Open a bakery in an apartment building. Theory of everything

Engineering systems 17.06.2019
Engineering systems

It will be possible to bake bread right in the house and sell it from the window without breaking any laws. Such an anti-crisis solution was actually proposed on Wednesday by the head of Rospotrebnadzor Gennady Onishchenko, speaking at a conference of bakers. Thanks to "homeworkers", fresh bread can appear even in "bear corners", where people have already forgotten how pastries smell. But the quality of this product may not be up to par.

With the onset of the crisis, bakers have fallen on hard times. Demand for products fell, and its cost, on the contrary, increased. And here you also have to pay for rent, which, although it has fallen in price, is insignificant. Yesterday, Gennady Onishchenko, with his characteristic eccentricity, suggested a way out of the situation. He allowed an entrepreneur from the Moscow region to start baking bread ... at home. The baker received such an "indulgence" in response to a complaint that the local sanitary authorities forbid him to equip a bakery in a private house. Despite the fact that the conditions allow it - the area of ​​​​the mansion is 500 sq.m.

We have sanitary rules for baking. There is no such norm for a person to have a bakery in his house. But if you have these opportunities in your house, then we will allow it, - Onishchenko announced. According to the official, "time goes forward, and thank God that such problems arise."

The bakers were taken aback by such generosity at first, and then they began to ask for more. Guests from Voronezh demanded permission to open bakeries on the first floors of residential buildings. Onishchenko hesitated.

Unfortunately, there is no systematic positive answer to this question. Technologies do not allow today to get rid of the most important thing that worries us today and will worry and will create additional problems for you - these are smells. Although if this is a separate building of the former dining room, then it is possible, - he answered.

And if you do proper ventilation? - the bakers did not give up.

Listen, well, you don’t make such ventilation ...

But there are restaurants on the first floors...

I answered the question, I'm ready to consider it piece by piece, but not systematically, - Onishchenko got angry. - With your equipment, you will get a headache, and we will receive complaints every day.

If an entrepreneur has set up baking buns in his room, then only he and his household will enjoy the smells. Another thing - ground floors. Arrange there food production- and the appropriate aromas will spread throughout all floors, luring swarms of rats and hordes of cockroaches.

But the idea itself is correct. Home baking of bread will not be able to compete with the industrial volumes provided by large bakeries. But to provide a village or a village with fresh loaves and rolls - why not. After all, large producers trade in small settlements just unprofitable.

We have villages where bread is brought 2-3 times a month. They are transported in bags and boxes mixed with other food products. But people are still glad that there is at least some kind of bread, - laments the head of the Komi Republican Guild of Bakers Tatyana Kudelina.

Another thing is the quality of "homemade" bread. After all, it will be baked by ordinary private entrepreneurs who do not have vocational training. "Izvestia" has already written about such a business from Kursk region, who established the exit trade in cheap "village" bread in Moscow (see the article "A loaf of strict regime" dated 03/04/09). The case ended in a scandal - buyers found a flour worm larva in a loaf. It's good that it's not a rat's tail - it turns out that bread was baked from "left" flour.

Setting up bread baking is half the battle. The main thing is to sell it. But retailers, despite the crisis, continue to twist the hands of manufacturers. What to do? Develop simplified trade, bakers answer. In other words, to allow entrepreneurs to trade in tonars, from trailers, etc. - without any cash registers, bureaucratic approvals, etc.

On December 2, 2008, Rospotrebnadzor issued a letter in which the rules for simplified trade were spelled out. We immediately sent it to all regions. 4 months have passed - almost no response. But the authorities only need to create conditions. And then these two or three years, when the crisis, trade will go with might and main. Bakers will become stronger, which means they will have money to buy new equipment, - Yuri Katsnelson, president of the Russian Guild of Bakers and Confectioners, told Izvestia.

And in France, croissants are made of rubber.

Anastasia Lyubimova

In contrast to Russia, Europe long ago transferred the concept of "bread factory" to the category of historicisms, transforming factory workshops into small and cozy mini-bakeries. To open one, it is enough to obtain a license from the state, for which employees need to undergo a medical examination, provide technological maps for future products, and the room itself, of course, should not be replete with rodents, should be regularly treated with special means and well ventilated. Meanwhile, no one is particularly in a hurry to get in line for licenses: France, Germany, and especially Italy have been swept by a wave of underground bakers. The French also suffered, who, due to negligent cooks, lost their main breakfast - crispy croissants. This is due to the fact that many home bakeries began to use frozen dough, the quality of which does not meet the standards of preparation, in order to save money, as a result of which croissants began to come out rubbery.

When looking for a room, be sure to carefully consider the issue of having a second exit, assess where it is located and what opportunities there are to work through it.

optimal power
for complete work

Electrical power

The first thing that interests us is the availability of the necessary electrical power in the room. The optimal power for the full-fledged operation of the bakery is 30-35 kW, although we have experience in starting up to 20 kW. But I do not recommend working in conditions where, due to the connection electric kettle all production can stop.

You can find out the power by asking the owner of the premises specifications, which will also allow us to find out the possibility of increasing the power if necessary. How to get the required power of the electrical network, I will describe in my next article.

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tasks in our knowledge base

Quite a lot of materials are devoted to the choice of a location for a bakery, including the works of Vladimir Makarov, Director for Development of the Real Bakery chain. I, in turn, have been running retail outlets for several years. In less than a year of work, more than 20 successful bakeries were launched under my leadership. To some, this figure will seem small, but I assure you that this is a lot of work with huge amount nuances.

Let's start, perhaps, with the requirements for the premises in which it is planned to open a bakery. Let's say you are satisfied with the traffic, the potential conversion, and you have a question, what to do next. We will analyze this stage within the framework of the issue of requirements for the premises.


So, you and I have received the kilowatts we need, now we turn to the question supply and exhaust ventilation. It is important to evaluate at the stage of choosing a room for yourself what type of ventilation can be implemented in it, because in the end this will affect the size of the investment.

If the premises are located in a non-residential building - this is very good news. because
in this case, ventilation can be implemented by simply bringing it to the "street",
which will cut costs dramatically.

If the premises are located in a residential building, this imposes certain obligations. In this case, ventilation is implemented by bringing it along the facade "on the ridge" of the building. This type of ventilation increases the size of the investment.

As a result, my recommendation is, if possible, to select a room with ready-made ventilation or a room in a non-residential building. This is just a recommendation, most bakeries, one way or another, start in residential buildings, and how to implement ventilation and go through all the stages of approval, I will tell in my next article. And now I propose to touch upon the third important requirement for the premises - the presence of a loading zone.

Loading / unloading area

To begin with, there are sanitary rules that we must follow. They say that if this is a residential building, then loading should be carried out
from the side of the facade of the building, which has no windows and an entrance to the living quarters.

But in real life it is almost impossible to find such premises in residential buildings.
In this case, you need to choose the lesser of two evils and focus on rooms that have, in principle, one more entrance. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly plan the schedule for unloading and loading in order not to receive complaints from the residents of the house. This creates some discomfort, but protects us from the attacks of supervisory authorities.

Conclusion: when looking for a room, be sure to carefully consider the issue of having a second exit, assess where it is located and what opportunities there are to work through it.

We move on. Also one of essential requirements to the bakery
this is its square. Ideal area for a bakery with production full cycle is 70-90 square meters. There is a practice when it is possible to build a retail outlet in 50 squares, but this imposes certain restrictions. So, for example, there will be problems with placing a refrigerator for drinks in trading floor,
and in production, the speed of work of bakers will decrease, which will lead to non-fulfillment of the production program.

In the next article, we will dwell on the issue of types of ventilation solutions, their pros and cons.

Wondering how to open a mini baker? Implementation process this business is divided into several stages, each of which is discussed in detail in this article.

♦ Initial investment: 475,000 rubles
♦ Business payback period: 18-24 months
♦ Level of profitability of the project: 45-60%

A mini-bakery is a small-scale enterprise in which an exceptionally varied pastry is produced and sold.

Most often they are found as part of a large organization: in a supermarket, etc.

But for a novice entrepreneur, an option will be considered, how to open a mini bakery in a separate room.

The business implementation process is divided into several stages, each of which will be discussed in detail in this article.

Mini-bakery business plan: planning

Historical fact:
Bread was invented by mistake over 7,500 years ago. The first loaf was made by an ancient Egyptian who accidentally left a mixture of flour and water in a warm oven overnight. When he returned he found soft dough, much more appetizing than the hard flatbread he tried to make.

Mini Bakery Project Summary

More recently, any bakery products were produced in special factories on an industrial scale.

But time goes by, and modern private entrepreneurs are happy to push the giants with their mini-bakeries.

Why not, if this business idea helps not only to realize your creative inclinations, but also to receive an impressive income?

To achieve this, it is necessary to invest time, effort and money in the development of a mini-bakery. The process of implementing a business is relatively simple and even beginners in this field can do it.

Mini-bakery advertising campaign

Opening a mini-bakery, as well as any other type of business that produces bakery products, requires advertising promotion.

Competitive advantages of a mini-bakery

The best way to advertise for a mini-bakery is word of mouth.

But in order for reviews about your business to be exclusively positive and passed from mouth to mouth, the company must have a number of competitive advantages.

Among them may be such options:

  1. Lower price than other mini bakeries.
    To achieve this with good quality products is almost impossible.
    After all, each of us daily encounters in supermarkets on the shelves with cheap, but tasteless bread.
  2. A wide range or the introduction of special items on the list can become a feature of a mini-bakery.
    As mentioned above, there is a lot of simple cheap bread.
    But unusual pastries will attract to your business those who often “want something tasty, but it’s not clear what exactly.”
  3. High quality will set you apart from the wholesalers.

Image advertising mini-bakery

Expenses are included in the financial section of the firm's business plan.

And you should get ready for impressive prices.

Possible options for promoting a mini-bakery include:

  • Billboards.
    They help to increase the recognition of the name of the mini-bakery.
    To do this, it should be simple, but memorable, original and capacious.
  • Leaflets.
    They should be distributed mailboxes nearby houses.
    This will attract customers to the business on a territorial basis - lovers of delicious fresh pastries.
  • Stickers.
    A rather controversial advertising option is to distribute stickers with the name and logo of a mini-bakery around the city with the note “you can buy fresh pastries here.”
    Although the idea is quite budgetary, mini-bakeries are not exactly the type of business that needs to be promoted in this way.
  • Showcase.
    The bright and pleasant design of the facade of the mini-bakery will attract casual visitors.
    This is especially important if the business premises are located near crowded places.
    If they are nearby, clear signs will also work that will lead visitors to the entrance.

Target audience analysis for a mini-bakery

Highlight separate category visitors to the mini-bakery is not possible.

After all, everyone loves baked goods. It's just that each category has its own special preferences.

Based on them, you can create an assortment for the company.

Dividing customers, for example, by age, we get the following results:

  1. Children.
    love sweet pastries, buns, gingerbread, stuffed bagels.
  2. Middle aged people.
    Usually buy classic views bread and pastries for tea.
  3. Elderly people.
    For them, the price is in the first place, so many introduce a separate category of “social bread”. But they also value quality.
    Therefore, in products for pensioners, it is important to combine both of these parameters.

Room for a mini-bakery

Like many other options for organizing a business selling services or products to customers, a mini-bakery should be placed in a building with high traffic.

The best location is near underground passages, metro stations, railway stations, in business centers.

After all, the ultimate goal of a mini-bakery is the sale of baked goods. And these places will provide increased demand.

For a novice entrepreneur, the option of buying a room for a mini-bakery is usually completely inaccessible, therefore a lease agreement is concluded.

If you are confident in the success of your business, you can agree on the possibility of purchasing the premises definitively in the future.

And if you are not sure, then is it worth taking on its implementation at all?

For the operation of a mini-bakery, a room of 150m 2 in size is quite enough. The cost of renting such a territory will greatly depend on the city and location in it.

Specific figures are displayed in the financial section of the business plan when calculating the costs and profits of the business.

Requirements for the premises of a mini-bakery

It is impossible to open a mini-bakery without obtaining an activity permit from the SES.

Approval of activities can only be achieved if the premises meet the following requirements:

  1. Sewerage must be provided in the premises.
    It is also necessary to have hot and cold water.
  2. The ceilings of the mini-bakery are finished with whitewash, and the walls need to be covered with tiles.
  3. Ventilation must be in all rooms and function properly.
  4. The location of the business in the basement of the building is excluded.
  5. In addition to the main premises, additional premises are required (pantry / warehouse, toilet).

How to open a mini-bakery at home?

Interesting fact:
The world's largest bread was baked in a bakery in Acapulco, Mexico. A loaf 9200 meters long was baked in January 1996.

Theoretically, the option of opening a full-fledged mini-bakery at home is only possible if you live in a private house that is large enough in area and meets all the requirements of the relevant authorities.

AT apartment building the business of baking and selling "out of the window" is being questioned not only because of the insufficient size, but also due to the smells that will accompany the production.

However, no one interferes with simply baking any products at home and selling in small volumes.

A lot of people have turned their passion for cooking into an additional source of income (the business of making cupcakes, muffins, cakes to order).

But most often this is just an opportunity to work "for the soul", and the income from such activities is small.

Staff for mini-bakery

A mini-bakery requires a small staff to run.

The key figure in business, the search for which must be approached with special attention, is the technologist.

But the services of an accountant are not required on a permanent basis, therefore it is easier to resort to outsourcing companies.

Another suitable option- hire a person for a part-time job with hourly pay.

How many people to hire for a business is a personal matter for every entrepreneur. But the optimal number is indicated in the table below.

QtySalary (in rubles)Total (in rubles)
Technologist1 44 000 44 000
Baker4 27 000 108 000
Cashier2 24 000 48 000
Cleaning woman1 20 000 20 000

The specified number of employees of the mini-bakery is selected based on the shift work schedule.

How many cleaners are needed depends on the amount of work in the mini-bakery. Your business may need two people. Or, on the contrary, one employee will be hired on an hourly basis.

It is worth noting that each employee must have a health book to work in such an institution as a mini-bakery.

All necessary analyzes and procedures must be passed in it, and the absence of problems is confirmed by seals.

Financial calculations for opening a mini-bakery

Although the mini-bakery will pay off for a rather long time, which is considered a disadvantage for entrepreneurs, the size of the initial investment in the business is quite modest.

To open a company, it is not always necessary to attract investors or seek help from a bank.

Often the entrepreneur is ready to cover the costs from his own budget.

The cost of opening a mini-bakery

NameCost (in rubles)
Total:RUB 475,000
Business documentation preparation25 000
Purchase of commercial equipment150 000
Purchase of production equipment100 000
Buying furniture30 000
Repair and finishing works100 000
Running ads50 000
other expenses20 000

To open a mini-bakery of a small size, a novice entrepreneur needs to have a starting capital of 475,000 rubles.

Of course, someone manages to start a business with 100,000 in his pocket. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

The amount can be covered from own funds or take a loan from a bank, or attract investors.

Monthly expenses

Thus, maintaining the operation of a mini-bakery costs the owner at least 470,000 rubles a month.

Revenue from starting a business

Despite the relatively low profitability of a mini-bakery, in fact, this type of business will bring a lot of profit to its owner.

After all, bakery products are a product of prime necessity. The need has always been and always will be.

The amount of money invested in advertising, product quality, and production volumes affect how much your establishment will bring.

This business is characterized by low seasonality. The peak of sales is observed in autumn (September-November) and spring (March-April).

But this difference is not as significant as, for example, in the car wash business.

When calculating the expected profit from a business, it is also important to foresee potential risks and solutions.

Among them are the following options:

  • The emergence in the city or nearby (in the case of megacities) of similar firms and direct competitors for business.
  • Seasonal decrease in the number of sales.
  • Change in the cost of raw materials needed for production in a mini-bakery.
  • Revision by government agencies of regulations for such business and requirements regarding the operation of the bakery.

Download ready-made bakery business plan with quality assurance.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

For inspiration, we invite you to watch a video about

start-up entrepreneurs and their mini-bakery.

You will succeed too!

  1. Despite how much advertising promotion of a business costs, it needs to be funded monthly.
    Otherwise, the performance will fall, as a result, the level of sales will decrease.
  2. In order to save money, many aspiring entrepreneurs purchase equipment for a mini-bakery from domestic manufacturers.
    This is the case. when the low price is reflected in the quality.
    If it suddenly fails, you will lose much more.
    Therefore, it is better to save on something else, but to buy good imported equipment. It is possible to purchase used equipment.
    Despite the fact that it was in use, the functionality will still be higher than that of domestic samples.
  3. The format of the organization allows you to adjust the business to the demand of the population and trends.
    Do not ignore this and constantly work on expanding the range, introducing new positions and experimenting with the recipe.
  4. Do not hire specialists in a mini-bakery without experience.
    At a minimum, the technologist and bakers should have a broad knowledge base and the skills necessary for the business.
    Otherwise it may be damaged technological process.
    This will lead to a deterioration in the quality of work, a decrease in production volumes and, accordingly, a decrease in sales volumes.
  5. It is worth working on wholesale business products.
    Build relationships with major trading platforms to be able to expand the mini-bakery.

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Becoming the owner of a bakery today is almost as prestigious as being a restaurateur. Baking bread is an interesting activity, and with the right organization and profitable. But opening a bakery is not easy. First of all, because the requirements for the premises and equipment of the supervisory authorities are very strict. Before you start searching for premises and collecting documents, you should familiarize yourself with the documents that Rospotrebnadzor, Gospozhnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations will refer to and their requirements for staff and the arrangement of the bakery.

Types of bakeries

Mini-bakeries, this, of course, is not a large bakery, but organized on a grand scale, they can provide bread and buns, and even cakes for an entire village / small village. Below are the main requirements for capital buildings. For mini-bakeries of a modular type (opened on the basis of stalls), the legislative acts regulating their activities will be almost the same, with the exception of some nuances.

Rospotrebnadzor requirements

Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor

Permissive examination by SES structures is carried out free of charge at the request of the owner of the bakery. To do this, the company sends a notification about the start entrepreneurial activity with complete set required documents. No state duty is paid.

Documents regulating activities

The main regulations are Decree No. 6 of November 27, 1997 and SanPiN In addition, in the preparation of the premises, equipment and further work, the requirements of the following acts should be taken into account:

  1. SNiP 23-05-95 (instead of SNiP II-4-79) - Natural artificial lighting;
  2. SNiP 2.04.01-85 - Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings;
  3. SNiP 2.04.05-91: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning;
  4. SanPiN Production of bread, bakery and confectionery products.
  5. VNTP 02-92 - Standards for technological design of bakery enterprises;
  6. GOST 2874-82: Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control.
  7. SNiP 31-03-2001 (instead of SNiP 2.09.02-85) - Industrial buildings;
  8. SNiP 2.09.04-87: Administrative and service buildings;
  9. SNiP 2.04.03-85: External networks and structures.

It is these documents that the SES will refer to both when issuing a permit and conducting ongoing inspections (regular and unscheduled).

Territory Requirements

When choosing a plot of land for the construction of a bakery or acquiring an enterprise in need of reconstruction, the owner must coordinate his actions with representatives of the SES. The main requirements for the territory are as follows:

  • She must be protected.
  • Green plants are planted, which are subsequently looked after.
  • They are regularly cleaned, including in winter they are cleared of snow drifts.
  • Comes with waterproof trash cans. They are located 25 m from any buildings.

For the drainage of precipitation during the arrangement of the territory, drains directed from the structures should be laid. There should be no residential buildings on the territory adjacent to the bakery.

For a modular mini-bakery, such requirements are not put forward by the epidemiological service. As for the enterprise located in the house, such companies cannot be located in the basement and basement. But it is better to check the requirements with the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor. Depending on the region, these services are subject to varying degrees of strictness in meeting the basic requirements.

Requirements for the premises

The epidemiological surveillance of the Russian Federation prohibits organizing such enterprises in residential buildings, structures and buildings (SNiP 31-01-2003 clause 4.10 and SP 4.13130 ​​clause 5.2.8). But in some cases, if the enterprise is very small (it produces up to a ton of products in 24 hours), then the placement of this enterprise in annexes to residential and non-residential buildings can be separately agreed with Rospotrebnadzor. It is believed that such production can be located in a residential building built before 2013 only after the overhaul of the latter.The requirements for mini-bakeries "apartment type" are more stringent according to SanPiN The owner of such an enterprise is obliged to ensure the autonomy of the systems:

  • sewerage;
  • power supply;
  • water supply (technical water cannot be used, the water must be both cold and hot necessarily).

It is not allowed to import raw materials from the facade of a residential building. Therefore, it is better to equip modular bakery options. If you can't develop a good working relationship with your fire inspector and SES representative, the job will be very difficult.

Any type of bakery without fail there must be water supply, sewerage, ventilation system. Mandatory to comply with the norms of electricity consumption. The power of the network should not be less than 40 kW. Any bakery, regardless of size, is considered a fire hazard and requires the installation of an alarm system and a first aid kit. Such an enterprise during capital construction should have a whole range of premises:

  • for production different kind works (baking shop and for yeast starter, dough cutting and dough mixing room);
  • warehouse;
  • auxiliary;
  • for employees (dining rooms, bathroom, locker room).

Each type of premises has specific requirements.

In modular mini-bakeries and organizations located in houses, separation of "individual workshops" by partitions is provided. A room for staff, a bathroom, a place for storing raw materials, a baking shop and arranging doors at different points for the receipt of raw materials and the exit of finished products are mandatory in any case.

The module provides for the allocation of: a warehouse (for storing raw materials and separately products) and a technical zone, a washing room, the main workshop (with a spatial separation of production processes), a utility room, and a bathroom.

Bakery complex

It cannot be located in the basement or basement. It is forbidden to allow cross movement of raw materials and pastries. The unidirectionality of the production process must be maintained. Workshops are distinguished in the working area (in modular structures, boxes separated by a partition):

  • hot;
  • for cleaning and washing inventory;
  • requiring special rules.

Disinfectant-impregnated mats are required in front of the door to the workshop area. The walls of this zone and even the ceiling are whitened with glue paints or painted with an aqueous emulsion. If the walls or ceiling are defective, their immediate repair is required. The floors are lined with waterproof material approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision. They should be even, smooth, but not slippery, without cracks, easy to wash and have a slight slope for the outflow of water.


The premises provided for the warehouse should be:

  • Always clean
  • Heated (with temperature indicators not lower than + 8 ° C).
  • With a good ventilation system, not damp (humidity from 70 to 75% is acceptable).

All warehouses in capital bakeries are equipped with canopies that protect bakery products and raw materials from precipitation during loading / unloading. In these rooms, gas treatment against insect pests is permissible, carried out in accordance with the standards. The walls of the warehouses are made smooth, the floors without cracks. Let's say a cement floor. . It is enough to equip the box for the receipt of goods and its shipment with a visor above the entrance.

In the warehouse area intended for products, it is unacceptable to store household chemicals, disinfectant and any strongly smelling products that are not raw materials for baking.

Rooms for employees

Locker rooms are equipped in such a way that employees keep their outerwear, things in which they came to work and work clothes separately. There is a shower next to the dressing room. It should have a pre-shower room with hangers and benches. The number of shower cabins is standardized by SNiP.

The toilet is equipped with a gateway, subway doors, toilet paper or napkins. A disinfectant-soaked rug is spread out in front of the toilet, and a sign is placed reminding them to take off their work gown. In the gateway toilet room must be:

  • wash basin;
  • hand disinfectant;
  • soap;
  • hanger for outerwear;
  • hand dryer (electric towel).

Food must be provided for employees. They are completed in the same way as toilet locks (hangers, sinks, electric towels). A disinfectant mat is also provided before entering this room.

For mini-bakeries of a modular and "apartment" type, such a number of premises is not needed, but:

  • a bathroom (usually a dry closet);
  • locker room for staff.

Must be. At the same time, a corridor is provided between the storage area, the bakery and the staff rooms, in which there should be mats with disinfectants.

equipment requirements

When using imported equipment, you need a certificate for it. All details of devices, inventory, any equipment must be made of materials permitted by the sanitary supervision of the Russian Federation. It should:

  • Easy to wash.
  • To be treated with disinfectants. metal sheets for products - calcination.
  • and use for one type of product (raw materials / semi-finished products / finished products).

For finished goods and products for its baking, not only different equipment is used, but even lifting devices. To open a bakery, it must be equipped with:

  • refrigerators;
  • ovens;
  • dough mixing bowls;
  • flour sifting systems;
  • devices for transporting bread;
  • racks;
  • scales;
  • knives.

And others need equipment, the choice of which depends on the types planned for release.

Personnel Requirements

Employees must have sanitary books with passport data and a photograph entered in them. They are required to undergo regular medical examinations. Employees are prohibited from performing work duties with jewelry on. When hiring new employees, they must familiarize themselves with the rules of conduct and the peculiarities of the sanitary and epidemiological regime at the enterprise. The administration is obliged to monitor their observance. All these points will be of interest to the representative of the SES during the audit.

Wiring and lighting requirements

Highly important elements when ensuring the standards of work for bakers, lighting is considered. Both its level and the safety of lighting equipment will be normalized and checked. Regarding SNiP, consult what requirements will be put forward to you. Because the old standard (SNiP II-4-79, chapter 4) has expired, the new SNiP 23-05-95 * has not been updated. It was updated in version SP 52.13330.2011. When checking services, they can refer to any of the specified documents.

Rospotrebnadzor has strict requirements for lighting, heating and ventilation of work shops. Wiring should be hidden, especially working area. All illuminators must be placed in an explosion-proof enclosure. The level of natural and artificial lighting must comply with SNiP. It is recommended to use natural insolation as much as possible.

Requirements for heating and ventilation systems

These systems must be regularly serviced, ventilation must be thoroughly cleaned. All equipment of these systems should be easy to clean, have smooth surface. The locksmith should be able to quickly and easily access it.

All heat generating equipment must be insulated. Ovens should be provided with an air shower to prevent employees from being exposed to hot steam/gas.

For modular type bakeries, air showers are not provided, but the installation of ventilation exhausts above all equipment that generates heat is shown. The power of the equipment is a calculated value. The standards for calculation can be found in TMDP 27-0-3.86.

Water and waste requirements

When furnishing your bakery, you will need to carry out the interior of the sewer, arrange the plumbing and design and install a ventilation system, if you do not purchase finished structure. In terms of sanitary requirements, this means that you will need to work in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91 (heating + ventilation) and SNiP 2.04.01-85 in terms of water and wastewater. The requirements of SanPiN 4630-88 are dictated to drains (they relate to factors that can pollute the surrounding waters).

Water used for baking products and washing containers must comply with current GOSTs for drinking water. Effluent must be discharged into the city sewer. It is forbidden to pour untreated used water into nearby water bodies.

Packaging and transport requirements

A permit for the transportation of such products is issued by the sanitary inspection service for only six months. It is prohibited to transport finished products by road without this permission. The container must comply with modern standards, a certificate confirming its hygiene and a certificate confirming the quality. If the mini-bakery does not deliver itself, this item can be omitted.

Raw material requirement

Products used for baking must be properly stored. It is allowed to accept it for production only if there are appropriate certificates and documents confirming the quality.

Requirement for baking (finished products)

As for the requirements of sanitary services for baking bread and similar products, you should check the exact requirements in the SES. You can get acquainted with the basic requirements here SanPiN But instead of this document, SP was developed and approved in 2015. It was supposed to come into force six months after approval, but is no longer valid. An important point for you are the changes that relate to the provision of food-producing enterprises with bactericidal lamps.

It is impossible, without assessing the safety, to include new types of products in production. All documentation for new products is subject to approval by the SES of the Russian Federation.

Finished products can be sold after baking for a very short time:

  • rye, rye bread with the addition of wheat - up to 36 hours;
  • products weighing 0.2 kg or more from wheat flour and wheat varietal flour with an admixture of rye - up to 24 hours;
  • small items (up to 0.2 kg) - up to 16 hours.

It is necessary to lay products in trays correctly, in accordance with existing standards. Each batch is accompanied by a document confirming the quality and a certificate. A hygiene certificate is issued for each type of product (but not for a batch).

Contracts to be signed

The agreements listed below must be concluded before contacting Rospotrebnadzor. The main contracts are:

  1. Contract with any service engaged in primary and preventive disinfection, insect and rodent control.
  2. Contract for the removal of industrial waste and solid waste.
  3. Contract for the utilization of gas-discharge light sources.
  4. Contracts with utilities (energy company, water utility, heating systems).

What does the SES check?

First of all, this inspection is interested in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards. The commission checks:

  • Availability of all the above contracts.
  • Agreed reconstruction plan of the enterprise and permits from SES to land plot for a capital building.
  • Sanitary books for staff.
  • Compliance with the sanitary epidemiological regime at work by employees.
  • Disinfection journal with registration in SES.
  • Compliance of the construction, decoration and equipment with the standards of sanitary supervision of the Russian Federation.
  • Compliance of microclimate conditions with the requirements of SNiP.
  • Hygienic certificates and documentation confirming the quality of both raw materials and finished goods, as well as containers.
  • Compliance with the standards of storage of raw materials.
  • Compliance with the rules for the manufacture, storage, loading of finished products (baking, when ready, is immediately laid out in trays, it is forbidden to pour it into a pile).
  • When selling pastries directly from the bakery, compliance with the rules for its implementation.

Representatives of the sanitary epidemiological service may request statutory documents, sanitary passports of the facility and Vehicle, a list of products that are planned to be produced (3 copies), documents confirming the ownership of this object or a lease. During ongoing inspections, the inspector may require information on the timing of repairs.


Sanctions for violation of the sanitary regime can be issued in the form of:

  • warnings;
  • a fine;
  • administrative temporary closure of the enterprise.

In case of harm to the health of the population on a mass scale and serious damage to the state, criminal liability is provided.

Violation of the rules for the sale of goods is punishable by a fine:

  • official - 1000-3000 rubles;
  • legal entity - 10,000-30,000 rubles.

Supply low-quality goods is punishable by the imposition of penalties in the amount of:

  • for an official - 3000-10000 rubles;
  • enterprises - 20,000-30,000 rubles.

Violation of sanitary rules and regulations is punishable by a warning and a fine:

  • for individuals - 100 - 500 rubles;
  • officials 500 - 1,000 rubles;
  • legal entities 10,000 - 20,000 rubles or closing for 90 days.

Violation of the sanitary and epidemiological standards that caused the illness / poisoning of consumers is considered a criminal offense and is punishable by:

  • 80,000 rubles or in the amount of salary for six months;
  • removal from office or restriction of freedom for up to 3 years;
  • in the event of the death of a consumer, imprisonment for up to 5 years or corrective labor for 180-240 hours is provided.

These are not all the fines that Rospotrebnadzor has the right to impose on the owner and employees of the bakery, but only the main ones related to the hygienic regime at work.

Fire safety requirements for mini-bakeries

The risk of fires in such organizations is quite high. Flour sifting and storage areas (class B-IIa), as well as hot areas of the mini-bakery and container storage areas (if wooden pallets are used) are considered fire hazardous.

Main regulatory documents

  1. PPB 01-03 (fire safety rules). Particular attention should be paid to paragraphs 3,6,15,40,52,53,57,60 and 108.
  2. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 313 dated 18.06.03.
  3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 123 dated 22.07.08.
  4. NPB 104-03.
  5. SP9.13130.2009
  6. PP No. 390 dated 04/25/12.
  7. Federal Law of the Russian Federation N69 dated 12/21/94.

The main requirements of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the fire service

In the mini-bakery:

  • equipped with APS installation;
  • means of warning workers about a fire are installed;
  • purchase of primary fire extinguishing equipment;
  • all electrical wires and cables are laid in a protected mode;
  • measurements of the resistance of insulating materials of power wiring and illuminators are made;
  • all illuminators are equipped with explosion-proof fittings;
  • there must be a fire exit at least 80 cm wide;
  • all bakery premises (boxes) with varying degrees of fire hazard(different class) are separated by partitions of appropriate fire resistance;
  • it is not allowed to use combustible materials to cover walls and floors on the evacuation route and in the workshop area;
  • doors of all storage areas (boxes), production areas are marked with special icons indicating their explosion and fire hazard.

Also, the appointment and training of persons responsible for fire safety, regular briefings of personnel are carried out with the entry in the journal of briefings of classes "under the signature" of its participants (the journal must be registered). Before opening a mini-bakery, it makes sense to get expert advice from the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Violation of all these requirements, if they did not have serious consequences, is punishable under 1 Art. 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (fine, administrative suspension of the bakery).

The design of a fire alarm and the choice of extinguishing agents is carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.04.09-84 and depends on the size of the mini bakery. When installing fire-fighting equipment, explosion-proof elements (intrinsically safe electrical circuit) are used. Usually installed:

  • APS (explosion-proof version) - an installation designed to detect a fire and alert about it in automatic mode. it is desirable to provide for a manual launch of the system along the evacuation route.
  • SOUE (turns on from the APS signal and has a light and sound warning system). This system should not only notify, but also manage the evacuation process.
  • Used to detect fire smoke detectors also in explosion-proof version.

A package of documents that should be in the bakery

  1. Instructions for fire safety(PB) for production.
  2. Instructions for industrial safety for administrative premises (if any).
  3. Color instructions for PB in A3 format.
  4. Instructions for evacuation measures with an evacuation plan and actions in case of fire (color).
  5. Order on the appointment of a responsible person for fire safety (for LLC).
  6. Logs of registration of fire extinguishing equipment and instructing workers.
  7. Fire hazard signs on premises in A4 format.
  8. Fire brigade call number.

A package of documents for very small enterprises can be clarified at the local branch.

  1. Also, when designing a new building, in the premises of which a mini-bakery will be located, it is necessary to take into account permissible loads on the natural environment. You must ensure the minimum allowable impact on the environment, otherwise the premises will not pass the agreement.

In this article, we will tell you about exactly what requirements for a mini-bakery are imposed today by the supervisory authorities, and we will also talk about General requirements to start this type of business.

Opening your own bakery is not difficult. It will take initial investment and the desire to finally start making money on the production of bread. When opening a bakery, you will need to make sure that the premises that will become your production base meet certain requirements of the supervisory authorities. Below is a list of the main requirements.

  1. For mini-bakeries, a rule has been established that prohibits placing them directly in residential buildings and buildings. If the bakery is small - with a capacity of up to 1 ton per day, then it is allowed, in agreement with the bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, to place the bakery in premises that are extensions to residential and other buildings.
  2. Also in the above case, it is necessary to achieve the most distant placement of sources harmful effects from the main building. In addition, you must take other measures to reduce or completely eliminate the harmful factors of your production to acceptable levels.
  3. If you are building a separate building for your mini-bakery, then you need to be guided by the building codes for the technological design of enterprises that produce bread, bakery products, as well as the requirements of the Sanitary Rules.
  4. Projects for the construction or reconstruction of buildings for a mini-bakery and the commissioning itself must be coordinated with the bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia.
  5. Also, when designing a new building, in the premises of which a mini-bakery will be located, it is necessary to take into account the permissible loads on the natural environment.

    You must ensure the minimum allowable impact on the environment, otherwise the premises will not pass the agreement.

  6. When constructing a building in the city, it is necessary to provide for the discharge of all household sewage water to the general city sewer network. It is forbidden to discharge domestic wastewater into water bodies without special treatment and disinfection.
  7. Requirements for a mini-bakery - auxiliary and amenity premises

    1. All industrial premises your bakery should be located in such a way that you get a flow of processes so that the production process is not interfered with by the oncoming and crossing flows of raw materials and finished products. It is impossible to locate the premises of the bakery in the basement and semi-basement premises.
    2. Storage areas in a mini-bakery must be dry and clean, they must also be heated and ventilated. Regarding humidity, we add that its level here should not exceed 75%.
    3. Warehouses need equipment with special equipment for loading raw materials and shipping finished products.
    4. It is necessary to equip warehouses with separate forklifts.
    5. In warehouses, it is necessary that the floor be without gaps and cemented, the walls - smooth.
    6. Storage of non-food and odorous materials and household goods in warehouses is prohibited.
    7. Ceilings in the production and storage rooms of the mini-bakery must be whitewashed with glue or painted water-based paints. In places where the plaster is repulsed, it is necessary to plaster the surface of the ceiling as soon as possible.
    8. Floors, walls and ceilings must be finished only with finishing materials approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.
    9. In the dressing rooms of a mini-bakery, it is necessary to provide separate storage of outerwear and belongings of employees.
    10. Catering facilities should be included in the household premises.
    11. If there is no dining room in the mini-bakery, then it is necessary to equip rooms for eating.
    12. Hangers for sanitary clothes, washbasins with hot and cold water supply, soap, electric towels should be provided in front of the food points.

    The requirements for the premises of a mini-bakery are not so complicated, but they must be observed in any case!

Premises location

The level of sales of bakery products and the profitability of the bakery itself directly depend on the successful location of the bakery. good option will become:

— The location of the bakery in a crowded place - near the metro station, in the shopping and business center, not far from the school, kindergarten, university.

– Adjacent bakery directly to the store or shopping center. This will ensure not only a constant flow of customers, but also new sales directions. Fresh pastries will be immediately sent to the shelves of the same stores and shopping centers.

It is highly undesirable to place a bakery:

— A considerable distance from residential areas. Few people want to make a long journey for bread or a bun.

- In places with high level competition. If there are already several thriving bakeries nearby, then it is worth finding another place.

Requirements for the premises

Any bakery will function successfully only in the case of a competent structure of the premises.

Bakery in a residential building

For this, it is necessary, at a minimum, to organize:

- Manufacturing facility.

- Shop for storage of finished products.

— Warehouse for storage of raw materials and auxiliary products.

- A number of utility rooms - a lavatory, a locker room for staff, a place for storing waste.

- A place for the sale of bakery products.

In this case, the required power of the electrical network should be 15-20 kilowatts.

If the area allows, then you can organize a small coffee shop or cafeteria in the same bakery. This sales option will definitely not be superfluous.

The selected premises must be approved by the sanitary and epidemiological station (SES). In order to obtain permission from this regulatory authority, it is necessary that the bakery:

- Was at least on the first floor. No basements or semi-basements.

- Provided with high quality ventilation system, running water with hot and cold water, sewerage system.

As for the repair work inside the premises, it is desirable that the floor and walls be finished ceramic tiles. Lighting should be as natural and light as possible.

How to make it easier to find a room

For example - to buy a franchise of the federal network of bakeries "Makovka". In this case, competent specialists will solve all issues related to the selection of premises. The proposed options will differ not only good location but also answer all SES requirements. You no longer have to puzzle over how to find suitable premises, and how to survive the SES check. These problems will be successfully solved by our experts.

come back

In May 2016, on the first floor of a residential building on Lenin Street, 42 individual entrepreneur opened a bakery. This came as a surprise to the residents of the house: general meeting they voted against such a neighborhood. Despite the decision of the residents, in June the bakery began work in one of the apartments on the ground floor.

The law allows bakeries to open in residential buildings if the owners comply with hygiene requirements. Residents are sure that the bakery in the building at Lenina, 42 works with violations.

First, there is no ventilation in this bakery. It is replaced by a window with a fan and an air conditioner that releases harmful gases under the windows of residential apartments. As a result, the coating on gas pipe, which runs along the facade of the house. Secondly, there is no separate sewerage in this room. This led to constant blockages, which are eliminated at our expense. Thirdly, the unloading of products is carried out from an illegally built porch in the courtyard of the house, - says Alexei Suvorov.

Residents complain about the constant noise: in the apartments you can clearly hear the rattling of dishes and appliances in the bakery. The equipment is buzzing from morning to evening.

Loading and unloading operations are carried out from the yard of the house. Large trucks are constantly arriving, bringing flour and other products for baking. Bakery workers put waste on the porch, so there is always garbage, dogs running around.

Is it acceptable to have a bakery in a high-rise building?

And there is nothing to say about smells. The residents have nothing to breathe, - continues the story of Alexei Suvorov.

Aleksey Suvorov, chairman of the council at 42 Lenina Street, addressed his problem to the Just Russia Center for the Protection of Citizens' Rights. He said that activists at home had already filed complaints with management company SPDU, Rospotrebnadzor, district prosecutor's office. The audit did not reveal violations of noise, vibration and pollutants. Except for acrolein, which is harmless. Maybe this substance is harmless, residents comment on the results of the check, but it does not make breathing easier: strong odors poison their lives every day.

The court did not help people either: the entrepreneur was fined, but they did not suspend work, since the threat to people's health was not proven. Deputy joined the solution of this problem State Duma Russia from the party "Fair Russia" Alexander Burkov. Residents of the house hope that the participation of the parliamentarian will solve their problem.

By the way, this is not the only complaint of the residents of Izhevsk about the work of a bakery located in a residential building. According to Rospotrebnadzor of Udmurtia, only last year this department received 22 complaints about the activities of enterprises for the production and sale of bakery products located in apartment buildings.

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