Connecting the electric pump to the manual column. Selection, installation and connection of the surface pump

Garden technique 25.06.2019
Garden technique

During installation of equipment for wells, submersible structures are often used. But the surface units are often used. The designations described are not lowered into water, so their housing is not exposed negative impact medium. Surface devices are divided into vortex and centrifugal. The first type of device is used to raise water with an increase in pressure, and the second are designed to lift fluid from shallow wells. It is worth remembering that if an artesian well is created on the site, it is worth gaining more expensive and powerful equipment, since only powerful aggregates are capable of raising water from the depth of more than 20 meters.

Advantages and disadvantages of surface mechanisms

In the case when drilling was drilling shallow wellThe surface devices are used. Such mechanisms are distinguished by a variety of advantages, if you compare them with deep electric pumps:

The disadvantages of the described electrical pumps can be attributed to the possibility of working only at a small depth. Also, the disadvantage is that for normal operation of the device, you need to install special filtering equipment. If this is not done, the mechanism may fail.

Before turning on the surface pump, make sure that during operation it will not start pumping the air. Also, the disadvantages can be attributed high level Noise while pumping pump. It is worth remembering that the surface self-priming pumps can be installed only in insulated structures.

How to choose

Before choosing an electric pump for a well on the site, you need to learn about the criteria on the basis of which such products should be purchased. First of all, you need to know how much water will be pumped daily. For water supply country house It will take a more powerful pump than the design for water supply greenhouse.

During the choice, it is necessary to take into account the following data:

  1. If in the house for which the mechanism is acquired, 4 people live, it is worth choosing a device that provides 3 cubic water pumps per hour. This volume is enough for the whole family. If it is necessary to pump water to the water and the garden for supplying water, the flow rate is doubled.
  2. When installing a surface mechanism to ensure water Town House, you need to purchase devices whose performance is more than 5 cubes.

Well under surface pumpwhich is created on the plot, should have a depth of less than 20 meters. If the depth is greater, you need to look at more powerful types of devices. Usually, centrifugal pumps are purchased for wells for wells.

How to install

The installation of the electric pump is quite simple. In order to start using the device, you only need to select a place to install, and then connect pipes. To perform such works, it is not necessary to hire specialists, but to install the pump, it is necessary to have a minimum experience with plumbing equipment.

Installation of the pump occurs as follows:

  1. At the first stage there is a choice of places for installed equipment. It is best to prepare a separate structure for installation. Arrange it stands near the well. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to insulate the created design.
  2. After that, there is a concrete foundation for the mechanism. Based on metal fasteners for the described equipment. Metal studs make it possible to neutralize the load, which constantly affects the design during operation. If you do not protect the equipment, because of the vibration it may come to dissent short term. At the same stage, the installation of the surface electric pump occurs.
  3. Then the equipment is installed, with which control over the unit is monitored. Many automatic systems are already tuned and ready to install. If you have knowledge, you can collect the pump control unit in parts. If you are not familiar with the device of such mechanisms, it is not necessary to collect them yourself. This block includes sensors, as well as control relays that control the water level and other parameters. When the water supply is stopped, the relay contributes to stopping the pump.
  4. At the next step, the pump nozzle is connected to the plumbing system. During the connection, you must install on the pipeline check valve. This device prevents the water transfusion and its drain after turning off the pump.
  5. Then the expansion tank is installed. Before the start of the connection it is worth checking the pressure in the chamber. This indicator must comply with the declared manufacturer. If the pressure does not match, it must be adjusted first.
  6. At the last stage there is a connection of cables for the installed surface electric pump. It is important to make a dedicated line for supplying electricity.

By connecting the surface pump to the well, it is necessary to check its performance before turning on for constant pumping of water.

Hello! In this article, we will not be interested in the technology of installing downhill and the immersion pump in the well. Although the interesting visual water supply scheme is. This (installation of the pump) can be read and. Here we will see the connection of the pump to the power supply, or rather, electrical circuits Connections borehole pump 5 items.

To begin with, I will show two options for the water supply at home with a submersible pump, which will be discussed.

Set of downhole pump

  • Pump itself. Often it is sold separately;
  • Electrical cable for connecting. Included in the pump set;
  • Automation unit. Sold in a set or, as an additional equipment;
  • Hydroaccumulator (expansion tank). Sold as additional equipment.

The reduced configuration of the well pump is maximum and is not characteristic of all manufacturers of well pumps. The automation unit (control system) and the hydraulic panel may not enter and their need is determined by the water supply scheme of the house. In very simple version, The well pump is equipped with an electrical cable for connecting.

Understanding this, consider three options for connecting the well pump.

  • Connecting a well pump to power supply without automation;
  • Connecting a well pump to power supply with a control unit (automation unit);
  • Connecting a well pump to power through a pressure switch.

Connecting a well pump without auxiliary equipment

Without a control unit, automation block and other auxiliary equipment Pump power cable is connected to a predetermined electrical outlet With grounding contact.

Grounding a downhole (submersible) pump must. To directly connect the grounding, the GZSH (main grounding bus) is used, which in turn is connected to the existing ground circuit at home.

For power supply to the power outlet used electrical cable With grounding residential. The supply voltage of the submersible pump is 220 volts.

For the pump power, you need to highlight a separate electrical group and protect this group with automatic protection. The rating of the automaton of protection is calculated by the electrical power of the pump. So for pumps up to 3,000 watts, you need a 10 amp protection automatic, for the pumps of greater power you will need a 16 amp protection machine.

Important! This connection cannot be treated as correct. It only shows general principle Connecting a well pump. The lack of automation in the operation of the pump work will lead to its faults in the disappearance of water (dry progress) in the feed system.

Connecting a well pump to power supply with control unit (automation unit)

Direct pump connection is fraught with rapid pump output. The main cause of a malfunction is the operation of the pump is frightened when the water level falls.

For simple water supply systems optimal option It is inclusion in the water supply scheme of ready-made (factory) automation blocks (example in photo). Sometimes, such blocks are called the depth pump control stations. Sometimes hydroconstroller. They need:

  • For smooth start and smooth stopping pump;
  • To automatically maintain pressure;
  • Protection of the pump from "dry pumping", without water;
  • Protection of the pump from voltage jumps;
  • Protection against lack of water intake;
  • Protection against overload on the network.

Models of blocks are different and the set of listed functions may vary. Block automatic control The device is necessary for the well pump device and precisely this, solid firms include it in the package of the pump, more often with limited functionality.

By view, the automation unit (hydrocontroller) is compact enough. Connection is also a simple, and a simple electrical circuit of a well pump with a control unit can be represented so.

class \u003d "Eliadunit"\u003e

However, for more long work The automation block is better to consider the circuit of its connection through the contactor. The controller will ensure the simultaneous inclusion of the automation unit with the submersible pump.

Connecting a well pump to power supply through pressure relay

To reduce the cost of the pump set, you can connect a pump without a control unit using only pressure switch.

Pressure relay, provides a power supply from the power supply when the water pressure is reached in the upper limit system and turning on the pump when the water pressure is reached the bottom. When working in water supply scheme with expansion Baku (hydroaccumulator) Pressure thresholds are measured in the tank.

Connection scheme

Mixed Connection Diagram of Automation Block and Pressure Relay

The automation unit protects the pump from working on a dry course (lack of water). This is not enough. To protect against reduced water pressure into the circuit, a pressure relay is set, for example RD5. Its device is shown in the figure.

The circuit of the relay pressure and the automation unit are turned on so.

RD5 pressure relay connection diagram and LP / 3 protection

Simplify the scheme, otherwise it is possible to reduce its cost, without losing the installation quality, you can install instead of the LP / 3 protection relay automation unit. The main disadvantage of such a scheme, the need for manual starting pump after a shutdown, which is compensated for its cheapness.

Especially pay attention to the connection of RD5 and LP / 3 in a single scheme. They are connected consistently, that is, and when the pressure drops and during the dry course (absence of water), turn off the pump. I repeat, the pump manually restarts in this scheme.


The presented electrical connections of the well pump are the most simple, but the most common in the private sector for water supply at home. However, it is worth noting that for large houses and powerful pumps, more complex schemes of automation and launch of water supply pumps are used.

Among all communications installed in a private house, the water supply system is considered the most important. And we are not talking about a traditional pipeline with a crane. So, experts recommend using a pump or even a pumping station, which will make the plumbing truly productive and efficient.

Selection of pumping equipment

Special pumping stations are divided into 2 groups: household and industrial. When organizing water supply in a private house, it is recommended to use the first species. Thanks to such pumps, it is possible to provide all residents drinking water, as well as organize watering of the garden and take care of the satisfaction of various household needs, including the use of the bathroom and washing machine. When choosing equipment, it is necessary to take into account the water supply source. It can be a centralized water supply, as well as a well or well.

All pumps are divided into manual and automatic. For home water supply it is better to choose the second variety, because it functioning is simpler and more convenientHowever, such models are more expensive. It is also necessary to take into account the performance and pressure of the equipment, which means that you need to perform the appropriate calculations before purchasing.

Equipment selection

A pump or pumping station must be positioned in a specific place. It may be caisson or basement. Most often occurs the second option. IN this case necessary special attention Deculs the installation to avoid damage to the equipment due to possible water lifting. In other words, the unit is fixed on a special stand away from the walls. It is important to take care of the heating of the basement.

If you have chosen the caisson, then this design must also be insulated. Moreover, you should make sure that the depth on which the installation of the caisson will be performed is at least 2 m.

Connecting the pump to the water supply

Most often, residents of private houses are solved on an independent installation of pumping equipment and its connection to central water supply In case of insufficient pressure. Similar the problem arises for such reasons:

  • change of hydrogeological conditions;
  • an increase in water consumption caused by the increase in population;
  • using outdated equipment.

Before installing the pump, pay attention to the characteristics of the water, because there may be harmful impurities that need to be filtered so that they do not fall into the pump. This often happens with vibrational models.

It is important to remember that installation is performed in several stages.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to disconnect the pipeline pipe in a certain place.
  2. Then the end of the highway is fixed to cumulative capacity.
  3. After that, you need to connect the second end of the pipe.
  4. Next comes a turn of installation of electrical wiring and adjusting the pumping equipment.

Thanks proper setting The unit will be able to achieve optimal pressure in the water supply system. If it turns out that the station is turned off ahead of time, then it is necessary to reduce the pressure slightly.

Mounting Equipment Errors

Many people who resolved for the first time to make installation and connecting the pump, allow several major errors.

Malfunctions and repair of the pumping station

Perform equipment repair can be independently. For this it is necessary first install a malfunction and then eliminate it.

Thanks independent installation Pump can be save a lot of money When organizing a water supply system. Naturally, it is necessary to choose the appropriate unit and connect it correctly. As a result, the equipment will make the water supply system really efficient and will last for quite a long time.

Ask the opinion of any person who is especially living outside the city, about the priority problem, which was solved immediately. Light, water, heating Here are the three components, possibly made with your own hands to enjoy a beautiful view from the window and fresh air Country landscape.
Citizens are accustomed to comfort, they will not walk with buckets on a rocker or without it to a well, like rustic residents, and will look for a solution to the problem. Connecting to the well pump based on a well or well is a solution to the problem of water supply.
If there is a well on the site the optimal option is the surface pump, easy to connect and maintain, the price of which can arrange many consumers. The pumping station will help ensure the kitchen, bath, vegetable garden with a well.

Separation of pumps by types and characteristics

The pump is selected after the completion of drilling work and the preparation of the selected type of pump corresponds to the well parameters. All water pumps are divided into 2 groups, and it becomes clear from the name where location.
Surface on the surface, or from above, deep (submersible) in depth:

  • Surface pumps in the photo take the liquid with suction, and it limits the breadth of their use in wells.
  • The depth of water lifting does not exceed 9 meters and must be observed by the plus temperature mode. Water from large depths, these models are not adapted to deliver upstairs.
  • Another principle underlies submersible pumps For wells. They descend the meter 2 below the water level to pushing it to the surface of the system.
    The depth of water in the well does not matter. Models are calculated in the height of the water flow raising. For example, you can take the simplest system, which copes with a height of water lifting by 40 meters.
    Any a private house It can be fully provided with such a system, and after all, there are pumps, core and from 80 m. Heights.

Attention: only the complexity of its maintenance is a minus of the deep system.

  • Type of motor and model power determines system performance.
  • A set of a depth system must contain automation to protect against overheating or dry stroke.
  • are divided into 3 types. Vibration pumps on the construction market presented in sufficient quantities and with different names, but preference should be given to those that have a thermal switch, and the water fence is performed by the lower part.
    Vibration of the working mechanism provokes gradual fracture of the well. Il can get into the pump, it is important to raise it when the engine is running. The disadvantage of these designs is a lot of problems during operation.
  • Universal system, as shows the video in this article, recognized centrifugal pump For wells. Work is based on the movement of wheels and blades.
    The space is filled with liquid between the blades, it, in turn, is served upstairs centrifugal power. Quality with cost is in harmony, so they are in demand by consumers.
  • The attached instruction to the pump model will help to pick up need type By functionality and other parameters.
  • Owners dacha Domikov Without the availability of power grids in proximity, they can purchase a system with a manual drive, as the people speak, just put the pitch. They are piston and rods, differ simplicity, cheap cost, but to raise water, it is necessary to make a physical effort, which refers to the minus of this system.

In order to properly connect the surface pump to the well, it is important to know several nuances and then the pump will fully perform the intended functions.

  • How to connect the pump Agidel to the well to forget about the problems with water supply for a long time? The pump is installed at a distance closest to the well.
    The selected place should be well ventilated and with a plus temperature. The pump is rigidly fixed on a flat surface to eliminate its movement during vibration arising when working.
    The best option for placing the pump is the caisson (see), a special recess covered with a lid, and even closed on the castle from curious and everywhere enchanting children. Extending from the pump pipe to the parsing points, buried in the ground below the waterproof point, then the winter is not terrible to the owners and they do not depend on the problems of the central water supply.
    The pump "Agidel M" refers to summer option Models, used for irrigation of lawns, beds and water supply bath. It is enough to install a fairly tumped, flat and flat platform.
  • Experts should be engaged in the connection of electrical equipment, but if it is decided to perform work on their own, then again it is necessary to check and make sure compliance technical characteristics Pump and power supply. Stocking safety machines, install them, take care of the ground
  • Running the pump is made after filling the housing with water, through the hole above. The pump does not start dry, to extend the duration of the pump, it is better not to regret money and put a special device from dry stroke.
  • Metal-plastic pipes are connected to the pump with inner diameter Not less than the size of the diameter of the pump nozzle.

Attention: Do not use flexible rubber hoses as pipelines, the discharge can provoke their compression.

  • It is performed after filling with water, supply electricity and the installation of the pipeline, then the pressure is adjusted in accordance with the regulators installed by manufacturers and the pump is ready to operate.

Connecting pumps to the well

If for a family of 4 people there is enough pump with a capacity of 60 l / min., Gardeners are gardens must select more powerful designs. Proper work Systems depends on knowledge, as it should be done and what to do before the start of work.

  • Solving how to connect the pump to the well to decide and select the desired model for your site. The market is represented by excellent Chinese production models, but not handicraft, namely industrial, so it is taken for example.
    Diameter standard construction It is 75 mm and an inch internal thread is provided for the output.
  • In addition to the pump itself, more components are needed. The pump will be in suspended state at depth, so insurance is necessary.
    The most reliable insurance is carried out by a cable of 3 mm, this thickness will be enough.
  • Loop is done on two clamps. Why it is on two there is a reason. Through the loop passes the cable, which is also clamped.
    From vibration, one clamp of the loop can unscrew the nut and the loop will simply fall apart, then the pump remains at all without insurance. Insurance will always allow pulling the pump out.
  • With the pump in the set there is an electrical cable. Its length is quite sufficient for the connection to raise over the water, this program is at least, and to derive beyond the well as a maximum.
  • The kit contains a sealing cable connection. It consists of a pair of rolls of insulating tape, sealant and adaptation, which professional electricians are called hermodes.
    A set of components on this ends, then interest is the trumpet.
  • Pipe for the pump is selected from polyethylene low pressure (PND) and it is recognized as the perfect product for these pumps.
  • The connection of the pipe with the pump is performed using fitting. The coupling has an inch size outside by 32, or 32 per inch outdoor.
    Since the dimensions are commensurate, then the coupling on the pump is checked, and then there are no problems for inserting the pipe.
  • How to connect the surface pump to the well, here the action circuit is extremely simple and tied with the setting of the check valve. In the pumps there is a check valve, its task is to hold water at a certain level at the time of disconnecting the pump and it is built into the design.
    It can be noted that the pump is in a state of rest more time than working. It turns on to swing water and discharge into the pressure system.
    If you try to move the return valve with your finger, then it can be noted that this plastic thing hangs inside and has proven itself as an unreliable element in operation. Therefore, it is always duplicated by a separate brass product.
    Italian manufacturers have mastered the production of return valves from brass, having a brass partition and rubber compressor. It indicates the direction of the arrow.
  • The connection of two products with internal thread requires another connecting element with outdoor thread - Nipple.
  • It screws into the pump, the check valve is screwed on it, and then the fitting is located for connecting the pipe.
  • It can be stated that the pump fastening is performed, the pipe is stuck, the cable is removed on the surface and these three components are sticking out of the well.

Attention: To give a civilian type of construction, a wellhead is used, which, with close review, contains all elements for masking and fastening the cable, cable, has a hole with a sealing nut for a pipe, which does not allow to enter the well or water or air.

  • The assembled design is lowered in the well and at this stage you can check the operation of the pump. It turns on and the process of waiting for water appearance. Water does not go.
  • Specialists engaged in the problem of pumps, with an accuracy of 99.0%, give a guarantee that if the additional check valve was not established, then the water would go immediately, and here it turned out the effect of "inverted glass". Therefore, it is necessary to take the pipe and pull the air out of it so that the impellers are filled with water and displaced the remnants of the air.
    Some advise to remove the return valve to the height of one meter from the pump, but is there any point in solving the owners.
  • Connecting the surface pump to a well with automatic work is ensured by setting cumulative tank Minimum and maximum level sensors.
  • Most often, float-type products are acquired, allowing you to place their contacts in the starter coil.

Each person wants to have reliable equipment in work and for many years not to engage in the problems of repair and reconstruction. Pumping stations deserve such attention.

To organize individual water supply of the country house, you will need a well or drilling of well with. In the second case, it is rather difficult to dig a well with your own hands - you will have to attract specialists and carry financial expenses. You can save significant funds at the subsequent stages of work, by connecting the pumping equipment to the source of water intake independently.

For automatic continuous operation of the water intake system, it is necessary to have devices that follow the order of water supply. The industry produces a wide range of devices for performing these functions from the simplest mechanical sensors to complex electronic blocks with indicator control panels. Conditionally, all these devices can be divided into several categories.

Automation of the first generation

TO simple devices The operation of pumping equipment includes pressure relays and hydroaccumulator. Installing and connecting the pump in the well requires additional use Dry stroke sensor, manometer is needed to control operation and settings.

Fig. 1 Basic Instruments for Water Supply

Automatic 2nd generation devices

These devices are the sensors collected in one box and electronic circuits. The device is installed anywhere in the plumbing line, it can work independently or with a hydroaccumulator.

Fig. 2 Glocks of the 2nd Generation

The control units of the 2nd generation may have built-in sensors and perform the following functions:

  • pressure switch;
  • device protection against dry stroke dry;
  • duct tracking device;
  • built-in return valve;
  • status indicators;
  • hydraulic damper;
  • pressure gauge;
  • automatic restart;
  • anticycles;
  • smooth start.

In such devices, there is no possibility to adjust the pressure, so their acquisition for replacing the 1st generation instruments has limitations.

Fig. 3 scheme connections Grundfos. PM1 - PM2 to a downhole pump

Automation of the 3rd generation

The high-tech system of managing pumping equipment, according to the cost exceeds the automation of the 2nd generation.

Control blocks electronic devices 3rd generations have a function frequency conversion The supply voltage of the pump is allows you to adjust the rotation speed of the shaft of its electric motor. The system works with reference to water consumption: the more consumption, the faster the motor shaft rotates and accordingly the pressure and water supply to the consumer, and vice versa. This allows you to always maintain constant pressure and pressure in the system (the main advantage of 3-generation automation) and avoid sudden inclusion cycles - turn off the electric pump.

Fig. 4 ESPA block with frequency converter and its connection scheme

Control blocks can be mounted anywhere in the main water supply, it does not require a hydroaccumulator to install them. They are indispensable devices in irrigation systems and others, where it is required to maintain a constant pressure for a long time.

Connection diagram of a well pump

A detailed connection diagram is as follows.

Fig. 5 Connection diagrams when organizing a water supply system with a submersible jungest pump
  1. Down pump. Usually used models with centrifugal principle actions. Such devices have a high efficiency and allow water from significant depths depending on the amount of impact pressure of the working wheels.
  2. Hydroaccumulator with a capacity of at least 50 liters. Supports constant pressure in the plumbing system and protects it from hydrowards.
  3. Reverse valve 1 "(maybe with a mesh filter) holds water in the system, facilitating the start of the electric pump.
  4. Two successively connected 5-running fittings. The main element of sanitary fittings designed to connect multiple devices with different diameters and the type of threaded connection.
  5. Pressure relay with internal or external thread. Main element to ensure automatic work Water supply systems. Connects the downhole pump and shutdown it.
  6. 5SL or 10SL water purification filter with replaceable cartridges.
  7. Dry switch sensor. Connecting a well in contrast to other types (wells, drainage with a float switch) require protection from work in space without water cooling their engine.
  8. Axial pressure gauge.
  9. Plugs on free outdoor openings in 5-way fittings for 1 "and 1/4"
  10. Shuty ball crane on 1 ", overlapping water supply to the house
  11. Metal-plastic coupling 32x1 "W and Coupling Metal-plastic 32x1" CSS.
  12. Reinforced metalplastic pipe 32x1.
  13. Corner nozzle size 32x1
  14. Connecting coupling with a diameter of 1 "Shsh.
  15. Reinforced connecting hose Angular 1 "X800 high pressure.
  16. Air udaler with a crane of Maevsky or a plug 1 ". Used to adjust the pressure in the hydroaccumulator.
  17. Communication quick disconnect 1 "(American).
  18. Water drain system: consists of 3-out and ball crane 1 "RGSH.
  19. Stabilizer electric voltage. The device ensures the stable operation of the water intake system and protects the pump.
  20. . Protects the well from getting dirt and garbage, serves as a support for fastening the pump.
  21. Shrink coupling.
  22. Steel cable for fastening the electric pump to the ledge.
  23. Special waterproof cable for supplying supply voltage to the submersible well electrical pump.
  24. Metal phintages and pipes leading to the house.

The pump connection circuit for a well is not too complicated, so work can be made with your own hands using an inexpensive tool. To start, you will need the simplest automation in the form of a relay and a hydraulician. The use of high-tech management devices will simplify the installation task and will increase the convenience of using the system, however, the price of such devices is quite high.

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