Appeal to the Russians. Svidomit's appeal to the Russians: A complete set of cerebral phimosis - notknown5

Plant encyclopedia 20.09.2019

Appeal to the Russians

Russian President Vladimir Putin once said that for him the collapse of the Soviet Union was the biggest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. What he is preparing now is capable of becoming a geopolitical catastrophe of the 21st century.

I'm not sure everyone in Russia understands this.

This man managed to unite around himself a part of Russian society, convincing it that it was about the revival of the greatness and strength of Russia. Well, she really has both greatness and strength - the whole world is delighted with the greatness of the spirit of the creators of her culture. But Putin has no idea where what he is looking for is. Now, in fact, he is preparing for his country the greatness of the tragedy and the force of decline.

I can understand how painful it is for you Russians to look at the map of the country, gaping with offensive voids. All known imperial peoples experienced the same phantom pains. Putin promised you to restore what was lost, and for the most part you recognized it as fair: Georgia was pacified by "compulsion to peace", Ukraine now - by "compulsion to love."

Earlier they paid for Ukraine with sable furs - today, according to the editor's message The Economist Edward Lucas, it costs a little more: $ 5 billion officially, $ 200 for gas and 15 billion in personal bribes to Yanukovych.

I am deeply grateful to those eleven who came out on November 30 to demonstrate on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow in support of the Ukrainian Euromaidan. After all, this is three more people than during the protest demonstration on August 25, 1968 against the introduction of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia.

And there is something very symbolic in the fact that Natalya Gorbanevskaya, a participant in that dissident demonstration, died in Paris on the eve of this demonstration, that is, on November 29, 2013. I believe that on Manezhnaya Square it was the twelfth one - but already invisible.

That historic demonstration saved the honor of Russia back then - can the same handful of people achieve the same result today?

I do not want to believe that in vast Russia, only dozens of people understand that the Ukrainian Euromaidan is anti-Putin, but not anti-Russian. Its participants simply accepted the baton of all European fighters against the dictatorship: "For our and your freedom."

“For yours” is also about you Russians. Yes, Putin poses a huge threat to Ukraine, as he puts it on the brink of division and civil war. But Putin poses no less danger to Russia: with the revived imperial "greatness" it will not pass through the eye of the needle of the future.

In Ukraine, that Russia is now being revived, which, still warm in Novgorod the Great, was suppressed by Tsar Ivan the Terrible with his oprichnina power. This new Russia is an alternative to the Slavic way of life, and Putin fears it in panic. But this is exactly the alternative that can be salutary for Russia as well.

Today the question is not only about whether Ukraine will survive. Today, a choice is being made in Russian society: whether to succumb to the oprichn’s desire to “punish the Ukrainians” or to ward off the Cain’s sin by stopping Putin.

Please make the right choice.

Miroslav Marinovich, former prisoner of the Brezhnev camps

Recently, when you read comments from professional Ukrainians, you are often amazed at the abundance of clichés hammered into their brains by dill propaganda. Sometimes there is a desire to collect all this in one place and go through each item thoroughly, but something always stops, mostly of course banal laziness multiplied by the definition of sin expressed in laughing at sick people.

But then by chance an open letter came to all "Russians" from another patient of the Stepan Bandera clinic. It is so lively written, with groans and sighs, with lamentations (and where is now in Ukraine without them?) And of course, from the heart filled with clichés and myths between the lines of which one reads the eternal "but we are for sho?" ...

I will allow myself to quote it, breaking it down into parts and commenting on it.

For a very long time we tried to maintain normal relations with you, tried, no matter what. We tried, closing our eyes to many things, but believing in the best. For several centuries we have been your shield, defending your southern borders, dying in bloody battles. Ukrainians fought bravely in many wars of the Russian Empire, wars that are absolutely alien to us. Our lives, albeit without our consent, paid for industrialization. We took the first blow of the Reich and bore the brunt of the occupation.

Oh, how I started! Right off the bat! The main thing that strikes in the first lines is that it turns out that the current svidomyatina, which did not deserve any other definition than "stupid sharovarniki" or the honorary status of the "American Six", takes on the right to be responsible for the republic that was part of the Soviet Union some mythical Ukrainians in embroidered shirts, and the Soviet people. The people are united not in terms of a passport or a settler in a shaved confusion, but in terms of equality and brotherhood. Both the flag and the anthem were the same for this people. And if in some magical way, this character would have met with those people who took the blow of the Reich, worked on construction sites in the country, etc. and said that the generation of unknown Svidomites to anyone before the village suddenly took it so simply and declaratively ascribed to itself the merits of the Soviet people, then I believe that the "music" would not play for long in a busy brain.

We provided our gas to the USSR until the discovery and development of Siberian fields. Moscow was also provided, and it never even occurred to us to turn off the valve in winter. Ukrainians, both engineers, geologists and scientists, and ordinary workers, discovered and developed oil and gas fields in the North and Siberia. A huge number of Ukrainians went to build the BAM, plow up virgin lands, build Siberian hydroelectric power plants, mine gold in the Kolyma (not always voluntarily, by the way) and diamonds in Yakutia.

Need to comment, no? :))) What gas, bro? Which valve? Have you tried to close the valve in your brain? Again, who are these strange "we" you mention? Funny mythical characters from the lost kingdom with a pig's nickle instead of a human face? But what about the other "we" from among the single Soviet people, among whom, besides the Ukrainians, were Belarusians, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Russians, Kyrgyz, Armenians, etc., not to mention the hundreds of different nationalities still inhabiting Russia?

For a very long time Donbass was the only supplier of coal, for a long time it smelted the lion's share of steel and pig iron. We received "as a gift" the deserts of Crimea that you burned out and, with the hardest work, turned them into a blooming garden. All four "rocket kings" who created the Soviet space were Ukrainians. Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk residents created the USSR missile shield, and Lviv residents wrote software for Soviet space pride.

Fuck! Have we also burned the Crimea? Camels were probably bred in the "Crimean desert", until svidomites rode on piglets and conjured blooming gardens in the Crimea like in a computer game. Forgive me, kid, but you did not leave me the choice of your "we" read as "svidomity". (Yes! I know the translation of the word "Svidomo", but the world is such that it happens that phones are called "apple" and you can't get away from Newspeak.).
About the "rocket" kings, a separate song, by the way. I will not comment on it for sure, because again you can delve into history and start with how the princes-Ukrainians are born from the holy spirit, with the presence of grandfathers and grandmothers who came from Novgorod and had Scandinavian roots to a heap. Well, there is no way to explain to an embroidered shirt such a mysterious paradox! For an embroidered shirt, a Turkic mustache, forelock and earring in the ear of the Russian prince are a more weighty reason to turn him into a bunch of dill and be proud to shit of a restless kinship.

And what did we get in return? Violation of contracts (starting with Pereyaslavl ...). Russification. Holodomor. The deportation of our people, both under the Soviets and under the Empire. Spitting in the face, contemptuous nicknames - kakly, raguli, svidomity. Jokes that openly mock us. We did not pay attention, we thought - after all, there is no bad nation, there are bad people, and you cannot judge by individual representatives-scumbags, right? And crimes against us are power, they are not the people. This is what we have always thought.

I have a feeling that soon this patient will be able to write texts for the Svidomo analogue of the Comedy Club. :)) The main thing is to pay attention to such a strong monolith of the cranium where the bones are clamped remnants of the semblance of the brain with the embryos of the pituitary gland and cerebellum. Look you! Breach of contracts! :))))) Holodomor and even Russification!

I give a ruble for a hundred that the character did not hear anything about a man named Panteleimon Kulish, who, by the way, gave Svidomo the writing of that crazy mixture of border languages, surzhik, which they call "movoy". And about the "Russification". This is why Ukrainian historians are silent like partisans when they are asked a question about at least one historical document written in Ukrainian (or at least a similar language, excluding, naturally, the Old Russian language)

By the way, I don’t notice any accusations about the Ukrainians Brezhnev, Khrushchev and other significant part of the Politburo, who of course didn’t dig diamonds, they didn’t look for oil in Siberia, but were represented in the government offices of the Moscow Kremlin. The question is why? There is no answer ... The Svidomo thinking template is not designed to answer such a simple question.

But here we, completely brutalized by lawlessness, corruption and bureaucratic arbitrariness, took to our streets and began to overthrow our power. Your commentators threw mud at us, the Russian media openly and blatantly lied. Millions of Russians supported Berkut, which beat students and old women with truncheons. Tens of millions roared with joy when, with the wildest meanness, taking advantage of our problems and the fact that we would never have expected this from you, Crimea was taken away, in which we had invested so much time and effort. Each of our failures in the deployment of troops was greeted with joyful hooting, you responded with an approving hum to the seizure of buildings in the Donbass. But even then, we still believed in the best, and tried to divide you, Russians, into adequate and not.

Here the first lines for the first time hint at glimpses of consciousness. The key word is "brutalized". It's true. Although Svidomo brutalize-like piss hooves. True, then again there is delirium about pouring mud, because it is no longer possible to stain something by default, which has fallen head over heels in shit. Well, especially about "blatantly lied", given the entire quoted text, which is of course an example of crystal honesty and truth! :)) "Berkut", burning in the napalm flakes here, was beating old women jumping on the Maidan with truncheons (who at the same time and part-time "onizhedeti") ... Crimea is again a "blooming garden" Svidomo gardeners - does not count. :)))
But to divide Russians into "adequate" and "no" is from which side to look. We have of course full of inadequate uebanov who, judging by the state of mind, are not far from Svidomites. In general, depending on what to compare. But the images, in my opinion, are beautiful! They "roared", "hooted" ... Beauty! :)

But then outright aggression began, and the murder of our military began. Murder with "hails", tanks, grenade launchers that came from the Russian side of the border. At first, only a few of our soldiers died, then they began to die in hundreds, now the count has gone to thousands. And you, you all, support it. You joyfully and mockingly mock our dead guys, who would still live and live. You will never understand the grief of a mother who, with her last money, bought a bulletproof vest for her son, and then received a funeral. And who doesn't even always have the money for the funeral. You will never understand a father who received zinc with his beloved son. You will never understand the feelings of doctors and nurses who see unhappy people without limbs or with burns on most of the body. You will never understand the grief of a child who has lost his father.

Here you have to get up and take off your hat. And cry more. Yes! It is still necessary to repent and give money for bread.
Just having missed another portion of shit and nonsense, I want to ask: Why the heck did that mother buy a bulletproof vest for her son instead of dissuading him to go to war with his own people? The militias in Donbass do not hide their faces under masks. On hundreds of forums and in social networks, they unanimously confirm that these are their own, Donetsk, Luhansk guys who, by all standards, defend their land from pigs who want to impose their habits and lifestyle on them. Not some mythical "Russians" fighting in Donbass, but the most ordinary citizens of the east of the country which was called Ukraine. Why did the Svidomo soldiers go with weapons where they were not expected? Hence the lost guys. And most importantly, the Internet is replete with screeching svidomyatnyh about "fried Colorades" about "dead separatists" ... It turns out that everyone needs to grieve for the punishers who deliberately came to kill and should not mention the dead fighters of the other side? Well sorry. Dull peasant logic is an unwise choice.

Well, the expected finale!

The feelings that we have for you now cannot be called hatred. It is rather a non-recognition of you by people. They do not hate snakes and cockroaches, they are despised and disdained, destroying them if necessary. You deserve it in full measure. And my advice to you - forget about Ukraine, it will be better for you. Because here, as your "Peter the Great" once predicted, "dragon teeth" have already begun to grow, and they have already half grown. God forbid you to experience them yourself. Little will not seem to you.

You know, kaklik, we have similar feelings for Svidomo. And they cannot be called hatred either. At first there was laughter, teasing over your stupidity and stupidity, then irritation arose because nothing is better than "fuck" and "PTN PNKh" you could not give birth, what to talk about, even if even the Bandera's slogans were ripped off, although I’m not sure what those were smarter than modern Svidomites.

But Peter the First is in quotes and "your" is five again! :)

Well, as for the "teeth", then to the dentist. One hell, sooner or later you will have to remove the dust.

Dear Russian science fiction writers!

This is a letter to all of you: your mouthpiece and conscience Sergei Lukyanenko, your speaker in exile Nikolai Perumov, and all Russian reality creators who are not indifferent to Ukraine, of whom, as I understand it, there are a great many in the vastness of our former common homeland.

I will speak on my own behalf so as not to be reproached for arrogating to myself the right to truth. Who wants to - will subscribe. Who does not want ... His choice. Everything said IMHO.

Dear you mine!

How touchingly you care about our country! How fondly you call it a historical misunderstanding! How sympathetically you send curses in our direction for three generations, accompanying them with accusations of treason!

How have we caused such surges of brotherly love for us? Such a longing to suffocate in a neighbor's arms?

Have we interfered in your internal affairs? Did they prevent you from killing Khodorkovsky? Give time to protesters on Bolotnaya Square?

Collected funds for Navalny? Supported Japan in its desire to take away the Kuril Islands from you? We told you how and on what conditions you need to join SOT? Warned against the creation of the Customs Union? Have you blocked your gas transit to Europe? Blackmailed you with the transit cost? Tell me, do you remember that in our writing community there was such a persecution of a neighboring state - your country? I honestly don't remember.

Tell me, dear colleagues, what do you care if Ukraine wants to enter into association with the EU? Why are you painstakingly repeating the conclusions of committed Russian experts and telling us about the Sodom dangers that lie in wait for us in the West? Where does this wild anal fixation come from in you? Or is the number of non-standard oriented people in Moscow less than in Paris and Berlin?

Your readers and admirers, who have never traveled further than Turkey, happily repeat after you, who have traveled and seen, outright nonsense, and you seem to enjoy forming a distorted picture of the world.

I understand that you are defending your cozy lamp corner, where you are a guru, authors of popular books and scriptwriters of TV series for Channel 1. You need to work out a position, you are in a trend, you are obliged to say what your employers need! And I would justify you if it was about a bun with butter - everyone needs to eat and drink! But I'm afraid you are sincere in your desire to make our country a likeness of yours. And it really scares me.

I loved Russia, its culture, its language very much. I am a native speaker of this language and will never write in another. I live in a Russian-speaking city, my family speaks Russian. But I, my family, my friends speak Ukrainian, read, communicate, watch films and programs in Ukrainian, in general, without focusing on the language. My wife, who grew up in Rybinsk and did not study the language, has not asked me for a long time to translate little-used words and idioms. We have no problem with that. Our children, students of the Russian Lyceum, perfectly use Ukrainian, Russian and English - no one infringes upon them. And only you, like the rabid Ukrainian Nazis (yes, yes, we have rabid ones! We admit it!), Talk about insurmountable language problems. There are problems - it's true. Every country is full of idiots, and idiots are the source of problems. But they are surmountable.

In order to get rid of them, one should not call the Ukrainian language a non-language, one should not assert that it is a distorted Russian. It is not necessary to consider its carriers as selyuk and cattle. After all, any philologist knows that Ukrainian is closer to the group of European Slavic languages ​​than Russian. To do this, it is enough to get acquainted with Old Church Slavonic texts, listen to the same Croats, Slovaks with Czechs and Poles. And stop looking down on us - we are not your little brothers. We, as I began to understand, are not your brothers at all. We are for you communal neighbors who can spit in soup and shit under the door. You stubbornly do not want to recognize our right to independently choose our own path, you are trying to present us as such idiots who must be directed on the right path, kicking in the ass with a boot.

You, gentlemen, have forgotten that we are not your patrimony, not a fragment of your empire, not a misunderstanding, but a separate country.

Mr. Lukyanenko, tell me why you write so much and persistently about Ukraine? Why aren't you trying to help the people of Kazakhstan? You are from there? Give them advice on how to live! Teach, they so need intellectual support! Tell us something good about Mr. Nazarbayev and his family. About dynastic rule and its advantages. On the superiority of the Asian model of development over the European one. They miss you very much. And we, frankly, did not have time to get bored.

You are constantly present in our media space. After all, Ukrainian readers love your books and appreciate your writing talent. But the role of the writer of science fiction novels became uninteresting to you, you wanted another glory. And you decided that you are wise and intelligent enough to teach a whole people how to live. Commendable for a light genre writer, but do you have the moral right to do so? True, you say that this is how you expressed your love and indifference, but after you have vividly and emotionally expressed your love for us for the last three months, I will tell you that we are tired of it.

You hate us for the Maidan, for our internal affairs. You sent us curses for three generations because we threw down our Ukrainian thief, in our capital, at the cost of the blood of our citizens. You called us Nazis and Bandera, accused us of Russophobia, and we were just putting things in order in our country. Or they made a fatal mistake - I don't know yet. But this is our country and we ourselves will figure out what to do. You, gentlemen, Russian writers, have something to deal with at home. Try to come to terms with this.

We are not Nazis, we are not Bandera, we are not skhidnyaks, we are citizens of Ukraine. Speaking Russian or Mov, but wanting good for their country, loving it, having a civic position. Have you heard that every nation has the right to self-determination? Yes, we do not yet have unity, but we will try to unite people around a simple and understandable idea of ​​building a prosperous state. We will find a common language, whatever the cost. I would very much like the Russian media not to interfere with us in our own country, so that the workers of Russian culture deal with their Russian problems and affairs, and not with Ukraine. Because the current escalation of tensions in Crimea and the Southeast is not only the result of an ill-conceived language policy, but also the result of misinformation on the part of Russian TV channels, shameless lies and such dirty propaganda that Goebbels just right to sign up for courses with Kiselev and Solovyov ...

Now about literary matters.

You called us, who support the Maidan, idiots, you said that you would never come to Ukrainian conventions, you forbade translating your books into Ukrainian. This is disappointing - you had a lot of fans among Ukrainian science fiction fans. And, as I understand it, there are many friends in Ukraine. I believe that after the position you have expressed, their number will decrease, although I personally do not consider it correct to consider human qualities in conjunction with writing talents.

You saw in the events in Kiev only a raging crowd, and people on the streets were dying for freedom from bandits and for their ideals. You know, it was full of Russian-speaking people - scientists, students, entrepreneurs. Russian-speaking Ukrainian patriots who could not be stopped by sniper bullets, Berkut clubs, or water cannons. There, no one was interested in the language spoken by our brothers. And the guys from Dnepropetrovsk stood shoulder to shoulder next to the Ivano-Frankivsk guys. It was not for the money of the Washington regional committee that they stood, they stood by a deep inner conviction, although you find it hard to believe. I don't know if we can use the blood-won chance to change our history, but at least we are trying.

Good luck to you, gentlemen, Russian writers! I will not even suggest that the organizers of our conventions declare you "persona non grata", although for the curses and insults that you rained down on us, it would be worth doing. Because you, in your angry incarnation, have shown yourself to be the real enemies of our country.

You are going to prevent our authors from publishing in Russian publishing houses - your right. I doubt any of the sane publishers will follow this advice, but give it a try. I hope that you will tell us about your successes in introducing censorship on a national and ideological basis.

Would you like to see us at conventions in Russia? Use all your influence to ensure that we are not invited there. After all, it was your opinion, as it turned out, that should shape not only the readers' interests, publishing benefits and communication priorities in the fandom, but also the internal politics of a country like Ukraine. Such giants of thought, like you, are subject to everything! Yes, and in the fight for readers and the market - a good reception!

And I want to thank you for the fact that your government and you - loyal fighters of the ideological front - have done more for the growth of self-consciousness in my country than the most notorious nationalists. What was happening in the blogosphere, online publications, on Russian TV and paper media was not even a Sabbath. This is a real aggression, an unfriendly act, an information war, in which you, Sergei, and your associates, have clearly risen from corporal stripes to lieutenant shoulder straps. Interestingly, you did it at the call of your soul or for the money of the "Russian regional committee"? Or is it just imperial habits that are so relevant today in your country?

We have not compiled a black list of the names of your associates, and we will not compile. And what you do is on your conscience. You love Russia and extol its merits - that's good. The bad news is that for you to love your country means trying to humiliate another country. It seems to me that this is unworthy of a writer and a person.

Glory to Ukraine!

Yan Valetov,

Ukrainian Russian-speaking writer,

laureate of Interpresscon-2009, for the novel "No Man's Land"

Laureate of the "Star Bridge" -2009

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