Spanish light or complicated. How to learn Spanish

Engineering systems 22.09.2019
Engineering systems

Gabriel's language Garcia Marquez, Carmen, Don Quixote and, in the end, the series "Rich is also crying" - all this Spanish. Today, this "language of passion" is considered one of the most common in the world. Another good reason to learn Spanish: it can be done without difficulty.

Spanish ahead of English and by number of speakers is inferior only to Chinese. It is spoken not only in Spain, but in most countries of South America, in Equatorial Guinea and in the Philippines. At the same time, Spain has always been greatly popular with tourists, largely due to its climate.

And at the end of last year, according to the results of a survey among expatoves, the country was recognized as the second after the New Zealand for comfortable for foreigners. Regardless of whether you want to set up in Spain to compete or come there occasionally, the knowledge of the language will certainly use it.

Where to start learning Spanish

Before you deepen in comprehending grammar and vocabulary, you need to ask yourself a banal question: "Why do I need Spanish?" Only official languages On the territory of the country four, and there is nothing about the number of dialects and talk. South America also speaks at a very different Spanish. Therefore, to begin with it is worth declaring where you plan to speak on it. The main language of Spain is Castilian. It is most common in the north and in the center of the country, and its dialects - Aragon, Madrid, Galician and others exist on the borders with other regions.

Castilsky understand in all corners of the country, but some residents of Catalonia or Basque countries speak reluctantly.

Therefore, if you are planning to move to Barcelona, \u200b\u200byou will probably need Catalan. It should be borne in mind that, knowing Castilsky, you are unlikely to understand all other languages \u200b\u200bof Spain. Differences between them are significant.

An independent study of Spanish requires the force of will, discipline and serious motivation. However, if you understand exactly what and what time do you want to achieve, master the language is quite possible.

Exist various options Learning: With the help of books, Internet resources, friends and acquaintances. Someone will be more suitable classes in courses or with a teacher.

When drawing up a program, it is necessary to reflect your time and strength. Return to speak Spanish in a month is hardly possible, but if you put yourself a more realistic task, then everything will turn out. Choose the pace and method that you are suitable for you. One people are easier to memorize information, others need to be understood logically and systematize.

When you learn Spanish yourself, in addition to specific knowledge, the pleasure you get in the process is also important. Therefore, you should not overvolt and strive for unattainable altitudes. And most importantly, you should not scold yourself for mistakes and fear them.

Is it difficult to learn Spanish

Spanish is easier enough to those who already own English. The logic of grammatical forms and times is practically the same, many words are similar (for example, Continuar and Continue). But there are pitfalls. Spanish pronunciation is very specific. So, in the Spanish sounds T, P and K, it is necessary to pronounce without silence, and n is soft and solid.

At the same time, compared with English in Spanish, clearer readers of reading, so it is easy to guess how to pronounce unfamiliar words, without spilling at the same dictionary.

With grammar, the situation is somewhat different. In Spanish, the end of the verb change depending on the face and number, time and inclination. Special difficulties cause many subjuntivo to many subgallation. However, as practice shows, in conversational speech it is practically not used.

There are many in Spanish wrong verbsHowever, in contrast to English, they do not have to be memorable.

"Deviations" have many have general principle, Therefore, you need to remember that certain combinations of letters in the Word are the guarantor of atypical lifting.

The complexity of the Spanish is manifested in the fact that knowledge of grammatical times is necessary even for understanding the basic spoken speech. In addition, sometimes it is possible to translate the verb only by a general context. For example, Crear (Create) and Creer (think) In the first person of the only number of this time, the letter looks equally.

Spanish is more synonyms than in English. Therefore, for a full understanding of even colloquial speech, you need more time to study the study of vocabulary.

Study of spanish online

If you want to study spanish language From scratch yourself, then without the help of the Internet you can not do. In the network you can find many useful resources As for the development of grammar, and to maintain vocabulary at the desired level.

The sites of type and are suitable for those who want to quickly start talking on the household level. On the first of them there are very useful list A hundred most used verbs of Spanish. portal is good in that it has a huge reference base with the hidngth of all major verbs, regardless of whether they are correct or not. Online project, in addition to the actual language lessons, is divided interesting information about the history and traditions of the Spanish-speaking countries.

The site of the British Air Force Channel is known for helping to study various foreign languages, including Spanish. You can find texts on household topics, and tests, and even crosswords.

Learn Spanish from scratch and not practicing it would be wrong. After a certain period of time (usually months and a half) of continuous classes, it is necessary to find a person with whom you can communicate.

In major cities there are special language clubs, where there are native speakers and student students. If there is no opportunity to visit them, you can find the interlocutor online. In all social networks There are groups to search for Hispanic people who will be happy to discuss with you different topics.

Tighten the vocabulary and learn new words will help watch movies and reading books. Teachers usually advise you to start with simple series. To begin with, you can watch them with subtitles, and then gradually refuse them.

The series in Spanish is not only "stupid" soap operas. For example, there is a well-known mystical detective Bajo Sospecha ("under suspicion") with a famously swirling plot.

The language in it is quite simple and easily perceived by rumor, so it is useful to watch even beginners. Lovers of history will like the series Isabel ("Isabella") about the life of the Castilian Queen. The series Aguila Roja ("Red Eagle") tells about a man who has been deprived of his wife and ready for everything to find her murderers.

However, El Ministerio del Tiempo ("Ministry of Time") is considered the most famous Spanish series by right. If in a conversation with the locals you mention that you saw it, then deserve approving nodies head. The series tells about the secret government institution, whose main task is to protect the time from interference and attempts to change the story. "The Ministry of Time" can be easily found on the Internet, including Russian subtitles.

To study the Spanish language through films and serials will be useful to the Netflix service. If you select Spanish in the settings in the settings, you can include subtitles on it in all pictures. Some are available and dubbing. Revising familiar and favorite English-speaking serials in a new language - not only simply, but also useful from the educational point of view.

Study of Spanish with a teacher

Classes with the teacher have its advantages. The teacher will help focus on the subject and constantly improve the language - if only do not miss the lessons. In addition, you can practice conversational speech. If you do with the native speaker, you simply will not have another output.

But, unfortunately, not every teacher can motivate to explore the Spanish language or make up individual programsuitable concrete person. In addition, not everyone has time to regular classes with the teacher.

Nevertheless, classes with a Hispanic teacher are especially useful. You will constantly listen to the right and competent speech and know what exactly the same hear in the center of Madrid. This will help you not be confused when you find yourself in Spain. In addition, you really have to constantly speak and faster to memorize new words and expressions.

On the other hand, the Russian-speaking teacher will be able to better explain the material, bring examples and spend parallels with their native language. It will be better visible by your weaknesses for which it is necessary to do focus, since such a teacher is much better feeling the logic of Russian-speaking students.

When you reach a certain level of knowledge, you can access the International DELE exam and receive a certificate.

This certificate is useful for those who are going to move to Spain and build a career there. To enroll in any local company, you need to own the language at a sufficient level.

Proof of what you approach is the result of DELE. There are six levels in total - from the level of "survival" (A1) to the level of "possession of perfection" (C2). You can prepare for the exam by the exam, you can independently - on the books of Cronometro and Nuevo Dele or on the Hispanic Site

You can sign up for courses at the Cervantes Institute in Moscow or other cities. When preparing, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the exam and solve trial options many times. It is difficult to meet in the allotted time. In this case, it is more logical to contact the help of a teacher who is familiar with the specificity of DELE.

Study of Spanish in Spain

Language must be constantly practicing. Do this is the easiest way when you are in the country where it is official and widely used. Living in Spain and manage the knowledge of the English language, but the working Spanish will make your vacation much more enjoyable. You can order a cup of coffee in the center of Madrid and in Russian, but ask the way somewhere in Seville - better in Spanish.

Today there is a huge amount language schools In Spain and Latin America.

Many of them offer short summer programs and for those who already have a language at a certain level, and for beginners. Before the start of classes, all students write a small test that helps to distribute them in groups depending on knowledge. In this class, students from different countries, Therefore, they will have to communicate with each other also in Spanish.

As a rule, such schools offer accommodation options for study. These are either a joint apartments with other students or hostels, or accommodation in local families. Last variant will give additional features For language practices and at the same time, dating a local life, habits and traditions. Educational programs usually include travel around the country with excursions that will allow you to get acquainted with the story and explore the local flavor.

One of the most famous seats To study the language in Spain is international School Survantes, located in Malaga, in the south of the country.

The university offers various courses lasting from one week to nine months and helps to prepare for the delivery of the DELE exam. If necessary, the school helps to get a visa.

Study of Spanish for children

Many parents want their child to know several foreign languages, and give their children to specialized schools and preparatory courses. You can begin to teach Spanish at any age, but the approach to the development of the language in children is different.

A site that helps learn Spanish from scratch on their own, - - offers a huge number of cartoons, songs and games in Spanish. Thanks to them, the child is better in the material.

There are also amateur translations for Spanish soviet cartoonswho are already known to Russian children. For example, on the Internet, it is easy to find the Spanish version of all the favorite "Prostokvashino". True, the translation was made by residents of Mexico, so some words will differ from the Castilian version.

In addition, special courses are provided for children, whose teachers in a games form will help the child to receive a language base and prepare for admission to school with an in-depth study of Spanish.

Not that I strongly regretted something, after all, the length of time plays a rather important role in successful study Language, whoever spoke. But starting to learn Spanish independently in 2003 or 2004, I brought up to the level of B2 in 2014, although during this time it was already possible to become the God of Spanish. I do not want to blame yourself, because until recently, many of the benefits of civilization type of unlimited Internet, unlimited textbooks, iTalki and many other things were not available. In the end, Hubye No Existe ("If there is no).

  1. Learning the language "in the table"? No, gracias.

It becomes funny to me when people complain that they have been tangled for half a year and they don't speak yet on it. I am spanish taught 6 or 7 for the first time on him, I talked out loud, and then not with the carrier. Do you think I was afraid? No matter how not, I just had no one! For several years I spent myself for a few years aloud, myself answered the questions too loud, pathetic, yes?

How would I do now. At about the level of A2, I would call the carrier, which I would have found on or or even VKontakte, they are full there. Ideally, for about a month and a half from the beginning of regular training. In the city, I have in the city of spoken clubs (in Kiev somehow not very) I would start to visit there at the same time.

2. Learn the language without a textbook? No, gracias.

Before I had a textbook of Rodriguez Danilevskaya, I taught Spanish with something three years on some forums, according to a brief grammar at the end of the dictionary, for some lessons from the Internet ... When I bought a tutorial, I got so much puzzles who knew. The system appeared, all the material began to be fermented, however, I didn't know that the vocabulary in that textbook was a little outdated.

How would I do now. I would buy Español en vivo. By typing a little vocabulary and grammar, supplemented its authentic PRISMA, Español En Marcha, USO Interactivo del Vocabulario, Gramaática de Uso del Español.

  1. Learning language without listening to him? No, gracias.

Due to the fact that Rodriguez Danilevsky had no audio, and I did not have any other benefits before 2010, having learned Spanish for more than 6 years I realized that I did not understand anything. When I got to Spain, I did not understand what passersby was answered on the streets. When I turned on the movies, some Mandarin Chinese sounded from the screen. With the TV shows better - it was possible to make yourself to see 5 episodes, and over time I began to understand specific actors. Over the past two years, the audience was very harmful, but it could be done much earlier.

How would I do now:

  • First, in need (Español en vivo) and almost all of the above courses have audio.
  • Secondly, I would listen to the podcast, on average 1-2 release per day. Podcasts on Spanish there are a lot, our Yana made a selection on them . At some point with training podcasts, you can start, go to RTVE.ES and listen simply podcasts in Spanish, which are created for carriers, and not for those studied.
  • Thirdly, I would have watched TV shows with subtitles from the very beginning, gradually moving on the TV shows without them. Once again, I will use the case to propagate my favorite Mexican series Las Aparicio ("Women Aparycio Family"), which is laid out all the Samnomethegegis with Russian subtitles.
  • Fourthly, I would not be afraid to watch a huge amount of films in Spanish almost from the very beginning. Even despite the fact that I do not understand much. I have already repeatedly made sure that an understanding of rumor is a purely dealing habit, and the earlier it work, the better.
  1. Learn language and not read on it? No, gracias.

I read the first adapted book in 2012, it seems. The first non-adapted - in 2014. Ok, my guilt is not there, until some year, adapted books were simply not available, now I have difficulty because of big choiceYes, and not very much they need, I am now ordinary reading.

How would I do now.Spanish is one of the most common languages \u200b\u200bin the world, and millions are studying it, thank God. Therefore, the choice of benefits on it is simply huge, including adapted literature. Already having a level A1, you can read several thin books and recruit a new vocabulary. Many books are available with audio. I would notice the Pepa Vila, Lola Lagos series (these are detectives), as well as adapted books of EDINUMEN publishing house. There are even accessible books of specific Spanish options, for example, Colombia, Mexico and Argentina. Starting from the level B1, I would start reading magazines in Spanish (now it is not a problem to find PDF). On B2 you can already read newspapers online (El País, El Mundo).

  1. Learning the language of 10 years and not know how to write a connected text? No, gracias.

    I realized that it was hard for me to write a large text in Spanish when I was thinking to pass Dele C1. And I do not mean the stupid writings of the examination format, I'm talking about any long reflections or, for example, about such an article, as I write now. In the marathon there was a whole week that I dedicated to the letter and wrote the texts for 2000 characters every day on average. It turned out that the letter is hard to move, when you don't know something, in oral speech it is easier. In oral speech spelling errors, it is not visible :) Well, when you suddenly understand that in some arms, I'm not sure, you can quickly say that no one will notice. The letter will not work.

How would I do now. Now I would use and Up to the fact that I would throw our written tasks from textbooks there. There you do not need to ask anyone with an awkward look to check your work, because these sites are designed for language exchange.

Well, perhaps the most important thing - I would not stretch an active study for such a term. At the level of B2, you can go over the year with a little if in the complex to carry out all of the above, the main thing here is awareness, sequence and constancy. For the last two points came only two years ago, but I will not allow these mistakes with other languages.

Guestbook written by Alena Dudatet, our super curator Language Heroes. in Spanish, for which she is so much thanks from the face of beginners to learn Spanish :)

Be sure to look at B.

Spanish - very beautiful language. This is a language with a rich history, which is spoken by more than 500 million people around the world. For a person who knows English, Spanish is one of the easiest to study languages, as in English, and in Spanish is strongly influenced by the Latin language. Even closer to Spanish to French or Italian, as they belong to the same language group - Romaneskaya. For Russian-speaking in Spanish, there are advantages - for example, the fact that writing and pronunciation usually coincide. Yes, the study of any language requires strength and time, but the joy of the first real conversation with the Hispanic person will fully justify all the efforts! This article will talk about how to learn Spanish easily and with pleasure.


Studying the basics

    Learn the Spanish alphabet. Spanish alphabet - a well-known latice. It almost completely coincides with English, with the exception of one letter, but the sounds differ significantly. Study proponunciation is very complex and an important stage Training, and therefore, to start learning Spanish worth it from the alphabet. After you learn the pronunciation of individual letters, pronounce words and phrases will be much easier. Below is a list of pronunciation of the letters of the Spanish alphabet:

    Learn to pronounce letters. When you learn the rules, you can correctly utter words.

    • cA, CO, CU \u003d ka, ko, ku; CE, Ci \u003d sE, S. (or interdental sound closer to English, tH. In the word "Think")
    • cH \u003d. c.
    • gA, GO, GU \u003d ha, go, gu; GE, Gi \u003d hee, hee
    • h Dumb: Hombre pronounced as ombre
    • hua, Hue, Hui, Huo \u003d uA, UE, UI, UO
    • lL pronounced as j.. "Calle" pronounced kaye.
    • m and N at the end of the word, as well as n before C are pronounced as a nose sound n. In English "Think" or French "Un"
    • n before v pronounced m.
    • r at the beginning of the word and RR in the middle of the words are pronounced rolling, in other cases - as usual r
    • que, qui \u003d ke, Ki.
    • v pronounced as b.
    • y is pronounced as and between two consonants and how j. In conjunction with vowels.
      Listen to the Spanish speech records to understand how these letters sound, and read.
  1. Remember simple words. The more your vocabulary, the easier it will be to speak Spanish. Examine the simple words used in everyday use, and you will be surprised how quickly vocabulary will begin to replenish!

    Learn the basic spoken phrases. After examining the foundations of polite dialogue, you will quickly begin to communicate with the Spaniards, even if even at a simple level. Write a few conversational phrases for daily use and compete them at 5-10 pieces per day. That's where you can start:

    Learn the basic rules of grammar

    1. Learn the rules for having the right verbs. Hope of verbs is an important part of the grammar of the Spanish. As in Russian, here the verbs have a person, the number and time for which you can understand who and when Performs action. To learn the Hispanic verbs to learn the table, start with the right verbs in the present time. Find out the right verbs easily - all of them ends on -ar, -er., -ir., Moreover, each of them is hidden depending on the end. Details are presented below:

      Learn the rules for the loss of frequently used irregular verbs. Having learned to hide the right verbs, go to the wrong. Incorrect these verbs are called because their conjugation model differs from the correct verb model. The reasons for this lie in the history of Spanish itself, and they will not be easy to explain. Some of the most frequent verbs, including Ser (to be), Estar (be), IR (go), Haber (having) - just incorrect. Just memorize the shape of these verbs.

      Learn the characteristics of the category of the genus. In Spanish, as in Russian, all nouns have a genus. There are only two of them: male and female. At the same time, on the hearing or by writing, it is impossible to determine with confidence, to which kind of word belongs to, therefore the genus of the nouns must be learned by heart with the words themselves.

      Learn the rules of consumption of a certain and not certain article. In Russian, there are no articles. In English there is one specific article (The) and three uncertain (A / AN / SOME). In the Spanish article, eight: four defined and as much uncertain. The use of one or another article depends on the genus and number of nouns.

      • For example, speaking about the cat (the only number, male Rod), You need to use a certain article "EL" - "El Gato". Speed \u200b\u200babout cats ( plural, Male genus), you should use a certain article "LOS" - "Los Gatos".
      • A certain article will change if it comes to female cats. So, the "cat" (the only number, female genus) requires the use of a certain article "LA" - "La Gata", and "cats" (multiple, female genus), respectively, require the "LAS" articles - "Las Gatas".
      • Four forms of indefinite articles are used the same way. "Un" - male genus, the only number; "Unos" - male genus, multiple number; "UNA" - female genus, the only number; "Unas" - female genus, multiple number.

      Immerse yourself in the language

      1. Locate the native speaker. One of the best ways to improve language skills is to communicate with the native speaker. Such a person will easily fix your grammatical errorswill help with pronunciation, and will also introduce you to colloquial phrases that you will not find in the textbook.

        • If you have a well-friendly friend, ready to help, then you are very lucky. If there is no such friend, find sites where you can get acquainted with the goal of language practice, or courses where classes with native speakers are provided.
        • If you cannot find a Spanish person to communicate in real life, communicate with Skype. Perhaps you will even find someone who agrees to teach you Spanish in exchange for Russian classes.
      2. Try to sign up for courses. If you need an additional motivation or it seems that you will learn better in a more formal setting, sign up into the language school.

        • Look for the schools of foreign languages \u200b\u200bor courses in local educational institutions.
        • If you are afraid or shy to go to courses alone, ask a friend to sign up with you. So it will be more useful, and more fun.
      3. Watch movies and cartoons in Spanish. Buy Spanish DVD with subtitles or watch movies and cartoons on the Internet. This is a simple I. easy way Get used to the sound of Spanish speech and to the structure of the language.

        • If you get into battle, then after all simple offers Click on the pause and try to repeat the heard. Perhaps so your accent will become less noticeable.
        • If anything suitable can not be found, ask the forums or in groups dedicated to the Spanish language: people will probably share their sources.
      4. Listen to Spanish music. This is another great way Surround yourself with Spanish speech. Even if you do not understand all the phrases, try to allocate individual keywords and with their help to build assumptions, what it comes in the song.

        • Put the Spanish application to listen to the Radio to the phone so that you can listen to it on the road.
        • Download Spanish podcasts to listen to them during execution homework or sports.
        • Of the good Spaniard performers, Alejandro Sansa, Shakira and Enrique Iglesias are worth noting.
      5. Learn more about Spanish culture. Language and culture are in a very close connection, so many expressions and mentality are explained by the peculiarities of the culture of the people. The better you know Spanish culture, less problems It will arise in the future.

        If there is such an opportunity, go to Spain or another Spanish country. When you confidently feel in terms of language, think about whether you should not go to the country where they say in Spanish, because there is no way to immerse yourself in the tongue!

        • Remember that in each country there is its own emphasis, its slang, and even words sometimes differ in meaning. In Chile, for example, they say not at all as in Mexico, in Spain or in Argentina.
        • Over time, it will make sense to focus on some one branch of Spanish. You are confused if you can constantly switch the values \u200b\u200bof words and pronunciation options. However, only 2% of words differ from the main dictionary in each country. Aim to explore the remaining 98%.
      6. Do not lower your hands! If you are serious, then the pleasure of ownership of the second language will block all the difficulties. Language is difficult and long, and it is impossible to fully master them for a day. If it was not convinced of you, then know that Spanish is far from the most difficult language:

      • Read, read and read again! it the best way Learn the language, because reading covers many aspects of the language: vocabulary, grammar, sustainable expressions and so on. The harder the work and the harder it is to read it, the more useful it is in terms of language learning.
      • Many words in the languages \u200b\u200bthat occurred from Latin (Italian, Spanish, French) are similar to each other. Learn the rules of the so-called language conversion (for example, english word, ending on -IBLE, is written in Spanish as well, but read otherwise). Also, only thanks to the conversion, you can replenish your vocabulary for 2000 words.
      • Do all four components of learning language, that is, reading, writing, auditing and speaking. Detach the time to them all.
      • You can install an application for learning a language, such as Duolingo.
      • Contact special attention For pronunciation. Remember that the position of the sound in the word defines its sound (for example, "b" and "d" are pronounced in different ways and in the middle of the word). If you have good hearing, then paying enough attention to the pronunciation, you can smooth accent.
      • Try to find a comrade for whom Spanish is a native language. It will help you to understand the subtleties of the language, which are not written in the textbooks.
      • In order to maximize the pronunciation, please sing songs in Spanish. Give preference to songs that perform native speakers. At the same time, do not try to understand the meaning - try to utter words exactly as the singer does. One example of such a song is "AROR Del Bueno" Calibre 50. If you want, you can find lyrics and its translation later, first and foremost focus on pronunciation.
      • Of the simple sentences you can compose complex. For example, "I'm hungry" and "I want to eat" you can turn into "I want to eat anything, because I'm hungry."
      • Try using an electronic translator - it will come in handy to check if you all understand and speak.
      • Try to record new words and make a proposal with them. If you recognized the word, use it!


      • To learn new LanguageYou need to spend a lot of time and strength. Result B. this case Directly proportional to the effort spent. Do not give classes to become boring - Enjoy the process!
      • The only way to learn a new language is to start talking on it. Speak out loud, even if you talk to you. This will help you feel how the language sounds.

How best to learn Spanish?

Overcome the language barrier Spanish

9 problems in the study of Spanish

The study of Spanish is quite laborious and costly. Therefore, each of us wants that the learning results justify expectations and investments. To do this, it is worth thinking about what difficulties may arise and how they will be solved in your chosen learning method.

Training is the interaction of the student and who teaches (teacher, techniques, schools). The student has its own tasks and personal features, a teacher or methodology - their own. They do not always fit each other. It is not only in purely human compatibility or its absence. The learning method itself also plays. Many of them sin the fact that they are lagging behind and cannot meet the challenges of the student.

The problems that will be discussed, we did not invent themselves. These are the actual pains with whom the students most often appeal. Teachers of various schools speak mainly about the same difficulties in their students. And teachers do not always know how to solve these difficulties in a concrete student.

In the system of teaching our center, the mechanism for solving these problems has long been created and successfully worked out. It is universal and applied to all students, because it relies on natural processes.

1st problem - Free communication in Spanish

Many of us teach the language for years, but do not get the desired result. Learning the rules and words - the old (XV century), kind, but not always the best way to get free communication in Spanish. It is long, torn off from practice and often leads to "Cashe" in the head. The fact is that this habitual, most common and most convenient approach to the language comobrivers it into parts. From these parts, it would seem, the whole should be gathered, but usually everything remains at the level of disparate details. Our recipe consists in a holistic approach to language as a single organism. And also to immediately engage in the development of practical skills of free communication in Spanish: understanding of rumor, talking and reading.

2nd problem - misunderstanding of Spanish for rumor

Misunderstanding on rumor is connected not only with a lack of language practice. The trouble is that the majority of teaching techniques are given negligible attention of one of the most important components: phonderatic hearing. In contrast to the musical, the phondatic hearing gives us the opportunity to perceive and understand the speech. This is the foundation provided for by nature and the physiology of the brain, which builds up in the future. There is no foundation, there will be no language. Phonematic hearing in relation to the Spanish language must be developed! Therefore, almost half of your classes will be devoted to us just this skill.

3rd problem - forgetting spanish words

It always happens when foreign words Trying to remember by mechanical memorization - cravings or any mnemonic techniques, in the separation from the context and practice of their use. By the way, the memorization of words with the help of cards or, in more modern version, in the application in the phone, also belong to mechanical method Exhaust and forgetting here is simply inevitable. The use of mnemotechnics ("1000 words for 3 days" and so on) in relation to the language is also most often naked mechanics. As a result of memorizing outside the semantic relations, Spanish words settle in short-term memory, from where they disappear very quickly. According to the methods of the words used by us immediately fed in the context of their use, and most often not separately from each other, but in phrases, sentences and dialogues, that is, in the semantic bundle. This corresponds to the natural method of mastering Spanish, when words in our memory and consciousness are combined into a kind of families called semantic (semantic) fields. Only due to this, as well as multiple repetition and frequent use in different values, the words are laid in long-term memory. And so you will not forget it even years later After studying.

4th problem - Difficulties in building proposals

This is part of the problem that was discussed above when the language is taught "by elements." In fact, grammar is a kind of language superstructure. Imagine that before October revolution The grammar of the Russian was so highly numbered - built on the principle of the German grammar, which there were non-existent alien phenomena in her lively speech. At the same time, the alive language was the same as now! The reform of the Russian language has abolished these unnecessary Russian grammar phenomenon, but we did not cease to understand the language of their ancestors. Porridge from grammar and difficulties in the construction of independent statements come when the grammar is studied as an unshakable basis, in the separation from everything else. According to the CLP method, the grammar is sought from practice to theory, and not vice versa. This corresponds to the natural mechanisms of speech, in contrast to movement in the opposite direction: from the theory to the practice of its use. When grammar relies on live application Spanish, it becomes an important assistant and friend. In the opposite case, we get what many of our domestic textbooks and tests are sinned: strange expressions that will never consume and do not even understand the carrier. Therefore, communicative learning methods also use this path: from practice to theory.

5th problem - think in Spanish

In order to be in Spanish, it was possible to think, you have to affect this language. We assume a "natural" material feed mode and a soft immersion in the Spanish language medium, without violence over your own brain. Spanish, without excess stress embedded in your life, so in the end you really learn to think on it. Special lessons, during which you will perform simple thinking exercises in Spanish, occupy about 20% of all learning from us.

6th problem - Spanish pronunciation

It is closely related to the 2nd issue - misunderstanding. Physiologically we do not exist separate hearing and separate speech Systems, and there is one lubricatory system. It is based on the main natural abilities for languages \u200b\u200bthat are present in each person, but require special Development in adulthood. By the method of CLP, the Spanish pronunciation training takes approximately 20% of classes.

7th problem - the language barrier

When we think in Russian, and then try to translate our idea to Spanish, it always happens. From the very beginning of studying the Spanish language, teach himself to think like that of his carrier. This will not appease your thinking in Russian, because you will have a separate system for Spanish, based on the logic of this language. To do this, from the very beginning to perceive the language from the carrier, and not in the Russian interpretation. That's why educational materials Personal programs are prepared and voiced by carriers of Spanish, professional linguists and speakers. Therefore, you will immediately break to live and natural samples of Spanish speech, their logic and sound. The CLP method successfully combines the benefits of studying Spanish with a carrier and a domestic teaching system, rightly considered one of the best in the world.

8th problem - No time in Spanish

The CLP method provides you at once two huge benefits in this matter. First: You once download the training program on your computer, and no longer depends on anyone and do not adapt to anyone! You can copy the program to another media, transfer current lessons to mobile devices. Second: more than half of the audio programs of the program can and even preferably combine with other affairs. Such listening in the background is made in order to reduce the unconscious brain resistance, remove the barrier. This makes it possible to perceive the Spanish language neutral. At the same time it saves and your time.

9th problem - Cannot complete learning

Why fail to complete training? There are various circumstances in life, because of which sometimes you have to interrupt training and postpone it for an indefinite time. As a result, the knowledge gained begin to forget. As for your personal program, even if you have to take a break in the study of Spanish, the program will always remain with you, and you can continue learning when the circumstances will prevent this again. The pleasant news is also that you will not forget the earlier: rather, on the contrary, thanks to the break, the surveyed skills are even stronger in memory. This happens due to the fact that by the CLP method you master the skills and skills, and not abstract knowledge of the language. The skills are forgotten more difficult than torn away from the practice of knowledge, because the skills are based on muscle memory. Just as learning to swim or ride a bike one day, you are unlikely to ever find it.

What problems do you find in yourself?
How many problems should be to contact us to solve them?

It happens just only one, if this is the very problemwhich eats up your time, strength and money, not allowing the goal to achieve.

In addition to the above, the listed problems exist and others will be discussed in our newsletters. Solve your problems!

Any problem is solved if you go to it right!

What language speak Mexico? Why when traveling in Mexico english Maybe not only not to help, but also prevent? How fast and easy enough to master the basic Spanish language? I will try in this article to give answers to these and other questions.

What language in Mexico?

Think, in any country you can safely travel and feel comfortable if you know English? I will reveal the secret: if you are going to Mexico, English will not help!

How so? What language in Mexico? - you ask. I answer: Spanish. Yes, thanks to Spanish conquistadors.

Did Mexicans do not speak English at all? Very and very rare can be found such a valuable instance. Perhaps in very tourist zones, such as Cancuna (where we have not yet arrived), the situation is slightly better, but I would not count very much. For four months of traveling in Mexico, we met with Andrews. Literally several people met, at least somehow expressing in English (they can be counted on the fingers, perhaps even one hand is enough).

The whole salt is that English can not only help you in Mexico, but also to play a cruel joke. It turns out that Mexicans do not like English evenly as disliked their northern neighbors, at this wonderful speaker language. It happens that even knowing English, Mexican principally does not want to talk on it. Maybe not to answer the question asked in English by pretending that absolutely nothing understands or will communicate completely reluctantly and not very friendly. But it is worth only to pronounce a few words in Spanish, as you are ready to show everything and tell.

So, my friends, Spanish!

The main thing is to be a goal

And what to do now? How to go to Mexico? Master at least the foundations of Spanish. That is how I decided when we decided to go to a long Mexican journey with Andrews. The situation was facilitated by the fact that I really liked the Spanish and was interesting.

And then another concrete tangible goal appeared. After all, it is much easier to go ahead when there is a reward. We all need motivation.

So, if you have a desire to feel comfortable in the wonderful country, Mexico, put yourself a goal - to get to know the local language and speak on it.

Spanish - easy and fast

Hooray! You gathered in Mexico, time before the trip still there (I think that such long-distance travels are all more or less in advance). A reasonable question - how fast, and even easily learn Spanish? Immediately I will say that the secret A la "in the evening I wanted, in the morning I woke up and spoke in Spanish" I do not know. Personally, I took this question about three months before the trip. I was actively engaged in these three months. So say that it was quite easy for me to speak Spanish, I can not. We will have to work and you. But, I think that for three months - the term is very short.

What is very pleased? That Spanish (especially Mexican its version) is considered enough light tongue. First, the pronunciation is very similar to our native, there is no French RDR here (well, you understand what I am), no English "RDR", too, for us very unusual. Secondly, in Spanish, the words as heard, and they are written, as they are written and read. A couple of rules will have to remember, but the exceptions are minimum.

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