Composition of soap bubbles that do not burst. How to make soap bubbles at home: the best recipes

Plant encyclopedia 21.10.2019
Plant encyclopedia

All children love bubbles. Even the most capricious child begins to smile at the sight of transparent balls bursting on the go. In addition, this fun is also to the liking of adults. After launching a series of flying rainbow bubbles, we return to childhood. They are great for photo shoots, fun kids' parties and just to decorate the usual gray days.

The best part is that this entertainment does not cost you a lot of money. Because a small bottle of soap bubbles is quite cheap. And for even more fun and endless happiness, it is enough to make a bubble solution yourself in any quantity. In addition, it is easy to prepare homemade bubbles in advance and store them later in the refrigerator for any convenient occasion.

Secrets of making successful soap bubbles

Making soap bubbles at home is quite simple. But in order not to waste a lot of time on trial and error, it is worth knowing all the secrets and subtleties in advance.

  • To make high-quality bubbles that will not burst in the first second and will have a good film, you need to use only distilled or boiled water. The fact is that ordinary tap water contains a lot of salts and impurities, which significantly worsens the composition of the solution and the bubbles themselves.
  • The density and strength of soap bubbles can be increased by adding glycerin to a solution previously dissolved in warm water.
  • For the smallest bubble blowers, it is better to prepare a not very dense solution, diluting it with plenty of water.
  • Always check to see if you have a good solution. To do this, you need to inflate the bubble, and then touch it with your finger soaked in the foam. If it bursts, then you should add more soap or glycerin for density.
  • Do not rush to use a freshly prepared solution. Exposing it in the refrigerator throughout the day noticeably improves soap bubbles. Because just during this time the foam completely settles.

Recipes for homemade soap bubbles

Although they are called "soapy", in fact, bubbles are quite easy to prepare from such improvised means as shampoo, glycerin and dishwashing gels.

Below we will consider the simplest and most effective recipes for making large and small bubbles from various compositions.

With laundry soap (for large bubbles)

You will need:

  • 1 glass of grated laundry soap,
  • 5 glasses of water
  • 1 tablespoon of glycerin.

Finely grate the laundry soap into crumbs and mix with hot water. Then add glycerin to this solution. Then additionally dilute the soap mixture with water to the required density. For small bubbles, it is enough to reduce the amount of ingredients in half.

With shampoo

You will need:

  • 1 glass of shampoo
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 3 tablespoons of glycerin.

Mix all the ingredients together. The water should be slightly warm to dissolve the glycerin better. This mixture should be infused for about a day.

With bubble bath

You will need:

  • 0.5 cups of water
  • 200 ml bath foam.

These scented bubble baths should be infused after mixing the ingredients. For the foam to completely settle, the solution must be refrigerated for 12-24 hours.

With detergent (for large bubbles)

You will need:

  • 0.5 cups of detergent
  • 5 glasses of water
  • 1 tablespoon of glycerin.

To prepare such a solution, warm water is also used. First we dissolve the glycerin in it, and then add the detergent. These bubbles are great for outdoors.

With liquid soap

You will need:

  • 0.5 cups of liquid soap
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

First you need to mix the soap with warm distilled or boiled water. This will generate a lot of foam, leave the solution in a cold place for 3 hours to settle. Then add glycerin, and leave the solution for another 10 hours in the refrigerator.

With sugar (for the biggest bubbles)

You will need:

  • 5 tablespoons of glycerin
  • 1 glass of dishwashing liquid
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2.5 glasses of water.

Pre-dissolve sugar in a small amount of hot boiled water. Then add and stir glycerin in the same mixture. We dilute everything with water and pour in dishwashing liquid. Incubate the solution for at least 12 hours in the refrigerator. You can even use these bubbles to build shapes on any flat surface, and also make great bubbles that are great for fun kids' parties. After all, they don't even have to be blown out, but just waving a curly stick in the air is enough.

Than blowing bubbles

In the commercial versions of soap bubbles, there are ready-made curly sticks for inflating. But when the preparation of the solution takes place at home, then there are a lot of options for devices for blowing bubbles. It all depends on your imagination and on the available tools that are in the house.

Blowing bubbles, especially large ones, is an exciting and magical sight. And with the addition of dyes or various effects, you can create your own captivating soap bubble show.

Do you want to please your child with big soap bubbles? Those that sell small ones and are in short supply for a long time? We have written detailed instructions on how to make soap bubbles at home, having at hand the means that we always use in everyday life.

To make soap bubbles at home, we need:

1. Plain water (preferably distilled or boiled).

2. Dishwashing detergent (liquid).

3. Shampoo.

4. Sugar.

5. Laundry soap.

6. Glycerin (buy at any pharmacy, without a prescription).

7. Ammonium alcohol.

8. Straw (cocktail tube or regular pipe).

Glycerol- exactly the tool that makes the walls of the soap bubble stronger, and the bubble itself, respectively, more long-lived.

Note... We use distilled water.

Sugar... A spoonful of sugar so that the bubbles do not burst for a long time.

Instruction -

Soap bubbles recipe.The first way.

Proportion: 1/6 glycerin, 1/6 liquid dishwashing liquid, 2/3 water. We mix and inflate our soap bubbles.

Soap bubbles recipe.Secondway.

We take any convenient large container (glass or bowl), pour 300 ml. water and add 100 ml. shampoo (we take any of your choice). Add 2 tablespoons of glycerin and 1 teaspoon of sugar. We mix everything thoroughly and enjoy the big soap bubbles with our own hands. There will not be many bubbles, but large ones, fall for a long time and will not burst quickly.

Soap bubbles recipe.Thirdway.

We mix 300 ml. water, 50 ml. glycerin and 100 ml. liquid dishwashing detergent. We stir our ingredients well and admire the soap bubbles that you have prepared yourself. There will be a lot of bubbles, they quickly reach the floor and burst.

Soap bubbles recipe.The fourth way.

We take l any shampoo for children or ordinary 200 ml. mix with 400 ml. distilled water. We leave for a day so that our solution settles. Then add 3 tablespoons of glycerin.

Soap bubbles recipe.Fifth way.

Ber e m shampoo 100 ml. add 200 ml. warm water and 3 tablespoons of sugar. Cheap and cheerful mile bubbles at home are ready.

Soap bubbles recipe.Sixth way.

We mix 200 ml. shampoo, 200ml. shower gel, 200 ml. liquid dishwashing liquid, 100 ml. water. We get a lot of big bubbles.

Soap bubbles recipe.Seventh way.

We mix the gel for intimate hygiene and distilled water (or ordinary water). It makes good bubbles too.

Soap bubbles recipe.Eighth way.

Pour 300 ml into a bowl. water, add 100 ml. glycerin, 10 drops of ammonia. In a separate container, rub 50 g of laundry soap and boil over a fire so that it dissolves faster. Add it to the stock solution. Mix all components. The solution should be infused for 2-3 days, then filter it and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours before use. Soap bubbles prepared using this method take a long time, and the blowing effect is the same as in the first method, only the bubbles do not burst longer.

Video -Shoh soap bubbles

Soap bubbles delight children of all ages. With their help, you can turn any, even the most boring day into a holiday. Water balls are very small and huge. Durability, touch resistance, volatility and the amount of transparent toys obtained depend on the blown material. You don't have to buy your soap show solution from the store, it's easy to make your own at home using simple ingredients.

From this article you will learn

When preparing a surprise, parents need to follow some recommendations, in this case the holiday will be successful:

  • Say no! tap water. It contains impurities that reduce the quality of the final result. The best option is boiled water, the ideal is distilled water.
  • The strength of the balls is given by sugar, pharmacy glycerin.
  • Calculate the correct mixing ratio for the solution. With an excess of glycerin, the bubbles will turn out to be too dense, difficult to blow out.
  • If you haven't found glycerin at home, use sodium tetraborate. It contains glycerin as an excipient.
  • If you are making a mixture with cosmetics, choose a product with a minimum amount of dyes and fragrances. Excess impurities reduce the density of the balls, complicate the blowing process.
  • If you plan on playing magic with a young child, cut the amount of foaming ingredients in half. The kid will be able to blow the balls by himself. They will be light, in large quantities, but will burst quickly.
  • After preparing the solution, leave it in the cold overnight or 24 hours. During this time, excess foam will settle, the ingredients will mix well, the solution will be of high quality.
  • Use a homemade solution indoors. The wind, street dust interfere with the creation of a great show from a large number of bubbles.
  • Increase the humidity in the room before playing. Moisture helps the bubbles live longer.
  • When you mix the components, check the quality of the solution. Inflate the balloon. If it bursts quickly or doesn't puff up at all, add glycerin. If it is difficult to blow, the bubble is heavy, you need to add a little water, mix well.
  • Giant balls are blown slowly out of a wide hole. Small ones are made of straw.

Important! Remember that soapy water stings your eyes. If an unpleasant situation occurs, do not scare the baby. Rinse your eyelids with some water and soothe your child. But it is best to tell that this happens in advance.

Check out 15 more life hacks for blowing bubbles:

Laundry soap solution (classic)

This is the easiest homemade soap bubble recipe. You will need:

  • grated or cut into small pieces soap - 10-20 g
  • glycerin alcohol - 2 tsp
  • half a glass of hot water.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Rub a bar of soap, fold into a wide container.
  2. Pour boiling water over, mix well.
  3. Wait for complete dissolution.
  4. Strain.
  5. Add glycerin or sodium tetraborate. First 2 tsp.
  6. Check the strength of the balls. If the bubble bursts quickly, add another 1-2 tsp. glycerin.
  7. If there is no glycerin, use sugar, gelatin. Add them in equal proportions: 10 g each, then more, if necessary.

Important! Choose your soap carefully. Do not use scented detergent. Take household, glycerin. There are no unnecessary additives in them.

Glycerin-free solution recipe

Glycerin alcohol is available in store-bought bubbles. For a homemade homemade option, this is not necessary. It is replaced by other components:

  • liquid dish detergent - 70 ml
  • sugar - 50 g
  • water - 70 ml
  • shower gel (without scent) - 70 ml.

The preparation of the solution takes a couple of minutes. Dissolve the sugar first, then add AOS, Fairy, Biolan. Let it brew for a couple of hours. If a lot of foam remains on the surface, remove it.

It is interesting! Use natural dyes to add a rainbow to the game. Pour the colored Easter egg tint into the soap maker. For the most chic effect, pour the mixture into small bottles and paint in different shades.

Dishwashing solution

This is ideal for blowing giant bubbles. Prepare the solution like this:

  1. Boil 400 ml water. Cool it down to 30–35 ° С.
  2. Pour in Fairy, at least 100 ml. Practice shows that it foams and bubbles best.
  3. Add granulated sugar to the solution - 2 tsp.
  4. Stir the finished mixture.

Important! Only ordinary dishwashing detergent is considered safe for babies. Do not use dishwasher fluid. It does not foam and contains active chemical components.

Shampoo solution

There is a secret in the step by step instructions. If you use a baby shampoo without tears, then the eyes will not pinch when the solution gets in. Make these bubbles for games in a kindergarten group when there are many toddlers. They push, soapy liquid splashes into the eyes. But an adult shampoo will work as well.

Bring the mixture like this:

  1. Dissolve 200 ml of shampoo in 400-500 ml of water.
  2. Lather, let it brew for a day.
  3. Add glycerin - 6 tbsp. l. or granulated sugar - 6 tsp.
  4. Keep in the cold for a couple of hours.
  5. Set up a soap experiment with babies of any age without fear for the eyes.

It is interesting! Jean-Baptiste Chardin was the first famous artist to depict soap bubbles on canvas. The work dates back to 1734. It depicts a man blowing a transparent ball out of a tube, and a child who watches with admiration what is happening.

Foam bath solution

Make soap balls while bathing. This is often done by kids. Let's use their experience.

A solution for soap bubbles with your own hands from bubble bath is easy to prepare, and the balls do not burst for a long time. The mixture will consist of simple ingredients:

  • boiled water - 100-120 ml;
  • bathing foam - 250-300 ml.

If you want the bubbles to be touch-resistant, add 30-40 g of glycerin. You do not need to infuse the mixture.

Important! After boiling, a sediment (scale) remains in the water. Try not to add it to soapy liquid. Better to gently drain or strain without loosening. The limescale flakes stop bubbles from forming. The ball simply won't inflate due to the weight of the solution.

Liquid soap solution

The easy way to create a soap show at home. They replace the classic recipe with laundry soap. Use a liquid version of the product to avoid waiting for the pieces to dissolve in the water. Balls based on flowing soap will inflate easily and have a pleasant scent. For the experiment, a child's product or any other without color and strong odor is suitable.

You need to dilute the mixture like this:

  1. Take water - 20 ml.
  2. Add 100 ml of liquid soap to the container.
  3. Mix, refrigerate on the lower shelf for 2-4 hours.
  4. Drop a little glycerin - no more than 10 drops.
  5. Release transparent balloons at home while walking.

It is interesting! In Samara, annually on May 10, a bubble festival is held. Participants in the children's show compete to blow the largest, strongest and most beautiful bubble. The holiday is fun, and local kids are indescribable delight.

Washing powder solution

Bubbles from hand wash powder are large and strong. They can be held in the palm of your hand for a couple of seconds. The production of the solution is time-consuming, but the end result is worth it.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • hot water (from 45 ° С) - 500-600 ml;
  • 20 g of washing powder (without Lenor additives, antistatic agents);
  • ammonia - 2 tsp, or 20 drops.

Mix powder, water, shake. Then add a drop of ammonia and place the container in the cold for four days. After settling, strain the mixture through a fine sieve. The solution is ready for experimentation.

Important! Such a mixture should not be given to babies under 3-5 years old for an independent experience of blowing balloons. Powder and ammonia can get into the mouth of the crumb, if the professionalism of using the bubble tube is not yet at a high level.

Sugar solution

Before making the magic mixture, you will have to make your own sugar syrup. This is not difficult:

  1. Take sugar - 5 parts and warm water - 1 part.
  2. Mix.
  3. You get a viscous mixture.

Now you can go back to the bubbles. Mix the following ingredients:

  • sugar syrup - 100 ml;
  • grated soap - 200 ml;
  • glycerin alcohol - 200 ml;
  • water (35–45 ° С) - 800 ml.

Combine the components, shake, leave to infuse for 12 hours. Remove excess foam from the top before use.

It is interesting! Sugar is essential in bubbles for strength and durability in flight. It plays the role of a hardening lubricant on the surface.

How to make huge bubbles

Bubbles with a diameter of 1 meter or more are considered large. Various methods are used to make them.

Lubricant Gel Recipe

You will need:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • Fairy - 230 ml;
  • Lubricant gel (technical lubricant) - 120-150 ml;
  • glycerin - 120-130 ml.

Mix everything except water. Then heat up the water and pour into the mixture. You do not need to whip up the foam.

Now the miracle begins. Children experience indescribable delight from everything huge. And the giant soap bubbles simply amaze their imagination.

It is interesting! The record for blowing a colossal bubble was set by the American company Beeboo Big Bubble Mix in 2005. The volume of the soap ball was 3000 cubic meters. It was a worldwide masterclass as the firm sells soap show equipment all over the planet.

Gelatin recipe

Preparation of soap balls with gelatin takes place in several stages:

  1. Dissolve 25 g of gelatin in warm water (500 ml). Take an iron cup, the dishes will have to be warmed up a little later on the stove.
  2. Remove excess water - drain it, leaving a thick mass of gelatin in the container.
  3. Add granulated sugar - 25 g.
  4. Heat the saucepan.
  5. Melt but do not boil.
  6. Pour in 400 ml of water.
  7. Add glycerin - 50 ml, Fairy - 100 ml.
  8. Stir quickly. Do not shake until foamy.
  9. The solution for giant bubbles is ready as in the store.
  10. Start launching soap balls immediately after the mixture has cooled down to room temperature.

It is interesting! Scientifically speaking, a soap ball is a multi-layer structure with a cavity inside. Water in different layers is attracted by molecules due to all known physical laws (attraction and others.). If the layers are too thick, then the H 2 O atoms collapse, forming a single whole - a drop. Glycerin delays this moment, preventing water molecules from being attracted.

Check out the tips in this video:

How to make durable bubbles

Tight bubbles are not made with a soap base. Other ingredients are required for bouncing and durability:

  1. water heated to 50-60 ° С - 300 ml;
  2. powder for washing - 25 g;
  3. ammonia - 1 tsp;
  4. glycerin - 150 ml.

To prevent the water balls from bursting, put the mixture of ingredients in the cold for 2-3 days. Pass through a sieve and cool for another 10 hours. Balls made from a mixture of glycerin and alcohol can be held in the palm of your hand, played like a jumper.

It is interesting! Valery Koval, a Russian schoolboy, came up with a new technology for blowing huge, durable bubbles. He added rubber glue to the solution. The result is a soap ball over two meters in diameter.

You can see another interesting recipe for durable bubbles in this video:

How can you inflate

A classic device for creating a party from soap balls is a tube and a straw. Today, showmen, and just resourceful children and parents, use more modern options for such an activity:

  • a purchased bottle with a stick;
  • a tube from a ballpoint pen;
  • a gun with a bubble inflation mechanism;
  • plastic bottles (from soda) without a bottom;
  • tennis racquet;
  • cracker for beating carpets;
  • homemade wire stick;
  • plastic funnel.

If desired, you can find many devices and ways to blow the largest, most durable curly and classic bubble. Turn on your imagination and play!

Bubble Fun

There are many group and individual soap ball games. They can be used at children's parties, at home to cheer up on sad winter evenings.

Soap matryoshka

You will need cocktail straws, soapy water, and a saucer. Play with your children like this:

  1. Pour the soap bubble liquid into a saucer.
  2. Insert a straw into the puddle. Blow a big bubble. It stays on the plate.
  3. Remove the straw, then insert it again inside the balloon, make another smaller bubble.
  4. Repeat several times. Bubbles should puff inside the previous ones, hiding, like in a nesting doll.
  5. Have a competition for the number of ingredients inside the main soap ball.

Soap war

Buy a bubble generator. This is a special mechanism for blowing water balls of different sizes. For a company of preschoolers, a mechanical version is suitable, which is comfortable to hold in hands. There is a container inside the gun for filling with solution. The crumbs press a key, and the pistol releases a series of soap balls.

The task of the children: hit the enemy with bubbles. With a large number of children playing, you will often have to refuel the container. But everyone will definitely like the game.


This is a scientific experience at home. In winter, take the kids out onto the balcony or play outside. Blow the balloon out carefully, don't make it big. If the temperature around is less than -7 ° C, then it will freeze and collapse. Children will love watching the ball freeze process.

Soap Bubble Drawings

It is necessary to prepare color solutions for inflation using natural dyes. Pour them into small bottles. Distribute straws, A4 sheets of paper to the children. You need to inflate colorful balloons and burst on paper to form a drawn circle. You can create a picture indefinitely, combining colors, drawing silhouettes with soapy lines. Adults can also be part of the team.


Running water rounds in the bathtub will give the kids a lot of fun. Make the bubbles float in the water, blow in the direction of travel. Arrange a competition "Whose ball floats to the edge first and does not burst."

Soap Hopper

This is a play set: gloves and bubble solution. The child inflates an elastic soap ball, with the help of gloves, he plays with the jumper for a long time. It is impossible to beat strongly, otherwise the bubble will burst quickly. The task of the child: to learn how to calculate the force of the blow, to intuitively guess where the ball will land, and to put your palm towards him.

The enthusiasm of children of different ages with soap bubbles is difficult to explain. Light water balls fascinate, captivate boys and girls. Learn to make bubbles at home with simple ingredients and surprise your home.

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Bubbles are always a joy, especially for young children. But purchased jars run out quickly, sometimes they accidentally spill, and they are not cheap. Learn to make soap bubbles yourself! At home, you can prepare a whole jar so that the holiday is always nearby. To make strong bubbles, you need very little: glycerin, a few secret ingredients and a good mood.

Glycerin and other secret ingredients

Almost all recipes for making soap bubbles contain a "fixing" component - glycerin. With it, the walls of the bubble become strong, it does not burst for a long time, with good composition and proper preparation, it even bounces off the fingers.

In addition to glycerin, gelatin and sugar syrup have anchoring properties. Professionals arranging a soap show recommend using polyvinyl alcohol or washing powder with ammonia in the preparation.

Almost in all the recipes, the “Fairy” detergent is taken as a soap base, stipulating that anything is possible, but “Fairy” is still better - it has been tested by practice.

In order for a small child to blow bubbles, it is important not to overdo it with glycerin, otherwise the mixture will turn out to be too strong.

Here are some helpful tips for making bubbles happy:

  1. Soap bubbles are made in soft water, therefore, unboiled tap water is not recommended for use. It is advisable to prepare the mixture in distilled or boiled, you can use melt water.
  2. If you are making bubbles for a child, use only safe ingredients. For example, take baby shampoo as a soap base.
  3. The water should be warm or hot, but not boiling.
  4. Stir the ingredients at a moderate intensity during cooking to create as little foam as possible. This rule is the key to success.
  5. It is recommended to insist the ready-made mixture from 12 hours to a day for the appearance of a whole soapy film on the surface.

Table of the proportions of components for the preparation of soap composition

The table shows the proportions of the constituents of the bubble soap mixture. Let's say in the last recipe you take a jar of glycerin as a unit, then half a jar of gelatin is required, and 2 jars of detergent are required.

How to make a mixture for different bubbles at home

There are a lot of recipes for making soap bubbles, since usually successful mixtures are obtained empirically.

A simple recipe with a minimum of ingredients

For cooking, you need only three components:

  • soft water (boiled, melted or distilled) - 300 ml;
  • detergent "Fairy" - 100 ml;
  • glycerin - 50 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the required amount of warm water into a bowl.
  2. We pour in "Fairy".
  3. Add glycerin.
  4. Mix everything gently without raising the foam.
  5. Leave to infuse in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

The mixture is ready, you can blow bubbles.

A simple way to make soap bubbles - video

Recipe using sugar and baking powder

We use the following components:

  • distilled water - 300 ml;
  • soap base - 50 ml;
  • glycerin - 25 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 5 teaspoons;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon.

The process of preparing a mixture for soap bubbles:

  1. Pour sugar and baking powder at the bottom of the container.
  2. Add glycerin.
  3. Pour in detergent.
  4. Fill all the components with water.
  5. Mix thoroughly without foam and leave to infuse for 12 hours.

After the soap film has become dense and solid, the bubbles are ready.

Soap bubbles with sugar - video

Giant Soap Bubbles Recipe

Ingredients and their proportions:

  • distilled water - 400 ml;
  • "Fairy" dishwashing liquid - 100 ml;
  • glycerin - 75 ml;
  • sugar –5 teaspoons;
  • gelatin –5 teaspoons.

Cooking process:

This recipe makes bubbles that are large and durable.

A little secret from the professionals. If you take bubble bath as a soap base, then your bubbles will also have a pleasant smell.

Bubbles are one of the simplest, but at the same time addicting and funny fun. It is interesting for children and adults, one person and a large company, at home and outdoors. You can, of course, buy a ready-made liquid, but it is more pleasant to make a solution for soap balls yourself. Moreover, it is not difficult at all.

The main components of the solution are water, soap shavings, glucose and glycerin. But it is important to observe the proportions when preparing and follow some recommendations.

Useful tips for making liquids at home

  1. It is recommended to make a solution based on distilled water, although, as a last resort, boiled water is also suitable. But ordinary tap water should not be used, due to the impurities it contains, the quality of the resulting composition will be much lower.
  2. To make the figures as strong as possible, you should add glycerin. Regular sugar will also help increase firmness.
  3. Detergents should contain as little perfume additives as possible.
  4. Just do not overdo it with the amount of ingredients, otherwise, due to the excessive density, it will be difficult to blow out the balls.
  5. If you are making a toddler mix, the density should be slightly lower. The balls, of course, will become less durable, but it will be much easier to blow them out.
  6. If there is such an opportunity, then it is recommended to withstand the finished solution for 16-20 hours. And preferably in a cold place. During this period, unnecessary foam will settle, and the toy will become of better quality.
  7. The foam in the composition forms extra balls at the edges of the soap film, which spoil the blowing process.
  8. Wind and dust greatly interfere with strong balls, but high humidity, on the contrary, helps.

Are you puzzled by the question: how to make soap bubbles at home? It's easy! Follow the indicated proportions and you will be good at it. After all, the composition of the mixture is very simple, and the main action that must be performed is to mix well.

For small children

  • Purified water - 0.2 liters
  • Glycerin - 20 milliliters
  • Baby shampoo 100 ml

Ideal for babies due to its safe composition. Glycerin can be substituted for 75 grams of sugar.

Classic recipe

  • Dishwashing liquid - 70 ml
  • Glycerin - 20 milliliters
  • Purified water - 0.2 liters

After mixing all the ingredients, leave the mixture in a cool place for 16-20 hours. The detergent can be replaced with 20 grams of grated laundry soap.

If you don't have glycerin on hand, mix purified water and grated laundry soap until completely dissolved. With a slow progress of the process, the mixture can be slightly warmed up, just do not forget to stir it.


  • Shower gel or shampoo (with a minimum amount of additives) - 70 milliliters
  • Purified water (warm) - 70 milliliters
  • Granulated sugar - 50 grams
  • Dishwashing liquid - 70 milliliters

Mix sugar with water until it is completely dissolved, then add household chemicals, let it brew for at least one hour.

Mix with syrup

  • Corn syrup - 70 ml
  • Purified water (warm) - 0.6 liters
  • Dishwashing liquid - 150 milliliters

Fragrant solution

  • Purified water - 0.1 liters
  • Bath foam - 300 milliliters

Thanks to the fragrances in the composition of the foam, the liquid turns out to be very fragrant, you can always choose an attractive smell for you.


Recipe for giant soap bubbles

There are several such recipes for self-preparation, they differ in components and the cost of cooking time.

Method number 1

  • Granulated sugar - 175 - 200 grams
  • Dishwashing liquid or soap (liquid) - 150 milliliters
  • Gelatin - 15 grams

Dissolve sugar in a mixture of gelatin with water, after it cools down to 30 ° C, pour in detergents. After mixing, it can be applied immediately.

Method number 2

It is similar to the previous one, but it also contains glycerin.

  • Purified water (warm) - 400 milliliters
  • Granulated sugar - 50 grams
  • Gelatin - 25 grams
  • Glycerin - 50 milliliters
  • Dishwashing liquid or soap (liquid) - 100 milliliters

Let the gelatin swell, stir the resulting suspension with sugar and pour over purified water, add the rest of the ingredients. The main thing is not to shake the solution so that foam does not form.

Video: making huge soap bubbles with our own hands:

Very strong

In order to make a heavy-duty compound, there are several methods.

Method number 1

  • Grated laundry soap - 15 grams
  • Purified water - 0.15 liters
  • Detergent - 20 milliliters
  • Highly concentrated sugar syrup - 20 ml
  • Glycerin - 60-80 milliliters

Mix all components thoroughly. Shapes of any shape and size can be blown from this tool.

Method number 2

It will take much more time, but the soap bubbles will not burst either.

  • Purified water (hot) - 0.3 liters
  • Ammonia - 10 drops
  • Washing powder - 25 grams
  • Glycerin - 150 milliliters

After mixing the components, leave them for two to three days. Then we filter and put in a cold place for 10-12 hours. A little tiring, but the effect is like from professional solutions.

Checking the quality of the solution

The check can be carried out by several parameters.

  • Blow out the bubble through a straw and touch it with a finger previously soaked in foam, if the ball bursts - the mixture is too watery, there is not enough soap and a few drops of glycerin.
  • If the liquid is blown out with difficulty and immediately falls, add some water to it.
  • Correct bubbles should be easy to inflate, not burst, large and colorful.

To prepare multi-colored balls, add food coloring to the resulting liquid, or divide it into parts and add a different color to each of them. And the aroma of strawberry, vanilla or chocolate in the resulting mixture will give the appropriate detergent or bath foam.

A bit of history

The history of the emergence of this toy goes back centuries for whole millennia. During excavations of the city of Ancient Rome, Pompeii, archaeologists found on the walls drawings with images of small children blowing balls.

Who exactly came up with the idea of ​​producing soap solutions is unknown. But the first official sales of this liquid are documented in London in the second half of the 19th century. And literally 50 years later, such a mixture could be bought everywhere and at an affordable cost.


What is being inflated?

Now it is worth considering what they are blowing through. Any straw, even if it is empty inside a reed, is considered a classic bubble blower. It was used several hundred years ago and continues to be widely used today. But what other options are there?

  • A special pistol available from the toy store
  • Shop bottle with a stick
  • Ballpoint pen (no refill)
  • Shaped baking tins
  • Funnel, both plastic and paper-rolled
  • Cocktail straw, cut at the end
  • Do it yourself a woven wire frame, such a device can be decorated with beads, stones and ribbons. It will look bright and festive.
  • For huge figures, a plastic bottle without a bottom is suitable.
  • Racket without mesh
  • Carpet beater

In stores specializing in organizing children's parties, you can find accessories of all sizes and shapes for the presented toy. You can blow one big bubble at a time or enjoy the view of many small balls.

Favorable external factors

If you use a toy outdoors, then the main factor influencing the result will be the weather conditions. Dry wind, dust, high temperatures can ruin the entertainment experience. And high humidity, on the contrary, will make the quality of the balls higher. Morning and evening time after heavy rain is considered to be ideal.

When playing at home, avoid drafts and working split systems, dry climates, hot and dusty rooms. And do not forget, bursting figures leave imprints on surfaces (furniture, wallpaper, stretch ceilings, parquet, etc.).

By the way, when the air temperature is below -15 ° C, the bubbles freeze when they come into contact with the surface of the earth, and at a temperature 10 degrees below they freeze in the air.


You can blow soap balls not only through the round hole. With the help of the following "tricks" you will be able to diversify your vacation or complement the holiday with unusual surprises.

  1. Technical device for blowing bubbles. A solution is poured into the generator, and the device itself releases strong balls in different directions. Both professional liquids and those prepared independently are suitable for him.
  2. Such entertainments look very impressive in winter. When freezing, the bubbles turn into a fabulous construction of small snowflakes.
  3. You can portray a nesting doll. To do this, pour the solution into a saucer, dip the tube and blow out the ball so that it remains in the container. Place the same straw inside it and blow again. A smaller bubble will start to appear in the middle of the larger bubble. You can repeat the procedure for a very long time.
  4. From several containers of colored soap solutions, blow the balls onto a white paper sheet. Thus, you can create an amazing and colorful drawing.
  5. And of course, you can just throw balls in the bathroom. Take a bath of warm water, light floating candles, and blow out soap figures. In this light, they look even more impressive and mesmerizing.

Safety precautions:

  1. Protect the respiratory system and eyes from the solution
  2. Supervise the children: do not taste the resulting soapy water
  3. Do not blow bubbles towards animals and people
  4. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with running water.
  5. After using the toy, be sure to wash your hands in clean water.

Video: how to make colored bubbles?

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