Hotkeys Microsoft Word. Saving a document in Word

Decor elements 21.10.2019
Decor elements

As soon as you write the title, immediately save the document so that in case of unforeseen circumstances, you do not lose the document that you have been working on all day!

Save a document in Word 2010 and newer versions

To save a document in Word 2010, go to the File tab. Then move the cursor down and click on the line Save as

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In the window that opens, on the left, we see a list of folders on your computer. In this list, the folder is grayed out My documents, in which it is proposed to save the new document by default. But you can choose another place to save. Scroll through the list using the slider (highlighted with a red frame) and click on the desired folder or drive (flash drive)

Part of the first line of your text is automatically entered in the File name field. You can agree with the proposed document name or change it to your own. Leave the File type field unchanged.

If necessary, you can specify additional information for your document below: author, keywords, title, subject, etc.

Paying attention! If you forgot the name of your last document and the folder where you saved it, then go to the File tab (Fig. 3) and select the Recent item. On the right, you will see a list of the text documents you have worked with, as well as the folders in which you have saved them.

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Saving a document in Word 2007

To save the document in word 2007, press button 1 (Fig. 4). Then move the cursor down to the button Save as 2, and from it, follow the arrow to the right and press the button Word Document 3

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The Save Document window will open:

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In the window that opens, on the left, we see a list of folders on your computer. In this list, the Documents folder is highlighted in gray, in which the computer offers to save a new document. You can disagree and, by clicking on the folders, open the one in which you want to save.

The File Name box highlights the name that the computer wants to give your document. You can immediately replace this name with your own.

Paying attention! If you have not changed the name of the document and the destination folder, then at least remember where the document was saved. Because novice users often press the button Save, and then, for half a day, they are looking for where the saved document is located.

Saving a document in Word 2003

So, you typed the phrase " Much needed article", now, at the top of the Word window, press the File menu button, and in the menu that opens, select Save as... .

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In the opened window Saving a document you see the name of the folder (My Documents) in which Word offers to save the new document. Under the folder name, we see a list of documents already in that folder. Instead of the suggested folder, you are on your computer. The main thing - do not forget where you saved it!

The computer also suggests the file name, but you can immediately replace it with another one. File Type: Word Document should stay like this. In the future, to open a document, it will be enough to click on the title of the article with the cursor, and it will open immediately in the Word window. No need, will, pre-launch Word! Now we press the button Save and the document is saved!

Saving a Word document using the keyboard

Above, I showed you how to save a new document using the menu. However, there is a faster method of saving a document - you just need to remember the desired key. Key F12 located on the top row of the keyboard. After pressing the F12 key, a window will open
saving the document (Figure 6 - for Word 2003, Figure 4 - for Word 2007). Then proceed according to my prompts under the pictures.

If, after saving the document, you continue to type text - Word will automatically save the typed text periodically. But you yourself can, right there, after making changes to the document, save it by pressing the keys Shift+F12. I am this
I do this: I press the right Shift key with the thumb of my right hand, and the F12 key with the middle finger. Try it - very convenient and fast.

Working in Microsoft Office will be much more efficient and faster if you know keyboard shortcuts for, for example, highlighting text and underlining or undoing actions. This is much more convenient than, for example, selecting the Undo item from the Edit menu with the mouse. It will be much faster to just click ctrl+z. These hotkeys work not only in the MS Office program, but also in others, as well as in the Windows operating system itself.

These combinations work for all versions of Office products up to and including

Explanation: when designating, I use the "+" sign, which does not mean at all that you need to press it on the keyboard, you just need to press the keys before and after it.

So, when pressing keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl+O- Explorer will open, with which you can find and open a Microsoft Word document on your computer.

Ctrl+N- Create a new Microsoft Word document.

ctrl+s or Shift+F12- Saving a Microsoft Word document on your computer.

ctrl+w- closing the document.

Alt+F4- Exit Microsoft Word.

ctrl+p- print for the given Microsoft Word document.

ctrl+z- undoes the last action in the Word document.

ctrl+y- returns the last undone action in a Word document.

Ctrl+A- all text in the Microsoft Word document will be selected.

Ctrl+X- the selected text will be cut.

ctrl+c- the selected text will be copied.

ctrl+v- the selected text will be inserted.

ctrl+b- the selected text will change to bold text.

Ctrl+I- the selected text will change to italics.

Ctrl+U- The selected text will be underlined.

ctrl+h- find and replace text.

Ctrl+F2- document preview.

Ctrl+Shift+W- the selected text will be underlined without spaces.

Ctrl+Shift+D- The selected text will be underlined with a double line.

Ctrl+Shift+G– document statistics.

Ctrl+Shift+C- copying the selected text format.

If you place the cursor in front of a word and press the keys Ctrl+Shift+RIGHT ARROW then one word will be highlighted.

Shift+End- one line will be selected BEFORE the set cursor.

Shift+Home- one line will be selected AFTER the cursor.

Shift+Pg Up- the text with the page up will be selected.

Shift+Pg Dn- the text with the page down will be selected.

Shift+F3- makes the selected text in capital letters.

ctrl+]- the selected text will increase (the font will become larger).

ctrl+[- the selected text will decrease (the font will become smaller).

Ctrl+equal sign- the selected text will change to a subscript.

Ctrl+Shift+plus sign- the selected text will change to a superscript.

Ctrl+Shift+K- The selected text will be changed to small caps.

Ctrl+L- the selected text in the word document will be aligned to the left.

ctrl+r- The selected text in the Microsoft word document will be aligned to the right.

Ctrl+E- the selected text in the word document will be aligned to the center.

Ctrl+J- The selected text in the document will be aligned in width.

ctrl+f- a search box will open (to search for text in the document).

When holding down a key ctrl and scrolling the movie on the mouse changes the scale in the Microsoft Word document.

Alt+Shift+D- insert current date, date and year.

Alt+Shift+T- insert current time.

Alt+Ctrl+L- Insert numbering.

Alt+Ctrl+ minus sign- an em dash will be displayed in a word document.

Alt+Ctrl+ dot sign- an ellipsis will be set in the word document.

Recently, I was given a monoblock for my birthday, and after installing MS Office2013, I found that the hotkeys had been “swapped”. Ever since I worked as a layout designer, I've gotten used to using hotkeys widely, as using a mouse slows down work on a PC. So, in Word2013, the combination Ctrl + S stopped saving the file, and Ctrl + V stopped inserting text. Fortunately, Microsoft provided the ability to customize hotkeys, which I took advantage of.

In Word, go through the menu File –> Options, go to the tab Customize Ribbon and click on the button Setting… (Fig. 1).

Download note in format or

To set up familiar hotkeys for a command Save file, in the opened window Keyboard customization select tab File, command FileSave, and click in the window New keyboard shortcut(Fig. 2). Enter the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S (and do not type Ctrl + S in the window), press Appoint, close all windows. Voila!

Note. Typically, you will want to assign new hotkeys to all files. Then leave the window setting Save changes to: unchanged - Normal.dotm. If for some reason you only want to assign new hotkeys to an open file, select its name in the window Save changes to:

Repeat the procedure to set up hotkeys for other commands. The most popular commands are shown in the table in fig. 3.

Greetings, dear guests of the computer site. In this article, we will look at Microsoft Word hotkey combinations to increase our skills at work, as well as reduce the time to use various functions in this program.

As I already said, you can increase the speed of work several times if you use hotkeys. As with the program, many people work in the Word text editor. This is another useful program from Microsoft Office. And so let's look at the keyboard shortcuts most used in the work.

Hot key combinations in Microsoft Word.

ctrl + A- Select the entire document.
ctrl+ C- Copy the selected fragment.
ctrl + X- Cut the selected fragment.
ctrl + V- Paste the copied/cut fragment from the clipboard.
ctrl + F- Open the search window.
ctrl + Y- Repeat the last action.
ctrl + Z- Undo the last action.
ctrl + B- Highlight bold selected text.
ctrl + I- Highlight in italics selected text.
ctrl + U- Underline selected text.
ctrl + K- Insert a link.
ctrl + S- Save the opened document (alternative combination Shift + F12).
ctrl + W- Close the document.
ctrl + N- Create a document.
ctrl + O- Open document.
ctrl + D- Open font window.
ctrl + Space(Space) - Make the default font for the selected text.
ctrl + M- Paragraph indent.
ctrl + T- Increase left margin.
ctrl + E- Align the paragraph to the center of the screen.
ctrl + L- Paragraph alignment on the left side of the screen.
ctrl + R- Paragraph alignment on the right side of the screen.
ctrl + J- Alignment by format.
ctrl + Shift + L- Bulleted list.
ctrl + 0 (zero) - Increase or decrease the spacing before the paragraph by one line.
ctrl + 1 - Single line spacing.
ctrl + 2 - Double line spacing.
ctrl + end- Move to the end of the document.
ctrl + Home- Move to the beginning of the document.
ctrl + [left arrow]- Move one word to the left.
ctrl + [right arrow]- Move one word to the right.
ctrl + [up arrow]- Move to the beginning of a line or paragraph.
ctrl + [arrow to down]- Move to the end of a paragraph.
ctrl + Del- Delete the word to the right of the cursor.
ctrl + backspace- Delete the word to the left of the cursor.
ctrl + Shift + F- Change font.
ctrl + Shift + > - Increase font size.
ctrl + Shift + < - Decrease font size.
Shift + F3- Change letter case. Capital Letter At The Beginning Of Each Word. CAPITAL or lower case of the selected text, to change you need to press the combination of these keys several times.
ctrl + F1- Open the Taskbar menu.
ctrl + F2- Display preview.
ctrl + Enter- Move to the next line.
ctrl + ] - Increase the font of the selected text.
ctrl + [ - Reduce the font of the selected text.
Shift + alt + D- Insert the current date (DD.MM.YYYY).
Shift + alt + T- Insert the current time (HH:MM:SS).

Using function keys in Microsoft Word.

Pro function keys F1-F12 I have already told you that they are widely used in Microsoft Windows, in many programs. Function keys allow you to access any functions very quickly, just press one of the buttons, and what each of them means for Microsoft Word can be found below.

F1- Open the "Help" menu.
F2- Move text or picture.
F3- Insert "Autotext" element.
F4- Repeat last action (Word 2000+).
F5- Open the "Edit" menu.
F6- Go to the next area.
F7- Check spelling and grammar of the selected text.
F8- Expansion selection.
F9- Update selected fields.
F10- Go to the "Menu" line.
F11- Go to the next field.
F12- Open the "Save As" menu.

In addition to the above Word keyboard shortcuts, you can also use your mouse to make your work easier. By the way, do not forget to read an interesting article, in which you will find very useful features.

  • Double-clicking with the left button will highlight the clicked word.
  • Triple-clicking the left button will select the entire paragraph.
  • Grab the selected text with the left button and move it to the desired location, then release the button.
  • hold key ctrl and twist mouse wheel to reduce or enlarge the document.

Here are some tips for beginners to work with Microsoft Word, using keyboard shortcuts and using mouse shortcuts.

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