Do-it-yourself water well in a private household: detailed installation instructions. Self-drilling a well for water in the area An easy way to drill a well under water

Site arrangement 25.06.2019
Site arrangement

A do-it-yourself well allows the owner of a private house, cottage or country cottage always have water for household and household needs. , its ennoblement and care - all this the owner can take into his own hands. Simple instruction will tell you in detail how to do it. It is enough just to follow all the steps of the guide step by step - and you will save a significant amount of money on the services of third-party specialists.

Do-it-yourself well construction eliminates the need to take into account every cubic meter of water consumed and pay bills. That is why prudent owners give their choice in favor of such a water supply system.

Do-it-yourself preparation for drilling a well

Before proceeding with the process of arranging a well, it is necessary to clarify how deep the water is. The easiest option is to communicate with the owners of neighboring plots that are already equipped individual wells. In the absence of such an opportunity, you will have to call a brigade to drill a “test” well or explore everything on your own.

The construction of a well requires a number of tools and equipment. A simple pick and shovel will not do. In order to break through the earth to a great depth, you need special equipment. For example, artesian sources are created using powerful drilling rigs. A more modest source can be made using an ordinary tripod and winch.

Thanks to the winch, raising and lowering will be carried out drilling tool. The drilling tool itself includes the following components:

  1. Boer. In most cases, a simple coil is used.
  2. Column for drilling.
  3. Drill rods.
  4. Column pipe.

Additionally, for an independent well device, you will need the following:

  1. Caisson.
  2. Shovels.
  3. Water hoses/pipes.
  4. Casing.
  5. Pump.
  6. Filter.
  7. Valves.

Step-by-step instructions for arranging a small well for irrigation

If you start building a well solely to obtain water for irrigation, you won’t have to make much effort. A modest source can be made using the simplest drill. The main thing is that the first aquifer lies at a depth of no more than 3 m. Otherwise, more efforts will have to be made. This will be discussed in more detail in the next section of the manual.

To increase the length of the drill, use pipes of small diameter. You can get by with reinforcing bars. To overcome denser soil layers, hang some additional weight on the drill handles. This will make it easier for you or your workers. Remember that water from such a depth cannot be drunk, because. it does not undergo natural purification and can only be used for watering plants and other household tasks.

First you need to take an ax, weld or attach it in a different way to a metal rod and cut down all the roots that are in the path of your auger. Having drilled to about 2 m, you will see wet sand. At this stage, you will have to get a drill with adhering earth about every 10-15 cm. Otherwise, under the weight of the soil, the installation may simply not withstand and break.

When sand of a bluish-grayish hue begins to be seen, you can consider that the work is almost completed - the aquifer is already very close. When water appears, the drill can be removed, because. blurred earth will not hold on to the blades. At this stage, you insert the casing and can use such an impromptu source to water your plantings. Water from the well can be lifted using an electric pump or a conventional hand column. Choose according to your choice and within your budget.

Do-it-yourself well for drinking water

If the aquifer lies at a depth of about 10 m, the previous method cannot be used. But there is another effective and quite simple technique. She will suit you in such a situation.

First, arm yourself with a shovel and dig a hole about 1.5 m deep. Your goal is to get rid of loose, loose topsoil. A hole with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 1 m² will suffice. For greater convenience, the walls of the pit are recommended to be upholstered with boards.

Take a steel pipe and make teeth on one side of it, like a hacksaw. The teeth must be bent in different directions. On the other side of the pipe, you need to make a thread, thanks to which it can be connected to other pipe sections using a coupling. Take the clamp and attach the handles to the pipe. They will allow you to comfortably hold the pipe vertically at the desired height. At all about steel pipes ax the corresponding thread is prepared on both sides. The length should be approximately 3 m.

Next, you need to take a barrel of 200 liters or more, a water pump and a hose. The latter should have such a length that you can lower it from the prepared barrel into the middle of the pipe almost to the ground. Use a pipe with a diameter of 12 cm or more. In the future, it will perform the function casing pipe. It is very difficult and time-consuming to do all this work exclusively with your own hands, so it is better to immediately enlist additional help.

Make rotational movements of the pipe in different sides, trying to deepen it to the maximum possible distance. Turn on the pump. Under the pressure of water, the earth at the base will be washed away. Wet earth under its own weight and your rotational efforts will go deeper and deeper.

The barrel can be filled with the same water that will appear from the pipe. It is recommended to pre-filter it through a sieve. Other water can also be used. Consistently increase the length of the pipe by attaching new sections. So you get to the water layer pretty quickly. Remove the boards nailed at the very beginning and dig in the hole, strengthening the pipe in the middle. Install a cover on top that will protect the well from all kinds of debris. To deliver water to the top, use a pumping station or a deep pump.

This is a fairly simple way that allows you to do it yourself without spending a lot of money and time on it and without buying expensive equipment. sharpening, cutting, welding work You don't have to do all this.

Well construction by percussion-rope method

This well construction method is one of the most commonly used. You need to take logs of medium thickness and make a drilling rig out of them. The top of the tower should be directly above the future mouth of your well.

Make a hole about 2 m deep and about 1.5x1.5 m in size. It is recommended to sheathe the walls with boards. They will prevent soil shedding and make work more convenient.

Use a steel product with a wall thickness of 5 mm or more as a casing pipe. It is important that the pipe does not have side seams. Weld a cone to the bottom circle. Choose a cone whose diameter is 4-5 cm larger than the diameter of the pipe itself.

Roll the thread on the top of the pipe to further connect this section with other pipes using a coupling. Install the pipe vertically in the pit with a plumb bob and secure it so that it does not wobble, but is not firmly fixed. Lower a bailer tied with a strong hemp rope into the pipe. It should have a thickness of 2 cm. You can use a steel cable with a diameter of 1 cm. After that, proceed directly to punching the source.

Everything is done extremely simply: you raise the bailer by about 1 m and let it fall freely. The earth will fill in the middle. It needs to be shaken out periodically. To do this, lift the pipe up with a winch. The heavier the bailer, the faster you will get to the water. Most often, a product weighing within 50 kg is used. The length of the bailer should not exceed 2 m.

Make sure that the bailer is not filled with earth more than 2/3 of its length. If there is more land, such a load can create inconvenience and difficulties at the stage of further punching the source. If hard rock is in your way, replace the bailer with a chisel and destroy the obstacle.

After the appearance of water, the bailer can be removed. Pump it to a clean state with a deep pump. After that, you need to take a filter and insert it into the casing to prevent sand from entering the well.

According to this instruction, it is possible to make a water well up to an average depth of 40 m, which is more than enough for the vast majority of cases.

At such a depth, the water undergoes natural purification, becoming tasty and soft. It can be used for any household and business needs. If the water on your site lies more than 40 m, you will have to turn to the services of third-party specialists, because. it is impossible to make such a source on your own without proper skills and powerful equipment.

Regardless of whether you have made a miniature source for irrigation or a full-fledged artesian well, you will definitely have to take care of your “brainchild”. The main care is reduced to timely cleaning work.

As soon as you notice a deterioration or change in water pressure, better side, the appearance of impurities in the form of silt or sand, immediately proceed to cleaning. Ignoring this procedure will lead to the fact that in the near future your well will become much less efficient. Pull a little more, and it will clog so much that it will be easier to dig a new source than to clean out the old one.

For pumping, use water or air compressor. It will get rid of silt and sand. If these methods are ineffective or ineffective, you can use cleaning methods using short circuit or acids. But it is better not to even think about them without having the appropriate skills. This is very dangerous for the well itself, and for the person serving it. If it is not possible to clean the source with a compressor, call the appropriate specialists. Successful work!

The lack of own wells and the poor quality of water in the central water supply systems have led to the fact that the driven well has again become in demand. In private homes, this design is often the only option for providing water. In addition, a well can be made both at home and outside, near the bathhouse or in the garden. Own autonomous provision is always attractive, but you need to know what a driven well is, or otherwise, an Abyssinian well.

What is needed for the construction of driven wells

Schematic arrangement of the driven well of the Abyssinian well

The well is convenient in all its indicators:

  1. Equipment performance. An Abyssinian well can be dug in one day if pipes and other accessories are available;
  2. Affordable price. The cost of pipes (the main cost factor) is low, and if the aquifer is close, the process is accelerated and greatly facilitated;
  3. Preparatory work can begin in the winter.

The main thing is to find out from the neighbors how deep the aquifer layer lies or take a closer look at the wells located in the district.

Well tools and equipment:

  • First you need to purchase pipes for water with a length of at least 15 m. An important part of the tubular well is the intake - a filter made of the same material that makes up the entire structure.

Important! The length of the intake filter is calculated based on the saturation of the aquifer. With excessive saturation, the length does not exceed 0.5 m, with insufficient saturation it can reach up to 1.5 m.

  • The turner can be entrusted with the manufacture of the intake cone. It is immediately welded to the part of the intake or equipped with a thread and screwed.
  • Pipe perforation is required. To do this, holes are drilled along the entire length of the pipe, with a diameter of up to 0.8 cm. The location of the holes is staggered, then the pipes are wrapped in a mesh, soldered with tin solder along the edge part.
  • Intake net - required element, which can also be made by hand. A good mesh should hold a small puddle of water and at the same time allow the liquid to drain freely, the design of the mesh element can be seen in the video.

Needle filter for clogging the Abyssinian well

Important! The mesh made of non-ferrous metal is not suitable for the intake, due to the peculiarity of rapid corrosion and deformation.

  • The mesh is attached to stainless steel screws equipped with large hats. For fastening strength, it is better to drill small (2 mm) holes along the entire length of the intake pipes. It is simple and easy to do it yourself. But after winding and fastening the mesh, the protruding and extra parts of the mesh fabric must be cut off! It is wrong to wire with wire, if the intake catches on something solid in the ground, the wire will not help, the mesh will immediately break through, and not only small, but also large particles of dirt and soil will begin to fall into the water.
  • Extension pipes are cut into pieces of 0.5-1.5 m, depending on the soil filling. For soft seams, slightly longer pipe lengths are allowed.
  • Couplings take only steel! But for the strength and reliability of fastening, it is better to supplement the threaded step by turning it to half of the coupling. The operation is also simple and easy to do with your own hands, with some threading skill. To minimize leakage at the joints, the couplings are seated on linen threads with paint.

Drilling a driven well for water

Drilling is carried out with an ordinary fishing drill with a redesigned handle and brace

If all the tools and equipment are prepared correctly, you can proceed to the next step - clogging the well. Previously, it is better to watch the whole process on the video and use our tips:

  • Drilling is carried out with an ordinary fishing drill with a redesigned handle and brace. The handle is changed so that extension knees are connected to the drill, the brace is changed to a T-shaped handle.

Advice! To make the clogging take as little time as possible, it is better to do the work together. This will make it easier to get the drill out of the ground and clean it.

  • As soon as quicksands are found, the process must be stopped, a pipe with an intake is lowered into the well and a mallet is taken. A mallet is an ordinary chock, equipped on both sides with metal brackets fixed vertically. The pipe must be hammered with it, it is only important to observe the uniformity of blows.

Advice! The presence of water in the layer is checked by pouring liquid into the well, if it does not linger, but leaves immediately - the drilling site has been chosen correctly and the Abyssinian driven well will be ready soon.

  • After the clogging of the pipes is completed, you can connect the pump using a hose with clamps and pump out the water.

Example of a driving device for driving a needle

Pure and tasty water has gone, without film formations, foam and precipitation - the result has been achieved. But for your own peace of mind, it’s good to do a water analysis in the laboratory, since it’s impossible to do it yourself to make sure it’s safe. When bad smell or the appearance of a film, it is better to continue driving pipes to a greater depth, checking from time to time for the presence of an aquifer. Clogging deeper than 15 meters is not worth it, this will not turn out to be an Abyssinian well, but a different design.

It is difficult to pump out water if the water table is below 9 meters. If an operation is necessary, a pit is dug out, where a pump is lowered or a well is made with the installation of a water pumping station.

Rarely, but it happens that the aquifer is not located. In this case, remove the pipes, if you don’t know how, watch the video, bury the well and punch the Abyssinian well with your own hands in another place on the site.

Preparation of the well for use

Installation of an external pump on a well

So, the water is good, the groundwater is saturated, which means that you can start arranging the well. To do this, a set of pipes is leveled above the soil level for ease of connection. In this case, you can replace the last extended knee with a piece of the desired length, or simply cut off the excess by cutting a thread onto the top. The thread is required to equip the valve and connect the hose part.

Advice! The valve often breaks, so it is better to install it in front of the pump (at the top), in case of failure, the valve will be easier to replace. If the well is intended for use in the warm period, the valve is removed for winter cold until spring. And if the well begins to work year-round, then in severe frosts it is also better to dismantle the valve, putting it on only for using the well, and make sure that no water remains in the pump.

After arranging the valve, the well is pumped with a hand pump, and only then, when the system is filled with water, an electric or water pump is connected. pumping station. This will ensure a constant column of liquid in the pipe and the Abyssinian well will work more efficiently.

Cleaning the Abyssinian well system

Before use, it is necessary to pump the well well

As you can see, it is not difficult to hammer a well with your own hands, a set of pipes, tools and some patience is enough. During operation, the intake will become clogged with particles, which means that you will have to clean or completely replace the intake grid or the entire collector. But there are times when the water runs out completely. Reasons can vary from natural phenomena to man-made. Solution: carry out deeper drilling into the ground and equip not an Abyssinian well, but a well with a casing.

In conclusion and to help

Interesting new technologies for clogging "disposable" wells with their own hands. Such wells are made on a short time, for example to provide water to summer time until the Abyssinian well is ready. For the arrangement, a metal-plastic pipe is used, clogged with a composite rod. The intake is no different from the usual one, only inside it is equipped with a recess in the shape of a cone so that the driving rod rests in this place. The metal-plastic elbow is connected to the intake by means of a coupling, and the entire structure is lowered into the drilled well. As soon as the rod was inserted into the pipe, they rested it in the recess of the intake, an anvil is screwed on top of the rod and the intake is hammered to the desired depth. We reached the aquifer, remove the rod, connect the pipe to the pump and you can pump the well to get clean water.

Do-it-yourself Abyssinian well from plastic pipes

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Every summer resident knows how difficult it is in the summer without water on the site. In the heat, you really want to take a shower or swim in the pool, and the plants need watering. But not everyone can afford to hire specialists to drill a well. Therefore, we propose to figure out how to make it with your own hands, because it is not so difficult.

Types of wells

For suburban areas, depending on the depth and design features there are two types:

The main difference is the drilling depth, 50m and 200m respectively.

Do-it-yourself water well from a to z, video

Consequently, it is practically impossible to drill an artesian without the use of special equipment.

Before starting drilling, it is necessary to determine the approximate depth of the water. This can be found out by asking either neighbors who already have a well, or by contacting geologists - for a fee. If the depth does not exceed 25 meters, then you can start drilling on your own.

Drilling equipment

So, consider the design of the mechanism with which you can drill a well in the country with your own hands. The basis of this mechanism will serve as a tower, made in the form of a tripod. It can be made from both wood and metal. At the top of the rig there will be a block for lifting the drill string. The two legs of the tripod are connected by a winch (collar).

chief functional element drilling mechanism is a drill column. Usually it consists of several rods joined by coupling joints. Water pipes can be used as rods. The column is immersed in the ground and gradually built up during the drilling process with the help of additional rods.

drilling head

The cutting element of the drilling mechanism is the drilling head. It is screwed with a threaded connection onto the base of the column. Depending on the soil, different heads are used:

  • "spoon" - for soft rocks;
  • "serpentine" - for medium;
  • "chisel" - for hard.

The bailer is used to remove loosened soil from the well.

In order to fix the walls of the well, a casing pipe is used. The cheapest way would be to use the usual plastic pipe the desired diameter. At the bottom of the pipe, a special shoe is made with a smooth or serrated shape.

As can be seen from the description, some of the materials and equipment for drilling can be bought at hardware stores, and some can be made by hand.

Work order

In order to prevent shedding of the top layer of soil, a special structure is equipped - a pit (a well one and a half meters by one and a half meters, and a depth of about two).

  1. The walls and floor of the pit are reinforced with boards, and covered with flooring on top.
  2. Next, it will be necessary to make a hole in the floor for the drill head and exactly the same in the upper deck, clearly under each other.
  3. Direct drilling is carried out by passing the drill column with the head installed into the prepared holes using a winch.

    It begins to rotate with the help of a gate fixed on the column. Usually this work is done by two people.

  4. The column is drilled 60-70 cm, then removed along with the soil, cleaned and the process repeated. If necessary, increase with the help of an additional rod.
  5. In case of unstable soil or in case of its shedding, it is necessary to alternate the drilling process with the installation of casing pipes.
  6. At the end of the drilling process, when water has appeared in the well, it is thoroughly cleaned with a bailer.
  7. Next, a special filter must be installed at the bottom of the well to protect the water from mechanical impurities.
  8. Then the pit is dismantled and the casing pipe is filled up to the required level, and the above-ground part is decorated as desired. Water from the well can be lifted using a submersible or surface pump, which is purchased in a specialized store.

During the operation of the well, it becomes clogged with various impurities. Therefore, over time, it will be necessary to clean it.

Related videos

Watch a video about "Do-it-yourself well in the country". It is in this story that more detailed material our specialist.

Water supply land plot offline is carried out, taking into account the geological location by means of constructing a pond or drilling a well for a well.

In order to select a specific source of water supply for the entire site, it is necessary to conduct geological research on the site, otherwise all work on the organization of water supply may be in vain.

First of all, the following information should be remembered about the geological structure of the site:

  • What deposit is in the second layer and what is its thickness;
  • Clay and sand lie on the surface;
  • Depth of existing groundwater and this must take into account the weather conditions and the season.
  • At what depth does the second layer change first;

All of the above information can only be obtained in the case of drilling a well or digging a pit on the site, it is also recommended to ask the owners of neighboring sites how they solved the problem with water supply.

The main types of groundwater:

  • Verkhovodka or groundwater;
  • Interlayer non-pressure or pressure water;
  • Self-flowing or artesian waters.


As the name suggests, perch water forms upper part groundwater. Usually, the level of top water is near the surface, so it is very popular in operation among gardeners. Due to its availability, such water has serious negative indicators: in different time the depth of the course varies considerably over the course of the year.

Home master: do-it-yourself drilling of water wells

During a drought, the perch can completely disappear. And also the top water, due to its superficial location, is very easily polluted due to gardeners' fertilizers or due to external clogging.

Interlayer waters

Interstratal waters are located in difficult accessibility due to their very close occurrence from the surface. The layer of argillaceous clay becomes a "confining layer" to a greater or lesser extent, and thereby blocking the interstratal waters. As a result of all this, in such waters all the above-described negative traits perch. The water abundance of the springs, which are associated with interstratal waters, and the chemical composition of the water are quite constant.

Interstratal waters can be either non-pressure or pressure.

Non-pressure - when the water level, after the introduction of a well or pit, is able to remain within the aquifer and, without raising the water level in the “waterproof” zone. But they are also able to have a strong pressure, sometimes so strong that they can pour freely onto the daylight surface.

Self-ejecting pressure waters have a local distribution. In cases where they are under great pressure and abundantly spread over vast areas, they are called artesian waters.

Water extraction methods

  • Drilling of wells, passage of mine workings: "kopush", "pipe", pits;
  • Search using geophysical objects - simple devices that are wooden or metal rods, rods, frames, etc.

When determining the course for finding drinking water, you should reach the groundwater, overcoming upper layer soils

Methods of penetration into the soil

  • well drilling;
  • by means of a crowbar and a shovel;
  • excavator.

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Any summer resident cannot work without permanent source water. After all, it is necessary for everything: watering the garden, own needs, any other work. Therefore, the first thing the owners are trying to solve the issue of plumbing.

There are two ways out of the situation - a centralized water supply or an individual source. But since land holdings are often distant from each other, the first option is not a cheap pleasure. So the summer resident has to drill a well for water himself. This is not an easy task, since much in this matter depends on the type of well device and, of course, the special drilling technology.

Various well options

Before proceeding to drilling, it is necessary to figure out what the depth of the water source is, and, having this information, decide which type of well is most suitable. It depends on which work plan you should choose. Really distinguish the following types:

  • Abyssinian well (aquifer at a depth of 3-12 m);
  • well "on the sand" (no deeper than 50 m);
  • well "on limestone" (artesian - up to 200 m).

The first two types will not cause much difficulty compared to the last, since such a large depth will require a drilling rig and professional workers.

Which well to choose? It all depends on required amount consumed water. If a small flow rate is required, then the first two options are chosen, and if you need from 10 cubic meters of water per hour, then an artesian type is arranged.

Features of different types

You should start with the Abyssinian well. Since the depth here is not very large (3-12 m), it is necessary to take into account the location. Care must be taken to place the well as far away from potential dirt accumulation areas as possible. That is, there should not be garbage pits, compost nearby, which can pollute the water and make it unusable. There are cases when hard rocks or pebbles are absent in this area, then there is only one way out - to drill a source right in the basement of the house. But here a number of problems may arise, since it will be necessary to deal with the equipment of the well manual speakers and a pump, so that it is possible to extract liquid without extra costs electricity.

As noted above, a sand well can be cut to a depth of no more than 50 meters. Before you start drilling, you need to draw up a plan, that is, choose a suitable place. The well should be as far away from various sources pollution. Even a bathhouse or a poultry farm fall under this concept. It is also necessary to take into account future buildings, since it will be almost impossible to move the source.

See also: How to dig a well yourself

Getting started: how to cut a conventional well

When all points are taken into account, you can begin to perform the tasks. Follow this algorithm:

  1. Mark up for future work.
  2. Dig a hole for a tool (auger, drill).
  3. Install drilling tools.
  4. Carry out drilling according to the chosen technique.
  5. Lower the column for the filter into the hole. It consists of a filter, a sump and a pipe.
  6. Fill the distance between the outer walls of the casing pipe and the soil with sand or gravel.
  7. Seal the top of the pipe and pump water into it so that the filter is washed.
  8. Pump out the liquid from the well using a column or screw pump.
  9. Drop into the well submersible pump. To do this, apply the force of a safety cable. It is important to remember that these actions can be done when the water has already become clean.
  10. Connect the hose (water pipe) and the pump.
  11. Install a valve on the pipe so that in the future you can adjust the liquid level.
  12. Waterproof the top of the casing.
  13. Treat the wellhead with a caisson and weld it to the head.
  14. Lay the water pipes that lead to the house in the trenches intended for them.
  15. Sprinkle the caisson and concrete pavement with soil.

Such a source will last no more than 10-15 years. But it is necessary to periodically check the well to control the purity of the fluid.

How to drill an artesian well

The most difficult thing is with the artesian source. Most often it lies in a limestone layer. But sometimes, in order to confirm his assumptions, the summer resident orders a test well. A real such source can be used to provide water to several sites. Therefore, to save money, it is advisable to negotiate with a couple of neighbors. To cut through it, you will need the following tools:

  • Boer, constituent parts which has a core barrel, a drill rod, a core for drilling, an active part;
  • metal screw;
  • tripod;
  • winch;
  • several pipes with different diameters;
  • valve;
  • caisson;
  • filters;
  • pump.

It is not necessary to buy all these tools, because they can cost a fortune. It is advisable to rent them. The work proceeds according to the following algorithm:

  1. Dig a 1.5 m x 1.5 m hole. Line it with plywood and boards so that it does not crumble.
  2. Install a sturdy derrick, preferably made of metal or wood, directly over the recess. Then fix the winch at the junction of the supports. This device is used for lifting and lowering equipment.
  3. Choose the right pump that will fit easily into the pipe.
  4. Lower the filter column, which consists of a pipe, a sump and a filter. But it is worth doing this when the required depth has already been reached.

    How to hammer a well into water with your own hands and video

    In order to strengthen the pipe, the space near it is covered with sand. In parallel with this, pump water into the pipe, the upper end of which is airtight.

Next, simply lower the pump, and then a hose or water pipe is needed to bring water out of the depths. Connect them too. To do this, remove the pipe and weld it to the head of the caisson. Next, install a valve that will regulate the level of water inflow - and your well is ready.

Driven well or Abyssinian well

This type of wells is common in the north of our country in private households. In another way, a driven well is called an “Abyssinian well”. It became widespread mainly because of the desire of each family to have its own source of drinking water, while previously everyone was content with the common one.

In the photo - an Abyssinian well with a pumping station

General information

Today, water is vital for every private courtyard - for a residential building, watering a garden, a bathhouse, and also simply for a reserve of life-giving moisture. Usually one well is made in the yard, but in this case two wells are possible.

Such a tubular well is interesting in that you can make it in almost one day if you prepare everything necessary materials. The price of the construction is low, and the process is as simple as possible, so if you have a good aquifer on your site, this option will be the best for organizing private water supply. And how to hammer a well into water will be described in detail below in the article.

Making an Abyssinian well in the underground of a house

When you have decided to organize the "Abyssinian well", you can do everything preparatory work spend leisurely winter. It would also be nice to know in advance from the neighbors the depth at which the water mirror is located in the well, and look at their decks.


Below is an instruction on how to hammer a well with your own hands:

  1. Buy 15 m of pipe, preferably stainless Ø 3/4″ or Ø 1″.
  2. Make your own or order the components of the structure:
  • intake filter - the most important element, which is made from the same pipe or from a pipe of a larger diameter.

    The length of the intake is approximately equal to the aquifer, 500 mm is enough for a good vein, maximum 1500 mm;

  • order a cone for the intake to the turner, and then weld it to the intake pipe or attach it to the thread.
  1. Prepare a P52 stainless mesh, it is not recommended to use non-ferrous metals, but it all depends on chemical composition water.

Intake filter with stainless steel mesh

  1. Drill numerous holes Ø 8-10 mm along the entire length of the pipe, placing them in checkerboard pattern, then wrap it with mesh and solder it around the edge using tin solder. You can also attach it to stainless steel self-tapping screws with a large hat. To do this, it is necessary to drill holes Ø 2-2.5 mm in the pipe along the entire length.

Tip: do not wrap the mesh with wire, this will practically do nothing.

  1. Cut the extension pipes into lengths of 1.5-2 m, depending on the soil on the site. If it is loose and the pipes fit well into it, make them longer.

Abyssinian well manufacturing scheme

  1. Prepare steel couplings, for pipes - half couplings. Sit clutches on linen with paint, FUM tape is not suitable.
  2. Use an ordinary fishing drill for drilling, the handle of which needs to be redone. This consists in the possibility of attaching additional knees, you should also change the brace to a T-handle. Remove the drill from the well with your hands, preferably together, with a passage of up to 6 m. Stop drilling when signs of quicksand appear.
  3. Lower a pipe with an intake into the well and hammer it with a wooden mallet, preferably birch. Use a ladder when the end of the pipe is too high. Drive the intake into the water horizon with even strokes. Check for its appearance by pouring water into the pipe, when it leaves without delay, then you are already in the aquifer.
  4. Take a hand pump, attach a rubber hose to it and start pumping water.

    This will be especially easy to do when the water mirror is located at a depth of 4-6 m.

The last knee of the Abyssinian well with a thread for connecting the pump

  1. Examine the water for transparency and taste, as well as soapiness, let it settle and boil. good water it will be clean, tasty, not form a film during settling and not produce precipitation. It is better, of course, to take it to the laboratory for chemical analysis.

If you don't like the water, keep plugging the pipes further. At the same time, do not forget to control the depth and periodically check the presence of an aquifer by pouring water.

When you find water in lower layers, the water table will align with the first water horizon, and the selection itself will come from levels 2-3. In this way, it is possible to clog a well by almost 14-15 m, but then it will be almost unrealistic.

When the mirror of water is set at a level of 9 m from the surface, in order to get it, you can dig a pit to a depth of two to three meters. You will get a pit that will not let the well freeze in winter if it is insulated.


When water is found, it is necessary to proceed to the next stage - the arrangement of the well.

How to make a well without equipment on your own?

to start its full operation. Adjust the height of the pipe to the level that is convenient for you to connect the pump. At the same time, the last elbow must have a thread that connects the hoses and check valve.

If the well is not operated in winter, the latter must be removed. Connect the water pump station or pump after the non-return valve through a hose high pressure or pipe.

Tip: if after a while the water pressure decreases, most likely the mesh is clogged on the intake. Then you pull the pipes out of the well to clean it or replace it.

Pit for driven well

Sometimes the water in the well may disappear due to a change in the horizon of the aquifer, since this is not a constant thing. In this case, you will have to contact a company that is engaged in deep drilling and a casing pipe will already be needed for the well.

New technologies

Some companies offer interesting solutions associated with the installation of driven wells. which can be classified as disposable. In this case, not a metal pipe is used, but a metal-plastic one, the price of which is much cheaper.

But, since it is unrealistic to break through the soil because of its softness, a composite reusable carbon steel rod is used for driving. The intake is performed in the usual way, however, a conical recess is made at the base of the tip to stop the driving rod.

A metal-plastic elbow is attached to the intake through the coupling, the structure is lowered into the drilled well, a driving rod is inserted into the pipe, resting against the conical recess of the intake. Then an anvil is screwed onto it and the intake is hammered through a steel rod.

When the aquifer level is reached, the rod is removed and the pipe is connected to the pump. The cost of such a well is less than a standard stainless pipe.


From the article, you learned how to hammer a well yourself on soft soils without the use of heavy drilling equipment. In this case, two options are used - with a metal pipe and with a metal-plastic, but with a steel driving rod. The water extracted to the surface should first be given for chemical analysis of its quality.

In the article presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Well needle - what is it?

Needle hole drilling

Availability of water in the suburban area - necessary condition his existence. If the owner has a limited budget, then you can take advantage of the construction of a low-cost technical facility, which is available to most summer residents.

The technology for installing an Abyssinian well with your own hands is quite simple. Such a well or a needle for a well was invented by Americans in the 19th century. The article proposes to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of its device.

What geological conditions are needed for a well device

Abyssinian well - a shallow well into which a hand pump is installed. With its help, water is pumped from an aquiferous sandy layer.

Such a structure differs from an ordinary well in the presence of very clean water. It is not clogged with dust, dirt, drains and perched water.

Before proceeding with the implementation of the plan, it is necessary to get acquainted with the geology of your area. Usually, neighbors who have long owned plots nearby can tell about this.

They know where the soil layers are located and how deep the aquifers are.

The layout of the Abyssinian well

Tip: An Abyssinian well can only be arranged if the upper aquifer is located no deeper than 8 m from the ground surface. From greater depths, lifting water with a surface pump can be problematic. When the aquifer is lower, a sand well should be drilled with a larger diameter or the pump should be buried, rather than using a surface pump.

Soil requirements for a well device:

  • The aquifer for which the well will be constructed must contain medium-grained sand or a mixture of gravel and sand. Such soil passes water well, it will be easy to pump it out.
  • The condition for the upper layers is only their permeability. Otherwise, you will need special equipment.

What are the advantages of such water supply

Tip: If neighbors in the dacha already have such wells, then there will be no special problems for building it on the site.

Advantages of the Abyssinian well:

  • Simplicity and low cost of construction.
  • It does not require a lot of space for its arrangement: the structure does not violate the composition of the landscape.
  • There is no need to use machinery, no access roads are needed to deliver it to the site.
  • The pump can be installed on site or indoors.
  • It will take no more than 10 hours to carry out the work, which depends on the hardness of the soil and the depth of the water carrier.
  • Silting prevents a quality filter for the well. which allows the building to be used for a long time.
  • No pollution enters the device from the surface of the earth.
  • The quality of water from such a well is similar to spring water.
  • The water well needle provides a constant supply of water volume. It is enough for watering the site, for household needs: for an average well, the debit is from 0.5 to 3 cubic meters / hour.
  • The device can be easily dismantled and installed elsewhere.
  • These wells are shallower than traditional sand wells, which reduces the likelihood of dissolved iron entering the structures. This eliminates the need to install filters, the price of which is not small.

Features of the equipment device

The functioning of any well and the Abyssinian well depends on the quality of the pipe and its dimensions:

  • For construction, it is best to use inch or one and a half inch pipes made of metal or plastic, cut into pieces one to two meters long.
  • As the dive progresses, the pipe is extended to the required length. Their connection is made by threaded connections.
  • Silicone, sanitary flax, oil paint are used for sealing.
  • Special couplings are also used for connection.

Tip: It is necessary to ensure that the pipes are connected securely enough. Violation of tightness can damage the entire structure.

  • To advance the device in the thickness of the soil, the diameter of the tip must be made slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe.
  • The end of the pipe ends with a special filter-needle. This facilitates the passage of the pipe in the ground, protects the structure of the well from silting, and ensures the purity of the incoming water.

Tip: It is best that the needle for the Abyssinian well be made of the same material as the main pipe, which will prevent electrochemical corrosion.

For the manufacture of a filter-needle from galvanized metal pipe, necessary:

  • Holes with a diameter of 5 to 8 mm are drilled in the pipe, they must be arranged in a checkerboard pattern.
  • A stainless steel mesh is soldered on top. In the absence of a grid, you can use a wire, it winds around the perforated end of the pipe, leaving a gap between the turns.
  • The wire is also soldered.
  • A spear-shaped tip is welded to the end of the pipe, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the pipe.

    This is necessary for the free movement of the structure following the needle.

Tip: For solder, you need to take only pure tin. The presence of lead impurities in it for the Abyssinian well is unacceptable, this can cause severe water poisoning.

For such a well, a reinforced pipe made of polypropylene is suitable.

To make a filter needle from pvc pipes need to:

  • Insert a mesh filter inside the pipe.
  • Fix it by welding.
  • Perforate the pipe. To do this, slots are made on its surface with a hacksaw for metal.

How to build an Abyssinian well

To build a structure, you can use one of two methods:

  • Zabivny. For driving structures into the ground, they usually use a “driving woman”. In this case, you need to constantly pour water into the pipe. After a sharp departure of water into the soil, the structure deepens another half a meter, then the installation of the water pump can begin.

Construction of the Abyssinian well

The driving method for creating an Abyssinian well is great, but there are a number of dangers. The main one is the probability of passing by the aquifer.

In addition, when meeting a stone at a great depth, the structure can be completely damaged.

  • Small diameter drilling. This method guarantees the presence of water in the well, but its use requires special equipment.

Tip: It is better to pour one or two bags of marble chips into the well to create an additional filtration circuit and prevent silting of the structure.

To build a well, you must purchase:

  • Drill and grinder.
  • Hammer and sledgehammer.
  • A couple of gas keys.
  • Pancakes from the rod from 20 to 40 kg, for clogging the pipe.
  • Welding machine.
  • Garden drill with a diameter of 15 cm.
  • Pipes: From 3 to 10 meters -? inch, 1 meter -? inches.
  • 1 inch well pipe, in 1-1.5 m pieces with short threads on each side.
  • Bolts and nuts for 10.
  • Grid from of stainless steel galloon weaving P48 1 m long and 16 cm wide.
  • Automobile collars of 32 standard sizes.
  • Couplings: steel, for connecting pipes and cast iron 3 - 4 pieces, for clogging pipes.
  • Wires two meters with a diameter of 0.2 - 0.3 mm.
  • Pumping station, HDPE pipes, check valve and couplings.

How to make a filter

For the manufacture of the filter, an inch pipe is needed, which is approximately 110 cm long, a tip is welded to it in the form of a cone - a needle for an Abyssinian well.

In its absence, you can simply flatten the end of the pipe with a sledgehammer.

  • With a grinder, slots are cut on both sides of the pipe at a length of 80 cm through 1.5 - 2 cm, the size of the slot is from 2 to 2.5 cm. In this case, the overall strength of the pipe should not be compromised.
  • A wire is wound onto the pipe.
  • After that, a mesh is applied to it and fixed with clamps after 8 - 10 cm. The photo shows ready-made filters for the Abyssinian well.

Prepared well filters

In America, unlike the Russian Federation, for example, a filter for such a well is made with an internal mesh and a wire located above and below the mesh.

Drilling technology

The instruction indicates that the drilling process is as follows:

  • With the help of a garden drill, the soil is drilled.
  • The design is built up from pipes: meter? inches of pipe using couplings from pipe diameter? inch and 10 bolts are interconnected. Holes must be pre-drilled at the fixing points.
  • The process of drilling a well continues until the appearance of wet sand flowing down from the surface of the drill. Further drilling does not make sense - wet sand will return back to the well.
  • The pipe with the filter is clogged.
  • Pipe sections are connected to the filter by means of couplings. FUM tape is screwed onto the thread.
  • Then such a design with a filter made of pipes is lowered to the sand, a cast-iron coupling is screwed on top of it.
  • Pancakes are laid on this coupling from the rod. An axis is passed through their center, along which pancakes will slide and clog the pipe. The axis is made of a piece of pipe 1.5 meters long and with a diameter? inches with a bolt on the end.

Installation scheme of the Abyssinian well

  • From each hit with a pancake, the pipe sinks several centimeters.
  • After passing from the sand level by half a meter, you need to pour some water into the pipe. If she disappears, the sand has accepted her.

How to pump a finished well

The well drilling process is as follows:

  • A check valve is installed.
  • A pumping station is being installed. It is necessary to monitor the tightness of the entire structure.
  • Water is poured into the pumping station.
  • A piece of hose is connected to the outlet.
  • The pump starts.

    How to make a well with your own hands without equipment

    Initially, air will come out of the well, and then muddy water.

  • After that, clean water will appear. Its quality can be verified after analysis (see Water Analysis: Types and Methods) or simple boiling.

How water is extracted in the country with the help of a borehole needle can be seen in detail in the video. This article suggests brief information about the stages of construction of the device.

Based on site materials:

Dig and or a well on your own - not the most simple work, but quite profitable. For it, you need to acquire certain tools and equipment. Without them, this work cannot be done. These are various, winch, tripod. Also, you can not do without an assistant who will help remove the drill from the well.

When deciding on a specific location for a well, it is advisable to choose the lowest point on the site. It should be borne in mind that this place should be as far as possible from places of soil contamination. Otherwise, in order to ensure a normal drinking water, you will need to make an artesian well.

Equipment and tools for well installation

  1. Drilling tools: column for drilling, drill rods, column pipe.
  2. Winch.
  3. Tripod.
  4. Metal auger or high-strength steel ice screw.
  5. Bailer for lifting soil to the surface.
  6. Pipes of different diameters - casing, water pipes and hoses.
  7. Caisson.
  8. Water filters.
  9. Valves.
  10. Downhole pump.

To overcome the layers of soil of different densities, you will need special drills:

  1. Spiral drill or the so-called coil. Used for drilling clay soil.
  2. Bur-spoon. Suitable for sandy soil.
  3. Drill bit. It is used for loosening hard soils.

Manufacture of a drilling rig for drilling a well

Figure 1. Scheme of mounting a tripod for drilling.

The simplest method of mounting a tripod for drilling a well is proposed. To make it, you will need:

  • 3 beams 15-20 cm in diameter and 4-5 m long;
  • thin pipe.

The tripod is mounted as follows:

  1. Lay the bars on the ground as shown in fig. one.
  2. Drill holes through them through which a thin pipe will be inserted.
  3. Insert a pipe through the holes of all three bars and fasten them in different directions, forming a tripod.
  4. Attach the winch to the tripod.
  5. Make a cylinder block at the top of the tripod so that the cable of the mechanical winch can be easily moved.
  6. Attach the drill to the cable and start drilling the well.

Do-it-yourself well drilling

The process of simple drilling looks like this:

  1. 2 people turn the auger drill, holding its handle, clockwise until it completely enters the ground.
  2. The winch pulls the drill until the cable is completely pulled out, after which the drill is pulled out manually and cleaned from the ground.
  3. This operation is carried out until the aquifer is reached.

Let's see how this is done in more detail.

Figure 2—Scheme of the well drilling process.

  1. First of all, a pit is pulled out with dimensions of 150x50 cm. To prevent the recess from falling off, its walls should be lined with either boards, or plywood, or chipboard. You can also dig a trunk with an ordinary drill to a depth of 1 m, 15-20 cm in diameter. This is necessary to ensure the vertical stability of the pipe.
  2. Set the tripod directly over the recess and secure the winch at the junction of its legs.
  3. To determine the diameter of the well and column pipe, you first need to select a well pump. Its movement through the pipe must be unhindered, that is, the diameter of the pump must be 5 mm less than the diameter of the pipe.
  4. Well drilling is the process of lowering and lifting drilling equipment. The rod rotates with a simultaneous blow to it with a chisel. One person spins the bar, the other hits it from above, thereby going deeper into the ground. The winch makes this climb and dive easier. When drilling, the rod should be marked. This will help determine when it is time to pull the rod out and clean out the drill. Experts recommend doing this procedure every 0.5 m.
  5. A special drill-spoon is used to drill the sandy layer of the soil. At the same time, water must be added during the drilling process. If the soil is too hard, a drill bit will help to break it. Such drills can be of two types - flat and cross. Their main purpose is to help loosen hard ground. Quicksands can be drilled by percussion. For soil dominated by clay, a drill-serpentine, a drill-spoon and a bailer are used. The serpentine does an excellent job of passing clay soils thanks to its spiral design, the pitch of which is equal to the diameter of the drill itself. The lower base of the drill is 45-85 mm, and its blade is 258-290 mm. Pebble soils with gravel can be broken through by alternating the chisel and bailer with casing pipes. Quite often it is required to pour water into the hole. This makes drilling a well much easier. You can also drill a well using a pump.
  6. If the soil that is delivered to the top has become wet, then you are approaching the aquifer. To cross the aquifer, you need to go a little deeper. Drilling will become much easier, but by no means stop. It is necessary to stumble upon a waterproof layer with a drill. On fig. 2 shows the process of drilling a well.

How to choose the right pump for a well

When choosing a pump for a well, the following parameters must be considered:

  • well depth;
  • casing diameter used;
  • How far is the well from home?

If the well depth does not exceed 9 m, then a surface self-priming pump can be selected.

If the depth exceeds 9 m, then choose among submersible well pumps. When the installation of the pump is completed, a pipe should be brought into the wellhead equipped with a caisson and welded to the head of the caisson. Next, a valve is installed on the pipe, which opens and regulates the flow of water.

If the water intake rate is excessive, then water will quickly run out in an unproductive well, and the idle pump will deteriorate.

In the caisson, pipes for the conduit are connected to the room. The trenches under them must be waterproofed and insulated.

Recommendations from the masters on the construction of a well with their own hands

  1. Before starting work, you should find out the level of groundwater in your area, if there are any wells or wells nearby, look into them.
  2. If the water level is not deeper than 5 m, then in order to drill a well, it is enough to use a garden drill.
  3. A compact drilling rig can be rented. This will allow you to do it yourself with the help of good equipment without paying a lot of money for it.
  4. Do not lower the water pipe to the bottom. It should be about 50 cm higher than it. Thus, the water will rise better.
  5. V downhole pipe ventilation holes must be made on the surface, otherwise the water will become stale. It is possible to make a hinged cover on the pipe for access to the well.
  6. For a well, the ideal solution would be to install a plastic pipe.
  7. When the well is ready, give the water sample to experts for analysis. You can drink the water, the transparency of which is more than 30 cm, the content of nitrates does not exceed 10 mg / l, in 1 liter of water there are no more than 10 Escherichia coli and the assessment of taste and smell is 3 points.

Pros and cons of drilling a well by hand

The main advantages of manually drilling a well are: its affordable price; no need for large special equipment; homemade wells, due to their small depth, are easily pumped and do not tighten; in the absence of electricity, water can be delivered using a hand pump.

Among the shortcomings can be noted: the limited depth of drilling and the lack of specialists who can help maintain a homemade well.

Well care

Each well needs care and timely cleaning. With the weakening of the pressure of water, which can be supplied jerkily, with air, with sand, it's time to take care of cleaning the well. This must be done in a timely manner, since the well may lose its effectiveness, then the well will have to be drilled elsewhere.

A water or air compressor is used to purge the well from sand. If this method did not help, then there are more radical methods - using acid or a short circuit. Since this is quite risky, it is better to entrust the cleaning of the well with such methods to professionals. Otherwise, you can just spoil the well.

Away from cities, there is usually no centralized water supply, and the owners of private houses have to take care of the extraction of water on their own. The easiest way out of this situation is to punch a well. You can, of course, turn to professional drillers for help, but it's easier and cheaper to do it on your own. Let's look at how to drill a well, what tools and techniques can be used for this.

Drilling methods

Today, there are a large number of methods by which you can make a mine under water. The simplest of them are:

    rotary drilling;

    shock-rope drilling;

    clogging of the needle.

When applying the first method, an auger is used that looks like an ice screw. Such a device is intended for drilling shallow wells, if all the work is done on its own. But if you use a motor drive, then the depth of the well can reach 12 meters. When using shock-rope technology, the drill is lowered from a height into the ground and pierces it. The earth from such a hole is lifted by a drill glass or bailer. Thus, it is possible to make a hole of the required size.

If you want to build an Abyssinian well, then the soil is broken through with a special pipe with a sharp tip. It is commonly called a needle. In order to drive such a device, a conventional sledgehammer or a special percussion mechanism is used. As a result, it is possible to make a well up to 8 meters deep.

Types of wells

All of them differ from each other in the depth of the aquifer:

    Up to 8 meters - a well.

    Up to 50 meters - a well on the sand.

    Up to 200 meters - on limestone.

And the deeper the mine, the purer the liquid in it. So, it can be used not only for technical needs, but also for drinking. At great depths, this is facilitated by a natural filter, which rids the water of various impurities, making it cleaner.

What is the best way to drill?

Before you build a well, you should think carefully about which method to choose for this. First of all, the depth of the aquifer is determined. The easiest way to find out is by simply talking to your neighbors, or by measuring the water level in a nearby well. Of course, it is more reliable to find out such information in the local geoservice.

The highest quality drilling is possible with the help of punching, that is, by the shock-rope method. This method is the slowest, but requires less physical strength. If you need a deeper well, then it is better to use a clogged needle. Once a suitable location has been identified, work can begin. By the way, a well can be punched not only on the site, but also in the house, for example, in basement, but it is recommended to do this even at the stage of building a foundation for a residential building.

Needle punching

To drill a well using this method, a pipe with a length of no more than 110 cm is taken. A cone-shaped tip in the form of a needle is welded onto it. A stainless steel wire mesh is welded onto the pipe.

After that, the structure is driven into the ground with a sledgehammer. To prevent the edges from bending, it is recommended to place a wooden lining under the striking surface. When the pipe is almost completely driven into the ground, a coupling is screwed onto it, and another segment of the same length is attached, after which a similar procedure is carried out.

In this way, several segments are driven into the ground until they begin to easily enter it. A probe is lowered into the pipe to check for moisture. If it is, the pipe is clogged even deeper, about 1 m. A pump is installed at the upper end to pump water, then the pipe is concreted. The final pumping equipment is installed and the well is connected to the water supply system.

Punching by shock-rope method

In this way, a well is made on the sand. Its depth can be quite large. To work, you need a tripod made of durable wooden beams or steel pipes. On its uppermost part, a block is fixed with a steel cable passed through it. A drilling glass with a load is hung on the cable. Such a glass is easy to make from a piece of pipe. The other end of the rope is wound on the winch.

The glass is driven into the ground, falling from the height of the winch, the earth is removed from it, and the whole process is repeated again until a hole of the required depth is made.

When the earth becomes loose, it will not settle in a glass, and it will have to be taken out with a bailer. When water appears in the hole, you can insert a casing pipe with a mesh filter at the end into it. The next segment is mounted to the other end, and it plunges deeper inside. And so the process continues until the end of the pipe reaches the aquifer.

At the end of the whole process, a deep pump is placed in the pipe for pumping dirty water. When a clear liquid begins to appear from it, the whole process can be considered completed. After that, it is necessary to concrete the voids between the pipe and the walls of the earth, and insulation will not interfere. A canopy with a blind area is made on the surface. Finally, a deep pump is fixed for a constant rise in water and a water supply system is installed.

Uninterrupted water supply of a private house is a prerequisite for a comfortable stay.

Centralized water supply in rural areas or on summer cottages turns out to be expensive, and its organization is fraught with difficulties.

The best option is an individual source: a well or a well.

Where to get water

To organize an individual source fit:

Important note! Artesian waters constitute a strategic reserve. For their extraction and exploitation of the source, they obtain permission from state bodies.

They drill wells "on the sand" with their own hands.

Such a source is sufficient for water supply in the house, and the cost of organizing it pays off within 1-2 years of operation.

A small educational program

Taking water from an unconfined aquifer is not always the best option.

Therefore, the preferred option is a limestone well..

An exploratory well-“needle” will answer the question about the occurrence of layers and the complexity of drilling.
On such a well, a so-called. "Abyssinian well" as a source of temporary water supply.

Practical note! The Abyssinian well can be drilled directly in the basement of the house, while receiving a guaranteed source of water at any time of the year.

The device of the well "on the sand"

In the design of such a source, 2 elements are required.

Well construction includes:

  • erection of a caisson (or installation of a downhole adapter),
  • installation of automation (about the optimal pressure of the water supply in a private house is written in the article),
  • hydraulic accumulator (),
  • filters.

Drilling technology

For independent drilling wells fit in several ways. They are used, depending on the composition of the soils that must be passed to the aquifer.

Before drilling, a pit is laid with dimensions of 1.5x1.5x1.5 (or 2) meters. In the place defined as the drilling point, the first meters (3-4) of the well are passed by the auger.

Very important! When drilling at the first stage, be sure to check the verticality of the auger (the hole being laid). This will make future work easier.

Practical advice! If drilling is carried out to a depth of more than 7 m, the installation of a conductor will not interfere with the accuracy of further work.

This is a pipe whose diameter exceeds the dimensions (diameter) of the casing and the annulus. The conductor is placed vertically and concreted.

On a note! The diameter of the well, tool, casing is chosen based on the diameter of the submersible pump.

The gap between the walls of the pipe and the housing must comply with the documentation of the pump manufacturer, but not less than 7 mm.

For the 86 mm pump caliber commonly found on the market, inner diameter casing is 100 mm.

For deep well drilling, the tool, as it goes deeper, will have to be lengthened with rods.

Steel pipes are used as knees of the drill string (rods) (for a tool with a diameter of 100 mm, pipes with a diameter of 80 mm and a machine thickness of at least 4 mm are suitable).

Important! The connection of the column is performed with bayonet couplings.

The threaded connection can unscrew when the rods are turned to release and lift the tool, and the locks are unreliable when percussive drilling.

To avoid damage to the casing by the drill string, pipe centralizers (steel springs) are used - 1 per 3-5 m of the drilling structure.

Important note! Manual drilling is intermittent, with periodic lowering and raising of the tool to free it from the rock.

For 1 cycle pass no more than the length of the working part!

Necessary equipment

The most common in the practice of manual drilling of wells:

  • auger and shock-rope methods - require the use of a minimum of necessary equipment.

Types of drills and their application

The main tool for sinking a wellbore and removing soil is a drill.

For different drilling technologies and soils use:

  • Auger (coil).
    Scope - rotary drilling.

    The cutting head is made of sheet steel(thickness less than 3 mm), the edges are sharpened.

    Important! The auger must be two-way otherwise, ground resistance will pull the instrument away from vertical.

    Practical note!
    Even with a screw screw length of several meters, it is recommended to lift and release it from the ground every 1-1.5 m of shaft penetration.

    Otherwise, it will be problematic to remove the tool.

  • Bur glass.
    Apply when shock-rope method for driving cohesive viscous soils, such as clay.
  • Boring spoon.
    Suitable for loose and loose rocks.
    Scope of rotational and shock-rotational drilling.
  • drill bit for breaking hard rocks.
    It is used for cable-percussion drilling.
  • Bailer.
    A device for freeing the shaft from crumbling soil and / or semi-liquid rock.


When drilling to a depth of 5 m, lowering and raising the drill string and casing can be done manually.

For greater depths, use a pile driver - a drilling rig.

In the simplest case, the copper- a tripod made of steel pipes or logs, assembled in the form of a trihedral pyramid.

The height of the pile driver is chosen based on the maximum length of the elbows of the drill string or casing, it should exceed this parameter by 1.2-1.5 m.

To work with equipment, 3 m long, the height of the copra is 4.5 m, which allows it to be assembled from 6 meter logs or pipes.

Important! Be sure to ensure the stability of the tower!

To do this, the legs of the copra are fastened with a wound, or buried in the ground, placing under the heel of each, a bed - a horizontal segment of a log up to 1 m long.

The pile driver is equipped with a drilling collar and a lifting mechanism - a gate or a winch.

Casing installation

With manual drilling, one of the simple methods is used:

At the end of the drilling process, it is time to build up and equip the well, and connect the source to the water supply.

How to make a simple drill and drill a well for water yourself, see the proposed video.

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