Download a presentation on Christmas. Presentation catalog

reservoirs 30.06.2020

Now it is becoming commonplace to hold family holidays of the secular and church calendar at school with the participation of parents and children. This work will help the teacher to build communication with the churched participants in the educational process.



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God with us! Christmas is a great, bright, joyful holiday, when "angels rejoice in heaven and people rejoice."

According to the Old Testament prophets, in the year 5508 from the creation of the world, Jesus Christ was born from the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit in the city of Bethlehem!

The Annunciation Christmas is celebrated exactly 9 months after another church holiday - the Annunciation (April 7), when an angel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced the good news that she would give birth to the Son of God.

CHRISTMAS STAR According to legend, on the day of the Annunciation of the Mother of God, a star lit up over Babylon. She was followed by the Magi, that is, the owners of secret knowledge, familiar with the prophecy of Daniel, who lived long before that in Babylon.

On the census in Bethlehem When Mary was already pregnant, she and Joseph had to go on a long journey, to the city of Bethlehem, because the Roman Caesar Augustus ordered to make a census of the population throughout his land.

By the time of the earthly life of Christ the Savior, Judea was part of the vast Roman Empire and was ruled by the governor of Syria and the procurator subordinate to him. Emperor Augustus, in order to streamline taxation, decided to conduct a census throughout the state. The Roman authorities reckoned with local customs, and the census was carried out in Judea according to the laws of the people. Mary and Joseph belonged to the family of David, and therefore had to be registered in the city where their ancestor came from - in Bethlehem - the House of Living Bread. Why was a census needed?

Cave - nativity scene When Joseph and Mary got to Bethlehem, there were no places in the hotel. Many came to Bethlehem for the census. It was time for Mary to give birth. “... And she gave birth to her Firstborn Son, and swaddled Him, and laid Him in a manger,” we read in the Gospel. This means that they are housed in a cattle pen. According to ancient legend, this barn was located in a cave.

When Christ came The world received its King in the cattle den. Only animals on a cold winter night warmed the Baby with their breath. They did not touch the food, so that in a handful of hay, as in a soft bed, He could hide from the cold. The baby in the cave of Bethlehem exuded a wondrous light.

Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Holy Cave of the Nativity, an Orthodox throne over the birthplace of the Savior.

Manger of Christ The silver star under the throne marks the place where Jesus Christ was born.

Adoration of the Shepherds The first guests of the divine baby were simple shepherds, to whom the Angel announced the Nativity of Christ: “I proclaim to you great joy that will be for all people: for today in the city of David a Savior has been born to you, who is Christ the Lord! And here is a sign for you: you will find a baby in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger” (Luke 2:10-12).

At this time, according to the Apostle Matthew, with gifts to the King of the World there were magicians from the east (magi - the ancient sages). They, following her movement through the firmament, crossed several states and arrived in Jerusalem. There they turned to the ruling sovereign of this country, Herod, with the question of where they could see the newly born King of the Jews, apparently assuming that the ruler should be related to him by family ties. star of bethlehem

Adoration of the Magi Herod was alarmed by this news, but did not show it and politely escorted the Magi out of the palace, asking them, when they find the King, to tell him where he is, “so that I can go and bow to Him.” The travelers left Jerusalem and followed the guiding star that led them to Bethlehem. There they found Mary with the baby, bowed to him and brought gifts.

Adoration of the Magi The Magi brought gifts to the Infant: gold, frankincense and myrrh. These gifts had a deep meaning: they brought gold as a tribute to the Tsar, frankincense as to God, and myrrh as to a person who should die (myrrh was anointed in those distant times for the dead).

According to legend, one of the Magi was a Persian, another was an Arab, and the third was an Ethiopian. Their names were Gaspar, Melchior and Belshazzar. After worshiping Jesus, the Magi more than thirty years later received Baptism from the Apostle Thomas and became preachers themselves. Their relics were discovered in the III century and are now in the Cologne Cathedral in Germany. Cologne Cathedral

Massacre of the Innocents Herod the Great, having learned about the birth of the Infant, who was destined to become the "King of the Jews", and fearing that his own power would thus be usurped, ordered to kill all the infants in Bethlehem and its environs.

What was Herod trying to achieve by sending soldiers to massacre babies in Bethlehem? Is it only to kill the little Christ? It must be assumed that he knew: if God sent a Savior into the world, then no weapon would hit Him. Then what was he after? Fear! The horror that will take possession of the people! That's what Herod needed. So that the people of the Savior would not recognize, remembering the fanaticism that accompanied His coming.

Massacre of the Innocents Thus 14,000 infants were killed. They are considered the first martyrs for Christ. But the Holy Family, warned by an angel, had already disappeared to a safe place by this moment.

Flight into Egypt "The angel of the Lord appears in a dream to Joseph and says: Get up, take the Child and His Mother, and flee to Egypt, and be there until I tell you; for Herod wants to seek the Child in order to destroy Him" ​​(Mat. 2: 13). Joseph obeyed. He put a young mother with a newborn son in her arms on a donkey, and they left Bethlehem. The old carpenter himself walked in front, leading the donkey by the bridle. Their path lay to the west, to the border of Egypt.

But was the born Christ really welcomed in this way? The Holy Church sings that all of God's creation met the Savior: the angels brought Him singing, the Magi - gifts, the shepherds met the Baby, the earth prepared a cave-nativity scene, and the Virgin Mary became the Mother of the Lord.

Once begun, the Nativity of Christ continues endlessly in human souls and always takes place in silence and solitude.


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The first time the feast of the Nativity of Christ was celebrated in Russia in 988. Christmas is one of the most beautiful and solemn Christian holidays. Throughout the Christian world, including in Russia, Christmas has always been celebrated with special reverence. On this day, decorated Christmas trees are everywhere, symbolizing the gospel tree, candles are burning, similar to those that burned in the Bethlehem barn. Celebrating Christmas in Russia

Christmas tree It is believed that the tree is an integral part of the New Year. This is not entirely true. Putting up a Christmas tree is a Christmas custom. Since ancient times, all peoples have had a tree as a symbol of peace. The symbol of paradise is an evergreen spruce, which is usually dressed up on the night of Christmas and left during all Christmas time. By the way, the Christmas tree differs from the New Year tree in that it was decorated exclusively with white and blue balls.

Mercy We prepared thoroughly for the holiday, a few days before Christmas all work stopped: it was believed that otherwise the year would pass in hard work, without rest. 6 weeks before the start of the holiday, a strict fast begins. Wealthy people considered it their duty these days to help the poor. They set up almshouses, visited prisons and distributed alms.

On Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve - food was not allowed until the appearance of the first star, which marks the birth of the Savior of the world. When this Christmas star rose in the sky, everyone hurried to the festive table. There must have been some hay or straw on the table. Until midnight at the table they usually used lenten, "Christmas kutya", and only after - fast food, the great meat-eater began. Christmas table

The name "Christmas Eve" - ​​from the word "sochivo", that was the name of the ritual dish, obligatory on this evening. It was prepared from poppy or almond "milk" mixed with honey, and porridge from red wheat or barley, rye, buckwheat, peas, lentils. Whole or chopped walnut kernels, sweet almonds, crushed poppy seeds were added there. This dish began the meal, both on Christmas Eve and on Epiphany Eve. Sochivo

Solemn worship Christmas Eve in the Christian world is considered exclusively a family dinner. On this day peace, love and harmony reign in the house. In the old days, the table was sprinkled with hay, then a tablecloth was laid, a dish with juicy and other dishes was placed in the center of the table. There were enough drinks. In the temples during these festive evening hours, a solemn divine service was going on.

The evening of January 6 was also called “carols”. Carol, carol! And there is a carol on Christmas Eve! Kolyada came - brought Christmas! And God forbid the one Who is in this house: The rye is thick for him, The rye of the dinner man! He has an octopus from an ear, From the grain of his rug, From a half-grain - a pie! The Lord would give you And life, and being, And wealth! And create for you, Lord, Even better than that! Give you, Lord, Cattle, a belly, a cow with a calf, a sheep with a lamb, a horse with a foal, a pig with a piglet!

Christmas time On the eve of Christmas and on the day of the holiday, they dressed in everything new, and even changed clothes several times so that they would be updated all year. From January 8, Christmas time begins, lasting 12 days, until Epiphany.

Generous Gifts According to ancient belief, during Christmas time, the newborn God wanders the earth and sends generous gifts; What you ask in prayer is what you will receive. It was believed that at this time the most cherished desires were fulfilled.

Christmas time was accompanied by its own customs and rituals - Christmas festivities, Christmas caroling, generosity, fortune-telling for Christmas, New Year and Epiphany. Christmas time was a time of rest, games, entertainment, festivities.

A candle on the window These days, carolers walked around the yards, praised Christ, sang ritual songs, wished happiness and well-being to the owners, collected gifts. But there was one secret - they came only to those houses on the window of which a candle was displayed ...

Be merciful Fasting on holy days is cancelled. But Christmas is not only joy and fun. Our pious ancestors did deeds of mercy at Christmas time, following the commandment of the Savior: "Be merciful, as your Father is merciful."

Dressed up An indispensable condition of the Christmas holiday in Russia was dressing up in masks and masquerade costumes. This tradition is also very ancient. The Church has never encouraged such disguises.

And then lovers of the masquerade had to "cleanse themselves of filth" by bathing in winter rivers (on the day of the Epiphany of the Lord).

Nativity scene About 100-200 years ago in Russia there was a wonderful tradition of home theaters on biblical themes, our ancestors were especially fond of arranging Christmas nativity scenes - that was the name of performances on the theme of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Nativity theater All members of the family took part in this action, from the smallest children to the gray-haired household members. Children and adults sewed costumes for themselves, learned roles, and made scenery.

And, of course, what is Christmas without gifts? The custom of giving gifts at Christmas is connected with the gospel traditions about the gifts of the Magi. As you know, these were gold, frankincense and myrrh. But this does not mean that we should give gold and other expensive gifts. The main thing is that the gift should be made from a pure heart. Most often at Christmas they give figurines of angels, beautiful cards, books.

Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos And the day after Christmas is dedicated to the Mother of Christ the Savior - the Blessed Virgin Mary. From the gathering of believers to the temple to glorify and thank Her, this day is called the Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos.

God with us! That night has receded into the darkness of centuries, When, tired of malice and anxiety, the Earth rested in the arms of the sky And in silence was born: "God is with us!" And much is already impossible now: Kings no longer look at heaven, And shepherds in the wilderness do not listen, As angels speak of God. But the eternal that was revealed on this night - It is indestructible by time, And the Word was born again in your soul, Born over the manger long ago. Yes! God is with us - not there, in an azure tent, Not beyond the bounds of countless worlds, Not in evil fire and not in stormy breathing, And not in the sleeping memory of centuries. He is here now - in the midst of random vanity, In the noisy stream of life's anxieties. You own the all-joyful secret: Powerless evil, we are eternal, GOD WITH US!

HOLIDAY OF PEACE According to legend, in the year of Christmas there were no wars on earth. The Lord brought peace, man's peace with God. He brings peace to the restless soul and sick conscience. He is the only one who can give the human heart peace and tranquility.

But, like twenty centuries ago, the Nativity of Christ always remains a personal holiday of the people involved in it. Those in whom Christ was born, who recognized Him as God, accepted into themselves and submitted their lives to Him. There are still few such people. Because to live for yourself, and not for Him, seems to be more reasonable, worldly wiser. True, for the time being - until a person faces questions: “What do we live for? What are we dying for? Why do we get sick and suffer?

Based on materials from Orthodox publications. based on materials from the site Sources of information

The presentation about the Nativity of Christ was made for children who, together with their parents, are preparing to celebrate one of the most revered holidays in Christianity. You can download an electronic manual for free for a class hour, for viewing at home with friends, for enjoying beautiful slides with your family on a holiday.

41 slides are devoted to the story of the feast of the Nativity of Christ. On most pages, next to beautiful illustrations, there are poems by Russian poets about the people's favorite holiday. May this work on such a burning topic leave an indelible mark on the souls of our schoolchildren.

In the second part of the presentation, an intellectual literary game is proposed on the theme "Once in Epiphany evening." High school students can handle it. Questions affect knowledge of Christmas traditions, literary works that mention the holiday. We'll have to remember the symbols of Christmas tree and five-pointed star.

The presentation on the theme "Christmas in Russia" tells about what wonderful traditions of the Christmas holiday are in our country, which were in the villages in Ancient Russia. You can download the development for any class. On the eve of the Christmas holidays, it will be interesting for both elementary school students and secondary school students to feel the mood that this bright date gives.

Completed electronic resource on 24 slides. Each of them has an illustration on this topic, small text materials, congratulations for those who look at the work. Enjoy watching a wonderful manual and rejoice in the approach of the winter holiday of the Nativity of Christ in Russia.

The presentation on the theme "Christmas in France" will tell about the favorite family holiday of all the French without exception. There is no person in this country who would not prepare in advance for this winter celebration. If you happen to visit this country at this particular time at the end of December, you will be able to see the Christmas traditions with your own eyes, but for now, you can get an idea of ​​​​the celebration of Christmas in France from the presentation that we offer to download for a class hour or a French lesson.

The work was done in Russian, although some words are translated into French: PERE NOEL - Santa Claus in France, and L’ARBRE DE NOEL is nothing more than a Christmas tree.

The presentation on the theme "Christmas in Germany" was made by Pinzhur's 5th grade student Nikita. You can download the boy's work to tell the children about what traditions the Germans have when celebrating this winter celebration. The work will be especially interesting for those who have just begun to get acquainted with the German language, with the culture of the country. You can use the electronic resource both in the German lesson and in the classroom.

The presentation describes the traditions of the holiday, typical for Germany:

  • the day of the celebration of Christmas;
  • Christmas tree and lights - a symbol of the holiday;
  • a wreath with candles - decoration of every house for Christmas;
  • holiday treats;
  • beshehrung - the tradition of giving gifts to each other;
  • Saint Nicholas is a German Christmas character.

The presentation tells about how Christmas is celebrated in England. It turns out that this wonderful holiday in each country has acquired its own traditions. In the UK, preparations for Christmas begin ahead of time. Since autumn, everyone has been trying to make Christmas lists of gifts so as not to forget anything on the eve of such an important day, when boxes with bright bows should appear under the tree in special red socks.

It will be interesting for our children to get acquainted with the history of Santa Claus, who is the main character of Christmas in England and English-speaking countries. It turns out that Clement Clark Moore once wrote a fairy tale about him, where he created his unique image: an old man in smart clothes, traveling on eight deer, descending into every house through a chimney to leave a gift for children by the fireplace. Want to know even more about English Christmas traditions? There is nothing easier, you just need to download a presentation for free and watch it with schoolchildren.

A presentation on the topic “The Feast of the Nativity of Christ” is an amazing electronic manual that will make it interesting to tell schoolchildren about the traditions of the brightest winter holiday. The work consists of 15 colorful slides that will attract attention with informative material and catchy illustrations. The story of the Nativity of Christ is told in simple, understandable language. The viewer will see and learn from what time this date began to be celebrated in the Christian church, what traditions of celebration have remained to this day. Much attention is paid to the story of Kolyada and Christmas time, the customs that accompany the holiday in Russia. There is information on the slides about the old New Year and Epiphany. At the end of the class hour, you can hold a quiz about the winter holidays, where the children will have to answer questions about the traditions of the Nativity of Christ and Christmas time.

The presentation tells about the traditions of Christmas that exist in different countries of the world. They can be found in Russia, and in England, and in Germany, and in other states. It is recommended to download the manual for thematic class hours. The topic is interesting, so both primary and secondary school teachers can use the resource.

Christmas is the brightest holiday. They prepare for it for a long time, so that on this day everything is special. Everyone strives to observe those Christmas customs that have been created by the people for centuries and symbolize the triumph. Schoolchildren will be interested to learn about the Christmas wreath, Christmas tree, gifts, bells, Christmas tree decorations, festive garlands and other celebration customs preserved in families.

The presentation will introduce schoolchildren to the history of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ. It is proposed to hold a class hour for children in the form of Christmas gatherings. Also, the development can be downloaded for free for organizing extra-curricular activities, for revealing the topic at the lessons of the ORKSE in grade 4.

How accurately and penetratingly B. Pasternak described the mood of the moment when the baby Christ was born. The poet's poem will become that intriguing moment that will capture the souls of children, capture their attention and will not let it go until the end of the viewing. There are 29 slides in total. With each page, the child learns something new. Looking into the bright faces, he is approaching the holiday.

The presentation is filled with material that tells the story of the emergence of Christmas cards. Downloading the manual will be of interest to those who are preparing a class hour or are going to make a gift for their relatives with their own hands. The teacher will be able to organize the display of the manual at the lessons of technology, art, during classes in circles.

The topic is presented broadly and fully. Since you will hear a story about postcards that have become a symbol of Christmas, the manual contains a lot of illustrative material. Children will enjoy those stories that are created with love on the eve of the holiday and are also very symbolic. Here are angels, and Christmas trees, and family dinners, and houses decorated for the holiday. And somewhere Santa Claus rushes forward with gifts, Father Frost rushes along snow-covered roads, children and adults carol.

The presentation presents material for holding a Christmas quiz on the eve of the Nativity of Christ. You can download the manual for use on class hours, when conducting extracurricular activities and themed games. This development can be the basis for the event, or it can only be the final chord when fixing the theme.

Students can answer questions individually or in teams. There are answers to all questions that will please the children and make it easier for the teacher to prepare for the lesson. All questions relate to the holiday of Christmas. Schoolchildren must answer when this celebration is celebrated in the world where Christ was born, what was the name of his mother, who first came to bow to the baby and what gifts were presented to him as the first gifts.

The presentation will help organize the work of a creative workshop for making a Christmas star with your own hands, the light of which informs us about the onset of the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ. You can download the manual for the lessons of labor, technology. At home, children can make this craft on their own or with their parents.

16 slides show the step-by-step production of paper crafts. Step by step, bending a sheet of yellow paper or cardboard in the right direction, children will receive an elegant product. They can decorate the house, or you can go caroling, congratulating relatives and neighbors.

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How did the Nativity of Christ (the Savior's birthday), such an amazing event that became a great holiday for all people, happen?

The Archangel of God appeared to the Virgin Mary with the good news that she would give birth to a son - the Savior of the World

The time of birth was approaching, when an order came from the king of that country to take a census of all people. Each resident of the country had to register in his hometown. Joseph and the Virgin Mary came from the family of King David and therefore they had to go, write down their names, to the city of King David-Bethlehem.

When they arrived there, it turned out that a lot of people had come, and all the houses and hotels were occupied. They had to stay outside the city in a cave, where shepherds usually drive their cattle out of bad weather. It was here at night that the Virgin Mary gave birth to the Savior of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ. ,

The first to bow to the Divine Infant were the shepherds, to whom an angel, surrounded by extraordinary light, announced the birth of the Savior.

In addition to shepherds, Eastern sages came to worship the born Savior. The wise men bowed to the Savior and brought Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Since then, 2000 years have passed. And every year we remember the Nativity of Christ, we celebrate it, we rejoice in it. In honor of the Nativity of Christ, people began to arrange Christmas trees, give gifts to each other and, of course, celebrate it especially solemnly in the church.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Objectives: to introduce the events associated with the feast of the Nativity of Christ, with the festive icon of the Nativity of Christ; enrich the vocabulary of children with new words of historical and cultural significance ...


On this day, an unprecedented event took place in the small town of Bethlehem - the Divine Infant, the Son of God, was born into the world. Jesus Christ was born supernaturally from the Virgin Mary, whom we have since...

Extracurricular event "The Legend of the Nativity of Christ"

1. Introductory speech 2. Conversation about the winter Orthodox holidays 3. Scene 4. Cartoon 5. Decoration of the Christmas tree 6. Conclusion This event is aimed at the formation of spiritual and moral...

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

The presentation can be used in work with children of senior preschool and primary school age to illustrate the story of the feast of the Nativity of Christ (The first Christmas tree on earth. The author is the maiden Maria Solopova, the future abbess Taisia; or the Nativity of Christ. Children's Bible).

Presentation goals:

  • introduce children to Orthodox traditions;
  • to deepen and expand children's knowledge about the feast of the Nativity of Christ;
  • cultivate kindness, compassion, empathy.

The feast of the Nativity of Christ is the feast of children. On this day, many, many years ago, Jesus Christ was born and lay in a manger, as in a cradle (slide 1.Image appears on click).

In the year when the Savior was born, the Roman emperor Augustus wanted to know how many people there were in Judea, the country he ruled. And all the inhabitants had to return by the appointed time to their cities, i.e. each to the city where he was born, in order to be able to count everyone and say how many people are in each city.

The Mother of God - the Blessed Virgin Mary, together with Elder Joseph, were born in the city of Bethlehem and therefore came there. This town was small, and there was not enough space in the houses for all those who came, so the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph stopped in a cave in which shepherds kept their cattle in bad weather, at the very entrance to the city.

Night came, the stars lit up in the sky like great lamps; there was complete silence; only in the cave, near a manger full of straw and hay, animals, donkeys and cows, stood quietly chewing their food. When Jesus Christ was born, the Mother of God swaddled him and put him in a manger (feeder for cattle), the animals stepped aside and meekly, affectionately looked at the Baby ( Slide 2. Image appears on click, music turns on automatically, turns off on click).

At this time, the shepherds, who were grazing their flocks far from the city, suddenly saw a bright Angel ( Slide 3. Image appears on click). The shepherds were frightened, but the Angel told them to go to Bethlehem, to the cave and bow to the Christ Child who was born there.

At that time, a great multitude of other angels appeared, praising God ( Slide 3. The image appears on click, the music turns off automatically).

When the Angels disappeared, the shepherds noticed that a new big star appeared in the sky ( slide 4). When the shepherds went, and the star went across the sky, then they realized that the star was leading them, and already boldly set off (slide 4.Animation and music are activated on click). The star led them to Bethlehem and stood over the cave, and the shepherds entered it and, kneeling down, rejoiced and thanked God that the Son of God was born on Earth, who will grow up and teach them to be kind and just.

Meanwhile, the scientists of the country of Babylon, who were called Magi, saw a new star in the sky and realized that it was on that night in Bethlehem that the Infant Christ was born, and they decided to go and worship Him. The Magi followed the star and it stopped over the cave ( Slide 5. Animation and music are activated on click).

The gray-haired old magi, smart and learned, knelt before the Baby and brought Him their gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh ( slide 6).

Elder Joseph looked at the general worship, his heart was overflowing with love, and he also wanted to give something to the Infant Christ, but he was a simple carpenter and very poor, he had nothing but the wood from which he worked. He cut trees in the forest and he knew nothing better, more beautiful than the forest. He remembered that he saw a tree there - forever green, fragrant, like fragrant resin and with twigs ending like small candles ....

Joseph went into the forest, found a Christmas tree and, entering the cave, placed it in front of the manger ( slide 6. Animation turns on on click). Suddenly, a miracle happened: bright stars rolled down from the sky and flashed with lights at the ends of the branches ( slide 6. Animation turns on on click). So the first Christmas tree on earth was lit.

Since then, all nations have been trying to celebrate the Christmas holiday in peace and joy, and for small children they bring a Christmas tree and decorate it ( Slide 7).

Appendix: Presentation.


And there was a miracle on earth. Christmas reader in literature for students in grades 5-11. Compiled by: Bezborodkina E.S., Korkhova V.O.

The first tree on earth. Chrismas story. The author is the maiden Maria Solopova, the future abbess Taisia. (In abbreviation).

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For about two thousand years this holiday has been celebrated by millions of people of the same faith in different countries. Orthodox Christmas in Russia is celebrated on the night of January 7th.

Christmas is called "the mother of all holidays" The birth of Jesus Christ - the son of God - begins his earthly life, his suffering and Resurrection. The significance of this holy night is very great for all people on earth. Because he came to save us all!

2000 years ago, an unprecedented event took place in the small town of Bethlehem - the Son of God was born. He was born outside the city, in a cave and was placed in a manger where they put food for animals.

The first guests of the divine baby were simple shepherds, to whom the Angel announced the Nativity of Christ: “I announce to you a great joy that will be for all people: the Savior, Who is Christ the Lord, was born in the city of David! And here is a sign for you: you will find the Baby in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. The shepherds were the first to hasten to bow to the newborn Savior.

At this time, with gifts to the King of the World, the wise men came from the east (the wise men are the ancient sages). They knew and expected that the great King of the World would soon come to earth, and a wonderful star showed them the way to Jerusalem.

The Magi brought gifts to the Child. Star And there was a miracle on earth And a miracle in the heavens: Like the sun, a star flared up in the rays in the midnight haze. She floated over the world of tears And her light shone... And she told the poor shepherds that Christ was born. And in Bethlehem the Magi carried their Gifts behind her, And on the straw there they found the King of Kings.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation about Christmas.

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