Titles and chess ranks - how to get a chess rank. Conditions and procedure for assigning sports categories

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Many beginner chess players wonder how to get a grade in chess? If you have such a question, no doubt you know how to play this wonderful old game. Let's not deviate much from the topic, and note that chess players have always been perceived by society as smart people versed in the exact sciences. Of course, in most cases this is true. Now, if the title of "chess player" were reinforced with a rank, then one could already be proud of oneself. Let's take a closer look at all existing chess categories.

All chess categories

Let's start with the lowest - 4th category. As soon as you come to the chess section, you are automatically assigned the fourth rank. we can say that this is a zero count.

Then comes 3rd category. in order to be assigned to a chess player, he must pass an exam to his coach. A chess player playing at the level of the third category must be able to checkmate with a queen, rook, bishops. Must know the rule of opposition, and a lot of basic theoretical knowledge.

Second rank. Here you can’t get it in training. It is necessary to perform in a chess tournament, and with a good result. If the tournament consists of 9 rounds, then you need to meet with 5 first-class players and score 2.5 points in games with them, provided that the rest of the games are not lost.

Norm of the first category also awarded in the tournament for excellent play.

Next rank - candidate master of sports in chess. This is a more serious category, which is assigned at a professional level. To get it, you need to fulfill the norm of two candidate points, and then the norm of the candidate, I participate in tournaments.

Norm of the Master of Sports awarded to a chess player for good performance among masters. It is necessary that the player score 50% in games with the masters.

International Master- the same as the norm of the master, only at the international level. moreover, a chess player must play in more than one or two international tournaments.

The highest chess title - Grandmaster (GM - grand master). Such a title is very difficult to earn. Grandmasters are world champions and outstanding players. It should be noted that there is also a certain norm for the fulfillment of this title.

Not much about the rating system

Currently introduced rating system, which can also be used to determine the strength of a chess player's game. Many people think that the ranks are not needed at all, the main thing is the rating of a chess player. Approximately, masters have a rating of 2300, international players have a rating of 2400-2500, a grandmaster - starting from 2500. It should also be noted that the norms for women differ significantly. For example, a woman can get a master's norm with a rating of 2200.
Chess players - sportsmen a qualifying ticket is specially issued, which confirms their rank, and is the main document.

The desire of many lovers to receive table tennis sports naturally. A sports category is not only a step towards mastery, but also a reward for work, for the will shown in competitions, for love for sports. Mandatory requirements sports classification - the systematic nature of classes, compliance with the sports regime and sports ethics. An invariable condition for the fulfillment of a sports category is knowledge and participation in competitions.

Anyone can get a sports rank in table tennis

To do this, you need to do three things:

  1. join the table tennis federation in your locality(city, region), apply and pay the membership fee;
  2. participate in competitions;
  3. show some result there. What kind of result and in what competitions - read below. If we are talking about Russia, then the standards for obtaining titles and ranks are contained in a document called the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (EVSK).

If the performance was successful, then the documents from the competition (copies of the protocols, certificates of the main panel of judges - all this can be taken from the arbitrators) should be submitted to the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the region at the place of residence. The federation or sports school where you studied or competed can help with this (check documents, write petitions and even send all the papers). Keep in mind that the discharge is valid for 2 years, after which it must be confirmed or a higher discharge is required.

Honored Master of Sports of Russia

Honorary sports title of Russia, introduced at the end of 1992. The issue of awarding and depriving the title is decided by the supreme management body physical education and sports in Russia. The standard abbreviation in sports reference literature is ZMS. The title of "Honored Master of Sports" was established in the USSR in 1934. The regulation on the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia was adopted on May 25, 1995. In January 2007, a new regulation from 2006 came into force, which was slightly modified by the regulation from 2008, which came into force in February 2009.

In our table tennis, only 5 athletes were awarded this honorary title: Svetlana Grinberg (1969), Zoya Rudnova (1969), Stanislav Gomozkov (1970), Tatyana Ferdman (1975), Valentina Popova (1984).

International Master of Sports of Russia

  • Olympic Games: 1-8 places in singles or team competitions;
  • World Championship: 1-8 places in singles, 1-4 places in doubles, 1-6 places as a team;
  • World Cup (final)
  • Europe championship: 1st-4th place in singles, 1st-2nd place in doubles, 1st-4th place in a team;
  • European Cup (final): 1-4 place in team competition;
  • Other international sporting events included in the ETUC: 1st place in singles.

Note :

Master of Sports of Russia

  • European Championship (juniors and juniors under 19): 1st-4th place in singles, 1st-2nd place in pairs;
  • European Championship (boys and girls under 16): 1st-2nd place in singles, 1st-2nd place in pairs;
  • Other international sports competitions included in the ETUC (juniors, juniors under 22): 1-8 place in singles;
  • : 1st-12th place in singles, 1st-3rd place in doubles;
  • : 1st-2nd place in singles;
  • : 1st-3rd place in singles, 1st-2nd place in doubles, 1st place in team competition;
  • : (men, women): 1st-8th place in singles, 1st-2nd place in doubles;
  • Other All-Russian sports competitions included in the ETUC: (juniors, juniors under 22): 1-3 place in singles, 1-2 places in doubles;
  • Other All-Russian sports competitions included in the ETUC: (juniors, juniors under 19): 1st place in singles.


  1. In the sports discipline "team competitions" it is necessary to participate in at least 50% of matches with opposing teams of the corresponding sports competition.
  2. The title of Master of Sports of Russia in table tennis is awarded from the age of 14.

Candidate Master of Sports of Russia

  • Championship of Russia (men, women)
  • Cup of Russia (men, women): 12 victories in team competitions;
  • Championship of Russia (juniors, juniors under 19): 12 victories in singles or team events;
  • Other All-Russian sports competitions included in the ETUC (boys, girls, juniors, juniors, men, women): 12 wins in singles;
  • Championship of the federal district, zonal qualifying competitions, championships of Moscow, St. Petersburg (men, women): 12 victories in singles, doubles, team competitions;
  • Subject Championship Russian Federation, except for Moscow and St. Petersburg (men, women): 12 wins in singles, doubles;
  • Cup of the subject of the Russian Federation (men, women): 12 victories in singles or team events.


  1. In order to complete a table tennis category in the sports discipline "team competitions", it is necessary to participate in at least 50% of matches with opposing teams of the corresponding sports competition.
  2. The assignment of CCM is carried out for fulfilling the requirements for the number of victories.
  3. The number of victories over athletes with CMS must be collected within a year. The year is calculated from the date of the first victory.
  4. A victory over an athlete with a sports title is equal to two victories.
  5. A victory over the same athlete counts as one victory.
  6. Victories recorded for technical reasons are not taken into account.
  7. The number of victories must be scored according to the sum of performances at sports competitions where the performance of the CMS is provided.
  8. In order to compete in sports competitions, an athlete must reach the age limit of calendar year holding sports competitions.

1 sports category in table tennis, adult and youth and mass categories

To perform 1 sports category and below (mass categories) it is required to win 12 victories over athletes of the corresponding level. These can be competitions starting from the championship of Russia and ending with local competitions of organizations that have the right to assign no higher than I sports category. The full list of requirements and conditions is below.

Note: EKP - Unified calendar plan for inter-regional, all-Russian and international physical culture and sports events.

Chess is a special kind of sports. Any sport, including chess, has its own system of classification and hierarchy of titles to determine the skill of each athlete.

Existing titles and chess ranks

In Russia, there is a system of chess categories, which includes 5 positions that periodically require confirmation, and 2 life titles.


  • Candidate Master

Lifetime titles in chess:

  • Grandmaster
  • Master of Sport

In addition to the classification in Russia, there are individual coefficients or ratings introduced by FIDE or the International Chess Federation to compare athletes from all over the world in the international arena. According to this system, such categories can be assigned as:

  • International Grandmaster (MM)
  • Master of the International Chess Federation (FIDE)
  • Master of international class

This is a project approved by our readers, in which you or your child will be able to improve the skill of the game, complete a chess category, for short term grow to the prize-winner of regional tournaments. The teachers are FIDE masters, online training.

Each of the categories has its own requirements, let's look at them.

IV category

To fulfill the lowest, but still honorable, fourth grade, it takes a little - the desire to play and the official entry into the chess section. It is assigned to all players automatically upon joining. This is, so to speak, the first step to great victories.

III category

To take one more step towards meeting the title of grandmaster and complete third grade, you will have to pass an exam to your coach. He will check young chess player on the ability to checkmate with bishops, queen and rook, as well as to ask him about the theoretical course of chess (for example, about the opposition rule).

To move further up the rank ladder, it is necessary to participate in chess tournaments or competitions. Designed for chess tournaments unique system to determine the number of points (Elo rating). He uses the already known values ​​"mathematical expectation of the number of points that player A will score in a game with B", "player A's rating", "player B's rating".

II category

Get second rank is possible only when participating in competitions with a very good result. It is necessary to meet in most games of the tournament with those who have already completed the first category and get at least 2.5 points in the Elo rating. Then, subject to a win or a draw in the remaining games, you become a happy owner of the II category.

I category

To fulfill first class it is necessary to meet similar conditions, only by scoring more points than when completing II, or win the tournament with a high coefficient of 4 (it is determined by the number of participants who already have a rank).

To achieve higher ranks, you need to compete on world arenas, with masters and grandmasters. The conditions for assigning ranks and titles vary for men and women.

Happy category holders are issued a special qualification document (ticket). It is he who confirms the presence of a discharge.

Chess remotely?

Learn about wonderful world chess and get your first rank, you can simply join the chess section. But what to do if there is no one nearby or you prefer studying in home comfort And at a convenient time for you?

For those who want to understand the principle of movement of pieces and learn the basic strategies without leaving home, distance learning systems for chess have been developed. Online chess schools offer:

  • classes with real people, through Skype and TeamViewer programs,
  • obtaining material through the analysis of the theory posted on the site in text form
  • video lessons
  • improving skills through online chess simulators

With the help of video tutorials with a detailed explanation of chess strategies, and online simulators you can study on your own. These programs are designed for both children and adults.

There is no general time frame for teaching chess online. It all depends on the level of the chess player, his abilities and the desired result.

Classes can be free, for example, on the site portal "chess players.rf", which is suitable for beginners from scratch, or for a fee, which will depend on the level of the chess player and the intensity of the classes, such as in the "Chess School" - http:// chess-nk.ru/dist_school.

Hello, dear readers and friends of the site! CCM sport is a very common term. He is always heard. But what does it mean, what is its decoding? And how to get it?

Today we will talk about CMS. It is not necessary to explain what this is to athletes and sports fans, and boxing in particular. Let's try to figure out how to get the CCM title faster.

Sports, like any other respectable field of activity, implies the presence of a status that indicates a certain level of qualification.

First of all, this is a special sports title. This is a very important aspect, because discussions of this kind often arise - CCM rank or rank? That's right - the first option.

Here another logical question arises - how is KMS deciphered? The answer is a candidate master of sports. This title is a sign that the athlete turned out to be at a professional level and realized the assigned range of sports achievements.

level reflection

Any sports category or title is a record of the achievements of an athlete, who has achieved something important. It is time to be proud of such achievements. Because not everyone gets them. Otherwise, the titles would not exist.

The title of CCM in sports is the last step before the most honorable ones - "master of sports", "master of sports of international class" and "honored master of sports" and, in turn, above the ranks. Therefore, for many athletes, including boxers, it is very desirable. Moreover, a number of tournaments allow boxers with a rank no lower than CCM. Thus, this title is only a stage for it to be shortened by one letter and turned from CCM into MS (master of sports).

If an athlete has at least the first category, then at least he is not deprived of talent. And since you can’t go far with talent alone, new titles come only with time and hard work in training, you need to endure restrictions in ordinary life. Signs of growth are medals and prizes at competitions different levels. CCM is not only a rank or rank.

The next step is the master of sports

How to become CMS?

Unfortunately, you won't earn the title of Candidate in any tournaments. They must be appropriate for this status.

Let's name the tournaments and places that you need to take in order to get the coveted CCM awards.

It should be noted that the above table is indicative, since the status of tournaments changes periodically, additional rules, requirements and conditions are introduced.

The abbreviation KMS stands for "master candidate".

You won't get to the CCM without medals.

Range of levels

So, CCM is a certain title awarded for specific merits. A reasonable question arises - how to get CCM? A spectrum of sports levels leads to this result. These are the discharges leading to the CMS.

This list is:

  1. Elementary. He's an amateur. There are athletes on it whose training period is more than 3 months.
  2. The third. On it are beginners who have achieved five triumphs in one year.
  3. Second. This category is assigned to those who won ten victories in one year.
  4. First. It is received by those who have become victorious in competitions of regional or national importance. Important condition: more than four first-class athletes must participate in one class. For example, in boxing, a contender for this category must have at least three fights in his asset.

After assigning this category, you need to win tournaments of a regional and state scale. If we consider boxing, then 8 boxers should participate in them. And two of them must have CMS. Another option: at least three victorious meetings in state competitions.

To a small extent, the CCM standards may differ. A lot here determines the status of the tournament, the number of participants and the age of the contender for this title.

To get the title of CCM, you will have to not only train hard, but spend a lot of time and strictly observe discipline.

Already 15-17 year old boys can get CMS. Category up to 16 years - pioneer. At 17-18 years old - junior. From 18 years old - an adult.

After 25 years, getting such a title is much more difficult. After all, over the years, the reserves of the body weaken. Although practice knows reverse examples, and fighters who are 30-40 years old, and they have recently entered the sport, still achieve CCM


How to become CMS? You need to pass standards, hard training and discipline, success in a professional environment. And when the athlete succeeds, he receives a special document that has official approval. This is a certificate, in other words - CCM crusts.

If a person legally became the owner of this certificate, this is a sign of his reaching a new level. The next step is the Master of Sports (MS for short). The step is even higher - an international class is added to the MS, it turns out MSMK.

The higher the title status, the greater the prestige of the athlete himself. And awards are especially useful in coaching. A specialist with significant experience inspires more trust and respect among his wards. He can give a lot of knowledge.

And the designated document provides its owner with the following privileges:

  1. Significant opportunity to study at the university.
  2. Condescension from teachers.
  3. Active participation in mass sports events.
  4. A huge opportunity to get a security guard position in an entertainment establishment.
  5. Free admission to classes in various sports clubs (this principle works in most cities).
  6. A permanent one-position advantage in the HR department (in relation to the applicant for your position).
  7. Respect from traffic police officers.

The main thing is not to buy these crusts. The false title will still come to light. Plus, it's a criminal offence. It is important not to be fooled by online tricks. For example, in many social networks, fake IDs are being sold openly.

Nuances and details

All athletes who are already 13 years old apply for the coveted title. This requires hard training, prizes in championships or a designated number of victories. Places for awarding the title are determined depending on the status of the tournament.

  1. 1. 3-4 positions in the team competition in Russia. Conditions: doubles.
  2. 5-6 positions in the tournament, as in paragraph 1. Conditions - single performances.
  3. Russian championship. Conditions: 3-6 positions in the team standings. If the category is doubles, normative places: 5-6. If the offset is single, you can take 3-8 places.

In all points it is necessary to achieve 12 victories.

Depending on the type of sports discipline, the age of obtaining the title and the criteria for positions in the championships may vary.

Detailed data are set out in the VSK (All-Russian Sports Classification).

You can become the owner of CMS by speaking at the European Championship. Conditions:

Team account. Doubles: 3-4 positions. Single: 5-8 positions.

In game team disciplines, the conditions are as follows:

The minimum number of games played is half.

In martial arts, 12 wins over opponents with CMS are needed. One such victory is considered as two. And if the same opponent is defeated, all victories over him are counted as one.

The sports year is counted from the date of the debut victory.

In order to receive CCM, the panel of judges must have at least one arbiter of the republican class.

The received title must be confirmed. During the year, wins over three opponents from a similar category are required. Another option is to defeat 6 opponents with a lower rank.

In order to have CCM and MS after that, and then higher ranks, it is necessary to start classes in a certain discipline as early as possible. The coach is also key. As a rule, half of the responsibility for the success of the ward is focused on it. And some specialists can psychologically crush the student so that he will no longer have any desire to study.

If the coach pays little attention or, on the contrary, pushes too hard, the consequences can be varied. A novice athlete should take into account that a good mentor - the most important criteria success.

If you want to become an athlete and reach the top in this area, give preference to a sports academy or a university with a sports bias. So you will have excellent conditions for constant training. In addition, you can regularly compete in tournaments among students and city competitions. This is a great chance to get an adult rank and transition to best level. Then regional championships follow. This is a direct path to obtaining the coveted CCM.

Those people who become professional athletes have to plan everything a few steps ahead.

The complete hierarchy of titles in Russian boxing

In other countries in the territory former USSR The requirements and standards are similar, but still different. Pay attention to this if you live, for example, in Ukraine.

In Ukraine it is similar, but in a different way.

Fair or dishonest?

Of course, you can buy certificates for money. Unfortunately, there are such "services" in our reality. But do you need it if you really want to make your own progress, and not just show off your crusts? Moreover, in the boxing environment, everyone more or less knows each other, and the secret of your “success” will be revealed quite quickly, because there is no other way to climb the tournament podium, which means being in sight. After all, there are not many winners and champions. In addition, the certificate of a candidate for master of sports is an official document, which means that any forgery of it is a violation of the law. Do you need it?!

Well, now that everything is known. It’s up to the “small”: to prepare specifically for such competitions, to reach the peak of form precisely in the right time and do not hope that sports titles will be at your feet by themselves.

KMS - real money can not buy.


Obtaining a CCM is one of the most important steps. The methods of obtaining are known. These are tournament wins in the right amount. Often this title is given to talented athletes studying at universities.


Win the Russian Zonal Championship in boxing or the championship of Moscow (St. Petersburg) among juniors. To be awarded CCM, you must have at least three fights, and your weight category must have at least two CCM.

Take first place in the championship of any sports society, for example, Dynamo, Youth of Russia, etc. Have at least three fights, two of which must be with the CCM. Also, to get CCM, you can take first place in the Russian championship.

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There is such a well-known expression as “boxing is the science of defeat without harming oneself.” This is the rule that must be followed boxer to defeat your opponent in a duel. He must combine offensive skills with skillful defense. He also needs to comply with a number of essential rules.

You will need

  • - Boxing ring;
  • - gloves;
  • - rival;
  • - boxing uniform;
  • - trainer;
  • - video recordings of the opponent's fights.


Research, first of all, your opponent and find out thoroughly how he fights in the ring. Professionals always know exactly who they will deal with in the ring, having studied the opponent's tactics in the best possible way. Beginners, on the other hand, act according to the situation, for which they get much more often. This is not a far-sighted approach. Therefore, talk to those athletes who have already fought against your opponent. Also visit his workout (or ask your trainer to do it). In the end, study all the available fights of your opponent.

Develop a clear plan for fighting against this opponent and build your training aspect in the same way. If your opponent is fast and left-handed, then spar more with faster left-handers. Practice movements that will put your counterpart in a dead end. If you notice that he throws right hand after a straight punch, work hard on the right hook.

Build a rough strategy for fighting against your opponent, taking into account that he can adapt to you. If your most strengths are high speed, Long hands and a sharp jab, then think about what else can be left if the enemy will impose close combat on you and crawl under your arms. In this case, he will be able to inflict hundreds of small, but sensitive blows. So, you should still work on the uppercut and side kicks.

Remain calm as you enter the ring. You can lose a lot of energy just from worry. But you can also extract a lot of power if you are inspired by the fight. Some pray, others look at their opponent and try to understand his plans. It all depends, of course, on what calms and inspires you. Use it before the fight!

Be 100% sure that you will win! You should not have a single note of doubt about the successful outcome of the duel! This is where the winner comes into play. Use it to its fullest and don't leave your opponent a chance.

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On your physical and psychological condition before the fight.

Helpful advice

Plan your battle strategy very clearly.

Each work that is performed by employees of the organization belongs to a certain tariff category. The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers contains complete list job titles. Sometimes in the process economic activity Organization leaders promote their employees. What is the procedure for assigning tariff category?


First, you must receive an application for a rank assignment from the employee himself. In the event that he passed any professional in the desired category, then he must attach copies of certificates, certificates and other supporting documents to the application. After that, it must be characterized in which it is.

Then issue an order to appoint a tariff and qualification commission, which should evaluate the work of this employee. It may include foremen, manager, personnel, foremen and other persons. Be sure to appoint the chairman of the commission, it must be an employee who has an education in the one in which the worker wants to increase the rank.

First, test the knowledge of the employee, that is, evaluate the level of knowledge of the theoretical part, for example, if a carpenter wants to increase the level, then first he must tell the theory of woodworking production. Next, proceed to the evaluation of the practical part. To do this, the worker must complete at least three orders, while the quality of the products must meet the highest standards.

The guys studying the art of judo are awarded in a solemn atmosphere after successfully passing the qualifying exams and are assigned belts of various colors. Each color denotes a certain degree of skill in this form of martial arts.

Beginners in the martial art of judo are awarded a white belt. Then, step by step, each student moves to main goal- black belt. AT different countries, clubs and systems color schemes may have some differences. Standard set Common belts are white, yellow, orange, green, blue, brown and black.

A special solemn ceremony is appointed to assign belts to a student. Thus, the effect and significance of the achievement is enhanced. But the celebration is not always held. Many systems are based on rigorous evaluation. Here, students are awarded based on the authoritative opinion of a coach who has a special qualification that gives him the right to award degrees and belts. However, even in this case, the assignment of degrees is carried out primarily for the sake of presentation.

We can say that this is an opportunity to demonstrate your skills and abilities. In advance, coaches decide which belt a particular student deserves, based on his efforts and results in the classroom. As the child grows older, the requirements for passing the exam become tougher.

Achievement in judo of any qualification can take a different amount of time. The largest number martial arts schools assigns students a white belt after one or two months of training. The white belt is awarded to the student along with his first uniform, which is called the kimono. The time gap between the awarding of degrees, as a rule, is twice as long as for the previous belt.

Age requirements for some qualifying degrees can slow down the process of assigning a particular belt. To achieve the main goal - the black belt - the student needs from six to ten years of hard work. Martial arts Judo cannot be mastered before. To qualify, you need great amount time and effort in training.

Do not pay attention to qualifications. It is much more important to focus on achievements and development. The student should be focused on constant self-improvement and the desire to become a better fighter. The assignment of belts is only a simple indication of the skill of the student.

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