The program of the "young chess player" circle. Additional education program "young chess player"

Garden equipment 29.09.2019

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - kindergarten number 111" Batyr ".

Martynova Irina Alekseevna


Additional educational program for teaching chess

(for children 5-7 years old)

Naberezhnye Chelny 2015

Basis for the development of the Program

    Constitution Russian Federation;

    The Convention on the Rights of the Child;

    RF Law "On Education"

    Priority national project "Education"

    Charter of MADOU No. 111 "Batyr".

Customers of the Program

Pedagogical advice, parents.

Organization executor of the program

MADOU "Child Development Center - kindergarten number 111" Batyr "

Target group

Children (12 people)

Main Developers of the Program

Martynova I.A.

Terms of the Program

2015-2017 years

Purpose of the Program

Teaching preschoolers the principles chess game, instilling in them interest and love for this game and preparing pupils for further stages of development; creation of conditions for the personal and intellectual development of older preschoolers, the formation of a general culture through teaching to play chess.

Objectives of the Program

1. Popularization of chess game among children of a preschool educational institution.
2. Organization of healthy leisure.
3. Preparation of children who know the basic basics of the chess game.
4. Development of logical thinking and the ability to make independent decisions.
5. Development of natural inclinations, creative and special abilities of children.

Expected results

1. Teach as many preschoolers as possible to play chess.
2.Prepare children for school, thanks to chess, develop their intellectual level, logs
mental thinking, memory, attention, perseverance, communication.
3. To bring the teaching of playing chess to preschool children to a higher level.

Martynova Irina Alekseevna , educator, Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - kindergarten number 111" Batyr "

Group passport

Explanatory note.

V present time When the whole world entered the era of computers and information technologies, the ability to quickly and reasonably understand a huge amount of information, the ability to analyze it and draw logical conclusions becomes especially important. Chess plays a very important role in the formation of logical and systemic thinking.

Chess is hard and persistent work, and at the same time, the game of a thousand joys. It is advisable that the chess game takes a certain place in the pedagogical process of children's educational institutions, since it is effective means mental development and preparing children for school.

It has been proven that chess lessons strengthen memory, develop analytical skills and imagination, help develop such character traits as organization, purposefulness, objectivity. Carried away by this game, the little fidget becomes more assiduous, the mischievous - more self-possessed, the arrogant - more self-critical. Chess teaches you to be extremely attentive and collected. Chess in kindergarten has a positive effect on the improvement of many mental processes in children and such qualities as perception, attention, imagination, memory, thinking, and the initial forms of volitional behavior control.

Learning to play chess, the child lives in the world of fairy tales and the transformation of an ordinary chessboard and figures into magical ones. That enriches children's imagination. And the grace and beauty of individual moves, chess combinations is a real pleasure.

The proposed program for teaching children to play chess is aimed at the development of the child's personality, the formation of his creativity... The circle for teaching children to play chess will reveal the psychological and intellectual potential of the child. Personal development through chess is a personal and socially significant task.The initial course on learning to play chess is as simple and accessible as possible. Of great importance when studying a chess course is a specially organized play activity, using the technique of playing out educational tasks, creating game situations. In a playful way, he introduces children to the world of chess: acquaints preschoolers with the history of the development of chess. In a simple and intelligible form, he talks about chess pieces, "magic" properties and mysterious features of the board, about the elementary rules of the game and some of its principles, acquaints preschoolers with the peculiar world of chess, instills in them a love of the ancient and wise game. “In order to digest knowledge, one must absorb it with appetite,” A. France liked to repeat. Therefore, the program widely uses chess tales, puzzles, riddles, charades, entertaining tasks and quizzes that will be of interest to preschoolers.
When teaching children 5 - 7 years old to play chess, you need to rely on the general pedagogical principles of didactics with the obligatory use of manuals, didactic games, elements of physical education. The main thing in teaching is the formation of a stable cognitive interest.

The main thing in chess is thought! The desire to test your ideas, fantasy in the competition of minds and characters, to test the real significance of your plans and proposals - this is what has always done and is making this ancient game so popular. Chess brings many creative joys to people.

Relevance this program is due to the need to form and develop from an early age such important qualities of a child as memory, logical thinking, attention and imagination, perseverance; in the process of teaching chess, important practical skills are developed - the ability to make a volitional effort and bring the work started to the end.

The main goal of this program:

Teaching preschool children to play chess.

Objectives of the program:


Expand horizons, replenish knowledge, activate the mental activity of a preschooler, teach to navigate on a plane, train logical thinking and memory, observation, attention, etc.


To develop in the child perseverance, endurance, will, calmness, self-confidence and steadfast character. A child learning to play chess becomes more self-critical, gets used to thinking independently, making decisions, fighting to the end, and not being discouraged in case of failures.

General developmental:

To immerse children in the world of fairy tales and the transformation of an ordinary board and figures into magical ones, to interest them in the beauty and grace of individual moves, chess combinations. To teach to find in the ordinary - the extraordinary, to receive aesthetic pleasure, to admire an amazing game. Enrich children's fantasy. Help children become strong in spirit, overcome themselves, reach the heights of mastery. To cultivate leadership, the desire to become the first, to win the highest awards and titles. Develop organization, harmonious physical and intellectual development through long-term training to maintain shape, self-control and emotional stability.

Educational material distributed in accordance with the principle of consistent and gradual expansion of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities.

Duration of classes:

Senior group (5 - 6 years old) - 25 minutes;

Preparatory group (6 - 7 years old) - 30 min.

Classes are held once a week and consist of 2 parts. The first half of the lesson theoretical part: work in workbooks (for the development of fine motor skills of the hands); the second half is the practical part: direct learning to play chess. In the course of the lesson, the repetition and consolidation of the passed material is carried out. There are 32 classes in total per year, this includes contests and olympiads.

In order to successfully ensure the result and develop the skill of playing chess, it is recommended to start classes at the age of 5 and continue until the child reaches 7 years of age. Such a course within 2 years will ensure the continuity of training and tangible results.

The main forms of work in class: individual, group and collective (play activities).

Lesson structure includes the study of chess theory through the use of didactic tales and game situations.

To consolidate knowledge students use didactic tasks and positions for game practice.

To check the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities at the end of each section of the program, tests and exercises are provided to consolidate knowledge, as well as control classes based on the results of training in half a year, a year.

Predicted result

By the end of the first year of schooling, children should:


    rules and purpose of the game;

    basic chess terms;

    moves and capturing pieces;

    the value of the figures;

    three defenses against the check;

    the simplest ways of matting;

    primary knowledge at the beginning of the game;

    general information from the history of the emergence and development of chess


be able to:

    predict the correct capture of pieces associated with the exchange;

    properly protect the king from threats;

    draw up the simplest plan of action in the game;

    checkmate in one move.

By the end of the second year of schooling, children should:


    the simplest tactical strikes (double strike, bunch);

    in what cases the game ends in a draw;

    "children's mat", "stupid mat";

    basic rules of the game in the opening.

be able to:

    castling correctly;

    to put "forks" and links;

    checkmate the opponent's king with various pieces (queen, two rooks);

    checkmate in one move;

    defend against the "childish mat";

    attack the weak point f7 (f2);

    see and deliver the simplest tactical strikes;

    solve 1-2-running tasks;

    play a chess game competently from start to finish.

Methodological support of the program

    The program provides for teaching children in a playful way, in an atmosphere of creative interaction and interest.

    To maintain interest, didactic fairy tales are used, rich in content and available for a specified age. The constant change of types of activity in the classroom will contribute to the activation of the cognitive activity of preschoolers and younger students.

    The main condition for effective work is friendly relations between children in a group. The teacher needs to maintain a positive emotional atmosphere both in the classroom and during the rest period; to achieve the application of knowledge and skills not only in the classroom, but also in everyday life.

    Methods used in the classroom:



    Partial search engines;

    Verbal and logical.

    Basic forms of classes : conversation and play.

    Forms of final lessons for each section : testing practical skills and performing exercises to consolidate knowledge.

    Summing up forms : for each section, a final lesson is provided, in which the repetition and generalization of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the work on the section will be organized (testing practical skills and performing an exercise to consolidate knowledge).

    Technical equipment of classes :

    Taking into account the age and psychophysiological characteristics of children of senior preschool and primary school age, the visibility used in the classroom should be bright, accessible in content, and varied.

    The following set is required as compulsory teaching aids: a demonstration chessboard, chess sets, pencils, sheets of paper or notebooks.

    In order to form an elementary ICT culture of a child and increase interest in classes, it is proposed to use multimedia equipment, a PC.

Calendar-thematic planning.

Week N

N lessons


Program tasks

Methodical techniques

Chess board.

Introduce children to the chess kingdom. Tell that the game of chess is entertaining game... Engage kids through fun and credible facts.

A story about the history of chess, reading an excerpt from the didactic fairy tale "In the Land of Chess Wonders"
Conversation on the content of the tale.

Chess board.

Introduce the chessboard: its shape, white and black fields. Alternating white and black squares on a chessboard. To consolidate the ability to use a ruler and a pencil, to navigate on a notebook sheet.

Reading-staging, didactic game
"Well no"

Chess board
Avenues, streets, checkerboard alleys.

Continue to acquaint children with the chess kingdom, Formation of ideas about the rules for placing a chessboard between partners, the introduction of the concept of "horizontal", "vertical",

Show, conversation.
Reading the tale "Chess arbor".
I.G. Sukhin.

Chess board.

Exercise children in quickly and correctly finding fields, verticals and diagonals, showing and naming them out loud.

Reading and dramatization of a didactic fairy tale from the book of IG Sukhin. Didactic task "Diagonal".

Chess board.
"Chess Relay".

Schematic representation of a board.
"Make a Board", "Chess Lotto", "Walk and Name the Field".


Introduce chess pieces; development of interest in the game, attention

Reading the fairy tale "Wonderful figures" Didactic tasks and games "Magic bag", "Guess", "Secret figure", "Guess", "What is common?"

Initial position

To acquaint children with the arrangement of pieces in front of a chess game. The relationship between contours, verticals, diagonals, and the starting position of shapes. The rules are: "The queen loves her color."

Show, explanation.
Didactic tasks and games "Bag", "Yes and no", "Ball".


Form ideas about the "bishop" chess piece, the place of the bishop in the initial position. Bishop move, capture. Multi-colored and one-color elephants. The concept of Light and heavy figures.

Reading the fairy tale "This elephant does not look like an elephant at all" Didactic tasks "Labyrinth", "Outwit the sentries", "One warrior in the field",


To consolidate the idea of ​​the "bishop" chess piece, Practice practical skills

Guessing the riddle of the elephant


Practice practical skills.
Guessing the riddle of the elephant
Answers to the questions of the "Chess Box" Didactic tasks "Labyrinth", "Outwit the sentries", "One soldier in the field", "The shortest way".

Practical skills.


To acquaint with the chess piece "Rook", the place of the rook in the initial position, moves. Develop attention.

Reading the didactic fairy tale "I am the Rook" The story about the place of the rook in the initial position. Rook move. Take. Didactic tasks and games "Labyrinth", "Outwit the sentries", "One soldier in the field", "The shortest path".


Continue to acquaint children with the chess piece - the rook. Show the position of the piece, different moves. Develop imagination, quick wits, quick reaction, fine motor skills of hands.

Answers to the questions of the "Chess Box"
Didactic games"Control field capture", "Control field defense", "Destruction game" "Restriction of mobility".

Rook against bishop.

to practice practical skills of playing with a rook. Develop attention, logical thinking, ingenuity, fine motor skills

Didactic tasks "Outwit the sentries", "Attack of an enemy piece", "Double strike", "Capture", "Defense", "Win a piece". Didactic games, "Destruction game" (rook against bishop, two rooks against bishop,


Practice practical skills

Practical exercises.
Riddles from a notebook.


To acquaint with the chess piece "Queen", the place of the queen in the initial position, the moves of the queen, the capture. Introduce the concept of "Queen is a heavy piece"

Reading the didactic fairy tale "Black and White Horses"
"Didactic games" Capturing the control field "," Defense of the control field "," Destruction game "(queen against queen)," Restriction of mobility ".

Queen against rook and bishop.

Consolidate knowledge and practice practical skills of playing the queen.

Practical exercises.


To acquaint with the chess piece "Knight", the place of the rook in the initial position, moves. Develop attention, the ability to defend your position

Tell and show the complexity of the knight's moves Knight's move, capture. The knight is an easy figure. Didactic tasks "Labyrinth", "Outwit the sentries", "One soldier in the field", "The shortest way".


Continue to acquaint with the "Knight" chess piece. Develop dexterity and ingenuity, orientation in space, the ability to think, think, analyze. Activate the dictionary. Show the position in which the knight is to place a fork.

Didactic games "Capturing the control field", "Destruction game" (knight against knight, two knights against one, one knight against two, two knights against two), “Restriction of mobility”.
D / and "Secret figure

Knight versus queen, rook, bishop

Continue to acquaint children with the chess piece - the horse. Show the position of the piece, different moves. Develop imagination, quick wits, quick reaction, fine motor skills of hands.

D / and "Magic bag"
Didactic tasks "Outwit the sentries", "Take off the sentries", "Attack an enemy piece", "Double strike", "Capture", "Win a piece". Didactic games "Control field capture", "Control field protection", "Destruction game" "Restriction of mobility".

Pawn "Not a step back!"

Introduce the place of the pawn in the starting position; concepts: rook, knight, bishop, queen, king pawn. Pawn move, capture. Taking on the aisle. Pawn transformation.

Reading the didactic fairy tale "Kindergarten" Wonderful Pawn "
The story of the pawn. Didactic tasks "Labyrinth", "One soldier in the field". Д / and "Magic bag"


Continue introducing the pawn to children. Teach to "fight with pawns." Encourage the desire to speak up.

Didactic tasks: "Outwit the sentries", "Remove the sentries", "Attack an enemy piece", "Double strike", "Capture", "Defense", "Win a piece". Didactic games "Capturing the control field"

Pawn against queen, rook, bishop, knight.

Continue introducing the pawn to children. Practice the ability to "fight with pawns." Introduce children in the course of solving entertaining problems to elementary creative activity. Encourage the desire to express your opinion.

Didactic games: "Destruction game" (pawn against pawn, two pawns against one, one pawn against two, two pawns against two). "Restriction of mobility".

Holiday of the pawn.

To consolidate the knowledge of how a pawn moves, what to do if a pawn interferes, is it possible to return to its original position, is a pawn a piece? Which lines the pawn moves along. Develop resourcefulness, ingenuity, speech.



Show how the king walks. Learn the rule "Kings are not destroyed" and what it means. To develop attention, the ability to work according to the rules, the ability to think, find the right solution, defend your opinion.

The story of the king's place in the starting position. King's move, capture. The king is not beaten, but he cannot be put under battle either. Didactic tasks: "One warrior in the field", "The shortest path." Reading and dramatization of the fairy tale "Lena, Olya and Baba Yaga".

"Magic square"

Form an idea of ​​the magic square that the king uses in the game. Develop the ability to think, think, reason and analyze. Activate the dictionary.

The story of the magic square that the king uses in the game. "Double hit", "Taking". Didactic games "Control field capture", "Control field protection", "Mobility limitation".

Champion Tournament

To consolidate the knowledge of children obtained in previous classes. To cultivate an interest in playing chess, perseverance, mastery of the skills of the simplest chess problems.

Practical skills.

Explain to the children the rules for those who play: "Touch, walk," "A move is made, you cannot return it."

Form ideas about elementary rules. Develop fine motor skills.

Conversation, demonstration, practical exercise.


Form an idea of ​​the "check" position Develop the ability to think, think, reason and analyze. Activate the dictionary.

Check with queen, rook, bishop, knight, pawn. Shah defense. Didactic tasks "Shah or not Shah", "Give Shah", "Five Shahs", "Protection from Shah".


To consolidate the children's ideas about the “shah” position. To develop logical thinking, the ability to prove the correctness of decisions, refute the wrong ones, quick wit, quick reaction. Develop the ability to listen to other children.

Open check. Double check. Didactic tasks "Give an open check", "Give a double check". Didactic game "First Shah".


Form an idea of ​​the combinations "check", "checkmate" ("combination" and "fork" - a double blow).

Practical exercises.


Form the idea that checkmate is the goal of the game. An exercise in defining chess situations.

Reading the fairy tale "Goodbye, Chess Country"
Explanation of the new material: checkmate with a queen, rook, bishop, knight, pawn. Didactic task "Checkmate or not checkmate".

Checkmate in one move.

Strengthen children's ideas about the position of "checkmate" Develop quick reaction. Cultivate organization

Checkmate in one move: complex examples with a large number of chess pieces. Didactic task "Give mate in one move".


Form ideas about the position of "stalemate", highlighting the differences between stalemate and mate.

Reading the fairy tale "Checkmate and stalemate", Story about the positions "checkmate" and "stalemate"
Draw options. Examples for US Pat. Didactic task "Stalemate or not stalemate".


Practice practical skills.

"Riddles from a notebook." Practical exercises.

Play in pairs.

To consolidate the knowledge of children gained in previous lessons. To cultivate perseverance, attentiveness to accurately calculate, the correct moves.

Practical exercises.


To acquaint with the concept of "Castling" Why castling is necessary. How castling is done. Develop creative thinking, logical thinking, promote the ability to prove the correctness of your decision, the development of intelligence.

Long and short castling. Castling rules. Didactic task "Castling".


Practice practical skills.

"Riddles from a notebook." "Where the King is Going" - reading of the fairy tale by I. Sukhin.

Conduct a tournament for the best player.

To consolidate the knowledge of why the elephants should be brought to the center faster.
Develop ingenuity, resourcefulness.

Practical skills.
Riddles from a notebook.

Training chess game.

Play with all the pieces.
Mastering the elementary foundations of the chess game.
Education of moral and strong-willed qualities of children.

Practical skills.
Riddles from a notebook.

Chess notation

To consolidate the knowledge of children about horizontal lines, to introduce them to their designations. Fix numbers from 1 to 8.

Practical skills, viewing illustrations.

Chess notation.

Strengthen children's knowledge of vertical lines. To acquaint with their letter designations. Practice pronunciation of Latin letters (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H).

Practical skills.

Relay race.

To consolidate the skills to correctly and quickly place the pieces to their original position, calling out loud the fields on which they are placed.

Practical skills: checkmate with white in one move

Teach the elementary fundamentals of the chess game. Collective analysis of certain situations in chess
noah board.

Riddles from a notebook.

Practical skills: White's best move.

Riddles from a notebook

Practical skills: Black's best move.

Teach the elementary fundamentals of the chess game. Collective analysis of certain situations on the chessboard.

Riddles from a notebook.

Practical skills: "Formidable queen" beat all black pieces, taking a piece with each move.

Teach the elementary fundamentals of the chess game. Collective analysis of certain situations on the chessboard.

Riddles from a notebook.

Chess game

Playing with all the pieces from the starting position (without explanation on how best to start the chess game). Didactic game "Two moves"

Chess game.


Chess game

Demonstration of short games. Play with all pieces from the starting position.

Chess holiday.

To consolidate and expand children's knowledge of the rules of the game of chess. Develop logical thinking. Attention, the ability to guess riddles about chess pieces. Acquaintance of children with the history of the emergence of chess, interesting facts from the life of chess players.

First moves.

Exercise in planning and thinking through the first moves, noting. That very much depends on the first steps on the playing field.

Games in pairs.

"KVN" with the participation of children and adults ".

Consolidate knowledge of the game of chess.


Goodbye, chess country.

To consolidate the passed material. Recall how the pieces move, what notation and castling are.

The game.


Educational-thematic lesson plan.

First year of study

p / p


Number of hours








History of chess culture




Moves of the pieces. Rules of the game




Learning chess notation

Types of pawns.

Rook. Rook moves and captures

Elephant. Elephant moves and captures



Queen. Queen moves and captures



Horse. Knight moves and captures


Knight against pieces and pawns



King of Moves and captures by the king


King against pieces and pawns



The goal of the chess game




Attacking the King - Shah

Three ways to defend against a check

Revealed check and double check

Checkmate as the goal of the game of chess

Tests and exercises to consolidate knowledge











Second year of study

p / p


Number of hours





Place of occupation, equipment and supplies. Personal and public hygiene. Daily routine and nutrition




History of chess culture








Chess notation





Difficult piece moves




Special move - castling


Draw. Pat. Eternal shah


Tests and exercises to consolidate knowledge







Linear mat. Checkmate in 2 moves


Checkmate with king and queen.


Smothered mate


Tests and exercises to consolidate knowledge



Defending and attacking pieces







Tests and exercises to consolidate knowledge






Children's mat and protection against it



Development advantage



Tests and exercises to consolidate knowledge




Play from the starting position.




Control lesson based on the results of half a year (year)







First year of study


History of chess culture

Tasks: to acquaint children with the legend of the origin of chess and with the main stages of their development.

Moves of the pieces. Rules of the game

The material of the section allows children to get acquainted with chess pieces and their properties in a fascinating, playful, fairy-tale form.

Chess board. Verticals, horizontals, diagonals.

Tasks: continue acquaintance of children with chess. Explain such concepts as "chessboard", "white and black squares", "horizontals", "verticals", "diagonals". Explain how to position the chessboard correctly before starting the game.

Learning chess notation

Tasks: to repeat concepts such as "chessboard", "fields and lines of the chessboard." Start familiarizing yourself with the language of chess - chess notation. To teach to determine the "address" of each field. Introduce new concepts - "diagram", "center", "corner fields".

Acquaintance with chess pieces

Tasks: review and consolidate basic chess concepts related to chessboard and chess notation. To acquaint children with white and black chess pieces.

The starting position of the chess pieces

Tasks: to acquaint children with the initial position, to teach how to quickly and without errors place it on the board.

Pawns are the soul of a chess game

Tasks: repeat and consolidate basic knowledge related to the board and chess pieces. Repeat the names of the figures and the arrangement of the starting position. To acquaint children with a pawn, to explain such concepts as "pawn move", "pawn capture".


Types of pawns.

Tasks: review and consolidate basic knowledge related to the pawn; explain the special moves by the pawn - the rule of capturing on the passage and the rule of pawn promotion. To consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of a didactic game.

Practice: consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of a didactic game.

Rook. Rook moves and captures

Tasks: repeat moves with a pawn. To acquaint children with a new piece - a rook, to explain how it moves and how it beats.

Practice: consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of didactic games.

Rook against rook. Rook against pawns

Practical lessons.

Tasks: repeat how the rook moves and beats. To acquaint children with the properties of a rook in a "real battle", that is, in a two-sided game (based on specially compiled didactic positions). To consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of didactic games.

Elephant. Elephant moves and captures

Tasks: repeat moves with pawn and rook. To acquaint children with a new figure - an elephant, to explain how he walks and how he hits. Introduce such concepts as "light-squared bishop", "dark-squared bishop".


Bishop against bishop, rook. Bishop versus pawns

Practical lessons.

Tasks: repeat how the elephant walks and beats. To acquaint children with the "combat characteristics" of the bishop in the fight against enemy pieces and pawns (based on specially compiled didactic positions). To consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of didactic games.

Queen. Queen moves and captures

Tasks: repeat moves with pawn, rook and bishop. To acquaint children with a new figure - a queen, to explain how he walks and how he hits.

Practice: consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of didactic games

Queen versus queen, rook, bishop and pawns

Practical lessons.

Tasks: repeat how the queen moves and beats. To acquaint children with the "combat characteristics" of the queen in the fight against enemy pieces and pawns (based on specially compiled didactic positions). To consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of didactic games.

Horse. Knight moves and captures

Tasks: repeat moves with pawn, rook, bishop and queen. To acquaint children with a new figure - a horse, to explain how he walks and how he hits.

Practice: consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of didactic games

Knight against pieces and pawns

Practical lessons.

Tasks: repeat how the horse walks and beats. To acquaint children with the "combat characteristics" of a knight in the fight against enemy pieces and pawns (based on specially compiled didactic positions). Explain such a thing as "double blow". To consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of didactic games.

The value of the figures. Profitable - not profitable

Practical lessons.

Tasks: repeat moves and captures of all pieces and pawns. Repeat the initial placement of the chess armies. Introduce concepts such as "the value of chess pieces", "profitable and unprofitable exchange". Explain how much each piece and pawn "weighs" (how much "costs"). To consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of didactic assignments.

King of Moves and captures by the king

Tasks: repeat how much each piece "costs", practice determining the profitability or disadvantage of the exchange. To acquaint children with a new figure - the king, to explain how he walks and how he hits. Explain the special role of the king in chess.

Practice: consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of didactic games

King against pieces and pawns

Practical lessons.

Tasks: repeat how the king walks and beats. To acquaint children with how the king manifests himself in the fight against enemy pieces and pawns (based on specially compiled didactic positions). Repeat what a double blow is. Introduce such concepts as "attack" and "defense". To consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of didactic games.

Tests and exercises to consolidate knowledge

Practical lessons.

Tasks: to consolidate the knowledge, abilities and skills gained in the course of studying the section "Moves of the figures. Rules of the game".

The goal of the chess game

The material in this section will allow children to learn about the goal of a chess game in a fun way.

Attacking the King - Shah

Tasks: to repeat and consolidate the basic knowledge gained during the study of the first section: the chessboard, the elements of the chessboard, white and black pieces, the starting position, the moves of the pieces. Review the material related to chess notation, practice the skill of finding the "addresses" of pieces on the board. Introduce such a concept as check. Explain how to defend against a check.


Three ways to defend against a check

Tasks: explain how to defend against a check.

Practice: consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of didactic exercises.

Revealed check and double check

Tasks: repeat what a check is, what are the three methods of defending against a check. Introduce the concepts of "revealed (open) check", "double check".

Practice: exercise.

Checkmate as the goal of the game of chess

Tasks: repeat what a check is, what checks are there (opened, double), what are the three methods of defending against a check. Introduce the concept of "checkmate" as a check from which there is no defense. Introduce the concepts of "victory and defeat".

Practice: consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of didactic exercise.

Tests and exercises to consolidate knowledge

Practical lessons.

Tasks: The goal of the chess game».

Play from the starting position.

Practical lessons.

Objectives: to check the quality of mastering ZUNs based on the results of the first year of study in the process of tournament and training games.

Practical lessons.


Second year of study

Introduction to the curriculum. Purpose and objectives of the course .

Acquaintance with the group. Goals and objectives of the classes. Overview of the main sections of the program. Rules of conduct in the classroom, rules of safety and health protection.

History of chess culture

Tasks: to acquaint children with the variants of the emergence of chess and deepen their knowledge of the main stages of their development.


This section includes generalization and repetition of the main material of the first year of study.

Chess notation

Tasks: repeat the concept of "chess notation"; to consolidate the ability to determine the "address" of each field. Review the concepts - "diagram", "center", "corner margins".

Practice: exercise.

Moves, captures and value of pieces

Tasks: repeat moves and captures of pieces, as well as determining their value.

Practice: consolidate knowledge with didactic exercise.

Solving educational problems on the topic "Checkmate in one move"

Practical lessons.

Tasks: to work out through solving practical problems the ability to checkmate in one move.

Difficult piece moves

The material of this section allows explaining to children such concepts as “castling”, “draw”, “stalemate”, etc. in an accessible form.

Special move - castling

Tasks: repeat what check and checkmate is. Introduce the concept of a special move - castling. Explain when and when you can not castle.

Practice: consolidate knowledge with didactic exercise

Draw. Pat. Eternal shah

Tasks: repeat what check and checkmate is. Introduce the concept of "draw". Explain what kinds of draw exist. Explain the mechanism of perpetual check, explain the difference between stalemate and mate.

Practice: consolidate knowledge with didactic exercise

Tests and exercises to consolidate knowledge

Practical lessons.

Tasks: to consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities obtained during the study of the section "Difficult piece moves».

The simplest schemes for achieving matte situations. Checkmate to the lonely king.

The material of the section allows you to explain to children in an accessible form everything they need to know about the mat.

Checkmate in one move: more difficult cases.

Practical lessons.

Tasks: repeat what castling is. Consolidate knowledge of mat with didactic exercises .

Linear mat. Checkmate in 2 moves

Tasks: repeat what a draw is, what types of draw are. Show the simplest cases of mate in two moves, teach children to anticipate events on the board two moves ahead. Explain the method of mating a lone king with two rooks, introduce the concept of "linear mate".

Practice: consolidate knowledge with didactic exercise

Checkmate with king and queen.

Tasks: repeat the mating method with two rooks. Explain the method of checkmating with the king and queen, study stalemate traps and learn how to avoid them.

Practice: consolidate knowledge with didactic exercise

Smothered mate

Tasks: v lead the concept of "stale checkmate". Parse the classic combination for a stale checkmate.

Practice: consolidate knowledge with didactic exercise

Tests and exercises to consolidate knowledge

Practical lessons.

Tasks: to consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities obtained during the study of the section "The simplest schemes for achieving matte situations. Checkmate to the lonely king».

Defending and attacking pieces

The material of the section allows the teacher to consider options for defending and attacking pieces; introduce the concepts of "double blow" and "bundle".

Double punch. Check with winning a piece

Tasks: repeat the method of mating with the king and queen. Explain what a double blow is, analyze how different pieces and pawns are struck with a double blow. Introduce the concept of "check with a winning piece".

Practice: consolidate knowledge with didactic exercise


Tasks: repeat what a double hit and a check with a piece win are. Introduce the concepts of "ligament", "complete and incomplete ligament", "pressure on the ligament".

Practice: consolidate knowledge with didactic exercise

Tests and exercises to consolidate knowledge

Practical lessons.

Tasks: to consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities obtained during the study of the section "Defending and attacking pieces».

Basic rules of the opening game

The material of this section allows the teacher to explain to children the essence of the concept of "debut" in an accessible form.

Children's mat and protection against it

Tasks: repeat the topic "stale mat". Introduce the concept of "children's mat". Disassemble the combination for a child's mat, study methods of protection against a child's mat. Teach children to anticipate events on the board for two or more moves.

Practice: consolidate knowledge with didacticexercise

About the diagonals along which the king is attacked

Tasks: Repeat the topic "children's mat". Introduce the concept of "dangerous diagonal", analyze the shortest game that ended with a checkmate (in two moves). Continue teaching children to anticipate events on the board for two or more moves.

Practice: consolidate knowledge with didacticexercise

Development advantage

Tasks: repeat the "dangerous diagonal" theme. Explain with examples the vulnerability of the king stuck in the center, talk about the methods of attacking the king.

Practice: consolidate knowledge with didacticexercise

On the point from which checkmate is often given in the opening

Tasks: continue to study the methods of attacking the king stuck in the center. Analyze typical combinations with the sacrifice of a bishop or a knight onf7. Explain the methods of attacking the castling king, show by examples the vulnerable points of the castling position.

Practice: consolidate knowledge with didacticexercise

Tests and exercises to consolidate knowledge

Practical lessons.

Tasks: to consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities obtained during the study of the section "Basic rules of the opening game».

Play from the starting position.

Practical lessons.

Objectives: to check the whole range of ZUNs received during 2 years of study in the process of tournament and training games.

Control lessons based on the results of half a year (year)

Practical lessons.

Tasks: to determine the level of assimilation of the program material in the course of performing theoretical and practical tasks.

Methodology for examining the level of development of skills

and children's skills.

Criteria for the levels of development of children

High : the child has an idea of ​​the "chess kingdom". Knows how to use a ruler and a squared notebook. Knows how to quickly and correctly find squares, verticals and diagonals, showing and naming them aloud. Knows, distinguishes and names chess pieces. Knows the moves of chess pieces and their differences. Understands the importance of the first moves. Has an understanding of the techniques of capturing pieces. Knows how to independently complete tasks, express thoughts concisely and accurately, perform tasks at a faster pace. The child has developed cognitive activity, logical thinking, imagination. Possesses the skills of counting objects, the ability to correlate quantity and number. Developed visual perception, attention, fine motor skills of the hands. He knows how to plan his actions, ponder them, reason, look for the right answer. Agility and ingenuity, orientation in space, the ability to think, think, analyze are developed. Has the concept of "castling", "check" and "checkmate". Knows how to record chess games. Recognizes and discerns geometric figures in various positions, be able to design them from sticks and different parts, be able to use these figures to design ornaments and plots. The child has developed logical thinking.

Average: the child finds it difficult to use a ruler and a squared notebook, to be able to quickly and correctly find margins, verticals and diagonals, to show and name them aloud. Confuses the name of the chess pieces, the moves of the chess pieces and their differences. Confuses the concepts of "equal", "unequal", "more", "less". Confused in the name of geometric shapes, in comparison of quantities based on measurements. Does not always recognize and distinguish geometric shapes in different positions.

Short: the child does not know how to quickly and correctly find fields, verticals and diagonals, show and name them aloud. Does not know, does not distinguish and does not name chess pieces. Doesn't know the moves of chess pieces and their differences. Has no concept of "castling", "check" and "checkmate". Can't write chess games.

F.I. child


be able to

Knows chess terms: field, horizontal, vertical.

The name of the chess pieces and their differences.

The rules of the move, capturing each piece.

Orientation on the chessboard.

Play with every piece.

Position the board correctly.

Place the pieces correctly.




    Abramov S.P., Barskiy V.L. Chess: first year of study. Methodology for conducting classes. - M .: OOO "Dive", 2009. - 256 p.

    Barsky V.L. Carvin in the chess forest. Chess textbook for younger students in 2 vols. Book 1. - M .: OOO "Dive", 2009. - 96 p.

    Barsky V.L. Carvin in the chess forest. Chess textbook for younger students in 2 vols. Book 2. - M .: OOO "Dive", 2009. - 96 p.

    Zhuravlev N.I. Step by step. M: Physical culture and sport, 1986. - 288p.

    Zaykina V.L. "Kaisik in the Chess Kingdom". A collection of didactic fairy tales for teaching children 5-7 years old to play chess. - Norilsk, MBOU DOD "Center for extracurricular activities" of the Talnakh district, 2010. - 25 p.

    Gubnitskiy S.B., Khanukov M.G., Shedey S.A. A complete chess course for beginners and not very experienced players. - M .: OOO "AST Publishing House"; Kharkov: "Folio", 2002. - 538 p.

    A collection of didactic material for the lesson planning of lessons for teaching the game of chess to children of senior preschool and primary school age. Authors-compilers: teachers of the school Zaykin V.V., Zaykina V.L. - Norilsk, MBOU DOD "Center for extracurricular activities" of Talnakh district, 2010. - 57p.

    I. Chess ABC book [text] / I. Vesela, I. Vesely. - M .: Education, 1983;

    Grishin, V. G. Chess alphabet [text] / V. G. Grishin, E. I. Ilyin. - M .: Children's literature, 1980;

    I play chess [text]/ V.G. Zak, Ya.N. Dlugolensky. - L .: Children's literature, 1985;

    Karpov, A. E. Vesela Learn chess [text] / A. E. Karpov. - M .: Egmont Russia Ltd, 2004;

    Karpov, A. E. School chess textbook [text] / A. E. Karpov, A. B. Shingirey. - M .: Russian Chess House, 2005;

    Kostrov, V. V. Chess textbook for children and parents [text] / V. V. Kostrov, D. A. Davletov. - SPb .: Litera, 2005;

    Mazanik, S.V. Chess for the whole family [text] / S.V. Mazanik. - SPb .: Peter, 2009;

    Petrushina, NM Chess textbook for children [text] / NM Petrushina - Rostov n / A Phoenix, 2006;

    Sukhin, I. G. Magic chess bag [text] / I. G. Sukhin. - Spain: Marcotte Publishing Center. International Chess Academy G. Kasparov, 1992;

    Sukhin, I. G. Adventures in the Chess Country [text] / I. G. Sukhin. - M .: Pedagogy, 1991;

    Sukhin, I. G. Amazing Adventures in the Chess Country [text] / I. G. Sukhin. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2004;

    Sukhin, I. G. Chess for the smallest [text] / I. G. Sukhin. - M .: Astrel; AST, 2000;

    Sukhin, IG Chess, the first year, or There are black-and-white cells full of miracles and secrets [text]: a textbook for grade 1 of a four-year and three-year elementary school / IG Sukhin - Obninsk Spiritual Revival, 1998;

    Sukhin, I. G. Chess, the first year, or Learning and Learning [text]: a guide for teachers / I. G. Sukhin. - Obninsk: Spiritual Revival, 1999;

    Khenkin, V.L. Chess for beginners [text] / Victor Khenkin. - M .: Astrel: AST, 2008;

    Chess - school [text] / comp. B. S. Gershunsky, A. N. Kostyev. - M .: Pedagogy, 1991.

Didactic chess tales

Sukhin I. Braggart kittens // Sukhin I. A lifesaver for extracurricular reading. - M .: New school, 1994. - Issue. 3. Sukhin I. Lena, Olya and Baba Yaga // Sukhin I. A lifesaver for extracurricular reading. - M .: New school, 1995. - Issue. 5. Sukhin I. From Fairy Tale to Chess. Sukhin I. Amazing transformations of a wooden round timber // Sukhin I. Book is a lifesaver for extracurricular reading. - M .: Publishing house of ACT, 1993. Sukhin I. Amazing adventures of a chessboard. Sukhin I. Braggers in Palamed. Sukhin I. Black and white magic of the Giants' Gorge // Sukhin I. A lifesaver for extracurricular reading. - M .: New school, 1994. - Issue. 2. Sukhin I. Chess Tale // Sukhin I. Adventures in the Chess Country. - M .: Pedagogy, 1991.

Fairy tales and stories for children about chess and chess players

Amatuni P. Kingdom of Eight Eight. Grishin V., Osipov N. Visiting the King // Grishin V., Osipov N. Kids open up sports. - M .: Pedagogika, 1978.10 Dobrynya, Ambassador of Prince Vladimir (epic). Dragunsky V. Grandmaster's hat. Ilyin E. In the country of wooden kings. - M .: Malysh, 1982. Kumma A., Runge S. Chess King. Medvedev V. How Captain Sovri-head almost became a champion, or Phosphoric boy. Well done and seventy arts are not enough (Uzbek fairy tale). Oster G. Useful girl. Permyak E. Eternal King. Sendyukov S. Kingdom in a white cage. - M .: Malysh, 1973. Sukhin I. About the evil sorceress, the dragon and Palamede. Tikhomirov O. Champion Goga Rankin. Sharov A. The Tale of Real Elephants.

Poems about chess and chess players

Berestov V. In the chess pavilion. Berestov V. Game. Ilyin E. The Adventures of Pawns. - M .: FiS, 1975. Ilyin E. Medieval legend. Kvitko L. Tournament. Nikitin V. Whose Army is Stronger? - Krasnoyarsk, 1977. Sukhin I. Magic game.

Fiction for children on chess

Bulychev K. A Hundred Years Ahead. Veltistov E. Winner of the Impossible. Kassil L. Conduit and Schwambrania. Krapivin V. The Mystery of the Pyramids. Carroll L. Alice Through the Looking Glass. Lagin L. Old Man Hottabych. Nagy K. Enchanted School. Nosov N. Vitya Maleev at school and at home. Nosov N. Dunno in the Solar City. Rabelais F. Gargantua and Pantagruel. Raskatov M. The Missing Letter. Semenov A. Yabeda-Koryabeda and her tricks. Sukhin I. The Country of Dreams // Sukhin I. A lifesaver for extracurricular reading. - M .: New school, 1995. - Issue. 4, 5. Tomin Y. A wizard walked through the city. Zhang-Tien-Yi. The secret of the precious pumpkin. Chepovetskiy E. The Adventures of the Chess Soldier Peshkin.

DIY chess toys and games

Didactic toys: "Horizontal - vertical", "Diagonal" (material - thick paper, Whatman paper, cardboard). Chess matryoshka. Chess pyramids. Cut chess pictures. Chess lotto. Chess dominoes. Cubes with pictures of chess pieces. 11 Dark and light cubes (of which students can collect a horizontal, vertical, diagonal). A set of 64 cubes with pictures of chess pieces, white and black squares, as well as pieces located on white and black squares. Flying caps (chess pieces are drawn near the nests and their relative value is indicated). Chessboard - a cube with board fragments (certificate for industrial design No. 30936 dated 03.28.1990, authors; I. G. Sukhin, G. P. Kondratyev). A set of fragments of a chessboard (priority No. 4336153/12 dated 30.11.1987, authors: I. G. Sukhin, G. P. Kondratyev).


Explanatory note ………………………………………………………………….

The main objectives of the program ……………………………………………………….

Predicted result …………………………………………………………

Methodological support ………………………………………………………… ..

Educational-thematic lesson plan. The first year of study …………

Educational-thematic lesson plan. Second year of study ………….

Content of the program. The first year of study ………………………… ..

Content of the program. Second year of study ……………………………


Natalia Ustyugova
Additional education program for preschoolers on teaching the game of chess for older preschool children

Additional educational program for teaching senior preschool children to play chess

"Azy chess sciences»


Additional educational program«» implemented in preschool educational institution and aims to provide holistic process mental, physical and mental development of the child's personality. The question of possibility and necessity teaching preschool children to play chess received a positive decision in pedagogy for a long time. The proposed additional educational program for older preschool children« Teaching children to play chess» aimed at intellectual development children, contributes to the improvement of mental processes, the formation of which is especially active in the younger preschool age.

Pedagogical the feasibility of implementing this program lies primarily in the idea of ​​using the game in chess as an effective means of mental, mental and physical development of a child - preschooler... Early teaching preschool children to play chess allows you to ensure a more comfortable entry of the child into the educational process of primary school, allows you to reduce the level of stress, has a beneficial effect on both the process learning and on the development of the child's personality, increasing the productivity of his thinking. This is confirmed by many years of practical experience: foreign and ours. We can confidently talk about the huge potential for development lurking in preschool childhood.

The purpose of implementation programs« Teaching children to play chess» is the creation of conditions for personal and intellectual development older preschool children, the formation of a general culture and the organization of meaningful leisure through learning to play chess. Learning to play chess from an early age helps children keep up with their peers in development, opens the way to creativity for hundreds of thousands children non-communicative type. Expanding the circle of communication, opportunities for full-fledged self-expression, self-realization allows these children to overcome isolation, imaginary inferiority.

Chess training program as simple and accessible as possible preschoolers... Important when learning has a specially organized game activity in the classroom, using the method of playing around tasks, creating game situations, using chess didactic games and manuals.


-Teaching preschoolers the principles of chess, instilling in them interest and love for this the game and preparation of pupils for further stages of development;

Creation of conditions for personal and intellectual development older preschoolers, the formation of a common culture through learning to play chess.


a) educational:

To form a steady interest of kids in playing chess;

encourage children to learn basic chess concepts: Chess board, chess field , chess figure, piece move, capture, starting position, chess notation, the interaction between the figures on chess board, value chess pieces, castling, stalemate, checkmate, draw, opening, middlegame, endgame, chess clock, time allotted for the party, etc.;

Introduce the rules of conduct for partners during chess game, learn children during chess parties to act in accordance with these rules;

Learn children the interaction between the figures in the process of completing game tasks, as well as the ability to apply the knowledge gained about chess figures during the game;

Ensure that babies successfully master the fundamental principles of management chess game;

Promote the active use of the knowledge gained in the process of playing practice for chess board;

Learn to navigate the plane, enrich children's imagination.

b) developing:

Develop the ability to compare, identify and establish the simplest connections and relationships, independently solve and explain the course of solving an educational problem;

Develop all areas of thinking, memory, attention, observation, imagination;

Promote the activation of mental activity preschooler;

Encourage the child to independently solve logical problems;

Form motivation for learning and creativity;

Creation of conditions for the formation and development of key competencies of pupils (communicative, intellectual, social).

c) educating:

To educate, perseverance, purposefulness, will, organization, self-confidence, independence in decision-making;

The set goals and objectives are implemented when creating the necessary conditions:

The presence of an office and its equipment with methodological literature, TCO, visual aids, handouts, games.


Education carried out on the basis of general methodological principles:

The principle of developing activities: the game is not for the sake of the game, but for the development of the personality of each participant and the entire team as a whole;

The principle of active involvement of each child in game action, and not passive contemplation from the outside;

The principle of accessibility, consistency and consistency of presentation program material;

Integrated implementation principle goals: educational, developing, educating.

The basis for the organization of work with children in this program is a system of didactic principles:

The principle of visibility;

The principle of psychological comfort - creation educational environment ensuring the removal of all stress-forming factors of the educational process;

Minimax principle - it is possible to promote each child at his own pace;

The principle of a holistic view of the world - when new knowledge is introduced, its relationship with objects and phenomena of the surrounding world is revealed;

The principle of variability - y children the ability to make their own choice is formed and they are systematically given the opportunity to choose;

The principle of creativity is a process learning focused on acquisition by children own experience creative activity.

The principles outlined above integrate modern scientific views on the foundations of organizing a developing learning, and provide a solution to the problems of intellectual and personal development.

Each of the listed principles is aimed at achieving a result. learning, mastering preschoolers the basics of chess. Program is based on a game method taking into account age and the individual characteristics of the pupils. Within directly educational activities are used different kinds game activities: plot, didactic, mobile, theatrical.

Requirements for the minimum material and technical securing:

Equipment for implementation programs in the group:

didactic games for learning to play chess;

visual aids (albums, portraits of prominent chess players, training diagrams, illustrations, photographs);

demonstration wall magnetic boards with kits chess pieces;

tabletop chess different types ;

chess clock;

educational video lessons on chess;

game simulators.

Technical means learning: automated workplace teacher (PC, projector, printer).


The training program is designed for children 5-6 years old, the fullness of the group is 5-10 people, since the work is mainly carried out individually.

In the middle of classes, physical education is carried out, during which it is necessary to ventilate the premises, carry out gymnastics for the eyes, muscles of the neck, back, hands in the form of a game. Breaks between classes for at least 10 minutes. The form of summing up the results are exhibitions of works children.

Duration of 1 lesson Frequency per week Number of lessons per week Number of lessons per year

25 minutes 1 time 4 lessons 36 lessons

№ p / p Topic of the lesson Number of lessons

Total Theoretical Practical

1 In the country chess kingdom 1 1 -

2 Magic board 5 2 3

3 Chess pieces 2 1 1

4 Start position 2 1 1

5 Chess figure"Rook". 4 2 2

6 Chess figure"Elephant". 2 1 1

7. Rook against bishop. 2 - 2

8. Chess figure"Queen". 3 2 1

9. Chess figure"Horse". 3 2 1

10. Chess figure"Pawn". 2 1 1

11. Chess figure"King". 2 1 1

12. Shah. eleven -

13. Check and checkmate. eleven -

14 Checkmate in one move. eleven

15 Draw and stalemate. 2 1 1

16 Castling. eleven

17 Chess game 1 - 1

18 Entertainment. Chess carnival. 1 - 1

Total 36 lessons 17 lessons 19 lessons



1 In the country chess kingdom... To acquaint children with the concept« Chess game» , promote the development of interest in playing chess... Presentation, chess board and chess pieces

2 Magic board. Introduce new concepts - « Chess board» , "White and black fields", alternation of white and black fields, chess board and square chess fields, "Centre" chess board. Chess board, pencils, squared notebook sheets

3 Magic board. Continue acquaintance with chess board... Learn to position the board correctly between partners. Introduce new concepts: horizontal and vertical lines. To consolidate the knowledge gained through didactic games - tasks. Chess board chess board.

4 Magic board. Review the concepts of horizontal and vertical lines, introduce new the notion: "diagonal"... Start acquaintance with « chess» alphabet.

Consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of task games. Learn to understand learning task and do it yourself. Chess board, pencils, squared notebook sheets, interactive presentation, blank on sheet chess board, cards with « chess» alphabet.

5 Magic board. Repeat concepts "diagonal", continue acquaintance with « chess» alphabet, practice finding "Addresses" chess field. Chess board, pencils, squared notebook sheets, interactive presentation, blank on sheet chess board, cards with « chess» alphabet.

6 Magic board Review and consolidate knowledge about chessboard - horizontal, verticals, white and black fields, alternation of fields, chess alphabet, chess notation. Chess board, pencils, notebook sheets in a box, blank on a sheet chess board, cards with « chess» alphabet.

7 Chessmen... To acquaint children with chess pieces, white and black, to learn to compare figures with each other, to exercise in finding this or that figure among the others. Kit chess

8 Chessmen... Continuation. Consolidate knowledge children about chess pieces... Exercise in the correct name chess pieces... Learn to identify this or that chess figure among the others. To consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of didactic games - tasks. Kit chess, interactive presentation, magic bag.

9 Start position. To acquaint children with new concepts: "Starting position or starting position", "the consignment", remember the rule "The queen loves her color"... To consolidate new material through didactic games - assignments. Kit chess, interactive presentation.

10 Start position children with the initial arrangement of figures. To consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of didactic games - tasks. Form the skill of self-control and self-esteem. Kit chess, interactive presentation, cards, pencils.

11 Chess figure"Rook"... To acquaint children with a chess piece"rook", a new concept "Figure move"... Kit chess, interactive presentation, notebooks, pencils.

12 Chess figure"Rook"... Continuation. Continue to acquaint children with a chess piece"rook", remember the place of the rook in the initial position, the move of the piece, introduce a new concept "take"... To consolidate new knowledge through didactic games. Kit chess

13 Chess figure"Rook"... Game practice. To consolidate the knowledge gained children about the chess piece"rook" in game practice on chess board; practice the ability to move the rook, track the interaction between the white and black rooks on chess board, learn to anticipate events on chess board one move forward. Kit chess, interactive presentation, didactic games.

14 Chess figure"Rook"... Final lesson. Repeat and reinforce the knowledge given to children about chess piece"rook"- the place of the rook in the starting position, move, capture, solution of the simplest chess problems... Kit chess, interactive presentation, didactic games.

15 Chess figure"Elephant"... To acquaint children with a chess piece"elephant"... Place the elephant in its starting position. Light-squared and dark-squared bishops. Bishop's move. Kit chess

16 Chess figure"Elephant"... Continuation. Continue to acquaint children with a chess piece"elephant", remember the bishop's place in the initial position, the bishop's move, what light-squared and dark-squared bishops are. Show the children how the elephant grabs. To consolidate the knowledge gained through didactic games. Kit chess, interactive presentation, didactic games.

17 Rook against bishop. Game practice. Reinforce the knowledge children have learned about chess pieces"rook" and "elephant" in game practice on chess board... Exercise in the ability to interact between the figures on chess board, learn children foresee the course of events on the board and, in accordance with this, choose methods of defense or attack. Kit chess.

18 Rook against bishop. Game practice. Reinforce the knowledge children have learned about chess pieces"rook" and "elephant" in game practice on chess board; learn children to follow certain rules during chess games - make moves one by one, taking into account the previous move of the opponent and anticipating the return move; learn children chess.

19 Chess figure"Queen"... To acquaint children with a chess piece"queen"... Place the queen in the starting position. Queen's move. Kit chess, interactive presentation, didactic games, squared notebooks, pencils.

20 Chess figure"Queen"... Continuation. Continue to acquaint children with a chess piece"queen", remember the place of the queen in the initial position, how the queen moves. To acquaint children with the rules for capturing the queen. To consolidate the knowledge gained through didactic games. Kit chess, interactive presentation, didactic games.

21 Chess figure"Queen"... Game practice. Consolidate the knowledge gained children about the chess piece"queen" in game practice on chess board; learn children follow the rules of conduct chess game: make moves alternately, taking into account the opponent's move and anticipating the return move; learn children understand and correctly solve the educational task assigned to them. Kit chess.

22 Chess figure"Horse"... To acquaint children with a chess piece"horse"... Place the knight in the starting position. Knight's move, capture. Kit chess, interactive presentation, didactic games, squared notebooks, pencils.

23 Chess figure"Horse"... Continuation. Continue to acquaint children with a chess piece"horse", recall the knowledge gained in the previous lesson (knight's place in the starting position, knight's move, capture)... Exercise in the knight's move and in the capture. Learn children correctly understand and solve the educational task assigned to them. Kit chess, didactic games, squared notebooks, pencils.

24 Chess figure"Horse"... Game practice. Reinforce the knowledge children have learned about chess piece"horse" in game practice on chess board; learn children correctly interact between the figures in the process of completing game tasks, remember and apply the knowledge gained about chess pieces(rook, bishop, queen) during the game. Kit chess, didactic games, squared notebooks, pencils, cards with assignments.

25 Chess figure... Pawn. To acquaint children with"Pawn"... Place the pawn in the starting position. Pawn move, capture. Taking on the aisle. Kit chess, interactive presentation, didactic games, squared notebooks, pencils.

26 Chess figure"Pawn"... Continuation. Continue to acquaint children with a chess piece"pawn", remember the place in the starting position, pawn move, capture, rule "Taking on the aisle" Pawn promotion... To consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of didactic games - tasks.

Kit chess, interactive presentation, didactic games, squared notebooks, pencils.

27 Chess figure"King"... To acquaint children with a chess piece"King"... Place the king in the starting position. King's move. Take. Kit chess, interactive presentation, didactic games, squared notebooks, pencils.

28 Chess figure"King"... Continuation. Continue to acquaint children with a chess piece"King", recall the knowledge gained in the previous lesson (king's place in the starting position, king's move, capture)... Give a new concept - "Controlled" field. To consolidate the acquired knowledge with the help of didactic games - exercise: learn children correctly understand the educational task and perform it independently. Kit chess, interactive presentation, didactic games, squared notebooks, pencils.

29 Shah. To acquaint children with a new concept"Shah", three variants of protection against check. Learn to find positions in which a check is declared, among the others, where there is no check. Reinforce new knowledge through individual games - assignments, teach children correctly understand the task and solve it independently. Kit chess, interactive presentation.

30 Check and checkmate. Recall the meaning of the concept "Shah"... Introduce a new concept "mat"... Learn to find the positions in which the checkmate is declared, among the others, where there is no checkmate. Strengthen the knowledge gained through individual assignments, teach children chess

31 Checkmate in one move. Recall the meaning of the concept "mat"... Introduce a new concept - "Checkmate in one move"... Learn to identify among the rest of the figures in chess position tu which announces (puts) checkmate in one move to the enemy king. To consolidate the knowledge gained through practical and individual assignments, to teach children understand the assigned educational task and solve it independently. Kit chess, cards with assignments, pencils.

32 Draw and stalemate. To acquaint children with new concepts - "draw" and "Stalemate"... Show multiple options chess game that lead to a drawn position. Learn to find positions in which there is a stalemate, among the others, where there is no stalemate. Strengthen the knowledge gained through individual assignments, teach children correctly understand the educational problem and solve it independently. Kit chess, cards with assignments, pencils.

33 Draw and stalemate. Continuation. Recall the meaning of the concept "draw" in what cases in chess the game may be a draw, repeat these situations using an example chess positions... Learn to find positions in which there is a stalemate, among the others, where there is no stalemate. Strengthen the knowledge gained through individual knowledge, teach children correctly understand the set educational task and solve it independently. Kit chess, cards with assignments, pencils.

34 Castling. To acquaint children with new concepts: "castling", "Long and short castling"... Introduce the rules of castling. To consolidate the knowledge gained through didactic games - tasks. Kit chess, cards with assignments, pencils, didactic games.

35 Chess game... To acquaint children with new concepts - "debut", Middlegame, "Endgame", "Value of figures" (profitable and unprofitable exchange of pieces or pawns)... Learn children during chess games to act in accordance with the accepted rules of behavior of partners during chess game... Kit chess.

36 Entertainment. Chess carnival


Pedagogical monitoring of knowledge and skills children held 2 times a year (introductory - in September, final - in May) both in the form of an individual conversation and through solving practical problems Diagnostic measures allow you to track progress preschoolers at every stage of education.

Methodology for conducting pedagogical monitoring diagnostic criteria

By the end of the first year learning baby should know:

History of origin chess game;

- chess terms: white and black field, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, center, partners, starting position, white, black, move, capture, stand under attack,

Names chess pieces: rook, bishop, queen, knight, pawn, king;

Rules for the move and capture of each piece.

By the end of the first year, children should be able to:

Focus on chess board;

Play with each piece separately;

Place correctly chess a board between partners;

Arrange the pieces correctly before the game;

Distinguish between horizontal, vertical, diagonal;


Solve elementary chess problems.

Correctly position the board m / y partners, arrange the pieces

Criteria for evaluation

2 (High) « chess kingdom» .,stories chess... Knows how to use a ruler and a squared notebook. Knows how to quickly and correctly find squares, verticals and diagonals, showing and naming them aloud. Knows, distinguishes and names chessmen... Knows the moves chess pieces and their differences... Has an understanding of the techniques of capturing pieces. The child has developed cognitive activity, logical thinking, imagination... Developed visual perception, attention, fine motor skills of the hands. He knows how to plan his actions, ponder them, reason, look for the right answer. Developed dexterity and ingenuity, orientation in space

1 (Average): The child has an idea of « chess kingdom» ,stories chess... Makes mistakes when searching chess fields, verticals and diagonals, showing and naming them aloud. Confused by the name chess pieces, moves chess pieces and their differences... Confuses concepts "equals", "not equal",

"more", "smaller".

0 (Short): the child does not know how to quickly and correctly find fields, verticals and diagonals, show and name them aloud. Does not know, does not distinguish and does not name chessmen... Knows no moves chess pieces and their differences.


1. Bereslavsky L. Ya. « Chess for toddlers» .- Moscow: Publishing house AST, 2017

2. Petrushina N.M. « Chess textbook for children» .- Rostov-on- Don: Publisher "Phoenix", 2016

3.V. V. Kostrov « Chess resolver» .Entertainment. -SPb .: Publishing house "Literature", 2013.

4.V. V. Kostrov « Chess resolver» Checkmate the king. -SPb .: Publishing house "Literature", 2016.

5.V. V. Kostrov « Chess resolver» Abstraction. -SPb .: Publishing house "Literature", 2013.

Internet resources

1. Teaching course for beginners chess players and playing chess online: [site] URL:;

2. Chess: [site] URL:;

3. Chess library: [site] URL:

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1 Appendix 12 to the order of MADOU "Malysh" from the city of 146-od Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Malysh" kindergarten of the combined type of the municipal formation city of Noyabrsk WORKING PROGRAM in the section "Chess" for children from 5 to 7 years of educational area " Cognitive development"2014.

2 CONTENTS 1. Explanatory note Work program for children of the senior group Work program for children in preparatory group for school 16

3 Explanatory note The work program for the "Chess" section of the educational area "Cognitive development" for children 5-7 years old is based on the Basic educational program of preschool education of the MADOU "Kid" program. The program is designed to expand the program content of the basic educational program of preschool education MADOU "Malysh". set: The work program is focused on the use of educational and methodological 1. Sukhin IG. Chess, the first year, or There cells in black and white are full of wonders and mysteries: a textbook for elementary school, the first year of study. In 2 parts. 2nd ed. Obninsk: Spiritual Revival, pp., Ill. The program is designed to conduct directly educational activities(GCD) 37 times a year (once a week), the duration of the GCD is 25 minutes. The work program is designed for 74 periods of direct educational activity: GCD 5 6 years 6 7 years Duration 25 min 30 min Number per year Total: 2 years 74 The work program aims to create conditions for the personal and intellectual development of students, the formation of a general culture and the organization of meaningful leisure time through learning to play chess and contributes to the solution of the following tasks: Creation of conditions for the formation and development of key competencies of students (communicative, intellectual, social); Formation universal ways mental activity (abstract thinking, memory, attention, creative imagination, ability to perform logical operations). Foster the need for a healthy lifestyle. The novelty of the program lies in the fact that it is aimed at organizing their needs in active forms of cognitive activity and is due to many reasons: an increase in neuro-emotional overload, an increase in pedagogically neglected children. At the center of the modern concept of general education is the idea of ​​developing a child's personality, the formation of his creative abilities, the upbringing of important personal qualities. The process of learning to play chess contributes to all this and much more.

4 Features of the organization educational process... The initial course on learning to play chess is as simple as possible and accessible to preschoolers. This course can be easily mastered by every kindergarten teacher, even if he is completely unfamiliar with the game of chess. The peculiarity of the program is that in the first year of study, the child takes the first steps in the world of chess. Preschoolers get acquainted with the history of the emergence of the chess game, the chessboard, figures, learn to perform various didactic tasks, play positions with a limited number of figures, blocks of playing positions on separate fragments of the board. Much attention is paid to the study of the "domat" period of the game. During the GCD, material is used that is of particular interest to children: riddles, poems, fairy tales, songs about chess, chess miniatures and dramatizations. Key point lessons are the activities of the children themselves, in which they observe the movement of the pieces on the board, compare the strength of the pieces and their position, draw conclusions, find out patterns, take their first steps on the chessboard. Great importance when studying a chess course, children have specially organized playing activities in the classroom, using the technique of playing out educational tasks, creating game situations. The program provides an approximate list of various didactic games and tasks with small explanations to them, gives a variant of the approximate distribution of program material, provides a list of chess games, as well as chess didactic toys that can be used in the educational process and made by hand. A list of filmstrips, a recommendatory list is also offered fiction, which can be read in the classroom, and a list of methodological literature for the teacher.

5 Work program for the section "Chess" for children of the senior group of the educational area "Cognitive development" Explanatory note The work program for the section "Chess" of the educational area "Cognitive development" for children of the senior group is based on the Basic educational program of preschool education of the MADOU program "Kid" ... The program is designed to expand the program content of the basic educational program of preschool education MADOU "Malysh". The work program is focused on the use of the educational-methodical set: 2. Sukhin I.G. Chess, the first year, or There cells in black and white are full of wonders and mysteries: a textbook for elementary school, the first year of study. In 2 parts. 2nd ed. Obninsk: Spiritual Revival, pp., Ill. The program is designed to conduct direct educational activities (GCD) 37 times a year (once a week), the duration of the GCD is 25 minutes. The work program has the goal of creating conditions for the personal and intellectual development of students, the formation of a general culture and the organization of meaningful leisure time through learning to play chess and contributes to the solution of the following tasks: Creation of conditions for the formation and development of key competencies of students (communicative, intellectual, social); Formation of universal methods of mental activity (abstract thinking, memory, attention, creative imagination, the ability to perform logical operations). Foster the need for a healthy lifestyle. The novelty of the program lies in the fact that it is aimed at organizing their needs in active forms of cognitive activity and is due to many reasons: an increase in neuro-emotional overload, an increase in pedagogically neglected children. At the center of the modern concept of general education is the idea of ​​developing a child's personality, the formation of his creative abilities, the upbringing of important personal qualities. The process of learning to play chess contributes to all this and much more.

6 Features of the organization of the educational process. The initial course on learning to play chess is as simple as possible and accessible to preschoolers. This course can be easily mastered by every kindergarten teacher, even if he is completely unfamiliar with the game of chess. The peculiarity of the program is that in the first year of study, the child takes the first steps in the world of chess. Preschoolers get acquainted with the history of the emergence of the chess game, the chessboard, figures, learn to perform various didactic tasks, play positions with a limited number of figures, blocks of playing positions on separate fragments of the board. Much attention is paid to the study of the "domat" period of the game. During the GCD, material is used that is of particular interest to children: riddles, poems, fairy tales, songs about chess, chess miniatures and dramatizations. The key moment of the classes is the activities of the children themselves, in which they observe the movement of the pieces on the board, compare the strength of the pieces and their position, draw conclusions, find out patterns, take their first steps on the chessboard. Of great importance in the study of the chess course is the specially organized play activity of children in the classroom, the use of the technique of playing out educational tasks, creating play situations. The program provides an approximate list of various didactic games and tasks with small explanations to them, gives a variant of the approximate distribution of program material, provides a list of chess games, as well as chess didactic toys that can be used in the educational process and made by hand. It also offers a list of filmstrips, a recommendatory list of fiction that can be read in class, and a list of methodological literature for the teacher. Forms of organization of the educational process in the section "Chess" The formation of chess thinking in a child goes through a number of stages from reproductive repetition of algorithms and schemes in typical positions, to the creative application of knowledge in practice, which often imply rejection of generally accepted stereotypes. At the initial stage, play, visual and reproductive methods prevail. Practical game. Solving chess problems, combinations and studies. Didactic games and tasks, game exercises; Theoretical studies, chess games, chess didactic toys. Participation in tournaments and competitions

7 p / n Topic First acquaintance with the chess kingdom. Chess board. Lines on the chessboard. Horizontals and verticals. Lines on the chessboard. Diagonals. The center of the chessboard. Chessmen. Comparative strength of figures. Starting position. Rook. Rook. Elephant. Elephant. Rook against bishop. The content of the work program The content of the GCD Reading-dramatization of the didactic fairy tale "The Amazing Adventures of the Chessboard." Acquaintance with the chessboard. White and black fields. Alternating white and black squares on a chessboard. The chessboard and chess fields are square in shape. Reading-dramatization of the didactic fairy tale "Braggart Kittens". The location of the board between partners. Horizontal line. The number of fields in the horizontal line. The number of contour lines on the board. Vertical line. The number of fields in the vertical. The number of verticals on the board. The alternation of black and white fields in the horizontal and vertical. Didactic tasks and games "Horizontal", "Vertical". Diagonal. The difference between the diagonal and the horizontal and vertical. The number of fields in the diagonal. Large white and large black diagonals. Short diagonals. Reading-dramatization of a didactic fairy tale from the book by IG Sukhin "Adventures in a Chess Country" (c). Didactic tasks and games "Diagonal". Centre. Center shape. The number of fields in the center. Arrangement of black and white squares in the center of the board. White and black pieces. Rook, bishop, queen, knight, pawn, king. Didactic tasks and games "Magic Bag", "Guess", "Secret Figure", "What's in common", "Big and Small". Viewing the filmstrip “Adventures in the Chess Land. The first step into the world of chess ”. Comparative strength of chess pieces. The value of chess pieces (K, S = 3, L = 5, F = 9). Didactic tasks and games "Who is stronger?", "Both armies are equal." Arrangement of pieces in front of a chess game. Rule: "Every queen loves her color." The relationship between contours, verticals, diagonals, and the starting position of shapes. Didactic tasks and games "Bag", "Yes or no", "Ball". Viewing the film strip “The Book of Chess Wisdom. The second step into the world of chess ”. Place the rook in the starting position. Rook move. Take. Didactic games and tasks "Labyrinth", "Outwit the sentries", "One soldier in the field", "The shortest path". Didactic games “Capturing the control field”, “Defense of the control field”, “Destruction game” (rook against rook, two rooks against two), “Restriction of mobility” (a kind of destruction game, but with “mined” fields). Place the elephant in its starting position. Bishop's move. Take. Light-squared and dark-squared bishops. Multi-colored and one-color elephants. Quality. Light and heavy figure. Didactic tasks "Labyrinth", "Outwit the sentries", "One soldier in the field", "The shortest path". Didactic games "Capturing the control field", "Defense of the control field", "The game of destruction" (elephant against an elephant, two bishops against two), "Restriction of mobility". The term "stand under attack." Didactic tasks: "Outwit the sentries", "Take off the sentries",

8 13 14 "Attack of an enemy piece", "Double hit", "Capture", "Defense", "Win a piece". Didactic games “Capturing the control field”, “Defense of the control field”, “Destruction game” (rook against bishop, two rooks against bishop, rook against two bishops, two rooks against two bishops, difficult positions), “Restriction of mobility”. Queen. Place the queen in the starting position. Queen's move. Take. The queen is a heavy piece. Didactic tasks "Labyrinth", "Outwit the sentries", "One soldier in the field", "The shortest path". Viewing the filmstrip “Magic Chess Pieces. The third step into the world of chess ”. Queen. Didactic games "Capturing the control field", "Defense of the control field", "The game of destruction" (queen against queen), "Restriction of mobility" Queen against rook and bishop. Horse. Knight Knight against queen, rook, bishop. Pawn. Pawn. Pawn against queen, rook, knight, bishop King. Didactic tasks "Outwit the sentries", "Take off the sentries", "Attack an enemy piece", "Double strike", "Capture", "Win a piece". Didactic games "Capturing the control field", "Defense of the control field", "Destruction game" (queen against rook, queen against bishop, more difficult positions), "Restriction of mobility". Place the knight in the starting position. Knight's move. Take. The knight is an easy figure. Didactic tasks "Labyrinth", "Outwit the sentries", "One soldier in the field", "The shortest path". Didactic games “Capturing the control field”, “Defense of the control field”, “Destruction game” (knight against knight, two knights against one, one knight against two, two knights against two), “Restriction of mobility”. Didactic tasks: "Outwit the sentries", "Take off the sentries", "Attack an enemy piece", "Double strike", "Capture", "Defense", "Win a piece". Didactic games “Capturing the control field”, “Defense of the control field”, “The game of destruction” (knight against rook, knight against bishop, knight against queen, more difficult positions), “Restriction of mobility”. Place the pawns in the starting position. Rook, knight, bishop, queen, king pawns. Pawn move. Take. Taking on the aisle. Pawn transformation. Didactic tasks "Labyrinth", "One soldier in the field". Didactic games "Destruction game" (pawn against pawn, two pawns against one, one pawn against two, two pawns against two, multi-pawn positions), "Restriction of mobility". Didactic tasks "Outwit the sentries", "Attack of an enemy piece", "Double strike", "Capture", "Defense", "Win a piece". Didactic games "Destruction game" (pawn against rook, pawn against bishop, pawn against knight, pawn against queen, more difficult positions), "Restriction of mobility. Place the king in the starting position. King's move. Take. The king is not beaten, but he cannot be put under battle either. Didactic tasks "Labyrinth", "Outwit the sentries", "One soldier in the field", "The shortest path". Didactic game "The game of destruction" (king against king).

9 Reading-dramatization of the fairy tale "Lena, Olya and Baba Yaga" King against other figures. Didactic tasks "Outwit the sentries", "Take off the sentries", "Attack of the enemy figure", "Double blow", "Capture". 23 Didactic games “Capturing the control field”, “Defense of the control field”, “Destruction game” (king against rook, king against bishop, king against knight, king against queen, king against pawn), “Restriction of mobility”. Shah. Shah is a threat to the king. Check with queen, rook, bishop, knight, pawn. 23 Protection against check (3 ways). Didactic tasks "Shah or not a shah", "Give a shah", "Five checks", "Protection from a check". Shah. Opened (exposed) check. Double check. 24 Didactic tasks "Give an open check", "Give a double check"; playing with pieces from the starting position to the first check. Mat. Checkmate the goal of the game. Checkmate with a queen, rook, bishop, pawn. 25 Checkmate in one move. Checkmate in one move with a queen, rook, bishop, knight, pawn (simple examples). Didactic tasks "Checkmate or not checkmate", "Checkmate in one move". 26 Mat. Checkmate in one move: complex examples with a large number of pieces. Didactic task "Give mate in one move." Draw. Pat. Pat. The difference between a stalemate and a checkmate. Draw options. Examples of stalemate 27 situations. Didactic task "Pat or not pat", "Pat or mat. 28 Castling. Long and short castling. Castling rules. Didactic task "Castling". Chess game. Play with all the pieces from the starting position (without explaining the best way to start a chess game). Didactic game "Two moves". 30 Chess game. The most general recommendations about the principles of playing the opening. Play with all pieces from the starting position. 31 Chess game. Demonstration of short games. Playing with all the pieces from the starting position Repetition of the material. Review of the main questions of the course. Thematic plan p / p Name of sections and topics Number of hours Theory Practice Total hours I. Chessboard. 4 hours minutes 4 hours II. Chessmen. 2 hours each 2 hours III. Initial placement of figures. 1 hour lesson 1 hour IV. Moves and capturing pieces. 17 hours 17 hours V. The goal of the chess game. 6 hours 6 hours VI. Play with all pieces from the starting position. 3 hours 3 hours VII. Generalization. - 4 h. 30 min. 4 h. 30 min. Requirements for the level of training of children of the senior group Pedagogical diagnostics of knowledge and skills of children is carried out once a year in the form of observation, conversation, game. Must be able to: navigate the chessboard;

10 to play with each piece individually and in combination with other pieces without violating the rules of the chess code; place the chessboard correctly between partners; correctly arrange the pieces before the game; distinguish between horizontal, vertical, diagonal; castle; check; checkmate; solve elementary checkmate problems in one move. Criteria of pedagogical diagnostics 2 POINTS - the child knows chess terms: white and black field, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, center, partners, starting position, move, capture; independently uses the name of chess pieces: rook, bishop, queen, knight, pawn, king; the rules of the move, capturing each piece; independently focuses on the chessboard; correctly places the chessboard between partners and the pieces before the game; knows how to move figures horizontally, vertically, diagonally; independently solves simple chess problems. 1 POINT - the child knows chess terms: white and black square, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, center, partners, starting position, move, capture; uses the name of chess pieces: rook, bishop, queen, knight, pawn, king; the rules of the move, the capture of each piece; focuses on the chessboard; plays with each piece individually and in combination with other pieces without breaking chess rules (with the help of an adult); correctly places the chessboard between partners and the pieces before the game; moves shapes horizontally, vertically, diagonally. 0 POINTS - the child does not know chess terms: white and black squares, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, center, partners, starting position, move, capture; does not use the name of chess pieces: rook, bishop, queen, knight, pawn, king; the rules of the move, capturing each piece; is not guided by the chessboard; cannot play with each piece individually and in conjunction with other pieces, violates chess rules; finds it difficult to move the figure horizontally, vertically, diagonally.

11 Used literature and equipment For teachers: 1. Sukhin I.G. Chess, the first year, or There cells in black and white are full of wonders and mysteries: a textbook for elementary school, the first year of study. In 2 parts. 2nd ed. Obninsk: Spiritual Revival, pp., Ill. 2. Grishin V.G. Kids play chess: from work experience. M .: Education, 1991. 158 pages. For pupils: 1. Chess boards 2. Chess pieces

12 Group CHILD'S ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS IN THE SENIOR GROUP Date of diagnostics: 20 year. child Chess terms: white and black square, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, center, partners, starting position, move, capture, check, checkmate, stalemate, draw Name of chess pieces: rook, bishop, queen, knight, pawn, king Rules of the move , capture of each piece Orientate on the chessboard Play each piece individually and in conjunction with other pieces without breaking the chess rules Correctly position the chessboard between partners Correctly position the pieces before the game Ability to move the pieces horizontally, vertically, diagonally Solve simple chess problems TOTAL Legend : 2 points, 1 point, 0 points Conducted by: educator / / educator / / full name name and surname painting Conclusion:

13 Calendar-thematic planning of direct educational activities "Chess" for children of the senior group Date as planned Date in fact, subject GCD Summary GOD SEPTEMBER 1 First acquaintance with the Reading-dramatization of the didactic fairy tale "The Amazing Adventures of the Chessboard." Acquaintance with the chess chess kingdom. board. White and black fields. Alternating white and black squares on a chessboard. Chess board and chess Chess board. the fields are square. Reading-dramatization of the didactic fairy tale "Braggart Kittens". 2 Lines on the chessboard Arrangement of the board between partners. Horizontal line. The number of fields in the horizontal line. Number of chalkboard. Contour lines and contour lines on the board. Vertical line. The number of fields in the vertical. The number of verticals on the board. vertical. The alternation of black and white fields in the horizontal and vertical. Didactic tasks and games "Horizontal", "Vertical". 3 Lines on a staggered diagonal. The difference between the diagonal and the horizontal and vertical. The number of fields in the diagonal. Large white and large chalkboard. Diagonals. black diagonals. Short diagonals. Reading-dramatization of a didactic fairy tale from the book of I.G. Sukhin "Adventures in a Chess Country" (c). Didactic tasks and games "Diagonal". 4 Center of the chessboard. Centre. Center shape. The number of fields in the center. Arrangement of black and white squares in the center of the board. OCTOBER 5 Chess pieces. White and black pieces. Rook, bishop, queen, knight, pawn, king. Didactic tasks and games "Magic Bag", "Guess", "Secret Figure", "What's in common", "Big and Small". Viewing the filmstrip “Adventures in the Chess Land. The first step into the world of chess ”. 6 Comparative strength of figures. Comparative strength of chess pieces. The value of chess pieces (K, S = 3, L = 5, F = 9). Didactic tasks and games "Who is stronger?", "Both armies are equal." 7 Starting position. Arrangement of pieces in front of a chess game. Rule: "Every queen loves her color." The relationship between contours, verticals, diagonals, and the starting position of shapes. Didactic tasks and games "Bag", "Yes or no", "Ball". Viewing the film strip “The Book of Chess Wisdom. The second step into the world of chess ”. 8 Rook. Place the rook in the starting position. Rook move. Take. Didactic games and tasks "Labyrinth", "Outwit the sentries", "One soldier in the field", "The shortest path". NOVEMBER 9 Rook. Didactic games “Capturing the control field”, “Defense of the control field”, “Destruction game” (rook against rook, two rooks against two), “Restriction of mobility” (a kind of destruction game, but with “mined” fields). 10 Elephant. Place the elephant in its starting position. Bishop's move. Take. Light-squared and dark-squared bishops. Multi-colored and one-color elephants. Quality. Light and heavy figure. Didactic tasks "Labyrinth", "Outwit the sentries", "One soldier in the field", "The shortest path". 11 Elephant. Didactic games "Capturing the control field", "Defense of the control field", "The game of destruction" (elephant against an elephant, two bishops against two), "Restriction of mobility".

14 12 Rook against bishop. The term "stand under attack." Didactic tasks: "Outwit the sentries", "Take off the sentries", "Attack an enemy piece", "Double strike", "Capture", "Defense", "Win a piece". Didactic games “Capturing the control field”, “Defense of the control field”, “Destruction game” (rook against bishop, two rooks against bishop, rook against two bishops, two rooks against two bishops, difficult positions), “Restriction of mobility”. DECEMBER 13 Queen. Place the queen in the starting position. Queen's move. Take. The queen is a heavy piece. Didactic tasks "Labyrinth", "Outwit the sentries", "One soldier in the field", "The shortest path". Viewing the filmstrip “Magic Chess Pieces. The third step into the world of chess ”. 14 Queen. Didactic games "Capturing the control field", "Defense of the control field", "The game of destruction" (queen against queen), "Restriction of mobility". 15 Queen against rook and bishop. Didactic tasks "Outwit the sentries", "Take off the sentries", "Attack an enemy piece", "Double strike", "Capture", "Win a piece". Didactic games "Capturing the control field", "Defense of the control field", "Destruction game" (queen against rook, queen against bishop, more difficult positions), "Restriction of mobility". 16 Horse. Place the knight in the starting position. Knight's move. Take. The knight is an easy figure. Didactic tasks "Labyrinth", "Outwit the sentries", "One soldier in the field", "The shortest path". JANUARY 17 Knight Didactic games “Capturing the control field”, “Defending the control field”, “Destruction game” (knight against knight, two knights against one, one knight against two, two knights against two), “Restriction of mobility”. 18 Knight against queen, rook, bishop. Didactic tasks: "Outwit the sentries", "Take off the sentries", "Attack an enemy piece", "Double strike", "Capture", "Defense", "Win a piece". Didactic games “Capturing the control field”, “Defense of the control field”, “The game of destruction” (knight against rook, knight against bishop, knight against queen, more difficult positions), “Restriction of mobility”. 19 Pawn. Place the pawns in the starting position. Rook, knight, bishop, queen, king pawns. Pawn move. Take. Taking on the aisle. Pawn transformation. Didactic tasks "Labyrinth", "One soldier in the field". 20 Pawn. Didactic games "Destruction game" (pawn against pawn, two pawns against one, one pawn against two, two pawns against two, multi-pawn positions), "Restriction of mobility". FEBRUARY 21 Pawn against queen, rook, knight, bishop Didactic tasks "Outwit the sentries", "Attack of an enemy piece", "Double blow", "Capture", "Defense", "Win a piece". Didactic games "Destruction game" (pawn against rook, pawn against bishop, pawn against knight, pawn against queen, more difficult positions), "Restriction of mobility. 22 King. Place the king in the starting position. King's move. Take. The king is not beaten, but he cannot be put under battle either. Didactic tasks "Labyrinth", "Outwit the sentries", "One soldier in the field", "The shortest path". Didactic game "The game of destruction" (king against king). Reading-dramatization of the fairy tale "Lena, Olya and Baba Yaga". 23 King against other pieces. Didactic tasks "Outwit the sentries", "Take off the sentries", "Attack of the enemy figure", "Double blow", "Capture". Didactic games "Control field capture", "Control field defense", "Destruction game"

15 (king versus rook, king versus bishop, king versus knight, king versus queen, king versus pawn), “Mobility limitation”. 24 Shah. Shah is a threat to the king. Check with queen, rook, bishop, knight, pawn. Shah protection (3 ways). Didactic tasks "Shah or not a shah", "Give a shah", "Five checks", "Protection from a check". MARCH 25 Shah. Opened (revealed) check. Double check. Didactic tasks "Give an open check", "Give a double check"; playing with pieces from the starting position to the first check. 26 Mat. Checkmate the goal of the game. Checkmate with a queen, rook, bishop, pawn. Checkmate in one move. Checkmate in one move with a queen, rook, bishop, knight, pawn (simple examples). Didactic tasks "Checkmate or not checkmate", "Checkmate in one move". 27 Mat. Checkmate in one move: complex examples with a large number of pieces. Didactic task "Give mate in one move." 28 Draw. Pat. Pat. The difference between a stalemate and a checkmate. Draw options. Examples of stalemate situations. Didactic task "Pat or not pat", "Pat or mat. APRIL 29 Castling. Long and short castling. Castling rules. Didactic task "Castling". 30 Chess game. Playing with all the pieces from the starting position (without explaining how best to start the chess game). Didactic game "Two moves". 31 Chess game. The most general recommendations about the principles of playing the opening. Play with all pieces from the starting position. 32 Chess game. Demonstration of short games. Play with all pieces from the starting position. MAY Material repetition. Review of the main questions of the course.

16 The work program of direct educational activities "Chess" for children of the preparatory school group of the educational area "Cognitive development" Explanatory note The work program for the section "Chess" of the educational area "Cognitive development" for children of the preparatory group for school is based on the Basic educational program of preschool education programs MADOU "Kid". The program is designed to expand the program content of the basic educational program of preschool education MADOU "Malysh". The working program of educational activities is focused on the use of the educational and methodological set: 1. Sukhin I.G. Chess, Second Year, or Play and Win: Primary School Textbook, Second Year. In 2 parts. 2nd ed. Obninsk: Spiritual Revival, pp., Ill. The program is designed to conduct direct educational activities (GCD) 37 times a year (1 time per week), the duration of the GCD is 30 minutes. The work program is aimed at the formation and development of an integral and healthy personality of the child and contributes to the solution of the following tasks: improve memory; develop the ability to read, write, as well as external and internal speech; improve the control of their feelings, increase their ability to concentrate attention, perseverance; develop abilities in the field of combinatorial and logical thinking; progress in independent thinking; improve math skills; develop your imagination and inventive ability; increase your resilience in case of failures; to increase their criticality, the ability to self-esteem and introspection; develop your aesthetic taste, including in the field of logical beauty and imaginative thinking; increase your will, vitality, cognitive needs. The novelty of the program lies in the fact that it is aimed at organizing their needs in active forms of cognitive activity and is due to many reasons: an increase in neuro-emotional overload, an increase in pedagogically neglected children. At the center of the modern concept of general education is the idea of ​​personal development

17 child, the formation of his creative abilities, the education of important personal qualities. The process of learning to play chess contributes to all this and much more. Features of the organization of the educational process. The content of the second year of study includes direct teaching of the chess game, mastering the rules of the game of chess, as well as acquaintance with chess notation, the work of outstanding chess players; children learn to solve chess problems. If in the first year of study most of Since time was allotted to the study of the strength and weakness of each chess piece, now children will have to learn the simplest methods of realizing material and positional advantages. An important milestone in mastering chess fundamentals is the ability of students to checkmate. The curriculum includes five topics: "A Brief History of Chess", "Chess Notation", "The Value of Chess Pieces", "The Technique of Checkmate a Lonely King", "Achieving Checkmate without Sacrificing Material". The program material of the second year of study is somewhat more complicated than the material of the first year, because if earlier it was just necessary to master the elementary rules of the chess game and the capabilities of each individual figure, now both the students and the teacher (who have not played chess before) should feel how the figures interact among themselves when defending, attacking, setting a checkmate (for this, the simplest little-figured positions are given in the textbook and manual). The teacher can take more complex examples of didactic tasks from the manual "Chess problem book, second year of study", where more than 600 chess diagrams are grouped by topic, and their solutions are given at the end of the book. Forms of organization of the educational process The formation of chess thinking in a child goes through a number of stages from reproductive repetition of algorithms and schemes in typical positions, to the creative application of knowledge in practice, which often imply rejection of generally accepted stereotypes. At the initial stage, play, visual and reproductive methods prevail. 1. Practical game. 2. Solving chess problems, combinations and studies. 3. Didactic games and tasks, game exercises; 4. Theoretical studies, chess games, chess didactic toys. 5. Participation in tournaments and competitions

18 Content of the work program p / p Topic Content GCD 1. Repetition of the passed material. Fields. Horizontal, vertical, diagonal, center. Moves of chess pieces. Checkmate, stalemate. Starting position. Game practice (playing with all the pieces from the starting position) Repetition of the passed material. A Brief History of Chess. Outstanding chess players of our time. FIDE Chess Rules. Ethics of chess. Chess notation. Designation of contour lines, verticals, fields. Chess notation. Designation of chess pieces and terms. Castling. Taking on the aisle. Pawn transformation. Draw options. The most general recommendations about the principles of playing the opening. Checkmate tasks in one move. Demonstration of short games. Didactic games and tasks "Two pieces against a whole army", "Take away extra pieces", "Only white moves", "Inevitable checkmate". Game practice. The origin of chess. Legends about chess. Chaturanga and Shatranj. Chess is making its way to Europe. Viewing the film strip “The Book of Chess Wisdom. The second step into the world of chess ”. World Chess Champions. Viewing the film strip "Anatoly Karpov World Champion". Game practice. Biographies of the outstanding chess players of our time. Fragments of their games. FIDE Chess Rules. Ethics of chess. Rules of conduct at the chessboard. Designation of contour lines, verticals, fields. Didactic tasks "Name the vertical", "Name the horizontal", "Name the diagonal", "What color is the field?", "Who is faster", "I see the goal". Game practice. In this lesson, children, making a move, pronounce which piece is from which field, which field is going to. For example, "King from g7 to f8". Designation of chess pieces and terms. Start position recording. Concise and complete chess notation. Chess game recording. Game practice (with a record of a chess game or a fragment of a chess game). 8. Chess notation. Game practice (a fragment of a chess game). 9. Chess notation. Game practice (with a record of a chess game or a fragment of a chess game). 10. Chess notation. Game practice (with a record of a chess game or a fragment of a chess game). 11. Chess notation. Game practice (with a chess game recording). 12. Chess notation. Game practice (with a chess game recording). 13. Chess notation. Game practice (with a chess game recording). 14. The value of chess pieces. Comparative strength of figures. The value of chess pieces. Comparative strength of figures. Didactic tasks "Who is stronger?", "Both armies are equal." Achieving material advantage. Didactic task "Winning material" (winning the queen). Game practice The value of chess pieces. Achieving material advantage. The value of chess pieces. Achieving material advantage. The value of chess pieces. Achieving material advantage. The value of chess pieces. Protection methods. Achieving material advantage. Didactic task "Winning material" (winning a horse). Game practice. Achieving material advantage. Didactic task "Winning material" (winning an elephant). Game practice. Achieving material advantage. Didactic task "Winning material" (winning a rook). Game practice. Achieving material advantage. Didactic task "Gaining material" (winning a pawn). Protection methods. Didactic task "Defense" (defending an attacked figure with your figure, leaving from under the battle,

19 The value of chess pieces. Protection methods. Protection methods. Game practice. The technique of checkmating the lonely king. The technique of checkmating the lonely king. The technique of checkmating the lonely king. The technique of checkmating the lonely king. destruction of the attacking piece). Game practice. Protection. Didactic task "Defense" (overlapping, counterattack). Game practice. Solving tasks. Didactic task "Defense" (defending the attacked piece with your piece, leaving the battle, destroying the attacking piece, overlapping, counterattack). Practical game. Two rooks against the king, "linear" mate. Didactic tasks "Checkmate or checkmate?", "Checkmate or stalemate", "Checkmate in one move", "To the extreme line", "Into the corner", "Limited king", "Checkmate in two moves". Game practice. Queen and rook against the king. Didactic tasks "Checkmate or checkmate?", "Checkmate or stalemate", "Checkmate in one move", "To the extreme line", "Into the corner", "Limited king", "Checkmate in two moves". Game practice. Queen and king versus king. Didactic tasks "Checkmate or checkmate?", "Checkmate or stalemate", "Checkmate in one move", "To the extreme line", "Into the corner", "Limited king", "Checkmate in two moves". Game practice. Rook and king against king. Didactic tasks "Checkmate or checkmate?", "Checkmate or stalemate", "Checkmate in one move", "To the extreme line", "Into the corner", "Limited king", "Checkmate in two moves". Game practice. Solving tasks. 25. The technique of checkmating the lonely king. Reaching the checkmate without Mate training in two moves in the endgame. Zugzwang. 26. victims of the material. Educational Didactic task "Declare mate in two moves." Mat protection. position on the mat in two moves Didactic task "Protect from the mat". Game practice. in the endgame. Zugzwang. Reaching the checkmate without a Training position on the checkmate in two moves in the middlegame. Mat protection. 27. victims of the material. Educational Didactic task "Protect yourself from the mate". Game practice. positions on the mate in two moves in the middlegame. Reaching the checkmate without a Training position on the checkmate in two moves in the middlegame. Decision 28. victims of the material. Solving tasks. checkmate tasks in two moves in Mate Defense. Didactic task "Protect yourself from the mate". middlegame. Game practice. Reaching mate without Mate training in two moves in the opening. Mat protection. 29. victims of the material. Educational Didactic task "Protect yourself from the mate". Game practice. positions on the mate in two moves in the opening. 30. Reaching mate without Solution of tasks on mate in two moves. Mat protection. Didactic sacrifice material. task "Protect from the mate". Game practice. 31. Repetition of material. Review of the main questions of the course. Practical game Repetition of the material. Playing in the tournament. Tournament games Repetition of material. Review of the main questions of the course. Practical game. Thematic plan Number of hours n / p Names of sections and topics Theory Practice Total hours I. Kraka history of chess. 5 hours 30 minutes for 5 hours II. Chess notation. 7.30 a.m. every 7.30 a.m. lesson III. The value of chess pieces. 7 hours 7 hours IV. The technique of checkmating the lonely king. 5 h. 5 h. V. Achievement without sacrificing material. 5 hours 5 hours VI. Generalization. - 5 hours 5 hours

20 Requirements for the level of preparation of children in the preparatory group for school. Pedagogical diagnostics of the knowledge and skills of children is carried out once a year in the form of observation, conversation, and games. By the end of the second year of study, children should Know: FIDE chess rules; designation of contour lines, verticals, fields, chess pieces; the value of chess pieces. Be able to: behave correctly at the board; record a chess game; checkmate a lonely king with two rooks, a queen and a rook, a king and a queen, a king and a rook. Criteria of pedagogical diagnostics 2 POINTS The manifesting characteristic is steadily formed, does not depend on the characteristics of the situation, the presence or absence of an adult, other children, the child's mood, success or failure from previous activities. Knows the FIDE chess rules; Knows the designation of contour lines, verticals, fields, chess pieces; Knows the value of chess pieces. Knows how to behave correctly at the board; Knows how to record a chess game; Knows how to checkmate a lonely king with two rooks, a queen and a rook, a king and a queen, a king and a rook. 1 BALL characteristic assumes a periodic appearance, depending on the characteristics of the situation, the presence of control by an adult, the mood of the child, etc. With the help of a teacher Knows the chess rules of FIDE; Knows the designation of contour lines, verticals, fields, chess pieces; Knows the value of chess pieces. Knows how to behave correctly at the board. Knows how to write down a chess game; Knows how to checkmate a lonely king with two rooks, a queen and a rook, a king and a queen, a king and a rook.

21 0 POINTS - this characteristic is not formed, and its appearance is random. Doesn't know FIDE chess rules; Doesn't know the designation of contour lines, verticals, squares, chess pieces; Doesn't know the value of chess pieces. Doesn't know how to behave properly at the board; Can't write down a chess game; Can't checkmate a lonely king with two rooks, a queen and a rook, a king and a queen, a king and a rook. Used literature and equipment For teachers: 3. IG Sukhin. Chess, the first year, or There cells in black and white are full of wonders and mysteries: a textbook for elementary school, second year of study. In 2 parts. 2nd ed. Obninsk: Spiritual Revival, pp., Ill. 4. Grishin V.G. Kids play chess: from work experience. M .: Education, 1991. 158 pages. For pupils: 3. Chess boards 4. Chess pieces

23 Group Indicators of achievements in the preparatory group for school Date of diagnostics: 20 child P o rc ector Understanding the importance of the first moves Understanding the techniques of capturing pieces The ability of children to quickly and correctly find squares, verticals and diagonals, showing and naming them aloud. Know, distinguish and name chess pieces Know the moves of chess pieces and their differences Ability to independently complete tasks, express thoughts concisely and accurately, perform tasks at a faster pace Development of cognitive activity, logical thinking, imagination in children; identifying the intellectual giftedness of pupils Counting skills, the ability to correlate quantity and number; visual perception, attention, fine motor skills of hands Ability to plan your actions, think about them, reason, look for the right answer Development of dexterity and ingenuity, orientation in space, the ability to think, think, analyze The concept of "castling", "check" and "checkmate". Ability to record chess games Conducted by: educator / / educator / / full name name and surname painting Conclusion:

24 Plan. date Calendar-thematic planning of direct educational activities "Chess" of the educational area "Cognitive development" for children of the preparatory group for school Fact. date, topic GCD Brief content of GCD 1. Repetition of the passed material. 2. Repetition of the passed material. SEPTEMBER Fields. Horizontal, vertical, diagonal, center. Moves of chess pieces. Checkmate, stalemate. Starting position. Playing practice (playing with all the pieces from the starting position). Castling. Taking on the aisle. Pawn transformation. Draw options. The most general recommendations about the principles of playing the opening. Checkmate tasks in one move. Demonstration of short games. Didactic games and tasks "Two pieces against a whole army", "Take away extra pieces", "Only white moves", "Inevitable checkmate". Game practice. 3. A Brief History of Chess. The origin of chess. Legends about chess. Chaturanga and Shatranj. Chess is making its way to Europe. Viewing the film strip “The Book of Chess Wisdom. The second step into the world of chess ”. World Chess Champions. Viewing the film strip "Anatoly Karpov World Champion". Game practice. 4. Outstanding chess players of our time. 5. Chess rules FIDE. Ethics of chess. 6. Chess notation. Designation of contour lines, verticals, fields. Biographies of the outstanding chess players of our time. Fragments of their games. OCTOBER Chess Rules FIDE. Ethics of chess. Rules of conduct at the chessboard. Designation of contour lines, verticals, fields. Didactic tasks "Name the vertical", "Name the horizontal", "Name the diagonal", "What color is the field?", "Who is faster", "I see the goal". Game practice. In this lesson, children, making a move, pronounce which piece is from which field, which field is going to. For example, "King from g7 to f8". 7. Chess notation. Designation of chess pieces and terms. Designation of chess pieces and terms. Start position recording. Concise and complete chess notation. Chess game recording. Game practice (with a record of a chess game or a fragment of a chess game). 8. Chess notation. Game practice (a fragment of a chess game). NOVEMBER 9. Chess notation. Game practice (with a record of a chess game or a fragment of a chess game). 10. Chess notation. Game practice (with a record of a chess game or a fragment of a chess game).

25 11. Chess notation. Game practice (with a chess game recording). 12. Chess notation. Game practice (with a chess game recording). DECEMBER 13. Chess notation. Game practice (with a chess game recording). 14. The value of chess pieces. Comparative strength of figures. 15. The value of chess pieces. Achieving material advantage. 16. The value of chess pieces. Achieving material advantage. 17. The value of chess pieces. Achieving material advantage. 18. The value of chess pieces. Protection methods. The value of chess pieces. Comparative strength of figures. Didactic tasks "Who is stronger?", "Both armies are equal." Achieving material advantage. Didactic task "Winning material" (winning the queen). Game practice. Achieving material advantage. Didactic task "Winning material" (winning a horse). Game practice. Achieving material advantage. Didactic task "Winning material" (winning an elephant). Game practice. JANUARY Achievement of material advantage. Didactic task "Winning material" (winning a rook). Game practice. Achieving material advantage. Didactic task "Gaining material" (winning a pawn). Protection methods. Didactic task "Defense" (defending the attacked piece with your piece, leaving the battle, destroying the attacking piece). Game practice. 19. The value of chess pieces. Protection methods. 20. Methods of protection. Game practice. 21. The technique of checkmating the lonely king. 22. The technique of checkmating the lonely king. 23. The technique of checkmating the lonely king. 24. The technique of checkmating the lonely king. Protection. Didactic task "Defense" (overlapping, counterattack). Game practice. Solving tasks. Didactic task "Defense" (defending the attacked piece with your piece, leaving the battle, destroying the attacking piece, overlapping, counterattack). Practical game. FEBRUARY Two rooks against the king, "linear" mate. Didactic tasks "Checkmate or checkmate?", "Checkmate or stalemate", "Checkmate in one move", "To the extreme line", "Into the corner", "Limited king", "Checkmate in two moves". Game practice. Queen and rook against the king. Didactic tasks "Checkmate or checkmate?", "Checkmate or stalemate", "Checkmate in one move", "To the extreme line", "Into the corner", "Limited king", "Checkmate in two moves". Game practice. Queen and king versus king. Didactic tasks "Checkmate or checkmate?", "Checkmate or stalemate", "Checkmate in one move", "To the extreme line", "Into the corner", "Limited king", "Checkmate in two moves". Game practice. Rook and king against king. Didactic tasks “Checkmate or checkmate? "," Checkmate or stalemate "," Checkmate in one move "," To the extreme line "," To the corner "," Restricted king "," Checkmate in two moves ". Game practice.

26 25. The technique of checkmating the lonely king. 26. Reaching mate without sacrificing material. Teaching positions on checkmate in two moves in the endgame. Zugzwang. 27. Reaching mate without sacrificing material. Teaching positions on a checkmate in two moves in the middlegame. 28. Reaching mate without sacrificing material. Solving checkmate tasks in two moves in the middlegame. 29. Reaching mate without sacrificing material. Teaching positions on the mate in two moves in the opening. 30. Reaching mate without sacrificing material. Solving tasks. MARCH Endgame two-move checkmate training positions. Zugzwang. Didactic task "Declare checkmate in two moves." Mat protection. Didactic task "Protect yourself from the mate". Game practice. Teaching positions on a checkmate in two moves in the middlegame. Mat protection. Didactic task "Protect yourself from the mate". Game practice. Teaching positions on the checkmate in two moves in the middlegame. Solving tasks. Mat protection. Didactic task "Protect yourself from the mate". Game practice. APRIL Teaching positions on checkmate in two moves in the opening. Mat protection. Didactic task "Protect yourself from the mate". Game practice. Solving checkmate tasks in two moves. Protection from mate Didactic task "Defend from mate". Game practice. 31. Repetition of material. Review of the main questions of the course. Practical game Repetition of the material. Playing in the tournament. Tournament games. MAY Material repetition. Review of the main questions of the course. Practical game.

Appendix 13 to the order of MBDOU "Yagodka" dated 08.29.2014. 193-od Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Yagodka" kindergarten of the combined type of the municipal formation, the city of Noyabrsk

EXPLANATORY NOTE Introduction of the lesson Chess to school allows you to implement many positive ideas of domestic theorists and practitioners to make learning joyful, maintain a steady interest in knowledge.

1. Explanatory note Much has been written about the benefits of this ancient game of chess. They develop ingenuity and mathematical abilities, foster character and will. Chess has and more

Appendix 6 to the order of MBDOU "Teremok" dated 05.08.2014 180-od Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Teremok"

Ust-Donetsk region x. Crimean (territorial, administrative district (district, village) municipal budgetary educational institution Crimean secondary school (full name

1 EXPLANATORY NOTE The relevance of the program is due to the fact that in primary school radical changes are taking place: the developmental function of learning is brought to the fore, largely contributing to

EXPLANATORY NOTE Chess is not only a popular game, but also an effective, effective means of intellectual development of children. Therefore, it is so important to start teaching children from preschool age. Process

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 3 in Porkhov" "Accepted" "Agreed" "Approved" Head of the School of Primary School Teachers T.V. Voronkova Protocol


The extracurricular activity work program Chess is intended for students with an interest in physical culture and sports, in grades 5-6 (first year of study). Chess in school has a positive effect

Education Committee of the Administration of the Municipal District "City of Valuyki and Valuisky District"

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Gorskinskaya basic general education school" APPROVED: Director of MBOU "Gorskinskaya OOSH" A.A. Kuzmin 2014.

1 Table of contents Explanatory note ...... 3 Planned results of mastering the training course 6 Curriculum plan ..... 7 Thematic planning of the program material ...... 9 Content of the training course

Minutes of 2015 "Checked" Deputy Director for Internal Affairs Work program (chess) 2015 2016 academic year Approved by the director of MBOU Lyceum "MOK 2" V.Ya. Sverdlov. Teacher Demikhov Vladislav Yurievich Class

Work program The curriculum of the subject "Chess" for the I level of education of the MOU "Secondary School 2 of Balabanovo-1" was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational

Explanatory note Working additional general educational general development program "Chess" is intended for students of 1 year of study 11-13 years old. Learning to play chess from an early age

Additional education Young chess player Additional education program for children of senior preschool age T. A. Nazarova, educator, Serpukhov 1. Explanatory note Currently,

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school of the village. Borskoe municipal district "Guards urban district" ADAPTED PROGRAM of additional education "Amazing world

Explanatory note Working additional general educational program "Chess" is intended for students of 1 year of study (grades 1-4 of primary school). Learning to play chess from the earliest

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Osterskaya secondary (complete) comprehensive school" Considered at the meeting of the PS Minutes dated 08/28/2014 7 Agreed on September 01, 2014 Deputy. director

Municipal autonomous educational institution "Secondary school 31 of Ishim" Chess club program "Ladya" Leader of the circle: Fedorov Evgeny Fedorovich 2014-2015 academic year

Department of Culture of the city of Moscow State budgetary institution of additional education of the city of Moscow "Moscow City Center children's creativity"Culture and Education" Additional

Department of Education of the Administration of the Kstovsky Municipal District Municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Center for extracurricular activities named after S.A. Krivorotova" Accepted Approved by the pedagogical

Approximate annual curriculum-schedule for the distribution of teaching hours in the department board games... Chess Group DNP- Lesson content Hours IX X XI XII I II III IV V VI Theoretical training 30 4 4 4

CONTENTS Explanatory note 3 Educational-thematic plan 5 Content of the program 6 Methodological support of the program. 8 References 8 1. EXPLANATORY NOTE Relevance of program development,


MBOU "Basic secondary school 34" of Belgorod "Agreed" Head of the MO Rzhevskaya L.F .. Protocol of 2014 "Agreed" Deputy. Director MBOU OOSH 34 Belgorod Zelenin V.I. 2014 "Approved"

The curriculum of optional classes CHESS VEOBUCH I-IV grades EXPLANATORY NOTE The rapid pace of scientific and technological progress, the steady growth of a variety of scientific information, others

GBOU gymnasium 293 Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg APPROVED Director of GBOU gymnasium 293 I. G. Baeva

2 Explanatory note This work program is part of additional general educational (general developmental) program "Chess for Beginners", which is a program of physical culture and sports

1. EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program on chess is addressed for second grade students, the norm of a secondary general education school and is based on the author's program "Chess to school" edited by

State budgetary educational institution, secondary school 182 Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg RECOMMENDED AGREED APPROVED BY MO teachers Deputy director

EXPLANATORY NOTE Since the formation of a diversified personality is a difficult task, teaching chess through structure and content can give education and training an active, purposeful

Explanatory note Who among the parents and school principals does not dream of children studying at school only for 4 and 5 grades? And so that they can quickly and independently complete their homework in all academic subjects?

Working program of the section "Young chess player for the 205/206 academic year. Program developer Dmitry Yuryevich Zakharov Moscow 205 year 2 I. Explanatory note The modified program" Chess for school "is intended

Siysk Additional educational program for teaching the game of chess to children of senior preschool age "Chess ABC", developed on the basis of the program edited by I.G. Sukhin "Chess, the first

Didactic games that can be applied in the lesson: By height ”Ask the children to place six different chess pieces of the same color according to their height, naming these pieces. "Catch-up" One of the white is selected


1 EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program on chess is addressed for students of the second and third grades, the norm of a secondary general education school and is based on the author's program "Chess for school"


Planned results of mastering the program of extracurricular activities by students Personal results of mastering the program of the course. Formation of an attitude towards a safe, healthy lifestyle, the presence of motivation

Explanatory note The chess game is multifaceted enough. Some consider chess to be an art, the best examples of chess creativity are on a par with the works of other arts. Someone sees

Municipal autonomous preschool institution kindergarten of the city of Nizhnevartovsk 40 "Goldfish" Program of additional education "Chess" Compiled on the basis of the program "Chess, the first

Contents Information card 3 Explanatory note 5 Conceptual approaches to implementation 8 Age characteristics of mental development of children 9 Organization of the educational process 10 Mechanism of implementation

Explanatory note Additional general developmental program "Chess" of introductory level, sports direction. The implementation period is 4 years. Working hours: 1 time per week for 1 academic hour.

Date of publication: 03/29/18

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten number 30 "Sevensvetik"

(MBDOU number 30 "Seven-color")

Adopted at the meeting APPROVED:

methodical (pedagogical council) Head of MBDOU No. 30 "Sevensvetik"

from "" _____ 20 ___ ________________________ A.V. Khasanov

Minutes No. _______ "" _________________ 20 ____ g



"Chess for preschoolers"

Age of students: children 5-7 years old

Program implementation period: 2 years

Number of hours per year: 76 h

Fominykh Natalia Viktorovna

Additional education teacher

Surgut, 2017

Name of sections

1. Passport of the additional educational (general developmental) program "Chess for preschoolers"

2. Target section

2.1 Explanatory note.

2.2 Relevance

2.3 Conditions for the implementation of the program

2.4 Creation of a developing subject-spatial environment for implementation.

3.1 Information note about the features of the USP implementation in the 2017-2018 academic year.

3.2. Expected results of mastering the program for the 2017-2018 academic period.

3.3. The system of work with parents and teachers of a preschool institution.

4. Planning the training system in accordance with the learning objectives

5.Organizational side of the educational process

5.1 Curriculum plan for the first year of study

5.2 Calendar-thematic planning for the group of the first year of study.

5.3 Curriculum for the second year of study

5.4 Calendar-thematic planning for the group of the second year of study

6. Monitoring criteria and their assessment for children of the 1st year of schooling

7. Monitoring criteria and their assessment for children of the 2nd year of schooling


1. Passport of the additional general developmental program "Chess for preschoolers"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten number 30 "Sevensvetik"

The name of the additional general education program

"Chess for preschoolers"

FULL NAME. a teacher implementing an additional educational (general developmental) program

Fominykh Natalia Viktorovna

Year of development

Where, when and by whom the additional educational program was approved

Order MBDOU of August 31, 2017 No. 12-DS75-11-142 / 17

Information about the availability of a review

Broadening your horizons;

Information about the level of the additional general education program

Expected results of mastering the program

Children should know:

chess terms: white and black square, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, center, partners, starting position, white, black, move, capture, stand under attack, capture on the pass, long and short castling, check, checkmate, stalemate, draw;
names of chess pieces: rook, bishop, queen, knight, pawn, king; the rules of the move for each piece.

Children should be able to:

navigate the chessboard; play each piece individually and in conjunction with other pieces without violating the rules of the chess code; place the chessboard correctly between partners; correctly arrange the pieces before the game; distinguish between horizontal, vertical, diagonal; castle; check; checkmate; solve elementary checkmate problems in one move.

Term of implementation of an additional general education program

From 01.09.2017 to 31.05.2018
From 01.09.2018 to 31.05.2019

The number of hours per week / year required for the implementation of an additional general education program

2 hours a week / 76 hours 5-7 years

Age of students in the additional general education program

Senior preschool children 5-7 years old

Forms of classes

Subgroup (12 people)

2. Target section

2.1 Explanatory note.

The program of additional education "Chess for preschoolers" implements the general intellectual direction of game activity and is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, developed on the basis of the textbooks "Chess, the first year" by I.G. Sukhin; A. Trofimov's "Textbook for a Young Chess Player"; "How to teach chess" preschool chess textbook A. Kostenyuk, N. Kostenyuk.

The program is implemented on the basis of MBDOU No. 30 "Seven-flower", which approved the basic principles, goals and objectives.

When developing the work program, the following regulatory legal acts were taken into account:

Federal level

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation";

"Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the structure, content and organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational organizations" approved by the decree of the chief state doctor of the Russian Federation of 05.15.2013 No. 26.

Constitution of the Russian Federation

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989)

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1155 of October 17, 2013 "On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education"

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated 30.08.2013 No. 1014 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities in educational programs of preschool education"

Municipal level

Program for the development of education in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Order of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated 05.02.2014 No. 112 "On the introduction of the federal state educational standard for preschool education in educational institutions that implement educational programs for preschool education in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra".

Order of the Education Department of the Administration of the city of Surgut No. 67 dated February 24, 2014 "On the approval of the" road map "to ensure the introduction of the federal state educational standard for preschool education in educational institutions implementing educational programs for preschool education (hereinafter - educational organizations), the city of Surgut, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "

Charter MBDOU No. 30 "Sevensvetik"

Educational program MBDOU number 30 "Seven-flower" for the 2017-2018 academic period.

mathematics ":

- involves solving the problems of additional education

cognitive orientation based on the mastery of preschool children

age elementary representations about mathematical activities in

conditions of problem-search situations of mathematical content;

mathematical activity through entertaining educational games,

exercises, tasks, joke problems, riddles of mathematical content,

that help improve numeracy skills, reinforce understanding

relations between natural numbers, form a stable interest

to mathematical knowledge, develop attention, memory, logical forms

thinking. Children are directly involved in the cognitive material,

giving food to the imagination, affecting not only purely

the intellectual, but also the emotional sphere of the child.

Additional educational program "In an entertaining country

mathematics ":

Additional educational program "In an entertaining country

mathematics ":

Explanatory Implementation Note curriculum plan for the 2017-2018 academic years

The thematic curriculum (hereinafter USP) is drawn up in accordance with
the program "Chess for preschoolers", developed by the teacher of additional education Fominykh Natalya Viktorovna in 2017, approved the Order of MBDOU dated August 31, 2017 No. 12-DS75-11-142 / 17

USP was developed on the basis of the requirements and norms of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation in preschool educational institutions" (Resolution No. 26 dated May 15, 2013), the procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities for additional general education programs, order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008.

The focus of the program: physical culture and sports.

Information note about the features of the USP implementation

in 2017/2018 biennium

2.2 Relevance.

The relevance of the program is due to the fact that radical changes take place in preschool childhood: the formative function of learning is brought to the fore, largely contributing to the formation of the psyche of older preschoolers and the fullest disclosure of children's abilities.

Chess in preschool educational institutions has a positive effect on the improvement of many mental processes in children and such qualities as memory, perception, attention, imagination, thinking, and the initial forms of volitional behavior control. Playing chess helps many children keep up with their peers in development, opens the way to creativity for hundreds of thousands of children of the non-communicative type. Expanding the circle of communication, opportunities for full-fledged self-expression, self-realization allows these children to overcome isolation, imaginary inferiority. The pedagogical expediency of the program is explained by the fact that the initial course on teaching the game of chess is as accessible as possible to preschoolers. The core moment of the classes is the activity of the students themselves, when they observe, compare, classify, group, draw conclusions, and find out patterns. At the same time, it provides for the widespread use of entertaining material, the inclusion of game situations in the classes, the reading of didactic fairy tales, etc. Specially organized game activities in the classroom, the use of mnemonic techniques for the development of memory, methods of playing out educational tasks, creating game situations.

This educational program is designed for children from 5 to 7 years old. Study groups are completed by 12 people in a group. Mode of conducting training sessions 2 times a week for 5-7 years - 30 minutes. Thus, the educational program of teaching chess to children of preschool age (5-7 years old) is designed for 76 hours per year.

Purpose of the program: Formation of initial knowledge, skills and abilities of the chess game; creating conditions for the development of cognitive processes and the emotional-volitional sphere of students.


1. Development and training of mental processes:

Learning the skills to memorize, compare, generalize, anticipate the results of their activities; development of logical thinking, orientation on the plane, attention, memory;

Development of analytical and synthetic activity, thinking, judgments, inferences.

2. Development of cognitive interests

Learning the basics of the chess game,

Broadening your horizons;

3. Development of creativity:

Development of creative imagination, fantasy, ingenuity.

4. Development of moral and communicative personality traits:

Activates objectivity, independence, perseverance, calmness, endurance, perseverance, composure, will;

Self-confidence, persistent character, ability to foresee the outcome of events.

Fostering the ability to behave in a group while moving, the formation of a sense of tact, cultural habits in the process of group communication with children and adults.

5. Preparing the child as a school. Children who are involved in chess have a better understanding of science at school and do their homework faster.

2.3 Conditions for the implementation of the program

The additional general educational program "Chess for preschoolers" was developed for children of senior preschool age in accordance with the OOP DO MBDOU No. 30 "Sevensvetik", in accordance with the introduction of the FSES DO.

The work program is designed for two years of study for senior preschool children, with two lessons per week.

The focus is on the personality of the child. Children, through playing chess, have the opportunity to realize their interests, plans, ideas.

The structure of the lesson includes the study of chess theory through the use of didactic fairy tales, game situations, mnemonic techniques. To consolidate knowledge, didactic tasks and positions for game practice are used. At each of the lessons, elementary chess material is worked out with in-depth study of individual topics. The main emphasis in the classes is made on a detailed study of the strength and weakness of each chess piece, its playing capabilities. The program is designed for children of senior and preparatory groups.

2.4 Creation of a developing subject-spatial environment for the implementation of the program

For the effective implementation of the Program, classes are held in the office of additional education, where a developing subject-spatial environment has been created in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN dated 05.15.2013 No. 26 and the federal state educational standard for preschool education (hereinafter - FSES DO).

The developing subject-spatial environment ensures the maximum realization of the educational potential of the group space, materials, equipment for the development of children of senior preschool age, protection and strengthening of their health, taking into account the peculiarities and correction of developmental disabilities.

The developing subject-spatial environment of preschool educational institutions is organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to do what he loves. All group rooms meet the requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment, since the environment must be:

  • rich in content,
  • transformable,
  • multifunctional,
  • variable,
  • affordable,
  • safe.

Thus, a properly organized subject-developing environment allows each child to find something to do, to believe in their own strengths and abilities, to learn to interact with adults and peers, to understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is the basis of developmental learning. .
The equipment of the developing subject-spatial environment meets the requirements specified in the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.

Technical means for preparing and conducting classes.

ü didactic games for learning to play chess;

ü visual aids (albums, portraits of outstanding chess players, training diagrams, illustrations, photographs);

ü demonstration wall magnetic boards with sets of chess pieces;

ü table chess of different types;

ü chess tables;

ü chess clock;

ü educational video lessons on chess;

ü game simulators;

ü corner "Chess" in senior and preparatory groups;

ü parental corner "Chess".

3.1. Information note about the features of the USP implementation in the 2017-2018 academic year

3.2. Expected results of mastering the program for the 2017-2018 academic period

Children should:

  • to have an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe chessboard, to be guided by it;
  • distinguish and name chess pieces;
  • correctly place the chess pieces on the chessboard in the starting position;
  • have an idea of ​​the basic rules of the game;
  • play with a small number of pieces;
  • have an idea of ​​the history of chess and outstanding chess players;
  • master basic chess terms;
  • correctly apply the elementary rules of the game;
  • have an idea of ​​some tactical techniques.

3.3. The system of work with parents and teachers of a preschool institution.

Tasks in working with parents:

  • Inclusion of parents in the educational process;
  • Spiritual rapprochement between children and parents;
  • Formation of motivation, due to which the interest of children in playing chess increases.
  • Work with parents is carried out in 2 directions: educational and informative.

Forms of work with parents:

  • Parents' attendance at open classes (especially important First stage training);
  • Individual and collective consultations (including at parent-teacher meetings);
  • Organization of chess trainings for parents;
  • Family activities (holidays, contests, family evenings dedicated to various topics, where pupils will have the opportunity to show the abilities acquired in the course of work in all sections of the program).
  • Questioning parents in order to obtain feedback on the work carried out by teachers;
  • Design of information stands for parents.

The work of the kindergarten and the family is based on the principles of interaction, mutual cooperation. Thanks to this, parents enrich their own knowledge and ideas about how it is possible to teach chess to a child at home.

Forms of work with parents under the program are carried out in the following areas:

Self-training organization mental activity

parents can become the initiators of the organization in the home environment of various mental activities of children. Such joint entertainment can play a big role in creating a friendly, trusting, creative atmosphere in the family, which is important for strengthening family relations

Counseling for parents

carried out individually, when there is a need to communicate with a separate family. Collective consultations - in this case, it is important to find an interesting form of communication, which must necessarily be confidential

Parents' meetings

devoted to the topics most relevant in this moment for the educational process Possible, and such a form of work as a workshop for parents.


are an important form of interaction. In the classroom, children receive a task that is feasible for them, to the implementation of which parents must be involved. By doing it, children reinforce certain skills acquired in the classroom, and at the same time interact with parents, which improves the family climate, arouses in parents a natural interest in the child's life in kindergarten.

Interaction with families of pupils
Target: creation of a unified educational space for the successful implementation of the tasks of the adaptive program.
Forms of interaction with parents:
Depending on the tasks to be solved, various forms interaction with families of pupils:

Information(e.g. oral journals; counseling; brochures, flyers; reminders and newsletters for parents; visual psychological and pedagogical propaganda, etc.)
Organizational(parent meetings, questionnaires, etc.).
Educational(parental living rooms; master classes; consulting; thematic meetings; round tables and etc.).
Organizational - activity(joint parent-child projects; exhibitions of works performed by children and their parents; participation in master classes (as well as their independent conduct); assistance in preparing an email newsletter with tips for parents or a photo report about the past event, etc.).
The participation of parents in the pedagogical process (classes with the participation of parents; reading fairy tales to children, etc.)
Support for parents in self-development and teacher education.

Forms of work with teachers

Estimated results on increasing the level of development of pedagogical competence of parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions


They are active participants in the pedagogical process in joint activities with educators and a teacher of additional education.

They take an active position at parent-teacher meetings, joint holidays held in a preschool institution.

Attend open views of classes and classes in the "Chess for Preschoolers" studio.

Informed about the tasks of the intellectual characteristics of the development of children.

They become not only spectators, but also full-fledged participants together with children.

They are interested in the types and forms of work with children.


Strengthens with children the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom and classes in the studio "Chess for Preschoolers".

Shows a creative approach to solving tasks.

She is actively working with parents, helping the teacher of additional education in solving the tasks of this program.

Creates conditions for organizing joint activities of children and parents.

Takes an active part in the creation of a subject-developing environment that contributes to the formation of the basic forms and methods of logical thinking.

4. Planning the training system in accordance with the learning objectives


Calendar training schedule (5 - 6 years)

Calendar training schedule

Working hours


Calendar training schedule (6-7 years)

Calendar training schedule

Working hours

Schedule of classes for an additional general developmental program

"Chess for preschoolers"

for the 2017-2018 academic period

The curriculum of the additional general developmental program on a budgetary basis "Chess for preschoolers"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of kindergarten No. 30 "Sevensvetik" in the period from 09/01/2016 to 05/31/2017.

5.Organizational side of the educational process

Classes in the "Chess for Preschoolers" studio are characterized by: a constant composition of students, a certain duration, regulation of tasks.

Lesson structure

The structure of each lesson is determined by its content: is it devoted to learning new things, repeating and consolidating what has been passed, checking the assimilation of knowledge by children:

1. Introductory The first part of the lesson is planned to repeat the previous material;

2. Basic in the second part - submission of new material;

3. The final in the third part - checking the assimilation of new material (d / i, game exercises).

The first lesson on a new topic is almost entirely devoted to working on new material. Acquaintance with new material is organized when the children are most efficient, that is, at the 3-5th minute. from the beginning of the lesson, and finish at the 15-18th min. Repetition of what has been covered is given 3-4 minutes. at the beginning and 4-8 minutes. at the end of the lesson.

Activity method;

Research method;

Play exercises

Didactic games;

Creation and solution of problem situations;


Forms of organization of the "Chess" studio

Stories and conversations;

Joint activities of children and adults;


Network edition "Moya Ugra" All-Russian mass media "Moya Ugra".

Registration certificate EL No. FS 77 - 68928 dated 03/07/2017, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media.


Chief editor Fedosova I.G., editorial office: Nizhnevartovsk, st. Pionerskaya 5-12.

Volume: 128 pages

Format: 210 × 297 mm


Packing standard:

Year of publication: 2017

About the project.

The educational and methodological complex "Phoenix - Chess for Preschool Children" was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Consists of a partial program, guidelines for teachers of additional education, educators, parents and didactic materials for preschool children. The educational-methodical complex "Phoenix - chess for preschoolers" has been tested at the experimental sites of the Federal State Autonomous Institution "FIRO". There are reviews and expert opinions.

The implementation of the EMC "Phoenix - Chess for Preschool Children" is aimed at forming a general culture of the personality of children and enriching (amplifying) child development through involvement in an intellectual and competitive environment. The content of the teaching materials "Phoenix - chess for preschoolers" is aimed at children of all health groups.

EMC "Phoenix - Chess for Preschoolers" contains an author's program for teaching children to play chess, guidelines for it and didactic materials. The program, designed for children 4 years of age and older, can be used by chess coaches, preschool teachers as a partial educational program, primary school teachers and teachers of additional education for organizing extracurricular activities, parents. To implement the program, no special chess knowledge and game skills are required - an adult can go through the learning process together with a student. The "Phoenix - Chess for Preschoolers" EMC contains guidelines for acquainting children with chess pieces, the basics and basic techniques of playing, conducting classes and sports competitions. Methodological recommendations are addressed to chess coaches, teachers of additional education, working in preschool educational institutions and primary school, and can also be used by parents in conditions home schooling and for the general development of children.

About the program.

The author's Program "Phoenix - Chess for Preschool Children" is developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education and can be used in any preschool educational institution in combination with any educational program.

The program is developed on the basis of a system-activity approach and is aimed at the formation of social, communicative and cognitive competencies. It involves stimulating the activity and structuring the thinking processes (attention, planning, reflection, memory, counting, analysis and introspection) of the child.

The program was developed in accordance with the main regulatory documents regulating the activities of preschoolers and is aimed at solving the problems of the federal state educational standard for preschool education in the field of forming a general culture of the personality of children and enriching (amplifying) child development.

The program is focused on the formation of the personal development of a child 4 years of age and older through his involvement in the intellectual and sports environment, in particular, through acquaintance with the art of chess.

To implement the program, no special chess knowledge and game skills are required - an adult can go through the learning process together with a student.

The program is designed to spend leisure time with children at any time of the year as part of educational and sports events. The leading forms of organization of the lesson are both group and subgroup. The main methods of teaching children: storytelling, demonstration, group and individual conversations and events with a sports bias that evokes an attitude towards chess as a sport. Chess is presented as the main activity and as a way of education.

The program is addressed by chess coaches, preschool teachers as a partial educational program, primary school teachers and teachers of additional education for organizing extracurricular activities, parents.

Within the framework of the Program, it is proposed to apply the developed didactic materials and methodological recommendations.

Didactic materials.

Didactic materials are part of the Phoenix - Chess for Preschool Children Educational Complex and are intended for preschool children.

Each sheet of didactic material corresponds to a page of guidelines, which presents an algorithm for conducting a lesson. The child works closely with a sheet of didactic material, a chessboard and figures (sports equipment). The child receives information through didactic materials. Visual methods are used in conjunction with verbal and in practical ways learning.

At the end of the lesson, the child is invited to put the used sheet of didactic material into his individual folder.

Methodological recommendations for the partial program are part of the teaching and learning method "Phoenix - chess for preschoolers". Methodical recommendations are addressed to chess coaches, teachers of additional education, working in preschool educational institutions and primary schools, and can also be used by parents in home schooling and for the general development of children.

Each page of the guidelines corresponds to a specific sheet of didactic material for children, offers an algorithm for conducting the lesson. As a rule, this is a survey, work with a sheet of didactic material, a chessboard and figures (sports equipment), a discussion or discussion about a topic or certain concepts raised in the lesson. At the end of the lesson, the child is invited to put the used sheet of didactic material into his individual folder.

At the top of the page, the topic is indicated and the main targets of the lesson are given. On the left side of the page of guidelines there is a drawing of a clock with the designation of time in minutes. The arc to the right of the clock is divided into segments different color, which show how much time it is proposed to allocate for this or that part of the lesson. The color of the text on the right side of the page matches the color of the similar part of the arc. At the bottom of the page, answers to questions and tasks from the corresponding sheet of didactic materials are given. If the tasks do not require answers, then the images presented are an exact repetition of the material on the didactic sheet.

In most cases, didactic material serves as a supplement to sports equipment.

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