How developed is the intellect? How the human intellect is formed and works

Landscaping and planning 21.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

Psychologists have named 13 scientifically proven signs of high intelligence. They are published by Business Insider.

Secrets of IQ: About the IQ and related nonsense

1. The ability not to be distracted by extraneous things. A sign of high intelligence is the ability to focus attention long time on one thing ... This was confirmed by a small study conducted in 2013. During the experiments, it turned out that people with a high IQ (intelligence quotient) are more difficult to notice how big picture the background changes slowly - because they concentrate on smaller details.

2. Late to bed and late to rise. Owls are smarter than larks. This controversial statement is supported by two scientific works 1999 and 2009, in which a total of thousands of people participated. People who stay up late and wake up late both on weekends and weekdays have higher intelligence.

3. Easy adaptation. Intelligence is inextricably linked with the ability to change one's behavior in order to act most effectively in the current situation, or change the situation.

4. Know that you don't know much. Smart people are not afraid to admit that they don't know something - because they can easily learn it or learn it. Studies show that the lower a person's intelligence, the more he tends to overestimate it, and vice versa. An experiment was carried out in which a large number of students took the same test. Those who did the worst on it thought they wrote it one and a half times better than they actually did, and those who were in the lead when calculating the results, on the contrary, believed that they did not cope.

5. Curiosity. Albert Einstein himself said that he was not very gifted, but very curious. Scientists say that curiosity is a sign of high intelligence. "Ordinary" people take "ordinary" things for granted, while intellectuals can admire exactly the same things. In 2016, an article was published based on the results of a study in which thousands of people participated. Those with higher IQs at age 11 were more inquisitive at age 50.

6. Openness to new ideas and opportunities. People who consider all alternatives, weigh and consider them rather than refuse to evaluate them, are, on average, smarter. Openness to new ideas and the ability to determine, based on facts, which of them can be best used is a sign of high intelligence.

7. Feeling comfortable alone with yourself. Highly intelligent people often have strong personalities, and a recent study indicates that "smart" people enjoy socializing less.

8. Good self-control. Smarter are those people who are doing well with planning, evaluating alternative strategies and possible consequences, setting specific

goals. In 2009, experiments showed that people with higher intelligence are more likely to choose between two options that will bring more profit, although it will take longer - and this requires self-control. Such people are not prone to impulsive decisions.

9. Great sense of humor. High intelligence is often associated with a sense of humor. Studies have shown that participants who drew funnier comics had higher IQs, and that professional comedians also perform better on average than the average person on IQ tests.

10. The ability to put yourself in the place of another person. Empathy is part of emotional intelligence, and some psychologists believe that those people who can understand how another person is feeling are more intelligent.

11. The ability to see connections and associations that others do not see. This is also characteristic of highly intelligent people. For example, they can tell you right off the bat what watermelon and sashimi have in common (both are eaten raw and cold). The ability to see parallels and general schemes is inextricably linked with intelligence, and this also includes creativity as the ability to present the old under the sauce of the new.

12. Frequent postponing of affairs "for later". People with higher intelligence are more likely to do routine things, postponing more important ones for later. At this moment, they are just thinking about this important thing. This action can also manifest itself in the very work on something important: it is the key to innovation.

13. Thoughts about the meaning of life. Reflections on global topics, such as the meaning of life or the existence of the universe, can also be an indicator of intelligence. Such people often think about why or why this or that event happened, and these existential reflections often increase the level of anxiety. On the other hand, highly intelligent people are always ready for things to go wrong.

Earlier, Pravda.Ru reported that American psychologists at the Georgia Institute of Technology conducted a study on the subject. Data analysis suggests that dreamy people have higher intellectual and creative abilities.

Mental activity distinguishes man from other living beings. Intelligence is one of such activities, which has levels and coefficient of its manifestation. It is necessary to engage in the development of intelligence so that it is at a sufficiently high level.

What is intelligence?

Intelligence means cognitive activity, which allows you to accept, comprehend and resolve any problems.

Thanks to the intellect, a person can assimilate new experience, knowledge, adapt to new circumstances. Human intellectual activity includes:

  • Feeling.
  • Perception.
  • Memory.
  • Performance.

Psychology of intelligence

At all times, people have been studying the intellect. However, the main teaching was the theory of Piaget, who divided the first directions in the adaptation of the child to the environment in the form of assimilation (explaining the situation with the help of existing knowledge) and accommodation (learning new information). In psychology, according to Piaget's theory, the following stages of intelligence development are distinguished:

  1. Sensorimotor. It manifests itself in the first years of life, while the child is studying the world. The scientist called the appearance of his own judgments the first intellectual activity.
  2. Prior to operations. The world is gradually becoming diverse for the child, but he is still able to solve simple problems and operate with elementary concepts.
  3. specific operations. When a child begins to focus on their own judgments and perform specific actions.
  4. formal operations. A teenager already has certain ideas about the world that enrich his spiritual world.

However, not all people develop intelligence evenly. There are tests developed by psychologists that show at what level of development a person is.

Intelligence level

To solve certain tasks, a person resorts to such levels of intelligence as concrete and abstract.

  1. Concrete intelligence allows you to perform everyday tasks using existing knowledge.
  2. Abstract intelligence allows you to operate with concepts and words.

The level of intelligence can be measured using a special IQ test developed by G. Eysenck. The test is presented in the form of a scale, which is divided into divisions from 0 to 160. The average level of intelligence has most of people - this is 90-110. If you constantly engage in your development, you can increase the level by 10 points. Only 25% have high intelligence (more than 110 points). Among them, only 0.5% of the population reach the mark of more than 140 points. The remaining 25% have low intelligence - less than 90 points.

A low IQ is inherent in oligophrenics. The average coefficient is observed in most of the population. Geniuses have a high coefficient.

Intelligence, according to psychologists, always remains at the level of its development to which a person has come. A. Lazursky singled out 3 intellectual activities:

  1. Low - the absolute unfitness of the individual.
  2. Average - good adaptation to the environment.
  3. High - the desire to modify the environment.

IQ tests are very popular. However, their diversity is not always a good indicator. The more diverse the tasks in the test, the better, which allows you to test a person for development various kinds intellect.

IQ level is influenced by such factors:

  • Inheritance and family. Here an important role is played by the prosperity of the family, food, education and quality communication between relatives.
  • Gender and race. It is noted that after the age of 5, boys and girls differ in their development. It also affects race.
  • Health.
  • Country of Residence.
  • social factors.

Types of intelligence

The intellect is the flexible part of the individual. It can be developed.

A person becomes harmonious if he develops all kinds of intelligence:

  • Verbal - includes speech, writing, communication, reading. For its development, it is necessary to learn languages, read books, communicate, etc.
  • Logical - logical thinking, reasoning, problem solving.
  • Spatial - operating with visual images. Development occurs through drawing, modeling, finding exits from labyrinths.
  • Physical - coordination of movements. Develops through dance, sports, yoga, etc.
  • Musical - feeling the rhythm, understanding music, writing, singing, dancing.
  • Social - understanding the actions of other people, establishing relationships with them, adapting to society.
  • Emotional - understanding one's own and other people's emotions, the ability to manage and recognize them.
  • Spiritual - self-improvement and self-motivation.
  • Creative - the creation of a new, the production of ideas.

Intelligence Diagnostics

The issue of intelligence worried many psychologists, which allowed them to develop various tests to identify the levels and quality of intelligence development. As a diagnosis of intelligence are often used:

  1. Raven's progressive matrices. It is necessary to establish a connection between the figures and choose the missing one among the proposed ones.
  2. Amthauer intelligence test.
  3. Goodenough-Harris test. It is proposed to draw a person. After that, obscure elements are discussed.
  4. Free Cattell test

Thinking and intelligence

One of the types of intellectual activity is thinking. Here a person operates with concepts and judgments. He reflects, which allows him to see the solution of the tasks in the future.

Thinking is a continuous process that is constantly changing, depending on the available knowledge. It is purposeful and expedient. A person learns something new through what he already knows. Thus, thinking is mediated.

Intelligence allows you to solve problems in the mind, using the existing knowledge and skills. The relationship between these concepts is often merging. However, under the intellect is perceived the mind of a person, and under thinking - his ability to think. If intelligence is often understood as a person's knowledge, then thinking is his ability to use this knowledge and come to certain conclusions, judgments.

How to develop intelligence?

The intellect needs to be developed, since it is a flexible part, its intellectual activity. Development is influenced by genetic and hereditary factors, as well as the conditions in which a person lives.

From birth, certain inclinations are given, which a person then uses. If during the development of the fetus or at the genetic level, the child was given certain diseases, it is possible to develop a low level of intelligence. However, the birth healthy child allows him to have an average or high level of intelligence in the future.

Without the environment, a person will not be able to effectively develop. Without the participation of society, intelligence will remain at a low level, no matter what intellectual inclinations a person is endowed with. The family plays an important role in this: its material wealth, social status, atmosphere, attitude towards the child, quality of food, home improvement, etc. If parents do not take care of the child, then he cannot develop high intellectual abilities.

Also, the formation of intelligence is influenced by the personality of the person himself, which determines the direction of his mental development.

Usually, various games for logic, memory, thinking, etc. are used to develop intelligence. These are backgammon, rebuses, puzzles, riddles, chess, etc. Today they are becoming popular computer games with these directions.

At school, the child learns mathematics and the exact sciences. This allows you to structure your thinking, make it consistent, orderly. This process can be connected to the knowledge of something new. When a person receives new knowledge, then his intellect expands, becomes richer and more multifaceted.

While maintaining curiosity and the desire to improve oneself, a person contributes to his constant development. Although, according to some scientists, intelligence always remains at the same level, no matter how you develop it.

What is emotional intelligence?

To date, emotional intelligence has become a popular concept, which, according to some psychologists, plays a larger role than IQ. What it is? This is the ability of a person to recognize and understand their own emotions, manage them and direct them in the right direction. It also includes the ability of a person to understand the feelings of others, manage them and influence the mood of people. Developed emotional intelligence allows you to eliminate.

Almost everyone has some level of emotional intelligence. You can go through all the stages of development, or you can get stuck on one of them:

  1. Understanding and expressing emotions.
  2. Using emotions as intellectual motivation.
  3. Awareness of one's own and others' emotions.
  4. Emotion management.

What is social intelligence?

Social intelligence is understood as the ability of an individual to understand and manage other people's emotions, feel their state and influence it. The development of this skill depends on the social adaptation of a person.

J. Gilford identified 6 factors that allow the development of social intelligence:

  1. Perception of behavioral signals.
  2. Isolation of the main behavioral signals from the general flow.
  3. Understanding relationships.
  4. Understanding the motivation to exhibit a particular behavior.
  5. Understanding how behavior changes depending on the situation.
  6. Anticipation of another person's behavior.

The formation of social intelligence involves a person's life experience, cultural knowledge and study, existing knowledge and erudition.

child intelligence

Even in the womb, the development of intelligence begins, which depends on the lifestyle of a woman and the information that she perceives. The intellectual activity of a child depends on many factors: genes, nutrition, environment, family environment and others.

The main emphasis is on how parents communicate with the child, what exercises they offer to develop their intellect, how often certain phenomena are explained, how often they visit different places, etc. Intelligence does not develop by itself. At first, a lot depends on what and how the parents do with the child.


Intelligence allows a person to become educated and socially adapted. Every year he begins to use his intellectual abilities more and more, which affect memory, thinking, attention and even speech. Parents influence their development environment. The result depends on how favorable circumstances a person was surrounded from an early age.

Today, many people watch informative videos and TV shows, the "fashion" for reading has returned again. Men and women do their best to improve themselves, to be a little smarter, wiser, more experienced than others. The phrase “high intelligence” is invariably associated by everyone with something good, which is why the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhaving it is so tempting.


From the Latin language, this word is translated as understanding, knowledge. Intelligence is the ability of our brain to understand and solve certain problems.

Plato was the first to raise the idea of ​​the cult of the intellect. In all his texts, he attached great importance to thinking. He wrote that life without curiosity, the desire to learn new things, is impossible. Plato was fully supported by his student Aristotle, who developed the concept of the primacy of reason. He said that those who have the inclinations to rule should rule, while others will obey.

The level of mental abilities can be developed and increased, or it can be reduced. Academician Moiseev states that intelligence is the creation of a successful strategy, planning your steps, which will help you achieve your desired goal. This is the organization of one's life and activities with the help of other abilities, which include: learning, thinking, the ability to classify, integrate, isolate the unnecessary, find connections and patterns.

The main properties of intelligence are:

  • curiosity - the desire to learn something new, to explore phenomena;
  • depth of mind - the ability to find the main and important in a pile of information, and filter out the unnecessary;
  • logic - a sequence of reasoning, the ability to build reasonable and correct chains, taking into account relationships and details;
  • flexibility of the mind - the ability of a person to use their capabilities, experience, knowledge, without using templates, but creating their own solutions to problems;
  • breadth of thinking - the ability to fully study the data, not to lose information, to see several solutions to the problem;
  • critical thinking - the ability to evaluate the result of work, find the right ones and weed out the false ones, also - this is the ability to change the path if it is not true;
  • the evidence of the mind is to find facts, and at the right time to use them to make sure that the goal is correct.

AT ordinary life the individual always uses his mental abilities to know the world around him, the next steps and find optimal solution. It is rather difficult to imagine at least a day of life without the possibility of analyzing the situation and comparing facts and objects.

Only through the thought process there is the possibility of self-development and improvement of the individual. Without intelligence, a person would not be able to make scientific breakthroughs, create medicines for dangerous diseases, music or paint pictures.

What does it take to become an intellectual

So what betrays a smart person with high intelligence? There are several important facts that are key to the concept of such a question.

Continuous development

The concept of "high intelligence" implies the ability to know, the ability to adapt to different situations. The mind constantly requires development, it cannot be “pumped up” once and for all, because no rarely used information can constantly circulate in the brain, it is forgotten.

The inclinations (potential) of all people are almost the same, but you have to develop your personality on your own by receiving and processing information. But what is important is not the amount of memorized information, but their quality and processing algorithm. The intellectual will not swallow information for the sake of information, he is able to isolate what he needs, and to filter out the "garbage".

Awareness and erudition

There are many TV programs where people compete in erudition, prove their peculiarity and intelligence. So in life, each person tries to stand out, to know more than others, to share their own knowledge and experience.

Erudition speaks of a good memory, but this may not be enough for high intelligence. It is necessary not only to know certain information, but also to be able to manage it. After all, erudition is also positive trait man, speaks of his mind. But a large number of books read is not as important as the information gleaned from them, the meaning understood. A person with a high intellect can catch the second semantic row of a work, he understands that it is better to read one “smart” book than a dozen “about nothing”.

rational thinking

Life does not stand still, it is constantly changing, in order to keep up with the times, it is necessary to be able to adapt to new conditions. Clever man will not invent something new if there is no reason for it. He is able to show flexibility of thinking and rationality, and find another, simpler and optimal way to solve the problem.

You need to be able to look at the problem different parties, look not for one solution, but to have several fallback options. A highly intelligent person can be critical of his decisions and thoughts, be able to recognize his own imperfections and mistakes.

He does not consider himself superior or smarter than others, he is able to adequately assess his own knowledge. Self-improvement and a thirst for knowledge will help you make yourself better. A person with high intelligence never rests on his laurels, he always strives to improve.

How to recognize a person with high intelligence

How is high intelligence expressed in a girl or a guy? What makes a smart person?

Several signs of a high level of intelligence.

  1. The ability not to be distracted by extraneous stimuli. Smart people are able to focus on the important for a long time.
  2. Go to bed late and wake up late. It is believed that "owls" are smarter than "larks". Two studies were conducted with more than 1000 participants. In the course of testing, it was proved that it is the “owls” that have high intelligence.
  3. The ability to quickly adapt to new things. This is connected not only with new job, but also with the search for the best way that can more effectively change the situation.
  4. A person with high intelligence is able to admit that he does not know much. He's not afraid to say he doesn't have an answer for question asked, understands that the more you know, the more often you encounter the unknown.
  5. Smart people are incredibly curious. Curiosity is one of the main signs of high intelligence.
  6. The ability to seek and accept new ideas, opportunities. Such people do not think in a standard way, they are always looking for an alternative that can lead to the goal with the least loss.
  7. They feel comfortable being alone. They do not need anyone else's company to feel needed, they are self-sufficient individuals.
  8. They know how to take their own emotions under control in a difficult situation. Intellectuals can plan own time, know how to build strategies and evaluate results. They are not impulsive, always making a decision after carefully considering the possible consequences.
  9. Good sense of humour. It has been proven that smart people have a great sense of humor, this is confirmed by the tests that comedians took.
  10. Empathy. A smart person can put himself in the place of another and look at the situation from the outside. He will be able to calculate the reaction and turn the situation at a favorable angle for himself.
  11. The ability to find connections that are not visible at first sight. Intellectuals can find differences and General characteristics any subjects, because they think on a larger scale and never use templates.
  12. Think about global issues. They often think about the meaning of life, their own purpose, about the existence of parallel universes. They reflect on why it happened this way and not otherwise, and what could have been changed to prevent such a resolution of the situation.

Such signs are not an axiom, because people are different, they cannot be rowed under the same brush. There are completely unique individuals who do not fit into any created frame, and at the same time are considered geniuses.

There are several unexpected signs of high intelligence that are skeptical, but they are really true:

  • untidiness and a tendency to disorder are signs of high intelligence;
  • smart people have a large vocabulary, so they use foul language more;
  • slender people have higher IQ than fat people;
  • modesty, because they are not able to show off or overestimate their own strengths;
  • more like cats than dogs;
  • the preservation of virginity in adolescence is one of the indicators of an intelligent person.

What is the difference between low intelligence and high intelligence

If you do not want to take tests to find out the IQ factor, there are several factors that will show that a person is not smart enough. Signs of low intelligence in adults:

  • any material is assimilated and remembered with difficulty;
  • lack of social skills;
  • there is no control of one's own emotions, a person is not restrained, aggressive, first he does, and then he thinks what it will lead to;
  • do not learn from their mistakes;
  • unable to feel and understand the emotions of other people;
  • they spend more than they can afford, do not know how to properly manage their finances, do not think about the future, therefore they spend money on trifles, they cannot accumulate;
  • think only of themselves;
  • unable to accept criticism
  • blame other people for their own failures;
  • constantly arguing for no reason, even if they know they are wrong;
  • do not know how to properly manage their own time;
  • do not stay long at one job.

In everyday life, a person uses his mental abilities as an element of cognition of the world around him. It is difficult to imagine modern reality without intellect, without the very ability to analyze and compare objects and phenomena with each other. Thanks to his mental activity, a person discovers in himself great opportunities for self-development and self-improvement. Without the intellect, man would not be able to scientific discoveries, such an activity as art would not exist at all.

Intelligence(from the Latin “mind, mind”) is a highly organized system of thinking of the individual, in which new products of activity appear. Intelligence necessarily affects mental abilities and all cognitive processes.

The concept of intelligence was introduced by the English scientist F. Galton at the end of the 19th century. Were taken as a basis scientific works Charles Darwin on evolution. The characteristics of intelligence were studied by such scientists as A. Binet, C. Spearman, S. Colvin, E. Thorne - Dyke, J. Peterson, J. Piaget. All of them considered the intellect as a field of limitless human possibilities. The task of each specific individual is to realize his intellect competently, for the benefit of himself and those around him. In fact, only a few understand their true purpose and are ready to invest in the development of abilities.

Essence of intelligence

Ability to learn

A person cannot be imagined without mental activity. For especially developed people development becomes an integral part of life: it leads them forward to new achievements, helps them to necessary discoveries. Commitment to learning in this case dictated by the inner need of a person for self-realization. When the desire to express one's own individuality becomes brighter than the opinions of others, a person is able to use all the power of his mind in order to achieve tangible success.

In fact, the ability to learn lies in each of us. It’s just that some people use the resource given to them by nature to the maximum, while others find reasons to reduce this process to the level necessary for survival.

Ability to work with abstractions

Scientists, thinkers, philosophers use in their activities scientific concepts and definitions. And not only them: students must also learn to understand the language of abstractions and operate freely with it. The ability to competently express one's thoughts, share discoveries in a particular area necessarily implies mastering the language at a high level. The intellect here is a necessary link, a tool for scientific activity.

Ability to adapt to environmental conditions

The environment in which a modern person lives is constantly changing. Unforeseen circumstances arise that negatively affect work, mix plans and disrupt deals. But for real reasonable person always finds himself able to analyze the situation that has arisen and see the benefit for himself in it. So the intellect helps the individual to endure in difficult circumstances, to fight in the name of a bright idea, to predict the desired result and strive to achieve it.

Structure of the intellect

Scientists with different approaches and different views on this problem identify concepts that make it possible to determine what intelligence consists of.

Spearman spoke about the presence of each individual, the so-called general intelligence, which helps to adapt to the environment in which he lives, to develop existing inclinations and talents. This scientist considered individual features as hidden opportunities for achieving certain goals.

Thurstone characterized the facets of general intelligence and identified seven directions through which the mental realization of a person occurs.

  1. The ability to easily operate with numbers, perform calculations and mathematical operations in the mind.
  2. The ability to coherently express one's thoughts, to clothe them in verbal form. The scientist explained what determines the degree of mastery of the word and singled out the connection between mental activity and the development of speech.
  3. Ability to learn written and oral speech another person. Usually than more people reads, the more he learns about the world around him. Self-awareness develops, memory capacity expands, other (personal) possibilities appear. The individual most often receives information through thoughtful reading. This is how the assimilation of new material, analysis and systematization of existing knowledge takes place.
  4. The ability to imagine, build artistic images in the head, develop and improve creative activity. It must be admitted that it is in the products of a creative orientation that the high potential of the individual is manifested, the essence of his capabilities is revealed.
  5. The ability to increase the amount of memory and train the speed of memorization. Modern man needs to constantly work on its resource.
  6. The ability to build logical chains, reason, analyze the realities of life.
  7. The ability to analyze, identify significant and significant differences between objects and phenomena.

Cattell discovered the enormous potential of opportunities that a person possesses. He defined intelligence as the ability for abstract thinking and abstraction.

Types of intelligence

Traditionally, in psychology, there are several types of mental activity. All of them correspond to one or another direction of life or affect the way of life of a person.

Verbal intelligence

With the help of this type, a person always has the opportunity to communicate with other people. Written activity perfectly develops the intellect, allows you to master foreign languages, explore classic literature. Participation in discussions and discussions various themes helps to focus on the essence of the issue, determine your own values, learn something important and valuable from your opponents.

Verbal intelligence is needed to acquire basic knowledge about the world, so that the individual has the opportunity to accumulate the necessary experience for his development. Communication with successful people who were able to reach a new level of life, achieve a state of complete independence, has a positive effect on the worldview of the individual, the ability to accept and think about information.

logical intelligence

Needed to make logical operations, solving mathematical problems. To improve the level of logic, it is recommended to solve crossword puzzles, read intellectual, useful books, engage in self-development, attend thematic seminars and trainings.

Logical intelligence needs constant work. To freely operate with numbers, you need to constantly perform complex calculations in your mind, solve problems.

Spatial intelligence

Based on the visual perception of any activity with the ability to repeat it on own experience. So music lessons, clay modeling can become wonderful guides to self-development.

  • physical intelligence. Opportunity to stay beautiful physical form- the key to good health and longevity. Physical intelligence implies a strong connection with the body, an attentive attitude to one's well-being. The absence of disease is not yet an indicator physical health. In order for the body to be strong and vigorous, you need to give it enough strength and attention: if possible, do exercises, any sports. It is important to give yourself daily the degree of stress that a person is able to withstand. Of course, in order to manage this process, you need to have great motivation and a desire to change something for the better.
  • Social intelligence. This includes the ability to communicate. Man is a social being and cannot live outside society. In order to adequately build relationships with other people and learn to understand them correctly, you need to train your will and ability to hear others daily. Understanding between people consists of several components, important component which is mutually beneficial cooperation. This is the basis of any business, to understand the needs of the client, to be able to convey the necessary information to the audience.
  • Emotional intellect. It involves the development of a sufficiently high level of reflection in a person. The ability to think analytically, be aware of your individual needs and strive to achieve your own goals will undoubtedly help you achieve a high level of emotional intelligence. Another important component is the ability to communicate with people, understand their moods and feelings, build models of effective interaction with them.
  • Spiritual intelligence. It implies a conscious desire of the individual to know himself, to engage in self-improvement. An intellectually developed person never lingers for a long time at one stage of development, he wants to progress, motivate himself to further actions. For the development of this type of intelligence, individual reflections on life, the essence of being, meditation, and prayer are perfect.
  • Creative intelligence. It assumes that the individual has a certain artistic talent: literary, musical, pictorial. The need to focus on the task at hand artistic image and to embody it on paper, canvas or notes is inherent in true creators. But it should be remembered that any abilities need development, they need to be given a lot of effort and attention.

So, for the formation of literary talent, it is necessary to learn to understand the essence and meaning of what is written, to study the works of great masters, to master artistic techniques and means of expression.


The human brain is designed in such a way that the more often we train it, the better it lends itself to training. In other words, the more attention, time, effort a person is ready to invest in their own development, the sooner the opportunities for self-realization increase and expand.

For example, if the mind is capable of concentrating on certain things, then it is necessary for a long period of time to give it the opportunity to expand the field of activity, and then visible changes will be noticeable.

Intelligence Capabilities

The truth is that the possibilities of the human mind are inexhaustible. We have such a potential that if everyone were closely engaged in solving individual problems, the results would very soon be very impressive. Unfortunately, a person throughout his life uses no more than 4 - 5% of the potential inherent in him and forgets that his possibilities are endless. How to develop intelligence to a high level? Only the personality itself determines in what framework to put itself, only we manage ourselves.

How to increase intelligence?

Many people on the path of personal development, one way or another, ask this question. Few understand that the increase in intelligence is connected, first of all, with being an active person, being able to accept new things in your life, striving to achieve individual goals. Read more books related to self-realization or quality literature. Ironic detective stories or romance novels will not work.

Thus, the concept of intelligence is closely related to the person himself. It is important to understand that our mind cannot exist apart from us. You need to feed it regularly fresh ideas, to allow to do bold deeds, to make discoveries. And then you can save high level intelligence for many years, and not just to use it in youth.

Have you ever wondered what kind of “intelligence” is, or do you think that it is inherent only in rare talented people, or in general only geniuses? And how can you measure, understand what each specific person intelligence. I will say right away that there are no unambiguous answers to this question so far. There is no single generally accepted definition of intelligence in the scientific world either. Why? This is because the intellect is so multifaceted and complex concept that it is very difficult to describe it, to put it into some framework of a certain phrase. However, I will try to convey the essence of this concept for you.

The concept of intelligence. What is intelligence?

In the most general case, intelligence is the ability to acquire, process, reproduce and use knowledge in a meaningful way. You and I are affected huge amount flows of information, both in terms of the way of perception (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory), and in terms of information content.

Every day we see thousands of images: objects, people, environment, nature, objects; we communicate and perceive the feelings and thoughts of another person, we think about our own affairs. Countless streams of information come to us. And we somehow process it, weed out the unnecessary, highlight the main thing, analyze, draw conclusions, remember and do much, much more.

Agree, this does not always work out well, we do not always achieve the necessary and desired solutions. We do not always come up with important and valuable conclusions for ourselves, not all of us can quickly and clearly perform these mental operations. In addition, we use all the information we receive in different ways. Someone successfully applies it in practice and gets beneficial results, someone cannot extract at least something practical from the abundance of their knowledge. All these differences are the essence of our most common abilities - intellectual.

The concept of intelligence is inextricably linked with interaction, development and decision making. Intelligence manifests itself where something interacts with something or someone (people with people, people with technology, people with numbers or computers), where development or transformation takes place (a person builds a house, trains some of his skills) and most importantly, where is the person makes decisions .

How are decision making and the concept of intelligence related?

Decision making and intelligence are inseparable. Wherever decisions need to be made, intelligence is present. And where there is no decision making, there is no intelligence.

If you are automatically driving a car along a familiar road, then the intellect is practically not involved. But where the road is difficult, new, where you need to skillfully maneuver, you constantly make decisions on how to move, assess the situation, choose the best path. These are manifestations of the intellect.

Whether we are solving a math problem, furnishing a home space, choosing a school for a child, managing a group of people, we always make small and big decisions in these actions.

Intelligence itself is realized and embodied in many other abilities:

  • Education
  • Cognition
  • Logical thinking
  • Systematization of knowledge
  • Analysis and synthesis
  • Application of knowledge
  • Finding connections and associations
  • Thinking
  • Planning
  • Solution of problems
  • Understanding

As you can see, it is difficult to unequivocally answer the question "What is intelligence"; the concept of intelligence does not quite accurately describe its diverse essence. And another significant difficulty is related to the fact that until now the intellect was perceived for the most part as mathematical and logical abilities. But this is far from the truth.

Intelligence is much broader than the ability to think logically. Psychologist Howard Gardner described and continues to develop the theory of multiple intelligences a few years ago, emphasizing that we have at least 9 of them. different types. This includes musical, linguistic, spatial and other types, which we will talk about later.

Features of multiple intelligence

As it turns out, most of us have a well-developed intellect, but only one or two of those ten. The good news is that anyone can call themselves an intellectual, albeit in one form. And the second good news is that each of these intellects can be developed by pulling up your overall level.

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