Medical certificates for kindergarten. List of documents for registration in kindergarten

Decor elements 16.02.2024
Decor elements

Before enrolling a child in a kindergarten, parents have to spend considerable time at the clinic in order to obtain all the necessary medical documents, without which the child will not be accepted into the preschool. These include: a certificate for kindergarten, tests and a medical record.

CERTIFICATES FOR KINDERGARTEN: registration rules and validity period

The only one certificate for kindergarten, which is required when enrolling in a preschool institution - certificate for kindergarten about contacts from the pediatrician that

  • the child is healthy and can attend preschool education,
  • the child had no contact with infectious diseases for 21 days.

Such certificate for kindergarten valid for 3 working days: that is, if certificate for kindergarten dated Friday, it is still valid on Monday.


Immediately before enrolling a child in a preschool educational institution, he also needs to pass tests:

  • for enterobiasis,
  • for eggworms and protozoa.

Tests for kindergarten are valid for a month. If anything is found in the tests, the child will not be allowed into kindergarten until he is treated.

The most common diagnosis is pinworms, small worms that almost every second child has.

These tests are not mandatory for kindergarten and depend on the location of the preschool institution. For example, in Moscow, in the Central Administrative District, these tests are not currently required for kindergarten.


Help for kindergarten and tests are not the only documents that parents will need to provide to the medical office of the preschool institution. The main document that displays the health characteristics of a preschool child is a card in form 026/u-2000, issued by a pediatrician. A sample card is given in the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 3, 2000 No. 241.

The kindergarten card includes records of the following doctors:

  • surgeon,
  • orthopedist,
  • ophthalmologist,
  • otolaryngologist,
  • neurologist,
  • speech therapist (if the child is 3 years old),
  • dentist,
  • record of ECG data.

In addition, information about analyzes is entered into the card:

  • general blood analysis,
  • urine,
  • feces for eggworm and enterobiasis.

Based on all the data, an assessment is made of the child’s physical and neuropsychic development, recommendations for health improvement and regimen are made, and a health group is assigned. The child may be assigned to the main physical education group, but the pediatrician may make a note that the future preschooler is not recommended to participate in competitions.

In addition, the medical card for the kindergarten includes a number of additional information, such as information about hospitalization, the child’s predisposition to allergic reactions, and attendance at additional classes.

The medical card for the kindergarten is signed after all the doctors have passed through and the pediatrician has made a final appointment with the head of the preschool department at the clinic - children's school. Thus, the card must have the following seals and stamps: on the front side - the stamp of the clinic, on the inner pages - the seal of the pediatrician and at the end the seal of the head of the children's school.

Strikethroughs are allowed on the map. In this case, a triangular stamp is placed over the correct diagnosis.

The medical card for the kindergarten includes a professional vaccination card in form 063/u. If the child does not have vaccinations, then a vaccination refusal form is pasted in, drawn up in accordance with the appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated January 26, 2009 No. 19p. The form bears the heading “Voluntary informed consent to carry out preventive vaccinations for children or refuse them.”

MEDICAL CARD FOR KINDERGARTEN: what a parent should pay attention to

Quite often, errors can creep into a medical record. Parents need to be careful not to go to the clinic several times and not have to correct mistakes that were not their fault. Common cases include the following:

  1. Inconsistency between the vaccination data in the medical record and the vaccination card.
  2. Inconsistency between diagnosis and health group. For example, a surgeon made a note about a diagnosis that cannot possibly correspond to the first health group, but the pediatrician’s report lists it exactly. In case of this discrepancy, the pediatrician will have to redo the entry in the medical record.

In addition, a number of preschool institutions require that a medical card for a kindergarten be issued in the clinic to which the preschool institution is attached. This point should be discussed in advance at an interview with the head of the kindergarten.

The information was prepared by Maria Danilenko.

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Help for kindergarten after vacationgives permission for the child to attend this preschool institution. To obtain such a medical document, you need to perform a number of actions, including passing certain tests. We'll talk about this in more detail in this review.

Regulatory requirements for a child’s regime for attending kindergarten

At the legislative level, the procedure for a child to visit a child care institution is specified in SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations,” approved by Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Inspector of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26.

The regulatory act establishes many requirements both for the placement and equipment of the premises where the preschool institution is located (including decoration, heating, lighting, catering), and for the process of education and the daily routine of pupils. Among other things, the document regulates the issues of admitting a child to an educational institution. In particular, the SanPiN states that after a break in visiting a child care facility for more than 5 days due to illness or other reasons, the pupil is admitted only with a medical certificate.

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Such a certificate is presented to either the teacher or the health worker (nurse) on the day the child first returns to classes after a break.

What does a certificate for attending kindergarten look like after a long break?

All certificates issued at a medical institution for presentation to kindergarten employees are practically the same and may differ only slightly in appearance.

In any case, the reference document allowing the child to attend a child care facility after leave must contain the following information:

Don't know your rights?

  1. First and last name of the child to whom the certificate was issued.
  2. Patient's age or date of birth.
  3. The reason for the break is visiting an educational institution.
  4. Data on the tests taken and their results.
  5. Information about the child’s health (absence of diseases), including a message about the child’s absence of contact with infectious patients.
  6. Information about what day a pupil can attend kindergarten. Sometimes the doctor also clarifies the period of missed classes.
  7. Mark on exemption from physical education.
  8. Signature of the doctor who issued the certificate.

The certificate must contain a rectangular stamp of the medical institution (or be written on the institution’s letterhead), the personal seal of the doctor, the round seal of the medical organization (clause 10 of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 2, 2012 No. 441n).

What tests do you need to take to get a certificate for kindergarten?

Each child who has not attended a child care facility for more than a month must undergo a series of tests to assess their health status and the possibility of staying in kindergarten.

Such analyzes must include:

  • scraping for enterobiasis;
  • feces on the eggworm.

In addition, if the time has come, it may be necessary to carry out the Mantoux reaction, or to officially abandon this study and carry out diagnosis in another way.

Test results for enterobiasis and eggworm are valid for 30 days. If, during diagnosis, a child is diagnosed with any of these diseases, he will not be allowed into the kindergarten, and he will have to postpone going to preschool until he is cured and receives negative test results.

The date of the tests and information about the negative result are entered by the pediatrician into the child’s health certificate for the kindergarten.

The procedure for obtaining a certificate to attend kindergarten

Thus, every parent whose child attends a kindergarten, after the vacation period, must take care of obtaining a certificate for their child authorizing their presence in the child care institution.

To obtain a certificate, you need to do the following:

  1. Contact the pediatrician who is caring for the child. This may be a doctor in a clinic at the place of registration or residence of the child, or in another medical organization to which the child is attached. Also, the service for issuing certificates for kindergartens is provided by paid medical centers, which does not eliminate the need to undergo the same tests as when receiving a certificate from a budget institution.
  2. Get a referral from your doctor to undergo the necessary tests.
  3. Take tests and wait for their results. In the laboratory, it is advisable to find out how it is done and how quickly: pick up the test forms yourself or wait until they are given to the doctor or placed in the child’s card.
  4. Contact your local pediatrician or another doctor who is caring for your child again. During an in-person visit, the doctor will assess the child’s physical condition and, if it is satisfactory and the test results are negative, will issue the required certificate.

Deadlines for obtaining a certificate for kindergarten

To avoid unpleasant surprises and surprises, as well as to plan your time, it is important to know what the validity period of the kindergarten certificate is.

  1. Test results are valid for 30 days from the date of preparation of the report.
  2. A certificate directly to the garden after a vacation is valid for 3 days. At the same time, some educational institutions meet parents halfway and count the 3 days that the certificate is valid, bypassing weekends. That is, if the certificate is issued on Friday, then the child is allowed to go to kindergarten from Wednesday of the next week. However, it is better to clarify this point in advance with the employees of the preschool institution.
  3. The minimum time required to obtain a kindergarten certificate after a long absence is 3 days:
    • 1 day to receive a referral for tests;
    • 1 day for testing;
    • 1 day to receive a certificate of test results and the child’s health status.

In this regard, if the child’s departure to kindergarten is closely connected with the parents’ departure to work, it is advisable to check in advance with the laboratory how many days it takes to prepare the test results. You may have to wait more than one day, and then it will take longer to receive the certificate.

Certificate 026u for kindergarten is mandatory for all parents who send their children to preschool and school institutions. This document indicates the general condition. Therefore, attention should be paid to this. Not all parents know exactly what this form looks like, or how to complete it. And where to go to implement your idea, too. What should parents know about this document? What features are important to pay attention to to avoid problems? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems. Especially if you worry about the procedure for receiving the document in advance.


Certificate 026у for kindergarten (a sample of it is presented) is, as already mentioned, a document indicating the state of health of the baby. It looks like an A4 card, in which information about vaccinations, diseases and examination results of the minor is entered.

This paper is required for both school and kindergarten. It is actively required upon admission to a particular educational institution. It is often not easy for parents to obtain this form. For example, difficulties arise for those who have not received all vaccinations. However, if you worry in advance, you can get the specified form without any problems.

Is it necessary

It has already been said that certificate 026u for kindergarten and school is a mandatory document. However, some parents refuse this kind of paperwork. Is it legal to require such a certificate from all minors?

In principle, no. An educational institution does not have the right to refuse to accept a child just because Form 026u (for kindergarten or school - it doesn’t matter) was not provided. Parents may not provide detailed information about their child's health status to certain organizations. These are their legal rights. Therefore, it is not always the case that a minor is sent to a medical commission before starting training.

Despite all this, certificate 026u for kindergarten is still obtained by parents. It will be stored in the preschool and then in the school institution; all information about the baby’s health will be entered here. The process of obtaining is not that difficult if you think about the procedure for applying to certain organizations in advance.

Where to contact

It's not as difficult to assemble as it seems. The biggest problem, as parents note, is passing the medical commission. Some people have no idea where exactly this can be done.

At the moment, citizens are able to independently choose where to go. Among the proposals are:

  • private clinics;
  • state clinics.

In organizations of the second type, form 026u for kindergarten takes several days to complete. But, as practice shows, in Russia you can spend a month filling it out. It all depends on the flow of patients and the work schedule of certain doctors. But this method does not require payment.

In private clinics, you can complete a medical examination for a kindergarten or school in 1-2 days. But it should be taken into account that on average you will have to pay about 5,000 rubles for this procedure. In some regions more, in others less. The main thing is that certificate 026u for kindergarten is issued extremely quickly.

Where exactly should I go? Each parent must decide this for himself. It all depends on the financial well-being, as well as the personal preferences of the child’s legal representatives.


It is worth noting that it is best to start not by going to the doctors, but by taking tests. As practice shows, it is precisely this scenario that speeds up the process. A medical card for kindergarten and a certificate of health of the baby must contain the following data (test results):

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • coprogram (for the presence of worms);
  • scraping for enterobiasis;
  • Ultrasound of the brain (optional).

Accordingly, as soon as all the specified tests have been completed and the results have been received, you can proceed with the commission further. How is certificate 026u issued for a kindergarten? What kind of doctors will be needed for this? Their list is not too long. But, as already mentioned, sometimes it is very problematic to get an appointment with one or another specialist.

About doctors

The list of doctors is not very long. It is recommended to see specialists, as already mentioned, after receiving test results. With the data obtained, it will be possible to assess the baby’s health status with maximum accuracy.

The following specialists are required:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • neurologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • surgeon;
  • dentist;
  • speech therapist;
  • pediatrician.

No more doctors will be needed. It is best to come to the pediatrician after examination by other specialists. Complete the medical commission with this doctor. The pediatrician gives his opinion on the child’s health status, then a certificate 026u is finalized for the kindergarten. This document is given to the nurse at the educational institution.

About the phthisiatrician

Additionally, parents are required to provide a conclusion from a phthisiatrician. As practice shows, he will have to pay a visit either after the pediatrician, or shortly before reporting to the specified specialist. You will need to bring your child's vaccination card with you. And, if available, the result of examining the baby for tuberculosis. It is recommended to take the appropriate analysis in advance. This way you can complete documents for kindergarten without any problems.

If, due to lack of vaccinations, a TB doctor refuses to give his opinion, you must call the Ministry of Health hotline. Then the issue will be quickly resolved. It is because of such problems that most parents prefer private clinics. There, certificate 026u for the kindergarten will be prepared on the basis of the child’s examinations received without any special delays or nuances. The main thing is that the baby does not have infectious diseases.

List of documents

All the previously mentioned tests and doctors are not a complete list of specialists who can put their marks on the child’s health condition. As practice shows, any of the listed specialists has the right to prescribe additional diagnostics. All this is entered into the form.

In fact, getting a 026u certificate is much easier than it seems. The main thing is to prepare in advance. And without it, they must be accepted into kindergarten or school. Therefore, do not be afraid if the specified form is not ready by the beginning of the school year. The child can start learning without any problems. If a preschool or school educational institution refuses this service, you can contact law enforcement agencies.

What documents may a kindergarten require? This:

  • form 026у;
  • phthisiatrician's conclusion;
  • application of the established form;
  • baby's birth certificate;
  • ID card of the applicant (one of the parents);
  • marriage certificate (optional, but desirable).

If parents refuse to provide certificate 026u, then the legal representatives must write a refusal. In any case, you will also have to fill out permission documents for the processing of personal data. Or, again, write a refusal.

When is a medical certificate required for kindergarten? As soon as the child has enrolled in kindergarten, parents begin to wonder whether it is possible to temporarily not attend kindergarten and for how long.

There is an official document on this matter:

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 N 26, Moscow
“On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations

This document contains paragraph: XI. Requirements for the admission of children to preschool organizations, daily routine and educational activities

11.3. After an illness, as well as an absence of more than 5 days (except for weekends and holidays), children are admitted to preschool educational organizations only if they have a certificate indicating the diagnosis, duration of the disease, and information about the lack of contact with infectious patients.

Those. If your child has not attended kindergarten for more than 5 calendar days, the kindergarten will require you to provide a certificate of the child’s health.


You can obtain such a certificate at the children's clinic at your place of residence. Or in a paid clinic that provides such a service. One form is used for all medical certificates for kindergarten. It may vary slightly between clinics. But its essence is the same.

At the end of the certificate there is always the date of issue, the signature and personal seal of the doctor who issued it and the triangular seal of the clinic.

Help after illness

A certificate of past illness will be issued to the child only if you went to the clinic regarding the child’s illness, and there is a note about this in the outpatient card. Or if the child was treated in a hospital.

A certificate is issued at a doctor’s appointment, after an examination, if the doctor has recorded the fact of recovery. And allows the child to attend kindergarten.

Such a certificate indicates the full name. child, date of birth, dates of illness and recovery, diagnosis. If the child was kept at home after illness, this is also indicated. A note is made about the absence of contagious skin diseases and. The date from which the child is admitted to kindergarten is indicated.

Help for kindergarten after the break

If you did not go to the clinic about your child’s illness, you will receive a certificate after the break.

It is issued by a pediatrician at the appointment, after making sure that the child is healthy.

In such a certificate, instead of a diagnosis, it will be written: “healthy; break." The certificate must indicate the absence of pediculosis and contagious skin diseases. A date is set from which the child will begin attending kindergarten.

If the break was short-term, the child will not need to be tested.

If the child missed more than 1 month in kindergarten, he will need to take the test. You need to be prepared for the fact that in this case the child will not receive admission to kindergarten after the first visit to the clinic.

Difference between certificates

The difference between these two certificates for parents is the following: if a kindergarten is provided with a certificate after an illness, then for the missed period there will be no need to pay for the kindergarten, but if the child misses kindergarten without a good reason, this time will have to be paid (this item is always written in agreement between kindergartens and parents).

Help for kindergarten after vacation

The child has the right to his own “leave” in kindergarten in the summer for up to 75 days, regardless of the parents’ leave (this clause is usually also included in the contract with D.U.). In the summer, a child may not attend kindergarten without a good reason, and for this period parents are not charged a fee, but they are required to notify the kindergarten administration in advance (write a statement) that the child is “going on vacation.”

If parents have a vacation outside of the summer, the child can also be picked up from kindergarten without paying kindergarten fees for this period. To do this, you will need to write an application in advance to the kindergarten administration.

After the vacation, a certificate is taken from the children's clinic.

Valid reasons for a child to miss kindergarten that exempt parents from paying for kindergarten are:

  1. sanatorium-resort treatment of a child,
  2. medical examination of the child,
  3. quarantine in a group or quarantine based on contact with a sick person in the family,
  4. if the child is recommended to stay at home for a long time after an illness or injury.

These are valid reasons on the part of the child. Each of these reasons is indicated in the kindergarten certificate.

There are also valid reasons on the part of the parents (their illness, business trip, etc.), they are not indicated in the child’s certificate, other documents are provided to the kindergarten to confirm them.

Transferring a child from one kindergarten to another

To transfer your child to another kindergarten you will need:

- Pick up from the old kindergarten and take it to the new one. At the same time, make sure that

  1. The certificate and Form 63 showed all the vaccinations and Mantoux reactions that were given to the child in kindergarten.
  2. The medical record must indicate the date of the child’s last visit to kindergarten, and a record of absence in the quarantine group must be made.

— Obtain a certificate from the children's clinic about the child's health status (certificate after the break).

— Take a certificate from kindergarten.

To register a child for kindergarten, you need to know where and with what documents parents must apply. The sequence of your actions and the list of documents often depend on local legislation.

First of all, you need to go through the following steps:

  • Contact the commission for registration;
  • Monitor the progress of the queue periodically;
  • Start preparing documents for enrollment in kindergarten after you receive a ticket to a child care institution.

To avoid problems, you need to know what documents are needed for the kindergarten to get on the waiting list. We recommend that you register immediately after leaving the maternity hospital and the parents receive the child’s Birth Certificate. You become registered with the territorial commission, which is responsible for staffing municipal preschool institutions. Commissions of this kind are created at the municipal education departments of the administrations of each city or district.

Here is a list of documents that need to be prepared for the commission for staffing a municipal children's educational institution (MDOU):

  • Application from parents or persons in loco parentis;
  • Applicant's passport;
  • Beneficiaries provide a document that confirms the right to priority admission of a child to a preschool institution.

By submitting an application to the commission, the applicant signs an Agreement authorizing the storage and processing of his personal data by the commission.
When the child is placed on the waiting list and registered in the record book, as well as in the computer database. You will be informed under what number the child is registered and will be given a notification of the child’s registration in exchange for a package of documents. With this notification in hand, you will be able to monitor how the queue is progressing.

Keep in mind! You can register for the queue using the electronic option.

In order to get on the lists of the electronic commission for completing preschool educational institutions, you need to go through the following steps:

  • Register on the site
  • Provide the applicant's passport details
  • Child's full name
  • Child's birth certificate number
  • Fill out the application form electronically
  • In the application, indicate the numbers of the three kindergartens that are preferable for you.
  • Receive an individual code and wait for confirmation that the application has been accepted.
  • Confirmation of the child’s inclusion in the electronic register must arrive no later than 10 working days from the date of submission of the application.

When the time comes to distribute the child to a specific preschool institution, the head of the kindergarten will receive a notification from the commission and notify the applicant by mail or by telephone.

Documents for enrolling a child in a kindergarten age group

With the notification received, you need to go or call the kindergarten and find out what documents need to be prepared in order for the child to be enrolled in his age group. The list of required documents may differ slightly in different regions, but, most often, its list necessarily includes:

  • Application from a parent or person replacing him/her regarding the child’s enrollment in kindergarten;
  • The applicant's passport or other identification document;
  • Child's birth certificate and its copy;
  • Medical certificate about the child’s health from a pediatrician, form No. 026/u;
  • Vaccination card form No. 063/u;
  • Certificate of epidemiological environment form 095/у, which is issued by the local pediatrician. This certificate is valid for three days from the date of issue.
  • Certificate for the pool, if the kindergarten offers recreational swimming classes (form No. 1). This certificate is valid for 6 months;
  • Compulsory health insurance policy and its copy;
  • For beneficiaries, a document that gives the right to benefits in paying for kindergarten.

The head of the preschool institution will invite you to sign a bilateral agreement between you and the preschool institution. The agreement is signed in two copies, one of which is given to the applicant.

Attention! Be prepared for the fact that before entering kindergarten you will need to undergo a medical examination by a number of specialists, take tests and wait for their results.

There are also special kindergartens for children with special needs. Such preschool institutions include:

  • Kindergartens for children with cerebral palsy;
  • Kindergartens for children with hearing impairments;
  • Kindergartens for children with speech disorders;
  • Kindergartens for children with low vision;
  • Anti-tuberculosis preschool institutions;
  • Children's institutions for HIV-positive children.

There are children's educational and health institutions in other areas as well.

Additional documents for specialized kindergartens

This list includes:

  • Conclusion of medical and psychological examination;
  • Conclusion from a tuberculosis clinic (for children with positive symptoms);
  • Referral from the district education department;
  • For children with speech impairments, an audiologist's opinion;
  • For children with visual impairments, an ophthalmologist's opinion.

Receiving benefits for your child’s admission to kindergarten

To receive benefits you must provide:

  • A document from the student mother's educational institution;
  • Certificate of a disabled child of group I or II
  • Guardianship document if the child is under guardianship;
  • A document stating that the child is being raised in a single-parent family;
  • Documents confirming the fact that the family has many children;
  • For twins, it is enough to indicate in the application;
  • Certificate for orphans;
  • Certificate from the parent's place of work for children of military personnel.

List of doctors for obtaining a medical certificate according to form No. 026/u

To obtain a medical certificate from a pediatrician, you and your child undergo an examination by the following specialists:

  • Neurologist;
  • Orthopedist;
  • Otolaryngologist;
  • Oculist;
  • Pediatrician;
  • Speech therapist (after 3 years).

Passing examinations and tests for a medical certificate

You need to undergo the following tests:

  1. analysis for enterobiasis;
  2. general blood analysis;
  3. test for worm eggs;
  4. general urine analysis;
  5. smear for diphtheria;
  6. culture of intestinal flora;

Refusal of vaccinations upon admission to kindergarten

If parents do not want to vaccinate their child, fearing for his health or for any other reasons, or want to do only part of the vaccinations or vaccinate the child according to an individual schedule, then they have every right to do so. To do this, an application is written addressed to the head of the children's clinic where the child is being observed. The application is submitted in two copies, signed by both parties, one signed copy is given to the parent or person replacing him.

The grounds for filing such an application are Articles 31 and 32 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens dated July 22, 1993 No. 5487-1, which talks about consent and refusal to medical intervention, as well as Article 5 of the Federal Law “On the Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” diseases" N 157-FZ of September 17, 1998 "Rights and responsibilities of citizens in the implementation of immunoprophylaxis."

Official documents confirming the refusal

If you are denied admission to a kindergarten due to lack of places or for some other reason, then ask the head of the preschool institution to give you a written refusal and indicate the reason for the refusal. Such a document can be used later in court to file a claim. Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation protects the right to education, so the likelihood of your claim being satisfied in court is very high.

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