Export data of the Russian Federation products to other countries. Equipment for the nuclear complex

garden equipment 21.09.2019

During 1990-2016 Russian exports in current prices increased by $221.1 billion (3.0 times) to $330.7 billion; the change was $2.7 billion due to a $3.6 million drop in population, and $223.8 billion due to a $1,554.3 increase in per capita exports. The average annual increase in Russia's exports was at the level of $8.5 billion, or 4.3%. The average annual increase in Russia's exports in constant prices is 7.3%. The share in the world decreased by 0.93%. The share in Europe decreased by 0.95%. The minimum export was in 1991 (78.7 billion dollars). The maximum export was in 2012 (594.2 billion dollars).

For 1990-2016 export per capita in Russia increased by $1,554.3 (3.1 times) to $2,297.4. The average annual increase in exports per capita in current prices was at the level of 59.8 dollars or 4.4%.

Export of Russia, 1990

Russian export in 1990, it was 109.7 billion dollars, ranked 10th in the world and was at the level of Swiss exports (108.7 billion dollars). Russia's exports exceeded Russia's imports by $0.26 billion, and the trade surplus was equal to 0.046% of Russia's GDP. The share of Russian exports in the world amounted to 2.5%.

In 1990, it amounted to 743.1 dollars, ranked 94th in the world and was at the level of exports per capita in Slovakia (794.0 dollars), exports per capita in South Africa(726.2 dollars), exports per capita in Costa Rica (701.5 dollars), exports per capita in Jordan (699.0 dollars). Export per capita in Russia was less than export per capita in the world ($817.2) by $74.1.

Comparison of exports of Russia and neighbors in 1990. Russia's export was 98.3% greater than China's ($55.3 billion), Finland's ($31.3 billion) 3.5 times, Ukraine's ($25.0 billion) 4.4 times, Belarus's (8.7 billion . dollars) by 12.6 times, the export of Kazakhstan (2.3 billion dollars) by 47.6 times, the export of Mongolia (0.2 billion dollars) by 463.8 times, but was less than the export of Japan (323.1 billion dollars) by 66.1 %. Exports per capita in Russia were more than exports per capita in Ukraine ($485.3) by 53.1%, exports per capita in Kazakhstan ($139.4) by 5.3 times, exports per capita in Mongolia ($108.3) by 6.9 times, export per capita in China (47.2 dollars) by 15.8 times, but was less than export per capita in Finland (6 269.6 dollars) by 88.1%, export per capita in Japan (2 594.9 dollars) by 71.4% , export per capita in Belarus (848.7 dollars) by 12.4%.

Comparison of Russian exports and leaders in 1990. Russian exports were less than US exports ($551.9 billion) by 80.1%, German exports ($404.1 billion) by 72.9%, Japanese exports ($323.1 billion) by 66.1%, French exports ($265.4 billion). . dollars) by 58.7%, UK exports (247.1 billion dollars) by 55.6%. Export per capita in Russia was less than export per capita in Germany ($5,108.2) by 85.5%, export per capita in France ($4,534.7) by 83.6%, export per capita in the UK ($4,322.0) ) by 82.8%, per capita exports to Japan ($2,594.9) by 71.4%, per capita exports to the United States ($2,185.5) by 66%.

Russian export potential in 1990. With per capita exports at the same level as Finland's best neighbor ($6,269.6), Russia's exports would be $925.3 billion, 8.4 times the actual level. With per capita exports at the same level as Germany's per capita exports ($5,108.2), Russia's exports would be $753.9 billion, 6.9 times the actual level. With per capita exports at the same level as European per capita exports ($3,064.2), Russia's exports would be $452.2 billion, 4.1 times the actual level. With per capita exports at the same level as world per capita exports ($817.2), Russia's exports would be $120.6 billion, 10% more than the actual level.

Export of Russia, 2016

Russian export in 2016 was equal to 330.7 billion dollars, ranked 20th in the world. Russia's exports exceeded Russia's imports by $67.0 billion, with a trade surplus of 5.4% of Russia's GDP. The share of Russian exports in the world was 1.6%.

Export per capita in Russia in 2016 amounted to 2,297.4 dollars, ranked 99th in the world and was at the level of exports per capita in Kazakhstan (2,432.5 dollars), exports per capita in Turkey (2,386.1 dollars), exports per capita in Lebanon (2,253.2 dollars), exports per capita in Grenada (2 244.8 dollars). Export per capita in Russia was less than export per capita in the world ($2,784.3) by $486.9.

Comparison of exports of Russia and neighbors in 2016. Russia's export was 3.9 times greater than Finland's ($84.0 billion), Ukraine's ($46.0 billion) 7.2 times, Kazakhstan's ($43.8 billion) 7.6 times, Belarus's ($29.7 billion) . dollars) by 11.1 times, Mongolia's exports (5.7 billion dollars) by 58.4 times, but were less than China's exports of Japan (797.5 billion dollars) by 58.5%. Russia's per capita exports were larger than Mongolia's per capita exports ($1,871.6) by 22.7%, China's per capita exports ($1,566.0) by 46.7%, and Ukraine's per capita exports ($1,034.6) ) by 2.2 times, but was less than per capita exports in Finland ($15,269.5) by 85%, per capita exports in Japan ($6,243.0) by 63.2%, per capita exports in Belarus ($3,133.8 ) by 26.7%, export per capita in Kazakhstan ($2,432.5) by 5.6%.

Comparison of Russian exports and leaders in 2016. Russian exports were less than US exports ($2,214.6 billion) by 85.1%, Chinese exports ($2,197.9 billion) by 85%, German exports ($1,603.9 billion) by 79.4%, and Japanese exports (797.5 billion dollars) by 58.5%, UK exports (739.2 billion dollars) by 55.3%. Russia's per capita exports were greater than China's per capita exports ($1,566.0) by 46.7%, but were less than Germany's per capita exports ($19,580.4) by 88.3%, per capita exports in Great Britain (11 236.0 dollars) by 79.6%, exports per capita to the USA (6 873.7 dollars) by 66.6%, exports per capita to Japan (6 243.0 dollars) by 63.2%.

Russian export potential in 2016. With per capita exports at the same level as Germany's per capita exports ($19,580.4), Russia's exports would be $2,818.9 billion, 8.5 times the actual level. With exports per capita at the same level as those of Finland ($15,269.5), the best neighbor, Russia's exports would be $2,198.3 billion, 6.6 times the actual level. With per capita exports at the same level as Europe's per capita exports ($11,110.9), Russia's exports would be $1,599.6 billion, 4.8 times the actual level. With exports per capita at the same level as exports per capita in Eastern Europe($3,823.9), Russia's exports would be $550.5 billion, 66.4% more than the actual level. With per capita exports at the same level as world per capita exports ($2,784.3), Russia's exports would be $400.8 billion, 21.2% more than the actual level.

Export of Russia, 1990-2016
yearexport, billion dollarsexports per capita, dollarsexport, billion dollarsexport growth, %share of exports in GDP, %share of Russia, %
current pricesconstant prices 1990in the worldin Europein Eastern Europe
1990 109.7 743.1 109.7 19.2 2.5 5.0 54.1
1991 78.7 531.3 297.6 171.4 14.0 1.8 3.5 48.4
1992 323.1 2 178.7 238.1 -20.0 65.9 6.3 12.3 77.6
1993 185.1 1 247.2 233.1 -2.1 40.4 3.7 7.9 66.4
1994 119.9 807.8 244.5 4.9 29.4 2.2 4.8 53.4
1995 117.0 789.2 262.1 7.2 29.3 1.8 3.9 46.8
1996 102.2 690.4 271.9 3.7 26.1 1.5 3.3 43.0
1997 100.1 677.6 270.6 -0.48 24.7 1.4 3.2 41.3
1998 84.6 573.9 275.6 1.9 31.2 1.2 2.6 35.6
1999 84.7 576.1 306.6 11.2 43.2 1.2 2.6 36.6
2000 114.4 781.6 335.8 9.5 44.1 1.4 3.4 41.2
2001 113.1 775.9 350.0 4.2 36.9 1.5 3.3 38.6
2002 121.7 837.7 385.9 10.3 35.2 1.5 3.3 37.6
2003 151.7 1 049.0 434.7 12.6 35.2 1.6 3.5 37.2
2004 203.4 1 411.8 486.0 11.8 34.4 1.8 3.9 37.3
2005 269.0 1 872.8 517.4 6.5 35.2 2.1 4.7 39.9
2006 333.9 2 329.8 555.3 7.3 33.7 2.2 5.1 40.5
2007 392.0 2 738.6 590.1 6.3 30.2 2.3 5.1 38.4
2008 520.0 3 634.4 593.6 0.59 31.3 2.6 6.0 40.6
2009 341.6 2 387.0 565.5 -4.7 27.9 2.2 5.0 36.7
2010 445.5 3 112.0 605.4 7.0 29.2 2.3 5.8 39.6
2011 574.0 4 006.5 607.3 0.31 28.3 2.6 6.4 40.9
2012 594.2 4 142.9 615.5 1.4 27.4 2.6 6.8 42.3
2013 593.9 4 136.2 643.8 4.6 26.6 2.5 6.5 41.1
2014 559.6 3 892.8 647.1 0.51 27.9 2.3 6.0 39.0
2015 392.5 2 728.0 671.0 3.7 29.6 1.8 4.7 33.8
2016 330.7 2 297.4 692.0 3.1 26.5 1.6 4.0 29.5

picture. Export of Russia, 1990-2016

picture. Export per capita in Russia, 1990-2016

picture. Export growth in Russia, 1990-2016

picture. Share of exports in Russia's GDP, 1990-2016

Comparison of exports of Russia and neighboring countries

Exports of Russia and neighboring countries, the order of relation to the indicator of Russia
Country1990 2000 2010 2016
China-0.30 0.39 0.56 0.82
Japan0.47 0.66 0.28 0.38
Russia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Finland-0.54 -0.34 -0.67 -0.60

Currently introduced against Russia economic sanctions. Not all countries supported them, but I had a question, why are European entrepreneurs so opposed to this, why are American entrepreneurs also starting to take a stand in support of Russia? What did we supply them with in 2013, that they do not want to part with us and put pressure on their political elites in every possible way? Here are the answers:

So, in fact, today Russia is a major world exporter of a huge range of non-commodity, high-tech goods and services, and even if tomorrow our oil and gas suddenly fall in price, this does not threaten any economic catastrophe and we will consider it today !!

Here's what it looks like for starters in general figures, according to the Central Bank for 2013

In total, in 2013, goods worth $523 billion were exported. and services for 70 billion dollars.

In total, Russia received $593 billion from all exports in 2013

Of these, crude oil was sold for 174 billion, oil products - for 109 billion, natural gas by 67 billion, liquefied gas by 5 billion.

That is, hydrocarbon raw materials and their derivatives were exported for 355 billion dollars in 2013

It turns out that Russia received $238 billion in 2013 from exports of goods and services other than oil and gas.

238 billion non-fuel exports - is it a lot or a little?

For comparison, the entire total export of goods and services in Russia in 2004 was about 204 billion.

What makes up these 238 billion dollars of Russian "non-fuel" exports?

For starters, this is 70 billion exports of services: transport, tourism, financial, consulting, computer, technological, educational, construction, etc.

This is obviously non-commodity and, as a rule, high-tech export of Russia, and often Russian companies are among the world leaders or have unique competencies in the global service market in their respective industries.

No post is enough to tell about all the exporters, there are hundreds of them, so I will limit myself to only the most interesting examples from different areas:

1. Nuclear power.

Rosatom is one of the world leaders in terms of the number of nuclear units being built abroad (16% of the world market for NPP construction services). Russia exports full cycle nuclear technologies, from design/consulting to turnkey construction with service and participates in nuclear projects in Iran, Ukraine, India, Finland, Bangladesh, Jordan, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Turkey, Vietnam, Belarus, China. In total, agreements were signed for the construction of 20 power units, and the value of the order portfolio reached $74 billion in 2013.

And this is despite the fact that 8 more new generation nuclear power plants are being built right now in Russia http://www.rosatom.ru/aboutcorporation/activity/energy_complex/designandbuilding/bild_npp_2/

2. Freight transportation

Russia annually receives millions of tourists and business visitors, their service brings in more than 7 billion dollars a year.

The total list of exporters again exceeds several thousand positions, so I will again give enlarged categories with some striking examples of Russian exporters.

10. Metallurgy

Export of products of the metallurgical industry reaches 40 billion dollars.

It includes ferrous and non-ferrous metals in ingots and their products. In a number of positions, Russia is a key exporter in the world - titanium, nickel, aluminum.

What does Russia export?

In 2013, the export of agricultural products from Russia amounted to $15 billion. These are mainly cereals - wheat, rice, corn.


13. armaments

Russia is the world's second largest arms seller after the US, with $15.7 billion worth of exports in 2013. The accumulated package of orders for today is 40 billion. Among the major buyers are India, China, Algeria, Venezuela, Vietnam, Indonesia. The main sales are in the line of armored vehicles, air defense systems, combat aircraft / helicopters and naval weapons.


14. heavy engineering

15. Shipbuilding

Since 2004 with shipyards Russian plant"Krasnoye Sormovo" in Nizhny Novgorod seven tankers of the "river-sea" class of series 19619 left for Azerbaijan - these are "President Heydar Aliyev", "Babek", "Shah Ismail Khatai", "Koroglu", "Dede Gorgud", "Zangezur" , Shusha.

At the moment, a program has been adopted to re-equip the entire fleet of Kazakhstan, for which Russia is now building tankers. An order for the construction of a series of oil tankers with a deadweight of 12 thousand tons for operation in the Caspian Sea at the Vympel shipyard (Russia) was placed in 2004. Three tankers were received by Kazmortransflot (Astana, Almaty and Aktau) and three (in 2006-2007) by the private company Mobilex Energy (Kazakhstan, Abai and Makhambet). In July of this year, the Atyrau tanker with a deadweight of 13 thousand tons left the stocks of the Nizhny Novgorod plant Krasnoye Sormovo for Kazmortransflot. Next year, it is also planned to commission two more oil tankers there. http://expert.ru/kazakhstan/2009/46/tankery/

Sukhoi Superjet 100 is a short-haul airliner, 12 aircraft have been exported today, more than 50 firm orders for export.

The ABBYY group of companies includes 9 international offices in Russia, the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, Taiwan, Ukraine and Cyprus, the high-tech Russian translation agency ABBYY Language Services (Perevedem.ru) and the publishing house ABBYY Press. The head office of ABBYY, located in Moscow, is responsible for developing products and coordinating the activities of the company's offices in other countries. About 30 million people in 130 countries use ABBYY products in the world, technologies are used in their products by leading players in the document management and data entry market - DELL, EPSON, Fujitsu, HP, Lexmark, Microtek, Panasonic, Siemens Nixdorf (Germany), Samsung Electronics, and a lot others.

24. Energy

Honored Entrepreneur of Russia

Krotova Elena Vladimirovna

United States total turnover, billion dollars:

growth over the previous year, %

Non-CIS countries trade turnover, bln USD



growth over the previous year, %

Far Abroad

near abroad


growth over the previous year, %

Far Abroad

near abroad

Statistical data show that the share of non-CIS regions in Russia's foreign trade turnover fluctuates somewhat, still amounting to approximately 4/5. In geography Russian export And imports are dominated by these regions, although in different ways: their share in Russia's exports reached 80%, and in imports - almost 70%.

It should be borne in mind that the share of neighboring countries in Russia's purchases of goods abroad in the 90s. increased by about 1.5 times, amounting to 25.9% in 1997 compared to 19.2% in 1991.

Consider the structure of Russian exports and imports (see Table 5.3).

Table 5.3

Structure of Russian exports and imports, %










Great Britain




Great Britain

These tables show that the main trading partners of Russia in the second half of the current decade among the far abroad countries were Germany (traditionally), the USA, Italy and Great Britain; and from among the states of the near abroad - Ukraine (traditionally), Belarus, Kazakhstan.

The expansion of cooperation with the CIS countries is one of the priority areas of foreign trade and foreign economic relations of Russia, which are established at three levels. Most of the CIS countries fulfill their obligations under the Free Trade Agreement, signed on April 15, 1994, and bilateral free trade agreements. Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan signed an Agreement on the establishment of the Customs Union, according to which a single procedure for foreign trade regulation was established. On March 23, 1993, the member countries of the Customs Union signed an agreement on deepening integration in the economic and humanitarian fields. On April 2, 1996, Russia and Belarus signed the Treaty on the Formation of a Community of Two Sovereign States,

The share of the CIS countries accounts for about 1/4 of the total volume of Russia's foreign trade turnover.

By revising commodity structure export and import of goods should highlight its specifics. Consider the features of Russian exports.

The export of the Russian Federation currently retains its focus on raw materials. In terms of value, it is dominated by fuel and energy products, whose share in the total volume of Russian exports in 1997 amounted to 45.6% (in 1996 - 46.2%). For ferrous and non-ferrous metals in the total value of domestic export of goods in 1996 - 1997. accounted for about 15.5%, while machinery, equipment and vehicles in 1996 - 9.4%, and in 1997 - 9.9%. Specific gravity other commodity groups in Russian exports remained at the level of 28.9% in these years.

In Russia's imports, the main items are engineering products (about 30% of total imports), as well as food and raw materials for its production (about 30%). The share of imported chemical products is about 10%, light industry products - about 10%, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and products from them - 3-4%.

The volume of unofficial imports through the channels of the so-called unorganized trade is generally estimated at 40% of the official one, its share in the import of consumer goods is especially large.

Among the negative trends in the development of export-import contracts in modern Russia, the reduction of the Russian presence in many important regional and global commodity markets. Thus, their positions are weakening in the markets of developing, once socialist countries (former CMEA members), as well as in the CIS region. In addition, domestic producers were pushed aside by foreign competitors from the Russian domestic market.

Foreign competitors seek to weaken the country's position in such a specific market as the arms market. According to analytical estimates, the capacity of the world arms market for the period up to the year 2000 should be about 40 billion US dollars annually, and, as expected, it will decrease in the future.

The main reasons for the relatively small share of machinery and equipment in total exports are the decline in their production, low competitiveness, unresolved issues of crediting production and supplies, the backwardness of the production base, long terms development of modern types of equipment, as well as the problem of non-payments, the absence of an insurance system and bank guarantees.

According to the Ministry of Economy, in the first quarter of 1999 Russia's foreign trade turnover (taking into account officially unregistered trade) amounted to $24.2 billion, and decreased by 33.9% compared to the corresponding period of 1998. Russian exports amounted to $15 billion, which is 18.9% less than in the corresponding period of 1998, imports - $9.2 billion (49.2% less). The positive balance of trade in the first quarter of 1999 amounted to $5.8 billion (in the first quarter of 1998 - $0.4 billion)*.

* Financial Russia. - 1999. - No. 19. - P. 6.

The devaluation of the ruble and the breakdown of the Russian banking system led to a sharp reduction in imports. If in August 1998 the decline in imports was, according to the State Customs Committee, 32%, then in September, according to the estimates of the United Financial Group, it was already 50%, and in the fourth quarter - 70% (compared to October-December 1997).

However, along with negative consequences, namely, a sensitive blow to the consumer market, the reduction in imports has its positive sides. In tactical terms, a sharp decline in imports means a decrease in demand for foreign currency (according to the estimates of the United Financial Group, in the amount of $150-200 million per day), which automatically slows down the depreciation of the ruble.

In the long term, the reduction in imports will make it possible to maintain a much smaller than last year, but still positive trade balance, which increases Russia's chances of meeting its external debt obligations, which will amount to $18 billion in 1999 against $9.9 billion in 1998

Data on Russia's foreign trade in 1995-1999. see table. 5.4.

August 14th, 2014

Many believe that if they stop buying Russian gas and oil, this threatens the country with a catastrophe, because we have nothing more to offer. This is not true. In 2013, goods worth $523 billion and services worth $70 billion were exported. In total, Russia received $593 billion from all exports. Of these, crude oil was sold for 174 billion, oil products - for 109 billion, natural gas for 67 billion, liquefied gas for 5 billion. That is, hydrocarbon raw materials and its derivatives were exported for 355 billion dollars, while 238 billion .dollars was received at the expense of other goods.

So what else does Russia export?

Nuclear power.

Rosatom is one of the world leaders in terms of the number of nuclear units being built abroad (16% of the world market for NPP construction services). Russia exports the full cycle of nuclear technologies, from design/consulting to turnkey construction with service, and participates in nuclear projects in China, Iran, India, Finland, Bangladesh, Jordan, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Turkey, Vietnam, Belarus, Ukraine. Agreements were signed for the construction of 20 power units, and the value of the order book reached $74 billion in 2013.

Financial services.

The Russian forex broker Alpari is one of the five largest global forex brokers (according to the Forex Magnates rating) with a turnover of more than 1 trillion. dollars a year. It has branches in the USA, UK, UAE, China. Winner in the nomination "Best Forex Broker in Europe - 2013" and winner of the International Finance Magazine Award.

Freight transportation.

The Volga-Dnepr Group of Companies is the world leader in the segment of super-heavy and oversized air transportation with a turnover of more than $1 billion. It has branches in the USA, Great Britain, Ireland, China.

As of January 1, 2012, Sovcomflot ranked second after the Japanese company Mitsui O.S.K. according to the annual ranking of the top ten world tanker shipping companies by the German Institute for Merchant Shipping and Logistics (Institut fürSeeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik - ISL). Lines (rating based on Clarkson Research Services Tanker Register). English Lloyd's List announced in November 2012 that Sovcomflot was ranked first among the largest tanker carriers in terms of fleet deadweight.

Export Development Services software.

According to a report by RUSSOFT analysts for 2013, the volume of Russian software exports in 2012 amounted to $4.6 billion, of which about half are sales of finished products (see below), and half are services of software developers on order.

Construction abroad.

OAO Mosmetrostroy won a tender and built a hydraulic tunnel 6 meters in diameter and 3.4 km long under the Bosporus in Turkey, and is currently building a subway in Chennai (India) and a high-speed railway line Tel Aviv-Jerusalem.

Space technologies.

Russia is the world leader in the commercial space launch market, putting satellites, cargo and people into orbit. The income from this activity is about 1 billion dollars a year.

Aviation design and consulting.

The Progresstech group of companies is the leader in Eastern Europe in providing intellectual services in the aerospace and air transport industries. More than 1,000 Progresstech engineers provide engineering services for foreign and Russian developers and manufacturers of aviation equipment.

Business analytics and consulting.

"Forecast" - international company headquartered in Perm has already implemented more than 1,500 projects for the implementation of analytical software for 450 customers in more than 70 countries around the world. Among her clients are the IMF, WHO, Coca-Cola, 3M.

Telecommunication services.

FSUE “Space Communications” provides access to the space segment to users from 35 countries and is confidently among the ten largest global satellite communications operators in terms of orbital frequency resource.
Another name is Rostelecom, it is a key executor of several international projects, which play a significant role in the field of traffic transmission between the states of Eurasia. In particular, the company launched the Transit Europe-Asia (TEA) system with throughput up to 3.2 Tbps. This is a reliable, completely terrestrial transcontinental traffic route alternative to submarine cable systems.

Tourist and business trips.

Russia annually receives millions of tourists and business visitors, their service brings in more than 7 billion dollars a year.


The export of products of the metallurgical industry reaches 40 billion dollars, including ferrous and non-ferrous metals in ingots and their products. In a number of positions, Russia is a key exporter in the world - titanium, nickel, aluminum.

Chemical industry.

Russia is the world leader in the production of synthetic rubber, some fertilizers, and chemicals, with annual exports of over $30 billion.

Agriculture and food.

In 2013, the export of agricultural products from Russia amounted to $15 billion. These are mainly cereals - wheat, rice, corn.

Here everything is clear and so. Russia is the world's second largest arms seller after the United States, with $15.7 billion worth of exports in 2013. The accumulated package of orders for today is 40 billion. Among the major buyers are India, China, Algeria, Venezuela, Vietnam, Indonesia. The main sales are in the line of armored vehicles, air defense systems, combat aircraft / helicopters and naval weapons.

heavy engineering
Hydropress supplies forging and pressing equipment to the countries of near and far abroad Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Uzbekistan and in the far abroad countries: India, China, Iran, Mongolia, Poland.
OJSC Transmashholding produces diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, wagons, marine/locomotive diesel engines; products are exported to the CIS countries, Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Syria. Annual volume - 500 million dollars.
URALMASH: heavy cranes, excavators, mining, drilling, metallurgical equipment, which is supplied to 42 countries, including Japan. Korea, India, China, Finland, Germany, Poland, etc.
And these are just a few names.

Severnaya Verf – drilling platform supply vessels for Norway. "Krasnoe Sormovo", "Red Barricades" - Caspian tankers for Kazakhstan, Iran.
Volgograd shipbuilding plant - In 2003-2006. a series of dry cargo ships was built for the Turkish company Palmali. In 2005, the British Royal Society of Ship Engineers recognized the bulk carriers of this project as a unique and significant ship of the year.

The Sukhoi Superjet 100 is a short-haul airliner with 12 aircraft exported to date, with more than 50 firm orders for export. Russian Helicopters is the world's No. In monetary terms - 14% of the entire global helicopter market.

In Russia, there are a number of manufacturers producing telescopes and optics for export - Intes, Interoptic, Astrosib, Lytkarinsky Plant (LZOS).

Instruments, scientific equipment.

As an example, the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics (INF). It is known for its various lines of application systems, from low-dose scanners for medicine and aviation security to industrial accelerators. The bulk of INP's innovative products go abroad. For example, the main customers of more than 180 accelerators supplied by the Institute were the USA, Korea, India, Poland and other countries, more than 40 units were purchased by China. Manufactured and supplied equipment worth over $100 million for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Europe. In 2013, the INP built a synchrotron in the USA.

Boxed software

Kaspersky is anti-virus software. International group of companies headquartered in Moscow and representative offices in the UK, Germany, France, USA, Japan, South Korea, China, the Netherlands, Poland and Romania. The partner network unites over 500 companies in more than 60 countries of the world. It is one of the world's top five developers of software for protecting information from Internet threats.

ABBYY - text recognition programs, translators. The ABBYY group of companies includes 9 international offices in Russia, the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, Taiwan, Ukraine and Cyprus, the high-tech Russian translation agency ABBYY Language Services (Perevedem.ru) and the publishing house ABBYY Press. The head office of ABBYY, located in Moscow, is responsible for developing products and coordinating the activities of the company's offices in other countries.

Machine tools, tools.
SKIF is a manufacturer of cutters with a unique diamond coating, which are used for processing non-ferrous metals. Used by global manufacturers of the aerospace complex.

Electrical engineering.

For example, RUSELPROM. 30% of electrical machines produced by the concern are exported. The most demanded products of RUSELPROM abroad are electric cars for large power facilities, metallurgical companies, machine-building enterprises.


Transaz is a world leader in the production of marine navigation systems and professional simulators for the commercial fleet. 45% of the world market for marine simulators, 35% of the world market for electronic mapping systems. Marine avionics has been successfully used on more than 13,000 commercial vessels worldwide.
Telesystems products are exported to the USA, Great Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Israel, Australia and other countries - these are professional voice recorders, tracking sensors, voting systems, etc.
Solar panels and power systems from the company "Solar Wind" - megawatts of exported products to Europe.
The Zelenograd enterprise Angstrem exports chips to South Korea.


FC "TVEL" carries out export deliveries of nuclear fuel, and also provides services for the conversion and enrichment of uranium.
Power Machines: group machine-building plants and design organizations producing power equipment for hydroelectric power stations, thermal power plants, including turnkey power plants. Exports equipment and services to Egypt, Vietnam, Brazil, Serbia. Mexico, Greece, Argentina, Iran and other countries.

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