Geography 9 cells table of placements mechanical engineering. Geography of mechanical engineering

The buildings 30.06.2020
The buildings

COMPOSITION OF THE MACHINE-BUILDING COMPLEX Machine-tool industry Automotive industry Power and heavy machine-building Shipbuilding Agricultural engineering Transport engineering Tractor-building Machine-building for the defense complex Medical equipment Instrument-making Total 70 industries

Mechanical engineering Transport complex Complex for the production of consumer goods and services Fuel and energy complex Agro-industrial complex Construction complex Structural materials complex Connection of mechanical engineering with other industries

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MACHINE-BUILDING COMPLEX IN THE NATIONAL ECONOMY OF RUSSIA 1. the machine-building complex is 20% of the manufactured products and all workers 2. machine-building creates machines, mechanisms and equipment for industry, agriculture, everyday life, transport.

GEOGRAPHY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Mechanical engineering is developed in all regions of Russia Differences in the development of mechanical engineering are visible in: 1) the unequal level of development of mechanical engineering in different parts of the country 2) a different set of engineering industries and their significance in different territories

COMPLETE A TABLE "LOCATION OF ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES" using the map "engineering of Russia" Engineering industry Factors of location of enterprises Examples of regions and centers Power and heavy engineering Avtomobilestr. Shipbuilding mechanical engineering Aircraft building Electrotechnical mechanical engineering

Creative task Homework (optional): 1. select any of the types of engineering products, find out who the manufacturer is (name the city and which plant), where the raw materials for this production come from. 2. Name the machine-building enterprises (see pictures) of your native city, find out the supply of raw materials and equipment for their work. Where, besides the hometown, the products of these factories go. What else do they produce?

Materials used: 1. Alekseev A.I. Population and economy of Russia. Grade 9 M., Enlightenment, 2010 2. Photomaterials Atlas grade 9 "Population and economy of Russia" M., "Drofa", 2010

slide 2

slide 3

slide 4

Geography of mechanical engineering

slide 5

Is the Volga the main machine-building artery of Russia? Water is the source of life on earth 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5

slide 6

Gorky Automobile Plant is associated with more than 300 enterprises that supply more than 500 types of materials (55% of the cost of a car).

Slide 7

Car brands

  • Slide 8

    Machine building artery of Russia

    Slide 9


  • Slide 10

    Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kazan Aviation Production Association named after S.P. Gorbunov"

    Produces TU-214 aircraft; development of aircraft TU-330, TU-324 overhaul of trolleybus bodies

    slide 11

    OJSC "Kazan Helicopter Plant"

    Produces helicopters: MI-8, MI-17; variants of the MI-17 helicopter: transport, military transport, passenger, cabin, helicopter "Flying Hospital"

    slide 12

    OAO "Kazan Motor-Building Production Association"

    Produces power drives NK-16ST, NK-16-18ST, NK-38ST for gas pumping units; gas pumping units GPA-16 "Volga", AGPU-8 "Volga"; automatic gas distribution stations AGRS "Istok"; hydromechanical transmissions for city buses; products for the aviation industry and agriculture

    slide 13

    Aviation engine products AI-22 - engine for Tu-324, Yak-48 aircraft NK-93 - engine for Tu-204 and Tu-214 aircraft NK-8-2U - engine for Tu-154B aircraft NK-86 - engine for aircraft IL-86 P-800, P-1000 - engine for small aircraft Equipment for transportation and distribution of natural gas Volga" - gas pumping unit AGDS "Istok" - automatic gas distribution station

    Slide 14

    slide 15


    POZIS Plant them. M. Gorky

    slide 16

    By the mid-60s of the 20th century, the economy of the USSR began to lack a fleet of trucks. Even having sharply increased the volume of production of models of that time, it would not have been possible to ensure the necessary growth in cargo turnover. It was necessary to produce a new modern truck with a carrying capacity of 8 to 20 tons. A car capable of dramatically increasing labor productivity in transport, comfortable, powerful, versatile, efficient in any climatic and road conditions. None of the existing automobile plants in the country could perform such a task. KAMAZ

    Slide 17

    KAMAZ BPM-97

    Slide 18

    Racing KAMAZ

  • Slide 19

    Ulyanovsk AZ (UAZ)

    Tractor T-330 Cheboksary Plant of Industrial Tractors

    Slide 20


  • slide 21

    Test on the topic "Machine-building complex of Russia." Purpose: self-control.

    The machine-building complex is a set of industries A) using a variety of machines; B) producing a variety of machines; C) repairing and designing machines. For all branches of engineering, an important placement factor is: A) highly qualified personnel; B) transport routes; C) the consumer.

    Topic: Machine-building complex of Russia. Geography Grade 9

    Target: to form an idea of ​​students about the machine-building complex of Russia.


    Determine the significance and composition of the machine-building complex of Russia;

    To get acquainted with the factors of placement of machine-building activities;

    To study the geography of mechanical engineering;

    To identify the problems and prospects of the machine-building complex of Russia.

    Means of education: computer, atlases, map "Engineering"


    I. Organizing time.

    II. Checking homework.

    III. Learning new material.

    Today we will analyze the Machine-Building Complex. Let's reveal its structure, role, value. Let us dwell in more detail on the factors of location of machine-building enterprises, its features, the problems of modern mechanical engineering and possible ways to solve this problem.

    Lesson plan on the board:

    1. What is a machine-building complex.

    2. Composition, significance and role of the complex.

    3. Placement factors.

    4. Geography of mechanical engineering.

    5. Problems and prospects of the industry.

    At present, our life is filled with a variety of machines. Give an example of the machines that you have at home (TV, car, computer, telephone, microwave, pump, iron). What is, in your opinion, a machine-building complex?

    Machine building complex - This is a set of industries that produce a variety of mechanisms (machines.)

    The composition of the machine-building complex:

    As a result, you can do conclusion : not a single branch of the economy can do without engineering products.

    Instrumentation, electronics, radio engineering - science-intensive engineering
    heavy engineering is also called metal-intensive engineering (metallurgical, power mining equipment). The work on the creation of machines is a very complex matter, the costs of human labor, the costs of materials, raw materials, and energy are high. Most industries are labor-intensive industries (instrument making, electrical engineering, machine tool building, etc.).

    1. Mechanical engineering accounts for 36% of enterprises, 29% of employees, 15% of Russian industrial products.

    2. Engineering products are used everywhere: in industry, agriculture, everyday life, in transport, in the armed forces.

    Placement factors and geography of mechanical engineering .

    Mechanical engineering is developed in all regions of Russia. Where and why should machine-building enterprises be created? Where it is necessary to build a machine-building plant so that it works rhythmically, the products are competitive, and the enterprise is not unprofitable. Therefore, the following placement factors are distinguished:

    1. Science intensity - the latest industries (electronics, aerospace, nuclear industry) rely on the scientific base - research institutes, pilot plants, because are knowledge intensive. The geography of high-tech industries coincides with the largest cities.

    2. Labor intensity - mechanical engineering is divided into labor-intensive and metallurgical labor-intensive (precise), producing products, the manufacture of which requires the cost of skilled labor (instrument making, aircraft building, mechanical engineering, etc.). Labor-intensive industries are located in large cities, where there are educational institutions that train qualified personnel. The centers of labor-intensive engineering are Moscow, Kazan, Samara and other large cities in the European part of Russia, which has a high concentration of population. Metal-intensive (heavy) engineering (metallurgical, energy, mining) requires a lot of metal. Therefore, enterprises are located in the areas of metallurgical bases - in the Urals (Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk).

    3. Specialization and cooperation. Specialization - the production of homogeneous products by the enterprise (carburetor plant, automobile, etc.)

    Cooperation is a production relationship between specialized enterprises that produce jointly defined products.

    4. Transport factor - some engineering enterprises are located next to the consumer, because their products are difficult to transport, so the transport factor is of great importance. For example, marine shipbuilding is located in ports, grain harvesters in the steppe wheat belt - Rostov - on - Don.

    Problems and prospects of the industry

    Mechanical engineering is the leader of the economy, being the leading industry. 40% of all employed in industry work in mechanical engineering. Consider terms, which the industry needs to be a leader in the industry. The main condition for the successful development of mechanical engineering can be represented as a formula 1:2:4, where

    1 is the rate of development of the country's economy;

    2 - 2 times faster for this, mechanical engineering in the country should develop;

    4 - new and latest branches of mechanical engineering (electronics, instrumentation) should develop 4 times faster. For example, in 1990 this ratio was 1:0.98:1

    Therefore, mechanical engineering must solve a series problems:

    1. low rates of development of mechanical engineering, the formula 1:2:4 is not observed;

    2. low rates of product renewal;

    3. low quality of the source material, and as a result of the machines;

    4. obsolete equipment at machine-building plants, outdated technologies for the production of machines.

    5. industry monopoly.

    Ways to solve the problem

      introduction of high customs duties

      adapt to modern technologies, paying attention to the design of machines, convenience.

    Complete the task:

    Fill in the table using the card "engineering of Russia".

    Engineering industry

    Location Factors

    Examples of districts and centers

    Power and heavy engineering




    mechanical engineering

    aircraft industry


    mechanical engineering

    IV. Summing up, homework:& 11, p. 64 Q. 1.2

    Subject lesson project

    Teacher Geography MOU SOSH d. Nizhnie Yuri Markov Ivan Gennadievich.

    Subject: geography

    The level of education : base

    Topic: Geography of mechanical engineering. Automotive.

    Lesson type: lesson learning new material

    Members: 9th grade students

    Target: To continue the formation of knowledge about mechanical engineering and its significance.

    Tasks: Tutorials: strengthening the ability to work with contour maps, the text of the textbook, to acquaint students with the factors affecting the location of engineering enterprises, to identify, describe and explain the features of the location of engineering enterprises, the ability to draw a conclusion.

    Developing: activation of cognitive activity of students, the ability to observe, draw conclusions, the ability to operate with previously acquired knowledge, the ability to choose target and semantic settings for their actions.

    Educational: education of information culture, to continue work on the formation of communicative competence, responsibility for the result of their activities.

    Health saving: prevention of fatigue, visual impairment, posture.

    Planned result:


    Regulatory:the ability to determine and form the goal and objectives in the lesson, work according to the plan, evaluate their activities, make the necessary changes in the course of their work, plan their activities based on the task. The ability to control and evaluate their actions, to make adjustments to their implementation based on the assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors.

    Communicative UUD:listen and understand others, formulate and argue their opinion, the ability to make a joint decision. The ability to express and defend one's point of view, to accept another.

    Cognitive UUD:Independently transform a practical task into a cognitive one; the ability to carry out information search, collection and selection of essential information from various information sources, to show initiative and independence in learning, the ability to use sign-symbolic means to study objects, schemes for solving educational, cognitive and practical problems.

    Item Skills:

    Development of geographical knowledge, cognitive interests, creative results, the ability to conduct an independent search, selection of information, its transformation and transfer of the necessary information on the subject. Experience in applying knowledge in educational activities

    Personal Skills:

    Formation of a responsible attitude to learning, readiness and ability of students for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and cognition.

    Resources: multimedia projector, presentation, paper cars in three colors, emoticons.

    Technological map of a geography lesson

    Stages of the lesson.

    Teacher activity

    Student activities

    Forms of organization of the lesson.


    Definition of needs and motives.

    1.1. Org. moment


    student readiness. Focuses students' attention

    Included in the business rhythm of the lesson.

    Personal: self-determination.

    Communicative: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

    1.2 Motivation for learning activities.

    Coordinate student activities.

    Hello guys, let's check if everything is ready for today's lesson - atlases, notebooks.

    Let's remember which of the branches of engineering we have already studied?

    Motivates students.

    Answer the questions of the teacher, repeat the theory.

    We studied tractor building, agricultural engineering, locomotive building, car building.

    Cognitive: logical - analysis of objects in order to highlight features.

    1.3. Updating knowledge, posing the problem and solving it.

    The topic of the lesson is “Geography of mechanical engineering. Automotive"

    The teacher shows the KAMAZ logo emblem. (Slide 1) The teacher asks a question -:

    Question number 1. what do you guys think, what is it, and how can it be connected with our today's lesson?

    The teacher asks a question:

    Question number 2 - What branch of mechanical engineering has remained unexplored?

    That's right, we haven't studied the automotive industry yet.

    The teacher writes the topic on the board.

    Let's write down the topic of our lesson - "Geography of mechanical engineering. Automotive industry."

    In today's lesson, we will find out what brands of cars and buses are produced in Russia. What factors influenced the location of automobile plants in Russia


    Students answer questions orally

    Answer number 1 is the emblem of the KAMAZ plant.

    verbally answer a question

    Answer number 2 remained unexplored in mechanical engineering - the automotive industry.

    Write the topic in a notebook

    Communicative: expressing one's thoughts, argumentation

    2. Acceptance of educational goals and conditions for their achievement.

    2.1. Organization of cognitive activity.

    Putting forward a hypothesis. Encourage students to put forward a hypothesis.

    (Slide 2). Let's take a look at the map.

    Question number 1 - we find on the map the location of car factories.

    Question number 2 - In what part of Russia are automobile plants located?

    Question number 3 - Why do you think automobile plants are located in the European part of Russia?


    Answer number 1 - Pupils name the cities on the map.

    Answer number 2 - In the European part of Russia.

    Answer No. 3 - There are most transport routes, labor resources and consumer orientation. (There is a demand - there is a supply)

    Regulatory: volitional self-regulation in a situation of difficulty.

    Communicative: expressing one's thoughts, arguing one's opinion.

    Cognitive: independent selection-formulation of a cognitive goal, summing up a sub-concept, setting and formulating a problem.

    2.2 Learning new material

    Let's now take a closer look at each of these plants.

    (presentation Automotive industry of Russia)

    Slide 1 Volzhsky Automobile Plant

    Slide 2,3,4 The teacher shows on slides the models of cars produced by the Volga Automobile Plant

    (2101, concept car, Kalina model)

    Slide number 5 Gorky Automobile Plant.

    The teacher tells a short story

    Slide 6,7,8,910 The teacher shows on slides the models of cars produced by the Gorky Automobile Plant

    Slide №11 Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant.

    The teacher tells a short story

    Slide 12,13,14,15, The teacher shows on the slides the models of cars produced by the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant

    Slide №16 Kama Automobile Plant.

    The teacher tells a short story

    Slide 17,18,19 The teacher shows on slides the models of cars produced by the Kama Automobile Plant

    Slide №20 Ural Automobile Plant.

    The teacher tells a short story

    Slide 21,22,23,24,25 The teacher shows on slides the models of cars produced by the Ural Automobile Plant

    Slide №26 Plant named after Likhachev.

    The teacher tells a short story

    Slide 27,28,29,30,31,32 The teacher shows on slides the models of cars produced by the Likhachev Plant

    Slide No. 33 Izhevsk plant - IZH-Auto.

    The teacher tells a short story

    Slide 34,35,36,37 The teacher shows models produced by the Izhevsk Automobile Plant on slides.

    Slide №38 Automobile plant named after Lenin Komsomol

    The teacher tells a short story

    Slide 39.40 The teacher shows on slides the models produced by the AZLK plant.

    Slide number 41 Pavlovsk bus plant

    The teacher tells a short story

    Slide 42 The teacher shows on slides the models produced by the Pavlovsk Bus Plant

    Slide number 43Kurgan bus plant

    The teacher tells a short story

    Slide 44 The teacher shows on slides the models produced by the Kurgan Bus Plant

    Slide number 45 Likinsky bus plant

    The teacher tells a short story

    Slide 46 The teacher shows on slides the models produced by the Likinsky Bus Plant

    Slide number 47 Plant named after Uritsky.

    The teacher tells a short story

    Slide 48 The teacher shows on the slides the models of trolleybuses produced by the Uritsky Plant

    Slide №49 Serpukhov Automobile Plant

    The teacher tells a short story

    Slide 50, 51 The teacher shows on slides the models produced by the Serpukhov Automobile Plant.

    Viewing a presentation

    Children write down the name and decoding of the VAZ-Volga Automobile Plant in a notebook

    Children write down in a notebook the name and decoding of GAZ-Gorky Automobile Plant

    Students look at slides and models

    Children write down in a notebook the name and decoding of the UAZ-Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant

    Students look at slides and models

    Children write down in a notebook the name and decoding of KamAZ-Kama Automobile Plant

    Students look at slides and models

    Children write down in a notebook the name and decoding Ural - Ural Automobile Plant

    Students look at slides and models

    Children write down the name and decoding of ZiL in a notebook - Likhachev Plant

    Students look at slides and models

    Children write down the name and decoding of IZH in a notebook - Izhevsk Automobile Plant

    Students look at slides and models

    Children write down in a notebook the name and decoding of AZLK - Automobile Plant named after Lenin Komsomol.

    Students look at slides and models

    Children write down the name and decoding of the PAZ in a notebook - Pavlovsk Bus Plant

    Students look at slides

    Children write down in a notebook the name and decoding of KAvZ - Kurgan Bus Plant

    Children write down in a notebook the name and decoding of LIAZ - Likinsky Bus Plant

    The students look at the slides.

    Children write down in a notebook the name and decoding of ZiU - Uritsky Plant

    The students look at the slides.

    Children write down the name and decoding of SeAZ - Serpukhov Automobile Plant in a notebook.

    The students look at the slides.

    Cognitive: analysis, analogy, conscious construction of a speech statement.

    Regulatory: volitional self-regulation in a situation of difficulty.

    Communicative: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

    Cognitive: analysis, analogy, conscious construction of a speech statement.

    Regulatory: volitional self-regulation in a situation of difficulty.

    Communicative: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

    Cognitive: analysis, analogy, conscious construction of a speech statement.

    Regulatory: volitional self-regulation in a situation of difficulty.

    Communicative: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

    Cognitive: analysis, analogy, conscious construction of a speech statement.

    Regulatory: volitional self-regulation in a situation of difficulty.

    Communicative: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

    3. Verification of the accepted hypothesis.

    3.1. Organization

    cognitive activity. Primary fastening. Establishing the correctness and awareness of the study of the topic.

    Identification of gaps in the primary comprehension of the studied material, correction of the identified gaps, ensuring the consolidation in the memory of children of the knowledge and methods of action that they need for independent work on new material

    Physical education minute

    The teacher offers work with the table.Table number 1.

    Determination of the location of factories by brand of cars.

    Each car brand bears the name of the plant in which this car is produced.

    Now by the names of cars you should find out the city in which this car is produced

    Do the task in your notebook on your own.

    Check the solution on the board.

    Communicative: asking questions, proactive cooperation.

    Cognitive: independent selection-formulation of a cognitive goal; logical - formulating a problem, solving a problem, building a logical chain of reasoning;

    Regulatory: planning, forecasting.

    4. Final self-control and self-assessment.

    4.1 Organization of primary control.

    Identification of the quality and level of assimilation of knowledge and methods of action, as well as identification of shortcomings in knowledge and methods of action, establishing the causes of identified shortcomings

    Slide 5.

    The teacher again shows the logo of the KAMAZ plant.

    You already know that KAMAZ cars are produced under such a logo, but do you know the logos of other brands of cars produced in Russia?

    Identification by car brand logo.

    Organizesindependent activity of students, mutual verification.

    Develops the ability to make independent decisions; develops self-control skills.

    (car logos)

    Do the assignments in your notebook on your own.

    Personal: self-determination.

    4.2. Summing up the lesson.

    Give a qualitative assessment of the work of the class and individual students

    Question #1 What topic did we study today?

    Question number 2 What tasks did we set today?

    Question #3 Are our tasks completed?

    Answer No. 1 Automotive industry in Russia.

    Answer #2tasks our today's lesson were: to find out the brands of cars, buses produced in Russia, and factors that influenced the location of automobile plants in the country.

    Answer number 3 yes, because we found out brands of cars produced in Russia,and factors that influenced the location of automobile plants in the country, i.e. there most of the transport routes, labor resources and customer orientation.

    Regulatory: assessment-comprehension of the level and quality of assimilation; control

    4.3 Information about homework.

    Ensuring that children understand the purpose, content and methods of doing homework.

    and complete the task on the contour map - mark the cities - centers of the automotive industry.

    Students write their homework in a diary.

    Regulatory: control, correction, selection and awareness of what has already been learned and what is still to be mastered, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation;

    Personal: self-determination.

    4.4. Reflection.

    Initiate children's reflection on the psycho-emotional state, the motivation of their own activities and interaction with the teacher and other children in the class.

    Guys, thanks for the hard work! And now I propose to evaluate your contribution to achieving the goal and objectives of the lesson.

    If you think you understand the topic of the lesson, then put the red car on the table.

    If you think that you have not mastered the material enough, then put down the blue car.

    If you think you do not understand the topic of the lesson, then the yellow car.

    .(The teacher walks through the rows and looks through)

    We've done a great job. Thank you very much for the lesson!

    Lay out the cars on the table

    Communicative: argumentation of one's opinion.

    Cognitive: reflection on the method and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the processes of the result of activity, an adequate understanding of the reasons for success and failure.

    Machine-building complex. Geography of mechanical engineering. More than one third of Russian enterprises are enterprises of the machine-building complex. In this lesson, we continue to study it. Now we will get acquainted with the geography of mechanical engineering, having considered the factors influencing the location of these enterprises.

    Topic: General characteristics of the Russian economy

    Lesson: Machine-building complex. Geography of mechanical engineering.

    The enterprises of the complex make up more than 1/3 of industrial enterprises. The location of machine-building plants is influenced by many factors. For some branches of engineering, one condition is important, for others - a combination of several.

    1. Branched transport network, i.e. the presence of transport highways is taken into account when placing all branches of engineering. In the last lesson, we talked about specialization and cooperation, without developed transport it is impossible to carry out industrial relations and delivery of products to the consumer.

    2. Enterprises producing equipment for the mining industry, agricultural machinery, machine tools, ships, cars, equipment for the textile industry are located mainly in product consumption areas. For example, shipbuilding is developed in coastal cities and on large rivers (St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod).

    Rice. 1. Plant Red Sormovo

    In large agricultural areas, the equipment is produced that corresponds to their specialization and natural conditions. Combine harvesters in Rostov-on-Don, tractors for timber hauling in Karelia (Petrozavodsk).

    Rice. 2. Combine Don

    3. If the industry consumes a large amount of materials, that is, it is material-intensive, then it is located near the sources of raw materials. For machine-building plants, metal is needed, first of all, such enterprises are built next to metallurgical bases. The high cost of metal per unit of output is called metal intensity. . A lot of metal is needed in the production of mining and oil equipment, in power engineering, and in diesel locomotive building. Many such enterprises are located in the Urals in Yekaterinburg and in Siberia (Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk).

    Rice. 3. Material-intensive industries

    4. Many engineering enterprises are characterized by high labor intensity production process. For example, the production of one loom requires 1000 hours of labor time. Such enterprises are located in areas with a high concentration of population. Taking into account this factor, 25% of the country's machine-building enterprises are located. Labor costs are especially high in machine tool building (Moscow) and instrument making (Voronezh, Penza, Ryazan).

    5. Mechanical engineering determines the level of scientific and technological progress in the economy. Therefore, it is very important to use the achievements of science in production. The placement of enterprises near large scientific centers is determined by their science intensity .

    Science intensity is the cost of science per unit of output.

    Science-intensive industries include instrument making, electronics, electrical engineering, aerospace and nuclear engineering . These enterprises are concentrated in areas where large research institutes and design bureaus are located and in areas with a highly skilled workforce.

    Main areas: Moscow and Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk.

    Rice. 4. Knowledge-intensive industries

    6. Many machine-building plants produce defense products; when placing them, the interests of national security are taken into account , those military-strategic factor.

    7. Mechanical engineering in Russia began to develop in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was then that large machine-building plants appeared in large Russian cities, and the working class was formed. In subsequent years, mechanical engineering developed, became more complicated, new industries appeared. New production, most often, appeared in the already established centers of mechanical engineering, and then transferred to enterprises in other regions. For example, the first turbines for nuclear power plants were built in St. Petersburg, the first nuclear icebreaker was built here, the first tractor and machine tool with numerical software were produced. Now these products are also produced in other regions of Russia. This is an example of the manifestation of another factor - historical .

    Rice. 5. The first nuclear icebreaker was created in St. Petersburg

    Due to the variety of factors and the ubiquity of consumed products, mechanical engineering is developed in all regions of Russia. However, the level of development is not the same.

    1. First, there is a great difference in the level of development between the western and eastern regions. Historically, the main part of production is concentrated in the European part of Russia. Almost 90% of engineering products are produced here.

    Rice. 6. Placement engineering

    2. Second. Even in the European part, mechanical engineering is not equally developed. Three regions (Central Russia, the Urals and the Volga region) provide 70% of Russia's machine-building products.

    3. Thirdly, mechanical engineering is concentrated mainly in large cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod.



    1. Customs E.A. Geography of Russia: economy and regions: Grade 9 textbook for students of educational institutions M. Ventana-Graf. 2011.
    2. Economic and social geography. Fromberg A.E.(2011, 416s.)
    3. Atlas of economic geography Grade 9 from Drofa 2012
    4. Geography. The entire course of the school curriculum in diagrams and tables. (2007, 127p.)
    5. Geography. Student's handbook. Comp. Mayorova T.A. (1996, 576s.)
    6. Crib on economic geography. (To schoolchildren, applicants.) (2003, 96s.)


    1. Gladky Yu.N., Dobroskok V.A., Semenov S.P. Economic Geography of Russia: Textbook - M.: Gardariki, 2000 - 752 pp.: ill.
    2. Rodionova I.A., Textbook on geography. Economic Geography of Russia, M., Moscow Lyceum, 2001. - 189p. :
    3. Smetanin S.I., Konotopov M.V. History of ferrous metallurgy in Russia. Moscow, ed. "Paleotype" 2002
    4. Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Bustard, 2001. - 672 p.: ill., cart.: tsv. incl.

    Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

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