Nouns ending in ca. Lesson topic: Designation of sounds at the end of nouns and verbs

The buildings 03.07.2020
The buildings

In everyday life, we periodically face the task of searching for words according to certain parameters. Unfortunately, the use of paper dictionaries is somewhat difficult when you do not remember exactly the spelling of a word. Moreover, the search takes a lot of time, and sometimes, due to the infrequent updating of the vocabulary database, you do not find the word you are looking for at all. We have combined many dictionaries and automated the word search process, which now takes only hundredths of a second.

Presented to your attention words starting with CA. Almost every word in our dictionary contains a definition, and various search options allow you to almost always find a result. In this section of the site, we have provided the ability to search for a word using a rubricator.

To find all words in CA, you must sequentially indicate the first letter of the searched word, then the second, third ... in the end, you will find the word by the selection method. In addition, filters by word length, located in the "Search Options" block, will be useful to you.

In other sections of the project, it is possible "Search for words by mask and definition", "Composing a word from a word or letters", "Solving and compiling anagrams online" and many others.

Our database contains more than 300,000 words of the Russian language and is well suited for solving crosswords and scanwords, solving school and student problems, an assistant in board and online games.

We hope that received list of words starting with CA will significantly save your time, and the search results are guaranteed to help in solving the problem.

Lesson topic: Designation of sounds [ca] at the end of nouns and verbs. Spelling tsya and tsya in verbs.

Target: Through solving a problem situation based on research, teach students the designation of sounds [tsa] at the end of nouns and verbs. Develop the ability to find conditions for choosing spellings and spellings in verbs.

During the classes

organizational part.

Work silently. If you want to answer, raise your hand! Don't catch crows!

A moment of cleansing. Differentiated tasks (according to the level of complexity)

ut ot ut ut ut ult

What can you say about letter combinations? What part of the word can these combinations of letters be? What part of speech will we talk about in class? Tell what you know about the verb from the given letter combinations.

Group 2 works on cards - tests.

Choose one statement from the three answer options:

write that lowercase letter once.

1. The verb is 4. Verbs change

a. part of a word b. Only by numbers

b. Proposal member c. Only at times

d. Part of speech d. By numbers, by times, by persons

2. The verb means 5. In the form of what time can be used

in. Sign of the subject and. Nast. in.

l. The action of the subject Nast. in., Ave. in., Bud. in.

j. The name of the object y. Etc. in., Bud. in.

3. In a sentence, the verb happens 6. In the form of what tense does the verb change

a. Most often predicate k. Nast. in., Ave. in., Bud. in.

in. Minor member l. Etc. in.

d. Subject m. Pr. in., Bud. in.

From the received written lowercase letters, write down the word - this is the test key.

Frontal work with the class.


Knowledge update.

She hardly has a row

Letters stand for letters.

Competent without timidity

Tells the news.

On one sheet

Lots of different news. (NEWSPAPER)

Vocabulary and spelling work

Determine the lexical meaning of each word.

put an accent.

How many syllables are there?

What syllables are unstressed?

· Underline the “mistakeable” places.

(Newspaper - a periodical in the form of large sheets, dedicated to the events of current political and social life. Working with Ozhegov's dictionary.)

Make up words with the same root for the word NEWSPAPER - NEWSPAPER, NEWSPAPER, NEWSPAPER.

Break it down by composition. How to spell the root in single-root words.

Connection with life. What is the name of our local newspaper? Demonstration of local newspapers.

Topic message. Statement of educational tasks.

Listen to the quatrain, be careful, if you hear the same pronunciation in words, try to remember these words.

The sun is setting, water is flowing,
The tit bird looks into the water.
I decided to drink pure water,
A tit bird that looks into the water.

Name the words. Read the words written on the board:

saditsa stream water

bird titmouse napitsa

Let's see how these words are written in the text.

What problem do you think we are facing?

(We will determine when to write ca , when tsya , and when to be .)

You're right! This is the topic of our lesson.

Making assumptions and substantiating a hypothesis

1. First, let's determine in which words the syllable is written ca.

Compare the words of the first two columns. What do these words have in common? What is the difference?

Observe what is heard and what is written at the end of nouns.

Answer the question given in the textbook. PAGE 103, UPR. 108

Conclusion: at the end of nouns [tsa] is heard and written ca. SLIDE AND TABLE.

Teacher. You have made the right decision! The opening has taken place! Thanks to those who suggested the correct hypothesis.

An entry opens on the map:


Write these nouns in a notebook, but do not put a full stop, but look at the board and write out the words for this rule from these words.

We will work in sequence. Write out the words in which tsa is heard and written .

What will we remember? 1. Determine the part of speech on the issue. 2. If this and. noun and at the end we hear a combination[ca] , then boldly write ca.

Chicken [tsa], carrying [tsa], buttons [tsa], kuni [tsa], due [tsa], wolves [tsa], knitting [tsa], clever [tsa].


We work great
Take a break now
And a moment of relaxation
Comes to class for class.

Next task. Look at the second column, what do you think, why is it written in some words b sign, while others do not?

Children's versions.

To understand when it is written tsya and when tsya, you need to determine what form the verbs are in.

Determine the form of the verbs in columns 2, draw a conclusion.

Conclusion: if the verb is used in its initial form (answers the question what to do? what to do?) at the end it is written tsya.

An entry opens on the map.

What form are the verbs in column 3. (In the 3rd person singular form.)

Conclusion: if the verb is used in the forms of the 3rd person, singular or plural (answers the questions what does it do? what
do what will they do? what will they do?) at the end is written tsya.

Recording opens

Write down these verbs in a notebook, highlighting as an indicator of N. f., um, as the ending Nast. in.

Working on new material. Practicing the spelling of words with this spelling.

We talked about newspapers. About their importance in our life. What do you think it is difficult to publish a newspaper?

Professions - related to the publication of the newspaper in print:

Editor, correspondent, proofreader, typesetter.

Consolidation. Differentiated tasks by groups.


1. Work on proverbs.

Words given: business, friend, trouble, master.

- Read the words.

Use them to make up proverbs. (The work of the master is afraid. A friend is known in trouble).

How do you understand the meaning of each proverb?

Write down proverbs on your own, pay special attention to the spelling of verbs. Mutual verification.

CORRECTOR - insert the desired combination of tsya or tsya.

You have the same task in front of you, because you will work in pairs. But each of them has its own zest in this task.

CHECKING THE NOTEBOOKS FOR EVALUATION. What interesting expressions met, as they are called.

The verb to get confused also corresponds to a certain phraseological phrase. For the next lesson, find and explain its meaning. You can use a book from our classroom library. (Demonstration of the book).

Topic: Spelling words that end in tsa, tsya, tsya

    Motivation for learning activities.

Hello children!

looked at each other,

They smiled and sat quietly.

Turn to each other, smile and wish each other a good mood.

Let's open notebooks, write down the number, class work.

1 slide

Underline the studied spellings.

April 9.

Cla ss n and I R a bot.

Guys, we have to make an important discovery. To do this, you need to be attentive and active.

Do you want to discover new secrets of the Russian language?

2. Actualization of knowledge and fixation of an individual difficulty in a trial action.

Interesting part of speech

Lives in Russian.

Who does what, will tell:

Draws, writes, or sings,

Embroider or plow

Or score a goal

Cooks, fries, washes, cleans -

Everything will tell us ... (verb)

What part of speech are we working with in the last lessons?

Remember what you know about the verb.

What is a verb?

What questions does the verb answer?

How does the verb change?

What is the most common verb in a sentence?

What are reflexive verbs?

Well done! You answered all my questions.

What do you think? Why do we repeat knowledge about the verb?

Do you think we know everything about the verb?


On the board: Sp vr li ro chi (board)

Try to decrypt the entry. What signs of the verb are hidden?

Write the letter combinations in your notebook.

    Trial task.

Listen to the words: Blue[ca], bird[ca], swim[ca], swim[ca], smile[ca], carry[ca].

What interesting things did you hear in all the words? (at the end of the words we hear tsa)

2 slide

Open the brackets, write down the words (they come out one at a time and write on the board or call two students).

- And now look, I completed the same task: a titmouse, a bird, bathes, swims, smiles, bridge of the nose, is transferred.

3 slide (my words)

    Identification of the cause of the difficulty.

Check the spelling of the words on the board.

Who has no mistakes?

Who has? In what words?

What happens? The task was the same, the words were the same, but they were written differently. Why did they make mistakes? What don't you know? (we don't know the rules for writing such words)

Students formulate the purpose of the lesson.

State the purpose of the lesson. (to get acquainted with the rule of writing words that end in tsa, tsya, tsya with a soft sign, draw up an algorithm or scheme, learn how to write words correctly using an algorithm or scheme)

4. Building a project to get out of the difficulty.

Workin groups

Now I suggest that you work on the cards in groups, find ways of action (deduce the rule) yourself when writing words, deduce the rule.

4 slide

Divide these words into three columns. Act strictly according to the plan:

1. Ask a question to the words.

2. Determine the part of speech.

3. For verbs, determine the form.

4. Make a conclusion when CA, TSYA, TSYA are written in words.

Study, study, student, work, work, titmouse, street, swim, swim.

    Implementation of the constructed project.

A) Checking the assignment (children say, the teacher fixes on the board)

Let's check the task.

What words were written out in the first column? (student, tit, street)

Why? (these are nouns)

(And what part of speech is this? Which one? Answers)

What words are written in the second column? (studies, works, bathes)

Why? (these are verbs (3 persons), they answer the question what does it do? what do they do?) What pronouns can be substituted for these questions?

What words are written in the third column? (study, work, swim)

Why? (these are indefinite verbs, they answer the questions what to do? what to do?)

5 Slide

Make a conclusion: when are CA written in words, when TSYA, and when TSYA with a soft sign?

According to the results of the conclusions, the scheme is filled.

Ex. Verb

who? what? what to do? what is he doing?

what to do? what do they do?

Tsa n.f. 3 l.

Tsya tsya

b) Verification with the standard on the slide.

Let's compare with the standard.

6 slide (scheme on the slide)

If tsa is heard at the end, we need to understand the noun. This or verb. If we hear the word tsa on the horse

There are 2 ways (by question, by form)

    We determine the part of the rhea (if we write sush a, if ch then we need to check whether the sign is needed or not, you can check it in 2 ways:

    If there is an ь in the question, we write the sign ....

    2 sleep If ch in the neodeflrme we write with the sign


6. Primary consolidation in external speech

And now, using the algorithm, we will complete the task on the card

Card 1

Let's do our own work now. We use the schema.

7 Slide (task on a slide, other cards)

Friends (______________) know ____sya (_______) in trouble (on the board as the first line) (Friends are known what they are doing, there is no soft sign in the question, so they are known, we write without a soft sign, if they are known, this verb is 3 lia, and in 3 lie b is not needed ).

A coward of his shadow (what is he doing?) is afraid (3rd l.) (a coward of his shadow is afraid of what he is doing? There is no soft sign in the question, it means

Every person in business (what is he doing?) is known (3rd l.)

His work is out of hand (what is he doing?) Falls (3rd l.)

To be afraid of misfortune (what to do?) (indefinite f.), and not to see happiness (what to do?) (indefinite f.)

It’s not a shame not to know, it’s a shame (what to do?) Not to learn (neopr. f.)

To take on everything (what to do?) (indefinite f.) - do nothing

    Independent work with self-checking on the board.

Now let's do an independent work in the form of a game to find out how well you learned how to write and write in verbs.

I will read phrases to you, listen carefully, ask a question to the verb and determine whether the sign is needed or not.

    Lock on the bolt (what to do?)

    Fog appears (fog it appears 3rd person

    Going on the road

    Gotta take care of your health

    Wants to study

    girl studying

    Likes to work

8 Slide Check

Record the result of your work.

8. Inclusion in the knowledge system (oral work)

Read the words.Slide

What common? How are they different? Determine what part of the eye is each word?

Do not confuse the forms of these verbs with nouns that end in -ca!

The bridge of the nose - is transferred (the bridge of the nose ends in tsa, it means it is a noun. It is transferred ends with the question what does this verb mean)

Voditsa - to be led

Knitting needle - sleeping

What do we need to do to make the lexical meaning of words clear? (it’s good to combine combinations to understand

Make up phrases with these words so that the lexical meaning of the words is clear.

(The bridge of the nose hurts - the meeting is postponed

Pure water - no need to hang out with him

Sharp knitting needle - he can't sleep)

    Homework . 1. Come up with sentences with verbswork andis working.

Choose words by type:carried - carry (refer to the exercise that was done at the beginning of the lesson)

10. Reflection of activity in the lesson.

Our lesson has come to an end.

Soon the bell will ring

The lesson has come to an end.

Everyone could do something.

Let's bring it up now.... (total).

Reflection on questions:

What was the purpose of the lesson?_____________________

Have you reached your goal? (Yes, we opened the rule, made a scheme, worked according to the scheme)

Assess how you learned the material

I didn't make a single mistake.

I was wrong 1-3 times.

I've been wrong more than 3 times.

I didn't understand the material.

- Grading a lesson .

Thank you for the lesson!

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