Message “Methods for the implementation of a holistic pedagogical. The theory of a holistic pedagogical process in Russian pedagogy was developed by K.D.

reservoirs 26.09.2019

1. The problem of "methods of the pedagogical process" in science.

2. Mistakes of scientists in explaining the methods of the pedagogical process.

3. Our approach to explaining the methods of the pedagogical process.

The problem of "methods of the pedagogical process" in science has always been the object of research (see: 16, pp. 15-30). In the 1920s, 1950s, 1960s, and 1980s, discussions on this topic were even specially organized on the pages of the Soviet Pedagogy magazine. But, unfortunately, it still remains an unresolved problem. In finding the right answers about the methods of the pedagogical process, researchers are hindered by the erroneous approaches that guide them.

First, most scientists share the opinion that the method is the way the teacher and students work together.“The method of teaching,” writes, for example, Yu.K. Babansky, - they call the method of ordered interconnected activity of the teacher and students, aimed at solving the problems of education ". This approach is erroneous, since the method as a way of mastering the content of the pedagogical process at the time of use belongs to an individual, and not to a group of people. Suppose the students are all listening to the teacher at the same time. So, the method of auditory perception is used. This method is not collective, but individual. To verify this, you can conduct a small experiment. At our request, one of the students covers his ears. As a result, he does not hear the teacher: educational information does not come to him. So this method is currently his personal method. On the other hand, both the teacher and the students in this situation apply different methods. The students have the method of auditory perception, and the teacher has the method of storytelling. As you can see, the method is not a way to work together.

Secondly, some scientists divide the methods of the pedagogical process into teaching methods and teaching methods.. The groundlessness of such an approach is proved by one wise saying people: "Teaching others, you yourself learn." This means that teaching methods are at the same time teaching methods. Indeed, the same methods can be applied by both teachers and students.

Thirdly, the methods of the pedagogical process are divided by scientists into teaching methods and upbringing methods. This division is the result of an erroneous opinion about the existence of two independent processes: training and education. Academician Yu.K. Babansky understood the similarity of "training methods" and "education methods". “In fact, all teaching methods are also methods of education, since it is impossible to form any quality of personality or behavior without teaching students the norms public behavior, without explaining the requirements, without forming certain views and beliefs, ”he wrote.

Despite this, one might say, correct statement, this step of the author towards the truth remained half-hearted, because he still did not give up the general false belief about the existence of education and upbringing. He believed that there is "training", there is "education", there is also a "pedagogical process" as the sum of the first two processes. According to this approach, he identifies methods: a) training; b) education; c) the pedagogical process. In this regard, he, trying to determine the methods of the pedagogical process, “combines” the so-called methods of teaching and methods of education into one whole. The results are reflected in the following table.

Table 8

Methods of the pedagogical process

Methods for the formation of personality consciousness Methods of organizing activities, communication and the formation of the experience of social behavior Methods of stimulation and motivation of activity and behavior Methods of control and self-control
Verbal methods (lectures, stories, conversations, disputes). Visual methods (showing illustrations, demonstration of experiments) Methods of organizing educational and cognitive, educational and practical, labor, socio-political, artistic and creative, sports and gaming and other activities; Methods of setting tasks, presenting requirements. Methods for performing practical actions. Methods of exercise, accustoming to the implementation of norms of behavior. Methods of regulation, correction of actions and behavior. Methods of encouragement, censure, use of public opinion, examples and others. Methods of oral and written, laboratory control in teaching. Methods of assessment and self-assessment of behavior in education.

However, what is written in this table has no scientific value.

Fourthly, some scientists identify the methods of the pedagogical process with the pedagogical process. Here is what Academician M.I. Makhmutov: "Each general method, taken in unity with the content of education, has organizational, educational (cognitive), incentive, developmental and educational functions." . There is an identification of methods with the pedagogical process. The above functions belong to the pedagogical process, but the methods do not have them.

Fifthly, some scientists confuse the methods of the pedagogical process with its forms.. This is discussed in more detail in the seventh paragraph of this chapter.

Sixth, some scientists in explaining methods are guided by the erroneous principle "how many means, so many methods." For example, they single out such methods as the demonstration of films, the demonstration of posters, the demonstration of diagrams ...; performing exercises, performing labor tasks in workshops, writing essays ...; working with a book, working with a magazine, working with a newspaper, etc. . “... In practice, the method independent work students is very uncommon,” writes Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences A.G. Kalashnikov.

This approach has no basis. Although methods are associated with tools, this does not mean that every tool gives rise to a corresponding method. This doesn't happen. Do such “methods” as doing exercises, doing work tasks in workshops, writing essays, etc., really differ from each other?!

Seventh, there is an unreasonable "specialization" of methods. A group of scientists, who call themselves methodologists, single out teaching methods: a) physics; b) mathematics; in history; d) language; e) literature; e) music; g) drawing, etc. Scientists studying the theory and history of pedagogy put forward methods: a) international; b) patriotic; c) moral; d) mental; e) labor; f) aesthetic education, etc.

In fact, in all cases, all methods objectively existing in life can be applied. There are no special methods that are inherent only to some area of ​​education or to a separate academic subject.

Eighth, the desire of scientists to classify the methods of the pedagogical process is erroneous. There are many classifications, which, as a rule, are made within the framework of such large groups of methods as "teaching methods" and "educational methods".

By teaching methods For example, the following classifications are known:

The first option: verbal, visual, practical methods [see: 16, p. 84-136; 65];

Second option: methods of acquiring knowledge; methods of formation of skills and abilities; methods of application of knowledge; methods of creative activity; fixing methods; methods of testing knowledge, skills, skills;

The third option: explanatory-illustrative method (information-receptive); reproductive method; method of problem presentation; partial search method (or heuristic); research method;

The fourth option: methods for communicating new knowledge (explanation, story, school lecture, demonstration method); methods used to acquire new knowledge, consolidate and develop skills and abilities (conversation, discussion, debate, excursion, experiment and laboratory work, work with a textbook and book, game, exercises, repetition methods); methods of working with technical teaching aids (cinema, epidiascope, overhead projector, sound recording equipment, radio); independent work; methods of programmed learning; methods problem learning.

According to the methods of education scientists make the following classifications:

The first option: methods of persuasion (frontal conversation with students, lecture, discussion, demand); methods of organizing students' activities (exercises, instructions, teaching); methods of stimulating the behavior of students (competition, encouragement, punishment).

The second option: methods of forming the consciousness of the individual (conversations, lectures, disputes, the example method); methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior (pedagogical requirement, public opinion, teaching, exercise, creating educational situations); methods of stimulating behavior and activities (competition, reward, punishment).

A careful study of these classifications and the list of proposed methods raises a number of questions:

Can the methods of forming social consciousness also be attributed to the methods of forming social behavior? After all, by influencing the mind, we shape behavior.

Why separately allocate methods of stimulation? Does the "formation of social consciousness" or "public behavior" take place without "methods of stimulation"?

All this indicates the imperfection of the existing classifications.

Ninth, there is an overestimation or underestimation of individual methods. Some scientists, for example, E.Ya. Golant, G.M. Murtazin , A. Pinkevich , V.A. Yakovlev, L.F. Spirin divide methods into active and passive. Although each method, applied appropriately and correctly, is "active", i.e. necessary, useful.

The above errors indicate the absence in pedagogy of the scientific concept of the methods of the pedagogical process. In our work, an attempt is made to create it.

For us, methods are ways of transmitting and assimilating the content of the pedagogical process.

Our approach to methods has a number of features.

First, we, unlike other scientists, also consider as methods those methods of transmitting and assimilating content, with the help of which negative qualities are also formed. Criminals, for example, develop cruelty, the ability to deceive and other qualities in themselves or in their wards, also by the methods of the pedagogical process.

Secondly, we do not divide the methods of the pedagogical process into teaching methods and upbringing methods. The scientific inconsistency of such a division has already been proved by us above and in the paragraphs of the first chapter.

The third feature of our approach to the problem of "methods of the pedagogical process" is the rejection of their classification. Countless attempts by scientists to classify the methods, going on for centuries, have not yielded any results. This is due to the impossibility of their classification. There is no theoretical or practical need for this.

All this allowed us to identify and scientifically substantiate more than a hundred methods of the pedagogical process. These include: storytelling, conversation, auditory perception, visual perception, smell, touch, observation, induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, concretization, comparison, contrast, discussion, discussion, experiment, adjustment, elimination, imagination, imitation, reproduction, interview, survey, questioning, testing, compromise, regulation, permission, prohibition, "bribery", "capture", rebound, boomerang, demand, supervision, agitation, diagnosis, suggestion, trust, suspicion, blackmail, "entry role-playing, emphasizing, directing attention, recommendation, asking questions, special error, self-exposure, creating obstacles, humor, irony, soothing, regret, shame, accusation, condemnation, encouragement, protection, criticism, punishment, ignoring, persecution, forgiveness, offensive, humiliation and insult, intimidation, repulse, deceit, inhibition, etc.

The choice of one or another method depends on the specific situation, which, as a rule, is determined by the level of development of the student, the material equipment of the school, the content of the pedagogical process, the preparedness of the teacher to apply this or that method, etc.

Questions and tasks for independent work

1. Tell us about the study of the problem "methods of the pedagogical process" in science.

2. Analyze the mistakes of scientists in explaining the methods of the pedagogical process.

3. What are the reasons for the incorrect explanation of the methods of the pedagogical process?

4. What is our approach to explaining the methods of the pedagogical process?

5. What is the role of methods in the pedagogical process?

6. Why is it impossible to divide the methods of the pedagogical process into teaching methods and upbringing methods?

7. Find methods in pedagogical situations.

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Methods, forms and technologies of a holistic pedagogical process


The idea of ​​the integrity of the pedagogical process - the unity of education and training - in classical pedagogy arose at the beginning of the 19th century, this was associated with the successful development of natural science, anthropologization philosophical knowledge and dialectics, the integration of human sciences. I.F. Herbart introduced the concept of educative education into pedagogy, believing that education without moral education is a means without an end, and moral education without education is an end without means.

The theory of a holistic pedagogical process in Russian pedagogy was developed by K.D. Ushinsky, P.F. Kapterev, N.K. Krupskaya, A.P. Pinkevich, P.P. Blonsky, A.S. Makarenko, S.T. Shatsky and others.

Didactics (teaching theory) and the theory and methods of education are two components of pedagogy. More A.S. Makarenko pointed out that the purpose of education should be understood as the program of the human personality, human character, and in the concept of the latter he put "the entire content of the personality", i.e. and external manifestations, and internal conviction, and political education, and knowledge. This does not mean that learning as part of an integral pedagogical process and the educational process (education itself) do not have their own specifics. But it is impossible to educate without transferring knowledge, all knowledge acts educationally, L.N. Tolstoy, who at the beginning of his teaching career also distinguished between education and training.

Integrity is a synthetic quality of the pedagogical process, characterizing the highest level of its development, the result of stimulating conscious actions and activities of the subjects functioning in it. A holistic pedagogical process is inherent in the internal unity of its constituent components, their harmonious interaction. There is a continuous movement in it, overcoming of contradictions, regrouping of interacting forces, formation of a new quality.

In terms of content, the integrity of the pedagogical process is ensured by the reflection in the goal and content of education of the experience accumulated by mankind in the relationship of its four elements: knowledge, including about how to perform actions; skills and abilities; experience of creative activity and experience of emotional-valuable and volitional attitude to the world around.

The most general condition for the formation of the pedagogical process to the level of integrity is the focus of the activities of teachers on the organization of socially and morally meaningful, developing and developing life of schoolchildren on the principles of collectivism, the creation in this life of situations for the child to see in organized activities of personal meaning and its correlation with public interests .

relevance In my term paper, I consider the fact that the implementation of all the main elements of the content of education and upbringing is nothing more than the implementation of the unity of the educational, developmental and educational functions of the goal of the pedagogical process.

aim course work is a comprehensive consideration of the holistic pedagogical process as a subject of study in pedagogy

Thingresearch: to study the holistic pedagogical process.

Object of study: pedagogical process.

In accordance with the goal, I have identified the following tasks research:

1) to study the pedagogical process as a system:

2) define the pedagogical process as a holistic phenomenon

3) to characterize the principles of a holistic pedagogical process;

4) consider the methods and means of a holistic pedagogical process;

5) to analyze the forms of organization of a holistic pedagogical process;

6) explore the technologies of a holistic pedagogical process

1. Theory of a holistic pedagogical process

1.1 Pedagogic process as a system

The pedagogical process is the developing interaction of educators and educators, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a pre-planned change in state, transformation of the properties and qualities of educators. In other words, the pedagogical process is a process in which social experience is melted into personality qualities. In the pedagogical literature of previous years, the concept of "educational process" was used. P.F. Kaptereva, A.I. Pinkevich, Yu.K. Babansky and other teachers showed that this concept is narrowed and incomplete, not reflecting the complexity of the process and, above all, its main distinguishing features - integrity and generality.

Ensuring the unity of education, upbringing and development on the basis of integrity and community is the main essence of the pedagogical process. Otherwise, the terms "educational process" and "pedagogical process" and the concepts they denote are identical.

Consider the pedagogical process as a system.

The first thing that catches your eye is the presence in it of many subsystems embedded one into another or interconnected by other types of connections. The system of the pedagogical process is not reducible to any of its subsystems, no matter how large and independent they may be. The pedagogical process is the main, unifying system. It combines the processes of formation, development, education and training together with all the conditions, forms and methods of their flow.

Pedagogical theory has taken a progressive step by learning to represent the pedagogical process as a dynamic system. In addition to clearly identifying the constituent components, such a representation makes it possible to analyze the numerous connections and relationships between the components, and this is the main thing in the practice of managing the pedagogical process.

The pedagogical process as a system is not identical to the process flow system. The systems in which the pedagogical process takes place are the system of public education, taken as a whole, the school, the class, training session other. Each of these systems operates in certain external conditions: natural-geographical, social, industrial, cultural and others.

Structure (from Latin structura - structure) is the arrangement of elements in the system. The structure of the system consists of elements (components) selected according to the accepted criterion, as well as links between them. Understanding the connections is most important, because only knowing what is connected with what and how in the pedagogical process, it is possible to solve the problem of improving the organization, management and quality of this process. Relationships in a pedagogical system are not like connections between components in other dynamic systems. The expedient activity of the teacher appears in organic unity with a significant part of the means of labor (and sometimes with all of them). The object is also the subject. The result of the process is directly dependent on the interaction of the teacher, the technology used, and the student.

The pedagogical process itself is characterized by goals, objectives, content, methods, forms of interaction between teachers and students, and the results achieved.

The system-forming factor of the pedagogical process is its goal, understood as a multi-level phenomenon. The pedagogical system is organized with a focus on the goals of education and for their implementation, it is entirely subordinate to the goals of education.

The pedagogical task is the basic unit of the pedagogical process. The basic unit of the pedagogical process that develops over time, by which only one can judge its course, must satisfy the following conditions:

- have all the essential features of the pedagogical process; be common in the implementation of any pedagogical goals;

- to be observed during isolation by abstraction in any real process.

These conditions are met by the pedagogical task as a unit of the pedagogical process.

In real pedagogical activity, as a result of the interaction of teachers and pupils, various situations arise. The introduction of goals into pedagogical situations gives the interaction purposefulness. The pedagogical situation, correlated with the purpose of the activity and the conditions for its implementation, is the pedagogical task.

The components that form the system are targeted, meaningful, active, and productive.

The target component of the process includes the whole variety of goals and objectives of pedagogical activity: from the general goal - the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality - to the specific tasks of the formation of individual qualities or their elements.

The content component reflects the meaning invested both in the overall goal and in each specific task.

The activity component (organizational) is the interaction of teachers and students, their cooperation, organization and management of the process, without which the final result cannot be achieved.

The effective component of the process reflects the efficiency of its course, characterizes the progress made in accordance with the goal.

The pedagogical process is a labor process, it is carried out to achieve socially significant goals. The specificity of the pedagogical process is that the work of educators and the work of educators merge together, forming a kind of relationship between the participants in the labor process - pedagogical interaction.

Pedagogical interaction is a universal characteristic of the pedagogical process. It is much broader than the category of "pedagogical influence", which reduces the pedagogical process to subject-object relations.

The main relation of the pedagogical process is the relationship "pedagogical activity - the activity of the pupil". However, the initial, ultimately determining its results, is the relationship "pupil - object of assimilation."

This is the very specificity of pedagogical tasks. They can be solved and are solved only through the activity of students led by the teacher, their activity. The pedagogical process, as a special case of a social relationship, expresses the interaction of two subjects, mediated by the object of assimilation, i.e. content of education.

As in other labor processes, objects, means, and products of labor are singled out in the pedagogical process. The objects of the teacher's activity are a developing personality, a team of pupils. The objects of pedagogical work, in addition to complexity, consistency, self-regulation, also have such a quality as self-development, which determines the variability, variability, and uniqueness of pedagogical processes.

1.2 The pedagogical process as a holistic phenomenon

The main integrative property of the pedagogical process as a dynamic system is its ability to perform socially determined functions. However, society is interested in ensuring that their implementation meets a high level of quality. And this is possible if the pedagogical process functions as an integral phenomenon: a holistic, harmonious personality can be formed only in an integral pedagogical process.

A holistic pedagogical process is inherent in the internal unity of its constituent components, their harmonious interaction. Movement, overcoming of contradictions, regrouping of interacting forces, formation of a new quality are constantly taking place in it.

A holistic pedagogical process involves such an organization of the life of pupils that would meet their vital interests and needs and would have a balanced impact on all spheres of the personality: consciousness, feelings and will. Any activity filled with moral and aesthetic elements, causing positive experiences and stimulating a motivational and value attitude to the phenomena of the surrounding reality, meets the requirements of a holistic pedagogical process.

A holistic personality is formed holistically. The integrity of the pedagogical process is understood as the interconnection and interdependence of all processes and phenomena that arise and proceed in it both in education and training, in the relationship of all subjects of the pedagogical process, and in its connections with the phenomena of the external environment.

Integrity, commonality, unity are the main characteristics of the pedagogical process, emphasizing the subordination of all its constituent processes to a single goal. The complex dialectic of relations within the pedagogical process is:

- in the unity and independence of the processes that form it;

- in the integrity and subordination of the separate systems included in it;

- in the presence of the general and the preservation of the specific.

What is the specificity of the processes that form a holistic pedagogical process? It is found in the selection of dominant functions. The dominant function of the learning process is education, education - education, development - development. But each of these processes performs accompanying functions in a holistic process: upbringing performs not only an upbringing, but also a developing and educational function, and training is unthinkable without the accompanying upbringing and development. The dialectics of interrelations leaves an imprint on the goals, objectives, content, forms and methods of carrying out organically inseparable processes, in the analysis of which it is also necessary to single out the dominant characteristics. For example, the content of education is dominated by the formation of scientific ideas, the assimilation of concepts, laws, principles, theories, which subsequently have a great influence on both the development and upbringing of the individual. The content of education is dominated by the formation of beliefs, norms, rules, ideals, value orientations, attitudes, motives, etc., but at the same time, ideas, knowledge, and skills are formed. Thus, both processes lead to the main goal - the formation of personality, but each of them contributes to the achievement of this goal by its inherent means.

The specificity of the processes is clearly manifested in the choice of forms and methods for achieving the goal. If in training a strictly regulated class-lesson form of work is used, then in education, more free forms of a different nature, socially useful, sports, artistic activities, expediently organized communication, and feasible work prevail. The methods of achieving the goal, which are basically the same, also differ: if training mainly uses methods of influencing the intellectual sphere, then education, without denying them, is more prone to means that affect the motivational and effective-emotional spheres. The methods of control and self-control used in training and education have their own specifics. In training, for example, oral control, written work, tests, and exams are mandatory. Control over the results of education is less regulated. Information for teachers here is provided by observations of the course of activity and behavior of students, public opinion, the volume of implementation of the planned program of education and self-education, and other direct and indirect characteristics.

The main functions of a holistic pedagogical process are: educational, educational, developmental and social.

The educational function consists in mastering the universal culture in the form of a certain amount of knowledge, skills, experience of creative activity and relationships and is realized primarily in the learning process, and also not to a small extent in all extracurricular activities, in the activities of institutions of additional education.

The educational function is manifested in everything: from the educational space in which the process of interaction with the pupil takes place, the personality of the educator and his professionalism, and ending with curricula and programs, forms, methods and means used in the educational process.

The developing function is expressed in qualitative changes in the mental activity of a person, in the formation of new qualities and skills in him in the process of education and is realized in any organization of the educational process. The intensity of the development of this function depends on what the emphasis is on: on knowledge, skills and abilities or the formation of the motivational and cognitive sphere of the student, how the proposed system of knowledge, skills and abilities correlates with the level of development of the student.

L.S. Vygotsky once developed the theory of developmental zones. Based on this theory, if upbringing can give a child only what he has known and been able to do for a long time, it is located before the zone of the actual development of the child and its influence on the development of the child is practically absent. If the pupil can do today himself what we offer him, then education is on the same level with his development. This is a zone of actual development. Education accelerates development, has a developmental impact, if the child, performing the proposed educational or educational task, can say: I can do this today with some effort or with someone's help. This is the zone of proximal development. Orientation to it in pedagogical interaction is the most effective.

Upbringing can inhibit development: due to too high a level of requirements or complete deprivation of the child of the opportunity to be active and initiative (overprotection). As S.L. Rubinshtein: “The child develops, being brought up and learning, and does not develop, and is brought up, and learns. This means that upbringing and education are included in the very process of the development of the child, and are not built only on him.

social function(the function of socialization) is also manifested in almost everything. In an educational institution, the pupil enters a system of new relationships for himself, which he masters or rejects. This always partially or radically changes the position of the individual in the family, among peers, in the institution itself: he was a preschooler, became a schoolboy, then a senior in elementary school and again - the youngest, moving to secondary school, etc. The influence of the function of socialization of educational institutions on children is especially noticeable when home children and children from kindergarten: the first, as a rule, especially at first, are quiet, shy, timid; Kindergarten students quickly adapt to the school, the teacher, and begin to behave loosely and freely.

The regularities of a holistic pedagogical process are objectively existing, stable, repetitive, necessary and essential connections between pedagogical phenomena, processes, individual components of the pedagogical process, characterizing their development. The patterns of the pedagogical process are an expression of its essence.

The following groups of regularities are distinguished:

- regularities due to social conditions;

- regularities due to human nature;

- patterns due to the essence of education and training.

The patterns determined by social conditions reflect the dependence of upbringing and education on social needs and conditions that dictate the goal and specific tasks of upbringing and education, the conditions for their implementation, and the use of the results obtained.

Patterns due to human nature include:

- the determining role of activity and communication in the formation of personality;

- the dependence of education and training on the age, individual and gender characteristics of the child.

The patterns determined by the essence of upbringing, training, education and personal development reflect:

- interdependence of the processes of upbringing, training, education and development of the individual;

- the relationship of the group and the individual in the educational process;

- the relationship of tasks, content, methods and forms of education and training in a holistic pedagogical process;

- the relationship between pedagogical influence, interaction and vigorous activity of educators.

1.3 Pprinciples of a holistic pedagogical process

The principles of a holistic pedagogical process - a system of initial, basic requirements for education and training, which determines the content, forms and methods of the pedagogical process, ensuring its success. The principles reflect the internal essential aspects of the activities of the teacher (educator) and the student (pupil) and determine the effectiveness of teaching in various forms, with different content and organization.

The principle of the humanistic orientation of the pedagogical process is the leading principle of education, expressing the need to combine the goals of society and the individual. The implementation of this principle requires the subordination of the entire educational and educational work the tasks of forming a comprehensively developed personality.

The rules for its implementation are as follows:

- security and emotional comfort of the pupil in pedagogical interaction;

- full recognition of the rights of the pupil and respect for him, combined with reasonable exactingness;

- reliance on positive traits pupil;

- creating a situation of success.

The principle of humanization is aimed at educating a free, liberated independent person, establishing sincere and friendly relations.

Democratization existed even in early bourgeois pedagogy. Its essence is to provide the participants of the pedagogical process with certain freedoms for self-development, self-regulation, self-determination.

The rules for its implementation are as follows:

- individually-oriented nature of the pedagogical process;

- organization of the pedagogical process, taking into account the national characteristics of students;

- creation of a pedagogical process open to public control and influence;

- regulatory and legal support for the activities of the teacher and students, contributing to their protection from the adverse effects of the environment;

- introduction of self-government of students in the process of organizing their life;

- mutual respect, tact and patience (tolerance) in the interaction of teachers and pupils;

- wide involvement of parents and the public in organizing the life of pupils in educational institutions.

Of great importance in the organization of the pedagogical process is the provision of its connection with life and industrial practice. This principle denies the abstract-enlightenment orientation in the formation of personality and involves the correlation of the content of education and forms of educational work with changes in the economy, politics, culture and the entire public life of the country and beyond.

The main ways to implement this principle in the educational process are:

- organization of training and education in such a way that students independently move from theory to practice and from practice to theory;

- an attempt (where possible) to solve the problem in a new way and explain the results obtained;

- organization of a variety of practical activities in accordance with the nature of the knowledge gained, aimed at applying, testing, consolidating, developing skills, habits;

- independent selection of examples illustrating the theoretical position or the correctness (error) of its application in practice;

- wide involvement in the educational process of local history material;

- active involvement of pupils in socially useful activities;

- Engagement in work activities.

The unity of knowledge and behavior follows from the law of the unity of consciousness and activity recognized in Russian psychology and pedagogy, according to which consciousness arises, forms and manifests itself in activity. Therefore, when implementing this principle, it is necessary to organize the activities of children and children's groups in such a way that its participants are constantly convinced of the truth and vital necessity of the knowledge and ideas they receive, and exercise socially valuable behavior.

Conformity to nature as a principle was formulated by ancient philosophers, but it was defined most clearly and meaningfully by Ya.A. Comenius. In his writings, he substantiated the requirement to choose the natural path of human development, to organize the pedagogical process, taking into account not only the capabilities of the child himself at certain stages of his development, but also the environment in which the child lives, its development and changes.

This principle requires that the pedagogical process obey the following rules:

- to maintain and strengthen the health of students, to promote the creation of healthy lifestyle life;

- be aimed at self-education, self-education, self-education of students;

- be built according to the age and individual characteristics of students;

- rely on the zone of proximal development, which determines the capabilities of students.

The principle of scientific character is the leading guideline in bringing the content of education in line with the level of development of science and technology, with the experience accumulated by world civilization. Being directly related to the content of education, it manifests itself, first of all, in the development curricula, curricula and textbooks.

The principle of scientific character is also relevant to the methods of pedagogical activity and the activities of children. In accordance with it, pedagogical interaction should be aimed at developing the cognitive activity of students, at developing their skills and abilities of scientific research, at familiarizing them with the methods of scientific organization of educational work.

The scientifically substantiated construction of the pedagogical process presupposes its focus on the formation of knowledge and skills, consciousness and behavior in the unity. The implementation of the principle of orientation of the pedagogical process towards the formation of knowledge and skills, consciousness and behavior in the unity requires the organization of activities in which students would be convinced of the truth and vitality of the knowledge and ideas received, would master the skills and habits of socially valuable behavior.

The accessibility of the growing difficulty is expressed in the following: the knowledge that is transferred to the pupils, and the methods and means used for this, must correspond to their age capabilities, level of education and upbringing. Ya.A. Comenius and other authors developed the following rules for implementing the principle:

- go from near to far;

- from easy to more difficult;

- from the known to the unknown;

- take into account the level of actual development of each student and the individual speed of mastering new knowledge or requirements.

One of the fundamental principles of the organization of the pedagogical process is the principle of teaching and educating children in a team. It involves the optimal combination of collective, group and individual forms of organization of the pedagogical process.

The best conditions for communication and isolation are created by the collective as the highest form of social organization based on common interests and relations of comradely cooperation and mutual assistance. In the team, the individual personality develops and manifests itself most fully and vividly. It is only in the team and with its help that feelings of responsibility, collectivism, comradely mutual assistance and other valuable qualities are brought up and developed. The collective does not absorb, but liberates the personality, opens wide scope for its comprehensive and harmonious development.

Systematism and consistency allow you to achieve great results in less time. K.D. Ushinsky wrote: "Only a system, of course, reasonable, emerging from the very essence of objects, gives us complete power over our knowledge."

This principle is implemented subject to the following rules:

- preliminary determination of the level of knowledge available to the trainees and their actualization;

- availability and attractiveness of the information offered;

- highlighting the essential, basic aspects of the material being studied, separating the main from the secondary and constantly focusing on this;

- clear structuring of knowledge and its logic;

- inclusion in the structure of the presentation of the material of constant brief and generalizing repetitive conclusions for each of its completed fragments and at the end of the entire presentation;

- learning from the early stages in various ways of systematic, logical, detailed and concise presentation of one's thoughts;

- an inextricable sequence of learning, so that everything today consolidates yesterday and paves the way for tomorrow;

- creating conditions for self-fulfillment assignments, the application of continuous and systematic efforts;

- the use of intra-subject and inter-subject communications;

- planning the educational process;

- implementation of constant monitoring and objective evaluation of the results of training and education.

The most important organizing provision not only of the learning process, but of the entire holistic pedagogical process is the principle of visibility. Visualization was considered by Comenius to be the "golden rule of didactics", offering everything possible to provide to the senses, urged to study the things themselves, and not other people's observations and evidence about them.

The Polish didactic Ch. Kupisiewicz and his supporters formulated the following rules for its implementation:

- direct study of reality, based on observation, measurement and various activities, is advisable when students do not have the observations and ideas that are necessary to understand the issue under study;

- the cognitive activity of the student in the process of using visual aids must be managed;

- rationally combine the word and visual image;

- apply reasonably and moderately a variety of illustrations, demonstrations, laboratory and practical work, visual aids, technical teaching aids (TUT) and modern information technologies;

- use visualization not only for illustration, but also as an independent source of knowledge, a method of creating a problem situation;

- subject visibility, depending on the age of children, is replaced by symbolic

Visualization can be applied at all stages of the pedagogical process.

The principle of aestheticization of education and upbringing is closely connected with the principle of visibility. The formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality among pupils allows them to develop a high artistic and aesthetic taste, to give them the opportunity to know the true beauty of social aesthetic ideals. It is important for a teacher in the classroom to affirm the beauty of mental work, business relationships, knowledge, mutual assistance, and joint activities. Great opportunities for the aestheticization of life open up before schoolchildren in the work of public organizations, in amateur performances, in the organization of productive and socially useful labor, in the formation of everyday relationships and behavior.

The principle of consciousness, activity, initiative and initiative of pupils in combination with pedagogical guidance. Pedagogical guidance aims to evoke activity, independence and initiative in children. The activity of schoolchildren should be directed not so much to simple memorization and attention, but to the process of self-acquisition of knowledge. If students, both in teaching and in upbringing, are placed in a situation of independent search for a solution, creative manifestation of their capabilities under unobtrusive, consulting, guiding, supporting, competent guidance from the teacher, then pedagogical interaction will give a positive result in self-realization, both for the student and the teacher. (educator).

Cognitive activity encourages activity under the following conditions:

- activity is fundamentally new for students;

- is actually performed independently;

- is organized consciously and purposefully on the basis of a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the forthcoming work;

- the individual interests and needs of pupils are taken into account, value motives for learning are formed;

- situations are created that contain contradictions, forcing one to think, independently pose problems and resolve them;

- the scope of the proposed tasks covers not only educational, but also educational tasks aimed at the formation of certain moral positions and norms of life;

- the collective nature of upbringing and education, combined with the development of the individual characteristics of the personality of each child;

- rejection of excessive regulation, guardianship, suppression of initiative, independence and creativity;

- reliance on trust.

Strength, awareness and effectiveness of the results of education, training and development. The assimilation and memorization of any material is influenced by many factors, among which of no small importance is how interesting and important it is for the student, how valuable it is in terms of use in life, therefore, the following rules for its implementation are provided:

- organization of active participation of pupils in preparation for the assimilation of the proposed information;

- independent solution by students (pupils) of tasks available to them;

- communication of new knowledge or the formation of new skills, actions and behavior only on the basis of well-learned knowledge;

- the formation of a positive attitude towards the studied;

- regular repetition of what has been studied with the introduction of elements of a new assessment or interpretation of the material being assimilated;

- systematization of the material associated with its independent reproduction;

- consolidation of knowledge presented in logically integral structures;

- development of skills and needs of students (educated) in the theoretical and practical verification of the considered laws, scientific principles and rules;

- application of acquired knowledge in new situations;

- systematic monitoring and evaluation of the results of training and education.

In many scientific papers in pedagogy, the principle of subjectivity is introduced - the development of the child's ability to realize one's self in relationships with people, the world, evaluate one's actions and anticipate their consequences, defend one's moral and civic position, counteract negative external influences, create conditions for self-development of one's own individuality and disclosure of one's spiritual potential opportunities.

The positive emotional background of the pedagogical process is, as it were, final, generalizing. Compliance with all the previous principles should just provide a positive emotional background for the pedagogical process, i.e. such an organization, when all participants in the process are interested in joint activities, educational, extracurricular or extracurricular. The participants in the interaction are open and tolerant towards each other. The educational institution is multifunctional and maximally adapted to organize the full and comprehensive life of each individual student and the entire children's team.

All principles of a holistic pedagogical process are interconnected and complementary.

2. Methods, forms and technologies of a holistic pedagogical process

2.1 Methods and means of a holistic pedagogical process

In a complex and dynamic educational process, the teacher has to solve countless typical and original pedagogical tasks, which are always the tasks of social management, since they are addressed to the comprehensive development of the individual. In order to confidently predict the desired result, to make unmistakable scientifically based decisions, the teacher must professionally master the methods of pedagogical activity.

A variety of upbringing methods, including the pupil in interactions, amateur performances, communication, encourage him to manifest his views, beliefs, moods, qualities and personality traits in relationships. The pedagogical value of upbringing methods is not only in their direct organizational, educational effectiveness, but also in the fact that they are a source of the most important feedback information that allows the teacher to diagnose the state of upbringing, correct interactions and influences, and predict the direction of development of the team and personality. The nature of educational methods is public. Social interactions and influences, being pedagogically transformed, become ways of relations between educators and children and in the children's environment, organization of all spheres of children's life, formation of the moral and aesthetic essence of the child's personality, and also perform a diagnostic function.

So, the methods of implementing a holistic pedagogical process are ways of professional interaction between a teacher and students in order to solve educational problems.

Reflecting the dual nature of the pedagogical process, methods are one of those mechanisms that ensure the interaction of the educator and pupils. This interaction is not built on an equal footing, but with the leading and guiding role of the teacher, who acts as the leader and organizer of the pedagogically expedient life and activities of students.

The classification of methods for implementing a holistic pedagogical process helps to identify the general and the special, the essential and the accidental, the theoretical and the practical, and thus contributes to their expedient and more effective use.

In modern didactics, the whole variety of teaching methods is reduced to three main groups:

1. Methods of organizing educational and cognitive activities. These include verbal, visual and practical, reproductive and problem-search, inductive and deductive teaching methods.

2. Methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity: cognitive games, educational discussions, etc.

3. Methods of control (oral, written, laboratory, etc.) and self-control in the learning process.

The use of methods for the implementation of the pedagogical process leads to a change in personality insofar as it leads to the emergence of thoughts, feelings, needs that induce certain actions. In the process of educational work with students, it is necessary to form their consciousness, to excite the appropriate emotional states to develop practical skills, habits and habits. And this happens both in the process of learning and in the process of education, which requires the integration of teaching and education methods into a single system. Each method implements in unity the educational, upbringing and developmental functions, and its general purpose is to organize and stimulate the pedagogically expedient activities of children.

The system of general methods for implementing a holistic pedagogical process has the following form:

- methods of consciousness formation in a holistic pedagogical process (story, explanation, conversation, lecture, educational discussions, disputes, work with a book, example method);

- methods of organizing activities and shaping the experience of social behavior (exercises, training, the method of creating educational situations, pedagogical requirement, instruction, observation, illustrations and demonstrations, laboratory work, reproductive and problem-search methods, inductive and deductive methods);

- methods of stimulation and motivation of activity and behavior (competition, cognitive game, discussion, emotional impact, encouragement, punishment, etc.);

- methods for monitoring the effectiveness of the pedagogical process (special diagnostics, oral and written survey, control and laboratory work, machine control, self-examination, etc.).

In the real conditions of the pedagogical process, the methods of its implementation appear in a complex and contradictory unity. What is decisive here is not the logic of individual, "solitary" means, but their harmoniously organized system. At a certain stage of the pedagogical process, one or another method can be applied in a more or less isolated form. But without appropriate reinforcement by other methods, without interaction with them, it loses its purpose, slows down the movement of the educational process towards the intended goal.

Means of a holistic pedagogical process - a set of material objects and objects of spiritual culture, intended for the organization and implementation of the pedagogical process and performing various functions.

Cognitive load and visualization functions carry the following load:

- reflect the diversity of specific phenomena, objects of the surrounding world;

- organize the student's perception and observation of reality;

- have a significant impact on the sensory sphere of the student, develop his observation, thinking, imagination;

- stimulate cognitive and creative activity, help develop interest in learning;

- contribute to generalizations (allegories or images of literary characters, expressed in a word or by means of theatrical, visual arts, are carriers of generalized ideas);

- improve the quality of assimilation, the equipment of knowledge, which leads to their clear and conscious understanding;

- live associations created by visualization are stored in memory for a long time;

- with the help of visualization, abstract concepts and abstractions are filled with concrete content.

The teacher should keep in mind that, despite the most valuable advantages of visualization, its inept use can lead students away from solving the main problem, replace the learning goal with a bright tool, become an obstacle on the way to a deep mastery of knowledge, to the knowledge of essential connections and patterns.

Visualization is a universal means of training and education, which is equally valuable for students of different age groups: the younger the students and pupils, the more necessary and important is the use of visualization. In high school, its role is just as significant, but its types and uses are changing.

In pedagogical practice, in addition to visual means of education and upbringing, technical means are widely used.

Teaching aids - a set of technical devices with didactic support used in the educational process in order to optimize it for the presentation and processing of information. Technical teaching aids combine two concepts: technical devices (equipment) and didactic teaching aids (information carriers), which are reproduced with the help of these devices.

Without appropriate technical support of educational standards, it is impossible to achieve the required level of modern education, to create conditions for the versatile development of the individual.

2.2 Forms of organization of a holistic pedagogical process

Forms of organization of a holistic pedagogical process - an external expression of the coordinated activities of the teacher and students, educators and pupils, carried out in a certain order and mode.

The form of organization of the educational process is related to the number of participants, the time and place of the process, the order of its implementation and is realized as a unity of purposeful organization of content, means and methods. Since the interaction between the teacher and students takes place in the form of direct or indirect communication, the form is also a certain order of building their communication.

Organized training and education is carried out within the framework of a particular pedagogical system, has a certain organizational design. In didactics, there are three main systems of organizational design of the pedagogical process, which differ from one another in the quantitative coverage of students, the ratio of collective and individual forms of organizing the activities of pupils, the degree of their independence and the specifics of the management of the educational process by the teacher.

These include:

1) individual training and education;

2) class-lesson system;

3) lecture and seminar system.

The form of education is a purposeful, well-organized, rich in content and methodically equipped system of cognitive and educational communication, interaction, relations between the teacher and students. The result of such interaction is the professional improvement of the teacher, the assimilation of knowledge and skills by children, the development of their mental processes and moral qualities. The form of education is realized as an organic unity of purposeful organization of content, teaching aids and methods. A single and isolated form of education (lesson, lecture, laboratory work, seminar, excursion, etc.) has a particular teaching and educational value. It provides children with the assimilation of specific facts, generalizations, conclusions, the development of individual skills and abilities. The system of various forms of education, which makes it possible to reveal integral sections, themes, theories, concepts, apply interrelated skills and abilities, has a general teaching and educational value, forms systemic knowledge and personal qualities in schoolchildren.

In the history of education, the following forms of organization of learning are known: individual learning, individual-group, lecture-seminar, class-lesson system, Bell-Lancaster system of mutual learning, Batavian system, Mannheim system, Dalton Plan, brigade-laboratory system, project method . Of all these forms, the most suitable for mass education were those that arose in the XII-XIII centuries. in medieval Western universities, the lecture-seminar system and the system that appeared in the 16th-17th centuries. in the schools of Ukraine, Belarus and the Czech Republic, the class-lesson system, theoretically substantiated and clearly structured by Ya.A. Comenius.

Functions of learning forms:

- teaching and educational - creates optimal conditions for the transfer of knowledge, skills, the formation of a worldview and the development of mental processes of students;

- integrating-differentiating - allows you to implement interaction, exchange of information, individual and differentiated approach to students;

- systematizing and structuring - requires a clear hourly planning of the studied material for years, quarters and individual forms of organization of education (what is studied in the classroom, what is taken out for homework, excursions, etc.);

- complementary and coordinating - forms of organization complement and correct each other.

Within the framework of various forms, collective, frontal, group, pair and individual (differentiated or undifferentiated) work is used. If a class or group collectively solves one problem, jointly masters common theme, the result of the work depends on the total combined efforts, that is, collective or group work. In group work, the teacher sets a task for the group, instructs, monitors the activity, corrects it, provides assistance, evaluates the results of the learning activities of the group and individual students with the help of a consultant appointed from the most prepared students. The composition of the group is from 3 to 5 people.

Generalized signs of collective activity:

- awareness of the purpose of the activity as a single and significant for each participant; - division of functions and responsibilities;

- establishment of relations of mutual responsibility;

- direct interaction between students, their joint coordinated activities;

- control by the teacher and mutual control by the students themselves.

With individual work, each student is included in the educational process on the instructions and under the control of the teacher or on his own initiative to the best of his ability, but everyone does the same thing. An individualized type of educational work is such a student’s work when he does a task on a card, on an individual board or in his notebook, compiled in accordance with his educational capabilities and characteristics.

In pair work, the help of a stronger student to a weak one is organized or responsibilities are distributed between two students on an equal footing. Mutual learning, the process of transmission, perception of educational material, mutual verification of the results of educational activities are provided.

These types of organization of educational work can be combined: the teacher works individually with 1-2 students, the work of the class is organized in groups under the guidance of consultants, etc.

The form of the educational process is an image of interaction between a student and a teacher that is accessible to external perception, which has developed thanks to the system of means used, built in a certain logical support of the method of work.

Currently, forms of educational work are used, classified by the number of participants.

1. Mass: theme evenings, matinees, evenings of questions and answers, oral magazines, reviews, competitions, festivals, tournaments, auctions, exhibitions, hikes, expeditions, rallies, meetings, club work, fairs, theater, etc.

2. Group: circles, studios, ensembles, sections, class hours, KTD, living rooms: musical, literary, poetic, etc.; round tables, conferences, folk gatherings, skits, KVN, wall printing, psycho-games and psycho-trainings of communication, etc.

3. Individual: errands, collecting, extracurricular reading, physical improvement, computer games and activities, etc.

Due to the complexity of the phenomena under consideration, any classification in pedagogy, like the one above, is rather arbitrary. For example, a conference is classified as a group work, but if it is held at the school level or as an interschool conference, then it becomes mass, and so with many forms of work.

There are other classifications: by time of holding and preparation time, types of activity, result, etc. For example, E.V. Titova is trying to separate the concepts of "event", "business" and "game". An event is any form of work, if it is organized by someone for pupils, and they participate, perform, perceive, etc.

Functions of educational work forms:

- organizational - reflects a certain logic of actions and interaction of participants, is a set of organizational techniques and means used by the educator and pupils;

- regulatory - one or another form that determines the nature of the relationship between the educator and pupils, between pupils;

- informative - communication of a certain amount of knowledge, deepening and clarifying the available information, organizing the experience of life.

Like the forms of education, the forms of educational work can complement each other, pass one into another.

The choice of forms of educational work and the technology for their implementation depend on the goals set, the content of the work, the age of the participants, the degree of their upbringing, their interests, the experience and skill of the teacher.

From the standpoint of the integrity of the pedagogical process, the lesson must be considered as the main form of its organization. It is in the lesson that all the advantages of the class-lesson system are reflected. In the form of a lesson, it is possible to effectively organize not only educational and cognitive, but also other developing activities for children and adolescents.

The advantages of the lesson as a form of organization of the pedagogical process are that it has favorable opportunities for combining frontal, group and individual work; allows the teacher to systematically and consistently present the material, manage the development of cognitive abilities and form the scientific worldview of students; stimulates other activities of schoolchildren, including extra-curricular and home activities; in the classroom, students master not only the system of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the methods of cognitive activity themselves; the lesson allows you to effectively solve educational problems through the content and methods of pedagogical activity.

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A method in education is “an ordered activity of a teacher and students aimed at achieving a given goal”].

verbal methods. The use of verbal methods in a holistic pedagogical process is carried out primarily with the help of the oral and printed word. This is explained by the fact that the word is not only a source of knowledge, but also a means of organizing and managing educational and cognitive activities. This group of methods includes the following methods of pedagogical interaction: a story, an explanation, a conversation, a lecture, educational discussions, disputes, work with a book, an example method.

A story is "a consistent presentation of predominantly factual material, carried out in a descriptive or narrative form."

The story is of great importance in organizing the value-oriented activity of students. Influencing the feelings of children, the story helps them understand and assimilate the meaning of the moral assessments and norms of behavior contained in it.

Conversation as a method is "a carefully thought-out system of questions that gradually leads students to gain new knowledge."

With all the diversity of their thematic content, conversations have as their main purpose the involvement of the students themselves in the assessment of certain events, actions, phenomena of public life.

TO verbal methods also includes educational discussions. Situations of a cognitive dispute, with their skillful organization, attract the attention of schoolchildren to the inconsistency of the world around them, to the problem of the cognizability of the world and the truth of the results of this cognition. Therefore, in order to organize a discussion, it is necessary first of all to put forward a real contradiction in front of the students. This will allow students to intensify their creative activity and put them before the moral problem of choice.

The verbal methods of pedagogical influence also include the method of working with a book.

The ultimate goal of the method is to introduce the student to independent work with educational, scientific and fiction literature.

Practical methods in a holistic pedagogical process are the most important source of enriching schoolchildren with the experience of social relations and social behavior. The central place in this group of methods is occupied by exercises, i.e. systematically organized activity by repeated repetition of any actions in the interests of fixing them in the personal experience of the student.

A relatively independent group of practical methods is laboratory work - a method of a kind of combination of practical actions with organized observations of students. The laboratory method makes it possible to acquire skills and abilities in handling equipment, provides excellent conditions for the formation of skills to measure and calculate, process results.

Cognitive games are “specially created situations that simulate reality, from which students are invited to find a way out. The main purpose of this method is to stimulate the cognitive process.

visual methods. The demonstration consists in sensual acquaintance of students with phenomena, processes, objects in their in kind. This method serves primarily to reveal the dynamics of the phenomena under study, but is also widely used to familiarize oneself with the appearance of an object, its internal device or location in a series of homogeneous objects.

The illustration involves the display and perception of objects, processes and phenomena in their symbolic image using diagrams, posters, maps, etc.

Video method. The teaching and upbringing functions of this method are determined by the high efficiency of visual images. The use of the video method provides an opportunity to give students more complete and reliable information about the phenomena and processes being studied, to free the teacher from part technical work related to the control and correction of knowledge, to establish effective feedback.

The means of the pedagogical process are divided into visual (visual), which include original objects or their various equivalents, diagrams, maps, etc.; auditory (auditory), including radio, tape recorders, musical instruments etc., and audiovisual (visual-auditory) - sound films, television, programmed textbooks that partially automate the learning process, didactic machines, computers, etc. It is also customary to divide teaching aids into those for the teacher and those for the students. The first are objects used by the teacher to more effectively achieve the goals of education. The second ones are individual means of students, school textbooks, notebooks, stationery, etc. The number of didactic tools includes those that are associated with both the activities of the teacher and students: sports equipment, school botanical sites, computers, etc.

Training and education is always carried out within the framework of some form of organization.

All sorts of ways to organize the interaction between teachers and students have found their way into the three main systems of organizational design of the pedagogical process. These include: 1) individual training and education; 2) class-lesson system, 3) lecture-seminar system.

The class-lesson form of organization of the pedagogical process is considered traditional.

A lesson is such a form of organization of the pedagogical process, in which “the teacher, for a precisely set time, directs the collective cognitive and other activities of a permanent group of students (class), taking into account the characteristics of each of them, using the types, means and methods of work that create favorable conditions for so that all students acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as for the education and development of cognitive abilities and spiritual strength of schoolchildren.

Features of the school lesson:

The lesson provides for the implementation of the functions of training in the complex (educational, developing and educating);

The didactic structure of the lesson has a strict construction system:

A certain organizational beginning and setting the objectives of the lesson;

Updating the necessary knowledge and skills, including checking homework;

Explanation of new material;

Consolidation or repetition of what was learned in the lesson;

Control and evaluation of students' educational achievements during the lesson;

Summing up the lesson;


Each lesson is a link in the system of lessons;

The lesson complies with the basic principles of teaching; in it, the teacher applies a certain system of teaching methods and means to achieve the goals of the lesson;

The basis for building a lesson is the skillful use of methods, teaching aids, as well as a combination of collective, group and individual forms of work with students and taking into account their individual psychological characteristics.

I distinguish the following types of lessons:

Lesson familiarization of students with new material or communication (study) of new knowledge;

Lesson to consolidate knowledge;

Lessons for the development and consolidation of skills and abilities;

General lessons.

The structure of the lesson usually consists of three parts:

1. organization of work (1-3 min.), 2. main part (formation, assimilation, repetition, consolidation, control, application, etc.) (35-40 min.), 3. summing up and homework ( 2-3 min.).

The lesson as the main form is organically complemented by other forms of organization of the educational process. Some of them developed in parallel with the lesson, i.e. within the class-lesson system (excursion, consultation, Homework, educational conferences, additional classes), others are borrowed from the lecture-seminar system and adapted to the age of students (lectures, seminars, workshops, tests, exams).

Methods for implementing a holistic pedagogical process are ways of professional interaction between a teacher and students in order to solve educational problems. The method of implementation of the pedagogical process is divided into its constituent elements, which are called methodological techniques. The method includes a number of techniques, but is not itself a simple sum of them.

In modern didactics, the whole variety of teaching methods is reduced to three main groups:

Methods of organizing educational and cognitive activity. These include verbal, visual and practical, reproductive and problem-search, inductive and deductive teaching methods.

Methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity: cognitive games, educational discussions, etc.

Methods of control (oral, written, laboratory, etc.) _and self-control in the learning process.

The use of methods for the implementation of the pedagogical process leads to a change in personality insofar as it leads to the emergence of thoughts, feelings, needs that induce certain actions. From this we can conclude that in the process of educational work with students it is necessary to form their consciousness, excite the corresponding emotional states, develop practical skills, habits and habits. And this happens both in the process of learning and in the process of education, which requires the integration of teaching and education methods into a single system.

The system of general methods for the implementation of a holistic pedagogical process:

· methods of formation of consciousness in a holistic pedagogical process (story, explanation, lecture, educational discussions, disputes, work with a book, example method);

methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior (exercises, training, the method of creating educational situations, pedagogical requirements, instruction, observations, illustrations and demonstrations, laboratory work, reproductive and problem-search methods, inductive and deductive methods);

Methods of stimulating and motivating activities and behavior (competition, educational game, discussion, emotional impact, encouragement, punishment, etc.);

methods of monitoring the effectiveness of the pedagogical process (special diagnostics, oral and written survey, control and laboratory work, machine control, self-examination, etc.).

6. Describe the concepts of "upbringing", "education", "training".

UPBRINGING- expedient, arbitrarily directed growing up of a child in the socio-cultural (spiritual-practical) space of human communication. In a broader sense, education is understood as any consciously planned intellectual, aesthetic and moral influence on an individual or group of people of any age.

In the historical process of the objective and social isolation of activities, the word "education" acquired, in addition to the ordinary, special meanings. In the professional and pedagogical sense, education is the activity of specially trained adults (educators), who, according to a special program, lead the formation (ideally) of their wards of a moral sense, cultural needs and their corresponding creativity. This meaning of the word “education” arose and took hold not immediately, undergoing various interpretations with far from unambiguous justification. It should be noted that the initial formation and development of the cultural needs and abilities of children has always - at different times and among different peoples - been purposefully controlled either by one or another small community group (a group of women, for example), or by one of its traditionally distinguished members (among some pastoral tribes—even a particularly trusted slave).

The actual pedagogical meaning (now already) of the term “education” took shape and became fixed only within the isolated and socially structured pedagogical activity, the activity of professionals specially prepared for it. At the same time, his orientation towards the targeted formation of private activities serving group needs and interests led, as a rule, to radical transformations of this meaning. Description, classification and rational-empirical substantiation of professional features of individual forms and methods of education emasculated the original meaning of the word as a general feature of the human type of life. After all, only in the productive, arbitrary and expedient subject-substantive interaction of different generations is the culture of the people reproduced, preserved and rejuvenated, outside of which individuals cannot exist even physically. Formally, what is common in ideas about different implementations of upbringing cannot form a concept about its foundation and sociocultural genesis. In the verbal (dictionary) definition of the abstract general meaning of upbringing, only the professionally set attitude of the educator to the educated emerges to the surface of consciousness. In it, the single essence of the emerging concept of education turned out to be split in advance, hidden behind the variety of its private meanings, its applications to individual educational and other social practices: family education, education as an organic part of general education, education of children in preschool institutions, aesthetic and moral , patriotic, religious education, etc. At the same time, the activities of the educator are usually defined as a special type of work: educational work with ... (for example, with children and adolescents in summer camps, with those living in hostels, with offenders in their places of detention etc.). Unfortunately, in many pedagogical texts, the meaning of this pedagogical term is exhausted by themes. It is possible to restore the universality of the concept of "education" only through a theoretical reconstruction of the history of various forms and methods of productive communication between generations. Then the content of this concept will be the unity of all ways, forms and means of interaction (and their modifications) of different age cohorts and generations, which ensures the reproduction of the culture and life itself of any historical community of people. So, for example, in antiquity, the training of young free citizens in civil, economic, legal and religious affairs, military, etc. was carried out by including them in the living subject-content communication of different generations, although the goals and corresponding forms, methods and means of such inclusion were consciously defined as the development of young people's abilities for a productive dialogue, for the musical arts: rhetoric, music, versification, sculpture, etc. n. Thus, education was carried out. The general ideological and first theoretical basis of ancient education was the positing of man as a microcosm-an organic part (and measure) of the integrity of the Cosmos, harmoniously reconciling all the contradictions of its constituent elements. Therefore, education was nothing more than the restoration and harmonization of the unity of body and soul, passions and wise contemplation, the common good and private calculation. Not free from birth, young non-citizens of ancient communities, children of slaves or “barbarians” who served the Greek ancient polis and the empire of Rome, shared the fate, and with it the lifestyle of their parents and other similar adults. But their spontaneous upbringing was also a productive interaction of different age cohorts and generations, reproducing the subculture of a given social stratum, and together with the forms of elitist education of children of free citizens, the dynamic culture of ancient society as a whole, its conscious being, its social mythology.

Further development and consolidation in social forms of the social and professional division of labor in the Middle Ages even more sharply divided the forms, methods and means of education in separate layers of different communities of people. The agricultural communities, and then the community of forced peasants on the land of the feudal lord, knew only one type and method of education - the inclusion of a child from birth in the tradition and ritual of family life, in the cycle of reproduction of the peasant economy, in the forms and subject means of understanding the myths of the social hierarchy, and through her—and the world at large. Children and teenagers in the castles of the feudal lord were also brought up by familiarization with the traditions and rituals of chivalry, with the practical implementation of its traditional myths - the ideals of faith, honor and reckless cruelty towards all non-believers, towards everyone who encroaches on the basis of their honor, i.e. on the right to own land and people. But in the class of church ministers, the introduction of the young to the sacraments of service contained, as in embryo, the future separation of education and upbringing, as well as the preservation of the main advantage of ancient culture - priority in common process education of the theoretical form of understanding the world over the subject-practical. On the one hand, for the first time in church education, a stable system of transferring knowledge in the form of a product to those who do not yet possess such knowledge has developed (for the first time, children began to receive many ready-made answers to many questions that they themselves did not have). Education has acquired a form of learning (teaching), designed more for memory than for ingenuity and independence of thought. Requirements for students - subjects of forced educational labor, perceived as the requirements of discipline supported by whole system punishments for disobedience, inattention, poor memory, etc. - formed a single and special set of measures of education as such. On the other hand, both training and education were subordinated to the goals, methods and means of mastering the universal postulates of theology that explain the world of divine creation. Holy Scripture, the works of the Church Fathers, their logic and rhetoric, their substantive dialectics, no less than science for our contemporaries, were a truly universal form of awareness of the integrity and unity of Being. Here, education turned out to be completely subordinate to the affective-semantic, and intentionally-logical reproduction of spiritual and spiritual-practical culture, although within the subject framework of faith and theology. In the Renaissance, the priority of the spiritual integrity of thinking was preserved and enriched in substantiating the goals and objectives of education. And again, in a general form - in the form of a theory of the affective meanings of Being and their incarnations in the masterpieces of painting, sculpture and verbal creativity. At the beginning of the New Age, the supposed goals, means and tasks of education were realized philosophically and reflexively theoretically - F. Bacon, T. Hobbes, a little later J. Lote, in the culture of the Enlightenment - French encyclopedists (D. Diderot, K. A. Helvetius, and directly and as a special problem - JJ Rousseau), later in Germany - A. Diesterweg. However, the orientation of philosophical reflection (originating from the New Age) on the empirical-rationalistic logic of the rapidly developing natural science and in philosophy itself reproduced the fatal opposition of the affectivity of figurative, sensual thinking to the heuristic methods of rational calculation as the only possible logic of object knowledge. This could not but deepen the distinction between the goals and objectives of training and education. The university tradition of teaching the known, founded back in the Middle Ages, reduced the activity of teaching to the transfer to students of indisputable information about the invariants of the mechanics of natural processes prevailing in inanimate nature. And at the same time, the goal and task of education as a special activity was the formation and development of the spiritual and practical forces of the soul - a moral and aesthetic feeling that nourishes all forms of art, intuitive insights into the very essence of the spirituality of human existence. The latter was most clearly manifested in the culture of romanticism. Echoes of the myth of the New Age about the almost initial breeding of its rational and emotional self-determination along different poles of the soul did not accidentally reach our days. Eg. , they are clearly visible in the justification of their differences by the asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres, in the justification of differences in individual abilities by programmed heredity: in some, to an emotional-figurative form of comprehension of being, in others, to a purely rational one.

The same distinction underlies another myth of the New Age, which has also survived to this day, about the contradiction of two forces that predetermine the development of human cultural needs and their corresponding abilities: heredity and education. Naturalistic epistemological Robinsonade - discussion of all human life abilities, based on the model of an isolated individual homo sapiens, and mechanical determinism as the basis of the logic of the same naturalism is constantly, although in different forms, revived the idea of ​​t, n. double determination of a person: his individuality is given to him by nature (in our days, it is determined genetically), but within these limits he also experiences the influence of the external environment.

This typical example of a rational antinomy that is constantly reproduced even today, where the thesis contains the antithesis in its content, and that in turn includes the thesis, is most clearly represented by the famous dispute between Diderot and Gejavetius about the role of education in shaping human abilities and individuality. According to Diderot, nature is responsible for everything that an individual is, education at best only polishes and improves natural gifts. Helvetius defended the opposite idea: nature makes everyone equal; different development abilities of each, thus its individualization occurs in the course of education, and therefore, to a large extent, is a matter of chance. In the course of the dispute, Diderot recognized the correctness of his opponent to the same extent that he recognized his correctness. In both cases, the person himself turns out to be a puppet, and his life is a game played by heredity, circumstances and other people. Today, this dispute continues on the basis of the same antinomy, with the use of literally the same one-sided arguments by each side, only “reinforced” by modern means. Among these are the “twin method” of psychophysical research regarding the degree of influence of heredity, environment and upbringing, and the appeal to the “activity approach” within the framework of the historical and cultural understanding of human essence, the so-called. socialization of the child, etc. But it remains a dispute between two deaf people: at its very core is the logic of the external causality of being, the logic of mechanical determinism, which allows any form of self-sufficient causal connections. Whereas a person lives, building his life himself according to the law of expediency, which always matures internally and acts from within.

Therefore, the possibility of removing the conditions and content of the antinomy of judgments about heredity, “environment” and upbringing is in a different approach to human nature: the motivation for a person’s expedient and arbitrary behavior is predetermined by nothing more than the internal need for constant appeal to the subjectivity of other people (and to one’s own) for their (and their own) thought, sympathy and assistance. The human “system” is not mechanical, but organic, in itself completing the construction of its organs, which it lacks to the fullness of integrity. Therefore, upbringing is, first of all, self-education: the process of self-development of individuals and their small groups in a single space of a common sense of meaning. In a space that is as external to each individual homo sapiens (intersubjective) as it is always internal (intrasubjective).

Therefore, upbringing is nothing more than the purposeful activity of those subjects, whose conscious being forms this space, realized in the communication of age cohorts and generations. Aimed at children, adults and their small communities, it is one of the necessary conditions for the awakening and development of cultural needs and their corresponding creative abilities necessary for the self-formation and self-development of their individuality.

F. G. Mikhailov

In modern ethical and pedagogical literature, which considers the problems of education, two polar positions mainly dominate: 1) an authoritarian, accentuated paternalistic understanding of education as an influence from outside; 2) a humanistic approach that considers upbringing from the point of view of the processes that occur inside the consciousness of the individual.

In the first model, upbringing is understood primarily as a system of strict requirements for behavior, based on the highest authority (father, leader, teacher, leader, etc.), as a fairly strict regulation of behavior; in it, the main attention is paid to the technique of education, how to most fully influence the educated. In this paradigm of education, the object of educational influence - the personality - is unified, impoverished, averaged, depersonalized. Personality is adjusted to ready-made clichés, samples, models, standards. In the dictionary of such an understanding of education, behavior is characterized through positions of the type: normal - deviant, adapted - unadapted, loyal - disloyal, decent indecent, conflict - non-conflict. Regardless of the particular social space - family, church, school environment, state, etc. - this model of education is carried out, its main drawback is the oblivion of the interests of the individual, which leads to conflicts, alienation, isolation, rebellion, the emergence of an unfortunate consciousness. The methods of such upbringing are punishment (up to physical), boycott, ostracism, excommunication, training, etc. The result is a person who is a robotic individual, a conformist focused on social approval, prestige, slavishly copying the norms and rules of behavior accepted in society and etiquette.

The transition from an authoritarian-repressive to a humanistic vision of education means that the educatee himself becomes the main link in the educational process, that it is necessary to take into account individual personal abilities and inclinations, unique personality traits, that the task of the upbringing process is to develop all the best that is inherent in the individual by nature, ensure its flourishing, comprehensive and harmonious development. The humanistic model of education is focused primarily on the study and enrichment inner world pupil, takes into account his individual characteristics and relies on his independent spiritual efforts. The world of childhood, the age period of adolescence and youth acquire a high value status as the best time in a person's life. If in the first model of upbringing a child is devalued as an inferior adult, then in the humanistic model of upbringing childhood is valued as a treasure trove of special positive qualities - purity, naivety, bright love, affection (the gospel call "be like children"). The world of childhood becomes an object of concern for the state and society, and the industry of toys, children's fashion, entertainment, and art emerges. In the family, accordingly, interests are shifted from economic to educational goals.

The authoritarian approach as external coercion and the humanistic approach as the free deployment of the individual's internal capabilities can be synthesized into a single concept of the stage development of the personality. The question of the stages (steps, levels) is spiritual and moral

The development of the child, along with a meaningful analysis of the moral goals of education, occupies a central place in modern ethical-pedagogical and ethical-psychological theories. Education passes through a series of qualitative stages; it begins with an external influence on the child and is oriented towards the formation of an autonomous personality capable of cooperating and collaborating with others. One of the methods of educating an autonomous personality is considered to be the development of moral thinking (from childhood to late adolescence) through the use of stories about moral contradictions-dilemmas, in the process of solving which the child’s natural ability to comprehend good and evil is awakened. The mature intellect of the autonomous personality, which is at the same time a sign of such maturity, must be accompanied by highest level moral development - an anti-egoistic orientation towards mutual assistance, cooperation and justice.


Education, the process and result of the assimilation of systematized knowledge, skills and abilities. In the process of O., the knowledge of all those spiritual riches that mankind has developed is transmitted from generation to generation, the results of social and historical knowledge reflected in the sciences of nature, society, technology, and art are assimilated, as well as the mastery of labor skills and abilities. O. - necessary condition preparation for life and work, the main means of introducing a person to culture and mastering it; foundation for cultural development. The main way to obtain O. is training in various educational institutions. Self-education, cultural and educational work, participation in social and labor activities also play a significant role in the assimilation of knowledge, the mental development of a person.

The content of schooling and its level are determined by the requirements of social production and are conditioned by social relations, the state of science, technology, and culture, as well as the level of development of school work and pedagogical science. In a class society, education has a class-historical character, which is manifested in the construction of public education systems, in the content of education, and in teaching methods. The class-based nature of the bourgeois school system, with its inherent limitation in the level of education for the children of working people, and in some countries even racial discrimination, and a large proportion of private and church schools, the Soviet system of public education opposes such principles as the equality of all citizens of the USSR in obtaining education, obligatory O. for all children and teenagers; state and public nature of educational institutions; freedom to choose the language of instruction; free education of all types, maintenance of a part of students on full state support, a system of scholarships for students, etc.; the unity of the public education system and the continuity of all types of educational institutions; unity of education and communist education; cooperation between schools, families and the public in the upbringing of children and youth; connection of training and education with life, with the practice of communist construction; the scientific nature of O., its constant improvement on the basis of the latest achievements of science, technology, and culture; the humanistic and highly moral character of education and upbringing; joint education of persons of both sexes; secular nature of education, excluding the influence of religion.

A distinction is made between general and special education. General education provides the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for every person, regardless of his future specialty or profession; special education, which is necessary for a worker of a particular profession and qualification. In the socialist countries, general education has as its task the equipping of students with a body of knowledge of the fundamentals of the sciences, as well as the corresponding abilities and skills that are necessary for the all-round development of the individual, the education of active and conscious builders of socialism and communism, and the formation of their world outlook and communist morality. Polytechnic education is inextricably linked with general education in the USSR and other socialist countries. Of great social and national economic importance is the transition in the USSR in the conditions of a developed socialist society to universal secondary education (the basis for the comprehensive development of the personality of each member of society, ensuring complete equality of all citizens in obtaining education, a necessary prerequisite for mastering any profession at the level of modern scientific achievements). , technology, culture).

General O. is a necessary basis for special O. Special O. includes a number of branches: mining, radio engineering, construction, mathematical, energy, agricultural, medical, historical, pedagogical, etc. The training of specialists provides for the study of special knowledge in close connection with the disclosure of the general scientific principles of modern production. According to its level, special O. is divided into higher education, secondary specialized education, vocational education, which is adjoined by short-term training of workers directly at the workplace.

The principles of construction, the main tasks and ways of improving all parts of the system of Soviet public education are defined in the Fundamentals of Legislation of the USSR and Union Republics on Public Education (1973). The Soviet school (in the broad sense of the word) is called upon to provide National economy personnel capable of organically combining the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution with the achievements of socialism, with the solution of the tasks of communist construction. The general secondary education of the younger generation, which meets modern requirements social and scientific and technological progress, equipping students with deep and solid knowledge of the fundamentals of science, instilling in them the desire for continuous improvement of knowledge and the ability to independently replenish it and apply it in practice - the tasks of a secondary general education school, vocational educational institutions and secondary specialized educational institutions. The scientific and technological revolution causes an increase in the pace of renewal of the tools of production, its technology, a reduction in the time for introducing new scientific discoveries into practice; it requires workers large volume modern general scientific and special knowledge. Vocational, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions solve the problem of training personnel who can quickly navigate the changing conditions of production activities, combine broad general technical and cultural knowledge with excellent knowledge of a specific specialty, and a creative attitude to work.

In the USSR and other socialist countries, the right to schooling is one of the most important manifestations of socialist democracy, legally enshrined in constitutions; it is actually ensured by the extensive development of a network of schools of various types, higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. The development of O. in the USSR creates the prerequisites for eliminating the distinction between mental and physical labor.

In a class-antagonistic society ruling classes use the educational system as a means of strengthening their dominance, subordinating the content of education to this goal. The contradiction between the needs of capitalist production for qualified trained personnel and the desire of the ruling classes for political reasons to limit the educational level of the working people is especially aggravated during periods of crisis and reaction and comes out with the greatest force in the era of imperialism . In modern capitalist countries, the level of education in mass and privileged secondary schools is significantly different.

The class-historical character of teaching is manifested not only in the principles of building folk teaching systems, but also in the ideological orientation of programs, textbooks, and all teaching practice. The socialist school equips students with genuinely scientific knowledge, since The content of O. is based on the methodology of Marxism-Leninism, which leads students to a dialectical-materialist understanding of the laws of development of nature, social life, and human consciousness.

Modern technical progress and the growth of the cultural needs of the members of Soviet society make it necessary to improve the content of education. Scientific and technological progress, with its ever-increasing scientific information, necessitates continuous education and regular replenishment by workers of general educational, general technical, and special knowledge. Therefore, in the systems of public education in the USSR and other socialist countries, various forms of advanced training and self-education of the working people have been widely developed.

In close connection with the content of learning is learning, in which the goals of learning are realized. The goals and nature of learning have a great influence on teaching methods. The widespread use of modern technical means, methods of independent cognitive activity leads to an increase in the effectiveness of training. One of the important tasks of the school is to instill in students an interest in self-education, the formation of skills for independent work. State and public organizations provide great assistance to those involved in self-education (publication of mass popular science magazines and books, organization of special general educational radio and television programs, production of scientific and technical films, development of a network of party political education, etc.).

O. is closely connected with education, the formation of personality traits. This objectively existing interdependence is manifested in the fact that education is a necessary and powerful factor in education. The Soviet school, solving general educational problems, equipping students with knowledge of the laws of the development of nature, society and thinking, labor skills and abilities, forms on this basis the communist views and convictions of students, their worldview and moral and volitional qualities. At the same time, the right education of the individual contributes to the successful acquisition of knowledge. The unity of education, teaching and upbringing is achieved through the implementation of the principle of educative education, through the conduct of educational work in the system of extracurricular educational activities, in the course of the activities of pioneer and Komsomol organizations. The combination of education with socially useful work, the use of the influence of the socialist social environment make it possible to successfully solve the educational and educational tasks set before the Soviet school by the Communist Party.


Education, the process of transferring and assimilating knowledge, skills, activities, the main means of preparing a person for life and work. In the process of O., the goals of education and upbringing are realized. The main way of obtaining education is schooling in educational institutions of various types, but schooling is carried out not only in educational institutions, but also in the family, at work, in everyday life, and in other areas. In addition to specially organized schooling, which is carried out in a certain regime under the guidance of teachers, self-study, usually called self-education, is of great importance.

The Marxist-Leninist theory of O. fundamentally differs from the pedocentric bourgeois theories that preach the apolitical nature of O., independence from the class structure of society. In a class society, O. has a class character and aims to form among the members of society a certain system of political, philosophical, legal, moral, and ethical views, the reproduction of man as an element of the socio-economic structure, primarily as an element of the productive forces, possessing the necessary physical, intellectual and production qualities. In capitalist society, there is a contradiction between the needs of capitalist production for well-trained personnel and the striving of the ruling classes for ideological reasons to limit the general educational level of the working people. Under socialism there is no such contradiction. In the USSR and other socialist countries O. contributes to the solution of the most important problems of communist construction—the creation of the material and technical base of communism, the formation of communist social relations, the education of the new man, and the all-round development of his physical, spiritual, and moral strength.

The content and character of O. are determined by the level of material and cultural development of the society in which it is carried out. In primitive society, O. was not separated from the daily activities of people, it was unorganized. The emergence and spread of writing made it possible to record the accumulated knowledge that is not related to direct activity. There was a need for organized education and the opening of special institutions - schools, which were supposed to transfer knowledge and skills to the younger generation, preparing it on this basis for activity, for life. The goals, content of education, its organization and methods at all stages of the development of human society have changed depending on the nature of social relations, current requirements for general education and vocational training people, from pedagogical ideas about O. himself (see Pedagogy).

In the conditions of modern scientific and technological progress, it has become necessary to develop the content, forms, methods, and means of teaching that correspond to new social requirements, as well as the abilities and needs of students. The fulfillment of these requirements was reflected in the organization of O.: a) close links are established between the various forms and stages of O. (a person must learn throughout his life - the so-called permanent O.); b) everything greater value receives a general polytechnic education, professional specialization is carried out on the basis of a broader general education; c) in the content of O., the proportion of theoretical material corresponding to recent achievements Sciences; d) attention is paid to the developing side of learning, to the improvement of the cognitive forces and abilities of students; e) the use of mass media is expanding - radio, television, cinema, periodicals, as well as various forms of self-education.

Education is a two-way process that includes the activities of the teacher and trainees and is characterized by the interaction of: the goals of education, education (in the process of education), and development of students; the content of O., i.e., the system of knowledge, skills, and abilities that trainees must master; teaching - the activity of a teacher, which in its essence represents the guidance of the cognitive and practical activities of students (the main functions of teaching are the encouragement to learn, the presentation of the content of the material being studied, the organization of students' activities, the control of knowledge, skills and abilities); teachings, i.e., the activities of students in mastering knowledge, skills, skills (mental and physical actions). In the process of education and upbringing, a worldview and personality traits are formed, and abilities develop. The sociohistorical experience of mankind is passed on to children and adults in the process of learning, but it is assimilated in different ways, depending on personal experience, formed skills, attitudes to educational activities, personality traits (see Assimilation). The methodological basis of the theory of O. in Soviet pedagogy and the pedagogy of other socialist countries is the Marxist-Leninist theory of knowledge.

At different stages of human development, the nature of the learning process changes. Age-related changes are characterized primarily by the transition from involuntary, uncontrolled forms of mental activity to arbitrary, controlled ones. In each of the age periods, there is a coexistence of different levels of educational activity, depending on the degree of complexity of the material the student is dealing with. The systematic implementation of the principle - "... that education is good, which runs ahead of development" (L. S. Vygotsky, Selected Psychological Studies, 1956, p. 449) - allows you to effectively influence the overall development of students.

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4. Pedagogical process, features of the pedagogical process, principles of its organization
The pedagogical process - this concept includes the method and way of organizing educational relations, which consist in the systematic and purposeful selection and application of external factors for the development of subjects of education. The pedagogical process is understood as the process of teaching and educating a person as a special social function, the implementation of which requires the environment of a certain pedagogical system.
The concept of "process" comes from the Latin word processus and means "moving forward", "change". The pedagogical process determines the constant interaction of subjects and objects of educational activity: educators and educators. The pedagogical process is aimed at solving this problem and leads to changes that are planned in advance, to the transformation of the properties and qualities of students. In other words, the pedagogical process is a process where experience turns into a personality quality. The main feature of the pedagogical process is the presence of the unity of training, education and development on the basis of maintaining the integrity and generality of the system. The concepts of "pedagogical process" and "educational process" are unambiguous.
The teaching process is a system. The system consists of various processes, including formation, development, education and training, inextricably linked with all conditions, forms and methods. As a system, the pedagogical process consists of elements (components), in turn, the arrangement of elements in the system is a structure.
The structure of the pedagogical process includes:
1. The goal is to identify the final result.
2. Principles are the main directions in achieving the goal.
3. Content - obtaining practical didactic methodological material necessary for solving pedagogical problems.
4. Methods is the necessary work of the teacher and the student in order to transfer, process and perceive the content of education.
5. Means - ways to "work" with the content.
6. Forms - this is a consistent receipt of the result of the pedagogical process.
The purpose of the pedagogical process is to effectively predict the outcome and result of the work. The pedagogical process consists of various goals: the goals of direct teaching and the goals of learning in each lesson, each discipline, etc.
Russia's regulatory documents present the following understanding of goals.
1. The system of goals in the standard provisions on educational institutions (formation of a general culture of the individual, adaptation to life in society, creation of the basis for a conscious choice and development of a professional educational program, education of responsibility and love for the Motherland).
2. The system of diagnostic goals in certain programs, where all goals are divided into stages and levels of training and represent a display of the content of certain training courses. In the education system, such a diagnostic goal can be teaching professional skills, thereby preparing the student for future professional education. The definition of such professional goals of education in Russia is the result of important processes in the education system, where attention is paid, first of all, to the interests of the younger generation in the pedagogical process.
The method (from the Greek sheShoskzh) of the pedagogical process is the ways of the relationship between the teacher and the student, these are the practical actions of the teacher and students that contribute to the assimilation of knowledge and the use of learning content as an experience. A method is a certain designated way to achieve a given goal, a way to solve problems that result in solving the problem.
Different kinds classification of methods of the pedagogical process can be determined as follows: according to the source of knowledge: verbal (story, conversation, instruction), practical (exercises, training, self-management), visual (showing, illustrating, presenting material), based on the structure of personality: methods of forming consciousness ( story, conversation, instruction, demonstration, illustration), methods of behavior formation (exercises, training, game, assignment, requirement, ritual, etc.), methods of forming feelings (stimulation) (approval, praise, censure, control, self-control and etc.).
The components of the system are educators, students, and learning environments. Being a system, the pedagogical process consists of certain components: goals, objectives, content, methods, forms and results of the relationship between the teacher and the student. Thus, the system of elements is a target, content, activity, and resultant components.
The target component of the process is the unity of all the various goals and objectives of educational activities.
The content component expresses the meaning of each general goal and each specific task.
The activity component is the relationship between the teacher and the student, their interaction, cooperation, organization, planning, control, without which it is impossible to reach the final result.
The effective component of the process shows how effective the process was, determines the successes and achievements depending on the goals and objectives set.
The pedagogical process is necessarily a labor process that is associated with the achievement and solution of socially significant goals and objectives. The peculiarity of the pedagogical process is that the work of the teacher and the student are combined together, making up an unusual relationship between the objects of the labor process, which is pedagogical interaction.
The pedagogical process is not so much a mechanical combination of the processes of education, training, development, but a completely new qualitative system that can subordinate objects and participants to its own laws. All constituent components are subject to a single goal - to preserve the integrity, commonality, unity of all components.
The peculiarity of pedagogical processes is manifested in determining the influential functions of pedagogical action. The dominant function of the learning process is training, education - education, development - development. Also, training, upbringing and development perform other interpenetrating tasks in a holistic process: for example, upbringing is manifested not only in upbringing, but also in developing and educational functions, and training is inextricably linked with upbringing and development.
Objective, necessary, essential connections that characterize the pedagogical process are reflected in its patterns. The patterns of the pedagogical process are as follows.
1. Dynamics of the pedagogical process. The pedagogical process implies a progressive nature of development - the overall achievements of the student grow along with his intermediate results, which indicates precisely the developing nature of the relationship between the teacher and children.
2. Personal development in the pedagogical process. The level of personality development and the pace of achieving the goals of the pedagogical process are determined by the following factors:
1) genetic factor - heredity;
2) pedagogical factor - the level of educational and educational sphere; participation in educational work; means and methods of pedagogical influence.
3. Management of the educational process. In the management of the educational process, the level of effectiveness of pedagogical influence on the student is of great importance. This category essentially depends on:
1) the presence of systematic and valuable feedback between the teacher and the student;
2) the presence of a certain level of influence and corrective actions on the student.
4. Stimulation. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process in most cases is determined by the following elements:
1) the degree of stimulation and motivation of the pedagogical process by students;
2) the appropriate level of external stimulation from the teacher, which is expressed in intensity and timeliness.
5. The unity of sensory, logical and practice in the pedagogical process. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on:
1) the quality of the student's personal perception;
2) the logic of assimilation perceived by the student;
3) the degree of practical use of educational material.
6. The unity of external (pedagogical) and internal (cognitive) activities. The logical unity of two interacting principles - this is the degree of pedagogical influence and the educational work of students - determines the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.
7. Conditionality of the pedagogical process. The development and summing up of the pedagogical process depends on:
1) the development of the most versatile desires of a person and the realities of society;
2) available material, cultural, economic and other opportunities for a person to realize their needs in society;
3) the level of conditions for the expression of the pedagogical process.
So, important features of the pedagogical process are expressed in the basic principles of the pedagogical process, which make up its general organization, content, forms and methods.
Let us define the main principles of the pedagogical process.
1. The humanistic principle, which means that the humanistic principle should be manifested in the direction of the pedagogical process, which means the desire to unite the development goals and life attitudes of a certain individual and society.
2. The principle of the relationship between the theoretical orientation of the pedagogical process and practical activities. In this case, this principle means the relationship and mutual influence between the content, forms and methods of education and educational work, on the one hand, and the changes and phenomena taking place in the entire public life of the country - economy, politics, culture, on the other hand.
3. The principle of combining the theoretical beginning of the processes of education and upbringing with practical actions. Determining the significance of the implementation of the idea of ​​practical activity in the life of the younger generation implies subsequently the systematic acquisition of experience in social behavior and makes it possible to form valuable personal and business qualities.
4. The principle of scientific character, which means the need to bring the content of education into line with a certain level of scientific and technological achievements of society, as well as in accordance with the already accumulated experience of civilization.
5. The principle of orientation of the pedagogical process to the formation in the unity of knowledge and skills, consciousness and behavior. The essence of this principle is the requirement to organize activities in which children would have the opportunity to verify the veracity of the theoretical presentation, confirmed by practical actions.
6. The principle of collectivism in the processes of education and upbringing. This principle is based on the connection and interpenetration of various collective, group and individual methods and means of organizing the learning process.
7. Systematic, continuity and consistency. This principle implies the consolidation of knowledge, skills, personal qualities that were acquired in the learning process, as well as their systematic and consistent development.
8. The principle of visibility. This is one of the important principles not only of the learning process, but of the entire pedagogical process. In this case, the basis for the visualization of learning in the pedagogical process can be considered those laws and principles of the study of the external world that lead to the development of thinking from figuratively concrete to abstract.
9. The principle of aestheticization of the processes of education and upbringing in relation to children. Revealing and developing in the younger generation a sense of beauty, an aesthetic attitude to the environment makes it possible to form their artistic taste and see the uniqueness and value of social principles.
10. The principle of the relationship between pedagogical management and independence of schoolchildren. It is very important from childhood to accustom a person to perform certain types of work, to encourage initiative. This is facilitated by the principle of combining effective pedagogical management.
11. The principle of consciousness of children. This principle is intended to show the importance of the active position of students in the pedagogical process.
12. The principle of a reasonable attitude towards the child, which combines exactingness and encouragement in a reasonable ratio.
13. The principle of combination and unity of respect for one's own personality, on the one hand, and a certain level of exactingness towards oneself, on the other hand. This becomes possible when there is a fundamental reliance on strengths personality.
14. Accessibility and feasibility. This principle in the pedagogical process implies a correspondence between the construction of students' work and their real capabilities.
15. The principle of influence of individual characteristics of students. This principle means that the content, forms, methods and means of organizing the pedagogical process change in accordance with the age of the students.
16. The principle of the effectiveness of the results of the learning process. The manifestation of this principle is based on the work of mental activity. As a rule, knowledge that is acquired independently becomes strong.
Thus, defining in stages the unity of education and training in the pedagogical process, the goal as a backbone component educational system, general characteristics of the education system in Russia, as well as the features, structure, patterns, principles of the pedagogical process, we were able to reveal the main idea of ​​the lecture and find out how the process of education, being a fundamental, systemic, purposeful and unifying process of education and training, influences the development of the individual, and, therefore, the development of society and the state.

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