Scandinavian houses and their features. Finished projects

landscaping 29.10.2023

The increasingly growing movement to be closer to nature and harmonize your life with its laws is gaining supporters in America and European countries. But he will never reach the cold lands of Scandinavia and disturb the peace of its miniature magical inhabitants. Fashion will not reach the natural here. The movement will never overwhelm the Scandinavian states. Because according to such laws they live for more than a century. Housing by Scandinavian house projects does not break into nature with its walls and roofs. It gradually fits into the surrounding landscape, afraid of spoiling it.

Good confirmation: housing by Scandinavian house projects covered with green roofs. This is absolutely not what you might imagine from the name. A green roof is something irrational that does not correspond to our idea of ​​housing. More like a fairy tale, such a roof is only possible in the countries of elves and dwarves. When you yourself become part of the green world around you.

Projects of Scandinavian houses: elves and fairies live here

In truth, elves do not live in such houses. They don't like cramped rooms. These little fairy-tale wizards who are friendly to us live in Scandinavian house projects They don’t consider them theirs. Freedom-loving tiny sages love nature, and at the same time they know how to write poetry, their beauty is comparable to the sun. Scandinavian and Germanic fairy tale. In their homeland they are considered spirits of nature who live in the air, mountains, forests, earth and even, but only sometimes, climb into homes.

The famous green roofs that cover housing based on Scandinavian house designs are not roofing at all. It looks more like a lawn, part of a clearing, the outskirts of a forest. Vegetation spread along the roof itself. Not just any herbs or flowers. Real trees decorate Scandinavian roofs.

You can surprise, admire, or tell yourself that you would never live in such a house. And those living in the buildings Scandinavian house projects they claim that it is warm here in winter, cool in summer and the roof maintains its integrity for many years. The main thing is to ensure good waterproofing.

Naturalness and simplicity are the main features of a Scandinavian-style home. Many experts say that the construction of such a structure does not present any particular difficulties. This house should be associated with natural materials, simple wooden furniture, and light walls. All this is available today. So, by spending a certain amount of money, you will get simple on the one hand, but chic on the other hand, Scandinavian frame houses.

Nature is a source of inspiration

Our compatriots are close to the architecture of Scandinavia. Looking at these small, simple and neat structures, surrounded by nature, you feel how your soul calms down and your eyes are pleased. Scandinavian architecture was formed over a long period of time surrounded by forests, rivers, fjords and lakes. Nature is the main prerequisite and material for construction.

Scandinavian houses adapt to the landscape. These people are trying to preserve nature. Environmental friendliness and conciseness are the main criteria for building houses in the north.

Features of a Scandinavian style home

Let's talk about design. Its main components are aesthetic appeal and conciseness. This style involves the use of only natural materials. It should be remembered that Scandinavian houses must combine comfort and functionality. Today, the real estate market is experiencing a growing demand for houses built in this style.

At first glance, the façade of a Scandinavian-style building has nothing special. But if you take a closer look, you can understand that the main characteristic of such a facade is severity and restraint. In addition, the interior of such a house also has its own characteristics. There are practically no decorative elements in it. But it should be remembered that indoors the main colors are light.

In such a house, every person feels calm and peaceful.

Dark blue.

Light brown.

Selected materials

Scandinavian houses are characterized by light shades. In the interior they use not only white, but also terracotta and yellow. In fact, there are not many natural materials that are characterized by such a color shade. These are mainly deciduous trees. Wooden panels are used as finishing material for such a structure, which fit perfectly into the interior. Designers say that it is also permissible to use wallpaper, but it is better to choose ones that can be painted later. Remember that the paint must be light shades.

Color-saturated suspended ceilings should not be used in homes, as well as complex ceiling structures.

The floor should be made of light-colored wood. Often this material is treated with a transparent varnish coating, thanks to which the room takes on an amazing lightness.

The main goal of such an interior is the comfort of the owners.

Projects of Scandinavian houses, as a rule, have all the information about the building materials used during the construction of the building.

Textiles in the interior

You should also pay special attention to all fabrics used in the interior of the house. They should be harmoniously combined not only with the walls, but also with each other. The color of the drawing should differ only in the intensity of the shade. The basis of the interior decoration of the room should be beige, bluish and light gray shades. Remember also that all fabric products (upholstered furniture, decorative pillows, tablecloths) must be made from natural fabrics. Experts recommend using simple fabrics, including those that have a rough structure (linen, for example).

It should be remembered that Scandinavian-style homes do not use carpeting. The floor is decorated with knitted rugs and mats.

Furniture covers, curtains, bed linen and towels should be either striped or checkered. They may also contain Scandinavian ornaments and patterns - deer, zigzags, Christmas trees and snowflakes.

Furniture in the house

Scandinavian wooden houses are all natural and natural. In such housing, wicker furniture looks nice. A light vine will go perfectly with the elements of such an interior. Therefore, you can confidently use wicker baskets, chair covers and armchairs as decoration.

All other furniture that is present in the house should be light, attractive and comfortable. It should come together very quickly. The interior includes various combinations of glass and wooden surfaces, open or closed shelves. Beds should have a simple frame, chair backs should have smoothly curved backs, and sofas should have a laconic shape and light upholstery.

When choosing a bed for your Scandinavian-style home, be sure to give your preference to models equipped with drawers for linen. All chairs, tables and sofas must also be folding. Various drawers and shelves are welcome at the tables.

Remember that the furniture used in a Scandinavian home must be made of wood. The use of plastic or metal in the interior is strictly prohibited.


Remember that in a Scandinavian home, air space is of great importance. Therefore, the room should be light, and the amount of furniture should be kept to a minimum. Artificial lamps are also used in the interior. They are turned on if there is not enough natural light. It is also possible to use several types of lighting fixtures.


Scandinavian one-story houses are suitable for people who prefer to use only natural materials in their lives and highly value the functionality of everything that surrounds them. Also, housing in this style is ideal for supporters of minimalism.

I have been looking at Norwegian houses, and Scandinavian-style houses in general, for a long time. Not necessarily Norwegian, in Sweden there are also very nice houses both in design and in the thoughtfulness of everything.

And from the blogs of interesting people I see the beauty of their buildings, and from video programs I enjoy architectural solutions. Features of Scandinavian-style houses are traditionality and practicality.

Norwegian house in Scandinavian style

Some people imagine such good-quality log houses from fairy tales. But actually it is not. But more on that a little later. The main criterion for all Scandinavian-style houses is a total fusion with nature, while being able to use all the amenities available in the modern world.

In Norway it is absolutely not customary to build apartment buildings. There, even at the government level, this decision is enshrined. Only townhouses and private buildings. The population of the country, however, is only 5 million people, so there is no need to crowd. There is enough space for everyone, even taking into account the fact that the main area of ​​the country is occupied by mountains.

Norwegian house on a small island

Only very wealthy Scandinavians can afford to live on such an island. Well, simply, on a farm, away from neighbors - this is generally in the order of things. It is not customary to live close to each other there.

Norwegian frame house

Mostly Norwegian houses are frame type. But log buildings are rather exotic. They are built either as a summer residence or for the tourism business.

Scandinavian style houses

Norwegians have two houses. One for permanent residence, and the second for recreation. Often such country houses are built in the mountains or at sea. But the difference in these buildings is only in the name. Since in terms of their characteristics, both structures are absolutely identical.

Scandinavian style house

Thrifty Norwegians often do not install electricity in their country houses. And where can you get it in the wilderness of the mountains or on a deserted coast? But even where electricity can be supplied to the dacha, they still do not electrify it. This is due to the desire to immerse oneself in nature as fully as possible. Houses are heated with wood, and oil lamps provide light in the dark.

Norwegian houses with earthen roofs

More technologically advanced Norwegians install solar panels on the roof of their houses and create autonomous energy sources. Well, they cook food using bottled gas. In general, the nation is very prone to various kinds of alternative methods of energy generation. You can also find wind turbines and some kind of biogas mechanisms for producing electricity in private households.

Traditional Norwegian house

By the way, it is not customary for Norwegians to boast about their wealth. Therefore, even among wealthy residents, the houses do not stand out from the general range of restrained and austere buildings. The maximum that a wealthy Norwegian can afford is to order some kind of design experiment with a house.

Modern house in Scandinavian style

The average area of ​​houses in Norway is 170 square meters. Everything is calculated with typical Scandinavian frugality. The operation of such a house costs a reasonable amount. Therefore, stone houses are not common at all. Everywhere you can find frame buildings, which are cheaper in terms of insurance and have a higher degree of heat retention.

Scandinavian style houses - a fusion of tradition and modernity

Scandinavian timber frame house

The standard layer of insulation in the walls of Norwegian frame houses is 20 cm. But in the north of the country, beyond the Arctic Circle, the walls are often insulated with a layer of 40 cm. But there are winters for 9 months a year. And the minus on the street is harsher than our latitudes.

Scandinavian style houses

Norwegians prefer to decorate the walls of houses with unplaned boards. The boards are subsequently painted in three layers. The boards are not planed because this way they can better withstand bad weather and also absorb paint more effectively.

Traditional colors of Norwegian houses are white, red, brown, ocher. The walls are sheathed horizontally - with the ship type, and less often vertically - with the barrel type.

Scandinavian style houses - Norwegian houses

Natural ceramic tiles or metal tiles are most often used on the roof. They try to use dark colors on roofs so that the snow melts faster.

Previously in Norway, houses had earthen or turf roofs. But now such houses are rare. They are preserved only in tourist villages.

Norwegian house

When it comes to heating, Norwegians are supporters of warm electric floors or electric convectors. Each house, as a backup, also has a simple iron barrel stove for wood heating. Gas is expensive in the country, so it is not used for heating purposes.

Conceptual house in Scandinavian style

Houses in the country are not fenced at all. There is no such thing as a fence, much less a blind one, among the Norwegians. There are low picket fences, but these are more of a decorative element than any kind of protection. If the owners want to hide the perimeter of the yard, they plant a hedge.

Norwegian house in the forest

This is how a review article on Norwegian houses in the Scandinavian style turned out. I dream of going to Norway myself and photographing everything there. But for now these are just plans. Maybe in the coming years we will get out. Yes, it’s expensive now, including gasoline... So, for now we’re inspired by photos, not live ones... All the best!

Video - Norwegian houses in Scandinavian style

Well, in conclusion, some video ideas with traditional Norwegian houses in the Scandinavian style.

Experienced people prefer one-story houses located on spacious plots. They fit perfectly into the landscape, they are extremely convenient for their residents, and they are easy to repair and maintain.

The one-story cottage "Selma" received its name in honor of the Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf, who wrote "The Wonderful Journey of Nils Holgersson through Sweden" and many other fairy-tale and serious novels.

This house, in our opinion, on the one hand is similar to old Swedish houses, and on the other, has a wonderful, and even a little fairy-tale appearance.

The designer painted the house in the traditional Swedish red, a bright color - but this house would look great in other, calmer colors.

Layout of a one-story Scandinavian cottage "Selma"

The layout of the house is simple and rational: at the main entrance there is an entrance hall, a wardrobe, a spacious storage room and a guest toilet.

When guests clean themselves up, they find themselves in a luxurious living room.

The intimate sleeping area of ​​the house is separated from the living room by a small hall. On the opposite side there is a kitchen-dining room, a guest bedroom and a utility room.

Thus, the living room is the heart of the home. It is from the living room that there is access to the garden, which is so wonderful to admire through the wide and high windows.

The cost of the fabulously beautiful Swedish house "Selma", with a total area of ​​141 square meters, depends on the finishing and foundation, and ranges from 2900 to 3360 thousand rubles.

By developing ready-made projects for houses in the Scandinavian style, our company focuses primarily on the traditions of wooden house construction in Finland and Sweden. The catalog contains many examples of log cottages, since there, like here, wood is the most common material. The desire of many customers to build a northern type house is explained by the similarity of climate, tastes, and habits of residents of neighboring countries.

Characteristic features, projects and photos of Scandinavian style houses

With all the variety of architecture and decoration of the cottages presented in the photo in the catalog, it is easy to notice common features. This is a calm, discreet facade design, simple lines, modest colors, close to the surrounding nature. They are devoid of external pathos, functional and comfortable for life.

Projects of Scandinavian houses and cottages made of timber or logs are typical; their style can be described as ethnic. It has the following features:

    The house fits naturally into the surrounding landscape. Trees, stones - all elements of “wild nature” are tried to be preserved unchanged.

    The building has a simple shape and is built on 1-2 floors. The wood is tinted using impregnation, preserving the natural pattern.

    The base of the building is faced with rough natural stone, or artificial imitations are used.

    A minimum of decor in the finishing, but at the same time the highest accuracy and thoroughness in the finishing of each element.

    Large panoramic windows are “pictures”.

    Also, modern designs of one-story houses in the Scandinavian style provide a beautiful terrace.

Sunny color - reflects the fashion trend, which was started by the Norwegians. Bright colors make it easier to survive the harsh and long northern winters. The roofs of houses are usually gable, with a slight angle of inclination.

Scandinavian houses: interesting projects

Among the projects we offer, there are small Scandinavian houses up to 100 square meters. m, and two-story ones - with a full range of amenities: garage, bathhouse, swimming pool. They can be used for the construction of a country cottage and a summer country house. Despite their external simplicity, they are all distinguished by the special elegance characteristic of Finnish and Norwegian buildings.

Project No. 57-22 project No. 11-16

Currently, buildings are erected not only from wood, but also from stone: brick, concrete. Thus, project No. 57-22 - a 2-story country house built from foam blocks, contains all the elements of style. The finishing uses plaster and decorative stone. There is a sauna inside - an integral attribute of the lifestyle in the harsh northern climate.

Photo No. 70-61 shows a project for a frame-type house in the Scandinavian style. It is built on a reinforced concrete strip foundation and has a mansard roof. The ceilings are erected on wooden beams. The architecture and design of the original cottage No. 11-16 reflect the "Northern Art Nouveau" influences embodied in the log structure.

The price of a ready-made architectural solution is insignificant in comparison with the total costs of building a house, despite the fact that technically competent construction ensures the absence of problems during the future operation of the house.

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