Summer kitchen combined with bath - Photo and projects. Summer kitchen project with bath: design options and interior design design with photos

Garden technique 14.06.2019
Garden technique

Sometimes I want to get into the bath, get out of it and immediately to the kebab. But with some summer cottages it is very problematic to imagine. Although there is a way out. Combine a steam room with a kitchen.


About them is popular today, a kitchen has been popular. People in their sites combine the premises. It would be a useless thing if there were no many positive advantages.

  • First, this union will save free space on the site.
  • Secondly, financially beneficial. Due to the design features, the cost of Pa Building will noticeably decrease.

On holidays or weekends you can get together with friends or in the warm family circle. Sit on summer veranda. While one is busy cooking on the table - another can get into the bathhouse, which is located nearby. Convenient and practical - this is perhaps another one of the advantages of this building.
In this project, the kitchen occupies the role of an extension, a pre-banker. It is at the same time for the wage. Both rooms are located under the same roof. In some dacha options, also combined and bathroom. In this case, the sink should be done so that the runaway walks immediately into the sewer. To avoid unpleasant odors, Hydroatics should be built.

When building this building, you need to choose a suitable place on cottage plot. Will be good, build bath-kitchen Not far from the reservoir, since then there will be no water problems. It is worth considering the spring bottling, because of which the room will have to be better to hydroize.

Design combination

To build any structure, you need a project. It needs to be developed and write. This can be done independently, but best to do this together with a knowledgeable specialist.
As mentioned above, you need to decide on the location of the structure. Then, it is required to solve the issue with tools and material. Also, you should think about the size of this design, it is about equipping from the outside and inside.
The next, important stage in the construction is her entrance. It must be the main and proper planning of it, can make even more in the bath - the kitchen useful space. You can log in in the form of an additional - small terraces, or veranda. It is best to have an entrance from the south side.
You can build a smoke bath, but at the same time it will be necessary to calculate all the distance - from residential premises, to the boundaries of the site. Minimum distance Usually - 12 meters. Also, you need to remember that the construction must be from the side of the neighboring houses.

Photo: Be sure to calculate all distance

For the construction of a smokeless bath, all the same requirements must also be taken into account. Minimum distance B. this caseIt is 5 meters.
To get an excess of heat and heat the entire room, the water tank is combined with pipes. Single Roof It will allow to sharpen the plot, and the rainwater merging into the main tank will need in the future for washing or watering the country area. Good lighting Baths will be able to provide, competently located windows. They must be on the southwest or the northwestern side.
In order not to have no unpleasant odors in the bath, which is usually the cause high humidity, All sanitary and hygienic standards should be observed. Also, it may appear if the premises cannot be opened. It is necessary to properly ensure the construction of ventilation, waterproofing and sewage system. If everything is competent, then comfort, comfort and convenience are provided in this room.
At very high temperatures in the bath, the walls of the room will dry up as quickly as possible, and therefore will not rot. If it is competent to equip a scene, then the water used will fire directly into the sewer and sewer wellWhat is behind the house. In that well, the waterproofing should be installed, in order to avoid embossing odors in the bath. With good heating, it will clean the air, which is useful for human health.
In the bath it is better to prevent frequent water from the stones, because They should be dry and hot. It depends on better air purification. Baths with dry steam, are also very useful. They can be operated instead of residential premises. The most basic thing is to comply with fire safety and isolate the floor.

Bath, Kitchen and Greenhouse

Interestingly, this construction is the fact that the kitchen is here as a pre-banner, and the furnace on it is a stove one. Pipes from baths pass through a greenhouse, providing it with constant warmth, while cooking or in the bath, someone is steaming. The distance from the residential premises to this structure is at least 5 meters.

Modern bath


This building has a wide roof. It plays the role of baths, kitchens, arbors, dining room at the same time. The bath can include a font and swimming pool. Open veranda Located from a residential building. The use of natural materials is recommended as finishing materials: metal, wood, stone. Larch clapboard should be seen from inner walls. It is required to do only on the outside.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe room - 3.5x9 sq.m. For the room it will be required area 3x2.5 sq.m. It organizes a small pre-banker. Right behind the prebaters are built, combined with washing, steam room. The construction of the ceilings is better made of the material - an aminous board. Steam finish need to do from wooden lining. The rest of the area goes on the summer kitchen and terrace. The roof is recommended to do a two-tie to winter time There was no special accumulation of snow on the roof.

- Very comfortable and cozy room. Many advantages, minimum design costs, saving free space. This construction is very popular in summer cottages. Also, good and other, the above types of compliance.

Video: Bath with summer kitchen

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Kitchen in Ban: 3 Stages of Arrangement and Planning

Vacation home - This is the place of attraction of friends and relatives of its owners. And the owners themselves always try to make it comfortable for themselves and for guests. For which they erected on the site also a bathhouse, a guest house, a summer kitchen, a gazebo. Separately, these buildings occupy a lot of space. But the bath is a summer kitchen and a veranda under the same roof allow you to save and place, and money.

Other combinations are possible. That's about them, as well as how to equip the kitchen at a bath, let's talk.

Stage 1. What to make a bath with a kitchen

When going to build or rebuild the bath, equipping her kitchen, you need to think about the following nuances:

  • Location on the site. Must be observed fireproof norms, placing the structure on a certain distance from a residential building and a neighbor fence. At the same time at the same time at the same time choose a comfortable place.

  • Built-up area. If there are few places, you will have to choose a compact project, refusing not the most necessary functional zones.
  • Intensity and seasonality of operation. The bath with a terrace and summer kitchen on it requires smaller costs during construction than a capital soap for year-round use. No need to build a tambour, engage in insulation and conduct a winter water pipe.

Depending on this, the finished project is selected or an individual is created.

Set of rooms in a bath with a kitchen

It would seem why in the presence of a comfortable house and a kitchen in it need another one in the bath? Some and there is no need.

But if you like to go comfortable with comfort, if you often collect soul companies or you just like to cook and eat on fresh air, Summer kitchen is necessary. And its combination with the bath is the optimization of space and the cost of construction.

What premises should or may be in such a complex?

  • Pair and Washing Department. Better isolated from each other. Although the option and one pair is possible with the possibility immediately and wash.
  • Baby or Tambour. Needless if the bath is operated in winter so as not to let it cold air From the street and leave the upper clothes.
  • Restroom. It usually houses a kitchen, and the room itself is divided into two zones - dining and cooking zone. Its dimensions are determined by the number of guests. If you have large companies, most It is necessary to highlight under the dining area with a large table.
  • Sanusel. Like a tambour, very desirable when operating a bath round year. But in the summer building you can do without it, if there is a toilet on the site.

Such rooms as a bedroom, a billiard room or pool to the category of mandatory are not related. But if there is a place and the possibility, they will definitely not be superfluous.

Kitchen functional

How and how the resting room with a kitchen will be equipped, depends on the number of people at the same time in it, and on seasonality of use, and from your culinary preferences.

Options are possible:

  • With minimal functionality. If the kitchen is needed only to relax between water treatmentshaving drank a cup of tea, it will be enough electric kettle or samovar and one or two lockers for storing dishes and tea supplies.

  • With advanced functionality. So as not to wear dirty dishes into the house and be able to prepare or warm up food, it is advisable to be equipped with a kitchen and hobs. If in the winter the room does not heal, the water will have to merge and overlap.

  • Full kitchen. Fans of beer I. cheerful company In addition to the plate and washing in a bath kitchen, a refrigerator and a large table with sufficient quantities are very useful. seating. It will also be convenient to engage in vegetables and fruits in winter blanks.

  • Kitchen with stove. Oven with a cooking surface, brazier and barbecue - perfect solution For a kitchen placed on a terrace attached to the bath. At any time of the year, regardless of the availability of gas or electricity, you can prepare a lot delicious dishes For a large company. In the summer, such a kitchen can be used as a place of daily recreation and without visiting the bath.

These are the most common options. You can have your own requirements for size and equipping. They are still preferably considered by choosing a project bath with a living room and a kitchen.

Stage 2. Heating and Communication

The bath will not be a bath if there are no sources of heat and water. Yes, and without electricity and the drainage systems are not to do. All this is necessary in the kitchen.


Choice bath Furnace - highly important moment. Many factors affect it:

  • Source of thermal energy - firewood, gas or electricity;
  • Availability of other premises to heat;
  • Your financial and technical capabilities.

A wood stove can become a link between the kitchen and the steam room. It will simultaneously dig a steam room and serve as a stove for cooking. And if you are planned by a bath with a kitchen and a bedroom on the attic floor, the latter will warm up from chimneypassing through the bedroom on the roof.

But you can install the stove only for the bath, and the rest of the room, including the kitchen, to be pulled out with a different way - by caniferies, a system of warm floor, etc. In the case of an electric sauna or metal "bourgeitogo" instead of a chain, this is a completely acceptable solution.

Network engineering

If the bath complex is operated only in the warm season, problems with ensuring it with water, subject to availability near the source, does not occur. It is quite another thing when it is used for appointment all year round.

And a full kitchen and a bathroom, which are part of the complex, dictate special requirements for the installation of the wastewater system.

Make a wiring for water supply and drainage from plastic pipes Can not even specialist. It is much more difficult to ensure its performance in winter.

Instructions for water supply premises operated not constantly, can be different. Most often use the following solutions:

  • Drain of water from the system after each visit to the bath in the winter. For which the drain crane is installed in the lowest part of the wiring. However, in severe frosts, even a small amount of water remaining in cranes and mixers may, when freezing to break them. Therefore, it is desirable to provide a method of blowing the system.

  • Insulation and pipe heating. In order for the liquid in the pipeline does not freeze, the main highway from the water supply source is labeled below the ground freezing level. All pipes that are above this level, including the inner wiring, are mounted with an electrically heated with a special heating cable. It automatically maintains the water temperature in the system at a given level.

  • Permanent heating bath complex . It is sufficient to maintain the positive temperature in the bath so that the water in the system does not freeze.

The last two options require constant power supply. With frequent light disconnections, there is a risk to freeze the plumbing. In addition, the price of electricity is now quite high, which makes it unprofitable to use these schemes when the baths are inappropriate.

As for the sewage, then with the kitchen is simple drain pit From automotive tires can not do. Fat-contained fat and food waste Quickly scorch the soil and will prevent natural filtering.

Therefore, the feet from the bath with the kitchen is better to direct to centralized sewer or think over the system with an autonomous septic.

Another important point is to ventilate the premises. In order for the smells from the kitchen to penetrate the steam room, and moisture was not stored in the wet branch, you need to provide in advance in the project a system of natural or forced ventilation.

Stage 3. Bath projects with kitchen

Those who find it difficult to determine the planning of the bath and provide all the nuances of its construction, it is better to take advantage ready projects Or order individual specialists. But also to read possible options It will not be superfluous.

Look at the plans presented below. Perhaps some of them will arrange you in itself or with minor changes.

Summer kitchen with stove on the terrace Bath


July 9, 2017.

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  • organization of a full-fledged holiday - Putting and relaxing after the bath, right on verandanot going anywhere, you can cook kebab or snacks on fire
  • joint construction helps to accurately withstand the overall architectural style for all buildings on the site
  • if the bath is planned to be used only in the season, then a spacious terrace with a barbecue can fully replace a rest room, which will help to significantly save on the construction of the bath
  • no need to bind separate objects trackswhat allows you to save useful Squareand reduce costs
  • grouping multiple objects under one roof will help significantly reduce costs, because in this case, for example, the wall of the bath will perform the wall of the terrace

Selection of material

The most popular and economically acquitted material for the construction of a bath with a terrace is a wooden bar.. On the one hand, he keeps warm well, so the bath does not require additional insulation. In addition, it is the tree - the traditional material of the Russian bath, it allows you to create a unique "bath" atmosphere. Additional plus - a tree as a "breathable" material independently regulates moisture, but it will require additional protection against mold and ignition.

Brick Baths Reliable in Plan fire safetybut they warm up longer, demanding more Fuel. Moreover, brick baths We will require a mandatory installation of the ventilation system, otherwise condensate will begin to accumulate inside the bath, provoking the development of mold and bacteria.

Bookmark Fundament

Despite the common roof, a different foundation is laid under the terrace and bath. Bath, naturally, heavier terraces, so for large areas and multi-storey buildings it will take a tape monolithic foundation, and for small baths You can do and pile. If the bath is used to build a foam or brick, then it is necessarily poured ribbon foundation - The other simply will not stand the weight of the construction.

For wooden terrace There will be enough pile foundation. In cases where the terrace is located on a complex soil, prone to freezing or sprinkling, on the slopes, then to increase reliability it is better to lay screw piles. At the same time wooden buildings It is very important to properly organize waterproofing between the tree and the foundation to avoid the rotting of the wood.

Tip! Since the soil under a heavier bath will be satisfied faster than under a lighter terrace, terrace and bath foundations must be divided by a layer of insulation.

Terrace and Barbecue: We are planning correctly

Planning the terrace, first of all, it is necessary to take into account what direction the wind is the main thing that the place of the bath closes the terrace. In addition, this will allow you to properly place and barbecue so that the wind relates smoke and fever away from vacationers. If the terrace serves to cover from sun ray On a hot summer day, you should not post it from the southern direction. Or vice versa - a terrace with a chaise lounge can be great place For reception solar baths - It all depends on the wishes and tastes of the owner. In addition, the choice of the location of the terrace is a lot of affects the surrounding landscape - contemplation fence It is unlikely to add moods on vacation, much more pleasant to admire the forest, a lake or a landscaped landscaped design.

The terrace can be located frontal (i.e., along the facade of the bath, Fig. 1), on the side (near one of the walls), it can have an angular location (along two adjacent walls) or slimming (along the three mill, sometimes completely around the bath, If the territory allows).

Fig. 1. Bath project with front terrace

If you do not plan to invite many people, then taking into account the installation of the barbecue (mangala), the minimum recommended area of \u200b\u200bthe terrace is 7-8 m2. But it is better to start with 9-10 m2, then besides the tables and chairs on the terrace you can put a chaise lounge, a couple of chairs, while a man standing at the barbecue will have enough free space for work, and the rest will not bother the heat from the stove and smoke .

Although the terrace in a classic understanding is an outdoor area, for greater comfort, it has a roof for protection against precipitation and the sun. It can be a continuation of the roof of the bath and be made of similar roofing materialand you can cover the terrace translucent polycarbonate. In addition, the opaque canopy will create a twilight in the bath itself, so you have to turn on the light earlier.

Tip! Polycarbonate coating is especially justified for large terraces - no need to build a massive base, light metal design It will not clutch the space, remaining almost imperceptible.

For the floor on the terrace is best suited wooden plank or Decing. Of course, you can put a paving or ceramic tile, but the tree will look more comfortable. Natural stone Used as a coverage on a large terrace

To install the barbecue, it is necessary to lay the foundation separately, and for construction, a special refractory brick is used, while the base makes a height of about 70 cm from the floor level.

Tip! To improve fire safety, the barbecue is better to put a stone (tile) tile instead wood coating - Even if the spark falls on it, it will not cause fire.

In the front wall make a rectangular niche, in which it will be possible to store a small margin of firewood. A separate chimney is made to remove smoke for a barbecue, which should provide an effective removal of smoke from the bath.

Designing a bath with a terrace and barbecue oven

Bani project, regardless of type (Russian, Turkish, Finnish), should provide for at least three premises:

  • the dressing room is a pre-banker with a minimum size of 1.2 × 3 m, but it should be noted that according to the standards per person should have 1.3 m2
  • shower - minimum size 2x2m
  • the steamer is its size - this is a compromise between the convenience of placing and the need to maintain the desired temperature at low fuel (electricity) costs. The minimum size of the steam room for 2-3 people will be 1.3 × 1.8 m.

In the presence of spacious terrace For a seasonal bath, you can give up a rest room. Planning the rest of the premises naturally depends on the desire and capabilities of the future owner.

Consider some projects in more detail.

The angular bath with a terrace and barbecue (Fig. 2) allows you to effectively use the area of \u200b\u200bthe site if it is located in one of the corners.

Fig. 2. Corner bath with terrace and barbecue

The space is used very functionally - in the spacious shower installed a font cold water. A fairly spacious steam room - dried the oven in it will be quite comfortable, while it is shifted closer into the angle, away from entrance door - So safer, because after the bright lighting of the shower, you need to get used to the muted light steam. If brick is selected as a bath material, then the stove can be embedded into the walls. If you make a steam room slightly smaller, then with this arrangement of the stove, it can be coated from the shower. There are two entrances in a common tambour - one directly from the street, the second - from the terrace.

Bani Guest House project (Fig. 3) with a veranda and barbecue, enough big Square - 98 m2. Therefore, if its year-round use is assumed, it will be necessary to install the heating system. Inside - a spacious lounge and a separate kitchen. The terrace is located with a side, in the area - it is actually half of the building. Entrance from two sides - from the street through the tambour (winter entrance) and from the terrace.

Fig. 3 sauna - Guest house with barbecue and terrace

Figure 4 and 5 present two other banners with a terrace and barbecue, which can be used as a guest house.

Fig. 4. Project Bani Guest House Terrace and Barbecue

Fig. 5. Bath with terrace and barbecue

In fig. 6 Banches drawing with terrace and barbecue, which should pay attention to entrance door In the rest room - it is located at the maximum distance from the barbecue to completely eliminate the possibility of smoke entering the room.

Fig. 6. Banches drawing with terrace and barbecue

Ban from a bar with a veranda and barbecue in a traditional Russian style - see the video presentation:

In building country Life An important role is played by the presence and correct location of the auxiliary buildings. After all, they greatly simplify the life of the owners, save time and allow you to enjoy a full-fledged vacation in nature. Lovers of conservation and dinners in the fresh air can not do without summer cuisine, gazebos or verandas. Balca or sauna will help forget about everyday concerns. And for limited area Dacha plot Such extensions can be successfully combined.

The advantages of combined objects

Even at the stage of drawing up the drawing of the structure, all the advantages of this neighborhood are visible. After all, a bath, combined with summer cuisine, will increase the functionality of the entire premises, and in skillful hands will be original decorative element cottage plot.

Users are often looking for:


  1. If a construction works We will be conducted on the total foundation and under one roof, the costs of building materials are reduced. This means that the total cost of the design will cost much cheaper.
  2. A single system of home heating and nozpostroy - energy savings several times.
  3. The competent compilation of the project bath with summer cuisine will reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe land used.
  4. Such a building is easy to turn into a guest house, providing a living room there, and the terrace or a veranda is in the kitchen in the fresh air.
  5. If, according to plan, the construction of the closest adjacent to the main house in this case does not need to worry about creating tracks that would combine the structures between themselves.
  6. The possibility of year-round use.
  7. Improvement of an existing structure and addition of its other rooms will not require significant costs.
  8. A close arrangement to the house will simplify the process of summing up communications.
  9. Independent design of the design of the construction will add the interior of the individuality, will give the character and passion for its inhabitants. In addition, money is saved on the hiring of specialists of this sphere.
  10. A convenient place to receive guests in the warm season, and if the terrace glazed, then the gatherings with friends can be spent even in winter, basking in the furnace either the fireplace.

Choosing a place to build, you need to remember that the entrance to the bath and summer kitchen should be located on the south side, in the rest room - in the north.

Photo: Bani and open arbor

In addition, according to fire safety standards, there is a bath at a distance closer than 5 m to residential premises is strictly prohibited.

Project options

The layout of the future joint design directly depends on the square of the bath adjacent to the kitchen and the functions that the room should perform. In size, ready-made construction can reach a dozen meters on one side.

Photo: Project wooden bath with barbecue area

An interesting decision will be:

  1. Erecting indoors of a common oven, some of which will be responsible for cooking, the other will become an integral element of the steam.
  2. Creature two-story designwhere mansard Floor You can equip as a living room, bedroom or billiard room. It costs to immediately provide for the presence in the construction of the bathroom.
  3. Building a small steam room with a kitchen will take no more than 20-25 squares.
  4. If in addition to everything, the owners want to locate in the building open terrace And to equip the garage immediately need to add to the total area of \u200b\u200b12-20 squares.
  5. The practical optional option is a bath combined under one roof with a summer kitchen, a veranda and a cellar or a basement for storing and preserving vegetables.

Which project to give preference to each owner decides on their own, given the size of the free area, personal functional needs and financial capabilities.

The main stages of creating a design

Having graduated from the legal issues of the legality of such a construction, and having received permission for its construction in relevant services, it is possible to start fulfilling the technical work plan.

It consists of such steps:

  1. Preparation of territory and materials.
  2. Place marking.
  3. Drawing up an individual drawing or the choice is already existing project building.
  4. Laying the foundation.
  5. Assembling frame and walls.
  6. Establishing communications.
  7. Blood construction.
  8. The final stage of construction is the fulfillment of the internal and exterior decoration.
  9. Interior design.

If the layout of the room involves the presence of the second floor, when laying the roof, you need to worry about its thermal insulation.

Project development

It is possible to draw an accurate design scheme for help to professionals. Moreover, the order of services of employees of such organizations will cost several times more expensive than hiring experienced freelancer-designer. Yes, and on how to work it will not be displayed.

If it is decided to develop the drawing of the construction with your own hands, it will be useful:

But before you decide on the desired type of project, you need to clearly represent where each of the rooms will be that their location does not cause inconvenience. If you wish, you can add to such a building:

  • bedrooms;
  • locker room;
  • pre-banker;
  • bathroom;
  • billiard;
  • garage;
  • open veranda;
  • room under firewood.

At the same time, each of the additional zones should be harmoniously and correctly alternate, without creating an extra fuss.

What materials it is better to choose?

At first glance, it may seem that the product range for the construction of a bath with summer cuisine is rather limited, but it was so before. Now for the implementation of such projects use:

  • brick;
  • wood;
  • metal sheets;
  • blocks of aerated concrete;
  • heat resistant glass;
  • saintwich - panels.

When performing quality finishing work You will need:

  • insulation;
  • paro and waterproofing materials;
  • moisture-resistant solutions;
  • fireproof impregnations;
  • paintworks.

The main criterion for the choice of construction products is the landscape and climatic conditions Region.

And that the design is harmoniously combined with other buildings on the summer site to create it better from similar raw materials.

Photo: It looks like a ready-made bunk

Separate attention should be paid to the laying of the heating and cooking device, whether it is a stove or barbecue. Following fire safety rules, it is recommended to take a refractory brick.

Construction raw materials for a bath should be environmentally friendly so that when heated into the air, toxic pairs and resins do not come.

That is why the demand for designs from natural tree Every year only grows. This type of material is practical, easy to install and has a low cost. And the timely treatment of a bar with moisture-resistant impregnations will increase the life of the entire design.

In addition, such structures are much easier to redevelop.

Laying the roof

For a small extension there will be a single-piece roof.

Materials for it can be:

  • various types of tiles;
  • slate;
  • polycarbonate;
  • soft roof.

It is worth noting that for flooring the roof of the second floor it is not necessary to acquire metal tile as it will create a lot of noise during the rain or strong wind.

Summing up communications

Two different zones of one building should be a logical continuation of each other. Often, they are connected by a universal furnace-heater, which simultaneously performs the function of the heating of the bath and is a cooking device for the kitchen.

In addition, it is necessary to properly sum up to the design:

  • electricity;
  • drainage and supply;
  • ventilation.

If there are no knowledge in the electrics, for security purposes, it is worth abandoning the embodiment with your own hands, and to charge this is an experienced specialist.

When installing the drainage system, it is necessary to worry about the presence of a solid valve shutter, which will prevent the intricacies of unpleasant odors from the sewage.

Ventilation is a necessary measure of providing a normal microclimate indoors that prevents the appearance high humidity And fungus. But what to choose the natural or purchase electronic version of the hosts decide on the basis of financial capabilities.

Developing a draft such structure you need to really evaluate the size of the area under construction, the allowable budget moneyIn order to make a decision in a timely manner, it will be possible to do without it or you need to seek help from specialists.

Video: Bath projects with summer kitchen

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IN Hot day to cook in the house is uncomfortable: hot and stuffy. But it is at this time that the hostess spends more time at the stove, because in addition to the usual cooking, it is waiting for her ordering canned food. Easy the task and turn a mantle to pleasure will help lightweight, summer kitchen in the country. Projects, photos and a variety of ideas for the design of this cozy corner will help homemade Master Independently embody the dream into reality.

For seasonal design, a canopy and concrete site

Build a temporary dining room independently is not difficult, the main thing is to reasonably approach its location on the plot and select building materials.

Preparing the project

First of all, you need to explore the plan of the site and determine the place for optimal location Buildings. This platform must meet the following requirements:

  • be close to the main house so that we can bring dishes and products;
  • have convenient suitable ways so that there is no obstacle to moving out of the house in the construction;
  • it is desirable to provide the proximity of the site to the main communications: water, sewage and electricity.

Helpful information!An ideal option would be to the presence of a natural or artificial reservoir.

Deciding with the place of construction, you need to measure its area. The size of the temporary design is a separate question. If it is additionally carrying the dining room function, you will have to provide an additional place to install the table and place chairs or shops. The presence in the dining furnace or mangal also dictates the need to add square meters to separate the hot workshop from the dining group.

Even with the complete absence of artistic skills, it is easy to draw a plan for a future kitchen using a ruler and a cell paper. On scale you need to portray all the basic objects that will be located in the construction: washing, work surfaces, stove or oven, table. If the hostess has assistants - the room is better made stretched to work comfortably to work several cooks immediately.

The placement at the dining table should be comfortable, the chairs need enough space for ticking.

Helpful advice!If the area area does not allow you to place a temporary kitchen with a dining room, you can abandon this idea and move the dining group on or in a gazebo.

Open or closed summer kitchen at the cottage? Projects, photos, advantages and disadvantages

Easy building can be with or without walls, have a roof or spaced under open sky - It all depends on the wishes and fantasy of the owner.

Important!From the option of the kitchen in the open air in the context of Russian latitudes it is better to refuse. Roast sun, rain and hail can be presented to unpleasant surprises.

The walls of the country canteen, in principle, are not needed. Its main task is to give the possibility of cooking outdoors, so it is quite enough can coop and supports. Another thing, if the structure will be used in the autumn-winter period. In this case, it will have to provide walls and glazing to protect against weather and cold. Dignity open buildings:

  • fresh air access;
  • convenience of moving;
  • the possibility of cooking not only in stationary, but also on the portable mangal;
  • small construction costs.

There are disadvantages:

  • the inconvenience of cooking and receiving food into windy weather and the cool time of the day;
  • accessibility of storage of dishes and products for domestic and wild animals.

Closed building


  • the ability to enjoy the kitchen for any weather;
  • on a closed platform, you can place equipment that is sensitive atmospheric moisture.


Open summer kitchen at the cottage: projects, photos, materials

An open dining room can be temporary or stationary. The temporary structure is more mobile, it can be placed every year in a new place and remove for the winter. All equipment will also have to dismantle every time and look for a place to store it.

Closed and open summer kitchens at the cottage: projects, photos - all these materials give a reason to put the sleeves. In such a building freely accommodate the Russian oven, mangal or cauldron.

Building materials for such a project can be selected the most diverse:

  • forged openwork elements are expensive, but will delight the eyes for a long time.

Examples of closed structures

Glass and wood are the most popular materials for the construction of closed summer kitchens at the cottage. Projects, photos of similar buildings created by professionals and lovers are available to everyone. Brick in combination with, which can be opened - practical and durable solution. Such a structure will reliably protect against bad weather. It can be operated all year round.

For your information!Fully evaluate the advantages of the closed daca building with a brazier or a furnace in new Year holidays. Fabulous view of the snow-covered garden and fire in the mangale - what could be better for the Christmas evening?

Article on the topic:

Last decade, log structures beat demand records. Summer dining room in the Slavic style, with a furnace and appropriate furniture will be a favorite destination party with close friends.

A list of building materials for such projects is very wide: and OSB plates, lining, stone. Photos and projects of closed kitchens on the cottage demonstrate the fantasy of homemade craftsmen. They offer to use a foolish, leaning material - glassware, plastic bottles And even firewood.

Video: photo ideas of summer kitchens

Phased construction of summer cuisine in the country with their own hands

  • Preparing drawing. It can be done yourself or take ready.

  • Preparation of the site. The platform is cleaned of garbage and vegetation, make marking.

  • Foundation arrangement. The base for the summer building must comply with the project. For an open structure, it is enough to fall asleep with sand, reinforce the metal grid and pour the platform with a concrete layer in 10 centimeters. Before filling the base, a canopy racks are installed. Closed canteen from brick or stone requires bookmarks. Under the construction of a bar or logs install.

  • Installing a frame. For an open dining room or the installation of vertical supports will be required. Their location depends on the project. The main thing is that the pillars are reliable and could withstand the weight of the roof and the wind load.

  • Construction of walls. In the embodiments of closed cutlery walls are laid out of miscellaneous material. Without having experience, it is better not to take for. Laying timber and logs require less construction skills, but also has its own characteristics. If the seasonal structure is bought as ready product The manufacturer, you can try to collect it with your own hands. Frame walls I will even master the novice master.

  • For a stationary stove, a solid foundation will be required. The masonry is performed from refractory bricks. To avoid accidental fire, the space around the manga is laid out ceramic tiles. For the furnace it is better to order from the master. He will tell you what height the pipe must be installed for a good thrust.

Photo Summer Kitchen Projects at the cottage with barbecue Mangal:

  • Arrangement of work space. So that the summer building was comfortable, everything should be in it, as in the real kitchen. It will take a comfortable car wash and a work surface for processing products, storage boxes for storing dishes.

  • Accessories and design space. Each kitchen is business card hostess. For summer buildings, any fantasies and experiments are allowed.

In order for the seasonal building to become a favorite place to travel, not only the hostess, but also of all households, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

What type of summer kitchen construction to choose?

The kitchen is in the country with your own hands, the photo examples of which could be seen in this review - a reason for inspiration. It is not difficult to choose any format for yourself. Closed or open design with a brazier or a cauldron will be and a place for cooking, and a favorite corner of a garden for friends and loved ones. Dining room can be built or invited professional masters. In the first case, it can be saved to significantly, in the second - to achieve a guaranteed result.

Video: Summer cuisine in the form of a gazebo with a barbecue and barbecue

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