How to open a dumpling shop: business plan. Required equipment and cost calculation

Encyclopedia of Plants 16.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The business of producing and selling dumplings is considered one of the most profitable. Profitability is due to several factors: constant demand, popularity of the product, a good difference between cost and selling price. In order to open a dumpling shop, you need to stock up on equipment, hire qualified workers, and develop a marketing policy.

How to open a dumpling shop? The business plan consists of several sections. Each of these sections is equally important and requires detailed study. The key to the success of any business is to carefully calculate the estimated costs and revenues. You can start a business from scratch only after all the components of the business plan have been written down and analyzed, and all costs have been calculated.

Business organization options

There are several options for organizing a business for the production and sale of dumplings. The first option is the production of frozen semi-finished products and their subsequent sale through wholesale and retail outlets. In this case, a novice businessman will not have to solve the problems associated with opening and legalizing an enterprise. Catering. But also the payback of such a business will be lower: in order for the business to generate income, production will need to be immediately launched in industrial scale.

A good option - opening of a pelmeni-cafe on the basis of its own production. Dumplings and dumplings are always in demand, they do not lose their attractiveness compared to other fast food inventions. In this case, it will also be necessary to rely on the volume of production, since the main advantage of dumplings is their low price.

When opening a dumpling cafe, you should immediately decide on the methods of production. If the cafe is located in the “passage” area, you can afford to purchase equipment for the automatic production of dumplings. In a residential area, it is better to practice "home" cooking: make dumplings by hand.

Counting funds

The main advantage of the dumpling cafe is the ability to sell products at a price that is 3-7 times higher than the cost price. It is estimated that average check dumplings is 350 rubles. Similar establishments make a profit through turnover. Pelmeni can be sold not only in cafes, but also in retail outlets, positioning products as hand made.

According to the most conservative estimates, the opening of a dumpling cafe will require investments in the amount of at least 3 million rubles. We are talking about a simple dumpling shop, which will sell only dumplings, khinkali and dumplings, without other culinary delights and alcohol. To open a more solid institution, an amount of about 7 million rubles will be required.

Legalization of the "brainchild" and search for premises

You can open a public catering enterprise only after receiving a solid package of documents. First of all, a novice businessman must go to the tax office and register as an individual entrepreneur, after which to obtain a license to open a public catering enterprise. Also, the tax office will need to draw up documentation related to the use of cash registers.

Next stage - visiting the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service. Having familiarized yourself with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station, you can begin to bring the room into proper form.

According to the instructions, the production area of ​​the dumplings production shop should be at least 50 square meters. meters. The workshop must be equipped with heating, communications and electricity. Work can only begin after obtaining permission from the SES and fire inspectors.

Despite the fact that dumpling is a democratic institution, you should pay attention to the interior design. The design should be unobtrusive and pretty, tables and chairs should be durable and practical, dishes should be beautiful.

Under no circumstances should you use disposable tableware. Plastic plates make a poor impression and instantly recreate the unforgettable 90s in your memory. As in any fast food, the dumplings must have good lighting.


Equipment must be selected depending on the method of production. Hand sculpting requires special skills from the staff, but involves the use of less equipment. For the hand sculpting workshop you will need buy a dough mixer, a powerful meat grinder, a microwave oven, stoves. A manual molding workshop is cheaper “at the entrance”, but it is less profitable than an automated one.

Automated modeling allows you to set up production on an industrial scale. With the help of the forming apparatus, you can get about 700 kg of finished dumplings per day. The price of a good forming apparatus ranges from 150-180 thousand rubles.

for storage finished products You will also need freezers. For storage of meat and minced meat - refrigerators with a medium temperature regime.

In addition, you will need to take care of the purchase of equipment for the hall. This equipment will need to be selected depending on the specifics of the institution. For the bar - bar equipment: blender, coffee machine, electric kettle. For cafes - heated trays and refrigerated display cases for the sale of related products: salads, desserts.


Special attention should be given to staffing. Entrepreneurs usually practice two approaches: hiring qualified workers and training unskilled personnel “on the spot”. Both the first and second options have their advantages. In the first case, the businessman receives specialists who are ready to start work immediately. However, skilled workers will have to pay higher salaries.

In the second case, you will have to spend time and money on training employees and, as a result, get personnel who work strictly according to internal standards. Unqualified staff will cost less but it will take money to train him.

Ultimately, The second option is more profitable as over time, the cost of training pays off due to the strict implementation of standards and relatively low wages.

All employees must be trained in safety and equipment use. The employer is responsible for everything that happens at work, so it’s not worth conducting briefings “for show”, it’s better to tell people everything in detail once than to pay them for injuries received at work later. Without fail, all employees (including the business owner himself) must have medical books and undergo a medical examination on time.

Manufacturing technology and menu development

A dumpling is a piece of minced meat wrapped in dough. There is nothing complicated in the process of producing dumplings, the main thing here is speed and compliance with sanitary standards. The dough for dumplings should be non-sticky and elastic, minced meat should be homogeneous, moderately dry and moderately viscous. The presence of herbal supplements not welcome, but allowed by GOSTs.

When deciding whether or not to use herbal supplements, one must take into account the fact that modern buyers are well versed in the quality of minced meat and no longer want to pay money for dubious products.

When opening a new cafe, it is necessary to develop a menu in advance. Since we are talking about dumplings, dumplings and their varieties should serve as the main dishes: ravioli, manti, khinkali, dumplings with different fillings. All these dishes are made on the same automatic lines as dumplings. To diversify the menu, you can come up with several types of serving main dishes: in pots, with cheese, with different sauces and seasonings.

In addition to dumplings, the menu may include a variety of desserts and drinks. The question of whether to include in the menu alcoholic drinks, the entrepreneur must decide for himself. The presence of alcohol will give the establishment a certain focus: a dumpling from a fast food option can turn into a drink option. You will need a special license to sell alcohol.

Marketing policy

If we talk about the "promotion" of dumplings, then the best marketing policy would be to improve the quality of products. The sale of high-quality, delicious dumplings will attract regular customers to the establishment. Gradually, a "backbone" of regular customers is formed - people who come to the dumpling shop in order to have a bite to eat during a lunch break or after work.

Marketers joke that the success of any business related to retail, depends on three "m" - places, places and again places. Pelmennaya should be located in a "transit" area with good transport links. Undoubtedly, the best place for the cafe this is the first floor of the house, located near places of increased congestion of people - markets, retail outlets.

You should not bet on public transport stops, it is better to pay attention to such objects as railway stations, bus stations, parks. In the presence of good place advertising costs are kept to a minimum.


A novice businessman can expect problems of a very different order. Firstly, these are problems with regulatory authorities: SES, firefighters, tax office. All organizational issues must be resolved before the opening of the cafe in order to avoid possible delays when the money has already been invested in the renovation of the premises and the purchase of raw materials.

Problem number two is dishonest suppliers. Need to be treated very careful in the choice of suppliers, because the reputation of the institution depends on the quality of raw materials. Meat must be fresh, flour - good variety without foreign odors and impurities.

Opening a dumpling cafe is a promising business. Experts say that with a good flow of visitors such a cafe pays off in 5-6 months, maximum - in a year. Pelmennaya brings a stable income, practically independent of seasonal fluctuations in demand. This is a great start for an aspiring entrepreneur.

Having settled properly “at the start”, you can continue to move forward: open a network of dumplings, organize the delivery of ready-made meals to enterprises, increase the size of production and sell frozen products under the company logo.

A real dumpling is the one that conveys the feeling of Russian home cooking as closely as possible. Dumplings, dumplings, khinkali - everything that we used to eat at home should be here. Delicious and satisfying food, polite waiters and a cozy atmosphere will make your establishment popular…

The main stages of opening a dumpling:

  • Investment search, business planning
  • Business registration
  • Search for premises and conclusion of a lease agreement
  • Repair and design of the premises
  • Training permits
  • Purchase of equipment
  • Conclusion of a contract for the supply of products and ingredients
  • Hiring and training staff
  • Menu development
  • Beginning of work

Investments - how much does it cost to open a dumplings

Approximate investments for opening a dumpling shop in a rented premises include:

  • Repair and design of the premises - from 800 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - from 300 thousand rubles.
  • Arrangement of the service hall (including furniture, bar counter) - from 200 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration and preparation of permits - from 100 thousand rubles.
  • Menu development, staff training - from 50 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of products and ingredients - from 50 thousand rubles.
  • Reserve fund - from 200 thousand rubles.
  • Other organizational expenses - from 100 thousand rubles.

Total - from 1,800,000 rubles.

Institution premises

To open a dumpling shop, you need a room with an area of ​​​​70 square meters. m. The larger the room, the greater the capacity of the institution, but the higher the cost of its arrangement. The most suitable places for dumplings: first floors apartment buildings, office buildings and shopping centers (food court area). The ideal option is the premises of the former municipal dining room, if you can get such an object at auction. Canteens have already created all the conditions for the functioning of dumplings, and such facilities correspond to SES requirements and fire safety. This will avoid a lot of start-up costs associated with preparing the premises. Although practice shows that there are practically no such ready-made premises left.

The most advantageous place is the location near office centers, large factories and educational institutions. Wherever people need lunch, dumplings will bring good profit.

Dumpling equipment

If we talk only about the equipment necessary for making dumplings, then it is enough to purchase the following kit: flour sifter, dough mixer, meat grinder, minced meat mixing machine, dumpling machine and chest freezer. The cost of forming such a mini-shop with a capacity of up to 50 kg / h will be about 300 thousand rubles.

For the needs of dumplings, super-productive devices are not needed. If you install powerful equipment, then you can produce not only dumplings for regular customers, but also semi-finished products for takeaway and for sale to other, smaller establishments.

In addition, to create a kitchen, you will need to purchase desktops, refrigeration equipment, small kitchen utensils (knives, pots) and dishes. Also, a lot of money will be spent on the arrangement of the dining room (tables, chairs and other furniture).

Pelmeni menu

The restaurant menu should include not only classic dumplings with meat stuffing, but also many other options: with chicken, with mushrooms, with fish, with cheese, with beef and pork, with lamb, with salmon, with rabbit meat and so on. You can offer visitors analogues of dumplings from different countries peace. Diversity and unusualness are always liked by visitors.

In addition to the dumplings themselves, the establishment must have first courses (soups), cold appetizers, salads, hot dishes, sauces, drinks, desserts and a children's menu. Yes, it turns out to be a real restaurant, but this is the only way to attract the widest audience of visitors. Dumplings here act as some kind of bait, and we earn on everything, including the sale of alcoholic beverages.

Facility staff

The success of the institution depends not only on the organizer of the business, but also on those people who directly make dumplings popular. It's about the employees. Creating the perfect dumpling team can take a lot of time and money. First of all, you will need to find an experienced chef who will manage the main affairs in the kitchen. In addition to the chef, you will need to hire a whole team of workers: cooks and waiters, cashiers, an accountant and administrator, a handyman and a cleaner.

Useful "tricks" - how to unwind dumplings

In order to arouse additional interest among visitors and increase the attendance of the institution, it is necessary to carry out all kinds of promotions and sweepstakes. For example, when ordering breakfast in the amount of 100 rubles or more - coffee as a gift. Or you can give a can of beer when ordering two others.

You can carry out the action: "Happy dumplings." A person who finds an unusual dumpling in his portion receives a coupon for a big discount or a free dish of his choice.

Do not forget about gifts for children. If you win the love of young visitors, consider their parents as your regular customers.

Video dumpling:

Pelmeni as a business is a very profitable business. Over the past 6 years, the trend in development and income from this industry has risen and fell, but now there is again a demand for it. If you take the opening of a dumpling shop with maximum responsibility, then it will not keep you waiting, but how exactly to make your business really successful?

Business plan

Before directly opening a dumpling, it is important to compose a competent one. Its presence will allow you to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages, income and expenses, as well as draw up a clear plan for action:

  1. Project summary.

This paragraph should address the following questions and reflect specific data:

  • the total population of the city (this indicator will affect the size of the premises and general level services provided);
  • selection of the part of the city where the institution will open;
  • the main advantages and disadvantages of this type of business;
  • financial calculations for a three-year period of activity, calculation of the necessary funds, identification of profitability;
  • initial investments, their size.

Most of the losses when opening a dumpling shop will relate to the purchase of equipment. This figure averages 49%, but can be much higher.

  1. The essence of the industry and the future company.

Here it is necessary to understand whether the matter is worth the effort and money spent on it, but from a public point of view, and not financial.

We can immediately say that dumpling is a healthy fast food and can seriously compete with the already familiar Western counterparts (fries, hamburgers, etc.). There are several reasons for this:

  • dumplings are part national cuisine, and this immediately causes positive emotions in customers;
  • dumplings, in essence, are a sought-after product (especially if the future businessman decides to sell frozen products own cooking by weight);
  • demand this product almost always stable and does not have pronounced seasonal jumps.

Eateries in the format of dumplings are not very popular at the present time - only 1% of total number. The market is completely free and competition will be minimal until the institution begins to significantly expand and gain popularity. This determines the benefit of opening a dumpling shop, and not other types of eateries.

The presence of a variety of toppings, original serving of dishes, national flavor and attractive environment can attract a significant number of customers. The main disadvantage is the cash costs for each of the indicators, which is especially important to consider in order not to become bankrupt in an instant.

  1. Description of goods and services.

In this paragraph, the range of services that the dumplings will provide should be indicated. This should include not only the dumplings themselves:

  • organization of leisure for visitors;
  • sale and preparation of other simple dishes (soups, salads, confectionery, drinks);
  • home delivery.

The main focus of the products should be on dumplings, and drinks, salads, etc. will stimulate sales. In the same paragraph, you should draw up the main menu provided to customers when opening a dumplings. It is necessary to treat its filling very responsibly.

  1. Marketing.

The key point of the business plan, which needs to be given a lot of attention. This includes everything related to advertising, marketing and its components:

  • market analysis;
  • choice of target audience;
  • material wealth of citizens in the selected sector (large cities - perfect option);
  • name, logo, dumpling style;
  • advertising company;
  • unusual promotions, etc.
  1. Production plan.

Here you will find complete information about the main stages of starting a business:

  • location of the institution;
  • interior;
  • service format;
  • recruitment;
  • necessary equipment;
  • menu planning;
  • supply features (suppliers).
  1. Organizational plan.

That is, a list of documentation necessary for business, registration with state bodies, execution of other permits for doing business in the field of catering.

  1. Financial plan.

This item takes into account all the expenses and profits of the institution. It is important not only to take into account the total income, but also to foresee possible losses due to non-standard situations ( industrial injuries, conflicts of personnel, repair of premises, etc.).

It is important to draw up the total amount of investments and determine the fixed costs. This includes rent, ingredient costs (purchasing flavor enhancers and convenience foods is not suitable for a food service establishment), and costs for consumable resources such as water, electricity, gas, etc.

  1. Efficiency mark.

This paragraph determines the payback period for the initial and subsequent costs. On average, it will take 6-7 months to cover the losses for opening a dumpling shop. But this period may vary depending on many other details and the specifics of doing business.

The same applies to the profitability of the organization. Depending on various conditions, the indicators may vary, but in the first year of operation, the overall profitability of the dumplings will be approximately 26-28%.

  1. Risks.

The list of possible risks includes internal and external factors. External are environmental disasters, the economic situation in the country, sales markets, etc. A internal factor stands, for example, the effectiveness of the management of the institution.

On this, an exemplary business plan is ready, all the information has been taken into account, and you can begin the procedure for opening a dumpling.

Registration, documents and other requirements

The registration process may not look particularly complicated, but the total amount of documentation will be huge:

  1. Any type of activity must be registered with the tax office.

To do this, you need to decide on the form of doing business:

  • individual entrepreneur;
  • limited liability company.

It is most profitable to register as: a smaller number of documents and requirements for a businessman will only benefit the cause. When registering a business in the tax service, you will need to obtain a license to open an organization in the field of catering.

It is important not to forget to resolve the issue with documents on cash registers. This is done in the same tax office and can be done simultaneously with business registration.

  1. A prerequisite is to comply with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station (SES) and the fire service.

After visiting these services and receiving specific conditions, they must be observed during the entire time of the activity of the dumplings. If you neglect them, you can get fines or even a ban on opening an institution. After the elimination of shortcomings, permission will still be granted, but this is a waste of time, money and effort.

It would be wiser to take care of the precise implementation of the requirements of these organizations in advance. This will help to avoid many problems and speed up the moment of opening the dumplings.

  1. Mandatory conditions.

The production area of ​​the workshop (allocated for these needs of the premises) must be at least 50 square meters. m. Key Requirements are:

  • heating;
  • holding means of communication;
  • electricity;
  • good ventilation;
  • excellent lighting.

Pelmeni is a very affordable, quick and tasty product for lunch or dinner. Hence the constant demand, which does not depend on the season and social status, dumplings are eaten by everyone. There is a lot of important disadvantage that dumplings that are produced on factory equipment have. Often, such companies add too much soy to minced meat, which alienates consumers from the classic taste of minced meat. In this regard, the dumpling business at home can seriously compete with manufacturers supplying their "soy" dumplings to the shelves of city stores. After all, the taste of homemade dumplings is something that has been familiar to us since childhood and is radically different from store-bought options.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening the production of dumplings

In the table below, consider the advantages and disadvantages when opening dumpling shop engaged in the production of dumplings. It can be distinguished that the main target audience is people who want to eat hearty and at the same time inexpensively.

Business for the production of dumplings: documents for registration with the tax

To register with the tax dumpling shop, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is created. The table below summarizes the main benefits. In addition, consider the necessary list of documents for registration of each legal form property. When registering, select the OKVED code:

  • 10.13.4 - production of semi-finished meat products,
  • 10.73.1 - production of semi-finished products, dumplings, etc. boiled and uncooked, with or without stuffing.
Form of business organization Benefits of using Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a small pet business (50-80m²). Number of staff from 1 to 3
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (800 rubles);
  • certified application by a notary in the form No. P21001;
  • application for the transition to UTII or USN (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used to open a large chain of pet stores, take loans Money, as well as scaling.
  • application in the form No. Р11001;
  • charter of LLC;
  • a decision to open an LLC or a protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (4000 rubles);
  • copies of the founders' passports certified by a notary;
  • application for the transition to UTII or USN.

According to law authorized capital LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

The most optimal organizational form workshops for the production of dumplings can be an ordinary individual entrepreneurship (IP). The most favorable tax regime for the enterprise will be the simplified taxation system (STS), 6% of the revenue or 15% of the profit of the enterprise.

Own workshop: SES requirements

For the first time after opening a business, your first room can be built in a personal home kitchen, which already has everything the right equipment. But it should be borne in mind that for sculpting dumplings, even in your own kitchen, you must have: a large number of outlets or extension cord, a spacious and comfortable table, a sink with a constant supply of water, the presence of a good lighting device and of course big freezer to store finished products. If you are going to rent such a room, possible success in this field can turn it into a full-fledged dumplings production workshop.

In the future, if you leave the home kitchen and rent premises, it must comply with sanitary requirements Rospotrebnadzor(SES). In addition to the SES, you must obtain an opinion on the premises for the workshop in State Fire Supervision. For this you need to install fire alarm, and fire extinguishers (fire extinguishers).

Below is a list for obtaining the main permission of Rospotrebnadzor, after which you can start production.

Equipment for the dumpling shop

To organize this workshop indoors or at home, you will need a certain list of devices that are necessary to engage in this type of activity. We are not talking about new equipment, used household appliances are quite suitable:

  • Refrigerator with sub-zero temperature function. Such a chamber will fit about 100-1500 kg of finished products, its dimensions may well fit in the kitchen or balcony. Issue price - 7000-12000 rubles;
  • Manual or automatic meat grinder for filling preparation. The price of this device ranges from 2000 to 7000 rubles. The approximate productivity of an automatic meat grinder is 1.5 kg of meat per minute, and a convenient loading tray and increased power can increase production time quite significantly;
  • A device for sculpting dumplings - dumplings. It can be mechanical or automatic. An ordinary mechanical dumpling machine costs about 1000 rubles and has a capacity of 10-12 kg per hour. An automatic dumpling maker will cost you 7,000 rubles, but it will speed up the process of making dumplings at times, as it has many additional and very convenient functions: dumpling molds, dough rolling, noodle and ravioli production, measuring spoon.

In addition to the above devices, you can additionally buy: Flour sifter (about 15,000 rubles), rolling dough (about 30,000 rubles).

Where to start production?

To get started, you will need a great recipe, preferably with an exclusive handwriting, so that your dumplings stand out from the crowd of your competitors. But should you take into account the preferences of your future customers, for example, sculpt dumplings from beef or pork? Or maybe mixed minced meat or chicken? Or even cook dumplings with an unconventional filling of vegetables or fruits? The answers to these questions can generate good demand, which will provide you with a large turnover and an influx of profit.

Next, having decided on the desired filling, we proceed directly to the process of sculpting dumplings. In dumplings there are several options for molding for future products. So besides delicious toppings you can choose an interesting shape, which can also favorably play into your hands. In automatic dumplings there is a dough rolling mode from 0.2 to 3 mm thick. This can seriously affect palatability, and it is better to strictly determine the future thickness of your dough. Next, the resulting dough is placed in the chute of the dumplings, superimposed right amount minced meat and all this turns into a finished dumpling product.

You can reduce the cost of produced dumplings by adding potatoes to the meat. Meat and potato dumplings taste no worse than pure meat dumplings, but the cost is the same.

To reduce the cost of dumplings, without loss of quality, you can increase the percentage of water in the dough and minced meat. Technologically, it is possible to bring the percentage of water content in minced meat up to 20%, while the taste of dumplings only gets better.

Video review of the production of dumplings

The video shows the production of dumplings in detail.

Market for your products

Most often, the first batch of finished products is distributed among close friends, acquaintances and neighbors. But these are only initial reviews, and, as a rule, you can’t do business at home, you need to look for the main places for selling such products - public catering and a convenience store. In order to introduce your products to these places, you will need a number of documents for trading. In fact, these are 2 declarations of conformity, but you will need to register to receive them. specification production, including the following documents:

  • lease contract;
  • product recipe;
  • label.

The development and registration of technical specifications will take you 10 working days, and the receipt of a declaration of conformity will take about several weeks. Paperwork may seem difficult, but it's worth it. In order to ensure the success of your company, it is best to test the first batch in some cafe or among friends. If the party gets good feedback and will receive approval, then it is not worth delaying with the documents. After all, an honest entrepreneur is a trusted supplier.

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine website

Business Profitability

(3.0 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.8 out of 5)
The dumpling business is a highly profitable and competitive business. The difficulty arises in the marketing of manufactured products. Therefore, it is necessary to think about the search for sales agents immediately after registering with the tax office.

Many people dream of opening own business. Aspiring entrepreneurs are especially attracted to the idea of ​​starting a business from scratch. Earlier, we have already discussed, in this article, let's take a closer look at another earning idea - how to open a dumpling from scratch. What is needed and how profitable is it this species business.

The catering business is a fairly profitable and stable way to generate income, even despite fierce competition. A well-chosen direction will allow you to short time recoup all investments and get a good profit. Therefore, before starting a business in this area, carefully study the market, demand, competition and costs of implementing the idea.

The theme of the establishment. It should be noted that thematic establishments are more popular among the population. For example, a dumpling shop, a sushi restaurant or an anti-cafe are much more likely to interest people. As an example, we recommend reading .

Pelmennaya: the pros and cons of business

  • High demand. Pelmeni is a popular dish of Russian cuisine, which is in great demand among consumers. Many people like to eat hot dumplings with their favorite toppings and sauces. Therefore, opening a dumpling shop is quite cost-effective and profitable business.
  • Narrow niche. The competition in the field of catering is quite serious, so it is advisable to choose a narrow niche in which you can really gain a foothold. Since dumplings are in demand, why not stop at such an attractive and less competitive business option.
  • Little competition. Dumplings are on the menu in almost every restaurant and cafe, but some establishments that prepare dishes according to different recipes, practically not, so it makes sense to open such a sought-after thematic place in your city.

Cons of opening a dumpling

  • Financial investments. Opening a cafe or restaurant requires quite serious material investments. It is necessary to rent a place, purchase equipment, hire maintenance personnel, etc. All this requires a lot of money, therefore, many people are stopped by such a significant drawback of this type of business.
  • Payback periods. The payback of the dumpling cafe will not be instant, everything will depend on the location, attendance, popularity of the establishment in your city. Therefore, you should not expect quick profits. If you are looking for an income that guarantees you a quick income, then opening a dumpling is not the case.

How to open a dumpling shop from scratch?

Opening a dumplings cafe from scratch is quite realistic. Naturally, one cannot do without material and physical investments. It is necessary not only to have money for material expenses, but also to invest time and effort in the development of your idea. As an example, we recommend reading . This will help you compare costs and evaluate the profitability of the project.

Where to get money to start a business from scratch?

  • Credit. The first option that comes to mind is, of course, a loan to develop your own business. But this can be problematic. Firstly, business is always a risky business, no one can guarantee that everything will work out, and soon you will achieve success. Secondly, banks do not always finance unpromising projects, so it is rather difficult to borrow a large amount of money.
  • Investment. In my opinion, this option of starting a business from scratch is less risky and more promising. You need to find someone who will finance your project. Investors are people who invest in promising business ideas for profit. Finding such a person is not easy, but it is quite possible that a well-written business plan will help you with this.

Pelmennaya: business plan

A business plan for dumplings is a document that will display all stages of business development. Particular attention should be paid to the financial section, where all the costs of implementing a business idea will be detailed. This point is of most interest to investors. It is also necessary to calculate the approximate payback periods and possible profit from the business.

Stages of a dumpling business plan:

  1. Financial section (calculation of costs for the implementation of the idea, payback period, profit);
  2. hired personnel;
  3. Purchase of equipment;
  4. Premises rental;
  5. Business registration;
  6. Choice of direction: study of the nuances of organizing a business in a certain field of activity (demand, profitability, competition);
  7. Advertising concept and further development business.

These are approximate points of the business plan, you need to back them up with detailed calculations, calculate the profitability and payback period of the business and draw conclusions about the profitability or futility of the project as a whole. Only after that, proceed to open your own business in the field of catering.

Business registration

Any type of activity is subject to mandatory registration with the relevant authorities.

First of all, decide on the substantive form of activity. You can register as individual entrepreneur or establish a limited liability company.

In addition, it is necessary to obtain permits for activities from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire service. Labor standards, equipment, food preparation technology and premises, everything must comply with established norms and rules. Catering establishments are subject to strict control by Rospotrebnadzor, so do not try to circumvent or violate the requirements.

The minimum area of ​​the dumpling shop is from 50 sq. m. also the mandatory presence of water supply, sewerage, electricity and heating in the premises.

You can make dumplings directly or sell ready-made semi-finished products. Focus on your financial capabilities. Naturally, selling semi-finished products is much cheaper, but the quality of the dishes in this case is noticeably different, decide for yourself.

Premises for rent

In order to open a dumplings cafe, you will need to rent a room. It is very important to choose the right location for your future establishment, the success of the catering business depends on it.

Where to open a dumpling shop?

Downtown. It is quite expensive to rent a room in the central part of the city, but the traffic there is quite high, so there will be plenty of visitors who want to eat out.

Dormitory area. A good option is to open a dumpling shop in a residential area of ​​the city near high-rise buildings. Such an institution will also be popular near educational institutions, schools, hostels. Prices in dumplings are generally small, so students and schoolchildren will certainly become your regular customers.

Shopping center. You can open dumplings in large mall, there are always a lot of visitors who are not averse to a quick and inexpensive bite to eat. And since dumplings are favorite food many children and adults, then the attendance of your institution will be large.

Analyze all possible options and choose the most successful location for your cafe.

Dumpling business at home

Of course, it will not work to open a cafe at home, but it is quite possible to start producing dumplings in your kitchen. First of all, you need to register your type of activity, as well as obtain all permits from the sanitary and other services. Only having certificates in your hands confirming the quality of your products, you will be able to sell them at a decent price.

Equipment for making dumplings

Most of your finances will be spent on the purchase of equipment for a dumplings cafe. First of all, decide on the volume of production. To serve a small cafe, you can sculpt dumplings manually, but if you plan to sell products in large volumes (a network of dumplings), you will have to purchase a device for the production of dumplings.

Necessary equipment:

  • Refrigerator for food storage, freezer;
  • Electric meat grinder;
  • Microwave oven, gas or electric stove;
  • Flour sifter and dough mixing mechanisms (combine with dough kneading function);
  • To serve visitors, you will need to purchase special dishes (plates, cups, glasses, cutlery).

Scheme: Factors influencing the choice of semi-finished products

Also, a decent amount of money will be spent on interior decoration and the purchase of furniture. Visitors need to feel comfortable in your establishment, so you need to create favorable conditions, provide a good atmosphere.

We compose the menu

Pelmennaya belongs to a number of eateries, so an extensive menu is inappropriate here. People came to have a bite, so the food should be prepared quickly, be rich and, of course, tasty.

How to make a menu?

Depending on the location of the institution, the price range will be formed. Having a bite to eat in a dumplings cafe in the city center will be more expensive than in the same establishment located in a residential area, and be guided by this.

The main dish on the menu, of course, will be dumplings, where without them. You can also offer visitors other hot dishes, soups, broths. Do not forget about snacks, salads, sandwiches, cheese and meat cuts will be appropriate.

Scheme step by step process cooking dumplings

Alcohol. The menu should include both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, so that each visitor can choose something suitable for themselves. Not to do without coffee, tea, cocktails.

You can diversify the menu and offer visitors also desserts, such as ice cream.

Working staff

To work in dumplings, you need to hire experienced staff. First of all, you need to find an experienced chef who will look after technological process and be responsible for the quality of the prepared dishes. You will also need cook assistants and a dishwasher.

Waiters and bartender. You should hire several waiters to work in shifts and a bartender. The authority of the institution and attendance will depend on their work, so carefully monitor how the staff communicates with customers. The waiter must be attentive, responsible, cultured, competent. It is advisable to hire employees with experience in similar institutions.

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