What water to fill the hill in winter. The main thing is to prepare properly! Snow globe design

Decor elements 12.06.2019
Decor elements

For Russian artists, the theme of snow towns and games on ice has always aroused great interest. The great masters painted pictures that attracted art lovers with the originality of execution, the beauty and naturalness of sparkling snow and the brightness of the clothes of its participants.

Modern forms of building snow and ice compositions differ from those that were accepted in the past. Ice slides made of snow blocks have replaced the ancient castles, and the fortress walls of the settlements have now become space rockets. But this does not overshadow the joy of the kids from riding the roller coaster.

The tower of the snow castle becomes the starting point for those who love fast sledding or ice-skating. Its structure is assembled from snow blocks, fastened together with a "solution" of water. For round turrets surrounding the launch pad, a frame made of wooden sticks or branched knots of old trees can be used. All main dimensions of the ice slopes of the tetrahedral tower are shown in the figure and drawing.

The figure shows a simple slide, the beginning of which is an arch made of snow blocks. The ladder for climbing to the launch pad is made of boards of inclined ramps (ramps). As decorative ornament used colored balls attached to the side of the ice track. Stars are engraved on the walls of the arch.

The center of the composition of the snow play complex is a round tower imitating the watchtowers of the fortress walls. It was assembled from snow and ice blocks. By the way, ice blocks in this case act as a fastening belt, which allows you to give the tower vertical stability.

From the tower there are two inclined curved paths with ice cover. One of them passes through the arch, the other - past two small mushroom-shaped towers.

As a decoration, you can use decorative colored balls painted with bright paint.

In some cases, as load-bearing frame you can use the walls of wooden summer play complexes. Partially they are covered with white snow, and the ice paths for the descent are filled with water. Such a symbiosis of wood and snow becomes a reliable and safe slide. Winter decoration can be arches with snowflakes. Polyurethane foam or soft cloth can be reinforced in arches and ice rings to prevent injury. A simple ice slide is made of snow. To make it rigid, you need to use wooden frame(bars, slats, trunks of dry trees).

Communication and interlacing of vertical and horizontal elements is carried out with the help of a rope made of jute, a cable. Such constructive solution will allow you to create a strong snow-ice monolith, which will be the basis for a slide of any shape and decorative ornaments.

Do-it-yourself ice slide drawings, sizes

To make a hill of snow, you need to choose the best place for it, away from the roadway, away from various obstacles, bushes, trees, fences, and so on. After the location of the slide is chosen, you need to bring a lot of snow and make a big mountain out of it. The future height of our ice slide will depend on the height of this snowy mountain.

A good height for small children is two meters, and for older kids - three, four meters or more. Length snow slide can be from three to five meters, also depends on the length of the snowdrift. To carry snow faster, use a stretcher and a wide snow shovel.

Before you make a hill of snow, you need to try to give the desired shape to our artificial snowdrift so that it is flat by two-thirds and not by one-third. Now we move on to the formation of steps, on the one hand of our snowy mountain, and a smooth slope, on the other hand.

The steps are formed with a shovel and compacted with feet, while unnecessary and excess snow is thrown away. It is more convenient to form steps with a narrow shovel, as it is much more maneuverable in operation. The safe width of the steps is fifty centimeters. The slope is filled with cool water from a watering can or a hose with a spray nozzle.

In the process of filling the slide with water, ice sides are formed along the edges, which will prevent children from falling out during winter skiing. A hill of snow is poured with water several times, after the first a thin and brittle crust forms, after the second - rough ice, and the third time you can fill it for the greatest strength and smoothness of the surface.

Please note that the water should be exactly cool or very cold, but not hot, it can ruin the entire slide. If the surface of the slide is covered with bumps, fill it four or five times until it is perfectly even and smooth. Here is a slide of snow with your own hands and is ready, you can happily ride on it with a breeze.

If such an ice slide needs restoration, it is necessary to bring more snow, re-form a snowdrift of the desired shape, fill in the slope and update the steps. If deep grooves have formed in the slope, you can cover them with snow and moisten them with plenty of water, after which you can ride on the hill again.

It is best to build a snow slide at temperatures up to eight degrees below zero. At higher temperatures, the snow begins to melt, and at lower temperatures, it is very hard and cold to work. You can drive down the ice slide on a piece of cardboard or special bright ice cubes. Children under three years old at a snow slide require close supervision, attention and guidance from their parents, riding on a slide can be a very dangerous activity for them.

1. Take care, first of all, that you have all the necessary items in stock. This includes shovels, watering cans and buckets. If you have all this in stock, then the next step is to find people who will agree to help you in this difficult matter. Here you can motivate people. We can say that this "attraction" will be able to please everyone in the yard, and not only children, but also adults will be able to ride on it. You'll see, after an hour of active search. You will find like-minded people.
2. The people have gathered, all the necessary items for the organization labor process are available, so you can start. First of all, collect a large pile of snow in one place. You can clean up the area and pour all the snow into a single place. So the benefit will be great, since you will help the janitors in this case, and will be able to collect a large pile of snow in order to create a slide.

3. Pack the piled snow very tightly. The height of the snow slide should be made such that it is convenient for both adults and children to ride on it. It is important that it is very convenient not only for children, but also for adults in this case. If the snow slide cannot be assembled, ask the person on the snowplow to help you. I think that he will not refuse you this pleasure.

4. After pouring a certain amount of snow on the hill, and then ramming it, level its future congress. It is important that it be as even as possible, so manually, or with a shovel, remove all irregularities visible to the eye. Do not forget to make a step for your slide. Otherwise, how are you going to get on it? Steps should be as flat and gentle as possible. This is very important if you want to keep your health and the health of others safe and sound.

5. Simultaneously with the alignment of the slide, seal its edges so that it does not crumble at the first contact with your hand. Along the edges of the descent, it is best to make a low board, which will not make it possible to move down the hill in the wrong place. In this case, it will help prevent any kind of injury during the suspension and climbing the hill. Be careful!

6. After the slide is already formed, you can start pouring it! It's important to stay outside subzero temperature in the process of applying the final touch. It is best if you water it at night. Watering is best from a watering can or bucket. But it is better if you water the hill all the same from a watering can, because it is she who will give the hill a smooth descent and create an indelible impression of the process itself. Thus, flooding the hill at night, you will protect it from unauthorized persons. It is unlikely that anyone would think of climbing a hill in the dark, and even more so riding it. After all, your neighbors are far from stupid people.

Downhill sledding, skiing and ice skating, building castles from snow - this is not all the entertainment that winter gives a child. If parents want to bring real pleasure to their own child, then they definitely need to learn how to make a snow slide in the courtyard of the house.

Snow slide: making a winter attraction

To build a snow slide, you only need a little ingenuity, a free flight of fantasy and a couple of improvised tools that are sure to be found in every home.


  • metal or plastic shovel;
  • scraper, construction spatula;
  • spray;
  • buckets and watering cans.

Usually, for the construction of a full-fledged snow slide, a small shovel is sufficient, which will help form the basis of the future structure, as well as several spatulas for leveling surfaces. A metal or plastic bucket and a pair of warm mittens will come in handy. However, depending on the complexity of the work, conditions and circumstances, you can use any other convenient at your own request.

Engineering and security

Figuring out how to make a slide out of snow is not at all difficult. However, before starting work, it is necessary to pay attention to some "secrets of engineering" that will help make the structure more durable, safe and durable.

  1. First, you should choose the optimal location for placing a homemade attraction. Naturally, the longer the slope, the more fun it will be to ride.
  2. In order to avoid problems with pouring and solidification of water, it is better to make the slope of the slide more gentle.
  3. To protect children from injury, it is imperative to equip the roll-out onto a flat area, the plane of which will ensure uniform sliding to a complete stop.

How to make a slide out of snow: construction technology

Before proceeding with specific actions, it is necessary to protect yourself from frostbite by protecting your hands with tight ones and, if necessary, wearing warm mittens over them.

The optimal conditions for the construction of a snow slide come with the arrival of a thaw. As soon as the temperature is as close as possible to zero, and the snow becomes more tenacious, it is necessary to roll large balls, laying out the base of the future structure from them, according to the planned parameters and dimensions.

How to build a snow slide that will be comfortable and safe for a child? To do this, you need to take care of the preparation of the ladder, which will help you climb the hill without any problems. You can make an impromptu ladder from all the same snowballs laid in the form of steps. The smooth surface of the steps is easily formed with a spatula or scraper.

Filling a snow slide is best done with the arrival of hard frosts. And you need to do this by evenly pouring warm water from a watering can on the surface of the slide. In this case, small depressions may occur, which will have to be slightly patched up with snow and leveled with a spatula.

Parents who know how to make a children's ice slide correctly never build it without curbs. This allows you to increase the safety of the structure and leave the kids alone with entertainment, without fear for their health.

The secrets of creating a track

Having familiarized yourself with the basic recommendations on how to make a slide out of snow, you can proceed to study the technology for creating an ice track. First you need to carefully tamp snowballs, forming a smooth, dense surface of the future descent. You can compact the surface with your feet, a shovel, a small log, or with any other means at hand.

The angle of descent should be done, focusing on the age of the kids. For children under the age of 3 years, the angle of the inclined track should be no more than 30 degrees. Parents who want to learn how to make a snow slide for older children should be advised to make the slide steeper, otherwise the fun can quickly get boring for the kids.

Preparation of the base ice layer

The first layer of ice is the most important beginning when building a snow slide. His correct formation becomes the key to creating ergonomically thought-out descents, verified inclinations and turns.

It is convenient to create a base ice layer using a regular home spray bottle for spraying plants. The water in the spray bottle should be warm. Otherwise, the slope will freeze too quickly, resulting in uneven sections. The first layer of ice crust should freeze for at least an hour.

How to make a hill of snow with your own hands? Filling with water

It is convenient to fill in the main layer of water to form a full-fledged ice descent using a small bucket, or better than a regular one. The water in the container should, again, be warm, this will make the surface of the descent smoother. However, you need to try not to overdo it, because when pouring a slide, you can frankly put all your efforts in vain.

In order for the surface of the descent to be finally seized by a strong ice crust, children should not be allowed to descend until the next morning. For the final fixing of the surface, it is necessary to throw several buckets of water onto the slope of the structure early in the morning.


How to make a snow slide for a child? When performing such a task, the main thing is to have a reserve of strength and time sufficient to form a full-fledged snow mountain.

In order not to fly off the hill, it is better to make the descent in the form of a groove with strong, high curbs. Similarly to the descent, the surface of the curbs must be evenly doused with water from a watering can, bucket or hose.

Having found out how to build a snow slide, you will probably want to make such a structure in the yard. If you also involve others in this process - parents and children, then you can turn the construction of the slide into a rather exciting event. As soon as the slide is completed, you can safely convene the neighboring children from all over the area, who will happily test the structure for strength.

Usually filling a small snow hill on your own, even without outside help, is no problem. Depending on the number of participants in the event, work can take from several hours to several days. However, the hard work will not go unnoticed. Until spring, children will be able to have fun and spend time in the company of their peers without leaving their own yard.

Here comes the winter! It snowed…… I was walking with my daughter and realized that something was missing!…. Well, of course, slides! Winter has come!
It's been snowing....
Walked with my daughter and realized that something was missing!…. Well, of course, slides!

And so, he gathered the neighbors - dads. They took shovels in their hands and did two useful things:

  1. Entertainment for children - a snow slide.
  2. Cleaned up the parking lot.

Now about how it all happened:

1. Necessary tools

- shovels;

- a scraper for cleaning snow (not necessary, but it makes life easier, I even have wheels, for cleaning the garage);

- sprayer;

- watering can;

- bucket;

- arms.

2. Choice of location

When choosing a location, Special attention paid to two things: safety and illumination, i.е. a place where children, driving down the mountain, will not fall under the wheels of cars, and which is illuminated at night.

3. Directly erecting a mountain

After choosing a place, we asked the owners of cars parked nearby to temporarily stop them and make room for us. After there were no cars left on the site, near the planned place, using the above tools (namely shovels, a scraper and hands), they cleared the parking lot, while “storing” the snow in the place planned down the hill.
The result was the preparation of the slide. After which it must be tamped down.
If the snow is “sticky”, then you can form a hill without shovels, and roll up snowballs (balls). Put them together in several layers, cover the gaps with snow, and, as in the first case, tamp.
They did not make the height of the slide large, so that it would be more convenient for mothers. The result is 1.5 meters. In addition, three pieces of old plywood were laid on the upper platform for the descent (actually, what was not a pity) so that it would not be slippery to stand on top.

4. Creating a "track"

After the construction of the mountain, it is necessary to make a “track”, “path”, “descent” (as you like), along which the children will move out.
It wasn't much work. After that, the descent was also rammed. At the same time, the descent angle was made minimal (taking into account the fact that the age of our children is 1-3 years old), 25-30 degrees.

5. First layer of ice

The first layer is probably the most important, ie. we form the surface of the descent, the angles of inclination and turns.
So for this, the simplest home spray gun for spraying flowers was used. They poured warm water into it (precisely warm, so that it does not freeze immediately) and sprayed the entire descent.
Left to freeze for about an hour.

6. Install plywood pad

While the descent was freezing, they made a plywood platform (see point 3)

7. Fill the slide with water

Using a garden watering can, we spilled the entire descent and sides of the slide again with warm water, which makes the ice smoother and avoids bumps. But not hot, otherwise everything will melt. After that, they left the slide for the night so that it “grabbed”.

In the morning, with a broad gesture, they splashed several buckets of water on her (for fixing).

9. Make steps on the slide

Steps were made from the reverse side of the slide, while using the old wooden slats(to avoid slipping). It was possible to make more handrails, but they did not find the material.

So, the next day, the slide was ready and tested (to the cheerful cry of the kids) by dads. Three happy days the kids could not be taken from the hill. They rode on priests, legs, plywood, etc., and one of the dads even carried out an inflatable ring, like in a water park. Children woke up and asked to go outside ...

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