Toast in the company of colleagues is short and funny. Toasts to the Friendship of Colleagues

garden equipment 29.09.2019
garden equipment

How often in life it happens that you want one thing, you can another, but a third happens!
Let's drink to the fact that desires, opportunities and chances always coincide, and everything in life happens only the way we want it to! But when making wishes, remember: they come true!
So be careful! For you, dear colleagues!

I would like to wish you this: no matter what bad weather is outside the window and inside our team, let our friendship always be warm in our hearts. For team friendship!

Who drinks vodka alone
That team does not recognize
Thus causing severe damage
To your friends and body!
Let's drink for those who drink only in a friendly company!

Let's drink to the fact that any mood in the workplace can be shared with one of the colleagues! For you, friends!

They say among the people: "Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest." You can’t shoot her, and sometimes you want to! But the main thing is that the salary every day becomes more and more, and does not run away into the forest! Let's drink to that job, which is much less than the salary! Fall, coin, like a snowball! I wish you money - a full bag! For our work and friendly team!

Let's raise our glasses and clink glasses for meeting like this more often in our wonderful company, raising our glasses and not clinking glasses from communicating with each other!

They say that a person who has reached the heights of power is lost to friends. Let's raise our glasses so that friendship does not die even at the heights of power!

Today, colleagues, I will make a toast to you.
And I'll offer you a drink for good luck.
For our friendship, for our team.
Where everyone is proud, strong and patient.
Where everyone is so smart and so rich!
To become a hundred times better!
For having fun at work
For not being left in trouble.
For the fact that there was comfort, there was light and laughter.
For us, happy, joyful - not a sin
Today drink a lot and to the bottom
Great sparkling wine!

When they talk a lot, they miss the main thing. And most importantly, the classic said: "Friends, our union is beautiful!"
For our friendship, time-tested!

Today, colleagues, I will read you a toast.
There are a lot of things in it, I wish in verses:
For my joy, and for your happiness!
So that life becomes more beautiful every day!
So that things are always in our favor,
So that we shine at work like the sun,
Good luck, success! I wish you luck
Working, friendly mood to us!
I want money to fly like birds
To our hands, and so that faces are joyful!
May everything that everyone wished come true!
Let's raise a great glass to that!

We all know each other for a long time
We respect each other very much
We have a great team!
We radiate positivity!
Let's drink now
A glass of wine for all of us!
May we, friends, be healthy,
And ready for new adventures!

My toast to bold decisions, unexpected projects and of course for our friendly staff!

My toast to friendship, in difficult times
She really means a lot
Kohl is not hidden in the stream of phrases,
And in the principles of self-giving.

I have no doubt that business people are the "pillars" of any normal society who ensure stability, its prosperity and its sustainability. Let's drink to health business people, for us!

A man gets a job in a solid company. Her boss asks him a question:
- First of all, I would like to know if you are not inclined to drink?
“No,” the man replies. - But if it is necessary for your company, I can learn!
Let's drink to our company. If necessary, we will always answer - it will be done!

One person can be bad. Two people can be bad. And the company is only good. So let's drink to our good company!

Per Good work
The boss asks the subordinate:
- What, Petrovich, decided to grow a mustache?
- Well, you have to do something, - Petrovich answered.
Let's drink to good work!

For colleagues
How often does it happen in life that you want one thing,
you can do something else, but there is a third!
Let's drink to desire,
opportunity and chance always coincided,
and everything in life happened just the way we want it!
But when making wishes, remember: they come true!
So be careful!
For you, dear colleagues!

For teachers
A schoolboy says to his father:
“That uncle over there must be a teacher!”
- Why do you think so?
- Because before you sit down,
he carefully examined the chair!
I propose to drink for the teachers,
a heavy fate fell to them!

For work
They say among the people: "Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest."
You can’t shoot her, and sometimes you want to!
But the main thing is that the salary every day
became more and more, and did not run away into the forest!
Let's drink to that job
which is much less than the salary!
Fall, coin, like a snowball!
I wish you money - a full bag!
For our work!

For leaders
- Ivan, can you work after half a liter?
- I can.
- And after a liter?
- I can.
- And after two?
- I can't work, but I'll manage!
We will drink to our dear leaders!

For the leader
If at work you get it in the tail,
and in the mane, which means they take you for a horse.
So let's drink to our sensitive leader!

For doctors
In the doctor's apartment, the bell rings.
He opens the door, but there is no one there!
Then he goes to the platform and sees: there is a skeleton against the wall!
- That's how it always is! - the doctor mutters displeasedly.
- Wait until the last moment before going to the doctor!
Let's remember doctors! Let's drink to them!

Behind the scenes
The director of the department store calls his deputy into the office.
- We advertised that we were looking for a night watchman. Are there any results?
- Oh yeah! - exclaims the deputy.
We got robbed last night.
As the classic said, "cadres decide everything."
Therefore, I propose to drink for the shots!

For colleagues
Today, colleagues, I will read you a toast.
There are a lot of things in it, I wish in verses:
For my joy, and for your happiness!
So that life becomes more beautiful every day!
So that things are always in our favor,
So that we shine at work like the sun,
Good luck, success! I wish you luck
Working, friendly mood to us!
I want money to fly like birds
To our hands, and so that faces are joyful!
May everything that everyone wished come true!
Let's raise a great glass to that!

For director
It seems to the blind that they do not see him, to the deaf it seems
that they do not hear him, it seems to the egoist,
that no one loves him.
To our wonderful director! He is in our hearts, minds and ears!

For doctors
One grandmother complained to the doctor:
- Doctor! I can't hear so well
that even when I cough, I don’t hear the cough itself!
The doctor prescribed the medicine and told how to take it.
Will I hear better now? she asks.
- Now you will ... cough louder!
I propose to drink for the doctors!

For current businessmen
In ancient times, two villagers went to the city to the market to sell wine.
Their path was not close. They sat down to rest, eat, and then one of them dreamed:
- It would be nice to drink wine now!
- What are you! We are bringing wine for sale! - the second one was indignant.
Then the first began to fumble in his pockets. Found a patch and hands it to a neighbor:
- On the! Pour me some wine! The neighbor took the coin.
He poured wine for his neighbor, and he became sad ... Then he realized:
- On you a patch back! Pour me some wine too!
Pyatak passed from hand to hand for a long time ... Finally, both wineskins were empty.
Both neighbors got tipsy and fell into a joyful sleep. These were the first Russian businessmen. I propose to drink for the current businessmen!
For businessmen!

For professionalism
Already asked the cobra:
- Why, when you sting a person, a person dies,
And if a bee stings a person, does the bee die?
- It all depends on the degree of qualification.
The bee is an amateur, and I am a professional.
So let's drink to professionalism in any business!

For the professionalism of customs officers
He and she. He reads aloud:
- Hands slowly move from the chest to the shoulders,
further down the spine slide along the back to the hips,
smoothly move to the stomach.
- Honey, what is this, Kamasutra?
- No, instructions for customs inspection.
Let's drink to the professionalism of customs officers!

For leaders
- Here, Marya Ivanovna, he worked and worked, but he will have to leave.
- Why?
- I don't think we'll get along with the new director.
Here are the previous two - there were people. One hunt respected.
Another fisherman was notable. It doesn't even care about hockey. I don't know how to approach it...
- Did you try to do something?
Let's drink to enlightened and democratic

For the absent chief
The father was on the plane. Just took off, he calls the stewardess:
- Girl, at what height are we flying?
- Five hundred meters.
- Then bring me fifty grams of cognac, please.
The stewardess brings
After a while, he calls her again:

- Three thousand meters.
- Please, bring me fifty grams of cognac.
And the stewardess brings. Some time passes.
- Girl, excuse me, at what height are we flying?
- Five thousand meters.
- Fifty grams of cognac, please.
Half an hour later, the stewardess, passing through the cabin, herself turns to the priest:
- Can I get you another drink?
- At what altitude are we flying?
- Ten thousand meters.
- No, no, I can’t, - says the priest, pointing his finger up, - the boss is close.
And our boss, thank God, is far away (on a business trip, etc.). So we can drink in peace.

For the bosses
tactical task.
- Cadets, imagine: you are moving in the desert, suddenly you notice an enemy who is aiming at you from behind a stone. What are your actions in this situation?
- shoot first.
- you have a misfire.
- Throw a grenade.
- All ammo ran out.
- I will strike the enemy with a bayonet.
- Missed.
- Listen, instructor, who do you work for?
So let's drink to the fact that our bosses are not strong
was fond of giving us orders!

For doctors
In a restaurant, a doctor sees his patient drinking glass after glass.
- Ivanov! he says angrily. - I told you - "No more than two glasses a day!"
- Doctor, - he reasonably declares, - I am being treated ... not only with you!
You and I, too, judging by the amount of alcohol we drink, are being treated by many!
May there be many doctors. For doctors!

For catering workers
At the restaurant at the station.
- Waiter! I haven't been able to chew a piece of this steak for 10 minutes now!
- Don't worry, just announced: your train is three hours late.
For food service workers!

For service
The waiter tells the manager:
- Shchi fresh, sour.
- Write down in the menu "Soup sour".
For our wonderful service!

For shortening the working day
A man is sleeping at the table. The phone rings.
- hello?
- Timofey Sergeevich!
What are you doing, Man?
- Go home immediately!
So the work is in full swing.
- Today is a shortened pre-holiday day.
- Ugh, you overslept an extra hour. Now I'll wash up and come.
Let's drink to the reduction of the working day!

For prepayment
A certain count invited a musician to his place to entertain him. The musician began to play.
“You play well,” the count praised. - I give you a silver snuffbox.
The musician thanked him, plays on.
“Still, you are an excellent musician,” the count said again after a while. - I give you my horse.
The grateful musician began to play even more diligently.
- You still need to give a carriage, - the count made another generous gesture.
In the morning next day the musician came for gifts.
- What snuffbox, what horse? asked the sobered-up count. - Yesterday you pleased me with your game, and I pleased you with my promises. What is left of your yesterday's game today? That's it! The same remains with my gifts.
Let's have a drink in advance!

For motivation
The famous singer says:
- For one concert you want to get more than the American president for a week.
- So invite him.
Let's drink to the fact that our requests are always satisfied! Or for the successful motivation of their actions.

For generalists
A citizen comes to the personnel department in search of work.
- I am a generalist! he proudly declares.
- What can you do? they ask him.
- I can dig!
- What else?
- I can ... not dig!
I propose to raise a toast to generalists!

For the masters
- Tell me, how many of you work here?
- With the master - ten.
- And without it?
- Nobody.
I propose to drink for the masters!

For the fishermen
The doctor examined the patient
“Unfortunately, you have high blood pressure,” he said.
- It's all about fishing! the patient says with a sigh.
- From fishing? the doctor asks. - You must be joking! The first time I've heard,
to build up pressure. Rather, on the contrary.
- Yes, you are right, if you fish ... in permitted places!
There are also fishermen among us. And now you know that fishing is a dangerous activity!
I propose to drink for the fishermen!

Per financial situation
An actor who had worked for more than twenty years came to the director of the theater.
- I have been working in the theater for a long time and would like to ask you to improve my financial situation.
- Well, the director agrees, - you will play all the roles in which you have to eat on stage.
Let's drink to ensure that our financial situation is at the proper level!

For traffic police officers
Two friends lived in the same city and both were avid car enthusiasts. They didn’t want to take a step without a car! And suddenly one unexpectedly meets another walking along the boulevard. Both are surprised and embarrassed by this circumstance.
Finally one says:
- It's good for your health to stretch your legs sometimes.
“Yes,” agrees another.
- And you ... for what rights were taken away ?!
Let's drink to the traffic police officers, who sometimes give us the opportunity to stretch our legs!

For optimistic workers
The shoe company sent two salesmen to Central Africa for
marketing research. A few days later two telegrams arrived.
“Things are bad,” said the first agent, “everyone walks around barefoot.”
“We are waiting for big profits,” writes the second, “here everyone walks barefoot.”
Let's raise a glass to the optimistic workers!

For colleagues
In an Italian restaurant, a visitor, having finished his meal, received a bill, from which he was horrified:
- Ten thousand lire for one dinner?! he cried.
Realizing that there was no mistake in the waiter's calculations, he pleaded:
- Give at least a discount to your colleague!
- Are you a waiter too?
- No... robber!
The birthday boy and I are also colleagues ... No, no, we are not robbers! We are architects (doctors, etc.). Let's drink to the people of our humble profession.

For irreplaceable people in the service
A colleague came to the patient:
- Don't worry about not being able to perform your duties.
While you are away, our courier handles them perfectly.
Let's drink to irreplaceable people in the service!

For employees Agriculture
Residents of the Bulgarian village of Gabrovo have been working on one serious problem for many years.
They crossed a cow with a giraffe to get a new animal that produced milk and fed... in the neighboring area!
Their colleagues from Russia crossed a cow with a bear in order to breed such a cow,
who could only be fed in summer, and in winter she ... sucked her paw!
I propose to drink for the agricultural workers who have to solve such difficult tasks!

For foremen
A little girl was walking along the construction site. A brick fell on her head. It's good that she was wearing a helmet, which the foreman lent her. Everyone knows the continuation of this story.
For prudent foremen!

For postal workers
One friend complains to another:
- Can you imagine? I sent a telegram to my wife that I would come home on the tenth.
I arrive on the tenth and ... I find her in bed with a man! Here is a prostitute!
- In vain you think badly of your wife, - says a friend.
- Perhaps she ... simply did not receive your telegram!
Let's drink to the postal workers! The fate of the family sometimes depends on them!

For professionalism
Once an old salesman was asked:
- How much does a kilogram weigh?
Without hesitation, the seller replied:
- With a package of nine hundred grams.
Dear friends, I propose to drink for professionalism!

For scientists
An Arabic proverb says:
"A scientist in his homeland is gold hidden in a mine."
So let's drink to the fact that you and I will be taken to the surface as soon as possible!

For official duties
- most hard work I do before breakfast.
What kind of work is this that can be done on an empty stomach?
- I get out of bed.
Let's drink to our duties!

For builders and foremen
There is a commissioning of a new, newly built house. The foreman enters one entrance, his colleague enters the next one. Check soundproofing.
And the first starts loudly - loudly shouting to the second:
Petrovich, can you hear me? Petrovich!!!
The second foreman calmly replies:
- Semenych, don't yell, I see you!
So let's drink to our clever builders and far-sighted superintendents!

For academic leaders
A large bird flies across the sky, majestically and smoothly flapping its huge wings.
And nearby, fussing and chirping, a small bird flies:
- Where are we going, huh? Where, huh?
But the big bird doesn't answer...
- Where are we flying, well, where, huh?
The big bird slowly turns its head:
- I do not know...
So let's drink to our scientific leaders!

When the company’s business is going uphill, and there are bright prospects ahead, it’s not a sin to celebrate this success with a corporate holiday, and also to raise a toast so that our success always exceeds expectations, the company’s fame and its capital grow, and we, a friendly team of employees, are just happy!

Dear Colleagues! Since I had the opportunity to raise a toast to corporate party, then I want to drink this glass to ensure that we are always one step ahead of the competition, that our assets grow and that the best times and accomplishments for us are just around the corner!

Together we are a single, strong team that has a lot to come, and I want to turn my toast to our future - when each of us reaches the desired heights, and our company enters the international level! May our common and private dreams soon become a reality!

Raising a glass, I invite you, dear colleagues, to drink for the success and prosperity of our enterprise! A big deal, as you know, is most easily solved together, so let us always and in everything be a strong, friendly team, in which each person, like a cog, is a part of the perpetual motion machine of success!

Staying afloat in our difficult times is already a great achievement! I say a toast to the fact that we are not afraid of the crisis, to the fact that we always have fresh ideas and valuable workers for the implementation of our plans! May success always accompany us in everything!

Success, as you know, comes only to those who are hardworking, not afraid of difficulties, able to solve all issues almost effortlessly, know what they want and how to get it, while remaining honorable and fair! I propose to drink to ensure that our company is always successful, and our secrets are elusive for competitors!

A celebration, or rather a corporate meeting in the company of colleagues, suggests appropriate topics for conversation, and therefore I propose to drink, first of all, for the prosperity and brilliant success of our common cause! May we always be the first among the best, our profits are growing, and our good reputation and fame will be known to the whole world!

In our organization, everyone is busy with their own business, not for a moment to be lazy and always ready to help a colleague. In honor of our cohesion and the warm atmosphere of our team, I raise my glass and want to wish our organization to always be the best among its kind!

Dear Colleagues! I want to say a toast... It will, of course, be for the prosperity of our organization! For many of us, this is not just a job, but also a business in which you can invest your soul, and when success comes, be proud to understand that this is your merit! Let's drink to keep it that way!

A corporate feast is not just a holiday, but also an opportunity to get close to colleagues in a more informal setting, praise each other for success, and of course, raise a lot of glasses for the success of a common cause! I want to say a toast to the fact that at any time we have success, an excellent reputation and a large, friendly team of true professionals!

Dear employees, colleagues, friends. Congratulations to everyone on our day. And at today's corporate party I want to say thank you for your cooperation, support and help! On us!

As the wise proverb says: patience and work will grind everything. Then we, colleagues, must follow this saying and endure and work. We hope for bonuses after the corporate party!

Dear colleagues, friends, employees, on behalf of the entire team, please accept sincere congratulations on this wonderful holiday, on the corporate party! We wish creative success and prosperity to our company! Raise your glasses!

All the achievements we have achieved would be nothing if not for our friendly and close-knit team. Congratulations, colleagues!

Let's raise our glasses to the solidarity and trust between our employees. In today's corporate party, it is not a sin to wish success and prosperity not only to our company, but to all of us.

Everyone has gathered today: both friends and enemies. But let's not forget that, first of all, we are colleagues. And they must behave appropriately. The main thing is that no one loses their wives today!

Let's raise a glass to our friendly team. Let's have fun, because today is a corporate party. We wish us not to stop there and strive for new professional heights. Let work be a second home, because in a close-knit team it is pleasant not only to work, but also to relax.

For our corporate
Today I drink to the bottom,
So that we always have fun
And never be sad!

To be friendly with you
And we didn't fight
So that we always rest
With you from the heart!

We have become not just a team, but a real partnership, a friendly family. And every holiday is a family gathering. Let relations always be as warm, and mutual understanding and mutual assistance will never leave us.

Let's drink to kind and honestly working people, that is, to our team and to us, friends. We need to look for such workers. Thank you for your cooperation. To the dregs!

Toasts to colleagues at a corporate party
Serious toasts for the corporate holiday on the website "Congratulate OK". Choosing the text of your toast in advance, you will be ready for a feast every time. Surprise everyone with quirky and cute toasts!


Corporate toast

It's good when people work great together. It is even better when these same people know how to relax properly and with soul. It is these teams that make the most quality work and give the best results. For our team!

We are resting today
We're on fire today
We have fun from the heart
We deserve it!

And so friends
I drink to the bottom today
For our friendly team
He is one of us!

And for our corporate
We're not in a hurry
I wish you all well
And always live in abundance!

All of us, tired from work, hurry home as soon as possible to take a break from business, bored faces and fuss. But, as this event shows, you can have a great rest with the work team, you just have to change the situation. Therefore, I want to wish that we have such a friendly and informal atmosphere as often as possible, in which we would not get tired of each other, but rather unite.

Today I drink not just for colleagues. I drink to the team that has become my family. Sometimes it was not easy for us to find mutual language Sometimes we allowed negative thoughts into our heads. But no matter what happened, we remained true to our cause. After all, our work has become for us not just a means of earning, but a way of life. I wish us all to maintain our unity and let ambition lead us to new heights.

One day a bee asks a snake:
- Why is it so: if I bite someone, then I will die, and if you bite, then the one you bit will die?
The snake answers:
- Because I bite like a pro.
Let's drink to the professionals who work in our close-knit team!

Only those people who know how to relax well work well. I want to drink for you, colleagues and wish us a wonderful holiday. Let's recharge with positive for future achievements. For us!

Only a friendly team will survive in the era of ups and downs. As experience shows, we are able to cope with any task. Let's drink to our solidarity and wish us a long and unceasing luck in business.

New toasts at the corporate party

There lived a hare in the forest, who imagined himself to be the fastest animal. These rumors reached the moose, who decided to prove to everyone that his movement speed was greater. We decided to arrange a competition, and the wolf was taken as the judge. The hare lost, and the wolf ate him. So let's drink to healthy competition and the right motivation.

It's good to get everyone together like this. Dance, sing, remember interesting things from working days and just relax. So I want to drink to the fact that we always have a place in our hearts for fun. So that we can always get together like this and take a walk. Let's get rid of all the blues. Yes - fun, no - despondency and sadness!

Everyone knows that no matter how successful a company is, no matter what achievements it is proud of, its future will be sad if it does not have a corporate spirit. So let's drink to this abstract concept that helps to do real things. For the holy corporate spirit of our company!

In our lives, we spend most of our time at work. Some people love it, some don't like it at all. Let's empty our glasses so that one cheerful corporate party brightens up all the annual weekdays.

Dear Colleagues! I want to raise this glass to our team! And I wish all employees patience and understanding. You should not waste your time on empty grievances and worries, because it is absolutely not worth it to be offended by someone who did not live up to your expectations, because you need to blame yourself. Because we usually expect more from others than is necessary! So let's drink for understanding within our team!

There is a saying that it is not customary to go crazy alone in a well-coordinated team. So let's drink to our well-coordinated team, in which everyone is crazy and great ideas, come to all at the same time. And for those guiding forces of our company that can bring them to life and allow us to think that we are doing something reasonable and necessary! For unity!

They say that most of the issues are perfectly solved by themselves, and the rest is generally impossible to translate into reality. Let's drink to the fact that such trifles do not bother us. Let the work argue and bring us pleasure. Let's get the maximum of positive emotions from this process!

I am very pleased to be in the circle of such wonderful people like you. Let's drink to the joyful events in our lives, so that nothing brings us grief. So that we always show only satisfaction on our faces!

Today, at this corporate party, only the best of the best have gathered. I wish it to be memorable, fun and interesting. Let's drink, colleagues! To keep our company strong!

I will drink for our corporate party,
We rest well
And to gather more often,
To always be lucky in business!

And so that ours does not hurt,
And the head did not suffer,
I wish you a light hangover
For this I will drink to the bottom!

New toasts at the corporate party
Sincere toasts for the corporate holiday on the PozdravOK website. Choosing the words of your toast in advance - every time you will be ready for fun. Surprise everyone with extraordinary and pleasant toasts!


Cool short toasts to colleagues

To all those who will be under the table,
No more alcohol
For those who will not drink with us,
Togo we will beat together!
Although I may be joking
I want to make a toast
I want to drink for success
For your fervent, ringing laughter!
For all women and for men,
I wish you not to know wrinkles!

Read also Retirement toasts are cool

I want to raise a glass to strength
So that everything is in order with us,
So that the hangover does not torment,
The loot was coming into my pockets!

To make my stomach hurt from laughter,
To make it summer every year
So that we are afraid of problems,
Let's drink to that friends!

Everyone knows the story of the girl Masha and the bear she became friends with. If the bear had been caught more aggressive, it would not have been a children's cartoon, but a horror movie. And, if the girl was not so reckless, then a drama about a deep psychological trauma would come out after meeting with the beast. So let's drink to happy coincidences that turn our life into a fairy tale.

Late evening. The wife glances anxiously at her watch. Finally, the husband comes home and asks loudly from the threshold:
- Dear, remember, I once promised to get a star?
- I remember. So what?
- Get out the glasses, I brought five stars. on a cognac bottle!
Let's drink for male generosity and female patience!

I raise a glass to our tomorrow
So that we don’t have friends in it,
To drink everything we have today,
Never mentioned himself.

So that in the morning we get up normally,
So that our head does not hurt,
So that they don’t look for mineral water,
Let's drink to that, dear friends!

As you know, a person is the result of his own thoughts. What he thinks about is what he turns into. Therefore, it is recommended not to think about the bad at all, but on the contrary, it is better to swim in the ocean of positive emotions.
Let's drink to the fact that your life was full of only bright, bright and unforgettable moments and there was absolutely no place for sadness and sadness in it!

Who without a glass at the table,
We'll take everyone for boarding.
Today you don't drink with us,
And tomorrow you will sell your Motherland!

Friends, attention, I suggest
We raise a glass for money,
So that only, only added,
And they didn’t go to walk without us!

So that in the morning the wallet is full,
To be full in the evening,
Currency in it, so that it turns green,
So that the course no longer frightens us!

Recently I came across this message: “Oh, how lovely those times were when you could watch cartoons all day, play games, and run around the house in shorts. And then the signature: “Give me back my vacation. Andryusha, 30 years old. Let's drink to the fact that our sense of humor will never die!

Let's drink to stupidity, because it is because of them that we sometimes become participants in the most memorable episodes in our lives. It is nonsense that, as much as possible, contributes to the creation of the warmest and most friendly atmosphere in any team. So let's drink to this integral feature of people, because this is exactly what distinguishes us from inanimate idols and robots!

Let's drink to lazy people! Because without laziness there would never be scientific progress. Let's drink to them, because it is laziness that distinguishes a real thinker! After all, it is she who underlies any invention, starting with the wheel and ending with washing machine! May this human quality continue to work for the benefit of our civilization!

It happens that on life path we meet goats, sheep, rams, chickens, deer, but let's raise our glasses and get drunk like pigs, and all the toasts will be to remain human in any situation. And even though from the whole zoo we are still surrounded by real, faithful, devoted friends and reliable, loving, close people.

Everyone knows the folk tale about the turnip. And everyone remembers that in the end, the help of the weakest and smallest member of the team was needed to pull the turnip out of the ground. So let's drink to our team, thanks to the cohesion of which, today we will definitely have fun!

Many men, when complaining about their women, often compare them to saws. I cannot fully agree with them, and I wish only one thing - let these saws be manual, and saw off only dry and unnecessary from your tree of love! For lovely ladies!

Men often want to know what women think. But real sages believe that this desire is meaningless. If men even learned to read women's thoughts, they would not understand anything or would not believe what they understood.
Let's drink to mutual understanding!

The other day I noticed that running really improves mood. Sometimes you put on a tracksuit, put on sneakers and run to the nearest stall for beer, and back even faster and so good. So let's drink to a good mood!

2013-01-29 15:10:56: Toasts about and for work

On trial: - How did you manage to rob seven stores in one week? - Now, if we all worked like that, otherwise everyone shouts "Crisis!" So let's drink to those dodgers who can't care less about the crisis!

2013-01-28 19:26:06: Toasts about and for work

At the trial: - Accused Sidorov, didn't you notice that this is not your wallet? - How, citizen judge, noticed! I also thought, how did my money end up in someone else's wallet? So let's drink to the fact that our money is always in place!

2013-01-28 09:18:18: Toasts about and for work

The director of the department store calls his deputy into the office. - We advertised that we were looking for a night watchman. Are there any results? - Oh yeah! - exclaims the deputy. We got robbed last night. As the classic said, "cadres decide everything." Therefore, I propose to drink for the shots!

2013-01-26 08:14:50: Toasts about and for work

They say that inventions can be improved. What is created can only be an object of imitation.
So let's drink for us, not just inventors, but also real creators!

The Talmud says: "Teaching in youth is carving in stone, in old age drawing in sand."
So let's drink to the fact that we always do everything in due time!

2013-01-22 14:43:11: Toasts about and for work

One of my acquaintances, a workaholic businessman, once turned to his psychiatrist with the following request:
- Doctor, remember, last summer you recommended me to have some fun with women in order to at least get distracted from work?
- Yes, so what? the doctor asked.
- So advise how I can now distract from women and return to work again!
So let's drink to the ability to combine business with pleasure even at work!

2013-01-22 13:56:47: Toasts about and for work

The engineer makes a remark to the worker: - You have a bad habit - to whistle while working. - But I don't work, I just whistle. Let's drink, colleagues, for rational use working hours!

2013-01-21 15:24:14: Toasts about and for work

A wise man remarked: "If people will pay their debts as willingly as they take loans, this is a sure sign that they have become better." Lord! In connection with what has been said, my toast is not difficult to predict. For people to strive for excellence! It got better and better!

2013-01-19 11:42:11: Toasts about and for work

La Rochefoucauld said: "Everyone complains about his memory, but no one complains about his reason." So let's drink to the fact that you and I never complain about anything at all!

2013-01-19 05:26:04: Toasts about and for work

We congratulate you from all of us in order to merge in a single impulse all our sympathies for you into one great feeling. We love and respect you! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

2013-01-18 23:43:53: Toasts about and for work

Which of us does not dream of success in business?
And I think: we must drink
So that on our official ladder
The steps were not smeared with soap.
So that the boss does not turn out to be a usurper,
So that employees are not boring,
To be lifted up by an escalator,
And I would have to fly down with parachutes.

2013-01-17 10:00:38: Toasts about and for work

So that everyone, like Emelya,
Had his golden pike
And career advancement
He would not lay a hand:
Reports were made by themselves,
Clients would be like those heroes,
Solid majestic formation
Well, they grew like out of the ground!
Salary has tripled
And the boss scolded not us, but himself,
Then our craft would be any
We performed with honor and love!

2013-01-17 06:57:21: Toasts about and for work

Nothing brings people together like this holiday! Therefore, with our combined efforts, we congratulate you! May there be as much good in your life as there are all of us put together!

2013-01-15 18:13:22: Toasts about and for work

for work
They say among the people: "Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest."
You can’t shoot her, and sometimes you want to!
But the main thing is that the salary every day
became more and more, and did not run away into the forest!
Let's drink to that job
which is much less than the salary!
Fall, coin, like a snowball!
I wish you money - a full bag!
For our work!

2013-01-15 06:31:41: Toasts about and for work

We want to congratulate you! And the opinion of the majority - the law. Therefore, congratulations! It's toast!

2013-01-14 06:18:14: Toasts about and for work

The master is the one who invents, the apprentice is the one who knows the business; everyone is a student.
We drink to the hero of the occasion, a true master of his craft!

2013-01-14 01:20:13: Toasts about and for work

They say to the famous singer: - For one concert you want to get more than the American president for a week. - So invite him. Let's drink to the fact that our requests are always satisfied! Or for the successful motivation of their actions.

2013-01-13 16:32:13: Toasts about and for work

Schiller wrote:
One honors science with the goddess of supreme delight.
The other is a good cow supplying oil.
So let's drink to the fact that our beloved goddess also feeds us well!

2013-01-13 02:52:57: Toasts about and for work

The master is the one who invents, the apprentice is the one who knows the business; everyone is a student. We drink to the hero of the occasion, a true master of his craft!

2013-01-11 16:27:21: Toasts about and for work

The best place under the sun - highly paid. For us, worthy of the sunniest places, we will drink!

2013-01-11 06:54:08: Toasts about and for work

for postal workers
One friend complains to another:
- Can you imagine? Sent a telegram to his wife
that I will come home on the tenth.
I arrive on the tenth and ... I find her in bed with a man!
Here is a prostitute!
- In vain you think badly of your wife,
- says a friend.
- Perhaps she ... simply did not receive your telegram!
Let's drink to the postal workers!
The fate of the family sometimes depends on them!

2013-01-10 17:19:59: Toasts about and for work

2013-01-09 04:17:53: Toasts about and for work

for colleagues
Today, colleagues, I will make a toast to you.
And I'll offer you a drink for good luck.
For our friendship, for our team.
Where everyone is proud, strong and patient.
Where everyone is so smart and so rich!
To become a hundred times better!
For having fun at work
For not being left in trouble.
For the fact that there was comfort, there was light and laughter.
For us, happy, joyful - not a sin
Today drink a lot and to the bottom
Great sparkling wine!

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