The event for senior students is the finest hour. Intellectual game "The finest hour" for primary school students

Site arrangement 24.09.2019

Scenario of an intellectual game for junior schoolchildren "The Starry Hour"

Target: The development of the cognitive activity of students.
1. To generalize, systematize the knowledge of children around the world, literary reading, Russian language in a playful way.
2. Expand the horizons of students, develop memory, thinking, speech.
3. To contribute to the unification of the team of parents and children.
Equipment: a set of stars and tokens for the qualifying round and playing with spectators, 6 sets of numbers from 0 to 5, cards with the letters of the word MAMMALS for the final game, multimedia installation for viewing slides "Animals", "Plants".
Registration: The hall is conventionally divided into 3 zones - the audience zone, the presenter's zone (center) and six seats for players, decorated with balls, in the center there is an inscription with stars " Finest hour».

Game progress:

(to the sound of the song "Miracle" from the TV game "Starry Hour", the participants of the game enter the hall)
- Hello guys, dear parents and guests!
Today we are playing with you a game called "The finest hour". In this game we participate: ... (10 people)
Game rules: the game consists of 5 rounds.
Round 1 - qualifying (from the total 6 main players are selected)
Round 2 - 2 out of 6 players are removed
Round 3 - out of 4 players, only 2 remain large quantity glasses
Round 4 - a game with spectators, during which the word for the final game is determined
Round 5 - the final game - composing words from letters of a given word.
- If the answer is correct, the participant earns 1 star. After each round, the player with the lowest number of stars leaves the game and becomes a spectator. And so everyone is ready, we start the game "Finest Hour".
1st round- qualifying. I ask riddles, for the correct answer - a token. Six people who have collected the most tokens advance to the next round. For participants with the same number of tokens, a riddle is asked, who will answer - wins.
Riddles for the first round.
What is higher than the forest
More beautiful than light
Does it burn without fire? (Sun)
On the high road
There is a steep-horned goby,
Day he sleeps
And at night he looks. (month)
In the evening flies to the ground,
Night on earth arrives
Flies away again in the morning. (dew)
Walks in the field, but not a horse,
It flies on the water, but not a bird. (wind)
No legs, but walking
No eyes, but crying. (rain and cloud)
Across the blue sea
White geese are swimming. (clouds)
Knocks loudly
Shouts loudly.
And what he says, no one can understand
And the sages do not know. (thunder)
Walked lanky
I'm stuck in the damp earth. (rain)
9. The golden bridge is spread
Seven sat down, seven versts. (Rainbow)
No arms, no legs
And he knows how to draw. (freezing)
Warms in winter
Smolders in the spring
Dies in the summer
Comes alive in the fall. (snow)
Why not roll it up the hill,
In a sieve not to carry away
And you can't hold it in your hands? (water)
Not precious stone,
Does it glow? (ice)
When I'm black, I bite and play hard
And only blush, and calm down. (cancer)

Who wears his house on? (snail)
Carpenters walked without an ax,
They cut down a hut without corners. (snail)
I found a ball, I broke it -
I saw silver and gold. (egg)
Silent during the day
Screams at night. (owl, owl)
Blacksmiths forge in the middle of the trees. (woodpeckers)
There is a heap in the middle of the yard,
In front of the pitchfork, behind the broom.
Does not spin, does not weave,
And he dresses people. (sheep)
- So, to summarize. We count the stars, who has fewer stars, he drops out of the game and becomes a spectator. (Children who drop out receive sweet prizes. There are 6 players left in the game).
2nd round. Animals.
If the players answered the question correctly, no stars are given.
On the tables in front of the players there are cards with numbers from 0 to 5.
Animals appear on the screen, each with its own number. After listening to the question, the players raise the card with the number of the correct answer. If there are several correct answers, several cards are raised. "0" means that no such answer is available.
4. FOX
1. Who is considered the ancestor of dogs? (Wolf - 1)
2. Who is in A.S. Pushkin lived in a crystal palace? (squirrel -0)
3. About whom they say "sleeps in winter, turns hives in summer"? (bear - 3)
4. What kind of animals go in packs? (wolves - 1)
5. Which of these animals is easier to climb down the hill than to climb? (Hare - 2)
6. For whom do they say "his legs are fed"? (Wolf-1)
7. Spins like ... in a wheel. (squirrel - 0)
8. A fur coat and a caftan (ram -0) walks in the mountains, along the valleys
9. Who in the fairy tale caught fish with his tail? (wolf -1)
10. Characteristic feature this animal is the tail, with which it acts as a rudder, making sharp turns during the pursuit (fox - 4)
11. Are all these animals valuable fur (wolf and fox, 1 and 4).
- Let's summarize. At the end of the round, 4 players remain.
3rd round. Plants.
Pictures of plants with their numbers appear on the screen.
1. BOW
5. MAC
1. A red mouse with a white tail, in a mink sits under a green bush. (radish - 2)
2. No one scares, but the whole trembles. (aspen - 0)
3. Small children sit under the leaf on each branch. The one who collects the children will smear his hands and mouth. (blueberry-3)
4. The head is on a leg, and there are earrings in the head. (poppy - 5)
5. He does not hit, does not bite, but they cry from him. (bow - 1)
6. These berries will be found in a large forest swamp - as if red peas were crumbled there (cranberries - 4)
7. I grew out of a crumble barrel,
The roots started up and grew.
I became tall and powerful -
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels.
Don't look that my fruit is crayon. (oak - 0)
- Let's summarize. At the end of the round, 2 players remain, they will form words from the letters of a large word. The audience will compose this word for them. Until then, the Black Box. You can still earn extra stars now.
"Black box".
Tasks for the "black box".
- I ask questions, and the answers to these questions are in the "black box", whoever answers faster and correctly will receive an asterisk. We listen carefully to the first question:
1. What is this? It is pounded in a mortar and worn with a sieve by those who are engaged in useless work; it is taken into the mouth, not wanting to speak; dishonest people hide their ends in it; sometimes they come out of it dry. (Water)
2. Here is a thing that one fabulous crocodile, "like a jackdaw, swallowed." What is this thing? (Washcloth) - the presenter demonstrates a washcloth.
3. Here is an object that made the old man and the old woman cry after the trick of the little gray mouse. They calmed down only when they received in return the same object, but of a different quality and color. What is this? (egg) - the presenter demonstrates the egg.
4. With the help of the object that is inside the box, you can make a variety of things, or you can kill one fairy-tale character. What lies here? (Needle) - the presenter demonstrates the needle.
5. With the help of him, the princess was poisoned in "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes"? (Apple)
6. What is this? Did dad Carlo sew a hat for Pinocchio out of it? (Sock).
- So, to summarize this tour.
We have 2 players left. Now they can rest a little and get ready for the final 5th round. In the meantime, round 4 is a game with the audience.
Round 4 - playing with spectators, during which the word for the final game is determined.
On the board are cards with letters on the back. Having opened all the letters, you get a word for a super game. Fans guess riddles, the first letter of the answer is in the word. Thus, the word is slowly revealed, and the audience earns tokens. One letter for 2 riddles - difficult and easy.
Questions for the game with the fans:
M.1. Medicinal plant blooms in early spring? (coltsfoot)
Although I am as tall as a grain,
But strong as a bull
Not a minute idle
I'm not used to sitting.
Even without a broom -
I'm a janitor, always ready to follow
For cleanliness in the area,
So that our forest is healthy. (ant)
L.1. What is the name of the flying squirrel (flying squirrel)
L.2. Who ruled the country where Cipolino lived? (Prince Lemon)
E.1. What tree seeds do woodpeckers, squirrels, voles (spruce) eat
E.2. Whose desires in the fairy tale did the pike fulfill? (Emeli)
K.1. What insect "hears" with its feet? (Grasshopper)
K.2. Which bird does not hatch eggs? (cuckoo)
O.1. The main occupation of the inhabitants of the tundra? (reindeer husbandry)
O.2 Who has eight legs? (octopus)
A.1. Which bird doesn't fly? (penguin)
A thin stem by the path
On the end of his earring.
There are leaves on the ground -
Small burdocks.
To us he is like good friend
Heals wounds to legs and arms. (plantain)
I.1. What letter should be placed in front of the name of the river to make a bird? (and - oriole)
AND 2. Who got a tail for their birthday? (to Eeyore's donkey)
Vol. 1. My skin is striped from mustache to tail,
I am a hunter, I ambush prey.
Quietly I sneak through the jungle like a shadow.
I also like to swim on a hot day (tiger)
T.2. Who is called the "bearded seal"? (seal)
A.1. Where does the kangaroo live? (Australia)
A.2. The longest snake in the world? (anaconda)
Yu.1. What is the name of a portable felt dwelling among the peoples of Asia and Siberia? (yurt)
Yu.2. The guys have fun with me
I'm spinning on my own.
While I'm spinning, I don't grieve.
Buzz buzz buzz buzz (whirligig)
SCH.1. Lake predator (pike)
SCH.2. Capricious sandals
Once I was told:
"We are afraid of being tickled
Strict boot ... (brushes)
The most active viewer gets a prize.
I.1. Spreads its tail like a peacock,
He walks an important lord,
Knocking on the ground with your feet
What is his name - ... (Turkey)
AND 2. One eyed old lady
Embroiders patterns, the whole world dresses,
He does not wear what he sews. (Needle)
E.1 In the needles tubercle
The mouse is in the hole - dragged away. (Hedgehog)
E.2. In winter and summer in the same color? (spruce)
It turns out the word
5th round - final game.
Before you is the word MAMMALS. From this word you need to make up as many words as possible. You are given 1 minute, after the time runs out, you will take turns reading your words, if the words end - the Star can be used instead of the word. And so the time went on.
- Summing up and rewarding (diploma for 1 place; gifts to players).
At the end of the intellectual game, the song "Miracle" from the TV game "Star Hour" sounds.

Scenario of the game "The finest hour"

Event progress

Leading: Hello guys! Hello adults!

Today the most resourceful girls and boys, as well as their assistants, teachers, will take part in the game "The Finest Hour". This is a game for those who read something, hear something, know something! We meet the participants!

Exit of participants (6 people) to the song "Star Hour". All participants are dressed in white T-shirts with the "Starry Hour" emblem.

Our game will be watched by observers (4 people)

1. Korobskaya Elena Mikhailovna (director orphanage)

2. Bulgakova Zoya Kirillovna (librarian)

3. Aminova Tatyana Sergeevna (social teacher of the orphanage)


Rules of the game. The game involves 6 pairs: 6 participants and 6 assistants. Each pair is labeled with numbers from 1 to 4.

Let me introduce the participants of our game:

1. Yevtushenko Anastasia (tutor Filatova Oksana Anatolyevna) (Anastasia is responsible and executive, enjoys volleyball and football)

2. Tretyakova Anastasia (teacher additional education- Gorlov Alexander Anatolyevich) (Anastasia is inquisitive, creative nature. She devotes a lot of time to her studies)

3. Levchenko Denis (Deputy Director for Water Resources Management - Markova Viktoria Vasilievna) (Denis is active, friendly, fond of sports and computer games)

4. Shapovalov Petr (teacher - Ruchiy Ekaterina Vasilievna) (Petya is sociable, kind, sympathetic. He takes part in the life of the orphanage with pleasure)

5. Lyulyakova Laura (educator - Drobot Irina Arkadyevna) (Laura loves animals and is fond of quilling)

6. Sergey Breus (tutor - Sergey Markov) (Sergey reads a lot, is well versed in computer programming)

1st round.

Participants are offered a question and four answer options. The participant must find the correct answer and raise the corresponding number plate. The assistant does the same, and if his name coincides with the answer of the participant, then the latter receives a star.


    Rolan Bykov

    Eldar Ryazanov

    Leonid Gaidai

    Nikita Mikhalkov

Question: Did the daughter of Alla Pugacheva Kristina Orbakaite "Scarecrow" starred in the film of this director? Who is this director?

Answer: 1 - Rolan Bykov

Question: Father - famous author children's poetry, and his two sons became famous filmmakers. One of the sons is in front of you.

Answer: 4 - Nikita Mikhalkov

Question: He was the progenitor of the famous trinity of comedians Yuri Nikulin, Georgy Vitsin, Yevgeny Morgunov. He invented them, he pulled them onto the screen. Today, these three are very famous for the films "Operation Y and Other Adventures of Shurik." Who is this director?

Answer: 3 - Leonid Gaidai


In the world of sports, as in the rest of the world, the territory has long been divided. As of today, 2,275 disciplines and 177 sports are registered in Russia.

Here are 4 sports:

    Capoeira (Brazilian national martial arts, combining elements of dance, acrobatics, games, and accompanied by national Brazilian music).

    Checkbox (a hybrid sport, a combination of chess and boxing in alternating rounds).

    Sepaktakrau (represents team play, conducted on the court, separated by a low net, through which the players of the two opposing teams throw the ball with their feet and head in order to land it in the opponent's half and prevent the ball from falling in their own half of the court).

    Skeleton (a sport that is a descent along an ice chute on a two-run sled on a reinforced frame, the winner of which is determined by the sum of two or four heats).

Question: Which of these sports is Olympic?

Answer: 4 - Skeleton


    Los Angeles




Question: All these cities are located in Europe. Is there a city here that is not in Europe?

Answer: 1 - Los Angeles


    1380 year

    1146 year

    1696 year

    1907 year

Question: In what year did the famous battle on the Kulikovo field take place?

Answer: 1 - 1380






Question: If you watched the film "12 Months", then easily tell which month was the youngest?






Question: Which of these words did Kai put out of the pieces of ice in the kingdom Snow Queen?

Answer: 1 - Eternity

Summarizing. At the end of the round, the two competitors with the lowest number of stars are eliminated from the game. Outgoing couples are awarded diplomas for participation and consolation prizes.

2nd round.

Letters (10 pieces) fall out of the box. From letters in one minute you need to make the longest word (noun in the nominative case, singular). Helpers do the same intellectual work. The helper with the longest word earns an additional star for their participant. The participant who composes the longest word gets a star and the opportunity to open boxes with a surprise, and the participant who composes the shortest word or has fewer stars is eliminated from the game, having received a consolation prize.

At the end of the time, a game is played with the audience.

Play with the audience.

The spectators also had to make the longest word out of the dropped letters in the same time. The viewer who uses the most letters becomes the winner and receives a prize.

3rd round.

Participants are offered "Logical chains". Participants must determine if the sequence is correct.. If it's correct. the participant does not raise the plate, and if it is not correct, then two plates with numbers that need to be reversed.




Question: Remember the fairy tale "Kolobok". It seems to me that it was in this order that our round bread crumb, the bun, left, escaped from them. Or maybe you need to swap two adjacent animals, or maybe not?

Answer: 1 2

The competitor with the fewest stars on this tour is eliminated from the game.

The final.

The two remaining participants must form as many words as possible in 1 minute, using the letters from the word "POWER PLANT". The winner is the one with the most words. The loser receives a consolation prize and a diploma of the participant of the game "The finest hour".

Finest hour.

The winner has a finest hour. He makes a speech. The main prize is awarded to him.

Scenario cognitive game together with the parents "The Finest Hour".

Target: The development of the cognitive activity of students.
1. Summarize, systematize children's knowledge of the world around them, literary reading, the Russian language in a playful way.
2. Expand the horizons of students, develop memory, thinking, speech.
3. To contribute to the unification of the team of parents and children.
Equipment: cards with numbers, set of stars, multimedia installation.
Game progress:
Teacher: Hello guys, dear parents and guests!
Today we are playing with you a game called the finest hour. In this game we are participating: Sergey Mizerovsky with his mother Irina Sergeevna, please take the players' places, Mikhail Serezhenkov with his mother Alla Konstantinovna, Panzhin Danila with his mother Olga Anatolyevna and Purdyshev Alexey with his mother Olga Ivanovna. The rest of the guys will be my assistants and spectators.
Game rules: the game consists of 3 rounds and a final. If the answer is correct, the participant earns 1 star, and if the mother answered correctly with him, then the participant earns 2 stars. After each round, the player with the least number of stars leaves the game with his mother and becomes a spectator. And so everyone is ready, we start the game "Finest Hour". (Music from TV game plays)
1st round. First round rules: now you will see pictures numbered 1,2,3,4. I will ask a question, and you must raise the plate with the number that in your opinion is the answer. If there is no correct answer, you raise the sign with number 0. Do you understand the rules?
The theme of the 1st round is animals.
Pictures with numbers appear on the screen 1- panda, 2-monkey, 3-lion, 4-crocodile.
Answer the questions of the first round:
1. Name a mammal native to central China. (panda)
2. It is believed that this animal appeared about 120 million years ago in the Cretaceous period. (crocodile)
3. These animals are characterized by five-toed very mobile upper limbs, opposition thumb the rest, nails. The body is covered with hair. (monkey)
4.This animal lives in the steppes and savannas and hunts medium and large animals, primarily ungulates.
5. This species is on the verge of extinction and is listed in the International Red Book. (panda).
6 these animals are carnivorous mammals and live in family groups called prides (lion)
7.The length of most of these animals is 2-5.5 m. (Crocodiles)
According to the results of the 1st round, the game is abandoned by….
2nd round. Round 2 rules: now you will see letters on the screen, from which you need to make the longest word. The player who made the longest word gets a star and whose mother makes the longest word gets a star too. The audience also participates in this round, who made the longest word gets a prize and the right to present a star to any player. And only participants can use 1 star instead of any letter, only 1 time.
Letters appear on the screen: B, R, E, O, N, P, K
3rd round.
Hero cities: Tula, Smolensk, Kaluga. I affirm that all these cities are heroes, if so, then raise the sign with the number 0, if not, raise the sign with the number of the city that is not a hero. (Kaluga, plate 3)
A slide appears on the screen with the images of cities under the numbers.
Colors: orange, yellow, green. I submit that all of these colors are in rainbow order. Is it so? If yes, then raise the plate 0, if not, then raise the plates that need to be swapped. (Plate 0) A slide appears on the screen with a picture of flowers under the numbers.
Presidents: Yeltsin, Putin, Medvedev. I affirm that all these people were the presidents of Russia. If yes, then the plate is 0, if not, then the plate with the number of the person who, in your opinion, is not the President of Russia. (plate 0)
A slide with photos of the presidents under the numbers appears on the screen.
The following will pass to the finals: ...
The final: before you is the word dial. From this word you need to make up as many words as possible, only now you can't use stars instead of letters. Parents also make up words, after the time runs out, the participants, in turn, will read their words, if the words end, you can call mom for help, whoever says more words wins. But first, let's count the number of stars. A star can be used instead of a word. And so the time went on. On the screen, the word "DIGITAL"
Summing up and rewarding.

Presentation on the topic: The finest hour

The main game task (the task that is set for the players): to complete the proposed tasks, showing resourcefulness and erudition.
To participate in this event, 12 players are selected who will be eliminated in the process of passing various game rounds, and there will be only one - the winner.
1st round
In front of the players there is a scoreboard on which 6 names and surnames are written:
- Bohdan Khmelnytsky;
- Peter I;
- M.V. Lomonosov;
- Dmitry Donskoy;
- Erofey Khabarov;
- Ivan the Terrible.
Each player has signs from 1 to 6. The facilitator reads the question, within 30 seconds the players raise the signs. For each correct answer, the player receives 1 star, for each correct early answer - 2 stars. In this round, 2 players are eliminated.
"... The features of a cruel tyrant began to appear in him early, he killed his son, introduced the oprichnina, weakened the princely-boyar power and strengthened the autocracy." (Ivan the Terrible.)
“He created the first university. It would be better to say that he himself was our first university ”. (M.V. Lomonosov.)
3. "... There was a man educated in Cossack circles, as a result of his activities, the reunification of Ukraine with Russia took place." (Bohdan Khmelnytsky.)
2nd round
The presenter announces an “object” for the players (for example, “Guessing the name of the newspaper” or “Recognizing the“ star ”, etc.). There is an interval of 5 seconds between each prompt. The player himself decides after which of the prompts he gives the only option for the whole game - he writes it on a piece of paper and gives it to the assistant (each player's paper has his name written on it, and the assistant records after which prompt the player turned in his piece of paper). The facilitator finishes reading the prompts if all the players have already submitted their answers. The assistants calculate how many stars each player has earned:
- after the 1st prompt - 5 stars;
- after the 2nd - 4 stars;
- after the 3rd - 3 stars;
- after the 4th - 2 stars;
- after the last (5th) - 1 star.
After this round, 3 players are eliminated.
TV program
This one predicts our near future.
It takes the shortest airtime.
It is the most highly rated program, although its rating has never been officially measured.
This daily program is on every self-respecting TV channel.
5. On the ORT channel, it is hosted by the most beautiful TV personality.
Answer: weather forecast.
Geometric figure
The number of its angles is equal to the number of hooves in a rhinoceros divided by the number corresponding to ordinal number beryllium in the periodic table.
It can be seen in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere.
It is necessary for any billiard player before the start of the game.
Some play it in the orchestra.
Everyone remembers her when they mention Bermuda.
Answer: triangle.
1. This leader has the first sports category rifle shooting and the second - swimming.
As a child, his grandmother called him Lelechka, and friends in the yard (even then) called him Chapaev.
He began his career as a presenter at beauty contests and auctions.
Race with Mikhail Zadornov, he once went skiing down the stairwells of a multi-storey building.
In one of the programs that he leads, players like to dress him in different clothes, give him drinks and feed him with pickles.
Answer: Leonid Yakubovich.
Food product
Together with one chemical element, it can cause a fire.
In general, he has one part of the body.
In V. Dahl's dictionary, the recipe for its preparation is described as follows: "Sour milk is put into the oven and whey is drained from the curdled grounds."
One of the heroes of the Disney animated series "Chip and Dale Rushing to the Rescue" bore the name of one of the varieties of this product.
Its name, more often in English, is pronounced by people in front of a camera lens, and a smile illuminates their faces.
Answer: cheese.
It was built by the French in 1889.
It has one of the best viewing platforms.
It disappeared at the behest of David Copperfield.
It is perfectly visible from the sea.
Actually, it's - she's holding a torch in her hand. Answer: The Statue of Liberty.
In honor of the young wife of this beast, the Romans named one of the most bright stars Northern Hemisphere - Alpha Charioteer - Capella.
In the old days, this word was also called a bench on which schoolchildren were flogged.
This "beast" is known to every gymnast.
In Greek, the song of these animals is called “tragedy”.
The Brainring host does not like very much when this word is pronounced in front of him.
Answer: a goat.
On this day we are all waiting for gifts
It only happens once a year.
But in our country it is celebrated twice
In Russia, it was celebrated in September.
Sometimes it is jokingly called the CIS. Answer: New Year.
Chemical element
It was discovered by A.G. Ekeberg in 1802.
It is sometimes used in jewelry instead of platinum.
If in its name instead of the first letter you put the last one, and instead of the last one - the third one, you will get another chemical element periodic tables, namely: rare earth metal.
If you rearrange the letters in this word according to the principle of anagram, you get a person who, in the words of one sage, "walks along the road opened by a genius."
It gets its name from the character's name Greek mythology doomed to eternal torment for the murder of his own son.
Answer: talent.
3rd round
In this round, all participants will be asked three identical questions. But before the host does this, the players have the right to put any number of stars (from the ones already available) on the answers in this round. If the player answers all three questions correctly, then his rate will triple, if only on two, it will double, if on one, it will remain unchanged, and if the player cannot give the correct answer to any question, then the number of stars assigned to him for the round, subtracted.
The presenter reads the questions three times in a row (in turn), then one minute is given for the players to record their answers on the cards.
After this round, 3 players are eliminated.
What is the earth, erected on a pedestal and reduced to a convenient size? (Globe.)
The octopus has 3, annelid- 5, and how many of them does the dog have? (One, heart.)
In English - "the bird of the Mother of God", in French - "God's beast", but what about Russian? (Ladybug.)
Make the longest word from the letters A, O, I, K, T, B, R, Z. Fans are attracted, for big words - stars. After this round, 2 players are eliminated.
The final
Remaining 2 people with the largest number stars.
In 2 minutes, compose words from the letters of the word "historiography".
The players then read the words one at a time, starting with the player with fewer stars. The player who was able to call the word last wins.

IIClub hour

Theme:Finest hour ( game program)

Tasks : - define skillschildren to work according to the rule;

Ability to listen to an adult and follow his instructions;

Develop memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills;

Create a joyful mood.

Equipment: presentation; numbers from 1 to 4, stars, counting sticks, musical accompaniment"Dance of little ducks".

The course of the game.

I.Organizing time.

Leading : We are glad to welcome you, dear fans and guests. Today we have gathered for an unusual fascinating competition - where you can show your knowledge and ingenuity, show ingenuity and ingenuity, and participate in competitions. This competition is called« Finest hour» ... And today thisstarthe hour will come for the winner of our competition, for the one who will cope with the tasks faster and more correctly. Well, dear viewers, I will ask you to help them. Let's meet our members.

(Children enter the hall with musical accompaniment)

Ved. Today you guys need to be smart, attentive and quick. For the correct answers, youyou will receive stars... And the one who has more of them will become the winner« Finest hour» ... Ready?

II.Main part.

His firsta staryou can earn right now. Your first assignment"Tell us about yourself".

(children take turns talking about themselves, sit at the tables(there are prepared numbers from 0 to 4 on the tables))

So, very soon we will find out whose it is« Finest hour» .

Dear participants! There are plates with numbers on your tables, with their help youwillanswer my questions.

Let's start the competition. 1st round.

Tour 1.

Ved. You are offered a question and 4 answer options. You need to find the correct answer on the screen and pick up the corresponding sign with the number. If one of you does not know the answer, then raise a sign with a number«0» .

For each correct answer you will receivea star.

Question 1. Guessriddle :

Just jump over the threshold

And he went for a walk without legs ...

Winnie the Pooh, Gingerbread Man, Piglet, (Barmaley).

Question 2. Who are among the heroes of the tale"Little Red Riding Hood"extra?

Grandma, hunter, (miller), wolf.

Question 3. Who is this riddle about?

With a primer walks to school

Wooden boy.

Hits instead of school

Into a linen booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is the name of that boy?(Pinocchio)

Question 4. What is superfluous here?(there are pictures on the board under the numbers)

1. Pear

2. Carrots

3. Apple

4. Banana

Question 5. There are illustrations with flowers on the board under the numbers.

1. Chamomile

2. Dandelion

3. Bell

4. Rose

Listen carefully to the riddle and answer it by picking up the number under which the answer is located.


On a sunny summer day

A golden flower bloomed.

On a high thin leg

All he dozed off by the path,

And I woke up - smiled :

What a fluffy I am!

Oh, I'm afraid that I'll get sick,

Hush, meadow wind!


Task 6. Now let's check how you know the seasons. On the screen are pictures depicting the seasons. I guess a riddle, and you guess by showing the card with the required number.

1. I have a lot to do -

I'm a white blanket

I cover the whole earth

I remove the river into the ice,

I whitewash the fields, at home,

My name is(winter)

2. I am woven from the heat,

I carry warmth with me.

I warm rivers

Swim, I invite.(summer)

3. I open my kidneys,

Into green leaves

I dress trees

I water the crops.(Spring)

4. I carry the harvest,

I sow the fields again

I send birds to the south,

I undress the trees.(Autumn)

These were riddles about the seasons. Now recognize it by its description.

5. 1. The sky is often covered with clouds. The birds are preparing to fly away. Swallows fly away, starlings gather in noisy flocks, cranes fly in a caravan.

6. 2. With the onset of cold weather, people close their windows, start heating houses, put on fur coats, coats with a fur collar, warm hats, mittens.

7. 3. The sun is shining brighter and brighter. Darkened in the fields of the road, the ice turned blue on the river. Rooks have arrived, in a hurry to fix their nests.

8. 4. There are shouts and laughter of the guys. Someone is swimming in the river, someone has collected a box of ripe strawberries. And the girl is carrying a bouquet of daisies for her mother.

Ved. The first round is over. You earned it allasterisks... Now I propose to play a game with the fans"Don't miss the profession".

A task for all the guys. I will name the words, if you hear a word for a profession, clap your hands 3 times.

Flower, bag, livestock breeder, book, apple, carpenter, painting, letter, teacher, lily of the valley, forest, shepherd, notebook, doll, milkmaid, shop, sculptor, needle, thread, bricklayer, leaf, pen, doctor.

Tour 2.

Ved. We are starting the second round. Dear participants, you see counting sticks on your tables. We will start the second round with a task"Do the same"... You see shapes on the screen. Which? You need to repeat these shapes exactly. For each correct figure, you will receive 1asterisk.

In the meantime, we will play with the fans.

1. - What time of year is it? What time of year was it before? What will happen after that?

2. - What number is missing (by ear? 1234578910.

Ved. Now you can help to earnstars for your friends... (Coming to game 8children: two fans for each participant. They choosestar with questions... For the correct answer they receive a rewardan asterisk, give it to the one they root for)

I have riddles for you. Choose anyan asterisk.

1. How many chicks did the rooster hatch if he laid five eggs?

2. There are two apples and three pears on the table. How many vegetables are on the table?

3. How much honey will two butterflies collect if they have one bucket each?

4. Three fish were flying over the forest. Two have landed. How many flew away?

5. When a goose stands on one leg, it weighs two kilograms. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on two legs?

6. Pig bought air balloons and all of themgave away : she gave two balls to the zebra and the same to the hare. How many balls did the pig buy?

7. There are tubs against the wall. Each has exactly a frog. If there were five tubs, how many frogs were there?

8. Six funny cubs are in a hurry to get raspberries into the forest. But one kid was tired, left behind his comrades. And now the answerfind : how many bears are ahead?

9. Five guys played football, one was called home. He looks out the windowconsiders : how many are playing now?

10. How many necks do five cranes have?

Well done boys! Let's check how our participants coped with the work. Well done!

On this tour there is one more math task... Look at the screen, what do you see?(mathematical figures on the screen)For each geometric figure the task was hidden. Pick a shape one at a time. Tasks are solved by ear

1. Two pampered puppies

They run and frolic.

Three puppies for playfuls

They rush with loud barking.

How many puppies are there?

2. One bunny bought three carrots, the other one. How many carrots did both hares buy?

3. Sasha bought four apples and ate one of them. How many apples did he have?

4. A good grandfather gave my grandson Shura seven pieces of sweets yesterday. A grandson ate one candy. How many pieces are left?

5. Four ducklings and two goslings swim in the lake and shout loudly. Well, count it quickly - how many babies are there in the water?

So that our participants do not get tired, we will hold a musical pause. Come out to me. And the audience can repeat after us in their places.

Musical warm-up"Dance of little ducks"

Tour 3

So we warmed up with you, rested. Let's continue our competition. We pass to the third round. He will be our last.

Let's check how well you know the fairy tales. On the tray are envelopes with stories from a fairy tale. You need to choose 1 of the envelopes, determine what kind of fairy tale it is, arrange the pictures sequentially, determine in which picture the beginning and at which end of the fairy tale. Then we will check the correctness of the execution. ("Kolobok", "Turnip", "Ryaba Chicken")

Playing with the fans"Name the words the other way around": The elephant is big, and the mouse ... The pillow is soft, and the table ... The fire is hot, and the ice ... The enemy is evil, and the friend ... The river is wide, and the brook ... The bush is low, and the tree ... Buratino is cheerful, and Pierrot ... Winter is cold, and summer ... Pear sweet, and lemon ... Well done!

Let's check how the participants coped with their assignments. We listen to the answers and check the correct sequence.

Ved. Now look at the screen. The fairytale characters have prepared questions for you. Now you take turnsyou will choose a character... You need to answer their questions only with yes or no words. The game"Does it happen or not?".

The train flies across the sky.

The wolf wanders through the forest.

Salted apple.

The man is building a nest.

The cat walks on the roof.

The boat is sailing across the sky.

III. Summing up. Reflection.

Well done! Well guys, ourThe finest hour has come to an end... And you and I must find out which of you became the hero of thisFinest hour... Please count yourasterisks... The children take turns calling the number.

At mostasterisks at ..... Let's slap her guys. It was herFinest hour... She showed us her knowledge, showed ingenuity, was attentive and quick! Well done! Awarding diploma"GeniusFinest hour» , medal.

And also awarded ... in the nomination"Connoisseur of fairy tales", "Connoisseur of riddles", "Connoisseur of Mathematics"

Guys, I want to thank you for taking part in this wonderful game, I invite you to join the round dance in honor of our genius and experts.

A round dance is performed to the song« Finest hour»

If the same quantitymany will have stars, the game is proposed"Who is bigger"

Participants must name as many words as possible using a specific letter. The one who named the most wins.

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