Ingredients for the production of dumplings. Raw materials and ingredients for dumplings

garden equipment 12.10.2019
garden equipment

Semi-finished products enjoy high demand among the population major cities, whose residents do not have free time for cooking. Among the semi-finished products, various types of dumplings and dumplings received well-deserved recognition from the audience. Easy preparation of blanks, the absence of large investments and stable consumer demand make the business of selling dumplings quite promising. Opening your own workshop allows you to get regular profits and quickly recoup the invested capital. In this article, we propose to consider the production of dumplings as a business and study all aspects of the production process.

The segment of the market of frozen semi-finished products, in particular dumplings, is very promising

Analysis of the selected segment

Dumplings have received the status of a national dish, which is in demand among various segments of the population. This dish is not only nutritious, but also healthy. The dumpling business is highly profitable due to stable demand among customers and relevance in any season. It should also be separately noted the high competition in this segment. To date, more than a hundred different business entities are registered in Russia, engaged in the production of their own semi-finished products.

In order to enter into this business, it is necessary to carefully study each competitor. You should carefully familiarize yourself with the strategy of promoting goods they have chosen, learn about all the advantages and disadvantages. This step will allow you to enter the market with minimal loss of capital. Everyone wants to get quality products at a low cost. However, modern market offers do not meet consumer needs. Many entrepreneurs, wishing to reduce production costs, use low-quality raw materials or meat substitutes. This move can lead to the loss of half of potential buyers.

At the stage of creating a business plan, you need to familiarize yourself with the products offered by competitors. Experts recommend buying several dozen various kinds semi-finished products, in order to get acquainted with their advantages and disadvantages. Special attention should be given not only to the taste and quality of semi-finished products, but also to packaging. In order to create a competent business plan, you need to study the chosen business from all sides.

Workshop organization

The business plan for the production of dumplings should include information on the organization of the workshop. The production hall is the heart this business, therefore, this issue should be approached with increased responsibility. Renting a workshop in the central region can turn into a waste of money. Since all forces will be thrown specifically at production, it is recommended to choose a room located on the outskirts of the city. Since the entrepreneur will need to organize his own service for the delivery of finished products to retail outlets, the location of the workshop itself is of minimal importance for the business.

Pelmeni are an integral part of Russian culture, which makes them a sought-after product.

It is very important that the selected property meets all the requirements of the regulatory authorities. The lack of basic engineering communications can result in large penalties from the sanitary and epidemiological station. According to established rules, the room where semi-finished products will be molded must be equipped with ventilation and heating. In addition, it is necessary to establish quality lighting and run plumbing. It should also be noted that the walls of the workshop must be finished with tiles.

As practice shows, for the organization of the workshop there is enough space, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bnot more than eighty square meters. Experts recommend renting a property located in countryside. Thus, the entrepreneur will be able to negotiate with local farmers on the supply of fresh raw materials at a low cost. In addition, this step will save money on wages for workers, since the level of wages in rural areas is much lower.

Purchase of equipment

The business plan of the dumpling shop should without fail contain calculations of the financial model of future production. This section should indicate the method of manufacturing semi-finished products and the level financial resources required to implement the chosen model. To date, there are two main options for organizing a business:

  1. Manual production of semi-finished products. When choosing this method, one should be prepared for low production capacities. Despite this fact, products hand made highly valued among buyers.
  2. Machine for making dumplings. With the choice of this method of implementing a business project, the level of initial investment increases several times. Also noteworthy is a tenfold increase in productivity compared to manual sculpting.

Automation of this process allows you to increase the volume of products produced. In addition, the automated workshop requires a minimum number of personnel who will serve the line. By spending a large amount on the purchase of various production equipment, the entrepreneur gets the opportunity to reduce the expense item, due to the reduction in the size of the tax base. In addition, due to the high production capacity, the rate of return on investment increases several times.

The key link in drawing up a business plan is a description of direct production, from which calculations will be based in the future.

AT minimum set The production equipment needed to start a business includes a dough sifting machine, a dough sheeter, an industrial meat grinder and a minced meat mixing machine. In addition, you will need to purchase special forms. The workshop will need to install special freezers where finished workpieces will be stored. Also, the entrepreneur will need to invest equity in the purchase and installation of a packaging line.

The heart of the workshop is a dumpling molding machine, with the help of which blanks are formed. The volume of products produced depends on the quality and functionality of this unit. Cheap machines can produce about fifty kilograms of blanks in an hour. With the acquisition of a modern molding machine, the production speed can increase six times. Experts in the business in question recommend purchasing Russian or Chinese production equipment. Due to the low cost and high quality of these devices, the payback period of the business is reduced several times.

Every businessman is faced with the question of the expediency of investing money in one or another type of production, in the end it all comes down to obtaining material benefits. Profit will be provided by the sale of manufactured products.

So, dumplings are a product for which demand is constant, does not depend on the time of year, the wealth of consumers, the financial crisis and other factors. Of course, the competition in this segment is quite high, but with the right organization of the marketing policy, you can find your customers.

Of course, you need to bet on the quality of products, since low-grade products are quickly being replaced on the market by more delicious ones. It is also not necessary to set a high price - this business will already begin to generate net profit after six months of operation, therefore, it is necessary to adequately approach the issue of pricing.

Advantages of the mini line

Why should small factory be preferred over large scale production?

  • firstly, capital investments are several times less;
  • secondly, the speed of equipment assembly, its mobility and compactness;
  • thirdly, there is no need to buy or build your own production building, you can start working in a rented room - this also significantly saves capital investments;
  • fourthly, the mini-factory is fully automated, it requires fewer maintenance personnel. For example, in a large production line with a capacity of up to 300 kg / h, 9 people serve (the products are molded by hand), in a mini-factory - 2 people (they load the ingredients into the mixers and control the processes). Reduction manual labor leads to significant savings payroll expenses;
  • fifthly, a quick start of production and, accordingly, capital investments will pay off in a shorter period.

dumpling machine

Overview of plant variants from different manufacturers

On the Russian market There are many companies selling equipment for the production of dumplings, among them are:

Compact dumpling plant LB Italia (Italy). Specifications:

  • power - 12.5 kW;
  • voltage - 380 V;
  • type of work - hand molding;
  • productivity - 180 kg / h;
  • dimensions - 1500 * 1100 * 3000 mm;
  • weight - 1000 kg;
  • cost - 5,000,500 rubles.

Model JGL-120 (China) for the production of dumplings has the following characteristics:

  • power - 1.5 kW;
  • voltage - 380 V;
  • maintenance staff - 2 people;
  • type of work - hand molding;
  • productivity - 120 kg / h;
  • dimensions - 1150 * 470 * 940 mm;
  • weight - 160 kg;
  • cost - 2,500,000 rubles.

Company MMK GROUP (Russia) offers complete solution for the production and assembly of the dumpling shop, as well as equipping it necessary equipment. Specifications:

  • power - 2 kW;
  • voltage - 380 V;
  • maintenance staff - 2 people;
  • type of work - automatic;
  • productivity - 100 kg / h;
  • dimensions - 2600 * 7200 * 6000 mm;
  • weight - 1600 kg;
  • cost - 1,900,000 rubles.

The main components of the mini-factory, technical characteristics

The complete set and technical characteristics of a mini-factory for the production of dumplings are considered on the basis of the equipment of the Novator company (Omsk, Russia).

The basic set of equipment includes:

Flour sifter - necessary to remove foreign particles from flour, as well as loosening the mass. Specifications:

  • power - 375 W;
  • bunker capacity - 25 l;
  • voltage - 380 V;
  • dimensions - 600 * 500 * 800 mm;
  • weight - 70 kg;

Mixer. required for good quality dough. Characteristics:

  • power - 0.55 kW;
  • productivity - up to 20 l;
  • bowl volume - 20 l;
  • voltage - 220 V;
  • dimensions - 680 * 370 * 730 mm;
  • weight - 90 kg;

Meat grinder for mincing meat. Characteristics:

  • power - 0.85 kW;
  • productivity - up to 250 kg / h;
  • required voltage - 220 V;
  • dimensions - 240 * 410 * 450 mm;
  • weight - 36 kg;

Meat mixer. Characteristics:

  • power - 2.2 kW;
  • productivity - up to 30 kg / h;
  • bowl volume - 30 l;
  • voltage - 220 V;
  • dimensions - 740 * 540 * 920 mm;

Automatic dumpling machine. Performs dough dosage, rolling (without the use of an extruder, due to this, the necessary plasticity is maintained, and dumplings do not spread during cooking). Specifications:

  • power - 2.8 kW;
  • productivity - up to 450 kg / h;
  • dumpling weight - from 3 to 20 g;
  • voltage - 380 V;
  • dimensions - 1600 * 800 * 1200 mm;
  • weight - 460 kg;

Spiral conveyor for quick freezing of finished products. Specifications:

  • power - 0.8 kW;
  • productivity - up to 300 kg / h;
  • temperature range - from +95 to -43 ° С;
  • voltage - 380 V;
  • dimensions - 5300 * 4200 * 2800 mm.

How the equipment works

There are four main stages of production:

  • preparation of ingredients;
  • kneading dough and minced meat;
  • molding dumplings;
  • shock freezing.

All components are prepared according to the recipe and state standards quality. The kneading of dough and minced meat is carried out in automated machines.

Of greatest interest is the work of an automated complex for rolling dough and sculpting products. It consists of the following parts:

  • hopper for loading dough;
  • test dosing and feeding device;
  • dough rolling mechanism;
  • hopper for minced meat;
  • minced meat distributor;
  • forming drums;
  • outfeed conveyor.

Pre-mixed minced meat and dough are loaded into the receiving hoppers, from where they enter the distribution compartments. Two continuous tapes are formed from the dough, which are sent to the dividing and rolling unit. Lower rollers form belts required thickness, and directs them to the forming drums, where the stuffing enters.

Passing through the drums, the products are closed, and a finished dumpling is obtained, which enters the outgoing conveyor, and is sent along it to the spiral conveyor for quick freezing.

Necessary raw materials for the production process

The production of dumplings is carried out according to the recipe. You can use ready-made, well-known recipes, for example:

  • Homemade;
  • Russians;
  • Danilovsky.

Can you come up with your own original version and surprise consumers. If we consider the proportions and ingredients for the most popular type of "Homemade" dumplings, then for the production of 66 kg you will need:

Profitability of a mini-factory for the production of dumplings

To calculate the planned profit volume, it is necessary to calculate the following economic indicators:

The payback period of capital investments is calculated by referring their total value to net profit (part of income, for example, 40%). AT this case it is possible to cover capital investments (5,000,000 rubles) in 7 months.

Video: Production of dumplings

On the shelves of stores there is a wide selection of dumplings (dumplings, manti, dumplings), which differ in quality, composition and applied technologies. But even high competition in this niche does not make this business less profitable. If you buy equipment for the production of dumplings and start producing quality products, you can as soon as possible to enlist the trust of consumers, thereby ensuring a stable high income.

Pelmeni - products made on the basis of dough and minced meat. The product is very popular among Russians, which greatly facilitates the problem of marketing the products. And this is the main advantage of organizing a dumpling business!

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 2,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The complexity of starting a business is 6/10.

The main advantages of this direction are the simplicity of technology and the ability to organize a business for the production of dumplings at home. And even home-made products can eventually compete with those made with industrial equipment.

But there are also significant difficulties that will await the entrepreneur on the path to success, one of which is the complexity of registration and further maintenance food enterprise. Obtaining all permits, regular inspections of supervisory services, accompanying documents for finished products - all this is ahead.
Experts advise starting small - with the launch of a migi shop. And this is quite justified - small investments in the business will reduce all financial risks, because no analyst can give a 100% guarantee that the planned enterprise will ultimately turn out to be highly profitable.

Consider how to open your own production of dumplings. What business options are available to an entrepreneur here?

Machine or hand molding dumplings: what to choose?

When developing a business plan for the production of dumplings, the first thing to decide is the way to get the finished product. When making a certain decision in favor of one or another business development scenario, it is worth taking into account the available investments. And there are 2 options:

  • handmade dumplings,
  • machine molding dumplings.

The business direction decision made at this stage will affect all next steps– registration and organization of business, investment.

The workshop of hand-made dumplings will require significantly lower costs, since you do not have to purchase expensive equipment. But here there will be additional expenses for hiring employees who will do all the work manually. This approach significantly reduces productivity, but makes the manufactured products more expensive. And a certain segment of consumers is ready to overpay for natural high-quality products. As a result, it turns out that the sales revenue can be almost the same as in the case of an automated mini-workshop.

The opening of a dumpling shop with high-performance equipment will make it possible to obtain large volumes of finished products at the output, and its cost will be somewhat lower. But the high costs that will have to be incurred when equipping the plant, with well-established distribution channels, will pay off quickly enough.

The ideal option is to use 2 methods at once in the workshop, where the machine one will become the main one. And handmade dumplings will be an addition to the existing product line. so you can reach a wider range of consumers.

Product range

The automated line for the production of dumplings makes it possible to obtain various types of products at the output. However, this also applies to products obtained at home. And the main classification here is based on the type of meat that is involved in the process. Most of the dumplings are prepared from the following types of meat:

  • pork,
  • beef,
  • mutton.

In addition to the filling, the shape and size of the final products may differ. And here there is real scope for "fantasy" - square and oval dumplings, standard and crescent-shaped.

Market analysis shows that it is better for an entrepreneur to produce 5-6 types of dumplings in different price categories.

The recipe and assortment must be developed by the technologist. And it is very important that the company conducts constant developments in this direction - the assortment must be constantly supplemented by introducing new raw materials and technologies.

Registration of the future business

And if dumplings own production, which will be further sold to neighbors and acquaintances, do not need certification and quality control, then, if we talk about a full-fledged workshop, this is indispensable.

The production of frozen dumplings and dumplings can be registered in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The second option is preferable if in the future it is planned to conduct wholesale sales of manufactured products. OKVED, under which this direction falls, has the number 52.22.1 ( Retail meat and poultry meat, including by-products).

An entrepreneur will have to spend a lot of time and money collecting all the necessary papers and certificates. And before starting activities, the following package of documents should be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor and SES:

  • Business registration certificate.
  • Registered TU.
  • Recipe.
  • Conclusion from the veterinary service on the supplied raw materials.

After carrying out all the analyzes of product samples and checking the premises, the production and sale of handmade dumplings can be started.

Without the time and relevant knowledge, at this stage it is possible to attract a qualified lawyer who would deal with all the "paper" issues.

Even before the equipment for the dumpling shop is purchased, it will be necessary to think over the brand name and packaging design. This will also take some time, because it requires a thorough approach with the identification of consumer preferences. However, the production of homemade dumplings as a business can be carried out without packaging finished products. Frozen dumplings, in this case, are delivered to retail outlets (usually large retail chains) in plastic bags or cardboard boxes, and are packaged or sold by weight right on the spot.

Applied raw materials and technology

The dumpling making machine processes the following main raw materials:

  • meat,
  • flour,
  • water,
  • eggs.

A specific recipe contains a certain amount of ingredients. To minced meat, to reduce the cost of the product, bacon and offal can be added. Spices and onions are used to give it a taste.

Both the mini-production of dumplings at home and the powerful workshop need constant supplies of the main raw materials. And the focus here is on the meat. It can be supplied in the form of carcasses, half carcasses and meat blocks. If you buy whole carcasses, then before use they should be processed - deboning and trimming. This will require additional personnel and special equipment. Meat blocks, although they are more expensive, do not need preliminary preparation. The main requirement that must be observed in the process of obtaining finished products is that only high-quality meat must enter the dumpling machine, and therefore input control required.

Meat at a lower price can be purchased from local farmers. But not every region has a farm that can supply raw materials for production in required quantity- usually these are the same private entrepreneurs who keep small livestock and pigs and sell products on the market in small quantities.

When negotiating cooperation with suppliers of raw materials, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the conditions specified in the contract. As a rule, all transportation costs for the delivery of ingredients fall precisely on the mini dumplings production workshop. Therefore, it is better to find such suppliers that are located geographically closer to the enterprise.

Technological scheme for the production of dumplings

As soon as the first batch of raw materials arrives at the shop, the commissioning of the line can begin. The technology for the production of dumplings, in general, can be represented as follows:

  • Test batch.
  • Minced meat preparation.
  • Modeling dumplings.
  • Freezing products.
  • Pelmeni packaging.

And the production of dumplings at home, in terms of technology, differs little from the process carried out in a full-fledged automated workshop - the difference is only in the speed of production and its final form.

Location of the future workshop

And if the home production of dumplings can be carried out directly in your own kitchen, then a full-fledged workshop will require much more space - 100-300 m 2. And this is only the area of ​​​​the main workshop. On the territory of the enterprise there should also be rooms for staff and warehouses for storing finished products and raw materials.

The workshop where the equipment for the production of dumplings is installed must meet the following requirements:

  • Supply of water, electricity and sewerage.
  • Good ventilation system.
  • Climate control in separate rooms.

Each room in the enterprise must comply with all fire and sanitary standards.

The production is not harmful, and the equipment for making dumplings does not emit into the atmosphere harmful substances, and therefore, the workshop can be located right in the city. But to save money, it is better to choose a building outside the settlement.

Technical equipment of the enterprise

AF-150 dumpling machine

Dumpling equipment is presented on the market in a large assortment, and each entrepreneur will choose those machines that are suitable in a particular case - taking into account the chosen business option and available finances.

The work of a full-fledged production workshop involves the use of the following machines and devices:

  • Equipment for making dough - flour sifter, dough mixer, dough sheeter.
  • Equipment for obtaining minced meat - meat grinder, minced meat mixer.
  • Automatic dumpling molding machine.
  • Equipment for the storage of finished products and raw materials - refrigerators (low and medium temperature).

The price of a machine for modeling dumplings varies in a wide range, starting from 600,000 rubles. But such equipment is not characterized by versatility and high power - some operations here will have to be carried out manually. If we talk about a multifunctional line that will also make it possible to obtain dumplings, we will have to spend ≈3,000,000 rubles on equipment. And for working at home, you can buy a mechanical dumpling machine - and there are a lot of such devices on sale today. They form finished goods from cooked dough and minced meat, which greatly facilitates the process. You can buy a sculpting machine for no more than 10,000 rubles.

To save money on equipping the workshop, you can purchase used equipment. There is another good option to save money - order Chinese machines. Their quality, at a relatively low cost, is on top.

But the question of the cost of equipment should not become fundamental when equipping an enterprise. The "young" workshop, until sales channels are established, experts do not advise equipping it with a high-performance line - it will be idle. For the first years of work, it is better to buy a device for the production of dumplings of low or medium power - 100-200 kg / h. This will cost ≈1,000,000 rubles.

Profitability of the planned business

The price of equipment for dumplings and dumplings will start to pay off when the finished products are immediately sold to customers - and it's great if they are wholesale buyers. It is possible to establish long-term cooperation with wholesale customers by drawing up a commercial offer that is beneficial for them. Will be ready to buy dumplings:

  • private shops,
  • large retail chains
  • wholesale food warehouses.

It will be difficult for a novice entrepreneur to negotiate with retail chains of federal significance - they impose rather strict requirements on suppliers of products for sale.

Specific payback periods will depend on sales volumes and the funds required by the press machine for making dumplings. A home-based enterprise can be launched by spending no more than 10,000 rubles on the purchase of raw materials. - this is all that is required at first. And then, you can automate the process a little by buying a machine for forming products. But a full-fledged workshop can be established if there is at least 2,500,000 rubles. This will include the cost of equipping the workshop, training all required documents and production facilities, the purchase of the first batch of raw materials.

If the dumpling machine produces ≈500 kg of products per shift, then the entrepreneur can sell up to 15 tons of products per month. And the average wholesale cost of 1 kg of dumplings is 70-150 rubles. As practice shows, the active sale of frozen dumplings can bring an entrepreneur up to 200,000 rubles per month.

In this material:

Frozen hand-made dumplings are perhaps the most popular semi-finished product offered in every grocery store and firmly established in the diet of our citizens. Its wide demand is explained by traditions national cuisine, beautiful palatability, ease of use, usefulness of the product.

We love meat dumplings and dumplings everywhere. But the accelerating pace modern life and chronic lack of time rarely give people the opportunity to devote several hours of their personal lives to cooking their favorite product. Manufacturers of deep-frozen semi-finished products come to the rescue, offering dozens of items of different recipes and price categories.

But is it so easy to organize a startup specializing in the manufacture of this product? A business plan for the production of dumplings will help to show all the pros and cons of a new business, as well as determine the profitability.

Business Relevance

Everyone needs food. Food production was, is and will be the most relevant area of ​​human activity.

Making dumplings as a business has a number of advantages, which include:

  1. High demand and no need to promote the product. Dumplings are known and loved by most of the population Russian Federation and neighboring countries.
  2. Long shelf life. This reduces the risks in case of extended sales periods and allows consumers to purchase products for the future without fear that they will be lost. Also, there is no need to add all kinds of preservatives to the recipe. Meat dumplings and dumplings made from natural ingredients are perfectly preserved.
  3. Ability to quickly respond to changing market needs. When overstocking at retail outlets of any manufactured products, you can quickly and painlessly switch all the forces of the workshop to other positions. For example, with an overabundance of meat dumplings in partner stores, part of the production capacity is instantly rebuilt to produce dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms.
  4. Consumer attraction different types products due to filling options for both dumplings and dumplings.
  5. Opportunities in the field of sales organization. Sell ​​products with a large assortment it is possible through distributors, directly to retail chains or by organizing your own branded outlets in the markets or in pavilions.
  6. No seasonality.

But in order for the business to be afloat, it is necessary to constantly monitor the goods supplied by competitors (quality, price policy, advertising strategy). It is also necessary to remember that saving on raw materials will not work. A decrease in product quality will lead to the failure of a startup.

Market and competition analysis

There has long been fierce competition in the market for the production of dumplings and dumplings. For many years, well-known brands have been working, present everywhere. Competitors fall into several categories:

  1. Large workshops for the production of dumplings and dumplings with a very large monthly productivity, operating under a recognizable brand. These are the main players in the pelmeni market with a well-established production cycle and distribution system, and a large customer base. Often, in pursuit of profit, they revise the cost of raw materials and product formulations, which affects the quality in a bad way.
  2. Mid-range manufacturers. These include farms that produce semi-finished products as a secondary activity.
  3. Small entrepreneurs with small production capacities and a small volume of output, who have a well-established sales system at the regional level.

In order for little-known manufacturers to attract the attention of consumers in such fierce competition, it is necessary to think over a competent advertising strategy. A good result is given by tastings in large shopping malls where visitors have the opportunity to try new products for free.

Technology of making dumplings

The recipe for handmade dumplings and dumplings is well known to everyone:

  • steep dough is kneaded from flour, water, salt and a chicken egg;
  • the filling is prepared in the form of minced meat with salt and spices, mashed potatoes with salt and sometimes with mushrooms, berry puree with sugar;
  • rolls out ready dough thin layer and cut into circles;
  • the filling is laid out on circles of dough and stuck;
  • the finished product is frozen at a temperature of 10-15 degrees below zero.

But to build a profitable business, you need high performance, so dumpling shop equipped with special equipment, and the production technology will already look like this:

  • sifting flour in a special apparatus;
  • preparation of the dough in the floor fixture;
  • preparation and stirring of minced meat or other fillings;
  • formation of finished products in the apparatus for molding;
  • deep freezing and subsequent packaging on the packaging line.

To diversify products and increase the range, it is proposed to produce the following positions:

  • dumplings with potatoes;
  • dumplings with cabbage;
  • dumplings with cherries;
  • dumplings with cottage cheese;
  • dumplings with cottage cheese and raisins;
  • dumplings with dried apricots;
  • dumplings with strawberries;
  • dumplings with blueberries;
  • dumplings with chicken;
  • dumplings with chicken and cheese;
  • dumplings with turkey;
  • dumplings with pork;
  • homemade dumplings (pork and beef);
  • dumplings with beef;
  • dumplings with lamb;
  • dumplings "three meats" (lamb, beef, pork);
  • khinkali;
  • manti.

organizational plan

To register entrepreneurial activity in the field of production of frozen semi-finished products, it is necessary to open an organization or register as an individual entrepreneur.

To open an IP tax office includes a copy of the passport, a receipt for payment of the state fee in the amount of 800 rubles and a completed application form P21001.

To register a limited liability company, the following package of organizational and legal documents should be submitted:

  • application for registration in the form P11001;
  • charter of the organization in two copies;
  • minutes of the meeting of founders;
  • decision to establish a limited liability company;
  • a letter of guarantee on the provision of a legal address;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee in the amount of 4000 rubles.

When completing the documentation, the following OKVED codes should be registered:

  • 1511410 - quick-frozen ready-made semi-finished products;
  • 1511420 - portioned natural semi-finished products;
  • 1511400 - frozen semi-finished meat products.

After receiving the registration documents, you need to issue a permit from the SES, Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations (about fire safety), as well as open a bank account.

For this type of activity, it is more profitable to switch to the USN taxation system of 15% (income minus expenses).

Requirements for the premises

You can start making handmade dumplings at home. But if a serious entrepreneurial activity, you will have to think about finding a room.

30-50 square meters will be enough to accommodate production. Ventilation, hot and cold water, electricity, lighting, heating. It is better to finish the walls and floor with tiles for the convenience of daily wet cleaning.

It must be remembered that food production should be placed in a clean room.

Purchase of equipment and inventory

To automate the process of making dumplings and dumplings, you will need:

  1. Apparatus for molding dumplings. Regulates not only the size and shape of products, but also the thickness of the dough, the amount of filling.
  2. Meat grinder for grinding pieces of meat into minced meat. When choosing industrial meat grinders, it is better to give preference to models with reverse.
  3. Floor fixture for kneading hard dough.
  4. Mince mixer. This equipment helps to achieve uniformity of minced meat or other stuffing, which is important for high quality products.
  5. The flour sifter is important for removing impurities and debris.
  6. Packing line for packing finished products, it can be automatic and semi-automatic. When planning high performance, it is better to immediately purchase an automatic machine.
  7. Refrigeration equipment.

REFERENCE: The equipment is selected based on the planned productivity of the dumpling shop.

It is also necessary to take care of the organization of work of office workers (accountant, managers, sales representatives, marketer) and purchase office furniture, office equipment.





Apparatus for forming dumplings

Meat grinder

Fixture for
dough mixing

Minced meat stirrer

flour sifting machine

Packing line


Other fixtures
for the workshop


Office chair

Filing cabinet



Search for product suppliers

Frozen semi-finished products cannot be produced without a well-functioning purchase of high-quality raw materials. To do this, you can get acquainted with the nearest farms and conclude contracts for the supply of meat, vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, flour, eggs, cheese.


For the normal functioning of the dumpling shop, it is necessary to hire personnel according to the staffing table:

Marketing plan and sales channels for finished products

You can sell finished products through the following distribution channels:

  • cafes and restaurants;
  • markets;
  • chain grocery stores;
  • shops within walking distance in residential areas.

A good marketing option would be cooperation with organizations that supply hot meals to the office.

The following marketing activities are used to promote dumplings and dumplings of our own production:

  • tastings and promotions in large chain stores;
  • outdoor advertising;
  • website promotion on the Internet;
  • commercials on television and radio.

Possible risks

There are certain risks associated with this type of business:

  • high competition;
  • careful control public services food production;
  • increase in the cost of raw materials;
  • decrease in purchasing power;
  • complaints from consumers, leading to the loss of a positive image and even litigation and fines.

Financial plan

Investments at the start

At the beginning of the activity of the dumpling shop, the following investments will be needed:

On the start-up capital you can use your own cash, borrowed (credit, leasing) or subsidies allocated by the local administration when submitting the relevant documents.

Current expenses

To determine the expenditure side of the enterprise budget, it is necessary to calculate the cost of raw materials.

Name of production

Number of sales per month in kg

Cost price,
per 1 kg

for raw materials

Vareniki with potatoes

Vareniki with potatoes and mushrooms

Vareniki with cabbage

Vareniki with cherries

Vareniki with cottage cheese

Vareniki with cottage cheese and raisins

Vareniki with dried apricots

Vareniki with strawberries

Vareniki with blueberries

Dumplings with chicken

Dumplings with chicken and cheese

Dumplings with turkey

Pelmeni with pork

Homemade dumplings
(pork and beef)

Beef dumplings

Dumplings with lamb

Dumplings with lamb and beef

Dumplings "three meats"

Name of production

Number of sales per month in kg

Selling price per 1 kg


Vareniki with potatoes

Vareniki with potatoes and mushrooms

Vareniki with cabbage

Vareniki with cherries

Vareniki with cottage cheese

Vareniki with cottage cheese and raisins

Vareniki with dried apricots

Vareniki with strawberries

Vareniki with blueberries

Dumplings with chicken

Dumplings with chicken and cheese

Dumplings with turkey

Pelmeni with pork

Homemade dumplings
(pork and beef)

Beef dumplings

Dumplings with lamb

Dumplings with lamb and beef

Dumplings "three meats"
(lamb, beef, pork)

Monthly expenses will look like this:

Profit calculation and business profitability

The financial result for the month will be 814,081 rubles net profit. Business profitability 20%. The payback period is 1-2 months when the shop is fully loaded.

Modeling dumplings at home

If there is a desire to first check the demand and gradually reach large volumes, you can consider the production of hand-made dumplings and dumplings at home, while connecting your family members and using your own kitchen. It is more expedient to sell products by renting a small tray in the market.

But the method of manual molding at home will not make it possible to reach serious levels of productivity, and the cost of production will be quite high. Therefore, it is better to equip production with special lines and fixtures.

According to the business plan of the dumpling shop, it can be concluded that entrepreneurial activity in the field of production of popular frozen semi-finished products is quite promising. The key to successful development and high profits here will be the guarantee of timely deliveries to counterparties and the consistently high quality of the product.

Products fast food have firmly taken their place in the diet of many of us. Due to such popularity, the production of dumplings and dumplings is quite profitable and profitable business. The high demand for such products, although it depends on seasonality, is still sufficient throughout the year, which makes it possible to sell goods with a large margin. Products can be with a variety of fillings, various shapes even colors. Moreover, the purchased equipment can be supplemented with insignificant investments and the assortment can be expanded by producing manti, meatballs, khinkali, chebureks and much more.

Consumer Market Analysis

Apart from high demand characterized by fierce competition. The segment of semi-finished products is saturated today, dumplings and dumplings are presented in the widest assortment. Manufacturers are not only well-known federal trade marks, but also local small firms that do not want to concede famous brands. Due to such factors, there is fierce competition in the domestic market, both in price and in assortment policy.

Despite this, the level of sales for last years shows a positive trend. And in times of crisis, weight products in the field of economy are relevant. To achieve a reduction in the cost of production is obtained by replacing meat with soy substitutes, which then has a bad effect on the reputation. Therefore, today experts recommend working for beginners in the middle price segment.

Stages of building a business

To organize this project, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for the production of dumplings:

  1. analyze consumer market, competitors;
  2. choose a room;
  3. register a business with state bodies, issue an activity permit;
  4. draw up a project of the workshop and coordinate it with regulatory authorities;
  5. purchase equipment and inventory, perform installation;
  6. recruit workers;
  7. determine the recipe;
  8. organize the supply of raw materials;
  9. find distribution channels.

Manufacturing technology

The technology for the production of dumplings is approximately the same for large plants and mini-lines. It is important to comply with all established sanitary requirements and standards, as we are talking about food. Main stages:

  1. Preparation of ingredients. The meat is defrosted, cleaned of veins, blood clots, and various kinds of contaminants. The flour is sifted, the onions are peeled and washed, the eggs are disinfected. After that, a saline solution is prepared.
  2. Test batch. Ingredients are added according to the dumpling recipe.
  3. Minced meat preparation. Meat and onions are ground in an industrial meat grinder (the diameter of the holes of the apparatus should not exceed 3 millimeters), after which they are kneaded in a special meat mixer. This can be done by hand if you cook dumplings handmade. Salt, spices, water are added to minced meat. Mixing time - 15-20 minutes. That is enough to bind water and minced meat.
  4. Forming dumplings. For this, a special dumpling apparatus is used, in which minced meat and dough are laid, and finished products are obtained at the output.
  5. Freezing products. finished products can not be stored at a positive temperature for more than 20 minutes.
  6. Packing and packing. Beginning entrepreneurs who do not yet work under a well-known well-known brand can simply pack products in 0.5 and 1 kilograms and put them in transparent plastic bags. The packaging indicates the name of the manufacturer, production date, expiration date, composition.

According to GOST, there should not be more than 5% of semi-finished products with a torn shell in a package.

Financial plan

To organize a mini-factory, the following expenses are necessary:

  • purchase and installation of equipment - 1.5 million rubles;
  • preparation of the premises - 100 thousand rubles;
  • business registration - 10 thousand rubles.

Monthly costs:

  • rent of premises - 50 thousand rubles;
  • staff salaries (8 people) plus the services of an accountant from an outsourcing company - 185 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses (utility, transport and tax payments) - 150 thousand rubles.

One of the most expensive items is the purchase of ingredients.

Calculation of the cost of components per 100 kilograms:

Name of ingredientsShare of finished productPrice
Beef25% 4500 rub.
Pork19% 3900 rub.
Salt0,1% 10 rub.
Spices0,7% 90 rub.
Onion5% 250 rub.
Flour35% 550 rub.
Egg powder0,2% 60 rub.
Water15% 0
Total:100% 10260 rub.

The retail price of dumplings without meat substitutes varies between 250-500 rubles.

Since the introduction of soy and other additives is not planned (work in the premium segment), the wholesale price for products will be 200 rubles.

It is predicted to produce 500 kilograms of dumplings per day, 10,000 kilograms per month (for 20 working days).

The income from the sale of 100 kilograms will be 9740 rubles (20000-10260). Having sold all the products, the revenue will be 974,000 rubles. Net income - 589 thousand rubles (974,000 - 385,000).

In practice, it is not always possible to sell all manufactured products in full, so the work of the workshop is not 100% loaded. According to a survey of existing entrepreneurs, the payback period is six months.

Required documents

Without permits no retail outlet or intermediary will want to cooperate. What documents are needed:

  • registration documents (certificate of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, extract from the USRIP or USRLE, etc.);
  • hygienic conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • agreed specifications;
  • the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • formulation;
  • lease agreement or ownership of the premises;
  • labor contract;
  • health records for employees.

When registering a business, indicate OKVED code 15.85 "Production pasta» . This group includes the manufacture of semi-finished products.
Video - Making handmade dumplings in the village:

Equipment and inventory

For the production of quickly defrosted semi-finished products, I use standardized technologies. Approximate set of equipment for the production of dumplings and dumplings:

  1. dumpling machine;
  2. industrial meat grinder;
  3. mixer,
  4. minced meat;
  5. kitchen machine;
  6. various nozzles;
  7. freezers.

Video - AP 07-2M dumpling machine:

The cost of a dumpling production line depends on the manufacturer and capacity. Market prices for quality technologies vary from 900 thousand rubles. up to 3.5 million rubles Also, many offer used equipment, in which case the cost will drop to 500-600 thousand rubles.

The most expensive machines are produced in Italy (3-3.5 million rubles) with a capacity of up to 250 kilograms per hour. But such equipment will make it possible to produce not only dumplings and dumplings, but also khinkali, manti, pasties without buying additional nozzles. Another advantage is the preparation of products with wavy edges (imitation of hand molding).

The middle price segment is technologies from Russia that are less functional, but quite durable. The cheapest equipment is Chinese. Buying a line with a capacity of 50 kilograms per hour will cost 300-400 thousand rubles.
Video - Equipment for dumplings shop (automatic line):

Requirements for the premises

To open a dumpling shop, an area of ​​​​150 m² is required. For a smaller area, it will be difficult to place a full-fledged line.

There are no special requirements for the mini-workshop. Suitable for any room that is equipped with sewerage, ventilation, plumbing and electricity.

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