What to post watch from the dough. Very beautiful and sweet yeast baking "Easy recipes

Engineering systems 17.10.2019
Engineering systems

Yeast dough. Yeast dough is, as seen by the title, dough, which is prepared using yeast and complying with certain rules. Without yeast dough in cooking, do not do, because bread, and various flour dishes are prepared from it, and all sorts of pastry.

Contrary to the popular belief that yeast dough is quite difficult to prepare, in fact it is a pretty simple task.

Yeast is yeast fungi (microorganisms), which begin to grow when creating optimal conditions for this. And you need a bit for this - water or milk, flour, sugar and warm medium. Before use, the flour is necessarily sifted - this simple procedure allows you to saturate with oxygen. In the course of the reaction, alcohol, carbon dioxide and acid are formed, thanks to which the dough and rises.

Very easy to prepare yeast dough for baking bread. Enough flour, water, yeast and salt. If you add to the recipe for eggs, butter, sugar, cream or sour cream, the recipe is obtained.

Miscellaneous ratio of components allows you to prepare soft, steep, jar or liquid dough. From a baked yeast dough Baked all sorts of pies, buns, couch, cheesecakes, buns, cupcakes. Liquid yeast dough is used to prepare real Russian pancakes. Baking from soft and darling test is stored for a couple of days. But the products made of steep dough (for example, gingerbread) are suitable for more than two weeks.

During fermentation, the following problems may arise. If the dough does not rise, probably the problem in non-compliance with the temperature regime. For example, if the dough is overheated. In this case, it needs to be cooled. If the temperature is below 30 degrees, the dough is necessary to warm up and only then add yeast to it.

Also fermentation interferes with excess salt or sugar. In this case, it is better to knead a little more dough in order to dilute them "spoiled".

To check yeast, it is recommended to prepare a very small portion of the layout, pour a little flour and see how it is understood. If a couple of minutes later, the cracks did not appear, the yeast is poor-quality. It is better to abandon their use.

The amount of ingredients used directly affects the quality of yeast dough and finished products. Water should be enough to get a good dough, and the baking turned out to be soft. However, if the water is too much, the dough will be bad formed. Increases the amount of fermentation of excess salt, but its drawback worsens the taste of baking. If you poured too much sugar, the dough will wander slowly, and the middle will burst badly. However, if you add sugar directly to the dough, it will stop wander at all. It is impossible to overdo it with yeast - an unpleasant taste will appear on the baking.

Follow the proven recipes, and you will always get an excellent yeast dough!

There is nothing good and appetizing baking from yeast dough! Hot, freshly baked delicious buns, pies fill the house indescribable magic aroma, repeat which is not able to any other dish. Beautiful baking from yeast dough always gives festive to any table, makes it solemn and at the same time homely, family.

Delicious baking from yeast dough must define any hostess. It is not difficult, even a beginner culinary will not face difficulties, the matter is in practice. Some hostesses buy dough in the store, it is quite acceptable if you are limited in time. Baking from the finished yeast dough is the same tasty and fragrant.

Prepare yeast dough at home simply, if you stick to certain rules. To do this, you will need a warm room, milk or water, yeast, oxygen and nutrition for them in the form of sugar and flour. Responding to each other, these ingredients form alcohol, carbon dioxide and acid - mandatory components of high-quality yeast dough. Products from such a test can be a variety of and in taste and in appearance. There are a sweet baking from yeast dough, baking from a jewish dough, baking from puff yeast dough, etc. The simplest dough is yeast dough for bread: a mixture of flour, yeast, salt and liquid. Various flavor additives, such as eggs, sugar, butter, sour cream, make it from this dough.

Baking cake from yeast dough - the process of exciting, festive, creative. The result of such labor is always the pride of any mistress. Learn and you prepare baking from yeast dough, recipes on our website will help you with this. It is very convenient to use in the process of baking from yeast dough recipes with photos, they are very visual and convenient for study.

You also will also help our advice:

The fermentation temperature of yeast in the test should be about 30 degrees. Superheated dough should be cooled, cold warm and add fresh yeast;

Too a large number of Sugar or salt stops fermentation. It is possible to correct it by making a new test and mixing with the first dough batch;

With excess water, the dough and baking from it will not work;

With a lack of water, baking will be tough, fermentation of such a test is weak;

Excess salt will give a pale crust on the product, fermentation time will increase;

The lack of salt will also spoil the dough and make the tasteless products from it;

With external sugar, the surface of the products is quickly fried, and the middle does not have time to succumb, the dough is badly wandering;

The shortage of sugar makes baking pale in appearance;

Too much yeast will add your baking an unpleasant sour alcoholic smell and a taste;

With a different ratio of components, it is possible to obtain cool, soft, jar or liquid dough;

Baking flour should be good to sift well to saturate with oxygen;

Baking from soft or darling test is stored just a few days.

Russian cuisine has always been famous for cakes. The hostess is invariably on all holidays prepared yeast dough for pies. Yes, and the word Pie itself most likely happened from the word "feast" - the festival. And the saying "is not red to the out of the corners, but Krasnu Pies" says that the pies were a symbol of well-being.

In Russia, his cake was baked to each celebration. So, when they took expensive guests, baked a loaf "bread-salt", a wedding kurnie was baked at the wedding. And when a newborn appeared in the house, it was customary to treat the neighboring kids "Babkina Pies" - buns, bagels, blunders and pipes.

And what a variety of pies in Russian cuisine are open or closed pies, piers, couching, jugs, kalachi, pies, shankzhka, cheesecakes. And every good owner tries to surprise guests and close to their culinary masterpiece.

Pies bake yeast or fresh dough. The highest culinary skill is still the yeast dough for pies, because for its preparation you need a culinary experience and knowledge of the secrets of preparing a lush yeast dough. Even on my own experience I can say that it would seem to be a proven recipe for a proven recipe for a proven recipe before. I began to read a lot about him and realized that yeast dough for pies demanding a relative attitude towards himself, does not tolerate fuss and drafts. We will talk about the secrets of his cooking a little later.

And now consider several verified recipes.

Types of yeast dough and preparation methods

Yeast dough is unsopular and jar. Consider how to prepare yeast dough for the cake and what is the difference between the dough from the unsopular.

For the unemployed yeast dough, yeast is bred by milk and immediately mixed with all other ingredients. The dough is left for lifting by about 1-1.5 hours.

For the preparation of the jar of the dough is pre-prepared by the opara. For this, yeast is bred with water or milk, a little flour and sugar are added. Opara is left for lifting for 2-2.5 hours. And only then all other ingredients are mixed.

So why do you ask, complicate your life with a blind, because the same dough is obtained and a reasonable way. And the cunning here is that if you decide to cook pies or piety dough pies with the addition of oil, margarine, sour cream, then such a snob "takes out" the dough, and without a layout it just does not rise. For feed pies, the dough is more suitable on piring. Cakes and pies and pies are also prepared from the uneasy yeast dough, but more freshly.

Yeast dough does not like bustle and hurry. The yeast dough kneading is a delicate and delicate matter. That's why I tried to describe in detail the entire sequence of its cooking step by step and with the photo.

The process of cooking a non-peculiar yeast dough consists of only one stage - drain yeast and connect all the components.


  • milk or water - 250 ml
  • flour - 500 gr.
  • yeast - 50 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 60 gr.
  • creamy oil - 100 gr.
  • salt - 3 gr.
  1. Heat the milk slightly, the milk temperature should be no more than 30 ° C, i.e. slightly warm.

Important! It is impossible to overcome milk, so do not move away from it during heating.

2. To the warm milk we put yeast, crushing them with your hands and interfere with the wedge until the pieces are completely dissolved. We add sugar and stir up to complete dissolution again. Sugar helps fermentation.

Yeast dough very capricious. The specified proportions should be strictly observed. If you overdo it with yeast, the dough will rise faster, but pies will have a sharp smell of yeast. If the sugar put more than the norm, the process of fermentation of the test will slow down.

3. Drive 1 egg in a dairy-yeast mixture. If you want to get more crumbling dough, then instead of 1 eggs you can drive 2 yolks.

4. It was a turn to pour flour. Flour must be sifted through a sieve, so it is saturated with oxygen and the dough turns out to be air. We knead the dough with your hands.

5. Add fats to dough. For this creamy oil (I sometimes use margarine) pre-soften until soft. In some recipes, the oil is melted to a liquid state, but still I recommend to warm the fats quite a bit so as not to disturb the structure of the test. We interfere with the oil in the dough and take the dough 10-15 minutes.

6. At the very end, add salt and wash another 10 minutes. The dough should be elastic and not stick to the hands.

7. Lay out the dough into the pan and leave to rise by about 1.5 hours in a warm place.

Try to withstand comfortable conditions for lifting the test - avoid drafts, save the heat and enough air for all the time.

8. When the dough is raised, it needs to be slightly changed. Thus, we exempt it from the accumulated gases and enrich oxygen.

9. We leave for another 40 -50 minutes to rise. After that, you can proceed to baking pies or pies.

10. After you form cakes or pie, let them go for another 15 minutes.

Yeast unopened dough for pies with dry yeast

This recipe is suitable for bite, sweet pies. However, if you remove vanillin from the recipe, it is quite possible to cook sawnage pies.

We will use dry yeast for dough. The ratio of dry and fresh yeast is approximately 1: 3, i.e. for 1 gr. Dry yeast accounts for 3 grams. Fresh. In 1 teaspoon about 3.5 gr. Dry yeast.


  • milk - 1/2 stack.
  • flour - 500 gr.
  • dry yeast - 1.5 h.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.
  • margarine - 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt - chipotch
  1. To the warm milk add dry yeast and mix well to completely dissolve yeast.

2. Drive 1 egg, add sugar and salt, vanilla sugar.

3. Surride flour, pre-sifted through a sieve. We knead unrocked dough. If we knead the combine, it will be enough 6-7 minutes. Hands will have to work for 10-15 minutes. If the dough is not too soft, in the process of the knead, you can pour a couple of spoons of warm milk.

4. At the end of the knead, add soften margarine.

5. lay out the dough on the table, still we are living with your hands and leave in a bowl, covered with a food film by 1.5-2 hours in a warm place.

6. After the dough is raised, I make a fireplace once, we put again in a warm place for another hour.

7. When the dough rises again, you can roll out and cooking pies and pie, cheesecakes and donuts, buns and cakes.

Do not forget that all products from the test, before sending them to the oven, should be a little "soak", the distance.

Owl yeast dough for pies

The yeast dough on the opara differs from the uneasy what opara is prepared first, consisting of yeast, water or milk and flour. Opara should be chosen, and already add other ingredients to fats, sugar, eggs and the remaining flour. Pies or pies, in the recipe of which there are a lot of drift - oil, margarine, eggs, sugar, etc. It is better to cook from the dough test.


  • flour - 600 grams.
  • yeast (dry) - 1 tsp.
  • milk - 300 ml.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • creamy oil - 100 gr.
  1. Preparing opar. To do this, add dry yeast to warm milk, mix well to dissolve yeast.

Milk should be only a bit warm, not higher than 30 ° C, so heating on low heat and without distracted by other affairs.

2. To milk and yeast, sugar, salt and 3 tbsp. l. Flour, mix again.

3. We leave Phala in a warm place for "maturation" for 30-40 minutes.

The opara increases in size by about 2-3 times and looks like this:

4. Now we drive into the layer of egg and pre-melted butter.

5. Add in short flour in small portions.

6. Pour all 600 gr. Flour, stirring, and when the dough becomes thick, lay out on the table, accumulated with flour, and take the dough for 10-15 minutes.

7. Mix the dough until it becomes elastic and will not stick to hand.

8. Cover the food film and leave in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours.

9. When the dough is increased by 2-3 times, be sure to make it a fireplace - cams carefully praise over the test. It will fall, then cover again and leave again rise by 30-40 minutes. The fireplace can be made 2-3 times, but I woof 1-2.

10. When the dough rises again, you can cook pies or pies.

Yeast dough for buns

According to this recipe, fearful, soft as fluff and very tasty buns. These buns are baked in the oven. We will prepare the dough on the plate.


  • flour - 500 gr.
  • yeast dry - 5 gr.
  • milk - 65 gr.
  • water - 150 gr.
  • egg - 1 large or 2 small
  • sugar - 130 gr.
  • salt - 5 gr.
  • margarine or butter - 75 grams.
  • vanilla extract or vanilla sugar to taste
  1. Flour (250 gr.) We sift through the sieve and add dry yeast (half of the portion - 2.5 gr.), All mix.

I pay attention to: For the layout we use half of these products.

2. To the resulting mixture, we pour warm milk and 1/2 of water portion (75 grams), we again stir.

3. We mix the dough, the layout turns out unusually thick. We form a dough lounge from it. Such opara will ripen longer than the traditional, more liquid.

4. Cover the film with a film and leave for 4 hours in a warm place.

5. In a separate dish, mix the salt, the sugar, the remaining half of the water, stir up to dissolve the sugar and drive the eggs. It turned out a liquid mixture.

6. Separately, we prepare a dry mixture of the remaining flour (250 gr.) And yeast (2.5 gr.).

7. When the opara rises, add a liquid sugar mixture into it, then we snatch flour with yeast, vanilla sugar and all components connect.

8. Mix the dough.

9. In the dough in small portions "interfere" margarine or oil. To do this, from the softened margarine, we lay down a piece and stir the dough to a monotonous consistency, and so before the end of Margarine.

10. The dough itself is liquid, irregular shape. This dough is different from the elastic traditional, but do not add flour anymore.

11. To wash such a liquid test, we will apply French technology - we raise the dough with two hands, we stretch to the sides and fold. We place the dough about 10 minutes. At the end, it should no longer adhere to the hands.

12. We put the dough into a bowl, lubricated with vegetable oil for 3 hours. Yeast dough for pies should increase by 2-3 times.

13.Test divide on equal portions, form buns. We lay the buns on the baking sheet, sprinkled with flour, cover the film and leave another 30 minutes away. During this time, the buns will still increase by 2 times, so laying into the form or on a baking sheet, leave the distance between them.

14. Lubricate buns whipped egg.

15. We bake in the oven preheated to 180-200 ° C for about 30 minutes. It turns out soft, like fluff, dubbed and delicious buns.

Fast yeast dough for pies - Custard dough recipe

And one more wonderful recipe for pies for those who do not want to wait long until the dough raises.


  • flour - 3.5 cups
  • yeast dry - 11 gr.
  • water warm -1 glass
  • water boiling water - 200 ml
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  1. Dry yeast pour into a glass and pour 1 cup warm water. We leave until the way to activate.

2. Mix 3 tbsp. l. Flour, 1 tbsp. l. Sugar, 1 tsp. Salt and 3 tbsp. l. Sunflower oil.

3. It turns out the crumbly dough. It is poured with steep boiling water and thoroughly stir up to the disappearance of lumps. Leave a little cool for 5-10 minutes.

4. Pour diluted yeast into it.

5. Success flour (2-2.5 glasses) and stir. When the dough absorbs all the flour, add more than 1 cup. It is necessary to feel when the test will be quite flour. But do not overdo it, otherwise the dough will get too cool and the pies will turn out hard.

6. The dough is pretty sticky, and so that it does not stick to the hands, pour some vegetable oil right on the hands and interfere with it in the dough.

7. You also need to be lubricated with sunflower oil and a cutting board.

8. Dough divide on portions and form thick pancakes. We spread on them any filling and cover as dumplings.

9. Frying such pies in a large number of sunflower oil, can be said in deep fryer. Putting on the pan should be stuck down, so they will not spread.

Lean yeast dough

During the post, there are restrictions on the use of some products - meat products, dairy products, fats and eggs are prohibited. There is a blog on my blog, you can choose to your taste. And if you wanted pies in the post, it is quite possible. Prepare delicious patties on the recipe of the germogen bauble on the water without eggs and milk. They can come up with a very tasty stuffing for lean pies - with mushrooms, cabbage, apples or jam.

20 secrets of lush yeast dough

It is believed that yeast dough for pies is very capricious and not all from the first time. My grandmother even prayed, preparing the dough, and always the dough was greatly rummaged, the pies were lush and very tasty.

I hurry you assure that there is nothing complicated here. And for sure to get tasty pies or pies, you just need to know some of the seventures of cooking.

  1. The basis of yeast dough - yeast. It is from them that depends the quality of the test. Yeast should be fresh, not overdue. Pressed yeast is bred with warm milk or water and activated by sugar.
  2. Correct the temperature of the water or milk properly - not lower than 28 ° C and not higher than 30 ° C, otherwise yeast or sacrificed, or boiled and the dough will not rise.
  3. Already on how the liquid is foaming with yeast, you can determine the quality of the future test.
  4. All dough products must be warm. Prepare eggs, flour, let them be room temperature.
  5. When shelling yeast dough in the kitchen should not be drafts - close all windows and doors.
  6. I heard believing that the dough can "begged" even loud noises.
  7. Flour must be sifted through a sieve to enrich it with oxygen.
  8. Add some vegetable oil to the dough - the dough will become more elastic and gentle.
  9. During the lifting of the test, make 1-2-3 windows.
  10. Do not allow direct contact with yeast and fats, otherwise the activity of yeast can decrease.
  11. The implicated dough in no case cover the lid, it should breathe. Cover the saucepan with a kitchen towel or food film.
  12. Choose a pot for the test is not too wide, otherwise the dough is broken down along the bottom and will not find the support for the rise.
  13. Pan with a test should be kept in a warm place. You can bite it with something warm, you can put in a pelvis with warm water, maintaining all the time a warm temperature.
  14. Mix the dough at least 10-15 minutes. The more the dough sweat, the more active the yeast will work.
  15. Do not knead the tight dough. In -1, it will be bad to rise, and in-2, products from such a test will be tough.
  16. Do not overeat the dough. Watch out for its lifting, make a fireplace and start cooking on time. If the dough is postponing, the pies can be acidic and rigid.
  17. Yeast dough perfectly stored freezer. If the test is a lot, some remain the next time, very convenient.
  18. Formed products before shipping in the oven, be sure to leave for 15-20 minutes for proofing.
  19. Top of cake lubricate egg or yolk. Patty baked in the oven recommend lubricating melted butter.
  20. The bake temperature of pies from a duzhevy dough is slightly lower (190-210 ° C) than non-uncommon (220-240 ° C).

I hope that cooking yeast dough did not seem too tedious to you. Indeed, as a result, such delicious culinary masterpieces are obtained that any hostess will be able to proud of their skill.

Enjoy your appetite and delicious pies!

And if you liked recipes and tips, then share them with your friends.

For many owners cooking yeast doughit seems with something from the field of fiction and as a result, many refuse to have a matter with him and thereby limit their seven delicious baking on its basis. As you understand, this kind of test cannot be prepared without the main component - yeast. To the dough it turns out to be fame, it is important to choose the right yeast.

Regardless of which you will use yeast - dry or wet (in the form of cubes), it is very important that they are fresh. It is also important to remember that wet yeast an order of magnitude better rise than the dry, due to better fermentation activity, so they are greater popularity.

In fact, the recipes of yeast dough are very diverse. Among them are those that do not require special products and time spending. Baking from such a test will be no worse than the one that is cooked from yeast dough, whose stuff can take almost a day.

You will not believe, but yeast dough, mixed on alone yeast and water, can be somewhat lighter than whose recipe has a large amount of eggs, milk and oil. This clearly indicates that not only components of the ingredients are important in the process of creating it. Today we offer you The best yeast dough recipesWith which you can bake delicious pies, buns, cheesecakes, rolls, pizza and many other baking.

Yeast dough. Best recipes with photos

Yeast dough - recipe


  • yeast - 1 pack
  • kefir - 0.5 liters.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 1 kg.
  • sugar - 2 tsp.
  • salt - 1.5 Ch.L.
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.

Consider kefir yeast dough recipe. Originally make a layer. To begin with, inquorate in water 1 pack of yeast and add sugar and salt there, then cover them and retain them for 10-15 minutes. Trecking during this time should increase in volume. Bring kefir to room temperature and add an egg there, stir well with the rest of the sugar. It is worth remembering that it is not necessary to dwell with sugar, because if there is a lot of sugar in the test, it will slow down the fermentation.

Add rising yeast there and then mix. Pour this mass 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil. By adding a little flour, interlace the dough, the exact amount of flour is difficult to guess, so you need to look at its appearance. Yeast dough (photo)it should be easy and soft. Cover it with a towel, stop the dough in place with a higher temperature and wait until it is suitable. This process will take, somewhere around 40-50 minutes.

Now consider recipe for yeast dough with photowhich is preparing without eggs.

Yeast dough without eggs


  • milk - 500 ml
  • flour - 250 g
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • dry yeast - 3 ppm
  • creamy oil - 120 g
  • salt - 2 ppm

Pour milk into a saucepan and heat it up to 40 degrees. Divide the yeast in it, and then add sugar. Move a saucepan to a warm place for a few minutes. Take clean dishes and melt the creamy oil in it. Pour flour into a deep bowl, and then add salt there, sugar. To the flour mixture, pour 500 ml. Prepared milk and then mix well all, add melted oil there and proceed to knead the dough.

Because of the oil, the dough will first not stick. Messenger without stopping until it sticks to the hands. After that, continue to knead the dough for another 10-15 minutes. Observing all these subtleties, the dough will turn out to be air and soft. Form the ball from it, and then put it in a bowl of lubricated in front of this butter. Cover it with a towel. Leave yeast dough for pies For 2 hours so that it rises.

Yeast dough (without a way) - recipe


  • milk - 1 tbsp.
  • dry yeast - 5
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 3-4 tbsp.
  • sugar - 4 ppm
  • creamy butter (melted) - 3 tablespoons
  • salt - chipotch

For the preparation of the unemployed, it is not necessary to put milk in a warm place, it is enough to heat it and then add yeast there, and only after that add the rest of the ingredients, and it will be the best to beat the eggs in a separate bowl in advance and add salt there and separate the oil. Then knead the dough into the mostst and add chilled oil to it. We knead until the dough is well different from the hands, respectively, and from the dishes.

Lubricate the dough and sprinkle with flour, then cover it with warm me, and retain to climb for a few minutes. Then once again, break it slightly and leave again for a couple of minutes. Yeast dough pies (photo) According to this recipe, it is always very lush and soft.

Yeast dough in the oven - recipe


  • Water or milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dry yeast - 2-2.5 ppm
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 500 g

So, cook yeast dough in the oven. To begin with warm conditions, warm water or milk. It is important that the liquid is not too hot. Next to warm milk or water add yeast, salt and sugar. Then put it all into the preheated oven for 5-7 minutes, so that the "cap" of the soluble yeast formed. While the mixture is in the oven, scroll the egg with a wedge, adding vegetable oil to them and pinch salt, and then part of the flour. I ask for a flour for the best kneading.

When you all mixed, get milk and pour to the dough, stirre and add the rest of the flour. Mix the dough first in the bowl, and then with your hands, to the state when it is elastic. No need to overdo with flour and "score" the dough. After the knead, send the dough into the oven at the minimum temperature, leave until it rises. When it rose, wash it again, and leave no longer in the oven, but simply covered and for a smaller number of minutes, so that it increased a little more. Ready for baking.

Puff yeast dough - recipe


  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Dry or fresh yeast - 10 g.
  • Salt - pinch
  • Butter creamy (margarine) - 300 g
  • Sugar - 3 ppm

So begin to cook puff pastry yeast. To start, take the oil (margarine) and soften it, cutting into small pieces. Heat milk to room temperature. Add trees there, then salt and sugar. Flour must be sifted in a separate container so that the dough is better and easier to be mixed. To the soluble yeast, add a piece of oil (margarine), approximately 50 grams.

Stir carefully and start to introduce flour. Next, knead the dough, let it rise slightly, then send it to the refrigerator. The rest of the oil (margarine) decompose between the two parchment sheets of paper into the form of the rectangle, and place the test in the refrigerator.

Raised dough roll in the same way as it was rolled out oil on parchment. Rolled oil (margarine) Put on the dough, and then wrap the edge inside. Fold again this layer three times and cool. All this procedure will repeat two more times. Puff yeast doughready for baking.

Yeast dough for pies - recipe


  • Wheat flour - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Dry / fresh yeast - 8g / 30g.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 2pcs.
  • Sugar - 3 ppm
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp
  • Salt is a pinch.

For cooking yeast dough for pies First, put the approach. For layers in the milk room temperature, dissolve dry or fresh yeast. Add a pinch of salt and sugar there. While the opara is suitable, boil the eggs and add salt and vegetable oil. Pour the approached with the o'er to the eggs and slowly interfere with the flour.

Flour you need to sift well before adding, then the dough will not be clogged, and turn out to be air and easy. Mix it carefully first in the bowl, then with your hands, do not be lazy, the dough loves warm hands and thoroughly. When it becomes smooth, and will not stay on your fingers, leave it to fit, cover with warm cloth or terry towel. Then again knead the yeast dough and divide on the balls. Yeast dough piesaccording to this recipe, you can cook both in the oven and in a frying pan.

And finally, let's look at refractory of yeast dough with mustard powder. This version of the yeast dough with mustard powder is good to use for the manufacture of banets, bread, baking lacking with various fillings and spices. In addition, on such a test you can bake pizza, it will be very appetizing, fragrant and original.

Baking texture, thanks to the content of mustard powder, it turns out very gentle, air, with spicy taste and a strong aroma (in which the spice itself is not captured). The creation time of this recipe is 50-70 minutes. You just need to add all the components in a bowl, mix and leave for a while.

Hello everyone. Today we will talk about yeast dough, and we offer a simple recipe for its preparation. This is a yeast dough universal, that is, it is suitable for sweet baking (pies with jam, jam, jam, with fruit pies, cheesecakes), and for not sweet baking (pies with cabbage, potatoes, meat). This dough does not taste for a long time, soft, lush it turns out and it can even bake pizza.

Yeasts are also suitable for any, you can take dry and fresh. Any yeast must be stored in the refrigerator, then they will be effective for a very long time.

Be sure to try to put yeast dough, even though it did not work before, it will definitely work out. Because cakes, pie it is always a chopstick.

To prepare the test, we will need:

  • 0.5 liter of warm liquid
  • dry yeast 1 bag for 1 kg of flour or 25-30 grams of fresh
  • 2 tbsp. L Sahara
  • salt 1 tsp. with a slide
  • flour 850-1000 gr
  • vegetable oil 50-100 ml

How to cook the most delicious yeast dough

We take a big bowl and pour two glasses of any liquid into it, i.e. milk, sour milk, prostroprious, kefir, ryazhenka, can be even acidic. If there is no milk, then we do just on warm water. You can also mix all the listed. The liquid must necessarily be warm, but in no case is not hot.

In warm water, we lower the yeast and stir up to the complete or almost complete dissolution. Then put two tablespoons of sugar 1 teaspoon of salt and stir. If small lumps of yeast remained anything terrible.

Next we will add flour. The flour is suitable simplest, the cheapest. The flour sift through the sieve to be saturated with air so that the air bubbles can be hit in the dough, and it was air. To begin with, add a couple of flour glasses and start to mix first with a spoon. The exact amount of flour is difficult to say, it depends on the flour itself. Then you will figure it out. Add a couple more cups of flour and continue to mix.

Eggs we will never add. If you need a dough for buns, then there and eggs, and sour cream.

Never add a lot of flour at once, it's never too late to add it late. If the dough is too thick, then make it more liquid will be problematic.

At this stage you can already add a quarter of a glass of oil. And see can still flour. Do not be afraid to add butter, in the test it will not be felt. We continue to wash your hands. The dough does not stick to her hands or the walls of the dishes, there is one pleasure. The dough at this point becomes elastic and spring, it means that the dough begins to approach, yeast begin to work. This dough does not need to do so dense and solid as for the dumplings for example. It should be pleasant to the touch, like elastic young female breast))).

If the dough sticks to the hand, you can also add a spoon or two flour. But the dough still should not be too thick.

Well, the dough is ready. We leave it in a bowl, cover with a lid or something else. Or you can shift it into a plastic bag without tie and leave in a warm place. The dough is suitable somewhere after 1-2 hours, during this time, prepare the filling for pies.

Try, learn and be sure to get everything.

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