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Much has been said about the typical characteristics of the signs of the zodiac: someone is very smart, someone is the sexiest, and someone is obscenely jealous. We should remember about real statistics. So, in order to demonstrate criminal inclinations, the FBI revealed the dates of birth of serial killers. According to the results of their study, some zodiac signs are more prone to certain types of crime.

The calmest of all are Gemini, and the most dangerous ...


Despite the fact that you can hear a lot of bad things about Gemini, they are the least dangerous sign of the Zodiac! It's rare for Geminis to have blood on their hands, as they don't take others seriously enough to hurt or kill them. The greatest harm that they are capable of is to crush a person with their chatter.


Aquarius cares about justice and has a strong ego. This is the second least dangerous sign of the zodiac. Maybe it's because they're smart enough not to get caught, or they just don't leave evidence after a crime.

Leos tend to avoid any trouble. According to statistics, if a Leo commits a murder, he does it only to attract attention.


Libras are considered good, fair and patient. However, among them there were more cases of murders than among Aquarius and Lviv. Libras tend to get violent if you try to take advantage of their good intentions.


Among Virgos, there are usually psychopaths and very smart killers. However, Virgos are more likely to resort to fraud and theft than to murder.


If you thought that Pisces are very spineless people, you are greatly mistaken. Among the most famous serial killers are many Pisces. Given their addiction proneness, Pisces often commit crimes.


Among all the signs of the zodiac, Capricorns are the average serial killers. Although they respect the rules and laws, when they are angry, they show the worst. They rarely kill, but once they do, they are hard to stop.


People born under the sign of Aries are known for their unruly nature. They can get angry easily, but tend to subside quickly. You should stay away from Aries when they are angry, they will soon forget about what made them angry anyway.


Taurus' anger can be very intense. However, this zodiac sign is more prone to fraud rather than murder.


Sagittarius is on the third position in the list of the most dangerous signs of the Zodiac. They don't target petty crimes, but something bigger, like mass murder. Although in most cases, Sagittarians rarely harm others. They are more likely to commit theft, but they are very difficult to catch.

If we consider criminals from the point of view of astrology, you will notice that certain signs of the zodiac more often than others fall into criminal stories. Which of the 12 signs is the most dangerous to society? A criminal horoscope will help answer this question.

Aries, despite their hot temperament and desire to always be the first, they rarely commit especially dangerous crimes. They are not envious and not vindictive. It is not difficult for them to achieve what they want in an honest, non-criminal way.

But to Taurus you can safely apply the saying "there are devils in the still waters." These, at first glance, quiet and sensible fellows will easily agree to any adventure associated with material rewards. They, as a rule, highly value themselves and without a twinge of conscience take away from others what, in their opinion, should belong to them.

Among Gemini rapists and murderers are quite common. This is most often associated with an unstable nervous system and increased anxiety. Gemini are vengeful. Dissatisfied with life and offended, Gemini will easily commit any particularly serious crime. Interestingly, financial interest is rarely the target of their crimes.

crayfish are known to often suffer from hypochondria and low self-esteem. They often experience prolonged depression and neurosis, but even such a depressed mood rarely pushes Cancers to commit a crime. Cancers are cowardly and often religious, they believe that everyone will be rewarded according to their deserts. These thoughts protect them from rash acts.

lions majestic and proud. They are accustomed to superiority and do not accept defeat. They are very worried about someone's superiority over them and do everything possible so that the palm remains on their side. And for this, oddly enough, they use only their charm, intelligence and dexterity. Lions value themselves too highly to stoop to the level of criminals.

Virgin, according to most astrologers, these are the most dangerous criminals in the zodiac circle. They are cunning, smart and resourceful. In addition, being pragmatists to the marrow of their bones, they easily agree to any adventure that brings material benefits.

Scales used to taking the path of least resistance. In life, as a rule, everything is easy for them. They are charming and interesting for society, they are easy to communicate and work with. Such ease of being often pushes this zodiac sign to crime. Having set foot on the path of crime, Libra becomes cruel and merciless killers and rapists.

scorpions- This is one of the most unpredictable signs of the zodiac circle. It is not easy with them in everyday life, they are bold and emotional. An offended Scorpio can become the most cold-blooded killer or rapist. As a rule, Scorpio thinks through his crimes to the smallest detail and commits them at the most unexpected moment for the victim.

archers great adventurers and players in life. Everything new and exciting is of great interest to them. They are easily influenced by the crowd, it is easy to involve them in any adventure that promises to be exciting. Sagittarians are not vindictive and not mercenary, crime for them is just a portion of adrenaline.

Crimes committed Capricorn, as a rule, are committed against the background of material dissatisfaction. That is why there are a lot of apartment scammers, cheaters and swindlers among Capricorns. Capricorns cross the threshold of the law only if they do not see another simpler way to earn money.

Aquarius mostly inventive and intellectually developed. Crime for them is a kind of game, as a result of which they become winners in every sense of the word. They like to play with the victim and the guardians of the law. Their crimes are twisted and almost always remain not fully solved.

Motives for the crime of the zodiac sign Fish often remain unresolved. These emotionally unbalanced natures are capable of being angels today, and tomorrow turning into ruthless maniacs. They are unpredictable, their actions are devoid of any logic. You should not even try to understand the reasons why Pisces step on the path of crime. Sometimes they themselves are not able to answer this question.

Man is a creature belonging to two different worlds: the world of nature, i.e. the rough animal world, and the world of spirituality, where such aspects as mercy, humanity, compassion play a role. These worlds, influencing the nature of human decisions.

Zodiac killers - is astrology competent in such matters? Can an astrologer tell who is the first to come to the conclusion that it is necessary to kill another person, and who allows himself to take such a step?

Zodiac killers - philosophy, theory and reality

People are capable of killing. But, is everyone capable of it? Under what conditions is a person capable of killing? And under what circumstances will the spiritual world take over the natural world, keeping a person from committing murder?

Who are the killers among the signs of the zodiac? What zodiac signs are capable of becoming serial killers?

Crime horoscope - killers among the signs of the zodiac

Social studies have shown that, according to most people, Virgos are the killers among the zodiac signs more often than others. Moreover, it is the quiet, inhibited, hardworking, unimaginative Virgos that occupy the leading positions among the most terrible maniacs!

This opinion is sufficiently subjective, as is the opinion of the jury. Let's see the criminal horoscope, and determine who among the signs of the zodiac are the most likely killers.

Mutable signs predominate among killers: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. Here is an example: Jeffrey Dahmer is a cannibal serial killer, Gemini zodiac sign;
John Gacy - pedophile, homosexual, killed more than 30 people, zodiac sign Pisces.

Cardinal and fixed signs also participate in the ranking of killers among the signs of the zodiac. Chikatilo - Libra, Onoprienko - Leo, Pichushkin - Aries,
Mukhankin - Taurus, Slivko - Capricorn.

However, there is something in common between them: many maniac killers were born in the year of the Rat and the Horse.

Rating of killers among zodiac signs

And if the criminal horoscope in the top three shows Leo, Taurus and Gemini in terms of murders, then Gemini, Libra, Pisces and Scorpio are in the lead in especially dangerous and cruel murders.

Killers among the signs of the zodiac - astrology and its practical application

Criminal inclinations in a person are defined in different ways. To understand human psychology, to understand what motivates and by whom, it is necessary, the main ones being heredity and environment. However, with the help of the horoscopes of the zodiac signs, one can understand whether a person is capable of becoming a murderer, long before criminal inclinations begin to manifest themselves.

Killers according to the signs of the zodiac can be identified by a specialist, and then the prevention of a crime is a matter of technology.

Man is by nature capable of violence, murder. But not everyone is capable of doing this. What kind of person can kill? What can move him to this and what circumstances will push him? What can make the animal instinct take over the spiritual world of an educated person? How to determine what is among your environment? In this article, you will find out which of the zodiac signs is the most aggressive and possibly capable of killing.

There are two essences in a person. One of them is his spiritual world, soul. The second integral part of man is the animal, given to him by nature. And one of these parts always takes precedence over the other when making decisions. And, of course, the decision made depends entirely on what choice will be made.

According to social research, it became known that the most dangerous is Virgo. In appearance, quiet and calm, hardworking and domestic, they are capable of the most terrible murders. According to statistics, Virgo occupies a leading position as.

This statement can be questioned if you look at it from the perspective of a criminal horoscope. According to this horoscope, the most aggressive and cruel killers among the mutable signs are Lions, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. Zodiac killer who confirms this statement and committed crimes one after another is Jeffrey Dahmer. He is indisputable proof that the killer can be recognized by the sign of the zodiac. Gemini by zodiac sign, Jeffrey, was a brutal cannibal serial killer. The proof of Pisces' cruelty is the man who killed more than 30 people in his life, John Gacy. Gacy was a violent pedophile and homosexual.

Among the cardinal and fixed signs there are also maniacs famous for their cruelty. For example, Chikatilo, who was on the sign of Libra.

But serial killers have something else in common. Most of them were born in the year of the Horse and the Rat.

The first place in terms of murders is occupied by Lions, followed by Taurus and Gemini. But if we consider the murders by their cruelty, then Gemini will be in the leading positions. Next come Libra, Pisces and Scorpio.

With the help of psychology, you can determine whether a person has the inclinations of a killer. And it depends on many factors, for example, embedded genes, the environment in which a person grew up. With the help of a horoscope, you can determine whether a person can commit a murder. And this can be done much earlier than his first crime, thereby preventing it. An astrologer can help with this.

The horoscope does not say at all that if you are a killer, you will become one. In a civilized world, people know how to hide their emotions, hide their animal nature inside, solve issues in a civilized way, and not physically. But despite this, if you have suspicions about your friend, you can turn to horoscopes and determine how aggressive he is and what aggression can eventually lead to.

The date of birth of a person determines his belonging to a particular sign of the zodiac and influences the formation of personality. Based on statistical data, researchers have compiled a variety of ratings. They express the predisposition of representatives of various zodiac symbols to certain characteristics. For example, Virgos are considered the most faithful, Scorpios have a pronounced sexuality, and Gemini have the best sense of humor. The article will give a rating of the zodiac symbols in terms of beauty, intelligence, fidelity, wealth and other curious parameters.

A lion. He knows how to profitably present his beauty, even if he does not have impeccable parameters. Extremely charming. Capricorn. Knows how to present himself well, easily creates his own original style. Sagittarius. It has a powerful charisma, so it is impossible not to pay attention to the representative of this sign. Aries. It is remembered at first sight thanks to a bright image and originality. Twins. They often change their image, sometimes drastically. Their appearance expresses their attitude to the world at this moment. Taurus. Always looks natural. Has an excellent sense of taste. Cancer. Looks sophisticated and original. He does not like bright and prominent images. Scorpion. Possesses exotic beauty, sensual, considers himself perfect. Virgo. Takes good care of himself. Skillfully presents her beauty, even if she does not have an impeccable appearance. Aquarius. Attractive not only from the outside. It attracts members of the opposite sex with its inner light. Scales. They have an expressive face and beautiful hands. They can bring disharmony to the image by the wrong choice of clothes or hair color. Fish. They do not accept vulgar images. Attract the opposite sex with the mystery of the image.

In this ranking, you can see certain trends. But it should be remembered that the appearance and perception of a person by others depend not only on the sign of the zodiac. In addition, the concept of beauty is subjective. Based on statistical data, such a rating has been compiled. Among the symbols of the zodiac, regardless of the position you take, you can meet both a not very pretty representative and a standard of beauty.

Mental capacity

Twins. Curious and easy to train. Inquisitive minds. Aquarius. Uses his mind only in their own interests. Sagittarius. Thoughtful and calm. He has an analytical mind and is able to manage not only the enterprise, but even the state. Taurus. Differs in perseverance in training, knows how to use the accumulated knowledge. Scorpion. In case of insufficient mental understanding of the issue, he achieves heights with the help of perseverance and determination. Aries. Easy to learn but lazy. Therefore, the mind uses for the merit of personal goals. Capricorn. It is distinguished by inquisitiveness and perseverance, but sometimes prone to laziness. Virgo. Smart, inquisitive. Uses these properties to climb the career ladder. A lion. Uses his mind to the fullest, but seeks in this benefit and practical use. Fish. The presence of the mind is often leveled by simplicity and carelessness. Scales. Possessors of an analytical mind. All decisions made by them are balanced. Cancer. Lazy, thinks learning is a waste of time. In life, he uses only a part of the knowledge gained.


Scorpion. If he fell in love, then he will not go for treason. A lion. The representative of this zodiac sign is loyal and reliable. Virgo. He is squeamish and selective about casual relationships, therefore he remains faithful. Taurus. The family representative of this sign counts on the loyalty of his half and pays in the same coin. Scales. They like stability and balance. Not prone to change. Aquarius. Capable of treason if he feels that he is tied to the house. Cancer. Reliable and faithful, but only as long as he is comfortable. Fish. Between sublime feelings and sexual pleasure, they will choose the 2nd. Capricorn. His soul wants to be faithful, but the body wants new sensations. Twins. Fickle, in any relationship looking for benefits and comfort. Aries. A good family man, but he cheats because of the love of new sensations. Sagittarius. For him, love is a game, a sport, an adventure. Loyalty from Sagittarius should not be expected.

Scorpio, Leo and Virgo are the most faithful signs of the zodiac. Treason (the rating testifies to this) is not peculiar to them.

Capable of killing

This list is based on statistical data. The rating of killers among the zodiac symbols is as follows:

A lion. His deeds are distinguished by rudeness and scale. He likes to demonstrate his strength and scope. Taurus. He does not feel a sense of revenge until his interests are infringed. They operate for profit. Twins. They differ in rudeness and deceit. Sometimes they are too fussy, but they act decisively and ruthlessly. Cancer. Differs in deceit. Acts out of self-interest. Thinks through his actions to the smallest detail. Scales. They kill in the name of an idea. Very cruel and cold-blooded. Capricorn. Actions are thought out to the smallest detail. Does not accept window dressing and unnecessary destruction. The main thing is to reach the goal and hide the evidence. Aries. Differs in rigidity, but not ruthlessness. Often acts out of a false sense of justice. Virgo. Discreet and extremely careful. Her deeds are verified, calculated and irreversible. Fish. Daring, merciless and reckless. They kill without self-interest, but for the sake of success, power and recognition. Sagittarius. Fussy, illogical and sloppy. Makes serious mistakes. Scorpion. Brash, but cautious. The bulk of the "grouse" - his handiwork. Aquarius. His crime is carefully thought out and calculated, despite the eccentricity inherent in this sign.

Mental problems

Virgo. It can go crazy, for example, on cleanliness, on counting the calories in the food eaten, or on a scrupulous balance of income and expenses. A lion. Those around him must unconditionally obey his will, because he is a king. Twins. The voices in their heads haunt them. There are many personalities and subpersonalities within. Fish. They fall into deep depressions. Communicate with other worlds and travel to parallel realities. Scales. They are prone to anxiety attacks and suffer from chronic indecision. Aquarius. He has many reasons to go crazy due to the open and overly receptive consciousness of this zodiac sign. Aries. Prone to manic-depressive psychosis. A rapid change in mood and emotions from wild rage to a state of euphoria and bliss. Capricorn. Can get bogged down in routine and monotony and feel completely comfortable at the same time. Scorpion. A chronic form of paranoia is not ruled out. Cancer. Able to go headlong into the occult sciences. Taurus. Means and the opposite sex are two things that can obsess over, sometimes even too much. Sagittarius. Characterized by bouts of claustrophobia, that is, fear of enclosed spaces.

Tendency to violence

The signs of the zodiac that can show violence, according to the rating, are arranged in this way:

Fish. There is a pronounced anger and a tendency to perversion. Taurus. Not impulsive. The victim, chosen in advance, declares his rights, and in case of refusal he acts by force. Aries. It does not humiliate, does not justify its superiority, but simply overcomes resistance. Twins. Cynics and sadists. The act of violence is accompanied by beatings and perversions. Capricorn. Commits violence to gain power over the victim. Cancer. The main motive is revenge for previous failures in love or for the unavailability of the victim. A lion. With arrogant superiority, he suppresses the resistance of his victim. Scales. They act with pronounced anger and perversions. Virgo. Commits violence because of the inherent complexes of a sexual nature. He does this for peace of mind. Aquarius. There is no sexual connotation in his actions. There is only a desire to stun and shock the victim. Sagittarius. Commits violence in a bold, unbridled and perverted manner. Scorpion. Acting out of revenge. The reason for it may be material damage or insult.


Virgo. Differs in diligence, vigilance, analytical warehouse and sobriety of mind. Scorpion. A talented strategist, passionately goes to his goal and achieves what he wants. Has the gift of persuasion. Twins. The property gives them a sense of freedom and allows them to satisfy the craving for everything new. Aries. Works fruitfully and, accordingly, earns well. Scales. Fairly sensible about finances. Choose the golden mean between price and quality. Cancer. Differs in foresight. Accumulates funds by choosing the most reliable method of storage. Capricorn. Even having earned capital, he continues to treat wealth wisely, without throwing money around and without making rash spending. A lion. Maximalist and spender. He lives to the fullest, and therefore from time to time even finds himself on the verge of poverty. Taurus. Differs in firmness of character and sanity. Fish. Talented but impractical. Indifferent to money. Aquarius. Idealist, confidently moving towards his goal. Sagittarius. Sprayed and does not know how to notice the little things.

Sloppy driving

Scales. Aquarius. Aries. Fish. Scorpion. Taurus. Sagittarius. Capricorn. Virgo. Cancer. Twins. A lion.


Scorpion. Aries. Taurus. A lion. Twins. Cancer. Fish. Sagittarius. Aquarius. Scales. Virgo. Capricorn.

Fun above all else

Twins. Virgo. Sagittarius. Aquarius. Aries. A lion. Scorpion. Taurus. Capricorn. Fish. Scales. Cancer.

Rating of the most-most zodiac symbols

The strongest symbol of the zodiac in spirit is Pisces, despite its impressionability and sentimentality. They have internal resources that, in difficult situations, allow them to bend, but not break.

Scorpio is recognized as the most insidious sign, because if he decided to take revenge, then it is already impossible to stop him. And he will do it using sophisticated methods. Scorpio is an evil and dangerous enemy.

Taurus is rightfully considered the best, who does not like conflicts, is distinguished by softness and tact in conversation. Representatives of this sign take pleasure in providing gratuitous assistance to those in need.

The Gemini are recognized as the most fortunate, because they have the ability to be at the right time in the right place. Optimistic and lucky, therefore happy.

Leo is considered the most selfish sign of the zodiac, because even showing generosity and friendliness, he does this by catering to his desires. Representatives of the sign love to be in the spotlight, they need flattery and praise, because at such moments they feel at their best.

Libras are the most sociable. They love to talk and get to know each other. Loneliness is difficult for Libra, but in the company it is easy and joyful for them.

The most closed is Capricorn. It is difficult to imagine what thoughts live in his head. Representatives of the sign rarely trust other people, they look indifferent and cold.

Aquarius is recognized as the most excellent sign. This is a thought generator with a well-developed imagination and creative thinking.


Far-reaching conclusions should not be drawn from the given ratings. Do not be upset if your particular zodiac symbol topped the killer rating or ended up at the bottom of the rich list. Research results are based on pure statistics. There are no completely bad or unambiguously good zodiac symbols. Everything depends on the individual.

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