For the sandy dough was soft. Shortbage Dough: Classic Recipe With Photo

Reservoirs 18.10.2019

Use for cookies, crostet (feud, tartlets, basket).

A pair of words about major products for such a test:

The basis of it is always a large amount of butter , In aggregate with sugar, flour, yolks. Other variations - with vegetable oil or without it, these are already separate recipes, for special cases in the recipe. If you want a "classic" dough, I do not recommend even replacing the oil by Margarine.

Sugar - you can use like ordinary sugar, so and sugar or brown sugar. This will affect the color, structure and taste as a whole.

If you increase the amount of sugar (up to the proportion of 1: 1 with flour) - such dough will be released more crisp and fragile.

If you increase the number of "fat" (by the way, they can act and cream Fresh, and cream caramel), the dough will be softer, tenderly and less will justify the name of the sandy test.

The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, know the properties of products and what will add addition or, on the contrary, the exclusion, one or another ingredient. And the same for which purpose you make a sand dough.

In the original recipe presented a large enough dose, but it is convenient: divide into small pieces and store in the freezer. From this dough does not lose its qualities.

I twice reduced the number of ingredients.


500 g of flour (weak)
300 g of butter
200 g of powdered sugar
80 g Yolkov (approximately 4 pcs.)
1/2 pod of Burbon Vanilla (only seeds)
Zestra 1/2 Lemon
1 g salt (pinch)

PR and G O T O V L E N E:

If you do not have time to wait until the oil becomes soft, put pieces on the parchment paper, cover top with the second sheet and do not burn the rolling pin, until the oil becomes plastic. But it should in no case be room temperature and do not "warm up" it in the microwave. For sand dough, the oil must be "cooled".

Pour all flour on the cutting board.

Make in the middle of the hole.

In the hole, pour sugar powder.

Pour yolks.

Hands Mix yolks with powder without adding flour.

Add vanilla seeds and zest.

Mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Add soft oil and mix with yolks, powder to homogeneous mass.

Push off the egg-and oil mass of flour. Collect all the flour from the board, clean your hands with flour from the egg-oil mass. Further, as if they rub the flour between the hands with the mass, until large pieces are formed.

Mix the dough, slightly pressing the dough to the board, until a homogeneous mass is formed. There is no knear, at this stage it will not become perfectly homogeneous. After the end of the kneading - the board and hands should remain clean.

Slightly roll the dough, giving it the kind of thick cakes - it is so quickly and uniformly cooled. Put in the refrigerator, wrapped in the food tape for a couple of hours, or in the freezer for 10 minutes.

After the refrigerator, the dough will become broken. Separate the right amount - the rest are divided into smooth portions, each wrap in the food film and remove to the freezer before use. There it can be stored a month.

The remaining dough start slightly kneading hands until it becomes elastic. Then roll in different directions to a thickness of 0.3 cm.

The form for baking is slightly lubricate with butter, not in order to make it easier to lag behind after baking, it does not stick it so much, but in order to be better protected.

Screw the dough on the rolling pin and move it into shape. Good over the entire surface is covered with a fork.

Cover the folded 4 times with a food film, pour the beans from above or fig. Wrap the edges.

Bake at a temperature of 170-180 ° 10 minutes. Then remove the cargo and twirl within 10 minutes.

The second option - you can fill in a joke and oven with the package.

Make good shortbread At home, not everyone comes from the first time, so in our article we will try to tell the most detailed, how to make yourself a soft, tasty and beautiful sandy dough.

Many hostesses know that the dishes prepared from the sand dough are obtained very air and literally melted in the mouth. This type of test differs from the usual in that it includes a lot of fat. It is clear, for dietary breakfasts, a sand dough dish for sure will not fit, but for those who are not used to consider calories, such a yummy will be just right!

If the dough is well kneaded, then it will be possible not to add food salt, which will mostly affect the taste of baking quality.

Another secret of high-quality sand dough is not allowing it to heal.

In the process of kneading, try to open the windows and clean the room well, make sure that the table or the board is cool enough, before swimming the dough. And more: try to reduce the time during which you will wash your shortbread dough, as it limits its heating.

The structure of the finished dough should be smooth, matte and in no case glitter. If it still it happened that the dough shines a little, it means that send it to a fridge or any other cool place. When it crept a little, it will be better to get marching and stop sticking to the hands.

Pay special attention to racking the test, as the thicker it turns out the layer, the worse it will bore. Carefully roll up the dough until its thickness becomes not more than 8 millimeters. Otherwise, do not complain that your dish is hopelessly spoiled.

When baking products from sand dough, you can not lubricate the baking shape, since the patient its number is already contained in the dough itself. The oven before baking you need to prehex, and the dough itself several times smashed with a plug before sending to the oven.

If you are going to make a shortbread dough much earlier than bake it, we advise you to send it to the freezer until the very moment of baking. In the freezer, the sand dough can be stored for about three months.

Before preparing the dough, it is necessary to sink flour and thoroughly mix it with cooled butter or margarine, so that something resembling a crumb. In this case, the dough will get crumbly and air.

Some hosts recommend to knead the sand dough only with their hands, and not use special electrical appliances. So you can control the temperature of the dough and cool it at the moment when it starts heating. And, in addition, any dish cooked with your own hands, and not with the help of a car, it turns out much more tastier and more beautiful.

And now let's consider in more detail the most popular recipes with which you can make a delicious shortbread dough at home.

Classic recipe

In order to independently make the perfect sandy dough on the classic recipe, you will need such a set of products:

    flour: 3 tbsp.;

    creamy butter: 300 g;

    sugar powder: 1 tbsp.;

    chicken eggs: 2 pcs.;

    soda: ¼ h. l.;

To begin with, carefully sifted flour, then pour all other ingredients from above. Remember that the oil must be chilled. It needs to be added to the last turn, cutting in small pieces.

Now very, very quickly knead the dough, seeking his homogeneity, after which we send it to the refrigerator for an hour, pre-covering the food film.

Before you do something out of the finished sand test, it must be removed from the refrigerator, spread and rolling it well. The thinner will come out the dough - the better. Bake such a dough is needed at a temperature of at least 200 degrees.

Soft sandbreaker

The sandstop dough, cooked according to this recipe, is incredibly soft and air, and after cooking literally melts in the mouth. To make a sandy dough soft, we need such a set of products:

    flour: 3 tbsp.;

    cool oil coil: 450 g;

    chicken eggs: 3 pcs.;

    sugar sand: 2/3 of Art.;

    soda: ¼ h. l.;

    lemon juice: 1 tsp;

Eggs and sugar are thoroughly mixed with butter, then mix flour with salt and soda, which should be pre-extended in advance by lemon juice. Now mix all the ingredients as quickly as possible, knead the dough and send one hour to the refrigerator.

Such a dough is much softer than the classic sandy dough, so in order to prepare it, such a dough should be smeared on the form for baking.

Dough with the addition of sour cream

The sand dough with the addition of sour cream is very lush and has a very pleasant taste that gives a dairy product. To make the dough on this recipe, you should be stocking in the ingredients:

    flour: 3 tbsp.;

    cool oil coil: 250 g;

    sour cream: 1 tbsp.;

    sugar sand: 2 tbsp. l.;

    lemon juice: 1 tsp;

    salt: 0.5 h. l;

Cooled butter grind with a grain, then mix it with sour cream. In the same tank, seek flour, add the other ingredients and start kneading the dough. It is necessary to do it as quickly as possible so that it does not have time to warm up.

When the sandy dough is ready, send it to the refrigerator at least two hours, after which you can prepare delicious baking.

Taking advantage of the recommendations from our article, you can always quickly make a delicious and proper sandstone dough at home. Of this test, very tasty bagels are obtained, cookies and pies that will probably like your family and loved ones. In the video, which can be found below, additional information is accommodation.

Surely, many have noticed that some types of baking are cakes, cookies, cakes - have an unusual crumbly structure similar to sand.

Such products are baked from sand dough. The recipe is different from other types of test, but at home with a huge desire and compliance with the elementary rules, the sand base for confectionery dishes can be prepared independently.

Shortbread dough opens a huge potential for creativity! Try to cook with all your favorite "nuts" with boiled condensed milk inside (yes, they consist of a sand dough), a beautiful cake, soaked in sour cream sauce with strawberries or dessert sausages, and the variations of cookies are simply no number: with chocolate, marshmallow, in the form of funny Figurines, wicker baskets and even with the addition of melted cheese.

Shortbage Dough - General Principles and Methods for Cooking

How to make "golden" crumbly dough at home? In fact, everything is very simple - there are hands, and the rest will apply! So, the first rule that should be learned: the sandstone must be prepared with a large number of fats and sugars. It is the oil that gives the product a characteristic crushing. Enveloping flour, it does not allow its parts to connect tightly and glue.

For greater porosity in the sandy dough, you can add such bars like a food soda or carbonate ammonium. Flour must contain an average percentage of gluten, otherwise baking will be somewhat tightened. If you take flour with a low percentage of gluten, there will be an opposite effect - the products will quickly fold.

The traditional sand test preparation recipe is based on the following principles:

- flour is sieved by a slide on a cutting board;
- Top is placed sugar, soda, redeemed in lemon juice, vanilla and chopped butter cooked butter;
- The oil shaves the sharp knife together with the rest of the ingredients, eggs are added at the end;
- Hands are kneaded by the dough, then it is cleaned for an hour in a cool place, and after - use for intended purposes.

Now we will define the amount of ingredients used. To prepare a classic recipe we will need: three glasses of flour, 300 gr. Oils (creamy), a glass of sugar (powder), two eggs, on the tip of the soda knife, a lemon juice and vanilla spoon.

Shortbage Dough - Product Preparation

All components (eggs, oil, flour), inventory (including a cutting board, rolling) and instruments going to move should be strictly in the chilled state, otherwise the dough will lose the "highlight", and the baking will eventually lose the desired structure. The product of the product is also reduced to a minimum.

Remember: Dry components are always mixed with flour, and liquid - with an egg, and only at the end they are combined. In some variations, some of the flour for the preparation of sand dough is allowed to replace with ground nuts, grated almond or starch. Another important nuance: take ready-made dough from the refrigerator only as needed - portions.

In addition to the basic recipe for a sweet sand test, there are alternatives that were obtained as a result of culinary experiments. The recipes described below will help not only diversify your table, but also get real pleasure from joint, family creativity.

Recipe 1: Shortbread Dough with Potatoes

Such dough fits perfectly into salted pies - with meat or vegetable filling.


- 200 gr. flour
- 200 gr. boiled potato
- 150 gr. butter creamy
- one egg
- Salt - about 1 tsp.
- Spoon sugar

Cooking method:

Flour (sifted) mix with salt, sugar, then add an egg. We smear the cooled potatoes in the puree (or three on the grater), add to the mixture, put the oils of the oil. The resulting mass is chopped with a knife to the crumb, and then wash your hands to the disappearance of lumps. Ride the dough into the ball and send it to the cold for 40-60 minutes, before use.

Recipe 2: Shortbread Dough with Cottage cheese

It combines well with fruit-berry stuffing, as well as with chocolate, condensed milk and walnut nuts. Cottage cheese is selected fresh, greasy, but not liquid.


- 300 gr. flour
- 200 gr. Cottage cheese
- 200 gr. Drain. Margarine (oils)
- one egg
- a pinch of salt
- Two table. lies. Sugar (small)

Cooking method:

Cottage cheese wipe through a sieve, then cool together with other components. Flour mix with salt, sugar. In the core we divide the egg. Cottage cheese and oils distribute over flour and, without losing time, knock the knife to the crumb, after which they bring the dough until uniformity with their hands. Next - in the refrigerator, and go ahead!

Recipe 3: Sampling Dough with Cheese

Try to cook such a dough for a fish with fish, potato stuffing - will certainly be satisfied.


- 200 gr. flour
- 200 gr. Solid salty cheese
- 150 gr. Oil drains.
- pinch of salt and sugar
- pinch of pepper ground
- one egg

Cooking method:

I smell a slide flour on a cutting board. Top sprinkle with salt, sugar. In the middle of the flour, we make a deepening and break the egg there. I rub the cheese on a major grater (by the way, do not forget to cool it first) and distribute the flour on the surface. The same is done with slices of oil. We charge everything with a knife, bring the dough with your hands until readiness (as quickly as possible). I ride the finished base for pies into the ball, we will send it to the frost and we will use it as needed.

Recipe 4: Shortbread Dough with sour cream

Beautiful base for cakes, cakes, confectionery sausages, cookies and other sweet baking.


- Three glasses of flour
- 200 gr. Drain. Oil
- A half cups sour cream (medium fat)
- Two or three table. l. Sahara
- Egg
- on the tip of the soda knife
- Vanilin

Cooking method:

Sugar, soda, vanillin mix with flour, add creamy oil with pieces, egg (one), sour cream and nipple to crumbs with a knife. Then finish the dough until soft and uniformity with your hands, roll it into the ball and, wrapped, the food film, we remove to the frost to demand (for 1-2 hours).

- Shortbage dough must be rolled uniform, quite thin layers, so that it proceeds well. Optimal thickness - from 3 to 7 mm;

- Partial replacement of solid eggs in one yolks increases the crumbs of products. Especially relevant such an approach when using flour with a high level of gluten;

- baked layers from the sand dough before sending to the oven should be pierced in several places to avoid the appearance of ugly bubbles on their surface from the extracted carbon dioxide;

- A baking tray to bake the sandy products should be dry. It is not necessary to lubricate it, as the sand dough does not stick to the bottom during thermal processing. Optimal baking temperature - from 220 to 250 C.

Many love the sandy dough for its crumbly, ease of preparation and speed of baking. And also for the big and diverse selection of baking from it. There are various types of sand dough and the methods of their kneading.

Composition and methods of kneading

Basic ingredients on 400 g of sand dough:

  • wheat flour - 200 g
  • sugar sand - 100 g
  • creamy oil - 100 g
  • yolk egg - 1 piece.

You can knead the dough in two ways.

First method: Chilled butter mix with dry ingredients and overshadow to the formation of crumbs. Then make it easy. Cool the resulting dough.

Second way: Softered butter Scroll with sugar before oil dissolving. Now you can add flour and eggs. Substitute dough, send it to the fridge. After 30-40 minutes, you can proceed to forming products.

You can replace part of flour starch. Then the amount of flour should be reduced. Change the taste and fragrance of baking, adding chopped nuts into dough, cocoa, spices (cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg). Or maybe add an orange and lemon zest? Show culinary fantasy using various fillers.

If you see in the ingredients for sand dough a whole egg, it is better to replace it with yolks. In this case, the sand dough becomes more crumbly and gentle.

Types of sand dough

There are many different types of this test. The choice of this or that type depends on which products from the sand dough we want to cook. By adding additional ingredients to the main recipe, we get different types of test.

The classic sand dough recipe consists only of a mixture of flour, sugar and butter. For a ligament, it is allowed to add a small amount of cold water (it is better to use purified).

By adding eggs to this mixture, we get egg sandbreaker.

Shortbread dough is considered to be drunk. But adding the yeast, we will get yeast shortbread dough. It turns out a kind of mix with the characteristics of both types. Such dough is soft and gentle (like yeast), as well as crumbling and melting in the mouth (as the "sandy" classic).

Lean sandy dough will be able to add vegetable instead of creamy oil. It turns out somewhat hard, but used in some types of baking for the effect of the contrast of the dough and juicy filling.

Using fermented milk products, mixed sandy dough and kefir. So that such a dough does not work hard, add a disinteger or soda (extinguishing it with vinegar or lemon juice).

You will have a wonderful cheese sand dough when adding solid cheese. To do this, take cheese and flour in a ratio of 1: 1. Before mixing the cheese dough, soda solid cheese on a grater. In such a test, there will be no superfluous chopping of black ground pepper.

Continuing the milk theme, we suggest cooking the sandstop with cottage cheese. This is an excellent choice if you have a fruit or berry filling. Light sourness of cottage cheese dough and a sweet juiciness of the filling ... an enchanting combination in the best traditions of French culinary.

Potato sandy dough is made by adding potatoes into the dough. To do this, it is pre-dried and rubbed on the grater. Put in the dough in a ratio with flour 1: 1. Next by the main recipe.

There is a special type of sand dough. This is a breeze dough. It is prepared without adding sugar. There are no eggs in the breeze. But, despite this, it is very nice to taste. According to the consistency, the tight (in it does not use a baking powder) and resembles a layer. Universal recipe come from France, where it is very popular.

From disadvantaged dough

Strazel is a confectionery crumb prepared from sand dough. To obtain it, the ingredients are mixed and peat them into the "sandy" mass. Thus, it turns out a large straceing crumb. And if you need a small stratezel, overtake a large crumb through a sieve.

and almond stretzel

In Germany, the eponymous pie is popular in which part of the sand dough is laid out in the form in the form of the basis. A layer of filling is laying on top of the base, which is sprinkled with "sandy crumb", i.e. Strazhel.

Sand secrets

  1. Before the kneading test, all products need to be cooled. This is especially true for oil (it should be firmly). If you add water, it should be ice.
  2. To grind oil, you can use not only a knife. It is very convenient to rub the solid oil on a large grater.
  3. Try to knead the dough as quickly as possible. With long-term hand contact with the test, which is included in its composition fat (oil, margarine), melts. This leads to the rigidity of finished products.
  4. If you want to get more crispy and crumbly dough, then instead of sugar add sugar powder. Also, for this purpose, only egg yolks are put instead of eggs.
  5. Bending the dough, send it to the refrigerator. There it must be at least half an hour (and better for 40-45 minutes).
  6. Before sending to the refrigerator wrap the dough with food film. It will not give the test to absorb foreign smells, and also will not allow him to be torn.
  7. In front of the rolling, give the test to lie down at room temperature. It will acquire plasticity and is easier to roll.
  8. Rolled the sand dough with a thickness of about 4-8 mm. If the reservoir is thicker, it will be absolux well.
  9. Baking baking or forms can not be lubricated. As part of the test, a sufficient amount of fat and it will not adhere.
  10. Before placing in the oven, catch the dough for a fork in several places. This will prevent the appearance of bubbles on the surface.
  11. The temperature of the oven and time of baking depend on the thickness of the test and the type of product baked. So for the basket and tartlets, the thickness of the test is 3-4 mm. They are baked 10-12 minutes at 230-240 degrees. All sorts of stars, rings, etc. 6-7 cm thick. Bake 12-15 minutes at 220-240 degrees. Cakes for cakes and bases for pies have a thickness of 7-9 cm. They are baked at 210-220 degrees 15-20 minutes.
  12. You can cook a shortbread dough and store it in the refrigerator. The shelf life will be 7-10 days.

What to cook from sand dough

The number of types of baking from sandy dough is large and varied. You can use shortbread dough for cookies. Perform it in the form of various figures (stars, hearts, animals, etc.). Or prepare.

Cake or sand dough cake will decorate any table. Sand cakes are baked for cakes, which are then labeled with cream. Using a sandy dough, you can cook pies with sweet (fruits, berries) or salty filling. Failing can be fish, meat, vegetable, mushroom. Thus, you can make a closed or open pie. But open pies are baked more often (such as tart or kish).

Some recipes:

Also from the sand dough make wonderful baskets and tartlets. Fill them with various fillings. For example, baskets are fresh fruits or berries with whipped cream. And tartlets - pate, red or black caviar. You can still fill them with a small amount of salad (meat, crab).

Now you have met various types of sand dough and learned many secrets of his cooking. Using the knowledge gained, you can correctly knead any shortbread dough and prepare delicious homemade baking from it.

Since the recipe for sand test involves the use of a large amount of fat, during the mixing of the test it is not necessary to allow its heating. The surface for rolling and billet from the test must be cooled, otherwise the dough will become sticky and will be bad to keep the form.

Proper Sand Dough Recipe - The Secret of Delicious Baking


Wheat flour 500 grams Granulated sugar 1 stack. Butter 300 grams Chicken eggs 2 pieces) Yolk 1 pieces (s)

  • Number of portions:20
  • Preparation time:10 minutes
  • Time for preparing:30 minutes

For cookies

Such a shortbread dough is used for baking cookies, pastries, cakes, pies. It does not need to add soda if it will be well swollen.

The process of cooking sand dough on a classic recipe:

  1. Cut the cooled oil with small cubes. Put in the container where flour, sugar sand and salt are mixed.
  2. Put the oil with a flour mixture with a knife - a mass resembling crumbs should be obtained.
  3. Add eggs and yolk to the resulting dough. Mix the components quickly to homogeneity.
  4. Mix the dough quickly. It should become a single and smooth mass.
  5. Rock the resulting dough into the ball, fold it in a plate and send for 30 minutes to the refrigerator.

When the time comes out, you can create cake or cookies from the test. To do this, you need to quickly roll out the layers using a cool rolling pin. It is better to roll the dough on parchment paper, with which products are easy to transfer to the baking sheet.

For cake

Such dough is suitable for creating an open cake, a filling can be any - use fresh or canned berries, fruits ..

For the preparation of sand dough for cake for this recipe, you will need:

  • butter (200g);
  • sugar sand (1st);
  • eggs (2pcs);
  • wheat flour (4T);
  • bustyer (1C.L.);
  • vanilla sugar for taste preferences.

Cooking process:

  1. In the metal dishes melt the creamy oil. Pour it into a bowl, add sugar sand, mix well components. Give the resulting mass to cool.
  2. Wear eggs, put the vanilla sugar into the ground. Stir everything thoroughly.
  3. Sierted flour Couple with a bustle.
  4. Lay out bulk products in a bowl with the resulting mass. Check the dough.

From the finished test you can create cakes, laying the cooked stuffing top. But before cutting, you need to roll the dough into the ball, it is a bit to cry and send a bit about 30 minutes to the refrigerator. The reservoir should roll the thickness of no more than 0.8 cm, otherwise the product will not succumb as it is necessary.

The baking sheet on which the pie will be baked should not be lubricated because the dough contains a sufficient amount of oil.

Bake the cake on this recipe from the sand dough follows the bottom of the oven, setting the temperature of 180-200 ° C. With this arrangement, the baking sheet of baking will result in crumbly, and the top does not fake. If the cake is already enough enough, but inside there is still not completely passenger, it is better to cover it from above the foil.

The cooking time of sand test increases due to the fact that it is required to withstand it for some time in a cool place. So that such dough does not crumble, you can not wash it longer than 2 minutes.

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