Help: The largest gas suppliers in the EU. Gas mining in Russia: World sales leader is not going to pass positions

Encyclopedia plants 14.10.2019
Encyclopedia plants

The use of natural gas is an important part of the life of a modern person. It warms our houses in winter, gives us the opportunity to prepare food and swim in warm water, with its help transports and large enterprises work. There will be no blue fuel - collapse will come. Despite the huge gas reserves in the world, it is necessary to reasonably and productively use the resource so that many generations after us can also enjoy the benefits of civilization.

Gas reserves in the world (2014)

No matter how many cubic meters of blue fuel contained a planet in their depths, you need to be careful and economical when it is extraction and consumption. The resource is not replenished and in itself is not formed. Therefore, sooner or later it can end.

The exact amount of gas hidden under the layers of the Earth, nobody will call you. But according to certain experts, we can talk about 173 trillions of explored reserves. About 120 trillion is supposedly hidden far away from our eyes, and the person's hand did not get to secret wealth. This blue fuel should be enough for humanity only for 65 years. Where are the largest gas reserves in the world? The table drawn up by experts will help us answer this question.

It should be noted that there are countries with the greatest stocks in the world. This is the USA, Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Germany and other European states.


Our country has the richest deposits of this resource. As shown in the table, the estimated volume of blue fuel ranges from 31 trillion cubic meters to almost 50. In percentage ratio, we own from 24 to 40 percent of all existing gas reserves on Earth.

More than half of the prospective resources of the Russian Federation are located in the western district of Siberia, more than a quarter - on the shelves of Kara and Barents Seas. Part of the forecast deposits is concentrated in the seas of the Far East and the Arctic, as well as in the Asian part of the country. As for the explored, two thirds are hidden in the depths of the Yamalo-Nenets District. Only 10% accumulates to the European part of the Russian Federation. These are the largest gas reserves in the world, which only exist.

Blue fuel is the third largest in the world. In general, it accommodates 16 trillion cubic meters. Carries out the enterprise Gazprom, which supplies a product to many European countries.


The largest stocks of natural gas in the world, except Russia, also has this Islamic Republic. According to general calculations, it is about 16% of the entire resource existing on the planet. The most important deposits are located in the northeast and in the shelf of the Persian Gulf. In the state plans, the construction of the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline.

The explored gas reserves in the world are great, and Iran owns their lion's share. Therefore, it is ready to compete with Russia for the supply of a resource to Europe. The power of the Islamic Republic is going to start blue fuel to the north-west. The route options are many: through Turkey, Syria Iraq or the Caucasus. Although the first alleged branch, the Deputy Minister of Oil and Gas Iran Ali Majda called the most promising.

The construction of the gas pipeline will be completed in 2019. Then the delivery will begin. Turkey will receive 6 billion meters of cubic blue fuel every year, as a transit country, and to Europe will go almost twice as much as the amount of the resource.


A small state that is not every person will find out on a world map, has very large gas reserves. In the world, it is the third in terms of the number of hidden cubic meters of blue fuel in the depths of the Earth. Approximately this is 24-26 trillion m³. Based on the above figures, the country can safely engage in gas production over the next 150 years. There is one of the largest deposits on the planet - the Northern Dome.

Recently, Qatar is looking for opportunities to establish exports to the European Union. Just as for Iran, the best corridors for this state pass through Syria and Turkey. Wearing negotiations with the leadership of these countries about the transit, the Pavar authorities dreamed to compete with Russia and even bypass it in the number of blue fuel transported. And it is quite real. The country is actively producing oil, gas. The reserves in the world of these resources were distributed in such a way that it was on Qatar that the lion's share falls. The cost of deposits on this territory is estimated at 10 trillion dollars, and this is twice as much as the same Iran and Russia, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.


Gas reserves for the countries of the world are located in such a way that this state occupies the fourth place in our rating. And he has every chance of breaking around in the top three, since in 2015 the President of the country of the country Gaganguly Berdimuhamedov gave a task to the government to increase the mining of the resource to 83 billion cubic meters, and exports to 48.

The country actively supplies blue fuel to China, as well as, if it is paradoxically, in Iran and Russia. Now the construction of a new TAPI gas pipeline begins in the state.

In the depths of the giant gas-field deposit in Turkmenistan - Galkenchers are hidden large gas reserves. There are few such places in the world. Its operation began relatively recently - in 2013. Also, the country has large resource deposits near the city of Iolatan, named after this settlement - South Jolotan.


This country primarily has the largest shale gas reserves in the world. It is produced from and consists of a greater degree of their methane. The first commercial well was drilled here in 1821 in New York. Since then, the United States has become one of the leaders in the extraction of this resource on the planet.

The largest gas deposits in the US are in the Gulf of Mexico. These are wells: Red-Hawk, open in 2002, as well as thikonner and Tender-Horse, in both hidden 20 billion cubic meters of gas. At the same time, a real giant since 1965 remains Point-Thompson, which is included in the North Alaska oil and gas pool. Here the subsoil of the earth contains 3 trillion m³. To transport the resource, the country is building a gas pipeline. He spares from Point Thompson to the very coast of the Pacific Ocean, and from there to the heart of America - Washington.

Experts say this deposit can provide 7% of the annual needs of the United States. It is assumed that the gas pipeline will be completed to build in 2018, at the same time its full operation will begin.

Saudi Arabia

There are more than a quarter of the explored oil reserves. In general, the score is about 260 billion barrels. Also, this country is the main regulator of oil prices in the world and the leader of the OPEC.

As for gas, in the next 10 years, the power will double its prey. Export deliveries do not foresee, the resource will only provide the internal needs of the state. At the present time, the largest gas field is Tukhman, located in the center of the desert Rub Al Hali. The initial stock here is estimated at 1 billion cubic meters. The resource lies at a depth of five kilometers.

Saudi Arabia Although he is among the top ten gas giants of the world, but still "feeds" itself mainly due to oil. It is she who owns the largest oil field in the world - Gavar. There are 65% of all the country's oil. For example, in 2006, only 6.5% of the global oil production was raised only in Havar. There is here and deposits of a natural million m³ miner every day.


214 trillion cubic meters are reliable gas reserves. In the world, the Emirates hold in this area a leading position: 4% of all world resource deposits. Mostly minimize him in Abu Dhabi. Under the control of the eponymous company there is 90 percent of state gas reserves.

According to experts, the UAE also occupy 5th place in the world on oil sales. Country - a member of OPEC, oil reserves will be enough for more than 100 years. 66 billion barrels - it is so much the subsoil of this fertile Arab land. Controls the industry as well as the National Company Abu Dhabi.

The United Arab Emirates is the richest country in the world and the leading Economic Center. Since 1970, and until today increased 20 times. The main trading partners are: Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, South Korea and Japan. UAE also an interesting country. She chose an absolute neutrality, both in relation to the West and to her native East.


The reserves of natural gas in the world are great, and part of them owns the Bolivarian Republic. It occupies an honorary eighth place in our ranking of gas giants. Of the 146 trillion cubic pounds, a third is assigned to the category "possible". The state takes part in the development of blue fuel deposits on the shelf along with Rossi, China, Algeria and Malaysia.

In Western Hemisphere, the planets in Venezuela concentrated the largest oil reserves - about 75-80 billion barrels. Although the government declares that these figures are reduced several times. Whatever it was, in Latin America this state number 1 in the production of black gold. It is a member of OPEC and one of the most powerful oil exporters on the planet.

Venezuela is not only a well-known leader exporter of important natural resources, but also claims the first places in the ranking of the most developed and successful countries of Latin America. And this is despite all its conflicts from the United States, border antilles and with neighboring Colombia.


Gas reserves for the countries of the world were distributed in such a way that two African states were also in the top 10 largest gas empires. In the ninth place, we have Nigeria - Power No. 1 on the "black" continent on explored blue fuel reserves. In earthly depths there are about 5 trillion cubic meters of resource. According to his export, Nigeria takes the 7th place in the world, which is also a good result.

It has land and oil deposits. It ranks second after Libya in terms of the number of explored stocks of valuable barrels. But on the volume of exports of black gold in Africa there is no equal. Nigeria is actively selling a resource in Western Europe, USA, India and Brazil. She is an honorary member of OPEC.


The largest gas reserves in the world are located in the depths of this African land. And although the state is only 10th on the list of countries with large deposits of blue fuel, but it is 5th in the ranking of the most productive and active miners of this resource. Experts lead a number of 4.5 trillion m³ - this is the explored gas reserves. In the world, some states can boast of such results.

Most of the deposits of blue fuel in Algeria are a gas free from the caps of oil deposits, or the one in the gas fields. The rest of the resource (about 15%) was dissolved in oil, namely in the main gold-grasoud black gold deposit. The largest gas field is Hassi-RMel, other well-known resource production points - Nezla, Gourd Nus and Undo Numer. Since 1990, until the current days, the explored stocks of blue fuel in Algeria rose twice, which turned out to be the result of active geological work.

As we see, gas reserves on the planet is enough. But this does not relieve us from responsibility for their economical and proper use for the benefit of subsequent generations.

Natural gas is a mineral formed as a result of anaerobic decomposition of organic substances under the influence of high temperature and pressure.

The dead organisms went on the seabed, forming or strong precipitations, which at the expense of geological displacements penetrated the greater depth.

It was there for millions of years that a process was proceeded, in which carbon, part of sedimentary rocks, became part of compounds called hydrocarbons. It .


Natural gas in the conditions of occurring in the depths of the Earth (reservoir conditions) is autonomous clusters or deposits. It is formed in the form of a cap - this is the so-called free gas.

It can also exist in crystalline or dissolved form.

Natural gas is not a homogeneous substance.

Its main part is methane (CH4) - the simplest hydrocarbon (98%). It also includes methane homologs:

  • bhutan (C4H10);
  • propane (C3H8);
  • ethan (C2H6).

and some impurities of the inconspicuous category:

  • helium (not);
  • nitrogen (N2);
  • hydrogen sulfide (H2S);
  • hydrogen (H2);
  • carbon dioxide (CO2).

Natural gas in pure form is deprived of smell and colors. In order to reveal the leakage, a small share of odorants is added to it. Most often, the ethyl mercaptan (sulfur-containing substance) is used for this purpose, which is characterized by a sharp unpleasant smell.

Deposits and stocks

In the post-Soviet territory, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan (Karachaganak deposit) and Turkmenistan possess the largest fields of natural gas.

In the global mining market, Russia's share is more than 20%.

The main places of deposits are concentrated in the Volga-Ural, Timano-Pechora and West Siberian gas and gas provinces, as well as in the Far East and the North Caucasus.

  • Urengoyskoye The field largest reservoir reserves of natural gas ranks second in the world. It is located in the Yamalo-Nenets AO of the Tyumen region. It began to produce gas in 1978.
  • Nakhodka The deposit is located in the Bolshektka Vpadina Yamalo-Nenets JSC. According to experts, gas reserves in this place exceed 275 billion cubic meters. Its development started in 2004.
  • Angaro Lena The field was open at the beginning of the XXI century. Located in the Irkutsk region, near the rivers of the Angara and Lena, according to which he is given name. Natural gas reserves are approximately 1.4 trillion cubic meters.
  • Kovyktinskoye The field is located 450 km north-east of the city of Irkutsk, on a high-altitude plateau, which covers a dark taiga. Climatic conditions in this area are very severe. Part of the territory is in the power of many years of permanent. In addition, a large number of canons complicate the relief of this area. The magnitude of natural gas reserves reaches two trillion cubic meters and 120 million tons of liquid gas condensate.
  • Shtokmansky The gas condensate field is one of the largest in the world. Its discovery occurred in 1988. Location - Central part of the shelf Barents Sea approximately 600 km north-east of Murmansk. The volume of gas reserves is 3.8 trillion cubic meters. Due to the large depth of the gas situation, as well as difficult conditions for the development, production here is not yet conducted. The implementation of the project to receive minerals requires high-tech equipment and considerable costs.

It should also be noted large fields of natural gas in Russia and the CIS countries.

  • Irgimskoye and Morry (Berezovskaya lawy region).
  • Pelachiadinskoye and North Stavropol (Stavropol Territory).
  • Dagestan lights (Dagestan).
  • Bayram-Alilie, Shatlykskoe, Kyzylkum (Central Asia).
  • Ust-Sylginsky and Souldzhinskoye (Vasyugan gas-space).

Other countries

In addition to Russia, Iran (deposits on the Persian Gulf shelf), Saudi Arabia (Gavar deposit), Qatar («« «« Польсоги ростовский)

Gas production in Europe has declined in recent years by almost one third, with a significant increase in prices. Developments are conducted in United Kingdom, Germany, France, Poland, Ukraine, Austria, Romania. In these European countries, there are mainly shale gas, but its prey is expensive and environmentally unsafe.

The United States is ahead of Russia for the extraction of gas, but the process is already noticeable to reduce amounts. America finds new sales markets, it is preparing to export shale gas to Europe.

Methods of production

Natural gas production is carried out by means of wells, by extracting it from depths. During this process, the reservoir pressure in the deposits rhythmically falls, due to the fact that the wells are distributed evenly through the territory of the field. Natural gas fills microscopic emptiness of earthly subsoil.

Natural pressure

They are connected to each other by means of crack-channels, according to which gaseous substances are moved from low pressure at pores with higher, until they are in the well and will not start climbing up.

As part of such natural gas, there are various impurities that are eliminated at gas processing plants or at special stations for subsequent transportation.

From coal mining mines

There are several more mining methods.

Extraction of methane gas from coal mining mines in order to prevent explosion. This fishery is actively practiced in the United States. Gas formation occurs exclusively in the interval between anthracite and brown coal.


Most Ra the method of hydraulic was lost, the principle of which is concluded in the injection of aqueous or air flow through the well.

As a result of such a partition intake, minerals are also destroyed out.

In some countries, this method is prohibited, as it can lead to an earthquake.

Under water

As you know, most large gas deposits are under water. For mining not far from the coastline, inclined wells are built, directed towards water. High piles are installed with a small depth.

To work at the deployers in the depth areas from 100 to 300 meters, floating platforms are used, in the corners of which stabilizing elements like columns are located.

The center is installed drilling rig.

In the area where drilling process will occur, the supports are descended to the bottom followed by a deepening in the ground.

Extremely large depths (up to 3000 meters) semi-submerged platforms are used. They are placed on pontoons and held with 15-ton anchors. The most stable is the gravitational type platforms. Supported columns are constructed from concrete.

They are equipped with not only drilling machines, but also tanks with pipelines in which raw materials are stored.

Technological process

The main equipment for the extraction of natural gas is the rig.

It is a four-necked metal tower, the height of which is from 20 to 30 meters. It is suspended with a thick pipe made of steel with a brown at the bottom end. Its rotation occurs under the action of the rotor. The pipe is lengthened as the depth of the well increases where the special liquid mass is injected so that the destroyed rocks are not scored. This is carried out using a pump through the pipe.

The solution cleans the space between the pipe and the walls of the well, removing limestone and sandstone. The liquid, flushing the destroyed rock, simultaneously contributes to the rotation of the bora. Until the bottom of the well is achieved, the solution is responsible for rotating the turbine attached to the drilling rig. Such an adaptation is called Turbobur.

Advanced mechanism involves the functioning of several turbines planned at the common shaft. Since the extracted gas is in depths under high pressure, it establishes a number of steelces from steel, which control the release and prevent accidents associated with the high speed of its exit.

Storage and transportation

The extracted natural gas is stored in special hermetic, gas-tight tanks.

For liquefied raw materials, special steel tanks that have double walls are intended. They can also be made from durable aluminum alloys. As a rule, there is a non-conductive material between the walls, which prevents heating gas.

The biggest gas storage facilities are created underground. Through the walls are dense mining layers. In order for the breeds not to be destroyed, they are concreted. Storage for liquefied gases can be in the form of deep mining. It is a pit or pit that is hermetically closed with a metal hatch.

The main way of transporting gas is pipeline. Movement is carried out on pipes with a large diameter.

The pressure is 75 atmospheres. It is stably maintained at a certain level due to the presence of compressor stations located at a fixed distance from each other.

Gas transport is also carried out using tankers (gas carriers).

They are transported by liquefied gas during thermobaric conditions. This method implies a number of preparatory processes to use tankers.

To the seashore you need to stretch the gas pipeline, equip the plant for liquefying and build a port.

This transport method is economically justified, especially if the consumer is at a distance of more than 3,000 km from the production point.

The effect of gas-producing systems on the ecology

35% of the total emissions into the atmosphere constitute the waste of stationary sources related to the gas producing system. Of these, only 20% are caught and neutralized. This is a rather low indicator among all industrial industries. The gas transstinal system has a significant maniogenous effect on the environment. It comes to the atmosphere about 70% of all emissions. On gas compressor stations, the following operations are carried out, which are accompanied by the discharge of harmful substances:


Natural gas is widely used as a fuel in private residential buildings and heating apartments, heating water and cooking. It also acts as fuel for boiler houses and machines. Natural gas is one of the best combustible varieties for household and industrial needs. Its main value is that it is environmentally friendly mineral fuel, with a combustion of which a small amount of harmful connections is formed.

The cost of gas production is constantly growing. So, for example, in 2014, in Russia, it increased by 12% over the year.

The recent removal of sanctions with Iran will lead to the emergence of another major seller in the gas market. But without this country there are enough states that mining and exporting natural resources in huge quantities. Let's remember, and what countries are the leaders in mining gas? Under the current world politics, this information is more relevant.

Gas reserves: 4.5 trill. Cube

Algeria takes 10th place in the production of gas in the world. The amount of gas in this North African country is 2.5% of world stocks. And half of this number is mined at the Hassi R'May field, located in the south-east of the country. Such gas producing companies as Total and Shell have been working in this country for decades.
Three plants with 15 production lines are produced by gas production. Two of them are located in the city of Arzev and one in the city of Skequed.

Gas reserves: 5.1 trill. Cube

This country occupies the first place for the extraction of gas on the African continent. Also, it is a member of OPEC. And this is despite the fact that in Nigeria a high level of corruption, political instability, weak economy and poorly developed infrastructure. Nigeria is very dependent on gas, because the profit from its export is 95% of income in the currency. In 2010, Nigeria reached the leaders of the exporter of liquefied gas. After all, the volume of this exported natural resource is 21.9 million tons.

Gas reserves: 5.6 trill. Cube

Gas reserves of this country, holding 8th place in the list of mineral mining leaders, are 2.9% of the world. But most of them, it is associated with oil gas. Most of the deposits are located in Norte de Pario (area north of Trinidad and Tobago). But the gas industry sector in Venezuela is not strongly developed, which holds back its development. The main gas pipelines are in possession of PDVSA GAS.

Gas reserves: 6.1 trill. Cube

Most of the gas reserves of this country are in its capital - Dubai. There are oil fields there, there is a gas reserve "Huff". In 1977, the first plant for the production of liquefied gas was built in the UAE by Adgas. Currently, it is engaged in the processing of natural gas from all the country's oil fields, which occupies 7th place in the list of leaders in the extraction of this mineral.

Gas reserves: 8.2 trill. Cube

All oil and gas fields belong to the only state company in the country - Saudi Aramco. It is a monopolist in this area. In total, more than 70 deposits located in 8 districts of the country are in total in Saudi Arabia. Currently there is an accelerated rate of gas production. This is due to the diversification of the economy. A country that is one of the leaders in the extraction of this natural resource is planned to increase gas to the global market.
As for mixed oil and gas deposits found at the end of the 20th century, they are located on the oil fields of Kirkuk. Clean deposits, constituting 1/5 of all stocks of the country, are located on the Garvar oil field.

Gas reserves: 9.8 trill. Cube

More than half of all gas reserves of this country are located just four states: Texas, Colorado, Wyoming and Oklahoma. Also, about 5% of the mineral is taken from the continental shelf, which is under the jurisdiction of the US government. The main gas producing companies in the middle of the middle of the Gas production leaders are: BP, ExxonMobil.

Gas reserves: 17.5 trill. Cube

Natural gas is an integral part of the economy of Turkmenistan, which is one of the leaders in the extraction of this mineral. After all, its export is the large part of the country's reserves. All gas is mined in one field - Galkynysh. According to experts, there are more than 25 trillion. Cubes.
A few years ago, there was a project for the construction of the Nabucco pipe. But he died in the fault of the government of the country. And he had great hopes for him.

Gas reserves: 24.5 trill. Cube

All the plants for the production of liquefied gas are in the same city of Qatar - Ras Laffan. The first plant was built in 1996, and gas supplies began in a year. Almost 85% of the total volume of gas is supplied to the European, Asian and North American markets. This became possible, thanks to the successful geographical position of the country, which took the bronze rating of states, which are leaders in gas production.

Gas reserves: 32.6 trill. Cube

Gaza exports is the most important part of the Russian economy - the mining leader in this area. Natural resource is mined in Western Siberia (Yamalo-Nenets JSC, Khanty-Mansiysk AO), in the Urals, in the Lower Volga region and in the North Caucasus. Gas reserves make up more than 60% of all Russian resources.
The natural resource is transported according to a single gas supply system and a network of gas pipelines, more than 140 thousand km long.
The gas is a Gazprom monopolist, providing 95% of the natural resource from all production in the country.

Gas reserves: 34 trill. Cube

All deposits are located in the north of the country that occupies the first place for gas production in the world, and on the shelf at the Persian Gulf. Foreign (French, Chinese, Belarusian) investors who came to the country still in the late 90s work on the extraction of natural fossil. True, they stopped their activities at the time when sanctions imposed against Iran, but it seems to return to the market again.
In the plans of the authorities of the country to bring gas production to 1 billion cubic meters / day by 2017. All Iran's reserves make up 18% of the world.

Iran, United Arab Emirates, Russia, Algeria, Venezuela, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iraq and Turkmenistan. What is common in this group of countries? The answer is simple: huge explored reserves of minerals, income from which generously fill national budgets of these states, "Blue Gold" - natural gas.

World Gas Empires. Countries with significant natural gas reserves (EIA \\ Franchexpert © 2012):

№ 1. Russian Federation .

In the post-Soviet space, huge stocks of natural gas have: Russia (Urengoya deposit) and Turkmenistan, and also have significant natural gas fields: Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan (Karachagank deposit).

Russia's share in the global gas production market - more than 18% (1st place), the share of the explored world reserves of natural gas - 25% (of which 95% in the territory of the Arctic). According to the reserves of oil, the position of Russia is modest: 5, 3% of world oil reserves (8-seat on the planet, of which 60% - in the Arctic) .

The Natural Gas Urengoic deposit is the 3rd in the world (general geological reserves - 16 trillion m³ of natural gas).
Location: Yamalo-Nenets JSC of the Tyumen region of the Russian Federation.
Production is carried out by the company Gazprom Mining Urengoy (100% subsidiary of Gazprom Company).

№ 2. Islamic Republic of Iran .

Islamic Republic of Iran. :

More than 16% of world reserves of natural gas. The main fields are located on the shelf of the Persian Gulf and in the north-east of the country;
It is planned to build a gas pipeline "Iran - Pakistan - India" until the end of 2014. Projects suspended in 2012 (under the pressure of the United States and their allies in Europe): gas supply through Ukraine in the EU, the extension of the current gas pipeline (gas supplies to Armenia and Azerbaijan) through Turkey to Greece;
More than 10% of the explored world oil reserves. 2nd place for oil production among OPEC countries. Largest oil supplier to China;
Iran is the largest economy of Asia. In terms of GDP, only China, Japan, India, Turkey, Indonesia and South Korea are inferior to China;
There are limitations of human rights related primarily to religion. For example, in the system of the state system, there is a special body - the Council of Guardianship of the Constitution, which prohibits non-Muslims to occupy the highest state posts, and members of parliament - to draw up bills contrary to Sharia.
According to the Iranian Constitution (Article 13), in addition to Islam, only 3 religions are recognized: Christianity, Judaism and Zoroastrianism. Iran occupies a 2nd place in the world (after China) by the number of death penalty for grave crimes.

№ 3. Qatar .

Qatar - Pearl of the Persian Gulf :

3rd place in the world by natural gas reserves, the world's 6th exporter of natural gas;
major exporter of oil and petroleum products (member of OPEC);
Country number 1 in the world in the "middle income per capita" \\ The richest state in the world;
The form of the Board is an absolute monarchy;
Qatar satellite television - Al-Jazeera - the leading media in the Middle East.

№ 4. Saudi Arabia .

More than 25% of the explored oil reserves (more than 260 billion barrels), 4th place in the reserves of natural gas on Earth;
OPEC leader. The main regulator of world oil prices;
Active defender and lobbyist of Islam's interests around the world. "Country 2 mosques" (two main sacred city of Islamic world Mecca and Medina);
Absolute theocratic monarchy, the state of universal well-being;
is included in the first 10-ki countries of the world according to the volume of financing of the armed forces;
The key ally of the United States in the Middle East and, at the same time, the birthplace of the former leader of the terrorist organization Al-Qaida Osama Bene Laden. Diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and the Vatican were established only in 2007;
The law is prohibited by oral or written discussions of the existing political system, consumption and trade alcohol and drugs. Criminal law is based on Sharia; For theft - cutting off the brush, for the extramarital sexual relations are punishable - punches, for killing, blasphemy and "witchcraft" (the prediction of the future, divination) is the death penalty.

№ 5. Turkmenistan .

Turkmenistan - the world's 5th state in natural gas reserves (according to some estimates - 4th). Possesses the 2nd largest gas field in the world .

About Turkmenistan briefly:

Huge stocks of natural gas (15-20 trillion cubic meters) and oil (1.5-2.0 billion tons) turned Turkmenistan in an important exporter of fuel resources. Main buyers: Ukraine, Poland, Hungary;
The power of the current president of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is absolute. In Turkmenistan, one of the most repressive and authoritarian regimes in the world remains. © "Human Rights Watch";
According to the Freedom Freedom of Press Freedom Index, Turkmenistan is at the end of the list. © "Reporters without borders"

No. 6. United Arab Emirates .

6th place in the world according to the presence of reliable gas reserves (about 4% of world stocks \\ reliable natural gas reserves - more than 214 trill. Cubes. The main places in the extraction of natural gas - Emirate Abu Dhabi: Abu Al-Buhush, Bab, Bu Has, Umm Shaif, Suggage. The National Company Abu Dhabi controls more than 90% of the country's gas reserves;
5th place on reliable oil reserves in the Middle East (No. 1 -Sudov Arabia, No. 2- Iran, No. 3- Iraq, No. 4 - Kuwait, No. 5 -Catar, No. 6 -On);
8 - 10% (according to different estimates) world oil reserves (66 billion barrels, most - Emirate Abu Dhabi). UAE - a member of OPEC and at the current level of oil production of oil reserves of the UAE for more than 100 years! The National Company Abu Dhabi (Adok) controls the country's oil industry. Major oil industry: Emirate Abu Dhabi (Asab, Bab, Bu Hass, Al-Saving), Dubai Emirate (Fallah, Fatech, Margham, Rashid), Emirate Sharjah (Mubarak - not far from Abu Musa Island);
Leading Economic Center of the Middle East and the richest state of the planet. GDP per capita from the 70s. The 20th century is increasing than 20 times! Main trading partners: Japan, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, South Korea. Fish consumption is one of the highest in the world - 140 kg \\ year per capita;
The UAE is included in the group of non-aligned countries and performs with the position of "absolute neutrality" (preservation of "equidistant" from the West and the East).

No. 7. Nigeria .

Nigeria :

1st place in Africa for explored natural gas reserves (more than 5 trillion cubic meters), 7th place in the world - for export volumes;
1st place in Africa in the volume of oil exports (before the state decline in 2011, 1st place was held by Libya), 2nd place in Africa for proven oil reserves (after Libya);
Nigeria is one of the main oil suppliers to Western Europe and an important exporter of crude oil for the United States, Brazil and India. OPEC member;
In terms of population - 7th place in the world and number 1 - in Africa: more than 162 million people;
On the 2nd place in the world by the number of full-length films manufactured (inferior in the number of India, but bypassing the United States).

2012 © EIA Energy Information Administration. Reference To The Source For a Reprint of Materials Required

Natural gas production by the countries of the world (Source - the free encyclopedia of Wikipedia 2006-2011, including using the CIA assessments (USA) published in the World Factbook (The World Factbook):

At the moment, global gas production covers the fifth of the electricity production resources. And the modern industry consumes more than 30% of generated minerals.

Geographical location of gas deposits

Surface gas outputs are confined to mountainous areas. The yield of fossil fuels on the day surface is found as both small bubbles and huge fountains. On soaked water, the ground is easy to notice such small manifestations. Large emissions create mud volcanoes to several hundred meters.

Prior to the industrialization of the world of superficial gas outputs was quite enough. With increasing gas consumption, it became necessary to look for deposits and drill wells. The most voluminous explored stocks of such valuable fossil are located worldwide.

Since the gas refers to sedimentary minerals, its deposits should be sought in mountainous areas, at the bottom of the seas and oceans or on the ground, where the seas located in antiquity.

The first place in terms of gas is occupied by an oil and gas field South Pars / North, which is located in the Persian Gulf. South Pars is in the jurisdiction of Iran, and North - Qatar. Surprisingly huge deposits, despite their very close neighborhood, are separate fields of different ages. Their total volume is estimated in 28 trillion cubic meters of gas.

The following in the list by reserves is the Urengoy oil and gas condensate field located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District of the Russian Federation. The explored reserves of this giant field were 16 trillion cubic meters. Now these deposits are within 10.2 trillion cubic meters.

The third field is Hanesville in the United States. Its volume is 7 trillion m3.

Gas production areas in the world

The greatest reserves of natural fuel are in several locations:

  • Alaska;
  • Mexican Bay (United States of America);
  • Far East of Russia and the region of Western Siberia;
  • barents and Kara Seas shelves;
  • continental shelves of Latin America;
  • south of Turkmenistan;
  • Arabian Peninsula and Iran;
  • water area of \u200b\u200bthe North Sea;
  • Canadian provinces;
  • China.

Gas production leaders

About twenty deposits contain most of the stocks of a natural resource - it is about 1,200 billion cubic meters. Gas generation produce several countries.

Country number 1.

The Russian Federation. Blue fuel resources are about 32.6 trillion cubic meters. Russia owns the nine most common gas deposits in the world. Gas industry is the basis of the Russian economy. More than 60% of reserves fall on deposits in Western Siberia, Volga region, North Caucasus and in the Urals. Gas generating - 642.917 billion m3 per year.

Country number 2.

Iran. Gas resources are 34 trillion cubic meters - this is almost the fifth of world stocks. Gas production (212.796 billion m3 per year) is concentrated in the northern region of the state and on the shelf of the Persian Gulf. International sanctions negatively affected the gas industry. Their cancellation in 2016 allows you to re-increase the volume of gas generation, which makes Iran in the nearest competitor of Russia for the extraction of natural fuel.

The map shows the gas field in Iran

State number 3.

Qatar. Fuel resources - 24.5 trillion cubic meters. The country relatively recently joined the leaders-exports of blue fuel. Gas production, which is 174.057 billion m3 per year, its processing and supply to international markets began in 1995-1997. Liquefied gas is produced only in the city of Ras Laffan. More than 80% of the extracted mineral is sent to export.

Country number 4.

Turkmenistan. Gas deposit reserves make up 17.5 trillion cubic meters. Gas mining takes place in the single country in the country - Galkynsh. Most of the fossil supplied to the European market. In 2006, the state was included in the Nabucco project - gas supplies through the pipeline from the Asian region directly to Europe. But due to regular conflicts in each of the alleged participating countries, the project implementation received a delay. In 2013, Nabucco was closed, and without building. The priority was the transadriatic gas pipeline.

State number 5.

USA. Natural gas reserves are 9.8 trillion cubic meters. Gas mining takes place in the four states of the state: Texas, Oklahoma, Wyoming and Colorado - 729,529. And the blue fuel is mined from the depths of the continental shelf, but its share in the total volumes of the country is small - only 5%. Private companies are engaged in gas production.

Natural fuel mining leaders are:

  • Exxonmobil.
  • Chevron.
  • Phillips 66.

State number 6.

Saudi Arabia. Blue fuel deposits are estimated at 8,200 billion cubic meters. Country leader OPEC. SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COMPANY (or SAUDI ARAMCO) is the only national gas producing enterprise in Saudi Arabia. Gas production occurs in 70 fields - this is 102.380 billion m3 per year. The largest of them is Tukhman, located in the Rub-El Hali desert, whose reserves are assumed at the level of 1 billion m3.

State number 7.

United Arab Emirates. Blue fuel proven reserves at 6100 billion cubic meters. The main volumes are located in Abu Dhabi Emirate (5600 billion m3). And also in Abu Dhabi, the Khuff gas tank in the world is installed in the world. The remaining deposits of hydrocarbons are distributed in Sharjah's Emirates (283 thousand million m3), Dubai (113 thousand million m3), Ras El Highima (34 thousand million m3).

Gas production only with a small excess covers its own state needs. Used in the UAE on electricity generation, in the oil industry. The need for blue fuel is constantly growing due to the permanent increase in the production rate in industry.

From the oil fields "Nizhny Navigation", "Bunduk" and "Um-Shayf" is engaged in the factory of ADGAS. Also, this company is engaged in the export of natural gas. To solve problems with the production of gas, the Dolphin project was created. Dolphin is a network of gas pipelines connecting the UAE and Qatar.

Country number 8.

Venezuela. Reserves are 5,600 billion cubic meters of natural gas, which is almost 3% of world stocks. The main volumes are associated gas with oil. Together with foreign companies, it leads to the development of shelf gas deposits. These projects take part:

  • Rosneft.
  • Gazprom.
  • LUKOIL (RF).
  • Sonatrach (Algeria).
  • Petronas (Malaysia).

Country number 9.

Nigeria. Approximate fuel reserves of 5100 billion m3. The country is a member of OPEC and performs the largest volumes of gas production in Africa. The gas industry is the basis of the country's economy - more than 90% of the currency revenue of the Nigerian budget. At the same time, despite high incomes, the state is very poor due to corruption, poorly developed infrastructure and a weak economy based on the gas industry only.

Country number 10.

Algeria. The explored deposits of fossil 4500 billion cubic meters. After the 90s. The twentieth century thanks to the growth of investments, explored reserves rose twice. The largest deposit is Hass-RMel, hereinafter - Gourd Nus, Nezla, Sunday Numkr. Algerian gas has high quality, minimal impurities and unbound with oil. Hydrocarbon production at 83.296 per year.

Country number 11.

Norway. Three quarters of the deposits of Western Europe are defined in the North Sea water area. Volumes are assumed at the level of 765 billion cubic meters. And also found mineral deposits about 47,700 billion cubic meters on the North Pole. Norwegian companies alone began to produce gas using floating drilling rigs.

Country number 12.

Canada. Most of the produced gas goes to export - 88.29 thousand million m3, and 62.75 thousand million m3 consumes the country itself. The biggest deposits are fixed in the provinces of British Columbia and Albert, as well as on the shelf of the eastern part of the continent near Newfoundland. The main foreign consumer of the Canadian hydrocarbon is the United States. At the moment, the states are connected by a gas pipeline.

State number 13.

China. The PRC is one of the leaders in the production of gas. Most of the volume consumes itself. Only blue fuel comes to international markets. Chinese gas deposits are installed in the South China Sea - the Yachin deposit, the volume of the reserve is 350 billion cubic meters. On land, the most voluminous field was recorded in the Tarim basin, the explored reserves of which are 500 billion cubic meters.

Video: The whole chain of the production and preparation of natural gas

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