How to keep guests away from your home. Protecting your home from the evil eye and damage after guests arrive

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If you suspect that one of the guests has come to your house with bad intentions, then immediately after he leaves, sweep the floor in the hallway and collect all the quarrel in a bag. Take it out of the house and spread it at the nearest intersection, reciting the Lord's Prayer. The next day, visit the church and light a candle for the health of this person. If your doubts turn out to be incorrect, then the ritual performed will benefit the guest, but if they are confirmed, he will have problems, and you will get rid of them.

Unfortunately, unpleasant, unkind people can come to each of us. Such guests, out of anger or envy, can cast the evil eye and cause damage.

To avoid possible problems, it makes sense to take some precautions.

DIY amulet for your home against bad people

First, make a talisman for your home. It's very simple. Take a short black thread and, tying a knot at one end, say:

"It's to catch them."

Tie a knot at the other end of the thread and say:

"This to bind them."

Then tie the ends of the thread together and say:

"This is so as not to let them in. Stone upon stone, never torn apart. I said everything)! It is done"

Now a thread with knots, which has now become a talisman, needs to be placed in front of the threshold if you live in a private house. If you live in an apartment, you can hide it under the rug.

The amulet must be made on a new moon, when the moon is not visible in the sky, in the period after sunset and before the onset of a new day.

And remember a few more simple rules:

  1. When accepting a gift from a guest, mentally say: “Mine is with me, yours is with you. Let it be so!"
  2. Don't be the last one to leave the table.
  3. Do not allow a same-sex guest to groom you.
  4. Unless you are left-handed, do not pour alcoholic beverages with your left hand.
  5. During the feast, have a five-kopeck coin with you, which after the guests leave, throw it out the window.
  6. When meeting, mentally cross your chest and the guest, and when leaving, make the sign of the cross on your back.
  7. All guests must wear the shoes they came to your house in (or brought with them); you cannot give them your own replacement shoes. Or get so-called “guest” slippers.
  8. Also have a “guest” towel for those who come to dry their hands. The owners
  9. should never be used. After guests leave, boil it in a separate container.

Cover the windows with curtains, let your hair down and take off your shoes. There should be no pins on clothing. Lather your hands until there is a lot of lather on them, especially on your fingers. Apply the foam to the sole of your right foot. Then take a knife that you are not using and carefully remove the foam from the sole onto your doorstep. Rub the foam with your fist. While saying:

Another way is to draw 12 crosses on the door and repeat 12 times:

Conspiracy “Forgive the offender”

If you have been unfairly offended, and you cannot calm down due to unfair reproaches, then take a glass of water and stir a pinch of salt in it with a wooden spoon (or a twig). At this time speak

« I don’t stir salt, I mix resentment with water. Not salt dissolves in water - resentment is expelled from the soul. Let it be so".

Then, with your left hand, pour the liquid into the drain, or even better, under a dry tree or stump with the words:

“I screwed it in, I’m returning it with water and salt."

It is advisable to visit the church and light a candle for the health of the person who offended you.

Prayer to protect the home from evil people

Complete collection and description: prayer from a guest for the spiritual life of a believer.

Each of us is familiar with the expression “My home is my castle.” And everyone would like to protect this very fortress from all the evil that is hidden in the surrounding world and people. For this reason, many may be thinking about how they can discourage those people from their home whose presence in it is extremely undesirable. Turning to magic for help, you can come to the conclusion that a conspiracy against unwanted guests is a very effective means of protecting your living space from unwanted people.

Conspiracy from unwanted and uninvited guests

At the current moment in time, there is a wide variety of magical actions that can be used to protect your home from an uninvited guest or ill-wisher, so that they do not come and do not come. Therefore, a person has the right to choose the method he will use, be it a spell, prayer or other magical action. The main thing is to follow the rules of the ritual in any case. In this case, the consequences of an incorrectly performed ritual will not overtake the performer, and the result will be as required.

Spells to ward off enemies

There are different types of guests, and you don’t want to see uninvited ones more often. Some we look forward to, while others we don’t want to see even on the doorstep; we want to get rid of these even before they arrive. But for every living person, the list of unwanted visitors begins with enemies. It is the ill-wishers, both obvious and secret, that each of us under no circumstances would like to see present in our home. For this reason, many people may be concerned about the question of whether it is possible to get rid of ill-wishers standing on the threshold of the house through the use of magical actions. As the magical heritage of our ancestors says, this is quite possible.

A conspiracy that helps keep enemies away from the house and get rid of them in advance is extremely relevant, since every person has hostile people. The proposed rituals are quite simple to perform, which increases the guarantee of a successful result; ill-wishers will change their minds about coming to you. Also, these magical actions will not only ward off uninvited enemies, but will also help return all the evil that these people directed at the owner of the house.

Animal heart ritual

The first step is preparation for performing a magical action. Before carrying out the ceremony, you need to buy everything you need, namely:

  1. The animal's heart is small in size. An organ from a bird, dog or rabbit is suitable for the ritual. You don't have to buy a heart, but cut it out of a dead animal.
  2. Nine small nails.
  3. One large nail.

Carrying out the ritual

  1. Place the purchased heart on the surface of the plate, then start driving in the prepared nails one by one.
  2. Driving in is accompanied by a verbal message of misfortune and adversity to the enemy whom you want to take away from the monastery.
  3. After this, you need to bury everything that is on the surface of the dish into the ground.
  4. For burial, be sure to choose a deserted area so that ordinary passers-by do not take over the effect of the enchanted heart.
  5. Bury the remains of the attributes used in the ritual, accompanying your actions with a conspiracy:

“All the sorrows and misfortunes that you brought me, I return to you! I didn’t invite you, it’s not to my house that your path lies!”

At the end of the ritual, it is important not to borrow money for the next three days and take anything in return. Only then will every magic word that a person uttered act in full force, and the enemies will forget the way to the house.

Charmed salt to protect the home

Salt is known to have powerful purifying and shielding properties. This is a good reason to use this item to protect your abode from uninvited visitors. A person has the opportunity to use a simple and effective spell of salt, which will certainly help.

The proposed conspiracy against uninvited guests does not require preparation and is carried out quite quickly:

Take a pinch of salt, standing near the main entrance to your home, which is open, and say in a quiet voice:

After this, throw the spoken salt, focusing on the left side. Make sure that the salt does not get on the resident of the house, this will interfere with the ritual and disrupt its effectiveness.

Salt wrapped in a package that has passed the consecration ceremony will also help protect your home from those guests whose visit is not expected. Just remember the salt must be consecrated on a holy holiday, preferably Easter or another red day.

Conspiracy to buy milk

Who would have thought that the usual purchase of milk could become a means of magical protection from the unnecessary attention of our ill-wishers. But the magical heritage of our ancestors indicates that you can save yourself from unwanted attention by buying milk and performing a simple and effective ritual with it.

Since ancient times in Rus' they said that an uninvited guest is worse than that

Ritual against Uninvited Guests. Vedic Psychologist I

How to perform the ritual

While you are shopping, you need to repeat the magic words:

Having brought the purchase home, you need to wait until the purchased milk has turned sour; you can speed up this process by leaving the purchase in the sun or in any warm place.

We discourage uninvited visitors

Many people understand that they need to protect their home not only from those who clearly wish us harm, but also from all uninvited guests. After all, you can puzzle for a long time over what intentions the visitor came with. The plot will help the owner to protect himself from the possible influence of the thoughts of envious people and simply unexpected visitors.

Spell with cloves

Some practitioners claim that carnations can help protect a person’s home from visits by those who carry evil in their thoughts. Performing a simple and effective ritual that protects your home, take a handful of dried clove leaves and pour them into a prepared heat-resistant container. As the ritual progresses, you need to quietly whisper the magic words:

The plant is poured with boiling water and placed in a dark, hot place for half an hour or three quarters (45 minutes). While the cloves are infused, you need to whisper a ritual incantation:

The charmed tincture is used during the consecration of the home of the one who performed the ceremony. Particular attention is paid to such parts as the threshold and the main entrance.

Charmed valerian

In magical practices, special herbal mixtures are used a lot and often; they perform cleansing and restoration. In order to protect the house from uninvited visitors, some magicians can use valerian. In order for the plant to help in protection, it is necessary that the plant stands in a common area; most often the flower is placed in the corridor or in the hallway:

Distraction ritual using fresh garbage

The magic of our ancestors is characterized by unpredictability in the attributes used, rituals and hex texts. Ritual actions that protect the house from guests who are not expected may involve the use of a variety of objects and substances.

The proposed hex must be read directly onto the garbage, which is a rather non-standard, but effective method for protecting the house. If the goal is to ward off all uninvited guests from your threshold, notice each room, collect the garbage in a bag and cast the spell:

At the end of the ritual, the bag is burned, and the remains are buried in places where people rarely walk and dogs rarely run. When the ritual is completed, the magic will begin to influence the house and begin to have a protective effect on the house, ridding its owners of those guests whom they do not want to see.

Sometimes it happens that uninvited visitors arrive before the magical actions are over. In some cases, it is recommended to perform the ritual again, but in the case of a ritual with garbage, you can simply sweep the house after all strangers have left it.

Protecting your home with amulets

In magical practices, it is common to create special objects that perform specific functions. They can be called amulets, talismans and even artifacts. But can a talisman help you get rid of those you don’t want to see on your doorstep? As it turned out, it is possible. And most importantly, such an item can be created independently, at home. Properly created amulets can not only ward off all unwanted people from home, but also protect against negative influences, both conscious and accidental.

The easiest way to protect your home from people you don't want to see is to say magic words while tying your shoelaces or fastening the buttons on your clothes. The text of the spell is as follows:

During this simple ritual, a magical castle is created that will not allow uninvited guests to enter the house, or to launch any negative program aimed at the atmosphere in the house and its inhabitants.

Icons for protection

Icons also have great power, which is no secret. In order to prevent evil from entering the house either through magical influences or through people entering the house, the owner of the room must ensure that his house has a certain set of images. There will be complete protection from an uninvited guest only when the following icons are installed at home:

  • Jesus Christ;
  • Holy Trinity;
  • an icon of the patron saint of the owner of the house (usually this is the saint whose name was given to the person who owns the house at baptism).

In order to protect your home from everyone who has evil in their souls, and to prevent a negative impact on the atmosphere created in the house, it is not at all necessary to go to your grandmother-witch and ask for help. Each of us keeps a little wizard in the depths of our souls. With the sincere belief that housing can be made a fortress from evil intentions on our own, we awaken our inner wizard and ourselves create real miracles that protect us, our family and our home. Ancestors left a large selection of possible means and methods. Which one to use for your purposes is entirely your choice. Listen to the voice of your heart and create magic without anyone's help.

The conspiracy will get rid of uninvited guests

In the life of every person there was a situation when he did not want to see uninvited guests in his home for various reasons: bad mood, financial debt, intolerance to people, and the like. In such cases, there is a way out - a conspiracy that will help leave the house and its owners alone from guests.

Receiving guests is not always planned. True, with the help of magic you can minimize unexpected visits.

There are many types of prayers and rituals from unwanted people, so everyone can choose them to their taste and discretion from the list listed. The main thing is to follow the instructions clearly and everything will work out without tragic consequences.

Enemy Lapel

The first on the list of guests you want to see last are your enemies. Since almost every person has them, the conspiracy will be extremely relevant.

The ritual is very simple, so the wish is fulfilled one hundred percent. If the opponent previously caused some damage, it will return to him a hundredfold. The process begins with preparation.

For it you need to purchase:

  • the heart of a small animal (bird, rabbit, dog) - if desired, you can simply kill and cut out the organ;
  • nine small nails;
  • one big nail.

Magic will help keep enemies away from home

It is better to perform the ritual at the moment when the sun is bending over the horizon. At this moment, you need to put your heart on a plate and drive every nail into it, speaking and sending all troubles and sorrows to the enemy. After the ceremony, you should bury everything left on the plate in a vacant lot with the words:

“All the sorrows and misfortunes that you brought to me, I return to you!”

For three days after the conspiracy, you should not lend money to anyone and take something in return. A salt spell will also work against unwanted guests. The conspiracy process is small and done quite quickly: take a pinch of salt near the open door of the main entrance, quietly say:

“Let all damage and misfortune go to the one who sends evil to me.”

Throw through the left side into the open opening. Then you can keep a bundle of sacred salt, which will protect you from uninvited guests.

Another conspiracy that helps get rid of damage and the attention of enemies is buying milk. On the way behind him, mentally say:

“I’m going to get milk for my enemies.”

When you get home, make the product sour (leave it in the sun or in a warm place). When this happens, you need to wash your hands and feet with this liquid and say the prayer:

“As this milk turned sour, so that you too would turn sour from me, (full name of the enemy). As I wash my hands and feet, so that you too can wash yourself from me, (full name of the enemy). Amen".

Common conspiracies that are used against uninvited guests

Precaution never hurts even among familiar people, because visitors can mentally, even unintentionally, harm you. In such situations, it is better to play it safe, especially if you do not yet know that the person standing opposite the owner is a fierce envious person.

Dried cloves as a talisman against uninvited guests

For such cases, there are a number of precautions in the form of rituals, prayers and conspiracies. Here is one of them: at noon you need to take a tablespoon of dried cloves and leave it in a deep bowl. Don't forget to say:

“Protect my house, drive away the unwanted guest! Let it be so!".

Then you need to add half a liter of boiling water to the substance and let it brew for twenty minutes. During the process, you need to read the spell several times:

“Magic spices and water, I conjure you! Let the power of your energies fill my infusion with strength! Strength and protection in action! Let those whom I do not expect to visit never come to the threshold of this house! Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!".

The liquid over which the conspiracy was carried out must be used to consecrate the entire living space of the owner. Pay special attention to the front door and threshold!

Some advise placing valerian in the corridor and speaking to it with the words:

“Let the one whom no one is waiting for here never enter this house! Protect, protect, drive away the uninvited from us! Let it be so!".

Another ritual is performed with garbage. To do this, you need to sweep absolutely all the rooms of your house, and carefully put the quarrels that you clear out into a bag and read these lines above it:

“How can this garbage not turn into gold? A songbird will not become a stone. Peas will not turn into gunpowder. So it would be (to such and such). Don't show up on my doorstep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

After this process, the bag with its contents must be burned and buried in the backyard. If people whom it was undesirable to see in your house, but still came, and you were not prepared for their visit, then after they leave you need to immediately sweep the entire house.

Amulets for the home from evil eyes and guests

You can protect yourself from evil people not only with conspiracies, but also with amulets that you can create yourself at home. Such things can protect not only from negativity, the evil eye, and unwanted people, but also from black magic, sorcerers and witches.

Protecting your home from the evil eye and damage after guests leave is a whole science. You will have to perform real magical actions.

When a person fastens buttons on a jacket or pants, laces up shoes or puts on a ring, he can use it directly as a lock. To do this, you need to say a prayer during the process:

“With this castle I isolate myself from evil and evil deeds, from a black and quick eye, from lying and envious words. So that you have neither access, nor half access to me, neither on the road, nor on the road, nor in rest, nor at work, neither day nor night. I close the words with a key, I command you to be strong. From now on and forever and ever. Amen".

An effective way to prevent uninvited guests from crossing the threshold of your home lies in icons. The home should have an icon of the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ and your patron saint, after whom you were named at baptism.

Go to church and buy an ordinary candle there. Light the top of the candle in the sanctuary, and then light the bottom when you get home. After sunset, set it on fire on both sides alone and read the text of the amulet. Then hide it in a place where no one will find the item.

What to do if the visit does take place?

It’s easier to keep people out of your house than to kick them out once they’re already inside. There are individuals who are generally embarrassed to even hint that it is time for an acquaintance to leave. But what to do if he is persistent and annoying? There are several ways.

Try to keep the guest busy with something, and in the meantime go quietly to the kitchen, take a frying pan, salt and sacred water. Heat all this over the fire for several minutes. Then turn off the gas and go back - the visitor will soon leave.

If a person checks on you too often, try cleaning your front doors with sacred water. Repeat the procedure every Saturday. When the “dear” guest leaves, throw a pinch of salt after him with the words:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Servant of God (his full name), go about your business, and don’t come back here again! Let it be so!".

It works well if you pour a pinch of salt into the shoes of the person who comes or try to sprinkle pepper under his chair. The visitor will feel awkward or bored and will quickly leave.

As a result, by using all the tips given above, you can effectively protect yourself from uninvited guests, whether they are enemies or just acquaintances, since they can cause harm without the owner’s knowledge. Everyone strives to protect themselves and their loved ones from bad influences, the evil eye, thoughts and words. That is why there are rituals that allow you not to worry about anything. Prayer will also help.

Who among us doesn't like to receive guests? Russian people are probably the most hospitable in Europe. For a Westerner, his home is his fortress, which, however, is absolutely correct. In Russia, many houses, regardless of the income of their inhabitants, resemble walk-through courtyards: there is always someone milling about, or even living for a long time.

Receiving guests is not always planned. True, with modern means of communication, humanity has reduced unexpected visits to a minimum. The guest always has the opportunity to notify of his arrival in advance. Even if a person suddenly has an irresistible desire to visit a friend on the street, he will call him on his mobile phone. However, unexpected and unplanned visits are not that uncommon. Too often our guests fall out of the blue.

Guess what can anticipate a sudden visit to your home? That's right, signs.

I’ll start with the most primitive, anecdotal one: if a fork falls on the floor, a woman will come; If a knife falls to the floor, a man will appear. By the way, this popular belief is not too ancient.

The following sign is also well known: a cat washes its face with its paw and washes its guests. A spoon forgotten on the table goes to the guests.

But, alas, guests are not always welcome. Both for us and for our home. I think we are already convinced that the house has a soul. Moreover, we ourselves, while cleaning our house, put our soul into it, animated it. And the soul is a very thin, delicate, vulnerable structure. Well, she can't stand rude intrusions! Can't stand envy!

Among those who can come to us, there will always be people with a difficult character who put psychological pressure. These are carriers of “black energy”. After their visit, you feel unreasonably tired and it doesn’t go away for a long time. This is explained by the fact that the guests left some of their energy. After such a visit, you will have to clean the house again. At least sprinkle salt on the threshold with the words:

“Just as I sprinkle this salt so as not to let evil into the house, so let no danger penetrate through any crack, now I turn to the law of the three elements, such is my will, so so be it!”

How to distinguish true friends at home from imaginary ones? After all, this cannot always be determined at first glance?

For a long time, our wise ancestors - not only sorcerers, healers, sorcerers, but also the simplest people - knew one very effective remedy against enemies and ill-wishers who penetrate our home under the guise of a guest.

This knowledge has survived to this day. This is protection with the help of a spoken edge - a knife, a needle, a scythe, etc. You need to take an ordinary knife and read a prayer over it every day and ask for help and protection.

The knife looks like a knife - a wooden handle, a blade pointed at the end, small, only fifteen centimeters. But this is only his visible blade. And he has another blade, an invisible continuation of the visible blade, and its length is as much as three meters! But most importantly, the knife itself, without your help, will be able to determine where the enemy is and where the friend is. As soon as an ill-wisher or a person simply evil by nature comes into the house, the invisible blade of a knife seems to cut him in half. The person, of course, does not receive any bodily harm from this, but he feels bad, uncomfortable, he himself does not understand why, but he wants to run away from this house. Naturally, he simply does not have the strength left for anger, envy, and even more so to cast the evil eye or damage!

How to create such a talisman knife? To do this, you need very little - turn to the knife as if it were alive, convey your love and warmth to it and ask for protection, be sure to imagine that the knife also has an invisible blade, dangerous only for bad people. Then you can greet guests with a knife in your hands, as if accidentally grabbed in the kitchen. Thus, you will already cut off many ill-wishers from your home and protect both yourself and your home from them.

In general, piercing, sharp objects are an excellent means of protecting your home. Take, for example, tailor's pins: they can protect no less than the front door and all the windows. You will need four pins for each window and each door.

Insert pins into the four corners of windows and doors so that the points of the pins are directed outward - from the wall to the window (door) itself, that is, as if to prepare them to repel an attack from the outside.

If you can’t stick the pins in, you can glue them with plasticine or plaster; the main thing is that the sharp ends remain open!

It will be very difficult for an evil person, an enemy, a secret or obvious ill-wisher to enter a house protected in this way. And if such a person even comes to you, he will want to leave your house as soon as possible and never return to it again! He will not understand the reason for such a reaction, but the underlying, incomprehensible fear that he will unexpectedly experience in your house will force him to continue to stay as far away from it as possible. This means that there will be fewer angry, envious, unkind people in your life. Both you and your home will live much calmer and happier.

A few more tips.

When meeting a guest, under no circumstances shake his hand across the threshold. It has already been said that from time immemorial the threshold has been endowed with a deep mystical meaning. After people communicate for a long time across a threshold, hostility can arise between them - a negative and dangerous force. In other words, relationships between people will become saturated with negative energy, which can lead to malice, hatred, and anger.

If annoying uninvited guests have been staying in your house for too long and are preventing you from doing your business, you can resort to the help of... a broom. Stick an ordinary fork into the bars of the upside-down broom and whisper quietly: “Take him outside the door of my house, because I’m tired of him worse than a bitter radish!” Scissors hung on the front door will also work. Well, here we go again with a fork and scissors - those same sharp amulets!

Protecting your home from the evil eye and damage after guests leave is a whole science. You will have to perform real magical actions. Folk remedies for providing first aid to well-being at home have existed for a long time. I recommend using traditional Russian folk rituals along with conventional means from the teachings of Feng Shui. They help doubly. And they use four magical substances - an egg, a candle, salt and water, and not by chance.

In various mythologies, the egg symbolizes heaven and earth, life and death; it seems to contain the beginning and end of everything.

An equally important element of various magical rituals is salt. Let's say that an evil person leaves your house. What needs to be done to prevent him from returning? Spit over your shoulder and also throw a pinch of salt over your shoulder. What is so magical about this salt?

She is an excellent energy carrier. In the old days, everyone knew: if one morning he sees scattered salt at the threshold of his house, it means that someone is casting the evil eye or damage. But with the help of salt, you can just as successfully ward off misfortunes from your home, protect yourself from any troubles, and get rid of ailments. The main thing is to know how to properly use the magical properties of salt so that it becomes your ally in difficult life situations.

But if one of the “well-wishers” guests scattered the charmed salt at your doorstep, do not be alarmed, you can avert the misfortune. Take a pinch of scattered salt with your right hand and throw it over your left shoulder, repeating:

“I am not an enemy, I am not an enemy, an enemy is a friend to an enemy.”

Repeat this action and this plot three times. Then collect all the scattered salt on a piece of paper and throw it into the fire: along with the salt, the evil spells will burn.

The most important substance of the ritual is the candle. She is not just light, but also fire. Even the simple psychological effect of a living candle fire, as stated in modern medicine, is considered very beneficial. A burning candle is considered the best psychotherapeutic medicine for relieving stress and nervous excitement: it is recommended to sit and look at its flame.

And another component of magic for removing damage and the evil eye from the house after guests leave is water. What's so special about it? Let's start with the fact that without it life is generally impossible. More recently, scientists have discovered that water can remember, store and transmit information. This was a revelation for everyone. But our ancestors used these properties of water without any scientific theories. Therefore, if you feel unwell after your guests, then take the simplest measures: plunge headlong into the river, douse yourself with water from a bucket, or wash yourself with running water. After this, you can help your home “recover” from your guests.

Charming eggs, salt, wax, water, that is, substances capable of remembering and retaining information, is based on the principle of information coding of the flow of energy, with the help of which information is transferred and fixed in the structures of these substances. Liquid substances (water, eggs) effectively hold the information code for about ten days, salt - two to three weeks, and wax - up to six months or more. Moreover, the verbal formulas of spells are only a symbol of the information code that the charmer seeks to put into the substance or object being processed.

And here’s another thing - there are usually several conspiracies “for every occasion”, but you need to choose one that is suitable for you personally, corresponding to your energy vibrations. How to do it? The easiest way in this case is to use a dowsing pendulum.

Take a very ordinary nut, make a plumb line (the length of the thread should be at least fifteen to twenty centimeters) and fix the pendulum over the text of your chosen spell. If the pendulum swings perpendicular to your body, then the spell is suitable for you: it will move in parallel, from side to side, which means you’d better try to look for another spell text.

Do not try to use your own or other people’s rings and other objects that are in someone else’s personal use as a pendulum weight: they are already “overloaded” with information, so they are unlikely to be effective.

A conspiracy that blocks the way to an unwanted guest

For this purpose there are special puzzles. If you read such a nonsense, then the person whom you do not want to see in your house or in the store will change his mind at the last moment and will not bother you. The spell words are pronounced at the threshold of the front door. The plot goes like this:

For the first time, for an hour

I speak, I reprimand, I speak to my threshold.

How do people not walk through shit?

How they bypass him

So (name) would have walked around my threshold,

She never came, forever and ever.

The key to my words

Castle for my affairs.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A conspiracy to help ward off an unwanted person from your home

Draw twelve crosses on the front door with a knife and read the following plot twelve times in a row:

Jesus Christ was crucified on the Cross,

They nailed Him to the Cross,

No one was allowed near Him.

Don't let me, Lord,

And You are at my doorstep of the servants of God (names).

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Spell: How to ward off an unwanted person from your home

In this case, we can advise you to do the following. When the guests leave, wipe the floor after them and pour the water onto the street, saying:

Like this water

She will not return to my house herself,

So is the servant of God (name)

My hand will not touch the staple.


Prepare a head of garlic, silver thread, nine new darning needles, a large gypsy needle, a clove and a hammer. Insert the thread into a gypsy needle and tie a large knot at the end of the thread, pass the thread through the head of garlic from the bottom of the head to the sharp protruding end, so that the head of garlic is suspended on this silver thread. Make a loop at the free end of the thread. Insert one of the nine prepared needles into the head of garlic with the eye at the bottom of the head, so that the needle looks down when the head of garlic is suspended on the thread. Next, insert four more needles in the same way, one by one, so that their points point to four sides and not much down. Next, insert the four remaining needles in the same way, one at a time, so that their points point in the same four directions as the previous four needles, but not much upward. You should end up with a kind of “hedgehog”. As you stick each needle in, read the hex :

“Whoever enters my house with evil, brings touches, lessons, damage to my house, my needles, steel arrows and sharp ones, all those touches, lessons and damage will take upon themselves, they will split them in half - they will break them, and in return to the adversary who has entered the head, yes the heart will be sent away. Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!".

Hang this “hedgehog” on a nail above the front door from the inside.

Everyone has experienced a situation in their life when unwanted people asked to visit. The owner of the house could refuse admission for several reasons. This may be due to a bad mood or hostility, or due to financial debt. And here the question arises, how to make sure that uninvited guests do not come. At such moments, it is worth remembering that there is a unique conspiracy against unwanted guests. With its help you can maintain your nerves and good mood.

The large number of magical spells is amazing. Each person will be able to choose exactly the method that suits him best. It is only important to remember that everything must always be done according to the instructions specified in the ritual. This is the only way to achieve the desired result.

How to get rid of enemies

Most often, the owner of the house does not want to see enemies. A special ritual will help get rid of them. If we consider the fact that there are enemies in the life of every person, then this method can be considered universal. It is suitable for anyone who wants to get rid of enemies in their home.

The ritual is very simple, but effective. The result is always amazing in its speed and efficiency. If you think that this person has damaged us, then it will return to him twice as much. In order to carry out this ritual, you need to prepare several items.

  1. You will need an unusual magic attribute. The bottom line is that you must prepare the animal's heart. In principle, you can use the heart of a bird or a pet.
  2. Buy nine nails. It is advisable that they be small in size.
  3. You also need to buy one nail, which will be the center one. That is, choose the maximum dimensions of this building item.

The ritual must be performed at sunset. Take any kitchen utensil and place the inside of the animal on it. After this, proceed to drive the nail into the heart. It is important to do this gradually and drive in each nail in turn. At the same time, mentally say what you wish for your enemy. After this, go to the wasteland and bury all the magical attributes there. Please note that no one should see you. Otherwise, the ritual will simply lose its power and all your actions will be in vain.

While burying dishes with a heart and nails, you need to read the following conspiracy from uninvited guests:

“May all that you wished for me come back to you. Moreover, all the negativity will return many times over. You will no longer be able to harm me and disturb the peace of my life. I don’t like uninvited people and I want to discourage them. Higher powers will come to my defense and will repel all enemy attacks. As soon as the thought of harming me arises in the head of God’s servant (name), the heavenly angels will repel the blow. Moreover, they will direct him in a different direction. Whoever dares to wish me damage and the evil eye will take everything for himself. So that no guests come to my house. I don't want to see uninvited people. If you want to get into the house, you must receive an invitation. My words are forever unchanged and no one can prevent them. Amen".

For the next few days, do not give anything from home to anyone. Moreover, you are also prohibited from taking anything from others.

Ritual to ward off unexpected guests using salt

Have you been dreaming of keeping unexpected guests away? This method is especially popular. The reason for this is quite simple. Despite the fact that this ritual is very simple to perform, it really helps against unwanted guests. Uninvited individuals will not be able to invite themselves into your house until you invite them yourself. The ritual is that you must scatter salt near the front door. Moreover, this must be done at the moment when the door is open.

“All the negativity that is sent to me will be returned to the performer. Heavenly angels guard my home and my body. No damage and no evil eye can harm me, the servant of God (name). I read prayers and believe in God. My faith puts an amazing defense on me that even the most experienced magician cannot penetrate. No one can negatively influence me or my family. No person can ruin my life. The Lord helps the servant of God (your name). And it will always be like this. Amen".

Milk spell

Quite often, conspiracies from uninvited guests are used, which involve buying milk in a regular store. In order for the desired result to be achieved as quickly as possible, you must impeccably fulfill all the conditions and requirements of magic.

Before you go shopping, you need to read the following prayer:

“I, the servant of God (name), am heading to the store to buy milk. It will target my enemies and drive them away from my own home. Not a single enemy or unwanted guest will be able to penetrate it and bring negativity with them. Not a single lining will be in my house. Higher powers will help you find him and direct the negative to the performer. Amen".

Rituals with spices

Some experts believe that spices help protect a person's home. But for this you need to speak to them with the words of a special prayer. The most commonly used is cloves. You need to scatter it at the threshold and read the following words:

“Let my home be protected from unwanted guests and enemies. Even if they arrived, they will not be able to enter. Amen".

You can also use valerian, which should be placed at the threshold and in the hallway. You need to speak to her with the following prayer:

“If a person is not welcome in this house, then he is not destined to get into it. He will not be able to do this on his own, without an invitation. Unwanted guests, leave and don’t spoil our mood. You need to go in the other direction from my house. Amen".

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