

20. Fairy-tale girlfriend of Koshchei the Immortal? (Baba Yaga).

"Warm-up" (2 team).

1. What is the most Christmas tree? (spruce).

2.24 hours? (day).

3. You can’t beg him from a miser even in winter? (snow).

4. Words that are opposite in meaning? (antonyms).

5. The coldest ocean on the planet? (Arctic).

6. What does the speedometer measure? (speed),

7. He ends the summer? (August).

8. Is he a prince, is he a fool? (Ivan).

9. What suit was Bim, who has a black ear? (white).

10. The monetary unit of Russia? (ruble).

11. End of treadmill? (the finish).

12. A piece of land on all sides, surrounded by water? (Island).

13. Bird from the coat of arms of Russia? (Eagle).

14. What geometric figure can you draw with a compass? (circle).

15. Private in the Navy? (sailor).

16. Natural satellite of the Earth? (Moon).

17. Patron of all lovers? (Valentin).

18. Basic law of the state? (Constitution).

19. Book-assistant when translating from one language to another? (vocabulary).

20. Did he save Fly-Tsokotukha? (mosquito).

"Magic Remedy"

What was the magic...

10. Cinderella. (Crystal shoe. Ch. Perrault. "Cinderella, or glass shoe").

20. Pinocchio. (The Golden Key. A. N. Tolstoy. “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”).

30. Zhenya's girls from V. Kataev's fairy tale.

40. Ole Lukoye. (Umbrella with dreams. G. - H. Andersen. "Ole - Lukoye").

50. A soldier from a fairy tale by G.-H. Andersen. (Fire and in. G.- H. Andersen "Fire and in")


Correct the mistake in the poem.

10. Our Masha cries loudly:

Dropped a ball into the river.

A. Barto. "Ball". Masha-Tanya)

20. A bear is walking, swinging,

Sighs on the go:

Oh, the board is over.

Now I will fall!

(A. Barto. "Bull". Bear - bull)

30. Bunny was thrown by a lazy person, -

A bunny was left in the rain.

Couldn't get off the bench

Wet to the skin.

(A. Barto. "Bunny". The lazy person is the hostess).

40. An old man lived with his wife

By the blue sea.

A. S. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". Wife - old woman)

50. A cheat approaches a tree on tiptoe,

wags its tail, the frog does not take his eyes off.

(I. Krylov. "Crow and Fox". Frog - crow)

"Attention wanted!"

  1. To create it, dad chose a very common natural material, as a result of which the boy turned out to be very curious, very disobedient, constantly getting into various alterations. Distinctive Features: Well, a very long nose.(Pinocchio).
  1. Looking for a man in the prime of life, having fun with night walks on the roofs. Special signs: favorite dish-jam, best friend-Kid.(Carlson).
  1. Wanted couple retirement age engaged in extortion of savings from honest and gullible citizens. Distinguishing marks: black glasses, cane, pretending to be blind and lame.(Fox Alice and cat Basilio).
  1. A very wise pet, inherited by its owner during the division of the inheritance and, thanks to its cunning and ingenuity, provided him with a happy and prosperous life. Distinguishing marks: hat with a feather, boots.(Puss in Boots).
  1. A not too educated, savvy Russian peasant who managed to charm the princess. Special features: travels on the stove.(Emelya is a fool).

"All sorts of things"

10. With the letter "p"

I'm backing up

With the letter "m"

I'm hiding in a bun (cancer-poppy)

20. A wise man saw in him a wise man, a fool saw a fool, a ram saw a ram, and a monkey saw a monkey. (mirror)

30. Name 4 seas that have color in their name?

(Black, White, Red, Yellow).

40. Why does a hare need big ears?

A) to hear better

b) not to overheat

B) cornering braking

(In the heat, rabbit ears remove a third of the heat generated during metabolism. Excess heat escapes through thin hot rabbit ears with large quantity blood vessels).

50. Read a poem by K. Chukovsky. Divide into sentences, put dots where necessary.

In the river there is a fish on a hillock

mooing cow in a kennel

dog barking on the fence

titmouse sings in the corridor

children playing on the wall

hanging a picture on the window

patterns of frost in the stove

firewood is burning in the hands of a girl

elegant there doll in a cage

handmade goldfinch sings napkins

there are skates on the table

goggles are being prepared for winter

lie notebooks for grandmother

always kept in order.


20. What notes can be used to measure distance?(Mi-la-mi.)

30. Sharp Eye

40. "Hut"

50. Solve puzzles: 70: 7 =

While the jury is summing up.

"The fairy tale came true"

You have to guess what these miracles turned into.

  1. Gusli - samogudy (tape recorder)
  2. Stupa (rocket, plane)
  3. Miracle - mirror (TV, computer)
  4. Feather of the Firebird (lamp)
  5. A ball of thread showing the way (compass)
  6. Sledge that they carry themselves (car)

According to the results of all competitions, the jury determines the winner of the game. The winning team receives a diploma in the form of a big star with the inscription "Your finest hour!", The losing team receives the same diploma with the inscription "You still have everything ahead!"

Game reflection.

Children share their impressions about the game, about what they learned new and interesting, about what they would like to know. What worked and what didn't work during the game.

Final part.

This concludes our game, I thank the teams for participating. I think that the stars you have received will give you confidence in own forces and desire to acquire new knowledge.

Friends, thank you for your attention!

There were countless smiles here.

It's time to part

Farewell everyone, until we meet again!

Intellectual game

"Star hour".

for students in grades 1-4

Prepared by: Debelaya Larisa Vladimirovna, primary school teacher

Goals and objectives of the game:

To develop in children through the game ingenuity, imagination, flexibility of thinking; - improve the culture of speech of children; - broaden the horizons of younger students; - to develop attention, the ability to self-control;

Develop teamwork skills.

Event progress

Today we will spend the "Star Hour" with you. To select the participants in our game, we will conduct a selection using riddles. Those six people who will be the first to give the correct answers will become participants in the Star Hour.

In calm weatherWe are nowhereThe wind blows -We run on water.(Waves)

He goes first in the countIt will start the new year.Open the calendar soonRead! Written - ...(January)

Rustling, rustling grass,The whip will crawl alive.Here he stood up and hissed:Come, who is very brave.(Snake)

Bel, but not sugar.No legs, but walking. (snow)

It might breakIt can also weldIf you want a birdCan turn.(Egg)

Carved, laceSpinning in the air.And how it sits on the palm,So right away - water. (snowflake)

He's tall and spottyWith a long, long neckAnd he eats leaves -tree leaves. (Giraffe)

I lived in the middle of the yardWhere children playBut from the sunI have become a stream.(snowman)

And not snow, and no ice,Will remove the trees in silver. (Frost)

Fish live warmly in winter:The roof is thick glass.(ice)

Low and pricklySweet and smellyPick berries -Take your whole hand.(Gooseberry)

Winter on the roofs are grayThrows seeds -Growing white carrotsUnder the roofs. (icicle)

Participants are selected - go to the game (participants choose their assistants).

1 round

Our first tour is dedicated to fairy tale characters. I am reading, and you must hold up a sign with the corresponding number. For the correct answer - a star. If the answers are the same for the participant and his assistant (if the answer is correct), then the participant receives 2 stars.

1. Cinderella 5. Little Red Riding Hood
2. Monkey 6. Sleeping princess 3. Turnip 7. Frog princess 4. Prince 8. Gingerbread man

First question. “... old age has become weak with her eyes, but among people she has heard. that this evil is not yet so big hand: just need to get glasses. He twirls his glasses this way and that: the glasses don't work at all. Out of vexation and sadness about the stone, she grabbed them so much that only the spray sparkled. What hero are we talking about?(2)

Second question . “And the older brother shot an arrow, and an arrow fell on the boyar court, and her boyar daughter raised it. The middle brother shot an arrow, and an arrow fell on the merchant's yard, and her merchant's daughter picked it up. The younger brother shot an arrow. Who raised the arrow?(7)

Third question. This hero met on his way a hare, a bear, a wolf and a fox. And only the fox managed to outwit him. (8)

Fourth question. This heroine fell asleep after tasting a poisoned apple, and woke up from the kiss of her savior. Who is she?(6)

Fifth question . This girl had to hide in a basket to escape the bear. What is the name of this girl?(0)

Summing up the 1st round.After the first round, 1 participant with the lowest number of stars leaves the game (with an assistant). They are awarded consolation prizes.

2 round

The second round is about poultry and animals. Listen to the riddles and, at my command, raise the sign with the corresponding number.

1.Cow 5.Donkey

2.Duck 6.Goat

3. Camel 7. Cat

4. Chicken 8. Goose

Ser, but not a wolf,long-eared, but not a hare,With hooves, but not a horse.(5)
In the middle of the yard there is a mop:Forks in front, brooms in back.(1)
With horns, not a bullNot a horse, but kickingThey milk, not a cow,With fluff, not a bird. Lyko pulls,

but does not weave bast shoes. (6)
I swam in the water - it remained dry. (8)
Eyes, mustache, tail,And it washes cleaner. (7)
Small stature, long tail,Gray coat, sharp teeth. (0)
Summing up the results of round 2.After the second round, 1 participant with the lowest number of stars leaves the game (with an assistant). They are awarded consolation prizes.

3 round

From this box, cubes with letters are poured out. From these letters you need to make a word. The word should be as long as possible.

k r o m a t e l s i

(Old man, forester, sailor, romantic, etc.)

Summing up the 3rd round.After the third round, 1 participant who made the shortest word is eliminated from the game (with an assistant). They are awarded consolation prizes.

4 round

Participants are offered "Logic chains". They must determine correct sequence. If it is correct, the participant raises the 0 tablet, if not, then two tablets (according to the answer numbers) that need to be swapped.

All these names refer to fruits of fruits. Remember which fruit is the smallest, which is the largest in size.Is our “chain” correctly located in the order of increasing fruit fruit, or do we need to swap the numbers?

1.Plum 2.Cherry 3.Apple(1,2)

On her way to the Emerald City, Eli met on her way first the Scarecrow, then the Lion, and finally the Woodcutter. Is it so? Or you need to swap the numbers.

1.Scarecrow 2.Lion 3.Lumberjack(0)

All these fairy tales with a happy ending for the heroines. If you don't agree, hold up the sign with the correct number.

1. The Little Mermaid 2. Snow White 3. Cinderella

Summing up the 4 rounds. After the fourth round, 1 participant with the lowest number of stars leaves the game (with an assistant). They are awarded consolation prizes.

5 round

Two participants advanced to the fifth round. This tour can be called a duel. You are offered a word and in 2 minutes you must make as many nouns out of it as possible.The participant can come to the aid of his assistant. This word:


(Snow, year, hell, leg, hay, nose, sleep, bliss, recession, foam, and so on).

Summing up the whole game.

SCENARIO OF THE GAME "STAR HOUR" IN THE OSSETIAN LANGUAGE (NON-CORRECT GROUP). PURPOSE OF THE GAME: - revealing school and general knowledge among students; development of cognitive activity, intellect, broadening one's horizons.

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Scenario of the game "Star hour"

Target:- identifying school and general knowledge among students;development of cognitive activity, intellect, broadening one's horizons.

Educational: expand and deepen children's knowledge of the world around them;
increase the general awareness and education of children;
Developing: develop ingenuity, logical thinking; promote the development of memory, attention, speech;
Educational: to cultivate interest in the Ossetian language; consolidate communicative
skills; cultivate friendly relations with each other; to captivate children with a game, cause a joyful mood.

Rules of the game:

The game consists of 7 rounds. The game involves 5 players. Each participant must have plates with numbers from 0 to 6.

The players are asked a question and several possible answers. The participant must find the correct answer and hold up the corresponding number plate. An asterisk is given for a correct answer. After each round, the participant with the lowest number of stars leaves the game. He is awarded a consolation prize. Member who received the largest number stars become the winner of the game.

We have an unusual day today
We sincerely welcome you!
For smart game friends gathered here
It's time for us to start!

Leading: Hello guys and our Dear guests! Today we have gathered for the intellectual game Finest Hour. This is a game for those who read something, hear something, know something! We meet the participants!

(PARTICIPANTS)Exit participants to the music.

Warm up.

The game begins with the introduction of the participants. Participants' story about themselves - for the most interesting story we award a star.

1 round. Literature and art

Participants are presented with a question and six possible answers. The participant must find the correct answer and hold up the corresponding number plate. If there is no correct answer, the participant raises a sign with the number "0". Participants who answer correctly receive a star.

Host: - Here are 6 great people of Ossetia: 1. Vaso Abaev, 2 .Veronika Dudarova, 3 .Kosta Khetagurov, 4 .Albina Baeva, 5. Rosa Kochisova, Kamal Khodov.


1 . Which of these great people is the founder of the Ossetian language and literature? (Costa J. №3)

2 . Is she the first Ossetian writer and playwright? (Roza K .№5)

4 .Her name is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, is she the only female conductor in the world? ( Veronica D.#2)

6 . Which of these great people is a famous athlete? 0 )

2 round. Animal world

Here are the names of the animals:

1 . Birag wolf, 2. Uyzyn-hedgehog, 3. rouvas fox, 4. zygarӕg-badger, 5. türkhus-hare,

6. ars-bear, 7.mysyr-leopard


1 . Which of these words is not an animal?0)

2. This isreal mountain animal. He lives in rocky gorges, among very steep mountain slopes, next to glaciers.Currently he is included in Red Book(№7 ) Belongs to the cat family. Is the symbol of our Republic

3. This is a small animal, a mammal 20 - 30 cm in size, weighing up to 800 grams.He is not afraid even of the bites of poisonous snakes.On the one hand, this is a useful animal, it eats harmful insects, mice, but on the other hand, it can also be a pest - ruining the nests of birds.(№2)

4 . She has a warm coat. Narrow curious muzzle. Her ears and paws are black. And he is very proud of his tail - big and fluffy. ( №3 )

5 . The hero of many fairy tales. In them, he is most often called a "robber". But sometimes he faithfully serves fairy-tale characters, for example, Ivan the Tsarevich ...(№1 )

6. He lives in the forest, he is big and strong, he has a famous sweet tooth. Many children have a favorite toy...( №6 )

3 round. From these letters, in one minute you need to make the longest word(in Ossetian language) B, T.DZ, G, S, Ӕ, I, D, P


Round 4 Cities

Here are 5 city names: 1. Alagir, 2. Moscow, 3. Digora, 4. Ӕrydon, 5. Dzaudzhykhҕu.

1 .Which of these cities is the main city North Ossetia?(№5 )

2 . What river in North Ossetia is called the same as one of these cities? ( №4 )

3. Which of these cities is not a city of North Ossetia? ( №2 )

4. In which of these cities is Kosta Khetagurov buried? №5 )

Round 5 Fruits and yodas

On the screen the names of fruits and berries: 1. fatkuy - apple, 2. khӕlӕrdzy - currant,

3 .mӕnӕrgy-raspberry, 4 .chylaui-plum, 5 .kardo-pear, 6. harbyz - watermelon.

1. One of these fruits or berries incredibly beneficial for the body, her called a storehouse of vitamins,it is black or red, sour.(№2)

2. This isthe most common fruit in our country. Extremely useful and necessary for our health. improve the condition of the teeth. Chewing the juicy pulp, we clean the enamel of the teeth from an unpleasant plaque, carrying out the sanitation of the oral cavity.In Greek and Roman mythology, it is a symbol of love and beauty..(№1)

3. It tastes sweet, it is sung in folklore. She is mentioned in numerous fairy tales, poems, songs, myths and legends. She is a symbol of the motherland, will, freedom, sweet free life. Also, fruits and leaves are used as a natural antipyretic. (№3)
4. They possess useful properties are palatable and have different shape and color. "Gifts to the Gods" - that's what they called them in Ancient Greece. In China, she was considered a symbol of immortality, it turns out that she is the "sister" of the rose, as a representative of the Rosaceae category. (№5)

5. From some Turkic languages, this word is literally translated as "donkey cucumber". Donkeys really love to eat this fruit. She has her own professional holiday- August 3rd! And if you have a desire to celebrate it, stock up on this day with a larger fruit ... And they are not only round, but also square. The Japanese were the first to bring out such an unusual fruit. (№6)

The final.Compose words within 2 minutesSYRDDONTSIU-SPOROBEY new words. The player who last named the word wins. Instead of a word, you can use the stars earned in the game.

Summarizing. The loser receives a consolation prize. Winner award.The winner has a "finest hour".

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Rules of the game:

The game consists of 7 rounds. 5 players participate in the game. Each participant must have plates with numbers from 0 to 6.

The players are asked a question and several possible answers. The participant must find the correct answer and hold up the corresponding number plate. An asterisk is given for a correct answer. After each round, the participant with the lowest number of stars leaves the game. He is awarded a consolation prize. The player with the most stars wins the game. .

Abaev V.

Dudarova V

Costa H.

Moves K

Bayeva A.

Kochisova R

1. Bireg

2. Uyzyn

3. Rouvas

4. Zygareg

5. Tarhus

6. Ars

7. Mysyr

2. Masks

3. Digora




4. Chylaui

1. Fatkuy

5. Kardo

2. Khӕlӕrdzy

6. Harbyz

3. Mӕnӕrgyy

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten"Hunchugesh" of the combined type with. Ergi-Barlyk

intellectual game for children:

Conducted by music director:

Kuular T.Ch.


Intellectual game for children "Star hour"


Expand the horizons of children;

Equipment: drawings and pictures depicting fairytale heroes, domestic and wild animals, professions, vegetables, LCD TV, paper stars, flash drive.

Rules of the game:

With the help of a quiz, children are divided into 3 teams. Each team moves forward one space for each correct answer;
- For each correct answer, teams receive an asterisk;

After each round, the team behind (or the team with the fewest stars) is eliminated from the game.

Game progress:

Leading: Good afternoon, dear participants and teams. Today we will play the game "Star hour". The game consists of several rounds and each round consists of different questions. Before starting our game, let's split into 2 teams: 1st - the red team, 2nd - the red team.

I tour: "Animals in riddles"

Riddles about wild and domestic animals introduce us closer to the kingdom of animals. Each riddle is like a small extract from an encyclopedia about animals: we learn about the color of animals, their behavior, get acquainted with new rare animals. Riddles about animals will be especially useful for you. They will help you learn something new in a comic form of the game.

1. The oblique does not have a lair,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.
2. Clubfoot and big,
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Loves cones, loves honey,
Well, who will call?

11. Red bird
Came to the chicken coop
I counted all the chickens
And she took it with her.
(A fox)

13. This little baby
Glad even for a bread crumb,
Because before dark
She hides in a burrow.

II tour "Professions in riddles"

Seryozha coughs loudly.
He seems to have bronchitis.
They call the clinic
And Serezha says:
- Do not be afraid and do not cry -
Good is coming to you...

Tell me who's so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup

Cutlets, meatballs, sausages,

salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts and lunches.


We are brave workers

With water we are partners

We are very much needed by all people

So who are we?


Cheerful, cheerful master

Always ready to cut.

And always in his hands

Machine, scissors, comb

And soapy water.


He knocks, he knocks

Open the door for him

He brought you letters.


III tour: “What grows in our garden?”

The whole summer tried -
Dressed, dressed...
And as autumn approached,
She gave us clothes.
A hundred clothes
We put it in a barrel.

Buried in the ground in May
And they didn’t take out a hundred days,
And they began to dig in the fall -
Not one found, but ten!
What's her name, kids?
* **

He never and no one
Didn't offend in the world.
Why are they crying from him
Both adults and children?
* * *

Red nose
Rooted into the ground
And the green tail is outside.
We don't need a green tail
All you need is a red nose.
* * *

In the summer - in the garden,
fresh, green,
And in winter - in a barrel,
Strong, salty.
* * *

Grow in the garden
green branches,
And on them
Red kids.
* * *

It's as big as a soccer ball!
If ripe - everyone is happy!
It tastes so good!
What's this? …

IV tour: "Toys"

All little kids love their toys, but guess riddles about them? Let's try to work out.

They beat him with a hand and a stick,
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
And for the fact that he is inflated! (ball)
I lie huddled in a corner
While you are sitting with a book.
When the lesson ends
And I'll jump with you. (ball)

Up-down, up-down.
If you want to ride, sit on them.(swing)

V tour: "Connoisseurs of fairy tales

There are many fairy tales in the world:Sad and funnyAnd live in the worldWe cannot do without them.Anything can happen in a fairy tale.Our fairy tale is aheadA fairy tale is knocking at our door.Let's say "come in" to the fairy tale.

    Mixed on sour cream
    It's cold on the window.
    He has a ruddy side
    Who is this? (Kolobok)

    A kind girl lived in a fairy tale,
    I went to visit my grandmother in the forest.
    Mom made a beautiful hat
    And don't forget to bring pies.
    What a cute girl.
    What is her name? … (Red Riding Hood)

    For each other in a chain
    Everything is so tight!
    But more helpers will soon come running,
    Friendly common work will win the stubbornness.
    How firmly seated! Who is this? ... (Turnip)

    I am a wooden boy
    Here is the golden key!
    Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina -
    They are all friends with me.
    I stick my nose everywhere,
    My name is ... (Pinocchio)

    Little boy in a blue hat
    From a famous children's book.
    He is stupid and arrogant
    And his name is ... (Dunno)

    And washed on my stepmother
    And sorted through the peas
    At night by candlelight
    And slept by the stove.
    Good as the sun.
    Who is this? … (Cinderella)

    Three of them live in a hut,
    It has three chairs and three mugs,
    Three beds, three pillows.
    Guess without a hint
    Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

    In the dark forest at the edge,
    They all lived together in a hut.
    The children were waiting for their mother
    The wolf was not allowed into the house.
    This tale is for the guys ... (Wolf and seven kids)

Self-analysis of the game "Star hour"

October 16, 2015 in the group preparatory to school held an intellectual game "Star hour". The game consisted of several rounds and each round consists of different questions. 15 children took part in the game preparatory group. With the help of a quiz, the children were divided into 3 teams. When compiling the development of the game, I set myself the followingtasks:
- To teach children to concentrate attention, to mobilize mental activity to find the answer to the question;

Expand the horizons of children;
- Develop ingenuity, resourcefulness, thinking;

To educate attentiveness, activity in children.

During the game, the teams showed high interest and activity. The assigned tasks were completed. When planning and conducting the game, I tried to take into account the level of development and the amount of knowledge and skills of each child at this age stage. Throughout the game, I tried to interest children as much as possible, to contribute to the expansion and enrichment of their knowledge. The game I played contributed to the best assimilation and maximally activated mental activity children. The following methods and techniques were used in the game:

Verbal (questions to children in the form of a riddle, encouraging children);

Visual (drawings and pictures depicting fairy tale characters, domestic and wild animals, professions, vegetables);

game method;

Based on the results of the game, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    Children successfully coped with the tasks, thereby getting satisfaction from the results of their activities;

    Each participant of the game showed his level of knowledge, skills that he owns.

"Star Hour"

extracurricular activity

for primary school students

Script developed by:

The teacher of additional education of the Municipal budgetary organization of additional education, the center of children's creativity of the Partizansky urban district - Grishakova Olga Vasilievna.

Purpose of the game: organization of interesting and informative children's recreation, development of thinking, outlook and erudition.

To play the game you will need a video projector, a screen, a computer.

Asterisks, to be awarded to players for the correct answer, plates with numbers 1,2,3,4.5,6, which the players raise. When a question is answered. The game is played according to the type of television game "Star Hour"

slide 1

Fanfare 1

Moderator: Let's welcome our members. Today they play: _________ (participants 6 people).

Fanfares sound 2

1 round. slide 2

1. Before you are fragments from fairy tales :


    Hen Ryaba

    cat, rooster and fox



    Fox, hare and rooster.

Attention question

    I affirm that all these fairy tales are Russian folk tales. .

Answer: 4. "Cockroach" was written by Korney Chukovsky.

    What story is this song from?

"Cock, cock,

Golden comb, look out the window

I'll give you peas"

Answer: 3. "Cat, rooster and fox"

Fanfares sound 2

    On the scoreboard you see animals:slide 3

1. Camel

2. Tiger

3. Giraffe

4. Rhino

5. Leo

6. Elephant.

    Which animal can long time does without water and food?

Answer: 1. Camel.

    What animals were considered sacred by the ancient Egyptians?

Answer: 5. Lev.

    What animals were considered sacred in India?

Answer: 6. Elephant

    These animals are considered armored .

Answer: 4. Rhino.

To summarize:

Who has less stars?

2 participants leave the game.

Each is given a commemorative prize.

Fanfares sound 2

II round.

Recall who advanced to the 2nd round.

Working with letters . slide 4

There are letters in front of you on the board. It is necessary to form the longest word from these letters. You cannot use the same letter twice.

Make up words.

    First, the longest word from the audience. (A prize is awarded).

    Now we go to the parents. The longest word.

parent prize

The participant with the longest word gets a star and opens the box. (there's a prize)

Host: Well, what should I do with you. Unfortunately, we have to part with one participant.

1 participant (whoever has the shortest word leaves the game - a prize for memory).

Fanfares sound 2

III round.

Recall who advanced to the 3rd round. This is:

Fragments of fairy tales on the scoreboard: Slide 5

1. "Cinderella" (The Brothers Grimm).

2. "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King" (E. Hoffmont).

3. "Three Little Pigs" (S. Mikhalkov).

4. "Puss in Boots" (Ch. Perrault).

5. "Thumbelina" (X. Andersen).

6. "Pippi is a long stocking" (A. Lindgren).

Attention question:It seems to me that all these fairy tales were written by foreign authors?

Answer: 3. Sergey Mikhalkov.

Fragments of fairy tales on the scoreboard slide 6

1. A fairy tale about a fisherman and a fish.

2. A fairy tale about the priest and his worker bullshit.

3. Tale of the golden cockerel.

4. Tale of Tsar Saltan

5. Princess Frog

6. The Tale of the Dead Princess

Attention question:I affirm that all these fairy tales are written by the wonderful poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Answer: 5. Princess Frog - Russian folk tale

And now let's see who has fewer stars, we part with one participant - a consolation prize is awarded.

And so 2 participants reached the final. This is:

Now you will compete with each other. You will have, in 5 minutes, to make as many words as possible from the proposed letters. It must be a noun, in the nominative case and in the singular.

Participants are given sheets and pens.

Fanfares sound 2

on the scoreboardslide 6

Time. Now you have to take turns calling the words. The condition is, if this word is named by one participant, the second does not name it. The last one to say the word will be the winner. We started.

Fanfares sound 3

The winner is awarded a diploma and a prize, and his finest hour he says the answer.

We recommend reading
