Dumpling mini shop. Business Costs and Profitability

Engineering systems 12.10.2019
Engineering systems

Perhaps each of us was faced with a situation when, returning home from work or a walk, we madly wanted to eat, and the refrigerator could not please us with anything but emptiness, and then a package of dumplings, bought by us in advance, came to the rescue. Fast preparation, unique taste. This product is very popular among people of almost any age. Some are not even averse to eating dumplings at any time of the day.

Even housewives, famous for their culinary masterpieces, do not neglect such a dish from the package. Dumplings can be eaten both in winter and summer. And if they are eaten with some kind of sauce, then there is no doubt that this will already be a delicacy. cooking methods as well a large number of.

If you look at the rise in prices for meat products, and for everything else in our country, and at the wage levels of ordinary citizens, it is not difficult to imagine that it would be preferable to buy a package of dumplings. And cook them without much complicated manipulations in the shortest possible time. Thus, in a crisis, a business based on the production of dumplings will undoubtedly gain momentum and bring good profits that you dreamed about.

How to start the production of dumplings.

It is worth starting your business small, invite your friends, and let them taste your signature dumplings, which you will cook with all your heart. And of course they will be very tasty. Sales in the circle of relatives and friends can generate income, if it satisfies you and even pleases you, then you should think about mass production.

This business is based on five key points: this is actually the place where your workshop will be located, special equipment, workers, products for cooking dumplings and more advertising. For example, you can compare the production of double-glazed windows and dumpling business they have many similarities in this.

Where to place a dumpling shop.

This question is not particularly difficult and requires a few things to keep in mind, which we will cover below. The workshop will require an area within 50 square meters. m. to start your business is enough, and more meters means more rent. Do you need it? A prerequisite is the observance of sanitary standards, which will make it easy to pass inspections of the sanitary and epidemiological service. Lighting, water supply and uninterrupted ventilation will give you a strong argument in defense of your production quality. A psychologically positive attitude to work will be ensured if the premises have light walls and white floors. I note that such a workshop will be great help in the decision to inspect the SES.

Business plan for the production of dumplings: how to organize.

You will probably think about how to sculpt, with automated machines or manually. What is up to you to decide and choose! Hand molding is valued higher, and the price for such products can be raised, but the cost of goods will not be high and you should not expect an increase in production volumes, but it should be noted that you will save on equipment.

Modeling with the help of special devices is a large amount of goods produced, the cost is much lower than with manual modeling. But there is high costs for the purchase of equipment and its maintenance.

Having chosen machine modeling, I will say right away that you will have to spend from three hundred thousand to a couple of million rubles. There are many companies on the market that can offer a wide range of equipment for your business. If the amount is not so important for you, then you can safely buy devices of European and domestic production. They are more reliable compared to Chinese copies, but they also cost five times more.

So, what kind of equipment do you need for your gastronomic business?!

  • industrial meat grinder
  • dumpling making machine
  • kneader
  • flour sowing machine
  • freezer
  • installation for packaging and packaging products.

How to open a dumpling shop: personnel.

When all your preparations are ready, you need to think about the workers in your shop. It is best to hire at least five workers. It is undesirable to try to save money, as this can cause a decrease in the quality of work, and this, as a result, damage to your business. Welcome in this business the desire and ability of people who will work for you, the ability to cook. And never forget to follow the maintenance of sanitary books of your subordinates, so as not to earn fines from the SES. If your staff has experience behind them and will be familiar with the operation of the equipment, this will be a definite plus.

What to produce.

Pelmeni is a unique product obtained by wrapping minced meat in dough. The quality of your product will directly depend on whether you act in good conscience and buy good raw materials or not. In order to start production, you will need several ingredients: flour, water, salt, chicken eggs, onions, spices and of course minced meat.

If you like experiments, then you can try to combine different ingredients: mushrooms, cabbage, potatoes and much more. Such a variety will allow you to expand the list of products offered, which will include dumplings and raviole. New production horizons will give you the chance to reach a larger market segment.

Let's get back to what will be the basis of your business, these are dumplings, which means we'll talk about minced meat. There are several requirements for it: it should not be very raw, and not viscous, after cooking it should retain its juiciness. If we talk about chemistry, then this is everyone's business, you need to choose which consumer the product will be oriented to. You can try the production with rabbit meat in order to increase your customer base.

As for the dough, it should have a small thickness and at the same time not break apart during cooking, losing all the juice of the meat filling, which consumers love so much.

And remember that high-quality goods and good sanitary standards of your workshop, this is a clear reduction in meetings with SES.

What dumplings to produce.

There are various GOSTs and TUs for your products, but it's up to everyone to comply or not. It depends only on you how dumplings will look like, what will be their weight and color, and most importantly, that your product will be in demand.

It is not difficult to guess that the greater the variability of supply in the market, the more customers you have. Assessing the demand, it will be possible to stop at one assortment of ingredients.

Keep the bar high, let your product be the best, and then the profit will flow to you confidently, and these are already prerequisites for expanding your business.

Dumpling business: how to make yourself known in the market.

You can come up with some kind of slogan, symbolism, by which your product would be recognized, develop a system of discounts or bonus promotions, if possible. And most importantly, come up with a beautiful and sounding name that would make people buy your dumplings.

In order to competently join the sphere of trade, it is worth starting selling goods on the market, since, unlike store sellers, market traders are strongly interested in the demand and sale of goods, and, consequently, the income will be greater. It is best to contact large retail outlets with an already established consumer base.

At the presentation of your product, be sure to conduct a tasting, and make a share of your product. Even a very insignificant gift in addition to the purchase will be a big plus in your advertising work.

A satisfied customer is the most important part of the marketing move, because he will tell his friends and relatives about the product, as well as focus on choosing your product. That will cause further demand for supply.

Your production can be roughly considered in the following figures:

  1. The cost of equipment is in the range of 300 thousand rubles. up to 2 million rubles This will depend on the choice of the country of manufacture.
  2. Ingredients for production. On average, 360 thousand rubles.
  3. Rent of space for the workshop and housing and communal services 45 thousand rubles.
  4. Salary for your working staff 80 thousand rubles.
  5. The desire to work and develop your products is free.

Thanks to simple calculations, we get:

Income - 210 thousand rubles.

Profit - 90 thousand rubles.

The whole event will pay off in an average of four or six months.

These results are based on the assumption that your shop will produce 700 kg of goods per day. As for income and profit, the figures may vary, everything will depend on how long you get a sufficient number of customers and get a strong position in the market.

I would like to wish you good luck in your business, I think you have learned a lot of what is written here.

The dumpling business is a profitable venture that does not require large material costs at the opening stage. You can engage in the manufacture of semi-finished products without special knowledge and experience. Finished products are in demand among the population all year round thanks to their palatability and fast food options.

Features of the business for the production of dumplings

The relevance of the business idea of ​​making and selling dumplings is obvious, since this dish is very popular among completely different segments of the population.

Dumplings are easy and quick to cook - just boil frozen semi-finished products in salted water. They also received universal recognition due to their satiety - dough products with meat stuffing able to satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time.

In this regard, the demand for quality products made from fresh ingredients is always stable. In addition, there are other advantages of the dumpling business:

It is quite possible to make dumplings at home, involving members of your family in the business. So the entrepreneur will not need to pay for the rent of the premises and hire staff.

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Making dumplings at home as a business

Some of the manufacturers that exist today, before opening their own dumpling shop, were initially engaged in home production.

Equipment for making dumplings can be found in any kitchen:

  • meat grinder;
  • household freezer;
  • rolling pin;
  • sifter;
  • dumplings, etc.

Almost every housewife knows how to cook such a popular semi-finished product. Otherwise, there are many cookbooks with simple recipes. The only disadvantage of such an enterprise is competition. But it can be defeated by the high quality of dumplings sold and affordable cost.

Important! Hand molding dumplings is not always suitable for commercial production, as the process is slow and labor intensive. If you are going to open a small family business for the manufacture of semi-finished products, it is better to buy a machine for the production of dumplings at home.

An example of how home-based business can be developed into a profitable manufacturing enterprise semi-finished meat products, in the next video:

How to open a dumpling shop

Over time, when things gain momentum, it will be possible to think about the enlargement of the enterprise: rent a special room to open a workshop, hire staff, find wholesale distribution channels for products.

Quick result will help to achieve a competent business plan for the dumpling business, drawn up taking into account all the risks. The project must contain a plan of expenses (starting, monthly), a forecast of income and profit, a description of the possibilities for developing additional areas.

Room selection

Entrepreneurs who decide to open a dumpling shop, first of all, need to find a room that will meet certain sanitary and epidemiological standards and fire protection requirements.

Important! To find out the exact criteria for finding a suitable room, contact your local Rospotrebnadzor authority. The service staff will provide you with a list normative documentation, in accordance with which the future workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products should be prepared.

The area may be small, but comfortable and allowing workers to move freely. The mini-workshop can be located in a room of 50 square meters. m. The workshop should have running water, sewerage, light, heating and ventilation. It is desirable to cover floors and walls with easily washable paint or tiles. When the room is properly prepared, you can begin to install the necessary equipment.

Equipment of the enterprise for the production of dumplings

Modern market offers a wide range of devices from different manufacturers and in different configurations. When compiling a business plan for the production of dumplings, you should first familiarize yourself with the production technology of the product.

The main stages of the process:

  • dough kneading;
  • minced meat;
  • the formation of dumplings;
  • freezing the finished product;
  • packing and packing.

Having become acquainted with the method of manufacturing semi-finished products, you can choose equipment for production.

The price of the line for the production of dumplings depends on the configuration, capacity and manufacturer. To equip a small workshop, you will need the following devices:

  • a unit for sculpting dumplings, when choosing which it is necessary to take into account the set of features (functions) and the presence of interchangeable frames for shaping products;
  • a flour sifter, through which lumps and rubbish are removed from the raw materials, and the product is saturated with oxygen (for a mini-workshop, you can purchase a compact desktop device);
  • kneading kneading hard dough (floor);
  • high-performance meat grinder with a "reverse" function that allows you to automatically clean the device from tendons and film;
  • minced meat mixer, which can be floor or tabletop, and equipped with an electric or mechanical drive;
  • packaging machine (semi-automatic or automatic), programming the weight of the finished product and putting the date of packaging;
  • freezers for storage of semi-finished products and raw materials.

When choosing equipment, you should focus on its power. The line should produce as many dumplings as the enterprise can sell. For a mini-workshop, you can buy a machine with a capacity of 50-100 kg per hour.

Human Resources

When selecting personnel for your own dumpling shop, you should pay attention to the work experience and qualifications of applicants, as well as their cleanliness and responsibility.

Saving on wages is not recommended. It is better to hire people who love and know how to cook. It is important that every person working in the workshop has a sanitary book. The uninterrupted operation of the automated line will be ensured by 2-4 people, in addition to this, you will need: a cleaner, a watchman, an accountant or an accountant.

Products for making dumplings

Acquisition Supplies(products) is an item of current costs, which must be included in the business plan of the dumpling shop. The cost of semi-finished products depends on the composition, quantity and quality of ingredients.

The ratio of components in classic recipe dumplings is quite simple: 1 part of minced meat accounts for 1 part of dough. Minced meat is prepared from such types of meat as beef, pork, chicken. Onions and spices are added to ground meat.

The composition of the dough is also simple: flour, egg, water, salt. Many chefs experiment with stuffing. It is not recommended to do this at the first stage. But over time, in this way, you can significantly expand the range and get a good profit.

Financial part

Aspiring entrepreneurs who are interested in this type of activity usually ask themselves the question: open a dumplings - how much money do you need? It is difficult to say the exact amount. To do this, you need to know the scale of the organized enterprise. Let's try to make an approximate calculation for a mini-workshop.

One-time start-up costs:


Cost, rub.

Registration entrepreneurial activity ()

Paperwork, obtaining permits and preparing the premises for opening, repair

Purchase of equipment:

product shaping device

dough mixer and flour sifter

dough sheeter

meat grinder

minced meat mixer


filling machine

other kitchen utensils

Current monthly costs:

The total cost of manufacturing 400 kg of products per day (with a productivity of 50 kg / hour and an 8-hour work shift) will be about 36,000 rubles. That is, the cost of 1 kg of dumplings is approximately 90 rubles. A semi-finished product is sold at a price of 105 rubles. for 1 kg. Profit from 1 kg of dumplings will be 15 rubles, and from 400 kg - 6,000 rubles.

For a month, a workshop can bring about 180,000 rubles. net profit. Investments in such conditions pay off quite quickly - in 5-6 months.

Before you start searching for equipment and paperwork, you need to conduct a short express test of your products. Develop the recipe in advance - in your own kitchen. Small batches of hand-made dumplings can be sold among your friends. This experiment is necessary - only in practice you will understand what types of products are in demand, run a business scheme and be able to see mistakes.

It is also advisable to start searching for suppliers in advance. To do this, it is worth deciding on the assortment and recipe:

  • what types of minced meat do you plan to use;
  • in what proportions to mix pork, chicken and beef;
  • whether there will be dumplings and cutlets in your assortment.

Suppliers are divided into two types - large wholesale companies selling imported frozen meat in briquettes, and local farmers. In both options, it is necessary to have all certificates confirming the quality and environmental friendliness of raw materials.

You should prepare for the fact that suppliers take 100% prepayment, and have at your disposal an amount that covers the costs of at least 2 months of work. Shipping costs are usually the responsibility of the buyer. At the start, there may be problems with sales or the need to invest profits in other expense items. Even with established sales, it is worth considering a common practice - supermarkets pay for products sold with a 30-day delay.

Also, it is important to find at least a few wholesale buyers in advance. Preliminary negotiations with the owners of shops, cafes or wholesale companies can begin with ready specifications, recipes and other documents.

Carefully study the demand and competition in your area. It is impossible to rely only on consumers in the locality in which you will work. Immediately cover at least an area. A business plan should be based on reliable data and the most pessimistic forecasts. Despite the constant growth in demand for ready-made dumplings and other types of semi-finished products, this market is very densely saturated.

Main risks

The competition in the market for the production of semi-finished products, which includes dumplings, is very high. Surviving and getting ahead is real, but you need to have impressive advantages - an impeccable and original recipe, quality, a large assortment. Large factories increase profitability due to the presence of soy and other food additives. This is where small business gets competitive advantage using only meat and organic ingredients.

Contracts with shops will help to get a profit at the start, but the purchase prices are very low. Try at the slightest opportunity to expand the business and organize your own sales of products through a network of branded stores or small retail outlets.

During periods of fasting and in summer, consumer demand for dumplings falls. Your range should include vegetarian recipes: dumplings with cabbage, potatoes, berries.

The production of products is carefully controlled by the sanitary services and RosPotrebNadrzor. If there are serious violations of compliance with the requirements of these organizations, there is a high probability of financial losses due to fines. In the case of systemic claims, you can completely lose your business.


The premises for the mini-workshop for the production of dumplings are selected depending on the planned production volumes, assortment and requirements that accompany the equipment. The minimum area is 50 m². If a production line of medium capacity is purchased, a room with an area of ​​about 300 m² is required.

SES puts forward requirements for mandatory zoning:

It is also necessary to take into account that the equipment is powered by a 380 V power supply. The room must have: a modern ventilation system, good lighting. Requirements are also put forward for repairs - the walls and floor must be covered with tiles that are easy to clean.

Look for a place for a mini-workshop in the premises of former canteens or cafes, free production areas adapted to the requirements Food Industry. Refurbishing an unsuitable space will cost too much. Regarding the location, there are only two main requirements - low rent and good transport interchange (for the convenience of delivering raw materials and finished products).


The minimum set looks like this:

  1. Flour sifter - at least 15,000 rubles.
  2. Dough rolling machine - around 33,000 rubles.
  3. Automatic dough kneader about 70,000 rubles.
  4. Industrial meat grinder - at least 16,000 rubles.
  5. Meat mixer - at least 35,000 rubles.

Freezing requires two types of refrigerators:

For shock freezing - about 60,000 rubles.
For storage of products - about 100,000 rubles.

The starting amount for the purchase of equipment can be reduced by using manual labor, but in this case you cannot count on large volumes. Please note that more high costs for payment wages. It also makes sense to look for the possibility of acquiring a production line on the terms of a leasing agreement.

If we talk about suppliers, then Chinese manufacturers are recommended. They offer quality and reliable lines at an affordable price. On the Russian market official representations work Chinese manufacturers- the chances of leasing a deal and receiving decent after-sales service are quite high.

Transport costs for the delivery of raw materials and finished semi-finished products, as a rule, are covered by the manufacturer. You can hardly work without a refrigerator. To purchase a used car, it is worth preparing at least 550,000 rubles.


The number of the team directly depends on the planned volumes and part of the manual labor. To service an automated production line, 4 people per shift are enough - a foreman and 3 workers. For manual modeling and packaging, the number of shifts must be increased to 6 people.

The production must have a technologist who thoroughly owns the recipe. If you are working with sophisticated equipment requires a qualified mechanic. For the delivery of raw materials and finished products, you will need a full-time driver. An accountant should also be hired full-time. Considering that you work in the food industry, all employees must have health books with a permit.

Documents and licenses

Registration with the tax office is quick and hassle-free. For a mini-workshop, an individual entrepreneur and a simplified taxation system are quite suitable - 6% of revenue or 15% of net income. Hurry with clearance legal entity not worth it. The practice of cooperation with large chains of stores, establishments Catering and wholesale companies with small dumpling producers is a common occurrence. IP is an opportunity to reduce the amount of documentation and financial calculations to a minimum.

Premises and production line should be inspected by fire inspectors, SES, and other services - a lot depends on the specific region. The requirements of these organizations should be known in advance and search for premises in accordance with them. If everything is fine, you will receive a conclusion on permission to work.

Rospotrebnadzor draws up the following documents:

-Agreed and registered specifications(THAT). These documents outline and regulate the production process - equipment, production volumes, types of raw materials for all types of products.
-Registration trademark and trademark.

Worth knowing. In practice, resolving the issue with technical specifications may have nuances depending on the region of your activity. It is possible that officials require a comprehensive check of your production, raw materials and finished products in a specialized laboratory. In any case, you need to use the services of a law firm that specializes in preparing such documents. This will save both money and time.

A lot depends on where you buy the equipment. If you are making a contract with a large company, the equipment supplier can offer serious support in registration of specifications and other documents.


This indicator is influenced by many individual factors. The following figures are the norm that allows you to stay afloat and develop your business:

The cost of 1 kg of dumplings is 85 rubles.
The wholesale price of 1 kg of dumplings is 130 rubles.


The first and foremost rule is impeccable quality. Everything depends on it. There are too many cheap but tasteless dumplings on the market, made with poor quality ingredients and food additives.

come up with original titles for your products. In the case of dumplings and dumplings, branded chips work very effectively. At the slightest opportunity, try to organize your own points of sale. At the same time, actively develop a network of wholesale buyers, do not limit yourself to locality and go at least to the regional level.

Advertising in the media in your case works only for large manufacturers. Printed products are effective for a mini-workshop. quality, with good photos brochures, descriptions of ingredients and benefits will help to attract the attention of buyers. All wholesale buyers should have your booklets.

Be sure to offer consumers handmade dumplings - they are in great demand. Constantly expand the assortment due to the most popular and original recipes.


The norm for reaching payback for a mini-shop for the production of dumplings is 5-6 months. As practice shows, this indicator does not depend on the volume of production and the particle of manual labor. The decisive factor is quality original recipes, assortment and competent marketing policy.

In the current crisis, many are thinking about how to open their own business and make money. But not everyone can afford to get involved in something serious with a large initial investment. There are many options for starting a business from scratch with minimum investment. And one of them is the preparation of dumplings. Classic homemade dumplings as a business are great for beginners and allow you to get a stable income, albeit a low one. Semi-finished products are very popular: their range is quite wide, and the cooking time is minimal. Therefore, when right approach you will find yourself regular customers who will buy from you all the products made.

Key business strengths

The dumpling business has several serious advantages that should be taken into account when drawing up a business plan. We list the key ones:

  1. This case is not seasonal. Dumplings and khinkali are bought equally well in winter and summer.
  2. High payback. Typically, a business pays for itself in 2-3 months.
  3. Minimum investment. You don't need hundreds of thousands of dollars to get started.
  4. No need for staff, office or shop (at least in the initial stages).
  5. Simplicity of manufacturing technology, available ingredients.

Making dumplings is not difficult, especially if you have the right equipment.

There are also disadvantages: high competition, especially in metropolitan areas. If in a small city you can easily conquer the market, then in large ones you can face serious competition. But you can always defeat it - the main thing is to use only high-quality products, do not save on meat and spices.

What documents are needed?

For starters, you don’t need to draw up documents at all - you will distribute dumplings and khinkali among your colleagues and acquaintances. This will provide you with a fairly stable income, but the turnover will be scanty. Therefore, sooner or later you will face a situation when you have to look for an exit to the market, which means that you need to issue permits:

  1. Recipe for your products.
  2. The conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station on the safety of the goods.
  3. Documents from Rospotrebnadzor.

You will also need to register as an individual entrepreneur or open an LLC. Each of these types of management has its pros and cons, so be sure to figure out what will be beneficial for you. If you decide to work in separate room, opening your own workshop, you will also need permission from the fire inspectorate, technical conditions and a label for the production of your own products.

Note: a prerequisite for working with products and food is the presence of a sanitary book for each person in the workshop. Make sure that the seals are not expired, otherwise you will be issued large fines.

Necessary equipment

In order to start a dumpling business at home, you will need a minimum set of equipment - a meat grinder, a dumpling mold, a rolling pin and a knife. If you plan to engage in modeling at a serious level, you will have to purchase:

  1. Flour sifter.
  2. Electric knife for cutting meat.
  3. A powerful electric meat grinder capable of processing from 5 kg of meat at a time.
  4. Test mixer.
  5. Mixer for minced meat.
  6. Installation for rolling out raw materials.
  7. Freezers for product storage.

Pelmeni - delicious and nutritious food

Usually people start a business following scheme- first they sculpt semi-finished products themselves, rolling back technology and recipes, then they go to more high level, involving relatives in the process, then they buy equipment for automation and begin to produce dumplings in an industrial way.

Note: people are more willing to buy hand-made dumplings, overpaying for them, as they are sure of their high quality. Don't disappoint people by skimping on ingredients.

Additionally, you can purchase a packaging machine and pack the finished product in transparent bags. Buyers are much more willing to buy dumplings in a transparent package, as they can see them well and evaluate the quality of modeling.

Read also: Equipment for the production of seals and stamps

What products will be needed for work

If you have conceived the production of dumplings as a business at home, then it would be nice to figure out how, in fact, dumplings are made. To sculpt classic dumplings, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Flour. Should take flour premium and sift it well before kneading.
  2. Water. It is best to buy bottled water or well-purified and settled water.
  3. Salt. classical rock salt without iodine.
  4. Eggs.
  5. Onion.
  6. Meat. Pork, chicken, beef are suitable for dumplings.
  7. Various seasonings (pepper, suneli hops, etc.).

There is no exact recipe for making dumplings. Experiment by mixing different types of meat, adding various seasonings to the minced meat, having achieved the most optimal taste. To begin with, you can buy meat in ordinary supermarkets, and when you reach industrial volumes, then whole carcasses. The main thing is that all the ingredients are really of high quality, fresh and environmentally friendly.

Dumplings can be sculpted even on a classic form

Note: forget about trimmings, veins, soy and herbal supplements. Buy only fresh meat the day it arrives in stores. Buy carcasses from trusted farmers who monitor the quality and health of animals.

Where to sell dumplings

It's time to think about where your products will actually be sold. At the initial stage, you can sell products to your friends, colleagues, relatives. Then, having worked out the recipe and received positive reviews, engage in the sale of products on local forums and social networks. After that, agree on the supply of dumplings to small cafes and restaurants - semi-finished products are very popular in them. With large cafes, you most likely will not be able to conclude contracts - they work with major suppliers. But if you make high-quality products and the reviews about you are as positive as possible, then you can always lure a large client by promising him more low price, installment payment or other interesting conditions.

At the present time, many are visited by ideas about opening own business. There are quite a few options. The main thing is that the work is profitable. One of the many types of private business is the production of dumplings at home.

The production of dumplings is one of the most modern home-based businesses. He is especially popular in small towns, even taking into account the fact that the market is filled with this kind of product. The popularity of semi-finished products also lies in large assortment, for example, manti, dumplings, khinkali, etc. Almost everyone loves and consumes such products, since their main advantage is quick cooking.

Advantages of dumpling business:

  • The desire to buy dumplings is absolutely independent of the season.
  • A business pays off pretty quickly with the right organization and management.
  • Relatively low amount of labor-intensive capital.
  • Significant savings due to the lack of the need to rent a room, hire staff at the initial stages.

All the necessary equipment (meat grinder, freezer, etc.) can be found in any kitchen. The cooking technology is very simple and familiar to every housewife, and sometimes even the owner.

A big disadvantage of business is high competitiveness. But if the products are made from environmentally friendly and high-quality products, then they will clearly be in the lead.

Required documents

The first parties often disperse among friends and acquaintances. They act as the most important tasters. But you won't earn much money this way. You need to look for places of sale, and for this you need a package of mandatory documents:

  • Documentation of Rospotrebnadzor and Sanitary Epidemiological Station.
  • Hygienic conclusion of SES.
  • Recipe.

When expanding - building own workshop- you will need to register with the tax service and register your activities. You can check out or.

In this case, the conclusion of the fire service will be required. You will also need:

  • Specifications that are registered and agreed (TU).
  • Label layout.
  • Technical instruction (TI).

If staff is hired, they must have a health book.

The production of dumplings at home and their sale only to private individuals does not require the execution of various documents.

What equipment is required

For the manufacture of dumplings in small batches at home, the most common equipment can be used. To make your job easier, you should buy electric knife, flour sifter, electric meat grinder.

For work in the workshop, equipment is used on a larger scale:

  • Mixer.
  • Apparatus for rolling raw materials.
  • Apparatus for kneading minced meat.
  • Machine for the formation of dumplings.

In whatever conditions products are manufactured, there must be freezers for storing goods and raw materials.

You can save on equipment if you hire workers, but it is better to involve relatives in the business. In addition, the product will be much better if it is made by hand. It is in great demand.

If necessary or desired, you can get a packaging machine. Keep in mind that people trust products in transparent packages more because they can see their contents.

Required Ingredients

Dumplings are good because they do not require so many ingredients to cook. Everything is very simple:

  • Water.
  • Flour.
  • Salt.
  • Eggs.
  • Seasonings.
  • Meat (beef, pork, chicken).

In order to make your product more attractive to customers, you can experiment with stuffing. To mix different types meat, as well as use a variety of seasonings and spices.

The purchase of ingredients can be made in supermarkets, shops or markets.

In order for dumplings to be in demand, raw materials must be of high quality and environmentally friendly. Therefore, you should not use various prunings and herbal supplements. It is advisable to buy meat in supermarkets on the day of its delivery. Alternatively, you can conclude a contract for the purchase of meat with a livestock farm. In this case, the goods will always be fresh and in the quantity that is needed.

When purchasing raw materials not in specialized stores, it is imperative to ask the supplier for quality certificates.

Detailed visual information about the work of the dumpling shop is given in the following video:

Sales of products

Sales is the first thing to think about before starting production. As for dumplings, there are a lot of them on the market, so you should carefully study the scope of their implementation.

  • The first small batches can be sold to friends and comrades. In the event that the product has collected positive reviews, you can continue manufacturing, as a tasty and high-quality product will be in demand.
  • You can try to sell goods to small cafes, and if they are satisfied, establish continuous deliveries with them.
  • It is also necessary to take into account large wholesale companies that supply semi-finished products and have a permanent customer base. AT this case packaging will be required.
  • A good option is to rent a trading tray in the market. Rumors about good products are quickly spread through word of mouth, which allows you to not spend money on advertising.
  • Another way to sell can be the sale of finished products. For example, delivery of hot meals. Due to the rich assortment, such sales will be quite profitable.

When considering the sale of manufactured goods, one must not forget about vehicle. If you have a car, it will solve many problems.

Business Costs and Profitability

In order for the dumpling business to be profitable, it is necessary to draw up a business plan and calculate profitability before starting production.

Calculating the profitability, you can see the approximate amount. Here, for example, the calculation of raw materials for 800 kg of finished products:

  • Meat - 53 thousand rubles.
  • Bulb onion - 900 rubles.
  • Flour - 1.5 thousand rubles.
  • Salt and seasonings - 600 rubles.
  • Eggs - 100 rubles.

It follows that 56,100 rubles were spent on 800 kg of products. It turns out that the cost of 1 kg of finished goods is approximately 70 rubles, when its market value is approximately 92 rubles. Net profit will be 22 rubles. In 24 working days, the profit will increase to the amount about 442 thousand rubles. From this amount, you will need to deduct current expenses.

The calculation was carried out taking into account the operation of equipment for molding dumplings, the cost of which will be about 555 thousand rubles.

The costs will be much less if you start manufacturing in small batches in your kitchen. When the product wins the market and is in demand, you can expand production, rent premises, purchase equipment and hire staff.

In order to reduce the cost of production, you can resort to such tricks:

  • Add some potatoes to the meat, potato-meat dumplings will come out. The cost will remain the same, and the taste will be wonderful.
  • Add a little water to the minced meat, the taste will not deteriorate from this, but on the contrary, the product will turn out with a juicy filling.
  • Tell everyone you know about your business.
  • Place ads in free newspapers.
  • Post ads.
  • Submit information online.

Making dumplings is profitable and low costly business which anyone can open. The main thing is to determine the sales market and properly organize the work.

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