Short toasts with a professional holiday to colleagues. Birthday cakes for colleagues

Landscaping and planning 29.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

Dear Colleagues! Since I had the opportunity to raise a toast to corporate party, then I want to drink this glass to ensure that we are always one step ahead of the competition, that our assets grow and that the best times and accomplishments for us are just around the corner!

A toast to the team

Which of us does not dream of success in business?
And I think: we must drink
So that on our official ladder
The steps were not smeared with soap.
So that the boss does not turn out to be a usurper,
So that employees are not boring,
To be lifted up by an escalator,
And I would have to fly down with parachutes.

Beautiful toast about the team

How often does it happen in life that you want one thing,
you can do something else, but there is a third!
Let's drink to desire,
opportunity and chance always coincided,
and everything in life happened just the way we want it!
But when making wishes, remember: they come true!
So be careful!
For you, dear colleagues!

Nice toast from the team

“I work hard,” the friend says to the friend. - For example, yesterday, in the laboratory, I tried to get dynamite.
What will you be working on tomorrow?
- Well, how ... Now I need to get a new laboratory. Let's drink Dear colleagues, for innovators, thanks to whom our production develops!

Nice toast to the team

To work means to earn money and not have time to spend it.
So let's drink to the fact that we at least sometimes find such time!

A toast from the collective in prose

They say among the people: "Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest."
You can’t shoot her, and sometimes you want to!
But the main thing is that the salary every day
became more and more, and did not run away into the forest!
Let's drink to that job
which is much less than the salary!
Fall, coin, like a snowball!
I want money - a full bag!
For our work!

A toast to the team in verse

The engineer makes a remark to the worker:
You have a bad habit of whistling while you work.
“But I don’t work, I just whistle.
Let's drink, colleagues, for rational use working hours!

A toast from the team in verse

It is known that ninety percent of all issues are resolved by themselves, and the rest are simply impossible to solve. Let's drink, colleagues, not to worry about trifles!

A toast to a friendly team

Today we are all gathered here for the very reason that we will meet in good company and have a drink together. Well, if this is the case then, then let's drink to the fact that we are all gathered here today as our friendly company!

Toast about the team

While applying for a job, the man received a question from the future boss if he was prone to drinking. After some thought, he replied:
— No, but if it is necessary for your company, then I will learn.
And so, I usually drink little, but if it is necessary for our company, then I will learn! For our great company!

Cool toast from the team

Our team is very strange,
All competitors recognize:
Meticulous Kolya, Zhenya important,
Who knows who else is here...
But the main thing is that we are a team!
Work is our debt.
For us, reliable guys,
Let there be good sense in our business!

Since this is a common holiday, let the toasts at the corporate party concern all those present, there is no need to address one person, even if this someone is himself CEO. It is worth emphasizing the achievements of the company, which, of course, would not have been possible without personal contribution every employee.

In verse

In prose

Once in the Middle Ages, a jester appeared to a very old king. The jester entertained the king and his retinue. He surprised the crowd with the plasticity of his body and unusual magic tricks. The king could not overstrain his jester and his talent. The king said that such talented people can only be born.

I can say that while working in our team, I noticed such a thing that not everyone was born talented. Most of The team has developed talent in the process of work. Everyone showed their individuality and incredible ability to work and achieve results. I drink to our extraordinarily talented team!

Dear Colleagues, I would like to congratulate you on the fact that our firm has received another grant. This award shows that we are strong, conscientious, diligent, responsible, attentive and customer-oriented. And we have achieved all this thanks to the fact that we are a well-coordinated team. Let's drink to our well-coordinated team, let's drink to our team!

Today is the first corporate event that I was able to attend. As a new person in the team, I can say that I had an exceptionally pleasant day today. The team turned out to be so well-coordinated and friendly that I felt like in a circle of old friends whom I have known for a long time and who have known me for a long time. Everyone communicates and has fun, not paying attention to positions. I want to raise a glass to this wonderful team, which from the first day met me very sincerely. And I also want to wish the company prosperity and a large number clients. To the dregs!

In your own words

Dear employees, colleagues, friends. Congratulations to everyone on our day. And at today's corporate party I want to say thank you for your cooperation, support and help! On us!

As the wise proverb says: patience and work will grind everything. Then we, colleagues, must follow this saying and endure and work. We hope for bonuses after the corporate party!

Dear colleagues, friends, employees, on behalf of the entire team, please accept sincere congratulations on this wonderful holiday, on the corporate party! We wish creative success and prosperity to our company! Raise your glasses!

All the achievements we have achieved would be nothing if not for our friendly and close-knit team. Congratulations, colleagues!

Let's raise our glasses to the solidarity and trust between our employees. In today's corporate party, it is not a sin to wish success and prosperity not only to our company, but to all of us.

Everyone has gathered today: both friends and enemies. But let's not forget that, first of all, we are colleagues. And they must behave appropriately. The main thing is that no one loses their wives today!

Let's raise a glass to our friendly team. Let's have fun, because today is a corporate party. We wish us not to stop there and strive for new professional heights. Let work be a second home, because in a close-knit team it is pleasant not only to work, but also to relax.

For our corporate
Today I drink to the bottom,
So that we always have fun
And never be sad!

To be friendly with you
And we didn't fight
So that we always rest
With you from the heart!

We have become not just a team, but a real partnership, a friendly family. And every holiday is a family gathering. Let relations always be as warm, and mutual understanding and mutual assistance will never leave us.

Let's drink to kind and honestly working people, that is, to our team and to us, friends. We need to look for such workers. Thank you for your cooperation. To the dregs!

Toasts to colleagues at a corporate party
Serious toasts for the corporate holiday on the website "Congratulate OK". Choosing the text of your toast in advance, you will be ready for a feast every time. Surprise everyone with quirky and cute toasts!


Corporate toast

It's good when people work great together. It is even better when these same people know how to relax properly and with soul. It is these teams that make the most quality work and give the best results. For our team!

We are resting today
We're on fire today
We have fun from the heart
We deserve it!

And so friends
I drink to the bottom today
For our friendly team
He is one of us!

And for our corporate
We're not in a hurry
I wish you all well
And always live in abundance!

All of us, tired from work, hurry home as soon as possible to take a break from business, bored faces and fuss. But, as this event shows, you can have a great rest with the work team, you just have to change the situation. Therefore, I want to wish that we have such a friendly and informal atmosphere as often as possible, in which we would not get tired of each other, but rather unite.

Today I drink not just for colleagues. I drink to the team that has become my family. Sometimes it was not easy for us to find mutual language Sometimes we allowed negative thoughts into our heads. But no matter what happened, we remained true to our cause. After all, our work has become for us not just a means of earning, but a way of life. I wish us all to maintain our unity and let ambition lead us to new heights.

One day a bee asks a snake:
- Why is it so: if I bite someone, then I will die, and if you bite, then the one you bit will die?
The snake answers:
- Because I bite like a pro.
Let's drink to the professionals who work in our close-knit team!

Only those people who know how to relax well work well. I want to drink for you, colleagues and wish us a wonderful holiday. Let's recharge with positive for future achievements. For us!

Only a friendly team will survive in the era of ups and downs. As experience shows, we are able to cope with any task. Let's drink to our solidarity and wish us a long and unceasing luck in business.

New toasts at the corporate party

There lived a hare in the forest, who imagined himself to be the fastest animal. These rumors reached the moose, who decided to prove to everyone that his movement speed was greater. We decided to arrange a competition, and the wolf was taken as the judge. The hare lost, and the wolf ate him. So let's drink to healthy competition and the right motivation.

It's good to get everyone together like this. Dance, sing, remember interesting things from working days and just relax. So I want to drink to the fact that we always have a place in our hearts for fun. So that we can always get together like this and take a walk. Let's get rid of all the blues. Yes - fun, no - despondency and sadness!

Everyone knows that no matter how successful a company is, no matter what achievements it is proud of, its future will be sad if it does not have a corporate spirit. So let's drink to this abstract concept that helps to do real things. For the holy corporate spirit of our company!

In our lives, we spend most of our time at work. Some people love it, some don't like it at all. Let's empty our glasses so that one cheerful corporate party brightens up all the annual weekdays.

Dear Colleagues! I want to raise this glass to our team! And I wish all employees patience and understanding. You should not waste your time on empty grievances and worries, because it is absolutely not worth it to be offended by someone who did not live up to your expectations, because you need to blame yourself. Because we usually expect more from others than is necessary! So let's drink for understanding within our team!

There is a saying that it is not customary to go crazy alone in a well-coordinated team. So let's drink to our well-coordinated team, in which everyone is crazy and great ideas, come to all at the same time. And for those guiding forces of our company that can bring them to life and allow us to think that we are doing something reasonable and necessary! For unity!

They say that most of the issues are perfectly solved by themselves, and the rest is generally impossible to translate into reality. Let's drink to the fact that such trifles do not bother us. Let the work argue and bring us pleasure. Let's get the maximum of positive emotions from this process!

I am very pleased to be in the circle of such wonderful people like you. Let's drink to the joyful events in our lives, so that nothing brings us grief. So that we always show only satisfaction on our faces!

Today, at this corporate party, only the best of the best have gathered. I wish it to be memorable, fun and interesting. Let's drink, colleagues! To keep our company strong!

I will drink for our corporate party,
We rest well
And to gather more often,
To always be lucky in business!

And so that ours does not hurt,
And the head did not suffer,
I wish you a light hangover
For this I will drink to the bottom!

New toasts at the corporate party
Sincere toasts for the corporate holiday on the PozdravOK website. Choosing the words of your toast in advance - every time you will be ready for fun. Surprise everyone with extraordinary and pleasant toasts!


Cool short toasts to colleagues

To all those who will be under the table,
No more alcohol
For those who will not drink with us,
Togo we will beat together!
Although I may be joking
I want to make a toast
I want to drink for success
For your fervent, ringing laughter!
For all women and for men,
I wish you not to know wrinkles!

Read also Graduation toasts

I want to raise a glass to strength
So that everything is in order with us,
So that the hangover does not torment,
The loot was coming into my pockets!

To make my stomach hurt from laughter,
To make it summer every year
So that we are afraid of problems,
Let's drink to that friends!

Everyone knows the story of the girl Masha and the bear she became friends with. If the bear had been caught more aggressive, it would not have been a children's cartoon, but a horror movie. And, if the girl was not so reckless, then a drama about a deep psychological trauma would come out after meeting with the beast. So let's drink to happy coincidences that turn our life into a fairy tale.

Late evening. The wife glances anxiously at her watch. Finally, the husband comes home and asks loudly from the threshold:
- Dear, remember, I once promised to get a star?
- I remember. So what?
- Get out the glasses, I brought five stars. on a cognac bottle!
Let's drink for male generosity and female patience!

I raise a glass to our tomorrow
So that we don’t have friends in it,
To drink everything we have today,
Never mentioned himself.

So that in the morning we get up normally,
So that our head does not hurt,
So that they don’t look for mineral water,
Let's drink to that, dear friends!

As you know, a person is the result of his own thoughts. What he thinks about is what he turns into. Therefore, it is recommended not to think about the bad at all, but on the contrary, it is better to swim in the ocean of positive emotions.
Let's drink to the fact that your life was full of only bright, bright and unforgettable moments and there was absolutely no place for sadness and sadness in it!

Who without a glass at the table,
We'll take everyone for boarding.
Today you don't drink with us,
And tomorrow you will sell your Motherland!

Friends, attention, I suggest
We raise a glass for money,
So that only, only added,
And they didn’t go to walk without us!

So that in the morning the wallet is full,
To be full in the evening,
Currency in it, so that it turns green,
So that the course no longer frightens us!

Recently I came across this message: “Oh, how lovely those times were when you could watch cartoons all day, play games, and run around the house in shorts. And then the signature: “Give me back my vacation. Andryusha, 30 years old. Let's drink to the fact that our sense of humor will never die!

Let's drink to stupidity, because it is because of them that we sometimes become participants in the most memorable episodes in our lives. It is nonsense that, as much as possible, contributes to the creation of the warmest and most friendly atmosphere in any team. So let's drink to this integral feature of people, because this is exactly what distinguishes us from inanimate idols and robots!

Let's drink to lazy people! Because without laziness there would never be scientific progress. Let's drink to them, because it is laziness that distinguishes a real thinker! After all, it is she who underlies any invention, starting with the wheel and ending with washing machine! May this human quality continue to work for the benefit of our civilization!

It happens that on life path we meet goats, sheep, rams, chickens, deer, but let's raise our glasses and get drunk like pigs, and all the toasts will be to remain human in any situation. And even though from the whole zoo we are still surrounded by real, faithful, devoted friends and reliable, loving, close people.

Everyone knows the folk tale about the turnip. And everyone remembers that in the end, the help of the weakest and smallest member of the team was needed to pull the turnip out of the ground. So let's drink to our team, thanks to the cohesion of which, today we will definitely have fun!

Many men, when complaining about their women, often compare them to saws. I cannot fully agree with them, and I wish only one thing - let these saws be manual, and saw off only dry and unnecessary from your tree of love! For lovely ladies!

Men often want to know what women think. But real sages believe that this desire is meaningless. If men even learned to read women's thoughts, they would not understand anything or would not believe what they understood.
Let's drink to mutual understanding!

The other day I noticed that running really improves mood. Sometimes you put on a tracksuit, put on sneakers and run to the nearest stall for beer, and back even faster and so good. So let's drink to a good mood!

Good team (and we have good team) is a small family! And I want to congratulate all lovely women on this day, March 8th, like relatives! And wish that this wine that we drink for you will bring you happiness in life, and every day will be like March 8 for you!

Toast for colleagues

Listen to this parable:
“Once a tired traveler stopped the old man and asked if it was still far from the city. But the old man said only one word: "Go!". The traveler was surprised and went on, pondering what this meant. But he did not have time to go a little, when again he heard the words of the old man: “Wait! You still have an hour to go to the city!” When asked why he did not immediately answer this question, the old man explained: “I should have seen what step you would take!”
Let's drink to the fact that we do not make hasty conclusions in our affairs, then the work will go smoothly and successfully!

Toast to a female colleague

One a famous person said: "Being a man is a lot, but being a woman is even more!" Let's drink to our dear, who is not only a wonderful worker, but also a wonderful woman. For her ability to always look charming, cheer up, support and professionally do her job!

Toast to a colleague

Everything that brings pleasure in this life is either illegal, or immoral, or leads to obesity. But communication with you, dear colleague, also gives me real pleasure, and at the same time does not lead to any consequences. So let's drink to safe pleasures, and let there be more of them in our lives!

Colleagues, let's
We'll drink to you dear ones.
There are many different holidays
But this one is special among them.
We dedicate words to men,
We talk about their valor
From the heart we wish them happiness
And we drink on this day only for them!

I want to congratulate our strong half of the team on the men's holiday. A man must be strong and courageous, but at the same time remember the following statement: “A timid man will ask for a tenth of what he wants to receive. A brave person will ask twice as much and agree to half. I drink for your courage and ... modesty!

Toast to a colleague

With a colleague worked together a lot,
And we drank many glasses of wine,
And we drank vodka more than once,
After all, you, colleague, have a sharp eye!
You are a pro, of which there are very few,
And you did a lot of wonderful things!
So let's drink to a colleague to the bottom,
May his fate be happy!

cool toast for the birthday of a girl colleague

We have one colleague
She is charming!
Colleagues to all the envy and wonder,
The gait is beautiful!
And heels clatter in a hurry,
Oh, how good, guys!
Takes on the job too boldly
However, everything is solved so skillfully!
So let's drink to her, friends,
Let our girl bloom!

Response toast of the hero of the day to colleagues

I heard a lot of nice words
And I'm ready to kiss everyone!
Colleagues - you are my family,
And I'm glad you came, friends!
We have fun at work
And we are waiting for salaries with you!
And we solve problems together
We know who and where relatives are!
Be happy, always colleagues, you,
Let cherished dreams come true!
That's what I drink slowly,
Let's drink, colleagues, together!

A toast to a colleague's 60th anniversary

Raise all your glasses
Drink together for him -
For the health of the hero of the day,
All for his family.

Let sixty more
Everyone will live together
And then he us again
Call for dinner!

Anniversary toast to a colleague

So the anniversary has come, colleague,
Pour a glass, don't be sorry!
We drink, colleague, we are all for you,
Respect, giving you honor!
Let the career continue only in growth,
And the salary is waiting for you!
Let friends always surround
And the cherished dream comes true!

A toast to a work colleague (accountant)

Let's drink to a work colleague
Together we have not the first year
And now we are in the same concern
How to consolidate the annual report
Let's drink so that in all reports
We made no mistake in our calculations.
How many drinks did you miss
And what were we drinking for?

Toast to a colleague union worker 63 years old.

There is one personal toast, not everyone fits it.
It is not quite official, although it concerns work.
It was specially designed for you as a friend and colleague,
And for a long time he lay under the cloth, waiting for his sixty-three years,
He did not lose all these years the hope to get out of the underground,
So that you, a trade union worker, can drink to your health!

Anniversary toast to a colleague

Colleague, let me be laconic on your anniversary, because a diamond like you does not need superfluous words but only in silent and admiring contemplation. Friends, I propose to drink not for work, and not even for success, but for the fact that such a diamond as our colleague always has a worthy cut!

Each person spends a third of his life on sleep, a third on work ... And a third on everything else ... So let's drink to everything else, so that it contains as much money, health and everything we need as much as possible!

I propose to raise glasses and drink, so that the duties of each of us are minimal, and salaries and opportunities are as high as possible, so that they are maximum!

One wise man said, do everything consistently, and you will ascend to the highest high mountain its potential. So I wish each of us to do everything gradually and ascend to the peak of our capabilities and take our well-deserved first place there!

A few hundred years ago, the prince had to go through the snow to another kingdom to ask for the hand and heart of his beloved. When he passed the first day he ran out of food, when he passed the second day he ran out of water ... When he passed the third day he ran out of strength and had to crawl! Therefore, I propose to drink so that each of us will never be mistaken in calculations and values ​​in the further planning of events! Happy holiday my dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues, I want to wish you that the melody of progress never leaves your workplace, and the list of duties turned into a list of opportunities!

I want to multiply the award by ten

And so that the salary becomes harder to weigh twice!

So that the authorities never get angry,

And tactfully and gently about the mistake said!

So that a new day is a step towards new victories

And so that it is warm and cozy, so that more light comes into life!

I wish that every sip taken by each of you from this crystal will turn into a powerful ball of energy that would give you balance, patience, strength and creativity throughout the year! All the best to you my dear!

Each of us has hidden opportunities and potential, so I suggest drinking so that in the new year (name), your potential and opportunities will raise your bar as high as possible, and you will raise your earnings to the desired value 🙂

I propose to drink to three components of our success. For waiting, for perseverance and for development! I wish that each of us does not miss any of these components!

Walking barefoot along the shore of joy

And so that splashes of good luck on us from the waves of the sea!

So that the taste is orange, so that you are always positive!

A higher salary, (Name), I wish everything is beautiful with you!

Dear colleagues, I want to congratulate all of you and say a toast! Each person radiates a certain amount of energy, a certain ray of light and positivity... So I wish that this energy, this ray of light and positivity you always meet the elevated standards with which it would be much easier for you to go through life!

As one well-known announcer said: “The X football player takes the ball from the opponent and goes on the offensive ...” So, let's drink to the fact that the offensive of each of us always ends with a goal, a victory and a gold medal!

Let's drink to the fact that when each of us looked at the clock he saw some more time, but not a long wait. So that when each of us got on a train or a car, then only happiness awaited him ahead. And so that each of us, when he reaches a goal, immediately finds a new one, and never stands still!

(Name), colleague, I wish your life with orange sweet juice to wash the shores of prosperity, happiness and general well-being, both on the family and on the work front! All the best to you and career development!

So that with sugar and salt, so that life is full of taste ...

So that happiness and joy, so that the best is dense!

So that the world is in bright colors, so that it is as fresh as possible ...

And you felt yourself ten times more resilient, stronger, more cheerful!

Happy holiday to you dear (name)!

I propose to drink for the difference! Namely, to see and feel it to the fullest between each option and choice!

Life is like a huge piece of cake, it can be sweet, it can be salty, it can be raw and vice versa, it can be of poor quality or with an incredible flavor! So friends, I wish each of you to be a wonderful master of cooking and create only a fabulously delicious destiny 😉

The sun makes one complete revolution around the sun and its axis in 24 hours ... And in honor of this, I propose that each of us in these 24 hours could have time to exceed our standard norm, have time to rest after labor day, have time to fully sleep and do other things, have time to cook dinner, have time to please your spouse, have time to take a walk with your child and walk the dog, do everything that you did not have time yesterday. In general, I propose to drink for each of us spinning twice as fast 😉 Hurrah!

Toasts to colleagues, congratulations to employees!

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