October horoscope for Aquarius woman. Horoscope for October for a woman of the sign Aquarius Characteristics of the personal life of Aquarius

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What awaits representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius in the second month of autumn? What events should they prepare for in different areas of their lives? An interesting horoscope for Aquarius for October 2018, which you can find in this article, will tell you about this.

Astrologers promise Aquarius a very active pastime in the second month of autumn this year. They will do a large number of different things at the same time and will not feel exhausted. The main inspiration and motivator for Aquarius now is the fact that they feel important among others.

In general, this role is not new for you, although you previously rejected it. But now, thanks to the special position of the planets in the sky, the situation will return to its original course and Aquarius people will become as selfless as they always were.

How stars and planets affect Aquarius in October

The desire to again turn into notorious altruists will be dictated by nothing more than the special position of the planets in the sky. Those who decide to take you under their protection.

In the second month of autumn, your helping planets will be: the usual leader of Aquarius, Uranus, as well as the Sun and Venus.

While you are under the tutelage of your heavenly leaders, you will feel an urgent need to generate all that is good and eternal. In this case, the most powerful will be the influence of the goddess of beauty and love, Venus. By listening to her tips, you will learn to more sensitively grasp the emotional state of your loved ones, anticipating changes in their mood in advance.

The daylight, for its part, will make every effort so that Aquarius does not feel empty, no matter how much he works for the benefit of those around him. And if last September representatives of this constellation suffered from colds, now their health will be much more positive.

Of course, it will not be difficult for such a powerful alliance to quickly deal with the attacks of your only October enemy, who will be fiery Mars. The red planet will from time to time begin to send thoughts into the Aquarian mind like: “Should I really help anyone other than myself?” Fortunately, you will find enough strength within yourself to rid yourself of these negative thoughts and continue your eternal altruism.

Characteristics of the personal life of Aquarius

While the noble representative of this sign tries to provide all possible help to others, his personal life comes to a halt. Your loved one (if you have one) will only have to watch from the sidelines and sigh heavily, seeing how you leave all your affairs and rush to help friends and family. Fortunately, your significant other has enough common sense to get by without scandals and hysterics, and you should be very grateful to her for this.

For your part, you should express gratitude and tell your lover how much he is dear to you and how much he means in your life.

This forecast concerned family Aquarians, and those who are now alone need to think: while you are completely immersed in the problems of others, your own personal life suffers. Questions of your own personal happiness will begin to worry you only at the end of the month. Then you will come to the conclusion that you will never again prioritize other people's problems over your own in the future.

Features of the health sector

The horoscope for October 2018 for Aquarius says that the current illness, or rather its manifestations, can be insidious and ambiguous. For this reason, you should not self-medicate, even if you are 100% sure of what medications you need to take. Seek help from an expert.

If you have encountered a similar pathology before, be sure to tell your doctor about your medical history and the treatment process. This is important, since in October 2018 there is a very high probability of making mistakes and difficulties regarding diagnosis.

Physical activity is, of course, good, but during this period of time you should refrain from it.

As for caring for their appearance, now Aquarius is suitable for performing rejuvenating and toning procedures, as well as water manipulations - visiting a bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool. High temperatures will have a positive effect on your health.

By the middle of the month, be careful when traveling by car.

What will happen to your finances

In the matter of material resources, the most significant task for Aquarius now is not just reconciling debits with credits, but also saving oneself from bankruptcy. The second month of autumn 2018 is not a good time to get involved with loans and get into any kind of debt.

At the same time, the stars recommend both not to borrow anything yourself, and not to lend anything to anyone from your circle. Sometimes this decision is the most correct one. If you already have debtors, there is a very high chance of repaying the debt.

Characteristics of the sphere of work and business

The peculiarities of the planetary alignment during this period of time give Aquarius high professional activity. You will have a large number of different things to do and you will even have to choose which one to focus on. Therefore, choose only the most important things - and then you can have no doubt about your excellent professional future.

In October 2018, astrologers also advise representatives of this constellation to perceive even the most serious matters a little ironically. Thanks to this approach, you will always remain in an optimistic mood and will be able to get the most positive result.

At the same time, refuse the adventure and temptation associated with a quick solution to something, because the responsibility for such a risk will rest solely with you.

Now the red planet Mars has entered your sign, and this promises you stubbornness and outbursts of aggression. Remember this in the period from the eighth to the eighteenth of October - then you will be faced with a strong desire to defend your own position, no matter the cost.

Most of all, this recommendation concerns Aquarius employees, because their risk of a conflict situation with their superiors increases. Maintain subordination and do not forget about different methods of solving problems, among which the peaceful method is the most popular.

  • In the period from the first to the seventh, start making long-term plans and focus on future prospects. Now you need to show your imagination and inspiration to the maximum, because the more investments you make in your dream, the better results you can achieve.
  • From the eighth to the fifteenth - there is no need to argue with fate. It is possible to postpone some events, but it is absolutely impossible to cancel them.
  • From the sixteenth to the twenty-second - make a pleasant purchase, for example, updating your wardrobe. And also, beware of the danger from a lady who wants to use you for her own selfish purposes.
  • From the twenty-third to the thirty-first - do not make any important decisions now, this is not the time for changes to occur in your life.

This is how they promise to go for thirty days of October 2018 for representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

What does October 2017 have in store for Men under the sign of Aquarius?

A wonderful and fruitful period will begin for Aquarius in October. They will stop relying on outside help and will begin to take a more responsible approach to their work. It will not be superfluous to be careful in serious matters and when signing papers for large sums of money. In general, hard work will be fully rewarded in October.

Love horoscope for Aquarius Men

Single men will decide to be single because they won't meet an interesting girl along the way. This period of seclusion can be depressing and even make you feel a little jealous of your married friends. But don’t despair, because a fateful meeting with the girl you want is just around the corner.

Married Aquarians will express a lot of dissatisfaction to their spouse. The relationship will deteriorate sharply and there may even be a risk of rupture. Keep in mind that the stars will not allow loving hearts to reunite after a breakup, so control your bad mood and don’t get on your lover’s nerves.

Love horoscope for October 2017: Aquarius A man will feel that he is surrounded by uninteresting ladies with whom he should not start an affair.

Finance and work

Good relationships with colleagues in October do not guarantee that they will come to the rescue in a difficult work situation. Therefore, rely only on yourself and if difficult moments arise, it is better to contact your manager for advice. Serious business issues should be resolved in the middle of the month, otherwise there will be some obstacles to their implementation. The stars advise you to carefully check important papers before signing them, as there is a high probability of making some miscalculations and mistakes. By the end of October, good financial profits are expected, which will mainly be spent on household needs.

Health and leisure

The strong half of this zodiac sign may have health problems, especially those who suffer from hypertension. The stars do not recommend self-medication, and if you feel unwell and have high blood pressure, you should immediately consult a specialist. In order to prevent a painful condition, do not accumulate nervous tension, but find a way to get rid of it. Aquarians who suffer from allergies should be careful during autumn walks - smoke from burning leaves can cause a coughing attack and cause discomfort for a long time.

  • Favorable days for Aquarius men - 6, 17, 21
  • Unfavorable days for Aquarius men - 19, 24, 26
Published: 2017-09-26, Modified: 2018-10-22,

October 2017 will be a month of financial well-being for Aquarius. Great prospects await you, thanks to which you can achieve your goals and pamper yourself with new things. Some representatives of your zodiac sign will find additional sources of income, and some will receive a one-time profit from an unexpected source. Perhaps it will be a win or an inheritance, or maybe just a generous gift from distant relatives or old friends. In any case, your well-being will increase, which will have the best effect on your inspiration, and this is an important tool for achieving your goals. Throughout the month you will be incredibly lucky; everything you do will have amazing results that you didn’t even dare to count on. You will be surrounded by pleasant and friendly people who will be ready to help at any moment, although you are unlikely to need anyone's help. On the contrary, they will need your support. Try not to refuse help, if it is in your power, share your luck and success with others. Fate will thank you for this.

In the first ten days of October 2017, Aquarius will be able to easily and simply find solutions to any issues and problems. Everything will work out for the best. In order not to scare away your luck, you should not be too arrogant and rely solely on your luck. Do something yourself in order to have something or achieve something you want. Remember that what comes easily comes just as easily. Use your luck to achieve your goals, but also work hard to achieve something. Some representatives of your zodiac sign will have the opportunity to travel abroad. Perhaps for the purpose of relaxation, or maybe for work. In any case, you should not refuse such an offer, because where you are going, you will find a pleasant and exciting pastime and interesting people.

In the second ten days of October 2017, even if your circumstances are such that you cannot quit your business, do everything possible and impossible to accept the gift of fate. Aquarians will feel somewhat self-confident, because everything will work out great for them, and they will be right all the time. Because of this, your loved ones may feel some resentment and resentment. Try not to be arrogant and put yourself and your ambitions above everything else. You are just lucky, but in reality you are the same as other people. Be the same friendly and welcoming person you always are. Show your family that you value and respect their opinion and that it is important to you. For Aquarius, under the influence of aspects of Jupiter and Mercury, in mid-October things will go better than usual, this also applies to the professional side of life. Everything will be fine with you, your salary will be on time, and it is possible that at the end of this period you will be awarded good bonuses. If you are planning to buy something, you don’t have to wait for payday, but go and boldly ask for an advance. All your suggestions and comments will be approved and taken into account. In the team you will be treated much warmer and friendlier. Your authority will increase significantly. But try not to neglect the advice and requests of your colleagues. Self-respect needs to be earned, and not expected that one day everyone will love and idolize you. Cherish good friendships and try to live up to the expectations placed on you to strengthen your authority. But at the same time, you need to learn to refuse. You should not help everyone with everything, especially if it is to your detriment or contradicts your moral principles. Try not to overload yourself with additional work, but perform exclusively your job responsibilities. You must use your working time rationally so that you still have enough energy and strength for your family and friends. If you help someone out of mercy, and they are satisfied with the result, then you can safely expect similar requests. You will need to work a little, but don’t put any effort on yourself and do tasks that you don’t like. Try to avoid all the rough edges and find optimal compromise solutions that will benefit everyone.

In the third ten days of October 2017, representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign will have enough time to spend it fun and usefully with family and close friends. But you shouldn’t sit at home with them, because outside there is a vibrant and rich life that will brighten up your gray everyday life and fill you with new emotions and feelings. If you have been thinking about renovation for a long time, now is the time to address this issue. Go shopping with your loved one, choose textiles, new furniture, wallpaper. It may seem primitive, but it all depends on your mood. If it is positive, then this boring shopping trip can turn into an interesting adventure. Aquarians should take care of their own well-being, since work will drain all their strength. Try to spend more time outdoors and include more juices and greens in your diet.

Stop trying to jump in over your head. Now it is more important to hold a bird in your hand than to chase a pie in the sky. Don't worry about the future, don't be tormented by the past, live in the present.

October 2017 tips for Aquarius

Color: blue
Talisman: matryoshka
Lucky: 6, 10, 18, 23
Dangerous: 12, 16, 26
Motto: "I have the power to choose my course in life."

Aquarius mood in October 2017

Get ready for the fact that you will have to start a lot from scratch, especially in the professional sphere. Already in the middle of the month you will have many plans and hopes, interesting ideas and projects. Another important topic for October is friends. Perhaps they will inspire you to change.

My health and well-being are normal. But in the first ten days of October, the risk of injury due to negligence or as a result of an accident increases. All types of transport pose the greatest danger.

Due to exciting work events, there will be little free time for self-care. But still try to find at least a few minutes every day for minimal cosmetic procedures.

Aquarius work in October 2017

In everything related to work issues, find positive aspects in any situation. Maintain calm and a sense of proportion, try not to make unnecessary movements, clearly and clearly calculate all your steps in advance.

After October 20, an important meeting is expected that will direct your life in a different direction and help you correctly navigate the area. It is only important not to be afraid of the responsibility that will fall on you.

The financial situation in October is quite positive and promising. Thanks to a successful set of working circumstances, there will be enough money to cover all current expenses and leave something in reserve.

Aquarius love in October 2017

On the personal front, comfortable, mostly clear weather will set in in October. But only in the period from October 10 to 17, a short-term thunderstorm may break out. Literally out of the blue, annoying disputes and conflicts with loved ones and close people will arise every now and then. It will take a lot of effort to keep from sorting things out. Try not to force things and make hasty decisions. Let everything take its course. Immediately after the new moon (October 19th), harmony and trust will be established in relationships.

Around this time, even convinced bachelors will think about getting married, and independent women will suddenly want to get married. There is no need to think twice. In addition, suitable candidates can come directly to their homes.

According to the Chinese Book of Changes, October will pass under the sign of the symbol Homemade. This means that luck and success await you exactly where your soul strives. Doubts away! Your hopes will come true, although not without outside help. But do not leave your native land now, otherwise very soon it will become clear to you that this should not have been done. Look for calm and peace in your family life, in household chores, in communication with close friends. Be sure to take time to visit your parents and elderly relatives.

Map Three of Cups portends you an emotional uplift and sets you up to realize your desires. This is a happy period when you can allow yourself to do only what brings pleasure and joy. It is good to plan festive events related to marriage, birthdays and family celebrations. Create a holiday for any occasion. Meet new people, expand your social circle. The card can also mean pregnancy.

Behavior style: creative, inspired.

Personal qualities: kindness, cheerfulness, intuitiveness.

Mascot people: friends, lovers, colleagues.

Mudra of the month for Aquarius for October 2017

Learn to put your fingers into mudra Water. This gesture has a beneficial effect on the lungs, liver and stomach, and alleviates bloating and colic.

Bend the little finger of your right hand so that it touches the base of the thumb. You need to lightly hold the little finger with your thumb, and straighten the remaining fingers of your right hand. With the palm of your left hand, clasp your right hand from below, while placing the thumb of your left hand on the thumb of your right hand.

The creative character that will be inherent in the October life of Aquarius is nothing more than a consequence of the overly favorable position of the leading planets on the celestial ribbon. Just think - in the middle of this autumn, the Sun, Saturn, and even capricious Venus will volunteer to protect you! It remains to be seen what benefits these powerful celestial beings will bestow upon you.

Saturn will have the most significant influence on your destiny in October. This planet loves to “teach” everyone and set them up for positivity (you will also receive “lessons” of wisdom and virtue from Saturn). In addition, Saturn will reliably protect you from all the troubles of the outside world (that’s why major problems and surprises are almost completely excluded from your October routine).

The sun, another of your October “guardians,” will make sure that in mid-autumn your physical and emotional health is at its highest level. Venus, which is responsible for the sensory-emotional aspect, will, in turn, harmonize your personal front and eliminate the occurrence of any unforeseen situations.

However, in the middle of this autumn, dear Aquarians, you will still have a dangerous ill-wisher. It will be warlike Mars, which will try to spoil your character and make it prone to aggression. Aggression in October is simply not permissible for you, don’t forget about it! At this stage, you will have to interact a lot and productively with the people around you, and aggressive behavior, you see, will in every possible way prevent the establishment of a productive dialogue.

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