Olympic water sports. Classification, types of swimming

Landscaping and planning 30.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

Russian navigators, along with European ones, are the most famous pioneers who discovered new continents, sections of mountain ranges and vast water areas. They became the discoverers of significant geographical objects, took the first steps in the development of hard-to-reach territories, and traveled around the world. So who are they - the conquerors of the seas, and what exactly did the world learn about thanks to them?

Afanasy Nikitin - the very first Russian traveler

Afanasy Nikitin is rightfully considered the first Russian traveler who managed to visit India and Persia (1468-1474, according to other sources 1466-1472). On the way back he visited Somalia, Turkey, Muscat. On the basis of his travels, Athanasius compiled the notes "Journey Beyond the Three Seas", which became popular and unique historical and literary aids. These notes became the first book in the history of Russia, made not in the format of a story about a pilgrimage, but describing the political, economic and cultural features of the territories.

He was able to prove that even as a member of a poor peasant family, one can become a famous explorer and traveler. Streets, embankments in several Russian cities, a motor ship, a passenger train and an aircraft are named after him.

Semyon Dezhnev, who founded the Anadyr prison

Cossack chieftain Semyon Dezhnev was an Arctic navigator who became the discoverer of a number of geographical objects. Wherever Semyon Ivanovich served, everywhere he sought to study the new and previously unknown. He was even able to cross the East Siberian Sea on a makeshift koch, going from Indigirka to Alazeya.

In 1643, as part of a detachment of explorers, Semyon Ivanovich discovered Kolyma, where he founded the city of Srednekolymsk with his associates. A year later, Semyon Dezhnev continued his expedition, walked along the Bering Strait (which did not yet have this name) and discovered the easternmost point of the mainland, later named Cape Dezhnev. An island, a peninsula, a bay, a village also bear his name.

In 1648, Dezhnev set off again. His ship was wrecked in the waters located in the southern part of the Anadyr River. Having reached on skis, the sailors went up the river and stayed there for the winter. Subsequently, this place appeared on geographical maps and was called the Anadyr prison. As a result of the expedition, the traveler was able to make detailed descriptions, draw up a map of those places.

Vitus Jonassen Bering, who organized expeditions to Kamchatka

Two Kamchatka expeditions inscribed the names of Vitus Bering and his associate Alexei Chirikov in the history of marine discoveries. During the first trip, the navigators conducted research and were able to supplement the geographical atlas with objects located in Northeast Asia and on the Pacific coast of Kamchatka.

The discovery of the Kamchatka and Ozerny peninsulas, the bays of Kamchatsky, Krest, Karaginsky, the Bay of Conduct, the island of St. Lawrence are also the merit of Bering and Chirikov. At the same time, another strait was found and described, which later became known as the Bering Strait.

The second expedition was undertaken by them in order to find a way to North America and explore the Pacific Islands. On this journey, Bering and Chirikov founded the Peter and Paul prison. It got its name from the combined names of their ships ("Saint Peter" and "Saint Paul") and subsequently became the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

On the approach to the shores of America, the ships of like-minded people lost sight of each other, heavy fog affected. "Saint Peter", driven by Bering, sailed to the west coast of America, but got into a severe storm on the way back - the ship was thrown onto an island. The last minutes of Vitus Bering's life passed on it, and the island subsequently began to bear his name. Chirikov also reached America on his ship, but successfully completed his voyage, finding several islands of the Aleutian ridge on the way back.

Khariton and Dmitry Laptev and their “named” sea

Cousins ​​Khariton and Dmitry Laptev were like-minded and assistants of Vitus Bering. It was he who appointed Dmitry the commander of the Irkutsk ship, and Khariton led his double boat Yakutsk. They took part in the Great Northern Expedition, the purpose of which was to study and accurately describe and map the Russian shores of the ocean, from Yugorsky Shar to Kamchatka.

Each of the brothers made a significant contribution to the development of new territories. Dmitry became the first navigator to survey the coast from the mouth of the Lena to the mouth of the Kolyma. He made detailed maps of these places, based on mathematical calculations and astronomical data.

Khariton Laptev and his associates conducted research on the northernmost section of the coast of Siberia. It was he who determined the size and shape of the huge Taimyr Peninsula - he surveyed its eastern coast, and was able to identify the exact coordinates of the coastal islands. The expedition took place in difficult conditions - a large amount of ice, snowstorms, scurvy, ice captivity - Khariton Laptev's team had to endure a lot. But they continued the work they had begun. On this expedition, Laptev's assistant Chelyuskin discovered the cape, which was later named after him.

Noting the great contribution of the Laptevs to the development of new territories, members of the Russian Geographical Society decided to name one of the largest seas in the Arctic after them. Also, the strait between the mainland and Bolshoi Lyakhovsky Island is named after Dmitry, and the western coast of Taimyr Island bears the name of Khariton.

Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky - organizers of the first Russian circumnavigation

Ivan Kruzenshtern and Yuri Lisyansky are the first Russian navigators to circumnavigate the world. Their expedition lasted three years (started in 1803 and ended in 1806). They set off with their teams on two ships, which bore the names "Nadezhda" and "Neva". Travelers passed through the Atlantic Ocean, entered the waters of the Pacific Ocean. On them, sailors sailed to the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka and Sakhalin.

This trip allowed us to collect important information. Based on the data obtained by the navigators, a detailed map of the Pacific Ocean was compiled. Another important result of the first Russian round-the-world expedition was the data obtained about the flora and fauna of the Kuriles and Kamchatka, local residents, their customs and cultural traditions.

During their journey, the sailors crossed the equator and, according to maritime traditions, could not leave this event without a well-known ritual - a sailor dressed as Neptune greeted Krusenstern and asked why his ship arrived where the Russian flag had never been. To which he received the answer that they are here solely for the glory and development of national science.

Vasily Golovnin - the first navigator who was rescued from Japanese captivity

Russian navigator Vasily Golovnin led two round-the-world expeditions. In 1806, being in the rank of lieutenant, he received a new appointment and became the commander of the sloop "Diana". Interestingly, this is the only case in the history of the Russian fleet when a lieutenant was entrusted with the management of a ship.

The leadership set the goal of the round-the-world expedition to study the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, with special attention to that part of it that is within the native country. The path of "Diana" was not easy. The sloop passed the island of Tristan da Cunha, passed the Cape of Hope and entered the port, which belonged to the British. Here the ship was detained by the authorities. The British informed Golovnin about the outbreak of war between the two countries. The Russian ship was not declared captured, but the crew was not allowed to leave the bay either. After spending more than a year in this position, in mid-May 1809, the Diana, led by Golovnin, tried to escape, which the sailors successfully succeeded in - the ship arrived in Kamchatka.

Golovnin received his next responsible task in 1811 - he was supposed to compile descriptions of the Shantar and Kuril Islands, the shores of the Tatar Strait. During his journey, he was accused of not adhering to the principles of sakoku and was captured by the Japanese for more than 2 years. It was possible to rescue the crew from captivity only thanks to the good relations of one of the Russian naval officers and an influential Japanese merchant, who was able to convince his government of the harmless intentions of the Russians. It is worth noting that no one in history has ever returned from Japanese captivity before.

In 1817-1819, Vasily Mikhailovich made another round-the-world trip on the Kamchatka ship specially built for this.

Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev - discoverers of Antarctica

Captain of the second rank Thaddeus Bellingshausen was determined to find the truth about the existence of the sixth continent. In 1819, he went to the open sea, having carefully prepared two sloops - Mirny and Vostok. The latter was commanded by his associate Mikhail Lazarev. The first round-the-world Antarctic expedition set itself other tasks. In addition to finding irrefutable facts confirming or refuting the existence of Antarctica, the travelers were going to explore the waters of three oceans - the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian.

The results of this expedition exceeded all expectations. During the 751 days that it lasted, Bellingshausen and Lazarev were able to make several significant geographical discoveries. Of course, the most important of them is the existence of Antarctica, this historical event took place on January 28, 1820. Also during the trip, about two dozen islands were found and mapped, sketches were created with views of Antarctica, images of representatives of the Antarctic fauna.

Interestingly, attempts to discover Antarctica were made more than once, but none of them were successful. European navigators believed that either it did not exist, or it was located in places that simply could not be reached by sea. But the Russian travelers had enough perseverance and determination, so the names of Bellingshausen and Lazarev are included in the lists of the world's greatest navigators.

There are also modern travelers. One of them .

We have prepared a review 10 new extreme sports thanks to which your life will acquire new bright colors.


Flyboarding (from English fly - flight, board - board) is a great sport for people who have dreamed of learning to fly all their lives. True, as part of this lesson, you have to do this not over a solid surface, but over water.

Athletes-flyboarders must have a special water blower, a hose for water supply, as well as water jet boots. Two hand stabilizers regulate the power of the water jet and control the flight.

As a result, the flyboarder can rise above the water to a height of ten to fifteen meters and soar there, performing incredible stunts. There are also shows during which well-trained athletes demonstrate their amazing skills to an impressed audience.


Mount Cerro Negro is famous not only for being one of the youngest and most active volcanoes on the American continent. Recently, more and more people talk about it due to the fact that a new extreme sport was born on its slopes - volcanoboarding.

On the ash-black slope of this volcano, hundreds of tourists and real athletes descend daily on special boards. In this case, the maximum speed of descent can reach 80 kilometers per hour. To protect people from injury, the organizers dress them in special suits made of strong material.

Some use the board as a sled, while others cut through the volcanic slope standing on the board as if it were a snowy surface, while they themselves use a snowboard.

Parkour on a trampoline

More and more people who are engaged in trampoline jumping began to pay attention to their new variation, which contains elements of other sports, mainly parkour.

Trampoline parkour is not just perfectly adjusted jumps with acceleration, it is a special kind of tricks in the air, as well as interaction with external objects and surfaces.

The tricks of people who practice this unusual sport are very similar to the numbers of aerial acrobats from the famous Cirque du Soleil show. They look just as incredible, violating physical laws and gravity.

Jumping from the stratosphere

For real extreme sportsmen, even ordinary skydiving seems boring and not worthy of attention. They conquer completely different horizons for themselves, setting off into a free fall from a height of tens of kilometers.

Jumping from the stratosphere appeared as experiments in the middle of the twentieth century. However, now this activity has become a full-fledged sport. Thrill-seekers from different countries compete with each other in height and fall speed.

The current record belongs to American Alan Eustace, vice president of Google Corporation. In October 2014, he made a jump from a height of 41,424 meters, thus beating the previous maximum by two kilometers. The maximum fall speed in this case was 1322 km / h.

kite wing

Kitewing is a universal sports equipment that allows you to conquer not only the land, but also water, air and snowy peaks. This is a small universal wing, which allows the extreme sportsman to significantly expand his capabilities, regardless of the specific sport.

will be useful wherever you can accelerate or get off the ground under the influence of the force of the wind. An extreme athlete will be able to ride faster and jump higher with this wing.

At the same time, the wing itself is very small. And when folded, its dimensions are no larger than those of a ski bag.

Water climbing (Psicobloc)

In the United States of America and some other countries of the world, a new extreme sport with the name, which hides water rock climbing, has recently been gaining more and more popularity.

The task of the athlete in Psicobloc is not only to climb up the inclined wall with ledges, but also to fall beautifully down into the pool filled with water. And the judges count both of these disciplines in the final score of the water climber.

Psicobloc as a type of spore was born within the framework of ordinary climbing, when athletes conquered slopes protruding into the water and from time to time fell down from them. Now it is quite a popular sport, in which even the most eminent climbers take part in official competitions.

Ski surf

The unspoken feud between snowboarders and skiers has in recent years even gone beyond the snow-covered mountain slopes. Now the debate about which is better: one large board or two small ones has also moved into the sphere of surfing.

After all, a new water sport has appeared - surfing on skis. It was invented by Californian skiers, who, in the conditions of an eternal shortage of snow in this region, decided to conquer the huge tidal waves that the coast of American California is famous for with their favorite sports equipment.

True, for this it was necessary to create a new type of ski, combining elements of mountain and water. But in ski surfing, athletes still have to use special ski poles for better balance. At the same time, the speed of sliding along the wave can reach 50 kilometers per hour.


Looking at photos of people kayaking, it might seem that they are some kind of pranksters who decided to play a good trick on us. After all, it would seem that there is nothing more stupid than jumping out of an airplane in a small kayak boat.

Nevertheless, it is quite an interesting and promising sport. It turns out that the use of a boat when skydiving significantly reduces the speed of free fall. A person flying down flat accelerates to 193 kilometers per hour. The kayak reduces this figure to 157 km / h, while giving new opportunities in terms of balancing and performing tricks.

The main problem with kayaking is that the vast majority of skydiving business owners refuse to arrange jumps for people on boats.


Horseboarding is a sport for those people who live in the countryside far from mountains or oceans with huge waves, but dream of surfing or snowboarding. Athletes-horsboarders use a special board with large wheels as their main sports equipment. And in this case, live horses act as a driving force.

Having attached the rope to the horse, the athlete can then follow the horse across the field, performing various maneuvers and tricks. This sport is especially spectacular when using additional springboards. True, falling to the ground during an unsuccessful trick is much more painful and traumatic than falling into water or onto snow cover.

Metrosurfing (hooking)

This incredibly dangerous sport was born in Russia. From time immemorial, daredevils deprived of a sense of self-preservation appeared on our railways, running on the roofs of wagons right during the movement of the trains.

But in recent years, this activity has moved into the underground world of the subway. Crazy adrenaline addicts cling to their rear cars during subway stops at stations, and some even climb onto the roof. They call themselves "hooks".

True, the percentage of deaths in metrosurfing is several times higher than in any of the new extreme sports listed above.

However, in India, such an activity is not even an extreme sport, but a way of traveling by train that is familiar to many poor residents of this country.

Do not forget that not only sports can be extreme, but also travel. You can read about it in our review.

Water sport (aquatics) is a sport associated with water. Water sports are held both in open water and in special facilities - pools. Since this site is dedicated to the sea, we will only be interested in water sports that take place directly on open water. These include activities such as: surfing, diving, snorkeling, regatta, kayaking or canoeing, kayaking, water skiing, swimming. Let's dwell on each in more detail.

C surfingis one of the extreme sports. This is the name of riding on sea and ocean waves, standing on a special “board”, which is actually made of various synthetic materials. Surfing requires courage, good coordination and patience from the athlete. Indeed, in order to master the art of conquering the waves, it will take several months, or even years.

For the first time this sport appeared in the Hawaiian Islands and was the entertainment of kings and their entourage. At that time, surfboards were made of wood, they were very heavy and large (up to 6 meters in length). Even then, the first surfing competitions were held. Now a lot has changed, but Hawaii is still a favorite destination for surfers becausein these places the highest waves.

Now there are a large number of surfboards. Its choice depends on the level of professionalism, as well as on the types of surfing. For example, beginners are usually offered easier-to-handle long (up to 3 meters) boards. There are shorter boards (about 2 meters), and professional tau surfers use very short boards with leg bindings. There is also such a type of surfing - boogiboarding, in which athletes ride while lying on the board.

In the second half of the twentieth century, another type of surfing appeared - windsurfing. The first windsurfboard was patented in 1968 by Jim Drake and Hoyle Schweitzer. It was a board with a small deflecting sail. On it you can move freely on a smooth surface. The great availability of this species has provided windsurfing with immense popularity. And in 1984 this sport became Olympic.

Diving(from English. diving - diving) is scuba diving with special equipment. The beginning of mass diving as a form of entertainment and sport was laid by Jacques-Yves Cousteau. It is to him and his friend, the French engineer Ganyan, that we owe the creation of scuba gear. Being engaged in diving you can touch underwater objects, learn the flora and fauna of the seas and oceans.

Now the world is familiar with several types of diving, some of which are considered to be entertainment or sports, while others are professional activities. The first are recreational diving, as well as sport and technical diving, which involve diving to great depths and using gas mixtures. The second is commercial and military diving, the performance of ordered underwater work, such as the installation and dismantling of equipment, the rise of ships, the search, installation and destruction of mines, anti-submarine barriers, etc. These types of diving are considered the most high-tech and, as a rule, classified.

snorkeling(or snorkeling, from the English snorkel - a tube for scuba diving) is scuba diving with a mask and a tube for the purpose of independently studying the underwater world, obtaining aesthetic pleasure, photographing its landscapes, inhabitants, etc.

Snorkeling is very popular in tropical latitudes. After all, a large number of different marine life lives in warm waters. That is why scuba diving attracts people. After all, everyone wants to look at outlandish fish and corals. The underwater world is simply captivating with its beauty.

Unlike diving, snorkeling does not require special expensive equipment. A mask and snorkel is the most important piece of equipment for snorkeling. You can also purchase fins with which you can swim and dive much faster. Some use a wetsuit for snorkeling, which protects against hypothermia, cuts, and burns.

Regatta - a large, usually traditional, sailing or rowing competition, consisting of a series of races for ships of different classes.
One of the first known regattas was the Venice Gondoliers Regatta in 1740. From the middle of the XIX century. regattas in sailing and rowing began to be held in Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, from the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. – in the Scandinavian countries, Russia, USA, Canada, Latin America, etc.

Sailing competitions included in the program of the Olympic Games are also called a regatta.
Regattas are designed to identify the strongest among yachtsmen. Since sailing is a technical sport and much of the results depends on the yacht, the main task is to correctly compare the results in order to identify the actual skill of the yachtsman.

Kayaking - sport for the brave

Initially, a kayak was a small fishing boat of the peoples of Kamchatka, which was a lattice frame covered with leather. The paddler fastened to the boat with a belt and steered the kayak with a single-bladed paddle. On such boats, they usually hunted a sea animal or fished. Today's kayak serves completely different purposes - it is a means for outdoor activities, sports and tourism. In the modern classification, the following types of kayaking are distinguished:

Pleasure kayaking (Touring / recreationalkayaking) - these are walks on smooth water (lakes, flat rivers) on high-speed stable kayaks for the purpose of relaxation, rest. Pleasure kayaking is becoming more and more popular among tourists and advanced hotels in exotic countries are successfully adopting it. If the same rest takes place along the coastline of the sea, then this is already sea kayaking;

white water kayakingWhitewaterkayaking) is associated with overcoming obstacles in the water flow, whether it be a mountain river, rapids or their elements in flat rivers or sea waters. The key point here is to enjoy the passage of all these obstacles, and such concepts as "heroism", "feat", "subjugation", in general, are not important.

The programs of international sports competitions include the following types of kayaking:

Rowing slalom - its essence is to go between the landmarks in the shortest possible time on a rough section of the river. Rowing slalom was included in the program of the Olympic Games in 1992.

Rowing and canoeing is a classic Olympic sport on smooth water, the most important thing is the highest speed in a straight line.

Downhill is a popular type of competition in Europe and America, but practically not developed in our country, which consists in passing a turbulent section of the river downstream"racing".

Canopolo is a variant of water polo in kayaks.

Water skiing - a popular sport and entertainment - movement on the surface of the water on a special-shaped ski, on a cable (it is called a "halyard"), connected to a boat or other swimming facility that provides translational motion.

Water skis are single and double. Pairs include: curly and jumping. For singles: figure and slalom (mono) skiing. At first glance, water skiing is vaguely reminiscent of winter skiing. But water skis are wider, have a special geometry and are made of a special material.

Most water skis are made from foamed plastic - polyurethane foam, because it is much lighter and has better glide than wood.

Water skiing first appeared in 1922, when an American from Minnesota Ralph Samuelson, experimenting with ordinary winter skis, decided to try them on the water. He equipped two wide pine boards with fasteners for the legs. After that, the inventor successfully tested skis on the waters of the lake in Lake City.

Not knowing about Samuelson's invention, in 1925 Fred Waller (USA) receives the first ever patent for a model of water skis he invented, also from pine, "DolphinAkwa- Skees».

In 1928, Don Ibsen of Bellevue, Washington, unaware of previous discoveries, invented his own water skiing and thus became the third person to be recognized as the inventor of the sport.

The three pairs of skis that appeared were similar to each other in many ways: they were all made of pine, with special impregnation, and had rubber foot bindings.

Water skiing in the USSR began to develop in the late 50s - early 60sXXcentury. In 1964, largely on the initiative of the first cosmonaut of the Earth Yu. A. Gagarin, who was an ardent admirer of water skiing, the country's water skiing Federation was created, in 1965 the first USSR championship in water skiing was held.

Today this sport has become so spectacular and popular that in 1998 the Greek Olympic Committee recommended that water skiing be included in the program of the 2004 Olympics in Athens. In 2000, the Professional Association for Towing Water Sports was formed (PTWA), once and for all separating amateur records from professional competitions.

One of the most popular sports isswimming.

Swimming is rightfully considered the most effective sport that has no competitors in the health-improving effect on the human body. Swimming has a particularly strong positive effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the muscular system, joints, and the musculoskeletal system. In addition, swimming is one of the types of hardening, has a positive effect on the immune system.

This sport is also relevant for those who want to get rid of excess weight, because during swimming, excess calories are “burned” very quickly (2-4 times faster than during classes similar in time and power load in the gym).

A huge plus of swimming is also that it has practically no side effects and contraindications.

Swimming contributes to the development of body flexibility, increased endurance, increased efficiency, uplifting mood and effective fight against stressful situations.

The effectiveness of swimming depends, first of all, on the correct execution of swimming movements and compliance with proper breathing. Minimum movement - maximum efficiency.

Swimming is one of the most popular and massive sports. Swimming is undoubtedly one of the most beneficial types of physical activity. The purpose of this article is to familiarize the reader with the varieties of swimming and some types of water sports.

According to the classification of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) swimming as a sport, includes: competitive swimming, water polo, diving and synchronized swimming. The development of swimming in the world is coordinated by the International Swimming Federation (FINA), founded in 1908 and holding world championships since 1973, and in Europe by the European Swimming League (LEN), established in 1926 and holding European championships since 1926. In terms of the number of medals played at the Olympic Games, swimming is in second place, second only to athletics.

You can consider swimming not as a set of water sports, but from the point of view of the purpose of movement. Then swimming can be divided into several types (sports, applied, health-improving, figured, game, underwater). Each of the types of swimming is characterized by special movements or methods of movement in the aquatic environment. And the way of movement in the water, in turn, determines the technique of swimming.

We present the above in the form of a diagram and consider in more detail the types of swimming and some types of water sports.

Sports swimming

Sports swimming includes various kinds of competitions held in pools 50 or 25 meters long at distances from 50 to 1500 meters, as well as in open water in the form of long-distance swims (5, 10, 25 km). The first swimmer (team) to reach the finish line wins.

The distance must be overcome by various strictly regulated competition rules in ways. Sports swimming methods include: freestyle (crawl on the chest), butterfly (dolphin), breaststroke, backstroke (crawl on the back). In terms of speed, the fastest way to swim is front crawl, then butterfly, back crawl and breaststroke.

Swimming styles (from left to right): backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle

Sports swimming was included in the program of the First Olympic Games in 1896, held in Athens. Then the following distances were presented: 100 meters, 500 meters, 1200 meters freestyle and 100 meters for sailors.

At present olympic swimming program in a 50m pool includes 32 numbers (16 distances for men and 16 for women):

  • single swimming in sports ways at various distances: freestyle (50, 100, 200, 400, 800 meters for women and 50, 100, 200, 400 and 1500 meters for men), back crawl (100 and 200 meters), breaststroke ( 100 and 200 meters), butterfly (100 and 200 meters),
  • integrated swimming (200 and 400 meters). Equal segments of the distance are overcome by different ways of swimming, changing in a clear sequence;
  • freestyle relay races 4 * 100 and 4 * 200 meters. Four swimmers swim alternately freestyle the same length;
  • combined relay 4 * 100 meters. Each participant swims his stage in a certain way of swimming.
Since 2008, the Olympic program has included marathon swimming in open water at a distance of 10 km.

The program of the world championships and other international competitions is somewhat different from the Olympic one. In addition, competitions are held separately in the "short water" (in a 25-meter pool).

A variety of sports swimming are swims- swims over long distances (more than 2 km), held on natural reservoirs. Marathon swims are held at a distance of 5, 10, 25 km. There are swims up to 100 - 150 km long. Swimming participants have the right to use any swimming methods at a distance, change them while overcoming the distance, and also eat while being in the water in an unsupported position.

Sports swimming at various distances is included as a mandatory exercise in various types all-around(modern pentathlon, officer pentathlon, etc.).

By clicking on the links you can get acquainted with the successes of Soviet and Russian Olympians, read about the outstanding swimmers and swimmers of the world, read.

Play swimming

Play swimming- this is the use of all kinds of outdoor games in the conditions of the aquatic environment. Games cause great emotions, increase activity, develop coordination, promote a sense of camaraderie and the emergence of initiative. A variety of games and entertainment are widely used in health camps and when organizing water holidays. One of these games - water polo - has become an Olympic sport.

- a sports team game with a ball on the water, the goal of the game is to throw the ball into the opponent's goal as many times as possible and not let the ball into your own goal. The game takes place in a pool measuring 30x20 meters, at least 180 cm deep. There are marking lines at the bottom of the water field, they are also indicated by floats of different colors along the pool border. The game involves 2 teams, 7 players each, one of them is the goalkeeper. Gate size: 3 meters wide, 90 cm high. The goalkeeper is the only player on the team who can touch the ball with both hands. The water polo ball is similar to a volleyball, it should not absorb water, the color of the ball is usually yellow, the circumference is from 68 to 71 cm, the weight is from 400 to 450 grams (3 sizes in total: for children, juniors and adults). The game consists of 4 periods, lasting 8 minutes of pure time. Each team can have possession of the ball for a maximum of 30 seconds.

Water polo was invented in the second half of the 19th century by the Scot William Wilson. The prototype of the game was rugby. Water polo is one of the oldest Olympic sports. Water polo among men's teams entered the Olympic program in 1900, and women's - only 100 years later. The largest number of medals at the Olympic Games (gold and total) was won by the Hungarian water polo players. Soviet water polo players have been participating in the Olympic Games since 1952 and have repeatedly won Olympic medals (2 gold, 2 silver, 3 bronze). Russian water polo players have 1 silver and 2 bronze medals.

The World Water Polo Championship among men has been held since 1973, among women - since 1986 under the auspices of FINA.

Sports diving

Sports diving- one of the most spectacular competitions in water sports. Athletes jump from a springboard or tower, performing a number of acrobatic actions during the jump (screws, revolutions, rotations). Jumps are single and synchronized doubles. The judges evaluate the takeoff and stand on the projectile, repulsion, the quality of the performance of acrobatic elements in flight, entry into the water and synchronization (in pair jumps).

Sports diving

Projectiles for jumping into the water are:

  1. Springboard- a special springy board, one end of which is fixed on the side of the pool. Board size: length - 4.8 meters, width 50 cm. The front edge of the springboard protrudes beyond the edge of the pool by at least 1.5 meters. Performing a ski jump, the athlete first swings on it and then, powerfully pushing off, jumps into the water. Springboard is meter and three meters.
  2. Tower- a structure with several platforms at different heights. Each platform is 2 meters wide and 6 meters long. The edge of the platform protrudes beyond the edge of the pool by at least 1.5 meters. Jumps are performed from a tower of 5, 7.5 and 10 meters.
Each sports jump has its own coefficient of difficulty (from 1.2 to 3.9). Jumps into the water are distinguished: according to the initial position - from the front and back racks, from the handstand; in the direction of rotation - forward, backward and with screws (rotation around the longitudinal axis). Jumps from the front stance can be performed from a place or from a running start. The combination of different elements allows you to perform more than 60 options for ski jumping and more than 90 from the tower.

As a sport, diving appeared in the middle of the 19th century in Germany. For the first time, single jumps entered the program of the Olympic Games in 1904, synchronous in 2000. The most successful athletes in this sport were athletes from the United States, who by 2013 had won more than 130 Olympic medals (more than a third of which were gold). At the Olympic Games, 8 sets of medals are played: 4 sets are played for men and women in jumping from a 3-meter springboard (single and synchronous) and a 10-meter tower (single and synchronous). Diving is included in the program of the World and European Aquatics Championships.

figure swimming

Figure (artistic, synchronized) swimming is a combination of various movements, including elements of choreography, acrobatic and gymnastic combinations. It can be performed individually (solo), in pairs and in groups. Synchronized swimming is one of the most beautiful sports.

Synchronized swimming originated in Canada in the 1920s, when this type of swimming was called "water ballet". Synchronized swimming became an Olympic sport in 1984. Competitions consist of technical (mandatory) and long (free) programs. In the technical program, athletes must perform certain figures to the music. In the free program, there are no restrictions on musical or choreographic composition. A jury of 10 judges evaluates the technique and artistry of the performance on a 10-point scale. In terms of the total number of medals in the Olympic history of this sport, the Japanese are ahead (12 awards). At the Olympic Games in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012. all gold medals were won by the Russian team - this is the largest number of gold medals in Olympic synchronized swimming.

Applied swimming

Applied swimming- the ability of a person to stay on the water (that is, to master the skill of swimming) and to perform vital actions and activities in the water.

Applied swimming is used when performing certain applied tasks, such as swimming across a water barrier, helping a drowning or tired swimmer, getting objects from the bottom, transporting objects through a water barrier, etc. The ability to swim is necessary for people of many professions, for example, fishermen, fleet workers, biologists, military personnel, geologists, rescuers.

Applied Swimming Includes:

  • swimming in sports, original and combined ways of swimming
  • diving and underwater movement
  • applied diving
  • rescuing the drowning and helping tired swimmers
  • swimming in extreme conditions
  • overcoming water barriers
To solve the problems of applied swimming, the technique of sports methods of swimming (front crawl, breaststroke on the chest, crawl on the back, dolphin), elements of sports methods of swimming (for example, swimming only with the help of crawl or breaststroke) and combinations of elements of sports methods (for example , crawl legs - breaststroke arms), purely applied swimming methods (swimming on the side, breaststroke on the back).

More often than others, breaststroke, breaststroke on the back, swimming on the side are used to transport drowning people; for a quick swim to the object - crawl on the chest (if the swimmer is not constrained by clothing); to overcome long distances - breaststroke, crawl on the chest without carrying out hands, for transporting goods - breaststroke on the back, breaststroke on the chest, swimming in the way on the side.

Diving and jumping into the water is of great practical importance. When diving, a slightly modified technique of sports swimming methods is used: breaststroke, crawl, or a combination of the techniques of these methods. Elements of sideways swimming and dolphin style can also be used. For a quick dive from a reference position (from the shore, boats), jumping into the water upside down and upside down is used. From a supportless position, it is also possible to dive upside down or upside down.

Saving the drowning and helping tired swimmers is also a section of applied swimming. The rescuer's actions can be divided into stages: entering the water, swimming to the victim, searching for the victim under water, freeing him from possible seizures, transporting him to the shore, and providing first aid on land. Each of these stages is very important, because the life of the rescued person (and sometimes the rescuer himself) depends on the qualifications of the rescuer.

Recreational swimming

Recreational swimming- the use of the features of swimming movements and the presence of the body in water for therapeutic, prophylactic, restorative, tonic, hygienic, tempering and other purposes. Swimming is one of the most effective means of recovery. Recreational swimming is used in the system of physical education of a person throughout his life, from infancy to old age. Swimming has a minimum of restrictions for people with various health problems compared to other types of physical exercise.

Regular swimming lessons beneficial effect on human health and performance, trains the maximum number of organs and systems of the body, while being one of the least traumatic types of physical activity. Swimming strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, develops and strengthens the musculoskeletal system, helps to form a beautiful silhouette, allows you to control weight, improves skin smoothness. Children who swim a lot and regularly grow faster. Swimming promotes the development of endurance and coordination of movements. Swimming allows you to maintain excellent flexibility of the spine and normal range of motion of the joints until old age, and prevents the development of osteochondrosis. Swimming also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of those involved. Swimming improves sleep, reduces stress levels, relieves tension and increases efficiency. A person who regularly goes in for swimming is less prone to colds due to the improvement of the thermoregulation mechanism.

Swimming is recommended remedy for various curvatures of the spine, posture defects, degenerative joint diseases, diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, obesity, neuroses, for recovery after operations and injuries.

Recreational swimming can use a wide variety of swimming methods (both sports and original), and special exercises in the water, elements of game swimming.


Diving- this is a person swimming under water with the help of various supporting means and devices. Scuba diving also exists as a type (more precisely, a group of types) of underwater sports. Underwater sport is a broad concept that includes a set of sports disciplines related to the athlete's stay partially or completely under the surface of the water. The International Federation of Underwater Sports is the World Confederation of Underwater Activities (CMAS), recognized by the International Olympic Committee. However, underwater sports are currently not included in the program of the Olympic Games.

Underwater sports (from left to right): underwater orienteering, fin swimming, underwater rugby, underwater shooting

The disciplines of underwater sports are:

  1. Apnea (freediving)
    A group of underwater sports disciplines that require the athlete to perform certain exercises or cover a distance while holding his breath. Competitions are held in the pool and in open water. The following areas of apnea can be distinguished:
    • Dynamic apnea with and without fins (monofin). The goal is to overcome the maximum distance in length while holding the breath. Competitions are held in the pool.
    • Static apnea. Purpose: to demonstrate the longest possible breath holding in a stationary state, lying on the surface of the water with the face immersed in water. Competitions are held in the pool.
    • Diving with constant or variable weight. Purpose: to dive to the maximum depth while holding your breath and ascend. Depending on the variety, special equipment (drop weights, cart, fins) may or may not be used. Also, depending on the variety, descent / ascent along the cable with the help of hands is allowed or not. Competitions are held in open water.
    • Apnea-square. Purpose: to overcome the maximum distance along the trajectory along the faces of a cube with a side of 15 meters. Competitions are held in open water.
  2. sport diving
    Sports diving competitions are held in the pool in the following disciplines:
    • Combined swimming 300 meters. Goal: cover the distance in the shortest possible time. Part of the distance is required to go under water using a basic self-contained breathing apparatus, part - on the surface, using a breathing tube.
    • Obstacle course 100 meters. Purpose: to overcome the distance in the shortest possible time, while performing certain exercises, which are a demonstration of the basic skills of a diver and overcoming special obstacles.
    • Night diving. Purpose: to collect in the shortest possible time three loads, each weighing 1 kg, located at a given distance from the trigger end. A light-tight cover is put on the athlete's mask.
    • Load lifting. Goal: in the shortest possible time to reach a 6-kilogram load located under water at a distance of 25 meters from the start line. Then carry out the lifting of the cargo by means of a standard buoy.
  3. Scuba diving with fins
    The goal of finswimming competitions is to overcome the distance on/under the surface of the water in the shortest time. Athlete's equipment: swimming suit, bi-fins or monofins, mask. In this group of disciplines, there are a very large number of competitive distances, some of which are covered using a snorkel and scuba gear.
  4. underwater orientation
    Underwater orienteering competitions are held in open water. Athlete's equipment: wetsuit, scuba gear, mask, fins, magnetic compass, log (distance counter) and depth gauge. The task of the athlete is to overcome a certain route with maximum accuracy in the minimum time. The competition program includes various individual ("zones", "landmarks", "star", "map", "parallels") and group exercises ("MONK", "team search"). The results are evaluated by the accuracy of orientation and by the time to overcome the distance.
  5. Underwater tourism
    Underwater tourism - participation in expeditions to study various reservoirs. The readiness of an underwater tourist is assessed by the number and degree of complexity of expeditions, the implementation of special control standards.
  6. Underwater sports shooting
    Underwater sports shooting is the defeat of stationary and moving targets from a certain distance from an underwater gun. Shooting is carried out without scuba gear while holding the breath. Competitions are held in the pool.
  7. Spearfishing
    Spearfishing is carried out in open water and involves the search for and defeat of a living target - fish for a certain time in a given area. Hunting is carried out by holding the breath. Equipment: mask, fins, spear gun or crossbow.
  8. Aquathlon (underwater wrestling)
    Aquathlon is a competition between two athletes who make short bouts in and under water while holding their breath, trying to take possession of the tape attached to the opponent's ankle. The fight takes place in the ring 5 * 5 meters, the depth of the pool is 2-6 meters. The competition consists of three 30 second rounds. Wrestlers equipment: swimming suit, fins, mask, 2 ankle cuffs, 2 fabric tapes attached to the cuffs.
  9. Underwater hockey
    The game involves 2 teams, each of which consists of 6 players equipped with fins, masks, snorkels, clubs. The object of the game is to drive the puck into the opponent's goal by pushing it along the bottom of the pool. The size of the hockey pool is 2581582 meters. The length of the gate is 3 meters. The game lasts 2 periods of 15 minutes each.
  10. Underwater rugby
    Competitions are held under water in a pool with a depth of 3.5-5 meters. On the playing field measuring 10-12 meters wide and 15-18 meters long there are 2 teams, 6 people each. Player equipment: fins, mask and snorkel. Purpose of the game: to drive the ball with negative buoyancy into the opponent's basket located at the bottom of the pool. The diameter of the basket is 40-45 cm, the diameter of the ball is 25 cm. The game lasts 2 periods of 15 minutes each.
  11. underwater photography
    Underwater photography is carried out in open water. The task of the athletes is to make the most successful photograph from an artistic point of view in a certain time and with a limited number of frames. Equipment: digital camera, basic set of diving equipment.

A collective name that combines water sports: water skiing, water motor sports, water polo, academic rowing, kayaking and canoeing, water slalom kayaking and canoeing, sailing, swimming, underwater ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Main article: Kind of sport Kind of sport is a set of types of sports competitions, united on the basis of the similarity of the rules, one sports federation, etc. Contents 1 Team sports 1.1 ... Wikipedia

The program of the modern Olympic Games includes 28 summer (41 disciplines) and 7 winter (15 disciplines) sports. For two of them (golf and rugby), competitions within the framework of the Olympic Games are currently not held, and for the first time after a long ... ... Wikipedia

Olympic summer sports- IOC recognized sports included in the program of the Olympic Summer Games: . Water sports. Archery. Athletics. Badminton. Basketball. Boxing. Rowing in kayaks and canoes. Cycling… … Technical Translator's Handbook

Type of sport water sports Country ... Wikipedia

This article describes exotic sports that existed earlier or appeared recently. Sports in the modern sense of the word already existed in China several millennia ago. Well, in ancient Greece, power competitions were formalized ... Wikipedia

List of Honored Masters of Sports of the USSR in water skiing ... Wikipedia

- ... Wikipedia

It was formed in 2010 to develop in Kazakhstan such sports included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games as academic rowing, rowing and canoeing and rowing slalom. The President of the Federation is Kairat Medybaevich ... ... Wikipedia

A service list of articles created to coordinate work on the development of the topic. This warning is not installed on informational articles, lists and glossaries ... Wikipedia


  • Theory and methodology of the chosen sport: water sports. Textbook for academic baccalaureate, Bulgakova N.Zh.. The proposed textbook reveals the features of the methodological organization of water sports. The history of development and the modern meaning of diving, water polo, synchronized ...
  • Theory and methodology of the chosen sport: water sports 2nd ed. Textbook for academic baccalaureate, Sergey Nikolaevich Morozov. The proposed textbook reveals the features of the methodological organization of water sports. The history of development and the modern meaning of diving, water polo, synchronized ...

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