How to find out the date of the wedding by last name. Numerology: how to calculate the wedding date and find a strong family union

Landscape design and layout 16.10.2019
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In this article we will tell you how, using your name and date of birth, calculate the years in which the probability of the wedding is maximally high.

The method is first, simple.

According to Numerology, the human life timeline can be divided into equal periods of time for 9 years. If you have to number the years in the segment, numbers from 1 to 9, then the value of each digit will determine the nature of events awaiting a person in this year.

Let us explain on the example.

Suppose you were born on November 9, 1976 (9/11/1976). And you are interested in whether you have a wedding in 2017. To find out this, you need to count your personal number of year. To do this, replace in the date your year of birth for 2017, and then fold together all the numbers of the received date.

We give a number ( 21) to an unequivocal number and get personal number of year:

We look at the value of the resulting number:

The number of the year 1 - the time of new beginnings, the wedding is possible.

Number of year 2 -Partnerism, good time for the wedding.

The number of years 3 - self-realization, instability, the wedding is undesirable.

The number of the year 4 is stability, favorably for the wedding.

The number of years 5 is change, risk, wedding is possible.

The number of years 6 is harmonious relationship, family, good time for the wedding.

The number of years 7 is "care to itself", solitude, the wedding is undesirable.

The number of years 8 - ambitions, material benefits, the wedding is possible.

The number of the year 9 - summing up, the wedding is possible.

The method is second, accurate.

If the date of birth indicates the possibility of one or another event, then your name can show your true desires. Moreover, the strength and focus of desires may change - in different years you subconsciously either want to marry or not.

For example, consider the name Zakharova Elena Viktorovna. According to the table below, we write numbers that correspond only to the vowel letters of the name, patronymic and surname.

Figure Correspondence Table Public Letters

Calculate the name cycles.

1. Numeric vibrations corresponding to the names of the name will be consistently activated every year since the point of birth. At the same time, the greater the value of the number, the larger period of time it is actively. For example, a unit (letters A and i) is active one year, four (letter E) - four years in a row, seven (letters E and O) - seven years in a row.

2. All vowel letters of the name are activated consistently, starting with the first. With regard to our example, the first six years will be active number 6, corresponding to the first letter E. Then six years will again be active six, corresponding to the second letter E. Next, one year will be active (letter A). Then the new cycle starts, starting with the first letter of the name, and so until the end of life.

First cycle

Next cycle

3. The letters of the surname and patronymic are activated by the same principle, simultaneously with the name. Therefore, in order to determine which internal desires will dominate the right year, it is necessary to calculate individually each of the cycles of the name, surname and middle name from the moment of birth to the desired year. After laying together the number of cycles of the name, name and middle name for the year of interest to us, and then, leading the amount for an unequivocal number, we get the number of desire.

Let's go back to our example. Suppose Elena was born in 1990, and we want to find out if she had a wedding in the period from 2010 to 2020. To do this, make the following table:

Personal number of year

Name cycles

Number of desire

middle name

Predunction period

As we see, in 2011, 2016 and 2020, the number of personal year takes positive (in the sphere of personal relationship): 6.2 and 6, respectively. However, if we look at the meanings of the numbers of the desire of the heart, we will see that only 2016 can be the year of the likely wedding, since it is at this time the internal desires of a person will coincide with the favorable opportunities that fate to him.

If the main thing is your desire "I want to marry" or are you interested in questions when I get married? When I get married? How and where to meet your love? What how many years I will marry (marry)? The age of marriage and year of marriage. Will I be happy in marriage, what is my husband, what a wife, where and how do I get acquainted with your future husband (wife)? When the first marriage is likely, will the second marriage be? How to get married - how to behave to get married? That this free astrological online service by date and time of birth to you. He will answer you for these questions. Also, the online service will tell you what prevents getting married, what will be the marriage, will you have an ideal happy marriage - marriage for love or without love, what life will be married and whether you will get married at all. You will also learn where you can meet a partner, under what circumstances will you meet your love, where you will get acquainted with your future husband (wife).

In this astrological online service "When I marry how to meet my love, how my partner will be and what will be the marriage" The exact time of birth is very important, because Astrological houses are programmed here. And the kupid (the beginning of the house) is very sensitive to time - even by changing the time of birth for a few minutes, the cusp of the house can already change the sign and the description will also change accordingly. If you do not know your birthday at all, then use this service for you meaningless. If you know your birthday approximately within 20 minutes, you can enter the time at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of this time interval, and see how the description and calculation changes.

In Astrological Online Service "When I get married?" Calculated 7 House (Marriage House) Natal Map - Governor 7 Houses, Planets in the 7th House, aspects of the governor of 7 marriage houses, and also designed Venus in a sign and in an astrological house. Marriage age and probable number of marriages on natal map In this astrological online service, it is designed with the help of the movement of a custare of 7 houses regarding the ruler of 7 houses and marriage chains. For women and for men, the calculation of the age of marriage was made separately. The program calculates the age of marriage and lists the most likely time to marry inconsistently (do not pay attention to it). If the program has not issued the age of marriage, then there is a small versatility of marriage.

In this astrological service programmed "Marriage Counter" is the probability of marriage in points. The marriage meter considers all the pros and cons of your natal card in relation to the theme of marriage, i.e. How likely is your marriage. If the value of the counter is minus, then the marriage is the least probable, and the higher the plus value, the most likely marriage for you.

For cities that are located near the polar circle (with a latitude of about 64 degrees), I do not have the opportunity to calculate astrological houses on the Koch system, because At home or can not be built at all, or they differ very much in terms of the magnitude and the astrological interpretation of the planets in homes here does not make sense. The following countries have not yet been programmed in the service: Estonia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine is connected with the transfer of time after the collapse of the USSR, perhaps in the future I will add these countries to service.

This Astrological Online Service Test By date and time of birth. "When I marry and what will be the marriage" free, without SMS and without registration. The advice for all is a good marriage depends on your self-confidence, from your attitude to life and to people. To marry love - you need to love yourself.

Date of birth:
- Number of birth
- Month of birth
- Year of birth

- Time of birth - Enter the local time of the city of the city where you were born. Birth time accuracy is very important! Time is entered in format from 00 to 23.

Place of Birth:

If the list does not have your local settlement, select the most nearest big city to your location.

On the maps of fate and love, you should always pay attention. to the degree of predisposition of man for marriage, as well as the most likely reasons, because of which one or another birthmark makes it difficult to enter into marriage.

Low leaning index for marriage Indicates a good marriage karma and the lack of serious problems for marriage (marriage). High index - On the contrary, it suggests that a person is not inclined to marriage and for certain reasons faces serious problems that impede marital relations. Index 10 is an indicator of the smallest tendency to marriage, and 1 is the greatest. In other words, people with high indices (5 and higher) are not inclined to maintain long-term unions, and people with low indices (below 5) are more prone to marriage.

Considering the relationship in a pair, it is always useful to learn the incident to the marriage of each partner. For example, if you analyze the Union of two people, each of which is a factor of a leaning to marriage is estimated in the figure 5 and higher, then you can almost certainly say that these relationships can hardly lead to marriage. And although each partner can say that ready to marry (marriage), maps tend to show a real picture.

Using the form presented on this page, you can date by date () find out the degree of person's predisposition to marriage (marriage) And the potential reasons that prevent him in marriage.

Leaning to marriage on the maps of fate and love

Date of Birth:



2 - Low index. High leaning to marriage.

3 - Low index. High leaning to marriage.

4 - Low index. High leaning to marriage.


6 - High index. Low leaning to marriage.

7 - High index. Low leaning to marriage.

8 - High index. Low leaning to marriage.

9 - High index. Low leaning to marriage.

10 - High index. Low leaning to marriage.

4-9 - Men bubnic aces have a higher index, i.e. Less prone to marriage than women of this card. As a rule, the index for men varies from 8 to 9, and for women - from 4 to 5.

Factors that impede marriage

This card has no factors that impede marriage.

Effect of energy of numbers 3.

Being under the influence of this energy, a person begins to take boredom in relations with a partner and at the same time it is afraid to notice attention and love. As a rule, such a person or never marry, or constantly concludes short-term unions. Marrying or getting married, after some time this person finds the reason to break the relationship and join new ones.
In such a way, it constantly seems that they get too little attention and love, but instead of realizing this fear and get rid of him, they seek to make as many love partners as possible, so as not to feel lonely and abandoned. At the same time, many of them say that they really want to make marriage, and complain that they constantly come across partners who are not capable of long-term relationships. These people often have love novels with married or married partners, as they do not oblige them to marry.
Such personalities are characterized almost the most serious concerns and fears in terms of personal relationships. Usually they are well developed intelligence, and they are trying to comprehend the love rationally, without going into details of their emotions. They just do not want to admit their fears.


Such people came to our world to express personal freedom ideals and get as much as possible a variety of life experience. Freedom for them is so important that it can be called the meaning of their existence. Therefore, many of them perceive marriage as a prison as a kind of personal freedom limiter and the ability to experience new impressions.
Of course, such personals come into close relationships, which sometimes continue for a long time, but they are trying to avoid all their forces. Often, in this case, these people experience a conflict with themselves, - one part of their souls seeks reliability and sustainability that a long-term union can bring, and the other part is constantly fighting for exemption from any restrictions.

The influence of Saturn / Venus.

These people come to this life with a certain karmic debt in the field of personal relationships. In the past embodiment, they often caused pain and suffering to their partners, being non-permanent and showing them not enough love and respect. As they did not realize that at the same time their partners feel, the past situations returned to them, but this time they themselves were in the role of the sacrifice.
Such people in youth often face very unsuccessful love relationships, experiencing many sufferings in them. The experienced pain and disappointment may be so strong that they decide to completely abandon the emotional side of life and strive for anyone else to allow them to be so close so that he gets the opportunity to somehow hurt or touch them at least.
However, such behavior these people deprive themselves a chance for love and happiness. They can still enter into love relationships, but at the same time they are Merret's emotionally: love no longer brings them a real joy or pain. Marriage for them does not matter, and most of their love unions are empty and superficial.

The influence of Neptune.

Such people relate to love, as an excellent magic fairy tale. They consider this feeling of panacea from all their problems and are confident that as soon as they manage to find a suitable partner, in their life everything will immediately become good. At the subconscious level, these people often consider themselves as the Savior of other unfortunate souls suffering from without love and attention. They strive for themselves to avoid situations in which they could cause someone pain.
Often, these people attract the weak, soulfully broken or "lowered" partners - chronic losers, alcoholics, drug addicts, etc. They seek to heal and transform someone their care and love without taking into account their personal needs and desires. However, those whom they love and who want to change and heal, for some reason most often change to change. So there are severe relationship of interdependence, and people who are influenced by Neptune, only spending strength and time. When they manage to find a person close, from their point of view, to the ideal, they completely lose their heads and become extremely vulnerable in relations with him.
These personalities can sooner or later be emotionally close to save themselves from extra suffering. Sometimes Neptune's energy manifests itself in the fact that the ideals of a person in love are so high that finding a partner corresponding to them becomes almost impossible.

Influence of pride.

These people always seek to produce a profitable impression. They are very proud and do not want to be in a humiliating situation for themselves. In particular, they are afraid at least to show their own fear of loneliness or vital instability, so they will never show their vulnerability or dependency to the partner. They can help their partner, but receive help from him and participate in response, especially if you have to ask about it. All this leads to the fact that openness and free communication in love for such people becomes impossible.

Influence of power.

Such people are endowed with magnetism, charm and charisma, thanks to which they easily find new love partners. Therefore, if their existing relationships begin to create any problems, they easily enter into a new union. This is especially probably in the case when the problems arising somehow relate to their own flaws or weaknesses. The fact is that these people in all difficulties tend to blame anyone, but not only themselves. Therefore, they do not consider it necessary to seriously understand in relationships, but prefer to simply replace the partner.

Each woman at least once in his life necessarily wondered. To the question "When will I marry?" Very easy to answer by date of birth.

There are people who prefer to learn about the future with the help of various ghosts and will take. For those who have a more accurate warehouse of the mind and mathematical abilities, scientific methods of numerology and astrology will be more informative. Both of these sciences give information about individual cycles and rhythms that affect the fate and the life of every person. If astrological calculations require the skills of reading a birthday and the ability to interpret the astronivol, the art of numerology implies the simplest arithmetic calculations and accessible to everyone.

Numerology based on the knowledge of the individual properties of the numbers, their nature and energy can be used for practical purposes. She can suggest when a long-awaited acquaintance will occur and marriage will be concluded.

Numerology allows you to calculate a year suitable for marriage. This method is suitable for both girls who are in finding their second half and those who are in serious relationships and dreams of a magnificent event - a wedding.

In order to make the calculation, you need to write down all the numbers that form a date of birth. If, for example, the future bride was born on May 13, 1987 (05/13/1987), then after the addition of numbers 1 + 3 + 0 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7, the number 34 is obtained. Next, it is necessary to bring it into a unique look, repeating the procedure Additions: 3 + 4 \u003d 7. The seven is a digit that will indicate the year of marriage. Using the key, you can decipher it.

  • Unit It suggests that the number of marriage will correspond to odd numbers - 1, 5 and 7 and even number - 4.
  • Digit "2" Spends on the happy year of marriage, corresponding to even numbers - 6 and 8 and odd numbers - 1 and 5.
  • If when calculating came out troika, then you need to focus on odd numbers - 3, 7 and 9 and even number - 6.
  • Figure "4" Indicates favorable even numbers - 4 and 8 and odd numbers - 1 and 7.
  • Digit "5" It suggests that favorable numbers for marriage will be odd - 5, 7 and 9 and even number - 2.
  • If dropped six, then the wedding will correspond an even number - 6 and odd - 1, 3 and 9.
  • Digit "7" Draws attention to the wedding years, which are under the auspices of an odd number - 1 and even - 2, 4 and 8.
  • Eight He advises to navigate for years, corresponding to even numbers - 2, 4 and 8 and an odd number - 1.
  • Digit "9" Spends for years of marriage, corresponding to an odd number - 1 and even numbers - 2, 6 and 8.

Next you need to choose a year corresponding to the dropout numbers. He will be the most successful for marriage. For example, 2017 corresponds to unity, since (2 + 0 + 1 + 7 \u003d 10 \u003d 1). The key contains information that the year of marriage, corresponding to the number 1, is suitable for a woman - seven born on May 13, 1987.

How to calculate the month of the wedding

The month of the wedding is very easy to choose, you need to take the month of your birth and count the third, fourth, sixth, ninth and tenth months of the month. For a person who was born in April, February, July, August, October and January, suitable for the wedding months.

Comparing the resulting bride data with the results of the groom, you can make a choice in favor of the month, ideally suitable for both newlyweds.

The choice of the date of the wedding can be done, pushing out from the date of the birth of the bride and groom, or you can analyze every day of the month chosen for marriage and determine the most favorable date.

  • Selection of the date of the wedding to the dates of the birth of partners

Wedding is a very important event concerning both partners, therefore, when determining the date of marriage, individual numbers of both newlyweds are important. Let an individual number of the girl be a seven (she was born 05/13/1987), it remains to calculate the number of fate of a man. He was born on 12.02.1985, and, accordingly, his individual number would be a unit (1 + 2 + 0 + 2 +1 + 9 + 8 + 5 \u003d 28 \u003d 10 \u003d 1).

Next, you should add the numbers of both partners: 7 + 1 \u003d 8. Thus, the favorable number for the wedding event will be 8. Of course, the choice should not be reduced to one date, so you can find a second favorable number of the month, conducting a subtraction of the result from the total The number of days in this month. For example, if in February of this year 28 days, then the second favorable date will be February 20 (28 - 8 \u003d 20), and if we are talking about February of the leap year, then February 21 (29 - 8 \u003d 21).

  • Selection of favorable wedding dates

Sometimes the life of the groom and the bride add up in such a way that the date of marriage must be chosen at a certain week. In this case, the descriptive method for determining the date of marriage is suitable. On the week you need to choose a date, for example, 12.12.2017, and carry out a simple operation of addition: 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 \u003d 16 \u003d 7. Then, focusing on the descriptions below, you need to decide whether it is suitable This date for marriage.

Magic values \u200b\u200bof numbers for the date of marriage

  • 1 is the number favorably for any undertakings. When concluding marriage on this day, the Union will be very promising. Career aspirations of both spouses and joint cases will play an important role in the Union.
  • 2 - excellent day, underlining the importance of the topic of partnership, cooperation and mutual understanding.
  • 3 - marriage under the auspices of this number is likely to be long and happy because they will unite three periods of partners: youth, maturity and old age.
  • 4 - number of material achievements. The union will be stable, strong and prosperous both in spiritual and in the material plan.
  • 5 - This number symbolizes love, joy and adventure. It is perfect for fun and a little crazy pair.
  • 6 is a very mystical number. Here it is impossible to be unsure of marriage. Any doubt in a partner and insecurity in the future family happiness will affect the fate of relationships.
  • 7 - This number promises a harmonious union based on the entry of hearts and the desire to jointly develop in the creative direction.
  • 8 - If the wedding is passed under this number, it will not only be a cheerful and festive event, but also will pay off.
  • 9 - This figure indicates the durability of the Union.

So, every girl can with the help of simple answer to the cherished question: "When will I marry?". By date of birth, it is possible to obtain comprehensive information about when this is the most beautiful event in life and how to make the wedding event favorably and left the magical impressions of life.

Each woman at least once in his life necessarily wondered. To the question "When will I marry?" Very easy to answer by date of birth.

There are people who prefer to learn about the future with the help of various ghosts and will take. For those who have a more accurate warehouse of the mind and mathematical abilities, scientific methods of numerology and astrology will be more informative. Both of these sciences give information about individual cycles and rhythms that affect the fate and the life of every person. If astrological calculations require the skills of reading a birthday and the ability to interpret the astronivol, the art of numerology implies the simplest arithmetic calculations and accessible to everyone.

Numerology based on the knowledge of the individual properties of the numbers, their nature and energy can be used for practical purposes. She can suggest when a long-awaited acquaintance will occur and marriage will be concluded.

Numerology allows you to calculate a year suitable for marriage. This method is suitable for both girls who are in finding their second half and those who are in serious relationships and dreams of a magnificent event - a wedding.

In order to make the calculation, you need to write down all the numbers that form a date of birth. If, for example, the future bride was born on May 13, 1987 (05/13/1987), then after the addition of numbers 1 + 3 + 0 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7, the number 34 is obtained. Next, it is necessary to bring it into a unique look, repeating the procedure Additions: 3 + 4 \u003d 7. The seven is a digit that will indicate the year of marriage. Using the key, you can decipher it.

  • Unit It suggests that the number of marriage will correspond to odd numbers - 1, 5 and 7 and even number - 4.
  • Digit "2" Spends on the happy year of marriage, corresponding to even numbers - 6 and 8 and odd numbers - 1 and 5.
  • If when calculating came out troika, then you need to focus on odd numbers - 3, 7 and 9 and even number - 6.
  • Figure "4" Indicates favorable even numbers - 4 and 8 and odd numbers - 1 and 7.
  • Digit "5" It suggests that favorable numbers for marriage will be odd - 5, 7 and 9 and even number - 2.
  • If dropped six, then the wedding will correspond an even number - 6 and odd - 1, 3 and 9.
  • Digit "7" Draws attention to the wedding years, which are under the auspices of an odd number - 1 and even - 2, 4 and 8.
  • Eight He advises to navigate for years, corresponding to even numbers - 2, 4 and 8 and an odd number - 1.
  • Digit "9" Spends for years of marriage, corresponding to an odd number - 1 and even numbers - 2, 6 and 8.

Next you need to choose a year corresponding to the dropout numbers. He will be the most successful for marriage. For example, 2017 corresponds to unity, since (2 + 0 + 1 + 7 \u003d 10 \u003d 1). The key contains information that the year of marriage, corresponding to the number 1, is suitable for a woman - seven born on May 13, 1987.

How to calculate the month of the wedding

The month of the wedding is very easy to choose, you need to take the month of your birth and count the third, fourth, sixth, ninth and tenth months of the month. For a person who was born in April, February, July, August, October and January, suitable for the wedding months.

Comparing the resulting bride data with the results of the groom, you can make a choice in favor of the month, ideally suitable for both newlyweds.

The choice of the date of the wedding can be done, pushing out from the date of the birth of the bride and groom, or you can analyze every day of the month chosen for marriage and determine the most favorable date.

  • Selection of the date of the wedding to the dates of the birth of partners

Wedding is a very important event concerning both partners, therefore, when determining the date of marriage, individual numbers of both newlyweds are important. Let an individual number of the girl be a seven (she was born 05/13/1987), it remains to calculate the number of fate of a man. He was born on 12.02.1985, and, accordingly, his individual number would be a unit (1 + 2 + 0 + 2 +1 + 9 + 8 + 5 \u003d 28 \u003d 10 \u003d 1).

Next, you should add the numbers of both partners: 7 + 1 \u003d 8. Thus, the favorable number for the wedding event will be 8. Of course, the choice should not be reduced to one date, so you can find a second favorable number of the month, conducting a subtraction of the result from the total The number of days in this month. For example, if in February of this year 28 days, then the second favorable date will be February 20 (28 - 8 \u003d 20), and if we are talking about February of the leap year, then February 21 (29 - 8 \u003d 21).

  • Selection of favorable wedding dates

Sometimes the life of the groom and the bride add up in such a way that the date of marriage must be chosen at a certain week. In this case, the descriptive method for determining the date of marriage is suitable. On the week you need to choose a date, for example, 12.12.2017, and carry out a simple operation of addition: 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 \u003d 16 \u003d 7. Then, focusing on the descriptions below, you need to decide whether it is suitable This date for marriage.

Magic values \u200b\u200bof numbers for the date of marriage

  • 1 is the number favorably for any undertakings. When concluding marriage on this day, the Union will be very promising. Career aspirations of both spouses and joint cases will play an important role in the Union.
  • 2 - excellent day, underlining the importance of the topic of partnership, cooperation and mutual understanding.
  • 3 - marriage under the auspices of this number is likely to be long and happy because they will unite three periods of partners: youth, maturity and old age.
  • 4 - number of material achievements. The union will be stable, strong and prosperous both in spiritual and in the material plan.
  • 5 - This number symbolizes love, joy and adventure. It is perfect for fun and a little crazy pair.
  • 6 is a very mystical number. Here it is impossible to be unsure of marriage. Any doubt in a partner and insecurity in the future family happiness will affect the fate of relationships.
  • 7 - This number promises a harmonious union based on the entry of hearts and the desire to jointly develop in the creative direction.
  • 8 - If the wedding is passed under this number, it will not only be a cheerful and festive event, but also will pay off.
  • 9 - This figure indicates the durability of the Union.

So, every girl can with the help of simple answer to the cherished question: "When will I marry?". By date of birth, it is possible to obtain comprehensive information about when this is the most beautiful event in life and how to make the wedding event favorably and left the magical impressions of life.

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