The most famous parts of the World Ocean. What ocean is the biggest in the world

Garden technique 21.09.2019
Garden technique

The world ocean is the main part of the hydrosphere, which is 94.2% of its entire area, continuous, but not a solid water shell of the Earth, the surrounding continuity and islands, and differing in saline.

Continents and large archipelagos divide the world ocean into four large parts (oceans):

Sometimes of them also stand out - the southern ocean.

Large regions of the oceans are known as the sea, bays, sheds, etc. The doctrine of earthly oceans is called oceanology.

Origin of the World Ocean

The origin of the World Ocean is the subject of the hundreds of years of disputes.

It is believed that in the arche of the ocean was hot. Due to the high partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, reaching 5 bar, its water was saturated with coal acid H2CO3 and was characterized by an acidic reaction (pH ≈ 3-5). In this water was dissolved a large number of various metals, especially iron in the form of FECL2 chloride.

The activities of photosynthetic bacteria led to the appearance of oxygen in the atmosphere. He was absorbed by the ocean and consumed the oxidation of iron dissolved in water.

There is a hypothesis that starting with the silurian period of Paleozoic and up to the Mesozoic Supercontinent Pangeja surrounded the ancient ocean of the Pantalass, which covered about half of the globe.

Story study

The first Ocean researchers were navigators. During the epoch geographic discoveries The outlines of continents, oceans and islands were studied. Fernan Magellan's journey (1519-1522) and the subsequent expeditions of James Cook (1768-1780) allowed Europeans to receive an idea of \u200b\u200bthe huge water spaces surrounding the main students of our planet, and in general features Determine the outlines of continents. The first world maps were created. In the XVII I. XVIII centuries The outlines of the coastline were detailed, and the world map acquired modern view. However, the depths of the ocean were very weakly studied. In the middle of the XVII century, Dutch geographer Bernhardus Zarrenius proposed to use the term "world ocean" in relation to water spaces.

On December 22, 1872, the sail-steam Corvette "Challenger" came out of the English port of Portsmouth, specially equipped to participate in the first oceanographic expedition.

The modern concept of the World Ocean amounted to the Russian and Soviet geographer, the oceanographer and Cartographer Julius Mikhailovich Schocalsky (1856 - 1940) at the beginning of the 20th century. He first introduced into science the concept of "World Ocean", considering all oceans - Indian, Atlantic, northern ice, quiet - parts of the world ocean.

In the second half of the 20th century, intensive study of the depths of the ocean began. The method of echolocation was composed of detailed depth cards of the ocean, the main form of the relief of the ocean bottom was opened. These data, combined with the results of geophysical and geological research, led in the late 1960s to the creation of the theory of tactonics of plates. Tectonic plates - modern geological theory about the movement of the lithosphere. To study the structure of the oceanic crust, an international program for drilling the oceanic bottom was organized. One of the main results of the program was the confirmation of the theory.

Research methods

  • Studies of the World Ocean in the XX century actively conducted on research courts. They committed regular flights to certain areas of the oceans. Research on such domestic courts, like Vityaz, Academician Kurchatov, Academician Mstislav Keldysh made a great contribution to science. Large international scientific experiments in the Ocean polygon-70, mod-I, polyom.
  • In the study, deep-water inhabited devices were used, such as Pysis, World, Trieste. At the Research Batiscife Trieste in 1960, a record immersion in the Mariana Wpadin was committed. One of the most important scientific results of the immersion was the discovery of highly organized life at such depths.
  • In the late 1970s. The first specialized oceanographic satellites were launched (Seasat - in the United States, "Cosmos-1076" - in the USSR).
  • On April 12, 2007, the Chinese satellite "Hayang-1B" ("Ocean 1B") was launched for research and ocean temperature.
  • In 2006, NASA Jason-2 satellite began to participate in the International Oceanographic Project of Ocean Surface Topography Topography Mission (OSTM) for the study of the World Ocean Circulation and Ocean Leggings.
  • By July 2009, in Canada, one of the largest scientific complexes for the study of the World Ocean was built.

Scientific organizations

  • Aania
  • Oceangeology
  • Institute of Oceanology. P. P. Shirshova RAS
  • Pacific Oceanological Institute. V. I. Ilyicheva Far of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • California Oceanographic Institute of Skipps.

Museums and oceanariums

  • Museum of World Ocean
  • Oceanographic Museum of Monaco
  • Oceanarium in Moscow

In Russia, there are only 4 oceanariums: St. Petersburg Oceanarium, Aquarimir in Vladivostok, Aquarium in Sochi and Oceanarium in Moscow at Dmitrovsky Highway (recently opened).

Division of the World Ocean

The main morphological characteristics of the oceans

Water surface area, mln.km²

Volume, mln.km³.

Average depth, m

The greatest depth of the ocean, m


puerto Rico (8742)


Zondiy Zhalk (7209)


Greenland Sea (5527)


Mariana Vpadina (11022)


To date, there are several views on the division of the World Ocean, taking into account the hydrophysical and climatic features, water characteristics, biological factors and so on. Already in the XVIII-XIX centuries there were several such versions. Malta-Brene, Konrad Malta-Breña and Flearier, Charles de Fleple allocated two oceans. The division into three parts was offered, in particular, Philip Baisha and Heinrich Stenfence. Italian geographer Adriano Balby (1782-1848) allocated four regions in the World Ocean: the Atlantic Ocean, the Northern and South Arctic Seas and the Great Ocean, part of which was the modern Indian (such division was a consequence of the impossibility of determining the exact boundary between the Indian and the Pacific Oceans and the similarities of zoogeographic conditions of these regions). Today, they are often talking about the Indo-Pacific region - located in the tropical sphere of the zogeographic zone, which includes the tropical parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as the Red Sea. The border of the region passes along the shores of Africa to the needle cape, later - from the Yellow Sea to the northern shores of New Zealand, and from Southern California to the Tropic Capricorn.

The International Hydrogeographic Bureau in 1953 developed a new division of the World Ocean: it was then that the Northern Arctic, Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans were finally allocated.

Geography of Oceanov

General physico-geographic information:

  • Average temperature: 5 ° C;
  • Average pressure: 20 MPa;
  • Average density: 1.024 g / cm³;
  • Average depth: 3730 m;
  • Total weight: 1.4 · 1021 kg;
  • General volume: 1370 million km³;
  • pH: 8.1 ± 0.2.

The deepest point of the ocean is Mariana Wpadina, located in the Pacific Ocean near the Northern Mariana Islands. Its maximum depth - 11022 m. It was investigated in 1951 by the British submarine "Challenger II", in honor of which the deepest part of the depression was called the "abrasion of the Challenger".

Water of the World Ocean

Waters of the World Ocean are the bulk of the Earth's hydrosphere - the oceanosphere. On the ocean water accounts for more than 96% (1338 million cubic meters. Km.) Earth's water. The volume of fresh waters entering the ocean with river and precipitation does not exceed 0.5 million cubic kilometers, which corresponds to a layer of water on the surface of the ocean with a thickness of about 1.25 m. This causes the constancy of the salt composition of the ocean and minor changes in their density. The unity of the ocean as an aqueous mass is provided by its continuous movement both in horizontal and in vertical directions. In the ocean, as in the atmosphere, there are no sharp natural borders, they are all more or less gradual. There is a global mechanism for transformation of energy and metabolism, which is maintained by uneven heating solar radiation of surface waters and atmosphere.

Relief DNA

The systematic study of the bottom of the World Ocean began with the advent of echo sounder. Most of The bottom of the oceans is smooth surfaces, the so-called abissual plains. Their middle depth is 5 km. In the central parts of all oceans there are linear raised lifters for 1-2 km - the average and ocean ridges that are associated with a single network. The ridges are separated by transform faults to segments that are manifested in the relief of low hills perpendicular to the ridges.

On the abissual plains there are a set of single mountains, some of which protrudes over the surface of the water in the form of an islands. Most of these mountains are extinct or existing volcanoes. Under the weight of the mountain, the oceanic bark begins and the mountain is slowly immersed in water. It produces a coral reef, which exits the vertex, as a result, a ring-shaped coral island is formed - atoll.

If the outskirts of the continent is passive, then the shelf is located between it and the ocean - the underwater part of the continent, and the continental slope, smoothly passing into the abissual plain. Before the zones of subducts, where the ocean bark is immersed under the continents, deep-water gutters are located - the deepest parts of the oceans.

Sea currents

Sea currents - the movement of large masses of ocean water - have a serious impact on the climate of many regions of the world.


The ocean plays a huge role in the formation of the climate of the Earth. Under the action of solar radiation, water evaporates and is transferred to continents, where it falls in the form of various atmospheric precipitation. Ocean flows transfer heated or chilled water into other latitudes and are largely responsible for the heat distribution on the planet.

Water has a huge heat capacity, so the temperature of the ocean changes much slower than the air temperature or sushi. Close to ocean areas have smaller daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations.

If the factors causing flows are constant, then a constant course is formed, and if they wear episodic nature, it is formed short-term, random flow. According to the predominant direction of flow, they are divided into meridional, carrying their waters to the north or south, and zonal, spreading latitudinally. Flows, water temperature in which above average temperature For the same latitudes, called warm, lower - cold, and the flows having the same temperature as the surrounding water - neutral.

On the direction of flows in the World Ocean, the defective force caused by the rotation of the Earth is influenced by the power of Coriolis. In the northern hemisphere, it rejects the flows to the right, and in South - left. The flow rate on average does not exceed 10 m / s, and in the depths they extend no more than 300 m.

Ecology, animal and vegetable world

The ocean is a habitat for a variety of life forms; among them:

  • catto-shaped, such as whales and dolphins
  • champion, such as octopuses, squid
  • crustaceans such as lobsters, shrimps, krill
  • sea worms
  • plankton
  • coral
  • seaweed

Reducing the concentration of ozone in the stratosphere over Antarctic waters leads to a smaller absorption by the ocean of carbon dioxide, which threatens calcium sinks and exosociles of mollusks, crustaceans, etc.

Economic importance

Oceans have a huge transport value: a huge amount of cargo is transported by the courts between the world marine ports. At the price of shipping unit, per unit distance, sea transport is one of the cheapest, but far from the fastest. To reduce the length of the sea route, channels are built, the most important of which include Panaman and Suez.

  • To heat the world ocean to boiling point, the energy that is released during decay of 6.8 billion tons of uranium is necessary.
  • If you take all the ocean water (1.34 billion km3) and make a ball from it, then the planet is a diameter of about 1400 km.
  • The World Ocean contains approximately 37 septillion (37 * 1024) drops.

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All the oceans and the seas that have a connection between themselves make up the global ocean of land. The name is given by the famous Russian oceanologist Yu. M. Shokalsky. The world ocean is conditionally divided into four main parts: quiet, or great, Atlantic, Indian and Northern Arctic Oceans. Their total area is 361 million km 2. Limit the oceans of continents and meridians of their extreme points (Cape Gorn - in South America, needle - in Africa and South - on about. Tasmania). Parts of the ocean, walking in the land and separated by the ocean, the peninsulas or elevations of the underwater terrain are called seas. They are divided into the outskirts adjacent to the mainland (Barents, Karoskaya et al.); The inner seas lying inside the continents surrounded from all sides of the land and communicating with the ocean with one or more straits (Baltic, black and others). The inner seas are divided into Mediterranean, located between the continents in geosynclinal areas (for example, Mediterranean, Red, Caribbean), and semi-jammed (Bering, North, Okhotsk, Yellow, Japanese).

The bottom of the oceans and the seas has a complex relief, resembling land relief, only less dismembered; It is poorly details, less diverse. It is studied by precludes individual points and drawing the corresponding profiles. You can highlight large form of relief. Material shallow, or shelf, is a shallow part, bordering mainland (flooded part of the mainland). The width of the shelf varies from zero to 1,500 km, constituting an average of 78 km. It takes 8% of the entire World Ocean area. The depth of the exterior edge of the mainland shames varies from 20 to 550 m or more, usually about 200 m, and an average of 133 m. The shelf is an underwater shallow plain with a weak slope, the relief is closely associated with the relief of the adjacent sushi. This is the area of \u200b\u200baccumulation of deposits demolished from sushi - from pebbles to sands, crash with the participation of organogenic materials (shell, coral soils). In geological terms, the shelves relate to continents. Within the shelf are developed large deposits Oil and gas, for example in the North Sea. A part of the oceanic bottom should be deeper, which is called a mainland slope with coolest slopes and significant dismemberment in the form of steps and transverse lubricants (underwater canyons), as well as underwater mountains, a variety, hill and kitelin. Under the action of gravity, sedimentary material moves down the slope is often in the form of huge landslides and accumulates its base, fitting. The slope is 12% of the Ocean Square and extends from the edge of the shelf to a depth of 3-5 km. Then begins the ocean bed (Abyssal), which accounts for 80% of its area. This is not an ideal plain; Along with flat areas there are underwater ridges, extensive plateau, depressions, gutters (i.e., faults, elongated often for thousands of kilometers). Underwater volcanoes are widespread.

Submarine ridges reach a height of several kilometers; They divide the bottom of all oceans to a number of large catlovin and varnis. The length of such mid-oceanic ridges with branches is over 60 thousand km, width - 250-450 km (up to 1200 km in separate sites). Some vertices form volcanic islands (about. Easter, St. Helena, Buvet, Amsterdam). The relief of underwater ridges is very complex, with strongly dissected ridges and slopes.

Fault (rifts) are oriented along and across the ridges; At the bottom of them, basalts are located close to the composition of the mantle of the Earth. The deepest Wpadina of the World Ocean - Mariana (11,022 m) - located in the Pacific Ocean.

Sea water is a solution of 44 chemical elements. An important role in it is played by salts. Salt salt (NaCl) gives water salty taste, magnesium (MgCl 2) - bitter. The total number of all salts dissolved in water (in grams per 1 kg of water) is called salinity. It is expressed in thousandths (PRMILL - ‰). The average salinity of the world ocean is about 35 ‰, that is, in each kilogram of water contains 35 g of salts. In the coastal waters of the ocean salinity decreases due to the desiccant influence of the flowing rivers, in the zones of dry trade winds - the greatest salinity (34-36), and in the equatorial belt where many precipitation falls, it decreases. The salinity of the inland seas is particularly sharply distinguished: in the Baltic Sea, it ranges from 20 in the south to 3 in the Bothnoy Bail; In the Black Sea - from 14 to 19, and in red - 41. It changes to the depth of 1500 m, and it remains more permanent.

In seawater, gases were dissolved; Oxygen, nitrogen, as well as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and methane prevail. The water density increases with increasing salinity, decrease in temperature and depth. The pressure rises by 1 AT for every Hum depth. The color of sea water (visible color of the sea) depends on the presence of organic impurities in it and the reflection conditions of the rays from the surface of the sea (clouds, excitement, the height of the observer, etc.). It changes from intense blue to yellowish brown, grayish-green (in the inner seas) and is determined by international color scale. The transparency of water is measured using a white disk sek. Its value corresponds to depth in meters, on which the white disc ceases to be visible. The greatest transparency in the Sargasso Sea is up to 66 m.

Sea water temperature depends on the latitude of space, climate of surrounding areas, flows, etc. Especially high temperature in the seas surrounded by hot deserts, for example, in the Red Sea - up to 34 ° C, in the Persian Gulf - to 35.6 ° C. IN moderate climates Temperature varies depending on the time of year and a little bit of day. It was believed that seasonal oscillations were not reflected in the ocean deeper than 300-350 m. Our scientists found that in the Japanese Sea, for example, the sun warms water to 4000 m of depth. At a depth of 3-4 km in all seas, low temperatures (about 2-3 ° C) and water has the greatest density. With 35 ‰ salinity of sea water for freezing, it is necessary to cool almost to -2 ° C. Flows take off the equator warm water in moderate latitudes, and rises from the depths of her place cold water. Heated on the surface, it goes in the direction of the poles where it cools, it becomes more dense and lowered down. Similar movements of the waters of the World Ocean contribute to more uniform distribution temperatures in the aqueous mass, as well as in the troposphere and on the earth's surface. The world ocean is actively involved in the formation of land and weather climates; Its interactions with the atmosphere are complex and attract close attention of scientists. In a joke (having a considerable share of truth) they say that we live on the planet Ocean; After all, most of its surface covers water, and not dry (ground).

Nowadays, the study of the World Ocean is closely related to the use of its mineral and biological resources, as well as pollution protection (mainly oil).

Ocean - the breadwinner of mankind. A person has long been fishing in his waters, mines a maritime beast. People use other marine products: mollusks, crustaceans, algae, create sea rates by artificially breeding aquatic organisms, dilute valuable species of fish. Biomass reserves of the seas and oceans are used for about 70%.

Under the thickness of the ocean is hidden large reserves of minerals. They run at the bottom or deep in depths. Most conveniently located deposits are already being developed. Oil and gas is especially obtained on the ocean shelf, where they are most accessible. In 1975, shelf accounted for about 1/5 of the oil produced in the world. In many cases, oil occurs in the sea near the places of its prey on land. For example, in Mexican and Persian bays.

In the ocean, geologists have already identified 180 oil and gas pools; The largest of them are scattered throughout the water area of \u200b\u200bthe shallow north sea.

From under the seabed near coaster is mined coal In the UK, Japan, Canada, Chile and other countries. Iron ore It is produced from marine departments in Canada, significantly less in France, Finland and Sweden. At the border between the land and the sea, the crumpled crumpled material forms coastal placer deposits. The production of ores are led by land shells or simply excavators. Development of axle allows you to extract such rare elements such as titanium, zirconium, thorium and some others. Magnetite and titanoagnetite sands are widespread, of which iron and titanium are widespread in some countries (for example, in Japan).

In the open ocean on the surface of the bottom Kotlovin, huge areas occupy the deposits of iron orders. These are polymetallic ores that additionally contain valuable metals - Copper, nickel and cobalt, because of which it is worth starting the prey of these ores that occur at the large depths of the oceans. Large international organizations on the use of fossil oceanic bottom are now created.

The world ocean is a major source of energy. He accumulates heat solar radiationTherefore, it is possible to use the difference in sea temperatures, as well as the energy of tides, waves, coastal surf and flows. In many countries, projects of tidal power plants (PES) are being developed, and in some they already work.

hydrosphere (an aqueous shell of the Earth), which occupies the overwhelming part (more than $ 90 \\% $) and is a combination water objects (oceans, seas, bays, straits, etc.), wash the sites of sushi (mainland, peninsula, islands, etc.).

The World Ocean area is about $ 70 \\% $ planet Earth, which exceeds the area of \u200b\u200ball sushi by more than $ 2 $.

The world ocean, as the main part of the hydrosphere, is a special component - the oceanosphere, which is the object of studying the science of oceanology. Thanks to this scientific discipline, the component, as well as the physico-chemical composition of the oceans, is currently known. Consider a Read more Component composition of the World Ocean.

The world ocean can be combined on the main components of its independent major parts communicating between themselves - oceans. In Russia, on the basis of set classificationThe release of four separate oceans from the World Ocean: Silent, Atlantic, Indian and Northern Arctic. In some foreign countriesIn addition to the specified four oceans, the fifth - southern (or southern ice-bearing), in which the water is combined southern pieces Quiet, atlantic and Indian Oceanovsurrounding Antarctica. However, due to the uncertainty of the borders, this ocean in the Russian classification of oceans is not allocated.


In turn, the component composition of the oceans includes seas, bays, straits.

Definition 2.

Sea - This is part of the ocean, limited by the banks of the mainland, islands and the raises of the bottom and differing from neighboring objects with physico-chemical, environmental and other conditions, as well as characteristic hydrological characteristics.

According to the morphological and hydrological characteristics of the sea, they are divided into outskirts, mediterranean and inter-stripes.

The outskirts of the seas are located on the underwater outskirts of the mainland, the shelf zone, in transition zones and are separated from the ocean islands, archipelagoes, peninsula or underwater thresholds.

The sea, which are confined to the mainland shallows, shallow water. For example, the yellow sea has a maximum depth of $ 106 meters, and those seas that are located in the so-called transition zones are characterized by depths to $ 4 \\ 000 $ meters - Okhotsk, Bering and so on.

Water painted seas According to physico-chemical composition, practically nothing differs from the open waters of the oceans, because these seas have an extensive front of the compounds with the oceans.

Definition 3.

Mediterranean Called the seas that are deeply crashing into the land and are connected to the waters of the oceans with one or more small straits. This feature Mediterranean seas, explains the difficulty of their water exchange with the waters of the oceans, which forms the special hydrological regime of these seas. Mediterranean seas include Mediterranean, Black, Azov, Red and other seas. Mediterranean seas in turn are divided into intermatherente and intramatics.

Inter-Star Seas are separated from the oceans to the islands or archipelagoes consisting of rings separate islands or island arcs. Similar seas include the Philippine Sea, Sea Fiji, a sea gang, and others. Sargassovo Sea, which does not have definitely established and pronounced borders, but have a pronounced and specific hydrological regime and special types of marine flora and fauna, also belongs to the interconnection seas.

Bulips and sheds

Definition 4.

Bay - This is part of the ocean or the sea, coming into the land, but not separated from it underwater threshold.

Depending on the nature of origin, hydrogeological features, forms of the coastline, forms, as well as a deritment to a particular region or country, the bays are divided into: Fieverads, Bays, Laguna, Limans, Lips, Estairia, Havan and others. The greatest in the area is recognized by the Guinean Bay, washing the coast of the countries of Central and West Africa.

In turn, the oceans, the sea and the bay are combined by interfering with the relatively narrow parts of the ocean or the sea, which are separated by the mainland or islands - straits. Straits have its own special hydrological mode, a special flow system. The bigst and deep strait is considered the strait of a drake separating South America And Antarctica. Its average width is 986 kilometers, and the depth of more than 3000 meters.

Physico-chemical composition of the Water World Ocean

Sea water is a strongly diluted solution of mineral salts, a variety of gases and an organic matter containing in its composition of the suspension of both organic and inorganic origin.

In seawater, a series of physicochemical, ecological and biological processes is constantly flowing, which have a direct effect on the change in the total composition of the concentration of the solution. The composition and concentration of mineral and organic substances in oceanic water have the active impact of the inflows of freshwater flowing into the oceans, evaporation of water from the surface of the ocean, falling on the surface of the ocean of atmospheric precipitation, the processes of formation and melting of ice.

Note 1.

Some processes, such as the activities of marine organisms, education and disintegration of bottom sediments, are aimed at changing the content and concentration in water solids And, as a result, the change in the relationship between them. Breathing of living organisms, the process of photosynthesis and the activity of bacteria have an impact on the change in concentration in water dissolved gases. Despite this, all these processes do not disturb the concentration of the salt composition for the main elements included in the solution.

Salts and other mineral dissolved in water and organic substances are mainly in the form of ions. The composition of salts is varied, in oceanic water there are almost all chemical elements, but the main mass is the following ions:

  • $ Na ^ + $
  • $ SO_4 $
  • $ Mg_2 ^ + $
  • $ CA_2 ^ + $
  • $ HCO_3, \\ CO $
  • $ H2_BO_3 $

The greatest concentrations in sea waters contain chlorine - $ 1.9% $, sodium - $ 1.06 \\% $, magnesium - $ 0.13 \\% $, sulfur - $ 0.088 \\% $, calcium - $ 0.040 \\% $, potassium - $ 0.038 \\% $, bromine - $ 0,0065 \\% $, carbon - $ 0.003 \\% $. The content of other elements is insignificant and is about $ 0.05 \\%. $

The total mass of the substance dissolved in the world ocean is more than $ 50,000 T.

In the waters and at the Day of the World Ocean, precious metals were discovered, but their concentration is insignificant and, accordingly, mining them is unprofitable. Ocean water in its chemical composition is straightely different from the composition of the sushi water.

The concentration of salts and the salt composition in various parts of the world's ocean is heterogeneous, but the greatest differences in salinity indicators are observed in the surface layers of the ocean, which explains the impact of the influence of various external factors.

The main factor that makes adjustments to the concentration of salt water salts is atmospheric precipitation and evaporation from the surface of the water. The smallest salinity indicators on the surface of the world's ocean are observed in high latitudes, as these regions have excess of precipitation over evaporation, significant river drain and melting of floating ice. Approaching the area of \u200b\u200bthe tropics level salinity increases. In equatorial latitudes, the number of atmospheric precipitations increases, and the salinity here again decreases. The distribution of salinity vertically different in different latitudinal zones, but deeper than $ 1500 $ meters, salinity remains almost constant and does not depend on the latitude.

Note 2.

Also, in addition to salinity, one of the main physical properties Sea water is its transparency. Under the transparency of water, the depth is understood by the white disk of the sequel with a diameter of $ 30 centimeters ceases to be a visible naked eye. The transparency of water depends, as a rule, from the content of suspended particles of various origin in water.

The color or chromaticity of water is largely dependent on the concentration of suspended particles, dissolved gases, other impurities. Color is able to change from blue, turquoise and blue shades in pure tropical waters to blue-green and greenish and yellowish shades in coastal waters.


The world ocean is a single and continuous aqueous array that covers the entire earth's surface. This gigantic water area is divided into several large parts - oceans. Of course, NFRJT separation is very conditional. The borders of the oceans serve as coastline of the mainland, islands, archipelagoes. Sometimes, for the absence of those, the borders are carried out by parallel or meridians. The main signs on which the water space is separated into the components is the properties inherent in one or another part of the world's ocean - climatic and hydrological features, salinity and transparency of water, independence of atmospheric circulation systems and oceanic flows, etc.

Until recently, the division of the world water area was taken on 4 ocean: quiet, Atlantic, Indian and North Arctic, although some scientists believed that the Southern Antarctic Ocean would be correctly allocated. The basis for this is the specificity of the climatic and hydrological conditions of this part of the world's ocean. Actually, the South Ocean existed on geographic maps From the middle of the XVII to the first quarter of the twentieth century. During the days of Varenius, the Dutch geographer, who was the first to distinguish the southern polar region as an independent part of the world water area, Antarctica was counted to the ocean. Its northern border was carried out by the breadth of the southern polar circle. In the world scientist, for a long time there was no consensus on the issue whether the southern ocean should be allocated. However, in 2000, an international geographic organization, relying on new oceanological data, announced its decision: the South Antarctic Ocean should appear on the world's maps of the world.

The components of the oceans are seas, bays and straits. The sea is a part of the ocean, separating from its main water area with the islands, peninsulas or the characteristics of the underwater relief. Seas have their own, different from oceanic, hydrological and meteorological conditions, and often their own vegetable and animal world. Except from general rules is Sargassovo Sea, which is not at all. In total, there are 54 seas in the World Ocean.

The biosphere is the living shell of the Earth. The borders of the biosphere is the area of \u200b\u200bdistribution of living organisms.

Unlike other shells, geographical has a complex composition and, the largest reserves of free energy. Also distinguished by the availability of life. The existence and development of the geographic shell obeys the following laws: integrity, rhythm, zonality.

Integrity is the interaction of the components caused by the continuous cycle and metabolism and energy exchanges. The change in one of the components leads to the change of others.

Rhythmic is a constant repetition of any phenomena over time. For example, annual rhythms that provide land, rotating around the sun. Rhythmicness can also include a climate change phenomenon.

All forms of water cycle constitute a single hydrological cycle, during which all types of water occurs. The most period accounts for the update of glaciers and deeply running underground water. The fastest are updated atmospheric water and biological waters, which are part of plants and animals.

Hydrosphere - an unlocked system. There is a close relationship between its waters, which causes the unity of the water shell of the Earth as natural system And its interaction with other geogram.

In addition, water is a cradle of life on our. After all, only at the beginning of the Paleozoic era came to the land. Up to this point, they developed in an aquatic environment.

Modern is the result of the long-term evolution of the Earth and the differentiation of its substances.

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Country - This is a territory having certain boundaries. It can possess state independence (sovereignty) or be under the authority of another state. To date, there are more than 250 states and territories around the world. All countries of the world have their own economic, political and social situation.

World countries differ in the size of the territory (large, medium, small), population, geographical position (peninsula, island, intocfactoryal), natural resource potential, religious and historical features. States have a different form of government (republic, monarchy), an administrative-territorial device (unitary, federal). Island countries include the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Cuba, Ireland. To the peninsula - India, Norway, Portugal, Italy. Incontinental countries are most countries of the world that do not have water borders. According to the territorial sign, the seven large countries - Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil, Australia and India.

In terms of social economic Development States are classified for developed countries with market economy, countries with economies and developing countries. On almost all countries of Western Europe, Canada, USA, Japan, Israel, Australia and New Zealand, South Africa are attributed to the first. All these states have high level Social and economic development. Countries with economies in transition are states of Eastern Europe, Russia, Albania, China, Vietnam, the former republics of the USSR, Mongolia. Developing countries include most countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America. Special subgroup includes countries - oil exporters. It is Algeria, Venezuela, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Qatar, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Brunei, Bahrain and others. The indicator of the level of socio-economic development is primarily the value of the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country. Its dimensions express the cumulative value of the final goods and services that are released in their country. Moreover, great importance It has the level and quality of life, which are determined by the totality of indicators - the life expectancy, the level of education, unemployment, the consumption of goods and services, the state of the natural environment.

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  • World Countries in 2019

From space, the land was described as "Blue Marble". Do you know why? Because most of our planet is covered with the World Ocean. In fact, almost three quarters (71%, or 362 million km²) land - the ocean. Consequently, healthy oceans are vital for our planet.

The ocean is unevenly distributed between the northern and southern hemispheres. Contains about 39% sushi, and in the southern hemisphere of the land occupy approximately 19%.

When did the ocean appear?

Of course, the ocean arose long before the appearance of humanity, so no one knows exactly how it happened, but it is believed that it was formed due to a water pair present on earth. When the land cooled, this water vapor ultimately evaporated, formed clouds and fell in the form of rain. For a long time, the rain flooded lowlands, creating the first oceans. When water flowed from sushi, she grabbed minerals, including salts that formed salty water.

The value of the ocean

The ocean is extremely important for humanity and the whole land, while some things are more obvious than others:

  • Provides food.
  • Provides oxygen through tiny organisms called phytoplankton. These organisms produce approximately 50-85% oxygen, which we breathe, and also store excess carbon.
  • Adjusts the climate.
  • It is the source of important products that we use in cooking, including thickeners and stabilizers.
  • Provides opportunities for recreation.
  • Contains, such as natural gas and oil.
  • Provides "Road" for international Trade. More than 98% foreign trade The United States takes place through the ocean.

How many oceans on the planet Earth?

Map of all oceans and continents of the Earth

The main part of the hydrosphere of our planet is considered to be the global ocean, which connects all oceans among themselves. There are currents, winds, tides and waves that are constantly circulating around this ocean. But to simplify, the world ocean was divided into parts. Below are the names of the oceans with brief description and characteristic, from the largest to the smallest:

  • Pacific Ocean: It is the largest ocean and is considered the largest geographical object on our planet. He is washes the West Coast of America and Eastern - Asia, and Australia. The ocean extends from the Arctic Ocean (in the north), to the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica (in the south).
  • Atlantic Ocean: It has a smaller size than the Pacific Ocean. He is more shallow than the previous one and America in the West, Europe and Africa - in the East, the Arctic Ocean - in the north, and connects with the Southern Ocean in the south.
  • Indian Ocean: It is the third largest ocean. It is limited to Africa in the West, Asia - in the north and Australia - in the East, and in the south combines the Southern Ocean.
  • Southern or Antarctic Ocean: It was allocated in a separate ocean by the International Hydrographic Organization in 2000. This ocean includes the water of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, and he surrounds Antarctica. In the north, he does not have clear outlines to the islands and continents.
  • Arctic Ocean: This is the smallest ocean. He is washes the northern coast of Eurasia and North America.

What is marine water?

The salinity (salt content) of water can be different in different parts of the ocean, but on average is about 3.5%. To recreate sea water at home, a teaspoon is needed crash salt Dilute in a glass of water.

However, salt in seawater differs from the cook salt. Our food salt consists of sodium and chlorine elements, and salt in seawater contains more than 100 elements, including magnesium, potassium and calcium.

The water temperature in the ocean can vary greatly and varies from -2 to + 30 ° C.

Ocean zones

Studying the marine life and habitats, you will learn that various marine organisms can live in different zones, but two main advocates:

  • Pelagic zone (pelagil), which is considered an "open ocean".
  • Bentic zone (Bental), which is the bottom of the ocean.

Ocean is also divided into zones depending on how much sunlight Each of them gets. There is a sufficient amount of light to ensure the process of photosynthesis. There is only a small amount of light in the dismithic zone, and there is no sunlight in the Afiotic zone at all.

Some animals, such as whales, sea turtles and fish, can occupy several zones throughout their life or in different seasons. Other animals, such as osonogy, are able to be in the same zone almost all their lives.

Ocean habitats

Habitat in the ocean varies from warm, shallow, filled with light water to deep, dark, cold areas. The main habitats are:

  • Litolar zone (littoral):this is the coastal area, which is flooded with water during the tides and is dried with lowers. Marine life here faces serious problems, so living organisms should adapt to changes in temperature, salinity and moisture.
  • : Another habitat of organisms along the coast. These areas are covered with salt-resistant mangrove trees and they are an important habitat for some marine species.
  • Sea herbs:these are blooming plants that grow in marine, completely saline environments. These unusual marine plants have roots with which they are attached to the bottom and often form "meadows". Ecosystem of marine herbs is able to maintain life hundreds of types of organisms, including fish, mollusks, worms and many others. Herbatous meadows store more than 10% of the total amount of carbon contained in the oceans, as well as produce oxygen and protect coastal areas from erosion.
  • : Coral reefs are often called the "marine forest" due to their large biodiversity. Most coral reefs are found in warm tropical and subtropical areas, although deep-sea corals exist in some cold habitats. One of the most famous coral reefs is.
  • Deep sea: Although these cold, deep and dark areas of the ocean may seem indexes, scientists have proven that they support a wide range of marine life. These are also important areas for scientific research, as about 80% of the ocean have a depth of more than 1000 meters.
  • Hydrothermal ventilation holes: They are unique, rich minerals Habitat where hundreds of species live, including organisms called (which carry out the chemosynthesis process) and other animals, such as rhyps, mollusks, mussels, crabs and shrimps.
  • Woods of algae: They are in cold, fertile and relatively small waters. These underwater forests include the abundance of brown algae. Giant plants provide food and shelter for huge number marine species.
  • Polar regions:located near the polar circles of the Earth, the north of the Arctic and South Antarctic. These areas are cold, windy and have broad fluctuations daylight during a year. Although these areas, apparently, are unsuitable for people's lives, they are characterized by a rich marine life, and many migratory animals are sent to these areas to eat Cream and other prey. The polar regions are also home to iconic animals, such as white bears (in the Arctic) and penguins (in Antarctic). The polar regions are increasingly attentive due to concerns about - as it is precisely in these areas that the temperature is likely to be the most noticeable and significant.

Facts about the oceans

Scientists are better investigated by the surfaces of the moon, Mars and Venus than the Oceanic Land. However, the reason for this is not indifference to oceanography. In fact, it is more difficult to study the surface of the ocean bottom, with a measurement of gravitational anomalies and using a hydroletor at close distances than the surface of the nearby moon or the planet, which can be done with a satellite.

Needless to say, the ocean of the land is not studied. This makes it difficult for scientists and, in turn, does not allow to fully realize the inhabitants of our planet as much as it is a powerful and important resource. People must understand their influence on the ocean and the influence of the ocean on them - humanity requires oceanic literacy.

  • The land has seven continents and five oceans united in one World Ocean.
  • Ocean is a very complex object: it hides the mountain ranges with large quantity volcanoes than on land.
  • Used by mankind fresh water Directly depends on the marine, through.
  • During the entire geological time, the ocean dominates the land. Most species found on land were laid under water when the ocean level was higher than today. Limestone and silly slate are biological products that were formed from the bodies of microscopic marine life.
  • The ocean forms the coast of the mainland and islands. This happens not only during hurricanes but also with constant erosion, as well as with the help of waves, and tides.
  • The ocean dominates the global climate, driving three global cycles: water, carbon and energy. Rain appears from evaporated seawater, carrying not only water, but also solar energy, which took it from the sea. Ocean plants produce most of the oxygen in the world, and the flows carry warmly from the tropics to the poles.
  • Life in the oceans allowed the atmosphere to obtain oxygen, starting from the Proterozoic Eon, billions of years ago. The first life arose in the ocean and thanks to him the land retained its precious stock of hydrogen, locked in the form of water, and not lost in space spacehow it would be different.
  • A variety of habitats in the ocean is much larger than on land. In the same way in the ocean there are larger groups of living organisms than on land.
  • Most of the ocean is a desert, while the estuary and reefs support the largest living organisms in the world.
  • The ocean and people are inextricably linked. It provides us natural resourcesAnd at the same time can be extremely dangerous. From it we remove products, medicines and minerals; Trade also depends on sea routes. Most of the population lives near the ocean, and this is the main recreational attraction. Conversely, storm, tsunami and changing the water level threaten the inhabitants of coastal territories. But, in turn, humanity negatively affects the ocean, since we continuously use it, change, pollute, etc. These are questions that concern all countries and all the inhabitants of our planet.
  • It was studied in detail only from 0.05% to 15% of our ocean. Since the ocean is approximately 71% of the entire surface of the Earth, it means that the most part of our planet still has no information. Since our ocean dependency continues to grow, sea science will have everything more important To maintain the health and value of the ocean, and not just to meet our curiosity and needs.

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