Voskobovich's educational games. Voskobovich's technique

Water bodies 10.10.2019
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Our kindergarten operates under the Childhood program. According to this program, V. Voskobovich's developing games are needed.We would very much like these wonderful games to be in our garden too. But, since we do not have the opportunity to purchase them, we made some of VV Voskobovich's games ourselves! Using plywood, fabric, colored oracle, studs, colored rubber bands.

"Voskobovich Square"

It is a square fabric base with oracle triangles glued to it. On the one hand, it is red, on the other, green. By folding it along the fold lines in different directions, the child can create various geometric and object figures.

The game "Voskobovich's Square" develops fine motor skills of hands, spatial thinking, sensory abilities, thought processes, the ability to design, creativity.

As in all Voskobovich's manuals, the child can do this according to the proposed scheme or guided by his own plan. The square can be folded into various shapes: kids can easily make a house with a green roof or candy in a red wrapper, older children will be able to distinguish geometric figures hidden in the house.

Target: development of constructive abilities of children.

GAME "Geocont-constructor"

Using this tablet, you can learn numbers, letters, geometric shapes, "draw" various objects, patterns, build labyrinths, get acquainted with the concepts of big and small, teach a child to navigate in space and perform tasks according to a model, etc.

Make this game yourself!

You will need: a wooden board, power buttons, a ruler, a pencil, rubber bands.

Target: to develop the ability to lay out corners of different types with rubber bands according to a scheme, a sample, according to a verbal assignment, according to one's own intention, to teach to sketch the resulting angle on an additional playing paper field.

« Designing Numbers "

We invite children to lay out the numbers using an elastic band on the Geokont. The children tell what number they have posted, they call it carnations. For example, number 2 - carnations C3, F2, B3, K2, O3, G2, G4, Z4, Zh4.

All games are made for each student of the group. Play to your health!

« Flower account "

The flower is made of cardboard paper. On the petals of the flower are written numbers from 0 to 9, and in the middle is the number 10. On the petals there are windows where numbers (answers) are inserted.

Didactic task: improve counting skills within 10.

Game situation

Guys, look, what kind of flower did we meet in the forest? (Chamomile)

Now let's play the Flower Counting game with number fans.

What number are we going to add to the numbers on the petals?

I show the number, and you calculate and insert the answer on the flower.

Conclusion: Well done! Coped with the task.

educators, MBDOU "Ishleyskiy kindergarten" Buratino "

Ishley village, Cheboksary district, Chuvashia

Once I already wrote about how you can stimulate the development of a child from an early age, and today I want to tell you about Voskobovich's educational games. This is a unique complex of versatile playbooks aimed at teaching the child basic knowledge within the play space.

Voskobovich's games develop memory, observation, imagination, and creative thought. They help to master mathematical concepts, teach to distinguish between letters and sounds, and develop reading skills. The most interesting thing is that Voskobovich's educational games will be interesting, and therefore useful not only for preschoolers, but also for younger students. They not only teach, practice skills and consolidate skills, in each game the child lives with the fairy-tale characters various plots and events.

The history of the creation of games and the method of Voskobovich

Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Voskobovich never specifically connected his life with pedagogy. He is an engineer-physicist by profession. But the circumstances in his native country so developed that the young father Voskobovich had to delve into pedagogy with his head.

When Vyacheslav Vladimirovich had children, he seriously thought about their all-round development. Unfortunately, in those years there was not a lot of choice among the x games, and those innovative educators who proposed early learning methods advised to make all games from scrap materials. Inspired by the works of Zaitsev and Nikitin, Voskobovich decided to create something completely new that would be interesting not only for his children, but also for their peers.

Even though Vyacheslav Voskobovich did not have a pedagogical education, his intuition in the choice of methods for raising his children opened the doors of real pedagogical creativity for him. While creating his first game, he came up with an interesting fairy tale, during which the heroes must, together with the children, solve the riddle of the new game and make an interesting discovery.

Later, in his technology, Voskobovich will say that no game can be one-time, that it needs a good storyline. The creation of a fabulous, methodological space for each developmental and training manual in Voskobovich's technology is of key importance. The main feature of his technology is that it is easy to implement it into the usual gameplay without changing or rebuilding the usual framework. And the adult in these fabulous stories becomes a full partner of the child, regardless of age and experience.

This is probably why all Voskobovich's educational games have an interesting, mysterious fairy-tale world inhabited by different heroes and characters. By the way, this technology quickly fell in love with many parents in St. Petersburg, and soon became an interesting discovery for kindergartens throughout Russia.

Today, in many cities, clubs for parents who want to teach a child about Voskobovich's games, kindergartens, clubs, and hobby groups work according to his technology. Over the past decade, the author has released more than 50 games covering different age categories, but interesting both for children of three years old and for those who are already in elementary school.

What is the popularity of Voskobovich's educational games, and can they be used at home, and not in a garden, a circle, a club? Let's figure it out together.

The most famous games of Voskobovich

All Voskobovich's educational games are divided into types:

1. Games aimed at logical and mathematical development. Among them stands out Geocon constructor .

This tutorial is a playing field with drawn axes and geometric shapes, indicated by letters. At each point of intersection of the rays, a carnation with a number is fixed. Pulling special rubber bands between the studs, the child can create various shapes and segments, as in the manual or including his own imagination.

Through Geokona the first mathematical concepts are formed, an acquaintance with geometric figures occurs, and the knowledge of colors is consolidated. At its core, it is a unique and versatile educational game that you can purchase in stores or create yourself.

The child can add all kinds of geometric shapes from them, training memory, fine motor skills, expanding the concept of geometric concepts.

Voskobovich squares small in size and can be taken with you on trips, to clinics and even on walks.

Another game space in the development of mathematical concepts is Splash-Splash Ship. This is a game for the little ones. Model of a five-masted ship. Each mast is strung with colored flags.

The kid can easily take them off and put them back on. With such a guide, you can begin to master counting, you can learn to distinguish colors, you can develop memory and imagination. Moreover, this guide perfectly replaces the pyramid and develops fine motor skills.

There is also an alternative version of this game.

A universal playbook that is suitable for both a small child and a junior schoolchild. With his help, in the summer we train with our son in counting, and with our daughter we learn numbers and signs. This is about " Digital circus “.

2. Games with letters, sounds, words.

A special place among Voskobovich's educational games is occupied by Teremki Voskobovich .
This is a real author's methodology for early learning to read in the game. There are 24 cubes in the game. 12 cubes of teremkov - consonants, and 12 cubes - tabs-windows - vowels. With this game, kids learn to put letters into syllables, syllables into words. A natural reading skill is formed in a playful, child-friendly environment.

A series of games "Chamomile", "Snowman", "Yablonka" will teach our children how to create words.

Some examples of fairy-tale plots for joint games

Above, I mentioned that all Voskobovich's educational games have a fabulous component. I'll tell you a little more about this.

So, for children from 3 to 10 years old, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich has developed a whole technique called "Fabulous labyrinths of the game." The world in which the development of the characters and all related adventures takes place is called the "Purple Forest", and it is divided into many zones, territories and houses. For each of his games, Voskobovich came up with a storyline, and a problem that the child solves together with the character.

Boy Geo we travel with

IN « Geokone " the unlucky spider Yukk decided to make a beautiful cobweb for the boy Geo, but he was very thirsty and went to the store for juice. While he was away, his grandson decided to help and unknowingly entangled all the threads of the web.

Spider Yucca

Now the grandfather spider does not know how to unravel everything and ask for help. He so wanted to please Geo.
Then the child is invited to restore the cobweb pattern by coordinates.

"Game square" , or eternal origami. Here you can fantasize with your child. Triangles on a square field are arranged like this. That you can create a house for a dog, a birdhouse for a crow and much more. You can create silhouettes of a mouse, a cat. In principle, there are no restrictions. The author himself says that the game must live, and therefore, connecting your creative thought, you will drink the game with energy.

Another interesting manual in Voskobovich's educational games: "Transparent square". These are 30 transparent plates with images of squares, rhombuses, trapezoids and triangles printed on them.

The presenter tells a fairy tale that the boy Geo decided to visit his grandmother, and the crow Meter, seeing him off on the road, gave ice floes of ice as a keepsake. The boy was surprised at such a gift, but the raven folded the figure of a horse from the ice and Geo was able to ride a magic horse part of the way.

How to create transparent squares ourselves

But the most interesting and mysterious game awaits the little ranger Geo in an enchanted meadow. Only "Letter constructor" , since in order to find the correct path and disenchant all objects, it is necessary to select letters for the enchanted words.

In such an unpretentious playful way, traveling through the fairy-tale worlds of Voskobovich's educational games, the child learnscounting, reading and even the basics of geometric concepts. It is very easy to create such a space in a nursery. You can buy everything you need in stores. You can sew, cut out decorations. But the main thing is not to teach the child through games, but to learn something new and unusual with him while playing a fairy tale.

You yourself will not notice how Voskobovich's educational games will color life with bright colors of fun knowledge!

What, first of all, do many parents pay attention to when choosing toys for their child? Safety, attractive appearance, age-appropriateness and, of course, usefulness. Moreover, special requirements are imposed on the last criterion, since the toy should not only please the baby, but also contribute to his development. Particularly popular among parents and teachers are the so-called Voskobovich games, which are ideal for children of all ages.

What, first of all, do many parents pay attention to when choosing toys for their child? Safety, attractive appearance, age-appropriateness and, of course, usefulness. Moreover, special requirements are imposed on the last criterion, since the toy should not only like the baby, but also contribute to his development. It should be noted that despite the huge variety of educational games and toys on the shelves of modern stores, the so-called Voskobovich's games ideal for both very small babies and older children.

Naturally, if you buy Voskobovich's game and let the child play with it on his own, practically no developmental effect will be achieved. These games "work" only in conjunction with parental attention and Voskobovich's methodology, which we will talk about today.

A few words about Voskobovich

Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich is a talented Russian self-taught teacher who, having "behind him" a diploma of an engineer-physicist, managed to develop a unique author's method of early childhood development, which has received recognition not only among parents, but also among professionals - teachers and psychologists. It was not his love for pedagogy (although besides physics he was always fond of poetry, music and writing poetry and songs for children and adults) that made him “try on” the unusual role of the inventor of children's educational toys Vyacheslav Voskobovich, but a harsh vital necessity.

At the very beginning of the 90s of the last century, when there was a total deficit of children's educational games in the country, Voskobovich was faced with a difficult choice: to let the upbringing and development of his own children take their course or try to invent and make games that would provide his children not only with leisure, but and full development.

As a result, a whole series of Voskobovich's educational games("Geokont", "Game Square" and "Flower Clock"), which are universal creative tools intended for repeated use. To date, about 40 Voskobovich's educational games are available, each of which can become a real boon for parents who care about the harmonious and full development of their children.

Subsequently, Vyacheslav Vadimovich also developed his own methodology aimed at the all-round development of children, which was based on his personal parenting experience. In other words, Voskobovich was able to create an effective methodology for the development of children, which can be successfully applied by every parent at home.

Features of Voskobovich's technique

The author of the method is absolutely sure that all children quickly and with pleasure master new knowledge and skills only if the learning process takes place in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Therefore, its Voskobovich technique built on principles such as:

  • cognitive process - each game is a separate fairy tale filled with funny characters and adventures that contribute to the development of imagination and logic;
  • creativity - non-traditional tasks in games form the child's creative thinking and develop creative potential;
  • learning - during the game, the child simultaneously memorizes letters, numbers, shapes, colors, etc.

That is, Voskobovich's educational games are a multifunctional tool that allows children to successfully develop logic, memory, thinking, motor skills and other psychological processes in a playful way, as well as teach them to count and read. It is noteworthy that Voskobovich's games are intended for children in a wide age range: both children of 1-2 years old and students of elementary grades are happy to play in them. At the same time, parents do not have to acquire new games as the child grows up. Due to the fact that each game contains many tasks (from simple manipulations of elements to solving complex multi-level problems), a game acquired once will be interesting to a child for several years.

Almost all of Voskobovich's games are accompanied by teaching aids that include fascinating fairy tales with vivid illustrations, in which there are tasks that are interesting for children.

How are classes based on Voskobovich's methodology

Before starting classes, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the methodological recommendations and instructions for the game of Voskobovich, which you bought for your baby. It is very important not to impose on the child the fulfillment of certain tasks in the game. The kid must himself determine the pace and level of load, independently switching from one task to another.

Since Voskobovich's games assume that the child will sit in one place for some time, the author of the method advises to conduct classes for about 10 minutes at first. After a short break, when the child runs a little, you can return to the tasks again.

Voskobovich's fabulous technique is built on a trusting and friendly relationship between a child and parents, when adults and children are partners, and in everything they support and help each other. Therefore, if something does not work out for the baby the first time, there is no need to criticize him. Praise your child more often, and rejoice in every victory (even if it is insignificant).

In the process of completing tasks, children almost all the time work only with their hands and very little interact with the environment. In order for the child to develop not only memory, logic, thinking, motor skills, etc., but also speech, Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich recommends asking the baby to comment on all his actions or retell the plot of a fairy tale. Ask your child as many questions as possible about what kind of fabulous task he is doing now, and what options he has already come up with for its implementation.

Disadvantages of Voskobovich's technique

Strange as it may seem, there are practically no shortcomings in Voskobovich's method. Practice has shown that all children, without exception, who study according to this method, can count, read, orient themselves on the plane, think logically, compare and analyze the information received. In addition, kids who study according to Voskobovich's method have a high level of development of thinking, memory and attention, and also know how to concentrate their attention for a long time on completing assigned tasks. And most importantly, all children study with great pleasure, without coercion and scandals.

The only thing that can be attributed to disadvantages of Voskobovich's method, so this is the need to purchase copyright educational games in specialized stores. It is almost impossible to make such games on your own at home. However, taking into account the fact that buying Voskobovich's game, you acquire a useful game that the child will play with interest for several years, this disadvantage can be considered insignificant.

VOSKOBOVICH METHOD The first games of Vyacheslav Voskobovich appeared in the early 90s. Basically, these are construction games and puzzles, accompanied by fabulous stories. The most famous of them are Geokont and Voskobovich's Square. Games develop design skills, spatial thinking, attention, memory, creative imagination, fine motor skills, the ability to compare, analyze and contrast. There are also more complex games that teach children to model, correlate parts and a whole. In such games, children learn theory through practice. Also, the author has invented manuals aimed at studying numbers (for example, "The Magic Eight") and letters ("Letter Constructor"), for teaching reading (for example, according to the universal textbook "Skladushki"). Voskobovich's games are multifunctional and are intended for children from 2 to 10 years old (although it is possible up to 99 years old). A bit of history Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich - lives in St. Petersburg. He has developed over 40 educational games and manuals. In the past, Vyacheslav Vadimovich was an engineer-physicist. The impetus for the invention of games was served by two of their own children and "empty" toy stores during the Perestroika era. Voskobovich, trying to find an alternative to the usual post-Soviet toys, came across the experience of Nikitin and Zaitsev, but decided to go his own way. This is how his first creative games appeared: "Geokont", "Game Square", "Color Clock". “We have given up on 'disposable' products: assembled, disassembled and put aside, we create universal games that can be creatively used repeatedly,” says Vyacheslav Voskobovich. A little later, the center of Voskobovich's Developing Games LLC was created for the development, production, implementation and distribution of methods and developmental and correctional games. Objectives of lessons with Voskobovich's game materials Development of a child's cognitive interest and research activities. Development of observation, imagination, memory, attention, thinking and creativity. Harmonious development of emotional-figurative and logical principles in children. Formation of basic ideas about the world around, mathematical concepts, sound-letter phenomena. The development of fine motor skills. Features of Voskobovich's educational games - Games are developed based on the interests of children. Studying with such play aids, children get real pleasure and discover more and more new opportunities for themselves. - Wide age range. Children from 2 to 7 years old and older can play the same game. The game starts with simple manipulation, and then becomes more difficult due to a large variety of game tasks and exercises. - Multifunctionality and versatility. Being engaged with only one game aid, the child has the opportunity to show his creativity, develop comprehensively and master a large number of educational tasks (get acquainted with numbers or letters, color or shape, counting, etc.). - Ready-made educational didactic material systematized by age and educational objectives. - Methodological support. Many games are accompanied by special methodological books with fairy tales, in which various plots are intertwined with intellectual tasks, questions and illustrations. Fairy tales-tasks and their kind heroes - the wise raven Meter, the brave kid Geo, the cunning but simple-minded Vsyus, the funny Magnolic - accompanying the child through the game, teach him not only mathematics, reading, logic, but also human relationships. Voskobovich's most popular games "Geokont" - it is also called "a plank with carnations" or "multi-colored cobwebs" - is a plywood plank with a coordinate film applied to it. As a result of such construction, subject silhouettes, geometric shapes, patterns, numbers, letters are obtained.The play set is accompanied by the methodical fairy tale "Kid Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava" (the word "geometry" is encrypted in the name of the fairy tale). And the fairy tale begins like this: "One day baby Geo had a dream. He walks across the world for a day, the second, the third, and suddenly - towards the Red Beast. The baby got scared, ran, and suddenly - a voice:" Do not be afraid of the Red Beast, drive him away with an orange cry. " screaming - the Red Beast disappeared, but a tree appeared, on the top of which the Yellow Bird was sitting. The Yellow Bird flapped its wings, whirled, the Kid got scared and ran. And again the voice: “Don't be afraid of the Yellow Bird - drive it away with a green whistle. " The kid whistled with a green whistle - the Yellow Bird disappeared. A lake appeared, a boat was standing on the shore. The Kid got into the boat, did a few strokes, and suddenly a Blue Fish comes out. The Kid got scared again, leaned on the oars, but that was not the case. And again the voice: "Do not be afraid of the Blue Fish, drive her away with a blue whisper." The Kid whispered in a blue whisper - the lake disappeared, the boat disappeared. Geo stood in front of the entrance to the Purple Forest. " Thus, the kid does not just create images on the "Geoconte", but makes a cobweb of the Yuka spider, rays and segments, which are called "orange cry of the Red Beast", "green whistle of the Yellow Bird" or "blue whisper of the Blue Fish". The book contains diagrams-drawings of what the child should get. As a result of games with the "Geocont", children develop hand and finger motor skills, sensory abilities (mastering color, shape, size), thought processes (constructing according to a verbal model, building symmetrical and asymmetrical figures, searching and establishing patterns), creativity. "Voskobovich's square" or "Game square" can be 2-color (for children 2-5 years old) and 4-color (for 3-7 year old children) The game consists of 32 rigid triangles glued on both sides at a distance of 3-5 ml each from a friend onto a flexible fabric base. On the one hand, the "Square" is green and yellow, on the other, blue and red. The "square" is easily transformed: it can be folded along the fold lines in different directions according to the "origami" principle to obtain volumetric and planar figures. That is why this game is also called "Eternal Origami" or "Square - Transformer". The game is accompanied by the methodical tale "The Mystery of the Crow of the Meter, or the tale of the amazing transformations-adventures of the square". In it, "Square" comes to life and turns into various images: a house, a mouse, a hedgehog, a kitten, a boat, a shoe, an airplane, a candy, etc. The child collects figures from the pictures in the book, which shows how to fold a square, and an artistic image of the same object is given. This square puzzle not only allows you to play, develop spatial imagination and fine motor skills, but is also a material introducing the basics of geometry, stereometry, counting material, the basis for modeling, creativity, which has no age restrictions. "Miracle = crosses" is a game with inserts. The inserts are made of circles and crosses. The crosses are cut into pieces in the form of geometric shapes. At the initial stage, children learn to assemble the cut shapes into a single whole. Further, the task becomes more complicated: according to the schemes in the "Album of Figures" (attached), the child first collects paths, towers, and then dragons, little men, soldiers, insects and much more. The game develops attention, memory, imagination, creativity, “sensing” (distinguishing between colors of the rainbow, geometric shapes, their size), the ability to “read” diagrams, compare and compose a whole from parts. "The ship" Splash - spray "is a playing field made of carpet in the form of a ship with a glued plywood hull and printed numbers from 1 to 7. Sails should be attached to the mast on the hull according to the colors of the rainbow and according to the required number of Velcro flags. The game develops fine motor skills, attention, memory, thinking, gives an idea of ​​mathematical concepts, color, height, spatial arrangement of objects, conventional measurements, the number of objects, their serial number and digital series. "Mathematical baskets" - this manual will help the child literally "by touch" to fix the count, to understand the composition of numbers, and also to understand the meaning of addition and subtraction. The kid needs to put a certain number of mushroom inserts into baskets with a different number of grooves. According to the fabulous plot, the child, together with the little animals: the One-Hedgehog, the Two-Bunny, the Three-Mouse, and others, collects mushrooms in baskets, counts them, distributes to the animals an equal number of mushrooms and checks who has full baskets and who does not. The animals gather mushrooms, and the kid finds out who has collected more and who has collected less. "Funny Letters" are cards with images of the vowels of the Russian alphabet in the form of acrobatic jesters: the first jester bent like the letter A and his name is Harlequin, another jester curled up in the letter O and his name - Orlekin, U - is represented by Urlekin, there are also Yarlekin, Yrlekin, Yurlekin, etc. Playing with cards and singing the names of jesters, the child gets to know the letters, exercises in sound analysis of words; develops attention, memory, thinking, imagination and speech. "Teremki Voskobovich" is a unique textbook for teaching reading on a visual basis. The game consists of 12 wooden box cubes of different colors (2 white, 2 blue, 2 yellow, 2 purple, 2 brown) with consonant letters on the edges, as well as 12 cardboard boxes (2 blue, 2 green, 6 double blue -green, 2 symbolic) with vowels on the edges, which are embedded in cubes, so that syllables are obtained. And from several "teremki" you can make a word. At the first stage of the game, the child gets acquainted with sounds and letters. On the faces of the first white cube, letters B, P, C and F. live. The child turns the cube in different directions and names the sounds. Then he comes up with what animals could settle in this little house: a butterfly, a parrot, a wolf, an owl. In the same way, the child gets to know the rest of the "chambers". Now insert cubes with vowel-jesters. In the blue cube live A, O, U, E, Y (vowels showing the hardness of the sound), in the green - I, E, YU, I, E (vowels showing the softness of the vowel sound). At the second stage, we learn to compose syllables. We put a cube with the letter A in the first "tower" and read the resulting syllable: "Pa". In the third step, you can compose and read simple words. The device of building blocks allows you to turn the process of learning to read into a series of exciting games. For example, a game of "transforming", where "house" will easily become "smoke" ohm, and "ice" into "honey" ohm. "Warehouses". Voskobovich reworked the idea of ​​Zaitsev's warehouses, who created cubes with warehouses. The game-aid "Warehouses" is intended for teaching children to read in the warehouse system. The manual is made in the form of a book, on each page there is a bright picture and a poetic signature with highlighted warehouses. There is also a CD-disk with sounded warehouse songs, for example, one of them: Goose with a goose goslings Were counted only a dozen. The goose and the guchin were miscalculated. Everything was in place. What you should pay attention to during the lessons of Voskobovich's games with the child: Preparation. Before offering a game to a child, read the guidelines and the game itself. Speech. Mostly children work with their hands and speak little. During the lesson, ask the child what he is doing, why he chose this particular figure, and not another, ask him to retell a fairy tale task or come up with his own plot. Static. When dealing with play materials, the child is most often in the same sitting position. It is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children and distract them from sitting for too long in time. Perseverance. To play with Voskobovich's manuals requires perseverance, and this is not to every kid's liking and strength. Compiled by Daria Koldina

Voskobovich's technique is not just games. This is a flight of fantasy, fabulous stories and excellent preparation for school. Do it yourself using a plank ...

Most modern toys are disposable and useless, they quickly bore the child and turn out to be a waste of money. How different is Voskobovich's game! Created by a loving father for his own children, they are multifunctional, interesting for children of almost all ages, allow them to create and fantasize. Voskobovich's technique is very popular both among teachers of children's developmental institutions and among ordinary parents who are not indifferent to the development of children.

Of course, this does not mean that you can just buy games and wait for the baby to begin to develop before our eyes. To make them "work" you need to know their features and follow the recommendations of the author.

A few words about Voskobovich

Vyacheslav Vadimovich is a physicist by education. He was forced to plunge into pedagogy by the vital necessity and love for his own children. He raised them in the difficult times of "perestroika", when it was not affordable to buy high-quality educational toys, and there was still no assortment. Realizing that he had two paths - letting the development of children take its course or creating something on his own, he chose the second option. And, inspired by the works of Zaitsev and Nikitin, Vyacheslav Vadimovich developed his own set of games, which is able to provide not only leisure for children, but also their full development.

Three "whales" of gaming technology

Today Voskobovich's technique includes about 50 games. Each of them is a universal creative tool that makes learning a child fun and easy. This is achieved thanks to the fabulous focus of all games in which the main characters help children memorize numbers, figures and letters.

In addition, the games are quite multifunctional, aimed at the all-round development of the personality. They make it easy to learn to read and count, while at the same time contributing to the development of logic, thinking, memory, and train fine motor skills.

Much attention is paid to Voskobovich's technology and the development of the child's creative abilities. Completing unusual assignments forces him to use his imagination and be creative.

Thus, all games are developed on three important principles: interest - knowledge - creativity.

What is the secret of the popularity of games?

Creating his games, Voskobovich was primarily guided by the interests of the child himself, and only then he solved educational problems.

From fairy tale to fairy tale

Knowing how children love fairy tales, he used them in special teaching aids. Reading them together with their parents, the guys plunge into the extraordinary adventures of their favorite characters.


To cope with evil, children need to complete various interesting tasks. So, imperceptibly for the children, the games turn into training, where the properties of geometric shapes are studied with the Non-Fading Ice Floes and the rubber cobwebs of the Yuka Spider, and fractions are comprehended with the Miracle Flower and Baby Geo.

Age is not a hindrance

Such games will captivate even adults, although they are designed for children from 2 to 7 years old. Depending on the age, the task simply becomes more complicated and the number of actions to solve it increases. The same game will be useful for several years.

Structural elements

The materials used for the construction are not quite traditional for games: a dynamic elastic band in Geokont, plastic elements glued to the fabric in Kvadrat.

Imagery and versatility

The game is intriguing and captivating for the baby. To achieve a result and get emotional satisfaction, he has to think, imagine, analyze, select options for solutions. And an adult, not as a leader, but as an equal partner, participates in the game, directing learning in the right direction. The simplicity and originality of the exercises allows you to use Voskobovich's technology at home, in the classroom in kindergarten, and in the developmental circle.

It is surprising, but the method has no drawbacks, like negative reviews. It was tested by many preschool institutions, and there is hardly a kid who is not carried away by them and did not benefit.

About the most famous

All Voskobovich's games can be conditionally divided into several types:

  • developing logical and mathematical abilities ("Geokont-constructor", "Voskobovich's Square", "Plyukh-Plyukh" boat, "Tsifrotsirk", etc.);
  • teaching reading ("Teremki Voskobovich", "Reading on balls", "Snowman", "Constructor of letters").


It is a plywood board with a grid and 33 plastic nails nailed. Also attached to the game are "cobwebs" - multi-colored rubber bands and an illustrated guide with multi-level tasks and extraordinary travels of the heroes.

This game is an excellent tool for training fine motor skills, and also helps to remember colors, shapes, forms the ability to model, navigate in the coordinate system, compare schemes, teaches to think outside the box.

It is easy to make it with your own hands using any board and pushpins.

It is also called "Game Square", "Maple Leaf", "Eternal Origami". It is a flexible field on which 32 plastic triangles of two or four colors are glued (depending on the difficulty of the game).

The unique design allows you to transform a square into a huge number of flat and three-dimensional shapes with various patterns. Two-year-olds can easily assemble a house or a hedgehog, and older children work according to the schemes proposed in the application or invent their own images.

Together with his mother Trapezium and a whole family of geometric shapes, the child learns to design, model, think abstractly and navigate in space.

The boat "Splash-Splash"

Made in the form of a model of a five-mast ship, "Splash-Splash" will please children 2 years old. Instead of sails, he has colored flags that can be strung on wooden yards. Such an alternative to the pyramid will teach you how to count, and distinguish colors, and with fine motor skills will "figure it out".

He also has a brother "Splash-Splash" - the idea is the same, only in this case the boat is glued to the carpet and the sails with Velcro.


For kids 2-3 years old, it will become an excellent trainer for lacing, for older kids it will help to form words. By the way, you can think of up to 200 of them! Here is such a simple but entertaining game.

"Letter constructor"

It is one of the best tools for successfully memorizing letters. Consists of a plywood base and rubber bands that hold the elements of the letters. A fun way to take a fresh look at learning the alphabet.


Another great reading simulator. The set includes cubes representing vowels and chambers with consonants. To get a syllable, you need to put a vowel in the house. And if you connect the chambers, you can add a word.

For a faster memorization of letters, Vadim Vyacheslavovich created each his own unique image. For example, vowels are indicated by fairy-tale characters - jesters.

Learning to read takes place in three stages: memorizing letters - folding syllables - composing words.

Voskobovich's technique is not just games. This is a flight of fantasy, fabulous stories and excellent preparation for school. Together with your child, come up with new adventures of the heroes, and let the development bring you only joy.

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