Coco plays new series in minecraft. Minecraft games

Decor elements 03.07.2020
Decor elements

When entering the world of minecraft, the gamer gets access to the basic character. This is Steve. It has minimal skills, but it can be pumped to a steep hero or replace to a stronger version. Depending on which one will choose Steve mode of passing, it will get the opportunity to create, build, walk, fly, fight.

The project provides 4 main modes:

  1. Survival. Requires the extraction and rational use of resources - to combat monsters, hunger, current hazards.
  2. Creation. It allows you to craft, as well as unlimited use blocks to change the existing world. The hero is immortal.
  3. Adventures. It offers to travel by cards, requires basic survival knowledge. Destruction of blocks is performed only by the appropriate tools for this.
  4. Hardcore. The game "Adult" - with the death of the character, the entire gaming world is immediately erased from the memory. It is impossible to restore the hero.

Playing minecraft - just and interesting!

The site contains the best free games for online games. Top is headed:

  • "Paper Minecraft" is a two-dimensional project in which even more content, dungeons, blocks, cards.
  • "Orion Sandbox" is the game in the style of minecraft, where the action takes place on another planet.
  • "Mine Blocks" is a difficult two-dimensional game for the extraction of resources and the development of the world. Resources are in mines, and you can only get them with the help of special tools.

With each version and development of gamers, all new features, skins, mods, cards, which makes the Universe cooler and more interesting.

Hello, dear readers!

Lee Yakokka is a brilliant manager whose name is invariably associated with the American automotive industry. After all, whether 32 years worked in Ford, having passed the way from the engineer to the director, and after the dismissal saved from the bankruptcy "Chrysler".

How did he manage to become one of the best managers and what is the secret of his success?

9 secrets of Success Lee Yakokki

1. Father is the best example and permanent support.. Li Yakokki Father was an Italian emigrant, which arrived in America to exercise his dreams. And he carried out a classic American dream, creating several businesses and a pretty decent state.

And he brought up one of America's best managers in the twentieth century. They and her son had a very strain relationship and his father was always rejoiced by the successes more than he himself.

It was the father in many respects determined the further life path of Lee Yakokki, teaching it and giving useful tips:

Obviously, it was his father who puts the instinct of a merchant in me.

Father always put two rules in my head: first, I never understand the capital-intensive business, as it will end in the fact that you get to the paws of bankers (I should have listened else to this advice); Secondly, when difficult times come, do the restaurant business, because, no matter how bad things go, people should eat.

As soon as difficult times came for our family, it was the father who did not give us a spirit. Whatever happened, he invariably turned out to be with us and supported us a good mood.

He also taught his son and working with staff:

If we faced a rough waitress in the restaurant, he after the end of the food taught it and turned to her with an ordinary brief instruction. "I want to give you the most reliable advice," he said. - Why do you perceive your work so gloomily? Does anyone forced you to work as a waitress? When you have such a sullen look, everyone creates the impression that you do not like your lesson. We came here to have fun, and you all spoiled. If you really want to be a waitress, you need to work so to become the best waitress in the world. Otherwise, you should look for another profession. "

In his own restaurants, he immediately dismissed the employee, roughly bypassed with the client. Father explained him: "No matter how good you are, but here you are not a place, as you scare your customers."

2. Work from childhood. Almost every success story contains this item :). And not in vain, because work gives a tremendous experience and is very developing business thinking.

Lee Yakokka did not exception:

When I was ten years old, one of the first supermarkets in the country was opened in Allentaun. After school classes and Sundays, my friendships and I looked around with red carts from his doors, like a taxi queue at hotels. When buyers went out, we suggested them for a small fee to bring their bags to the house.

Already being a teenager, I worked on Sundays in a fruit-vegetable shop that belonged to the Greek Jimmy Critisi. I got up to dawn to have time to get to the wholesale market and deliver goods to the shop. Critisa paid me two dollars a day plus such a number of fruits and vegetables, which I could do with the house after a 16-hour working day.

3. The crisis is not only a fall, but also a lesson.When Great Depression broke out in America (1929), whether it was only 5 years old. The Code of his father in 1931 lost his whole state (by this time he had several of its enterprises and shares in others), Lie, who was only 7 years old understood the whole severity of the current situation. It left an indelible trace of his consciousness.

Regardless of my financial position, the thought of the crisis has never left me. And today I hate the wasting. When wide ties included in the fashion instead of narrow, I kept all my old ties, until the fashion came back again. I am infuriated when the bread or half of the bifhtex is thrown into the urn.

4. Never fall in spirit. Father taught whether to constantly hope for the best and maintain a good mood. It was this way throughout his life supported Yakokku, especially when Chrysler was on the grain of bankruptcy.

In those days I kept prudence, remembering his [father] favorite saying: "Now everything looks bad, but remember that it will pass."

5. Find time for entertainment and enjoy life. Whether he learned this father too:

Father constantly reminded me that life should be enjoyed, and he himself followed this teaching himself. No matter how much he had to work, he always highlighted the time for entertainment.

6. Being the best and constantly develop. Such a desire originated still in high school and then it became one of the main factors of his life success.

I considered a good student for myself important, but it was not enough for me. I am devoted a lot of time in excess of the curriculum. In high school, I was actively involved in the dramatic studio and the discussion club.

The official training course can give a lot of knowledge, but a number of vital skills are obliged to develop at home.

7. Discipline and perseverance. It is difficult for you to refuse to view your favorite TV series and read the useful book instead? But since childhood he learned himself to discipline:

... When I entered the university, I already knew how to focus and hard to work on the literature, turning off the radio and not giving himself to distract with anything else. I usually told myself: "For the next three hours I will work with all my might. And only after three hours I will leave this business and go to the movies. " To succeed in business, as, however, and almost every other, the most important thing is to be able to focus and rationally use the time.

8. Plan your day correctly and. Lee Yakokka still at the beginning of his career realized that it was necessary to work well and relax.

After graduating from the university, I always worked hard all week and tried to release a weekend for family and rest. With the exception of emergency circumstances, I never worked on Friday night, on Saturday and Sunday. To reiterate himself in a working condition, I am in Sunday evening invariably threw myself a plan of those affairs, which intended to fulfill on the coming week.

I am always striking how many people are not able to strictly follow their own routine of the day. Often managers, referring to me, reported with pride: "Listen, last year I worked so much that I didn't even take advantage of the holidays." There is nothing to be proud here. I always wanted to answer: "Well, you are a fool! You want to convince me that it is able to be responsible for the object worth 80 million dollars, whereid you can not allocate for a year two weeks and go somewhere with family and have a little fun? "

9. To be able to express priorities. Lee Yakokka mastered it in college, which, in his opinion, was one of the main reasons for his success:

The one who wants with a specialist in solving any tasks in business should first learn to determine priorities of course, the time scale in business and college is different. In college I had to estimate what I could do in one evening. In business, this scale can vary from three months to three years. My experience testifies that if it is rather early in the life path, do not master such rational thinking, then it is later practically impossible. The ability to determine priority affairs and the ability to properly distribute your time - these are not as qualities that can be in common in the Harvard School of Business.

Of course, it is not all the secrets of Lee Yakokki success. But we, perhaps, let's stop at this not to overload you with information. Already one of this list is enough to study for a few closest weeks, and perhaps months.

If this is not enough to you, then be sure to read the autobiography of Lee Yakokki "Career Manager". Reading it, I want to quote almost every offer. We are sure that you will like it.

And be sure to look at Li Yakokki quotes on our new project "Golden Quotes". A few more dozen wise thoughts for reflection and inspiration you are guaranteed.

» Chococraft MOD 1.12.2 / 1.7.10 (Chocobos from Final Fantasy)

Chococraft MOD 1.12.2 / 1.7.10 (Chocobos from Final Fantasy)

Chococraft MOD 1.12.2 / 1.7.10 Adds a Mob Called Chocobo from the Final Fantasy Series to Minecraft. This Includes Different Coloured Mob Types with Different Attributes in their Grown-Up and Juvenile Form. There Are 9 Types Each with their Own Color and Abilities. They Can Be Tamed With Gysahl Greens And Will Breed Just Like Other Animals in The Game.

They Can Be Found in Mountains, Plains and Forest Biomes But Special Types Can Only Be Bred Into The Game. White Ones Are Super Fast and Can Cross Water; GOLD, PINK OR RED ONES CAN FLY AND CLIMB AND ARE ALSO THE FASTEST; And Purple ONES ARE ONLY FOUND IN THE NETHER OR END AND CAN FLY, CROSS LAVA, WON'T TAKE FALL DAMAGE AND ARE OVERALL IMMUNE TO FIRE. There Are Also a Few Variations in Between.



  • CHOCOBOS SPAWN IN NEARLY ALL BIOMES OF VANILLA AND EXTRABIOMESXL. A Complete List Can Be Found in the Chococraft Config File.
  • It May Be Safe to Assume That Spawnable Locations for Chocobos, Though This Requires More Research.
  • CHOCOBOS ARE PASSIVE MOBS. If Attacked, They Will Run and Try to Hide From You.
  • There Are 9 Different Colors of Chocobo: Yellow, Blue, Green, White, Black, Gold, Red, Pink, and Purple.
  • Yellow Is The Only Chocobo That Spawns Naturally In The Overworld. You However Can Get Different Color Chocobos by Breeding Them with Loverly (20% Chance of New Color with New and Better Abilities) Or Golden Gysahls (50% Chance). Golden Gyshals Are Required to Get a Gold Chocobo from Breeding. Purple Chocobos, On the Other Hand, Only Spawn in The Nether.

Gysahl Greens.

  • Gysahl Can Be Found Anywhere in the overworld.
  • Gysahl Are Used for Taming and Healing Chocobos. Chocobos Must Be Hand-Fed The Gysahl, and after A Random Amount of Gysahl, It Sems to Grow A Red Or Blue Collar As a Dog Would, Indicating it is Tamed. The Amount of Gysahl Required to Tame Can Range, From Current Evidence, from One To Six. This Taming Procedure Is Mandatory for the Breeding Of Two Chocobos.
  • Gysahl Can Be Farmed. After The Player Picks a Wild Gysahl, It Can Be Placed in a Crafting Grid to Yield Three Gysahl Seeds. These Can Be Planted in Farmland As Any Other Normal Crop, and Will Pass Through Two Middle Stages Before Reaching Maturity, Which Appears Identical To the Gysahl in the Wild.
  • While Harvesting Planted Gyshals There Is A Chance The Will Yield Loverly or Golden Gysahl, Which Are Both Domestic Mutations of the Garden-Variety Gysahl and Are Used for Breeding Chocobos. WHEN This Instance Occurs, The Crop Will Not Yield Seeds. Hence, You Must Continue Grewing Gysahl to Get The Loverly and / Or Golden Gysahl, Which Will Not Provide Seeds When Placed in the Crafting Grid.
  • The Gysahl Has Few Other Uses Such As The Gysahl Cake, Which Causes a Chicobo to Grow Up Instantly, and Red and Pink Gysahl, Which Are Made by Crafting Regular Greens with Red Or Pink Dye. These Latter Gysahl Are Used to Color Gold Chocobos Into Pink and Red Chocobos.


All Chocobos Can Be Bred Together By Feeding The Chocobos Either Golden or Loverly Gysahls. The Golden Gyshals Give A 50% Chance At Mutation, While The Loverlies Give A 20% Chance.

  • Yellow Chocobos Have No Special Abilities, and Spawn Naturally In The Wild.
  • Green Chocobos Can Go Up Two Block High Walls Walls Walls Having To Jump. Made by Breeding Two Yellow.
  • Blue Chocobos Travel Faster Than Normal Chocobos On Water. THEY ALSO GIVE YOU WATER BREATHING. Made by Breeding Two Yellow.
  • White Chocobos Can Climb and Swim, While Being Faster Than The Yellow, Green, Or Blue Chocobos. Made by Breeding A Green With a Blue.
  • Black Chocobos Can Climb, Swim And Jump Higher, While Being Faster Then a White Chocobo. Black Chocobos Also Give You Night Vision. Made by Breeding a White with a yellow.
  • Gold Chocobos Can Climb, Fly, and Swim. Additionally, They Am Immune to Fall Damage. Also The Tied for Fastest With the Pink and Red Chocobos. Made by Breeding A White and Black While Using Golden Gyshals Only.
  • Purple Chocobos Have All The Abilityes of Gold (Except the Are Slower) with the Addition of the Ability to Walk on Lava. These Can Not Be Achieved by Breeding and Must Be Found Wandering The Nether. THEY ARE EXTREMELY RARE AND ALSO LAY EGGS RATHER THAN PRODUCING CHOCOBOS Directly.
  • Red Chocobos Have All The Abilities Of Gold, But Also Can Not Be Achieved by Breeding, Rather by Feeding a Gold Chocobos Red Gysahl.
  • Pink Chocobos Have All The Abilities Of Gold, But Also Can Not Be Achieved by Breeding, Rather by Feeding A Gold Chocobos Pink Gysahl.

Items and Blocks:

  • 1. Gysahl Greens - Gysahl Greens Are The Most Important Block in Chococraft. They Are Used to Tame Chocobos And To Create Various Other Greens. Just Like Flowers, Gysahl Greens Will Grow Randomly Across The Map and Can Be Collected and Even Planted Again.
  • 2. Raw Chocobo Leg - This Piece of Meat Is Dropped by The Most Unfortunate Chocobos. Just Like Regular Chicken Legs, The CAN BE COOKED ON FURNACE.
  • 4. Chocobo Feather - Chocobo Featehers Are Very Attractive Items to Chocobos. They Can Be Used to Build Saddles, Whistles, And Even Special Types of Gysahls. Tamed Chocobos Will Occasionaly Drop These.
  • 7. Chocobo Pack Bags - Tamed CHOCOBOS CAN BE Equipted with One of These to Give Them Some Transport and Storage Capacities. Once Pack Bags Are Fitted Onto A CHOCOBO, THE CAN BE ACCESSED by Right-Clicking The Chocobo. (CAN BE Used on Chocobo, But Inventories Are Disabled At The Moment)
  • 8. Chocobo Whistle - (No Function Yet, Will Be Used in Future to Call Last Ridden Chocobo to the Current Player Position).
  • 9. Loverly Gysahl - Loverly Gyshals Are A Special Domestic Mutation Of Gysahl Greens. WHEN GROWING GYSAHL SEEDS IN TILTED EARTH, THERE IS A CHANCE THE CROP WILL GOS INTO A LOVERLY GYSAHL. This Form of the Plant Does Not Appear in the Wild. Loverly Gyshals Are Used to Make a Chocobo Fall in Love and Look for a Partner to Procreate.
  • 10. Golden Gysahl - Just Like Loverly Gysahls, Golden Gyshals Are Used to Make Chocobos ProCreate. Like Loverly Gyshals This Is a Domestic Mutation of Gysahl Greens. These Romantic Herbs Are Known to Increase The Chancese of Adquiring a New Type of Chocobo.
  • 11. Gysahl Cake - Chicobos Just Love Gysahl Greens and Cakes, And When You Join Both, They're Get Really Happy. Gysahl Cakes Give Joy to a Chicobo, Making Him Grow Up Instantly Into One Big and Beautiful Chocobo.
  • 12. Raw Gysahl Pickles - First Step Towards Some Tasty Cooked Gysahl Pickles.
  • 13. After Cooking Raw Gysahl Pickles You Will Receive This Tasty Gysahl Pickles. IT Will Not Only Taste Marvelous, But Also Reduce Your Famine A Little.
  • 14. Pink Gysahl - Weird Synthetic Gyshals Are Known to Cause Extreme Effects to Chocobos. SO BEWARE.
  • 15. Red Gysahl - Weird Synthetic Gyshals Are Known to Cause Extreme Effects to Chocobos. SO BEWARE.
  • 16. Gysahl Seeds - Seeds Made From Gysahl Greens. CAN BE Planted to Build A Gysahl Green Farm and Can Be Fertilized with Chocobo FERTILIZER.
  • 17. Chocopedia - Notebook That Keeps Information ABOUT THE CHOCOBOS. Allows Player to Name Their Chocobo, Check On Information about Health and Breeing Status and Even Give Orders.
  • 18. Straw - Straw Cover for a Chocobo Pen.
  • 19. Purple Chocobo Egg - Produced by Breeding Purple Male and Female Chocobo.


Different Types of Chocobos:

Okay, Maybe There Are More Than 6:

Golden Big Bird Next To A Proud Owner:



Crafting Recipes:

1. Chocobo Saddle \u003d 1 Leather, 2 Strings, 1 Chocobo Feather


3. Chocobo Pack Bags \u003d 4 Silk, 2 Cloth, 1 Leather, 1 Chocobo Feather

Publication date: 03/22/2016 21:43:17

What is Mine, IMHO, do not know only people far from computer (and not only) games. My God, even my grandmother knows what minecraft is (and this is not a joke). In the world of gamers, three sides: Some Lyuto hate this "poverty" (this is not what I say, it is the transfer of other people's words to the public, won, even the quotes are standing), others consider it almost the riding gaming thought. The third does not particularly soar about all this and simply play this game (do not be squeezed on the server, but just playing their pleasure).

So, what is this most minecraft and what is his salt? We will analyze in order. Personally, I played in the alpha version of minecraft (and this is already the experience I tell you, yes yes). There was nothing special was done. There was only one mode that is now called creative, there was no craft. In general, everything that could be done is just to build. And here it is the main raisin of minecraft. It's just a magnificent sandbox where the player is wave to do anything (well, not quite certainly, but almost). Today in Main is reproduced (as a rule, to the smallest details) the most beautiful architectural works, and other times and whole cities. Despite the schedule it all looks just great.

And here it is, one of the first reasons for dislike for Mayne - graphics. Noble grafoders do not escape pixel graphics on their ultra-mega computer, because they are bombing. Was it in vain? I do not judge, because I am not harsh to the graphics and calmly play even the games on the spectrum (although I did not find the console itself). In the same time, the network has long been a hrenova, a cloud of modifications that improve graphics almost until Ultra HD.

Over time, more and more new versions have come out (or as they are called - snapshots) in which new gameplay elements gradually appeared, such as new modes (survival and hardcore), deeper card settings, crafting, enemies and animals, new items and ores. The more there is a game, the more popular it becomes. On Yutika (he, YouTube) began to appear various channels more or less dedicated to the lane, and some of them became famous. And you know the channels with minecraft became popular faster than without it. Hence another reason for dislike - he has been actually raised many, because it has been going to go from him. Even popular flyers and reviewers did not miss the opportunity to pour a dozen - another rollers in May. But this is not the main problem in the opinion of the hatering lane.

With the development in minecraft, a network mode appeared (we even created one service center, he was only for his own and we were quickly tired of this business). Now online a bunch of different IP addresses who throw you to the next server. What's bad about it? Grifer. There are somehow the griffers in all MMO games, but in Mayne it is just some kind of nightmare. I went to one servo somehow. Well, I think, play, I'll see how others play. I got a meaning. On Spawn (such a beautifully decorated place, where you are protected by the seven seals of Main's gods from encroachment on your sovereignty).

Standard such spawn on one of the servers

I ran up, hurt the ore, the tree was disturbed, built a house, squeezed it. Good, went game)) It was not there! In the next my raid on the dungeons, on the way back the dude comes to me and such a type of steep is twisted as your sword in me. Well, I felt (I did not even have time to switch to my sword to the word). And he writes to me in Privat: "So you are a clock, I brought you out" Well, and a bunch of impartial words with spelling errors of various severity. All the desire to play as eating off. There are of course Servaki with a rigid ban for the grinding, but after all you will not keep track of everyone.

By the way, by the word about griffers. On Yutik, they also began to post their videos over time. Type "ahahaha, see how we are now brunching this nub." In response to such audacity, the antigrifer show appeared, where the great Uncle-Admin Karez Griferov with all cruelty (personally, my opinion is that in the second case, all these shows are the usual formulation).

But Mine is not only Grifer and Bad Vidos on YouTube. Of course not. Minecraft is just a giant field for creativity. Some build huge cities or futuristic compositions in the lane, others are engaged in something like sculptures, building different statues from cubes (Mario is the most striking example).

Or for example, IMHO is not bad

The Redstone is a mansion and everything that is attached to him. With this simple set of components, other craftsmen make truly gorgeous things (for example, a computer, smartphone, TV, a calculator and much more). Also Mine is a field for Model. Mods on the Minecraft great set and all are made by the same players as we.

Is it worth playing on Main? It is definitely worth if you like the game "Sandbox" genre and do not really bother about graphics. If you are a creative person, then you also have to try this game.

My personal opinion about the game. I relate to the lane neutrally. Minecraft's Heyters will be fun, but I do not understand the backs of this game. Personally, I, by the way, I got to the Dragon of the region only recently, and did not kill it of course)) here it pops up another Main problem: he quickly bows. For hours to beat the pick-up for sleeping music - this is not everyone withstanding.

All sorts of little things that have not entered the main text of the post.

I have not written about the "survival" mode. But there is nothing to write about him, the name speaks for himself. Here you need to live as long as possible, getting resources, engaged in crafting and pumping up a mellow enemies, with one goal one goes to the Dragon of the region. There is still a "hardcore" mode, the same survival, only after death - the end of the game (well, you understand, hardcore).

Enemies in the lane are very diverse, and some even became a kind of memes. For example, a cryper, or a pig (not an enemy, but occurs in memes on the lane). Many of them are very crime (personally for me - this is a gast, a huge flying crap, which has funny and with empty Eyers of Brrr).

Comuniti. There is an opinion that Main is a game of schoolchildren. It is difficult to disagree with this, depending on how many "reviews" on YouTube from this layer of the population. But! I and a group of my comrades, we believe that Main is a game for all ages (in some places, even in schools began to enter, so that children were engaged in creativity, and then they play computer in their games).

Well, it seems to be all. I have not written about some things, but it is little things.

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In 2018, the Owlcat Games studio released a good role-playing game Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Now she develops an indirect continuation - Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, which is on the eve ... The British from Rebellion, who gave the world of Sniper Elite, are able to have fun, so they screwed the sniper simulator to the zombie action from a third party, threw the plot on the napkin about the rates of the Nazis, and began to take off the entire coil.

Post is excellent. As always objective. My opinion on minecraft-boring. Although kraft, even survival. Two years ago tried to play. Not interested. And I do not want to go to the server, in order to protect your nervous cells from the griffers. By the way, to protect against the griffers I have to me not only your nervous cells, but also the younger brother.

The beginning of his game in Mine and the purchase of a mom smartphone came about the same time. Authorized it where only you can, including on YouTube. And because of some reasons, she came across the anti-griffe show. I realized that my brother Mine would sooner or later bring to this and wanted to overlap access to games. But I wured it masterfully. She told her story from the boys, about the student whom parents were constantly controlled before the release from school, and in the university in the hostel almost slept. And explained that the same garbage could occur with games. Therefore, I regained my brother in the stime, distributed him a few good games, bought a couple for a coop (to compensate for the absence of a network). Nowar brother in every way rejects minecraft and similar (digger and "blockade". I myself do not know what it is) and now he is an ardent Fallout fan "a (he even asked for a New Year's matinee on a blue sweatshirt to sew numbers. And sewed!) And Borderlands (on the avatar In whats app, Zero set), and most importantly, I and my parents carefully control it. Here is such a story ...

Major Group

For the first time I see a review on this x)
But in general, I am not a very heater game, but disliked, mainly because of the rolled Russian community, which is 80% consists of inadequate. Yes, and after sending notch, the game began to turn into a not very high-quality game, or rather ... Well, not that, all that, or I grew up: D

In the world of gamers, three sides: Some Lyuto hate this "poverty", others consider it almost riding gaming thought. The third is not particularly soaming about all this and just play this game

There are also four who do not care for minecraft))


Another success story on the blog pages.

Today I want to introduce another story of one of the most prominent and successful global managers.

This man saved Chrysler's company.

You still can write a lot about his merits, but learn about the beginning of the path of this legendary personality. Enjoy reading. Many more stories of successful people you can learn in the heading

World Lee Jacocci Manager Success History

The beginning of the way

Lee (Lido) Anthony Yakokka was born on October 15, 1924 in the United States, in the family of Italian immigrants - Nikola and Antoinettes Yakokka. Li Yakokki's father moved to America aged 12 years old, lonely, frightened boy, but purposeful, persistent, with a strong faith in the fact that in this country succeeds. Before the beginning of the Great Depression, the family lived in prosperity.

Nicola Yakokka worked a lot and his business flourished. He owned a diner, several cinemas, owned a car rental company, earned in real estate operations. And all its enterprises he managed having only 4 class of education behind his back.

But during the economic crisis of 1930, Li Yakokki's father lost all his state, which has accumulated over the years of stubborn and hard work.

No matter how difficult it is to work, parents have always allocated time to raise children. They were fair and loving, whether Yakokk had solid moral principles, diligence, diligence, respect for others.

At that time, the father taught to Yakokku, which is never needed to give up that the lifesties are characteristic of lifts and falls, and that a person must persistently overcome adversity.

Proper education - the foundation for the success of any person!

Lee's first money began to earn at 10 years: after school classes, he came with a truck to the grocery supermarket and for a small fee helped buyers to take their purchase home.

At 16, he began working in the fruit shop, and worked there for 16 hours a day. At School, Yakokka was an unusually diligent, capable student. Teachers loved him for diligence, perseverance and dedication.

But some teachers, as well as most of his classmates hated him - only because he was Italian origin. Whether Yakokka had two friends, the Jews by nationality, to which they were even worse than to him.

And it did not matter that these three boys were the best disciples in the classroom: the main thing is that two were Jews, and the third is an Italian. Lee Yakokka was very hard to endure the racist hatred of his comrades, and he remembered these years for his whole life.

Then, at school, Lee firmly learned that a person should be judged by his abilities, and by what he did for people, and not according to his belonging to a particular group.

When the United States declared the war of Japan and Germany, Lee Yakokka first wanted to sign up to the army, but the military medical commission recognized him not suitable for hostilities. Lee was very upset that he could not fight his homeland along with his comrades.

Then he decides to enter the Likhai University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania to the Engineering Faculty. As in school, at the university, Lee Yakokka diligently studied, although it was not so easy to study such sciences such as hydraulics and thermodynamics: by the end of the last year of study, only half of the students of his group could finish the university.

Until graduation, Yakokka already knew where he would like to work, in the company " Ford" As a child, the love of Li Yakokk's cars took over his father, who in a rental company there were all the Ford models and where he loved with the father of "digging" in these machines.

But to get into the company, it was necessary to be the most capable student, since the policy of hiring workers in the company was that the company's representative climbed around 50 universities and in each of them chose only one, the most capable student. And among those 50 choices turned out to be Yakokka ...

First sales

In 1946, he ends the university and begins to work in " Forde"As an engineer-intern. But did he want to work all his life with the designer?

He realized that any business primarily depends on people and only in the second place - from drawings, machines, details and finances. He was drawn there, where the real case is peaked in - in marketing, sales. Despite the fact that the company spent money and time on its internship, he is released to look for the position of sales manager in the sales division " Ford».

In the New York district on sales, where he draws, he is not hired. " I felt as if I did not have a trial in some Broadway theater" But Yakokka does not give up and travels to another sales district, which is in Chester.

Controller, seeing the ability of Lee Yakokka, is risk and gives a chance to young and inexperienced if Yakokka. Lee Yakokka receives the position of car sales manager for rental firms.

His duties included negotiations with car purchasing agents. For Lee Yakokka, it turned out to be difficult. He was very shy and fiddled, and always when it was necessary either to call the client, or to meet with him, he literally britched a nodel.

But Li Yakokka understood:

to achieve success in business, and especially in trade, you need to learn how to sell and become a real seller.

For mastering the art of commerce requires time and effort. It is necessary to practice again and again in this art until it becomes your second nature.

Some believe that a good trader needs to be born that it is impossible to develop the necessary for this quality. However, Li Yakokka did not have a natural talent for this. He worked hard on himself, was practiced a lot, and in the end, literally stood out of his own sales manager.

First success

In 1953, Lee appointed by the assistant manager of the Sales Office of the Philadelphia district. On a new position, Yakokka continues to work hard.

He drives around the cities, meets with clients, conducts seminars for learning dealers. Instead of an ordinary suitcase with clothes, he pulls a projection machine with slides, posters, schemes and a reference book called "Selection and selection training".

In 1956, due to the decline in the economy and reduce the solvency of the sale of cars " Ford»Were very and very weak. Whether the district headed by Yakokka was at the last place for the sales of cars. It was necessary to do something.

And then Li Yakokka donates a brilliant idea. What if you help the client to buy a car, allowing him to pay only 20% of the car's cost, and it will pay the remaining amount for three years, 56 dollars a month?

This idea has worked so much that car sales rose several times. And the vice-president himself Ford"Robert McNamara made it an integral part of the company's marketing strategy for the whole country.

So he is true!

After 1 0 Tyelyten Persistent Labor to Lee Yakokka comes true fame and glory. Lee Yakokka receives a new position - the manager of the capital's distribution district.

New ideas - the only effective way out of difficult situations
In 1956, Lee Yakokka marries Mary McCliri. It is no secret that the man will choose what kind of life of life in his youth, his fate depends in many ways.

Mary loved her husband, he was devoted to him. She surrounded his care, lived his interests, always and supported him in all. Lee Yakokka never hid, that grateful to his strong, wise and beloved wife. What is her merit that he has achieved such great success.

Lee Yakokka attaches very important to the family; Every Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday, he devotes her.

In 1960, Lee Yakokku are appointed to the position of vice-president of the firm and the general manager of the Ford's department. So, at the age of 36, whether Yakokka becomes the General Manager of the company " Ford Motor Company».

But at the same time, in the company, he was not known to anyone.

One half of the staff did not know who he was so, the other - could not correctly pronounce his name. And some managers of the highest echelon were very unhappy that he walked around them on the service staircase.

It was necessary to prove that he is worthy to head the department " Ford" Everyone was waiting for the Yakokki impressive results.

Analyzing the market, it comes to the conclusion that the existing concept of car release in the current situation does not work. If earlier in the company first made a new car, and then looked for buyers category in the market for sale, then modern conditions required the creation of a car for the target consumer.

After careful study of the market, tastes and customers' needs, Lee Yakokka understands that a low-cost sports car is needed.

Li Yakokka with famous "Mustang"

In 1964, Lee Yakokka and his team produce a legendary car to the market - " Mustang" After entering the market " Mustang"I acquired such a great popularity that to meet the demand for it," Ford "had to re-equip three plants. Only in one year about 418 thousand cars were sold.

And in two years of sales " Mustang"Brought 1.1 billion dollars of pure profits!

It was another success of Yakokki: " Mustang»It is still considered a classic American model and enjoys well-deserved success in car enthusiasts.

December 10, 1970 after stunning success Mustanga"Li Yakokku appointed by the president" Ford" Having made this position, Li Yakokka for several years so established the work " Ford Motor Company"That the corporation began to bring colossal profits (before such profits in the company never happened), produced in demand and popular, very high-quality cars.

He created an ideal company. Only the true leader could achieve such success. Such as it was.

Let's see what the presence of what qualities he considered it necessary for the successful work of the manager.

Be decisive

If I had to characterize the quality of the quality needed by a good manager, I would say that they all are reduced to the concept of "determination." The manager should be able to make faithful decisions, foresee their consequences and take responsibility for them (material, emotional, social).

Be the leader

« Managers should not only have the ability to take timely decisions, they also own the role of motivators, since the Office is nothing but to adjust other people to work.

You should not attempt to perform the work that others must perform. You must learn how to set before other purposes and how to configure them to achieve these goals. And the only way to configure people to vigorous activity is to communicate with them.».

Learn rational art: beautiful, clearly, convincingly express your thoughts. Public speech is the best way to inspire a numerous group of people.

Be initiative

« I appointed only tireless, initiative workers, always seeking to do more than them.».

Learn to communicate with people

« The main reason, due to which the career could not be able to people, lies in the fact that they poorly interact with their colleagues».

There are people who are highly educated, distinguished by excellent organizational abilities, and nevertheless, they are unsuccessful in business - only because they do not know how to communicate with people.

It is impossible to achieve success, throwing people with brands. Learn to communicate with people, become their assistant, friend. If you win their respect, they will follow you until the end of your life.

Victim Despota

Lee Yakokka became one of the leading figures in the automotive business. His photos appeared on the covers of the most famous business magazines. He acquired a huge continuous authority among employees and dealers of the firm, which came out far beyond the states and reached Europe, Asia.

At the same time, its popular popularity ruined Li Yakokka's career in " Forde": owner " Ford"The grandson of the founder of the company Henry Ford II is dismissed by Yakokku from the post of president of the company" Ford Motor Company».

Ford, who received the company inheritance, was not a professional in the automotive business. Many of its decisions can be described as whims and whims. The company spent great money on his personal projects and needs.

Henry Ford was an initial, arrogant, selfish person. Ford was completely controlled by him. And anyone, in whom he felt the threat to his prestige or power, he dismissed, without thinking. He could not tolerate what Yakokka was much talented, better, more successfully.

On July 13, 1978, Henry Ford II dismisses Yakokku from the post of president " Ford Motor Company».

Out of the frying pan into the fire

November 2, 1978 He heads the corporation " Chrysler " Later, he confessed that if he could foresee, with which he would have to face, then no one would take for this work.

If I had at least the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I would expect when I took the post in Chrysler Corporation, I would not go there for any money in the world.

The company reigned complete anarchy.

« Chrysler"He had 35 vice-presidents who acted independently of each other. Production and sales departments were not in contact with each other, which resulted in overproduction of cars. The company did not have a holistic financial control system, and in the department of material supply reigned full chaos.

Employees were constantly translated from one production site to another, because of which many posts occupied people who did not understand anything in the new job. In the company reigned amateurism. People were intimidated and depressed.

There was no single team here - there was an unmanaged group of individual players. Having reigned atmosphere of inactivity, distrust, fear of being dismissed.

With this situation, the company turns into a frazzle, and all kinds of secret data begin to leak outward. In the light of the current reasons " Chrysler»Released low-quality cars. Because of this, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy: annual losses were almost 1 billion dollars!

Step from destruction to creation

Cars with a brand " Chrysler »Perceived as kind and boring. It was necessary to urgently create new models, it was necessary to urgently improve the quality of the cars produced and eliminate overproduction.

It was necessary to establish the work of all divisions, enlist the support of absolutely all employees of the company from a simple worker to the senior manager. To do this, it was necessary to create a strong, talented, cohesive and loyal command.

And Li Yakokka created such a team: he attracted his devotees who worked with him in " Forde", As well as specialists from" General Motors"And" Volkswagen."Who wanted to work with him and infected with his ideas.

Talented and devoted team - Pledge of the present success!

The next step that has done is to improve the quality of cars.

« The only way out is to make a truly worthwhile car, set a real price and guarantee high-quality maintenance.».

Now it was necessary to promote the goods to the market. It was necessary was very good advertising. And he will use well-known and conscientious advertising agencies in this.

New product - prosperity condition!

We needed a new product - a new car model. And he creates a car (model "K"), which, like "Mustang", conquers great popularity from buyers.

The following model is the first mini van " T-115" Sales of these models brought " Chrysler»Huge profits. As a result, the company was able to get out of a deep crisis, take a worthy third place in the world of automotive.

The fairy tale of a tireless frog is involuntarily remembered, which, having hit the milk, did not lower the paws and "came out the winner", knocking out solid oil from milk.

The brilliant leader was literally pulled out the largest car company for his hair. Lee Yakokka is the brightest example of a real leader who knows how to overcome crisis situations, keep afloat and do not give hands in the most difficult times.

"People tell me:" You have achieved a brilliant success. How did you manage it? " And I repeat what parents taught me. Put yourself a goal.

Getting such an education, which you can, but then, for God, do something!

Do not wait for anything to happen by itself. It's not easy, but if you work not to give up hands, you wonder how in a free society you can achieve everything, what are you striving for ... "

On this I finish the story of this outstanding personality. Subscribe to new blog articles and share this story.

P.S. You can read the full history of this outstanding manager to read in the book of Lee Yakokki "Career Manager"

Nikolay Yakimenko

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