Bath and kitchen under one roof projects. Bath Summer Kitchen Veranda under the same roof

Encyclopedia plants 13.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

In building country Life An important role is played by the presence and correct location of the auxiliary buildings. After all, they greatly simplify the life of the owners, save time and allow you to enjoy a full-fledged vacation in nature. Fans of conservation and dinners in the fresh air can not do without summer kitchen, gazebo or veranda. Balca or sauna will help forget about everyday concerns. And for limited area Dacha plot Such extensions can be successfully combined.

The advantages of combined objects

Even at the stage of drawing up the drawing of the structure, all the advantages of this neighborhood are visible. After all, a bath, combined with summer cuisine, will increase the functionality of the entire premises, and in skillful hands will be original decorative element cottage plot.

Users are often looking for:


  1. If construction work will be conducted on the total foundation and under one roof, the costs of building materials decrease. This means that the total cost of the design will cost much cheaper.
  2. A single system of home heating and nozpostroy - energy savings several times.
  3. The competent compilation of the project bath with summer cuisine will reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe land used.
  4. Such a building is easy to turn into a guest house, providing a living room there, and the terrace or a veranda is in the kitchen in the fresh air.
  5. If, according to plan, the construction of the closest adjacent to the main house in this case does not need to worry about creating tracks that would combine the structures between themselves.
  6. The possibility of year-round use.
  7. Improvement of an existing structure and addition of its other rooms will not require significant costs.
  8. A close arrangement to the house will simplify the process of summing up communications.
  9. Independent design of the design of the construction will add the interior of the individuality, will give the character and passion for its inhabitants. In addition, money is saved on the hiring of specialists of this sphere.
  10. A convenient place to receive guests in the warm season, and if the terrace glazed, then the gatherings with friends can be spent even in winter, basking in the furnace either the fireplace.

Choosing a place to build, you need to remember that the entrance to the bath and summer kitchen should be located on the south side, in the rest room - in the north.

Photo: Bani and open arbor

In addition, according to fire safety standards, there is a bath at a distance closer than 5 m to residential premises is strictly prohibited.

Project options

The layout of the future joint design directly depends on the square of the bath adjacent to the kitchen and the functions that the room should perform. In size, ready-made construction can reach a dozen meters on one side.

Photo: Project wooden bath with barbecue area

An interesting decision will be:

  1. Erecting indoors of a common oven, some of which will be responsible for cooking, the other will become an integral element of the steam.
  2. Creating a two-story design, where the attic floor can be equipped as a living room, a bedroom or a billiard room. It costs to immediately provide for the presence in the construction of the bathroom.
  3. Building a small steam room with a kitchen will take no more than 20-25 squares.
  4. If in addition to everything, the owners want to locate in the building open terrace And to equip the garage immediately need to add to the total area of \u200b\u200b12-20 squares.
  5. The practical optional option is a bath combined under one roof with a summer kitchen, a veranda and a cellar or a basement for storing and preserving vegetables.

Which project to give preference to each owner decides on their own, given the size of the free area, personal functional needs and financial capabilities.

The main stages of creating a design

Having graduated from the legal issues of the legality of such a construction, and having received permission for its construction in relevant services, it is possible to start fulfilling the technical work plan.

It consists of such steps:

  1. Preparation of territory and materials.
  2. Place marking.
  3. Drawing up an individual drawing or the choice is already existing project building.
  4. Laying the foundation.
  5. Assembling frame and walls.
  6. Establishing communications.
  7. Blood construction.
  8. The final stage of construction is the fulfillment of the internal and exterior decoration.
  9. Interior design.

If the layout of the room involves the presence of the second floor, when laying the roof, you need to worry about its thermal insulation.

Project development

It is possible to draw an accurate design scheme for help to professionals. Moreover, the order of services of employees of such organizations will cost several times more expensive than hiring experienced freelancer-designer. Yes, and on how to work it will not be displayed.

If it is decided to develop the drawing of the construction with your own hands, it will be useful:

But before you decide on the desired type of project, you need to clearly represent where each of the rooms will be that their location does not cause inconvenience. If you wish, you can add to such a building:

  • bedrooms;
  • locker room;
  • pre-banker;
  • bathroom;
  • billiard;
  • garage;
  • open veranda;
  • room under firewood.

At the same time, each of the additional zones should be harmoniously and correctly alternate, without creating an extra fuss.

What materials it is better to choose?

At first glance, it may seem that the product range for the construction of a bath with summer cuisine is rather limited, but it was so before. Now for the implementation of such projects use:

  • brick;
  • wood;
  • metal sheets;
  • blocks of aerated concrete;
  • heat resistant glass;
  • saintwich - panels.

When performing high-quality finishing works, you will need:

  • insulation;
  • paro and waterproofing materials;
  • moisture-resistant solutions;
  • fireproof impregnations;
  • paintworks.

The main criterion for the choice of construction products is the landscape and climatic conditions Region.

And that the design is harmoniously combined with other buildings on the summer site to create it better from similar raw materials.

Photo: It looks like a ready-made bunk

Separate attention should be paid to the laying of the heating and cooking device, whether it is a stove or barbecue. Following fire safety rules, it is recommended to take a refractory brick.

Construction raw materials for a bath should be environmentally friendly so that when heated into the air, toxic pairs and resins do not come.

That is why the demand for structures from a natural tree is only grown every year. This type of material is practical, easy to install and has a low cost. And the timely treatment of a bar with moisture-resistant impregnations will increase the life of the entire design.

In addition, such structures are much easier to redevelop.

Laying the roof

For a small extension there will be a single-piece roof.

Materials for it can be:

  • various types of tiles;
  • slate;
  • polycarbonate;
  • soft roof.

It is worth noting that for flooring the roof of the second floor it is not necessary to acquire metal tile as it will create a lot of noise during the rain or strong wind.

Summing up communications

Two different zones of one building must be a logical continuation of each other. Often, they are connected by a universal furnace-heater, which simultaneously performs the function of the heating of the bath and is a cooking device for the kitchen.

In addition, it is necessary to properly sum up to the design:

  • electricity;
  • drainage and supply;
  • ventilation.

If there are no knowledge in the electrics, for security purposes, it is worth abandoning the embodiment with your own hands, and to charge this is an experienced specialist.

When installing the drainage system, you need to worry about the presence of a solid valve shutter, which will prevent admission unpleasant odors From the sewage outward.

Ventilation is a necessary measure of providing a normal microclimate indoors that prevents the appearance high humidity And fungus. But what to choose the natural or purchase electronic version of the hosts decide on the basis of financial capabilities.

Developing a draft such structure you need to really evaluate the size of the area under construction, the allowable budget moneyIn order to make a decision in a timely manner, it will be possible to do without it or you need to seek help from specialists.

Video: Bath projects with summer kitchen

Among the buildings united under the same roof, the Bani project with the kitchen is most popular in Russia. The fact is that in our country, summer cottages are usually small, so their owners have to save literally every meter. The option of combining the bath and kitchen allows you not to equip them in a residential room, which dramatically increases the level of comfort in it.

Pluses of projects bath with kitchen

Bath with a kitchen, as well as the project, they have many advantages, which cause the high popularity of this type of building among Russians. The first positive reason for the construction of such a building is the fact that you take out, thus, for the living area, those rooms in which unpleasant odors are formed, large wastewater volumes are generated, and household work is carried out.

The second plus is the possibility of saving land on the site. The fact is that summer cottages in Russia usually do not exceed six6 acres, and if we build buildings on them separately, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe plot will be occupied. Using a variant of the combined building, it is possible to significantly save the land, and the saved areas are used for other purposes. If you need to expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe structure, you can always choose a project bath with a summer kitchen.

The third plus is saving on building materials and summing up engineering communications. So, building a bath and a kitchen in the same building, you can save up to 20% of the amounts departed for construction. In this case, follow the rules fire safety And building rates and rules in combined construction are much easier. It is also important, as it makes it possible to avoid major fines on the part of control and supervisory authorities.

And one more advantage of combining the bath and kitchen is the fact that the projects of combined buildings are much cheaper than those who are worthy. This is due to the fact that there are not always homeowners who have land plots of a large area, they build combined buildings on them, preferring to build separately standing buildings.

Options for combining different buildings

There are several options for combining buildings of various purposes on one roof. So, for example, the most popular is a design kitchen combined with a bath. This is due to the fact that countryside And outside the city in the country area, questions of cooking and hygiene are paramount.

The immediate expression of such combination occurs in the form of construction of premises with different inputs, summer kitchen devices on the veranda, part placement utility rooms On the attic or the second floor. It is also sometimes limited to the arrangement at the Ban of the cooking zone, which is used in the warm season. Mangal is usually installed here, sometimes the focus folds, put tables and chairs.

In addition, bath projects with a lounge and a kitchen are very popular. This is a whole architectural complex that is based on its laws. So, for example, if you choose this project, you will have to take care of the arrangement of good ventilation and waterproofing. These systems will allow you to safely remove excess moisture and unpleasant odors from the room, which will have a positive effect at the comfort level in the guest room.

Well, the last option for combining premises, very popular among Russians, is a garage project, a summer kitchen, a bath. This construction option allows you to create protection for the car, while building a steam room. The disadvantage here are unpleasant smells of gasoline and engine oil, which can penetrate the bathroom. In addition, the State Fireman Supervision may not give permission to such construction, since such a tandem is extremely dangerous in terms of the possibility of fire.

Selection of material for the construction of a combined bath

As for the materials from which you can build a bath, combined with another building, is usually:

  • wood;
  • brick;
  • foam blocks.

Bath with summer kitchen, projects built from wood are good because they are relatively inexpensive. In addition, the tree is a good heat insulator, and therefore you spend a small amount of fuel in order to protrude your bath. Wooden builds look perfectly outwardly, and the traditional Russian bath has always been built of wood.

As for the minuses wood construction, then there are two. The first minus is that the tree is very afraid of moisture. So because high humidity It may have foci of rotting, so all wooden buildings need good waterproofing. The second minus is a fire exposure. In this regard, wooden buildings need to be built on removal from residential buildings, as well as process with flame retardant, which prevent the fire structures.

If you select a banner project for a brick, then you must remember that for this building you will have to prepare a lot of fuel, as the brick buildings are sleeping for a long time. In addition, the construction of a brick bath is much more expensive than all other construction options, as the brick itself is more expensive than wood, and foam concrete. Of the advantages, you can mention the absolute non-combustibility of the structures of the brick, and the fact that they are not afraid of moisture.

Remember also that brick baths require the erection of a fairly powerful foundation, as they have a serious weight. Especially this circumstance concerns buildings in 2 floors. In this case, such a foundation must be adapted to the organization of a good sewer system.

If you need a bath with a kitchen and a terrace and their projects from foam concrete, then you need to remember that this construction option is one of the most popular recently. His advantages:

  • a good level of thermal insulation comparable to the timber;
  • plocks made from aerated concrete harmful substances when heated, at the same time they do not rot and are not afraid of the effects of aggressive chemical substances, they do not settle rodents, and microorganisms are not developed;
  • the walls from foam blocks are made an order of magnitude faster than walls of brick and wood;
  • due to the fact that this material is very easy, you have the need to erect a massive foundation, it is quite suitable for a ribbon foundation, opened in the ground below the point of its freezing.

In addition, the project of the bath and his photo with a summer kitchen, built of foam concrete, is very easy to find on the Internet. But only one is minus such a construction is a high degree of moisture permeability of foamed concrete. As a result, you will have to further surrender to the arrangement of good ventilation and waterproofing.

Placing a combined bath on the site

Another aspect of choosing a project for a bath is to determine its location on land plot. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the location under one roof of several heterogeneous buildings requires an appropriate organization on the land plot. So the project of the bath with a kitchen and a rest room requires additional space in front of the building to organize a recreation area, and the garage can be built near the departure to the street.

In addition, building standards and rules establish special requirements for the placement of the bath, depending on which distance it is from other buildings. For example, it can be erected from a residential building not closer than 5 meters. This is also worth considering with joint construction, since, for example, not all housewives will like the fact that for cooking food they will have to go to a room quite remote from the residential house.

At the same time, construction will need to be conducted solely from the leeward side, as in this case, with a possible fire, the fire does not renounced residential buildings. As for the placement of windows, in the bath they must be installed on the western side of the building, as there are more sun here. It also makes sense to put a bath on the shore of the reservoir if there is such an opportunity. By this, you facilitate your work on it with water, and during the bath procedures you will be very pleased to take a cold bath after the steam room.

In this case, it will be necessary to place it so that it stands on some elevation. This is done in order to ensure the possibility of water water during the spring flood, thereby preventing its possible flooding during the spring flood. In addition, there is such a trick as the installation of an entrance door from the south side. In this case, a small amount of snow will be accompanied near it, as a result of which it can be easy to open it.

However, there are also forbidden zones, where the construction of the bath is in no way. These are places near the neighbors and the street. The fact is that this will require a special resolution, and the neighbors do not always give it. In addition, it is worth avoiding the construction of a bath on weak soils, since wastewaterAround the bath can blur them, as a result of which the building can give cracks and even collapse.

If you like the bath with a summer kitchen and a terrace, the project can mean 2 construction options: independently or with the involvement of professional builders.

Plus, the involvement of professionals is that they will build a turnkey building to you as soon as possible, if you are engaged in the construction of the bath yourself, you can decently save on construction.

Features of construction BAT from foam concrete

If you decide to build a combined bath yourself, we advise you to choose foam concrete. The fact is that this material is enough easy to fold the walls without the use of heavy construction equipment. At the same time, the masonry of the blocks from the gas benefen can be conducted at temperatures from +5 ºС to +25 ºС. When the temperature reaches the top plank, the surface of the aerated concrete blocks will be able to moisten with water. In winter, B. concrete solution It will be necessary to add an anti-corrosive additive in order to be able to maintain under negative temperatures.

When building rooms from aerated concrete in obligatory It is performed between the foundation and masonry horizontal waterproofing, the main purpose of which is to ensure its protection against moisture. To do this, referenced or other bitumen materials are applied. In addition, the industry produces special polymer-cement solutions in the form of dry mixtures.

Usually before laying blocks from foam concrete, the foundation is aligned. After that, you can start laying out the first row. For this purpose, a smooth horizontal surface is set, which can make it easier to facilitate the laying of subsequent rows. Placeing concrete, constantly lead the surface control on the horizontal horizontal and loyalty of the viewing of the corners. If you find minor irregularities, you can fix them with the help of a standard ruble.

You can prepare a mixture for masonry yourself or order in a construction company. At the same time, in the process of masonry, the block must be installed on the applied mixture for 15 minutes, if you set it later, it will not grab it. It is worth paying separate attention to the blocks of the puzzle form. The fact is that here construction mixture It is necessary to apply both in the groove and on the comb split. At the same time, the blocking of the blocks usually leads with a dressing in a half block.

The masonry is usually reinforced with reinforcement. To do this, use a special reinforcing grid. Reinforcement protects the walls of the structure from deformation in the event of a building shrinkage.

As for the operation of a combined bath of foam concrete, during its use, it is necessary to periodically check the walls and other elements of the building for the appearance of signs of rotting. In addition, it is also worth periodically to check hydro and vapor barrier for its integrity. Such measures will allow you to operate your bath with almost no repairs for 50 years.

Projects baths with a gazebo: how to combine under the same roof?

Baths with arbors under one roof are convenient and functional. A small extension performs a decorating role, allowing you to make a rest room beyond. And if you still plan and barbecue, the place for the adoption of bath procedures can be retracted to a full-fledged place to relax.

We will see that in this regard, the modern projects of baths with arbors are offered, they are presented in the photo below.

Typical solution with a gazebo 9x6 meters

Rounded or sideline log, bartal roofing and a small veranda in front of the entrance.

Inside the room is not replete with the availability of rooms for various purposes, but for bath procedures there is everything you need: a lounge, shower and steam room.

In this project, more internal premises are laid, although the terrace also has good dimensions. A large room Rest, tambour and corridor. Convenient location of the furnace. Entrance to it from the terrace.

All rooms in this project have proportional dimensions.

Chic project bath with a gazebo and barbecue.

Bath project with open-type gazebo and barbecue

Above presented three projects with a gazebo and barbecue. In each execution, various variations of the ratio of premises. In general, the barbecue in the bath and a gazebo under the roof is a convenient combination of the usefulness of procedures and comfort.

Designers in all three layouts made various biases in terms of distinguishing rooms. In one under the arbor and barbecue all more placesthan under washing departmentIn others, on the contrary, more bias goes to enhance the size of the main rooms.

In this project, aesthetic appearance is successfully combined: the covered veranda and the convenient location of the interior.

Japanese style.

Eastern motifs make it possible to present the location of the premises. Large comfortable gazebo, sauna and oiling rooms.

Another interesting decision.

Another original project. Bath with a gazebo is built in several transitions. It is convenient and original in its own way. From the main premises after the adoption of procedures, you can go into a barbecue gazebo, and then there is another holiday destination with benches and tables.

Draft reliable and beautiful summer kitchen with bath

Favorable project

Putting sitters after a bath - an integral part of the tradition. To drink with the best friends a cup of fragrant tea after steam room - true pleasure. That is why recently the construction of a bath with a summer kitchen is very popular.

Such a combination has a lot of advantages. First, it allows you to rest comfortably and after the bath procedures do not run. Secondly, the summer kitchen can perform the role of a terrace or veranda, providing the opportunity to enjoy fresh air.

Selection of the project Balkes with summer kitchen

Projects such buildings today have a lot. Under the summer kitchen can be implied simply a small canopy or a spacious room with a mangal zone, a bar, and another attributes. Extremely popular are projects with the second floor or attic, where bedrooms and guest rooms are located. In this case, it is not even necessary to build the main country house, because in a bath having residential rooms, you can live quite well all summer. Under the summer kitchen often placed an extensive cellar, where you can store inventory and all kinds of useful utensils. By the way, if the kitchen has the look of the terrace and is not glazed, the cellar usually remains untouched by intruders, as they simply do not recognize about the presence of such a room.

Projects Ban with summer veranda need to be chosen based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe site. Considering that the construction site for many will be non-standard, the project can be made individual. It is not too difficult to build such a structure in any case, so when designing it is possible to implement almost any fantasies. At the same time, it is much easier to remake under your requests. ready project.

Almost all modern projects bath with open kitchen include bathroom. Its equipment, of course, requires additional forces and costs during construction, but as practice shows, the toilet is needed near the kitchen. This is especially true if the feast is carried out often and includes the separation of alcoholic beverages and cooking kebabs.

Tip from Master!

Place the bathroom is better in the long part of the structure, away from the steam room, in order not to penetrate the unpleasant odors.

Foundation for a bath with a kitchen

The foundation of the bath can be a ribbon or bar. The latter is preferable, since the house is recommended to be installed on some elevation - it will contribute to the output of moisture, and will also save from problems when servicing communications. If a ribbon foundation is built, then at least the outstands should be made to ventilating the underground space. For small projects, the foundation-plate will be used, just to do it in a solid and stable soil. But if the soil is weak, and the site can be adequate in spring time, then the only possibility for construction is the use of screw piles. Some people are installed on the screw piles of the building right in the midst of the reservoir - it turns out very effectively and convenient, especially if the summer kitchen has a roof that can be shifted to sunbathe.

The main requirement for the foundation - it should be durable and not afraid of moisture. Even if plumbing is very reliable, all the same in the bath area there will always be increased humidity. Therefore, any material, including concrete, is better to further protect with a special impregnation. And when using screw piles - choose modifications with polymer protection against corrosion.

Despite the fact that the mass of the construction will be small, lay the foundation below the depth of the primer of the soil. Otherwise, after the first winter, the building can skew, and even capital repairs will save from further destruction. At the same time, at the location of the summer kitchen, the foundation should be as durable as under the main structure, then the load on the house will be distributed evenly. If the building is stone, the foundation must be made more solid.

Bandmark of ribbon foundation

Tip from Master!

When erecting the basement or cellar, it is best to make several large holes in the perimeter of the site, insert the reinforcement and pour concrete into them. When everything freezes - dig a hole, the space between the columns and the floor to tie the reinforcement and also pour concrete, thus obtaining a stone box. On the columns, then you can install a monolithic concrete or metal carcass - A more durable structure and imagine difficult.

Walls for bath

Ban walls are usually made from wood. It is an excellent material, light and environmentally friendly. Most often a timber is used or a rounded log. The only drawback of wood is the rapid destruction of fire, so in the bath you must carefully follow the oven, and during the feasts - also for smokers.

When erecting walls, insulation will necessarily need. Given that the bath is based on an environmentally friendly tree, the insulation should also be used harmless. Jute and Moss will be excellent options.

Build a chub bath

During construction stone walls It is very important to remember vaporizolation. If foam concrete was chosen as a material, it will have to be performed also exterior decorationwhich will protect blocks from moisture exposure outside.

For trim, bathing from the inside is usually used wood wall tank. It is best to seize the inner walls of summer kitchen. But residential premises can be separated plasterboard plates And go to wallpaper or paint.

For independent construction It is very important to observe the geometry of the walls, follow their horizontal and vertical deviations, as well as comply with the technology of construction. Two-storey stone structures should at least have seismopyas and be stable.

When the construction of a summer kitchen is underway, the walls can not be larger, but to concentrate on glazing. The ideal option is the use of sliding or removable windows. Very often, when finishing a summer kitchen with a bath forget about the insulation of the walls or consider this operation inappropriate. Meanwhile, the presence of warm walls and high-quality windows allows you to make a veranda heated and use it in his pleasure even in winter time. By the way, if the steam room is equipped next to the entrance to the kitchen, in winter it does not need even heating - all heat will go from there.

Tip from Master!

If you wish, you can consider the heating system from the furnace. Some build a single oven, from which heat not only enters the heater, but also can be used for cooking. In a word, a different kind of unusual ideas in such design can be a lot.

Roofing for a bath

If the bath implies the presence of the upper floor with bedrooms or residential attic, then the roof must necessarily be insulated. If the attic is empty, you will need only the top floor ceiling.

The solry system is best used standard. The more precipitation falls in the region, the coolest should be the roofs should be. Projects with flat roofs are rarely used, except for ultra-duty reinforced concrete monolithic designAnd the roof is used stone overlap. In this case, the bath can even be covered with soft roof.

Assembling a rafter system

The wooden rafter system serves for a long time, little weighs and can be used for most modern coatings. As a rule, to cover the roof, use soft or metal tile. The second material is undesirable if the attic is residential, because during the rain it creates a strong noise. When the roof is erected, it is impossible to forget that around the pipe for the stove it is necessary to equip the space from the roofing iron so that it does not put the coating. Although the pipe can be used on the outside of the construction. And when using electric oven, the pipe is not needed at all.

The roof can be made from different materials. For example, install metal tile on the bath, and a soft coating is used above the kitchen. If you want to create a bright kitchen, you can use the roof from polycarbonate or some other transparent material. Features of the construction of the roof of such buildings consist in choosing the right design ratio and strength. Therefore, summer kitchen projects are not always good. Many buildings that look very beautiful are short-lived.

Bath project with a veranda under one roof

The bath with the veranda has its own unique charm. Currently apply projects with open and closed terraces, depending on the size.

The basic requirements for which the terrace should perform:

  • comfortable widespread porch;
  • spacious outdoor room.

The veranda is a great place to relax, so it is important to consider the style of its design. In addition, at the design stage of the bath with a veranda, it is necessary to consider an entry option to the terrace: in the form of a rigid design, or by mounting to the wall of the bath. The bath and terrace are built from one material. Taking advantage of the professional advice of the designer, you can choose a finished project, add it to the design of the railway terraces. Projects of a closed bath with a veranda under one roof solve the following tasks:

  • application of free space (for the organization of tea drinking);
  • use the veranda to relax outside the bathroom;
  • creating an additional place for domestic purposes.

Choose a banner banner with a veranda

The project can be searched on the Internet by studying numerous construction sites. There are certain subtleties that need to be taken into account when selecting a project of a bath with an attic and a veranda:

  • bath size;
  • permissible cost of construction work;
  • territory for construction;
  • the number of indoors;
  • the timing deadline of the object.

Bani project with a log terrace

Among the "Favorites", we highlight projects of baths with verandas made from timber. The closed veranda leads directly to the bath. The railing on the porch was made manually, amazed with their beauty. Bath corridor has three doors:

  • in a rest room;
  • in pair room;
  • in a shower with a swimming pool.
  1. At the first stage of the construction of a bath with a terrace, a log house is erected from a profiled timber. The technology of its manufacture is similar to the construction of walls for the house. Fold a log house from the crowns, the strapping is made on the foundation. The lower side of the salary is processed by an antiseptic, is covered with special hydraulic protection mastic.
  2. In the bath make internal frame-boiled partitions. For their assembly use bars 50 by 50 mm, they are packed heat insulating materialThen the partition is cut by wooden lining. The bathroom doors are chosen durable, resistant to temperature drops - doors - an array.
  3. As a material used for the ceiling and walls in the steam room, used aspen. Under the aspen wagon fasten a special heat-reflecting foil. For decorating the rest bathrooms Apply pine, spruce. The pistoling floor of the headboard (thickness is 34-36 mm) is used in the rest room.

During the construction of the overall bath with a small veranda (2 on 4 m) intended for business needs, you can significantly save money resources (there is no need to issue a veranda).

Interest is a project of a bath with a spacious veranda, having 2-3 windows on one side, a deaf wall with a bath, on the other hand. Such a veranda space can be divided into two zones: for recreation and tea party.

Construction companies specializing in the construction of a bath offer summer houses with baths and verandas, ideal for country sites. The house has impressive sizes, a wide veranda, parry. The banner on the project is built on the first floor, equipped with a bathroom, there is a living room, as well as washing. On the mansard (second floor) there are a living room and two bedrooms.

Tip! A similar combined Bani project is suitable for a comfortable summer holiday.

Bath Design with Mansard

Construction of attic is carried out in conjunction with the construction of the bath itself. Otherwise there will be no durable fixation, in the winter time the veranda "will deduce" from the main log. To eliminate the gap between the house and the veranda, the plinth is used.

The dacha and the veranda itself make the same foundation. It is important to carefully calculate it so that there are no cracks and skews on the veranda. Recently, a terrace with sliding walls is assumed in the Bani Project. It is possible to stop the bath with a traditional veranda to an open terrace.

For problem relief, multi-level baths with terraces attached them are suitable.

6x4 bath plan with veranda

Construction single bath With a relaxation room will be a costly. The most common is the project of Bani 4 on 4 with a veranda, intended for a family of 4-6 people.

Materials for construction

Attention! Before the start of construction work, you need to decide on the material.

You can buy a ready-made bathhouse, erect it with your own, using several bars. If desired, you can build a bath 6x6 with an attic, making a washing, steam room.

  1. The bar is a common material for building a bath. His environmental characteristics Fully allow you to feel pleasure from visiting a bath. The tightness of the wooden cut is provided by linen pads, they are made between each bar of the bar. For a log cabin, a special additional decoration will not be required. Heat insulating characteristics Woods do not require the use of special insulation materials, it can be saved to significantly.
  2. Before drawing up a plane of a bath 6x4 with a veranda, it is important to consider some nuances:
    • the number of those who will use a bathroom;
    • analyze the need for a special place for swimming;
    • provide a place to place a steam room, washer, pre-bankers;
    • on the square of the bath should not be less than 10 m2.

The full-fledged plan of the bath 6x4 with the veranda involves the sewer channel, the system for hot and cold water, ventilation channel, Electric wiring. All systems must fully comply with fire safety rules. The distinctive characteristic of the project 6 to 6 is the arrangement of an additional terrace.

Planning constructions

Any bath 6 on 3 with a veranda involves the construction of a pre-banker either Tambura.

It allows you to save warmth in the steam room. In addition, you can customize the body on warm bath air, using a tambour.

Tip! It is advisable between the pre-tribades and the steam room to make a shower room with a swimming pool.

Before the start of construction work, check with the professionals the usefulness of your project bath with an attic and a veranda, put all the necessary prints in a variety of departments.


In the steam room you can put wooden stools, putting the shelves. Optimal option Professionals consider the installation of a bath furnace - Kamenka, fully ready for operation. In the project Bani provides for the arrangement of ventilation, sewage, electricity after all construction work will be completed.

It is not for good that the consultation of a good architect will never prevent the advice of a good architect before starting construction. After all, we used to think patterns, in a simple way, and therefore the future bath in our own site is also pretty simple - pair as a steam room. A, it turns out that this structure is being built today in the most unimaginable projects - which is only a photo of a bath with a gazebo or built-in pool, not to mention the second floor. Here and the projects of baths with a gazebo become the day from the day more popular, especially since there is nothing cunning in the construction of such pairs - one solid savings.

  • 3 detailed consideration of all stages of construction
  • 4 bathrooms-arbor - whether to combine everything together?

What are the advantages of arbor arranged with a bath?

In fact, the bath with a gazebo has a lot of significant advantages:

  • Such a structure costs much cheaper than a separate bath and gazebo. After all, it is built in this case on one foundation, general strapping and under one roof.
  • Thanks to this project, the problem of the style of the style of the gazebo and a bath is disappeared.
  • From the gazebo to the bath no longer need to make nebost, no tracks - they are so together.
  • IN summer time Bath gazebo can be safely used as a guest house or as a summer kitchen.

Construction Features and Project Examples

The photo of the bath with a gazebo is always especially beautiful and fascinating - so I want to gain a number of firm under them and order this is an architectural miracle for all weekends. But the design of it is pretty simple - the roof "Envelope" combines a full-fledged bath and spacious terraceAnd the whole structure seems to be one elegant big gazebo.

Bath and gazebo under one roof - Ready project for construction

Another option - a bathhouse with a gazebo and barbecue

The floors of the gazebo baths experts advise not to do not tiled concrete, but wooden, and raised by the level - so that no one of the holidays frowned. For this purpose, a special terrace board is well suited, which must be put with small gaps. It is only important that she has no sharp faces.

Project number 3 - with impressive sizes

The best modern solution for the bath with a gazebo is the closing light of the original frames on the aluminum profile. They perfectly protect against bad weather, with even winter with a flooded barbecue, you can sit with friends for a cup of fragrant coffee. And the summer evenings transparent valves will be saved from annoying mosquitoes.

Why it is not surprising that many of the owners of such baths even spend the night with their family in such gazebos at the bath, waking up every morning under the songs of Solovyev.

Construction option combined with summer kitchen

Detailed consideration of all stages of construction

For example, consider the project Bani project with a gazebo, which involves the use of a 3x3 log. It is only important that the timber is impregnated with work and bitumen. Old columns will be suitable as the foundation of the bath.

A construction scheme is as follows:

  • Step 1. For a logging, a strapping is made on top of the rubberoid.
  • Step 2. Now you need to put the most complex first rows - it is desirable for a moss tested by centuries.
  • Step 3. During a logging of a log, you can take a strapping of the pre-banker - from the same impregnated timber.
  • Step 4. But now you can go to the strapping of the gazebos, passing the framework of the forego. By the way, on the arbor, you can only let the gibbed logs. The racks are made from the bar 10x15 cm with a diameter.
  • Step 5. In this project, the roof of the bath is planned with a hip, and therefore, after the construction of the frame, the arbors can immediately navigate the rafters. To do this, it is important to maximally remove the angular bodies of the hip - so that the rafters themselves lay down as needed.
  • Step 6. All angles should be shed to a single tooth, all the joints are to pierce on the perforated tape, and the floors are fully applied.

Steps from the first on the sixth - lay the first crowns for the construction of the pilfer for a gazebo

  • Step 7. Now you need to fill the crate with such a step so that you can subsequently install metal tiles. In the meantime, the roof is closed by rubberoid.
  • Step 8. Now is the time to start tribusting the pre-banker, by the type of "American".
  • Step 9. The windows into the gazebo bath is better inserted before, but the doors can be done later. All railing and balasins need to be sealing, leaving only the way out to the place where the brick brazier will stand.
  • Step 10. And finally, you can move to the painting of the bath - the color in the project was chosen nut.
  • Step 11. Doors are inserted, the bath is frozen.
  • Step 12. Now you can study the interior of the baths and gazebos - where and how the seats and the table will be.

Steps from the seventh to the twelfth - finish the construction and erect the roof

You can, of course, and complete the gazebo to the already existing bath. A good option - order a project and material in one of the construction firms, because It is quite difficult to choose everything in accuracy to a centimeter. And in this case, the work on its construction will go easier and more interesting.

Bathhouse-gazebo - whether to combine everything together?

Today, architects are increasingly offering their customers an interesting project - a bath combined with a gazebo with the house. And it is instead of three different objects on a plot that do not always look harmoniously look with each other. But together they form a fairly beautiful and functional structure, which is less than if it is possible to build all this separately.

Here, for example, as you can put together a bath, a gazebo and a residential building:

What are the advantages of such a project? In the fact that all three buildings are:

  • One monolithic foundation is at one height, one quality.
  • One heating system, and, it means one boiler room.
  • One beautiful style, up to the smallest detail.
  • Rational use of the area of \u200b\u200bthe site, i.e. Significant savings.
  • Modern cozy and aesthetic look of the entire structure.

When the bath, the gazebo and the house are located in this way, it is much easier and more is planned landscape design Plot. After all, in fact, all architectural objects in the type of garage, steam room or shed are not the elements of the exterior of the house, but the most real stop accents. And the garden, under which a lot of free land is given, without any unnecessary buildings, only wins. On the other hand, from the back wall of the house, even the fence is not particularly needed - such a line of objects perfectly closes the plot from curious neighboring eyes.

The arbor itself will be much more stable and more durable than it is easy to add to the bath - after all, now she is like an intermediate element, and static. Just it is not terrible, neither the movement of the soil nor her swelling. And even the roofs of all three buildings can be connected together - as is known from the laws of physics, everything that is monolithically is always stronger and more reliable than the collected from individual elements. And it is possible to equip in it anything: and a party with an artificial pond, and a swimming pool, and winter GardenAnd barbecue is all your heart.

Banya-Arbor-House which built one of our readers

And finally, such a gazebo can be fully open, i.e. Summer, or have glass walls and sliding aluminum profiles. In the first case, then it is necessary to think about it in advance how to protect all materials from aggressive impact ambient And nature - from garbage, dust, rain, hail, wind and snow. For example, even the floor should be strong and wear-resistant - today the Russians most often acquire a special terraced boardwhich once appeared in America first, but burst from frost, but now famous for its special strength. Also, the fireplace itself, and the barbecue counterators should be from such a material that neither the temperature differences nor the impact of atmospheric precipitation - yes, the wind will still drive them away, even under the roof.

But much more rational and easier if the gazebo can close, at least with transparent glass walls and doors-coupe - in such a way you can do not go out of the house in the bath, in the winter to make kebabs and get into your favorite Banke with friends, especially since alone The fireplace will be quite enough for heating this small, but cozy territory.

Options for building a garage and baths under one roof

Often the hosts of private households are conceived about the construction of a bath and a garage on panstone. In order to save money, time and square meters of the territory, you can all these buildings undertake under the common roof.

Advantages of a garage fabrication combined with a bath

There are two options for the implementation of the project of the future structure, when the garage and the bath under one roof are equipped:

  1. An extension to the previously erected building. In this case, work will cost cheaper than the construction of a separate design from scratch.
  2. The erection of a separate economic block, which will unite several premises under its roof, differing in their own way. functional purpose. According to the calculations of specialists, such construction is more profitable with financial Partythan the arrangement of the garage and the bath separately.

Positive moments of unification of hozpostrok under one roof:

  1. The ability to equip the Hozblock for storing solid fuel for a bath furnace, it can also be taken directly into the garage where it is unloaded.
  2. Communication of engineering communications into a single network.
  3. Device of the general heating system.

Combined with a bath garage will allow you to create a passage in washing roomwhere owner vehicle It will be able to put itself in order after work related to the repair of the car, and the amateur-gardener will take a shower after a working day on the household plot.

If a final decision is made regarding construction, proceed to the design of the future building.

Design work

Bath projects with a garage under one roof are stages:

The first stage. Determine the type of future buildings. It will be either an extension to the ready-made building, or a new building structure, in which the bathroom is combined with a garage or vice versa.

Stage second. Choose a performer of design work, using the Internet or contacting one of the architectural workshops. You can also execute the project yourself, especially if there are appropriate knowledge and skills.

Project documentation should contain several chapters and sections:

  • layout at the household plot;
  • foundation arrangement scheme;
  • plan of structure S. internal location enclosing structures and premises;
  • roof drawings;
  • scheme of gasket engineering communications.

Layout of the structure on the site

The location and structural features of the construction depend on a number of factors.

When erected a new building, take into account:

  1. The area and layout of the site (more details: "The correct location of the bath on the site - distances from the borders and other objects").
  2. Availability on the territory of other buildings.
  3. The location of trees and other green plantings.
  4. Location of the well drain Jama, water column, central communications, entry from the outer road.
  5. How comfortable passage to the house from the Hozblock with a garage and a bath.

When the building is already built into account accept:

  1. The above information.
  2. Which side will be an extension.

With a shortage of free space on the land, it is estimating the possibility of arranging a bathroom on the top floor. Read also: "Do you need to register the bath and how to do it right."

Fundament device

When the Hozblok with a garage and a bath will be built from scratch, the base for the building is chosen including:

  • depth of groundwater;
  • soil features;
  • total weight buildings;
  • simplicity of laying one or another type of base.

One of the most frequently selected options is a reinforced belt foundation, for the manufacture of which the concrete mixture is used. See also: "What a project of the house with a bath under one roof to choose - options and opportunities."

Selection of wall and building materials

The main determining point when choosing the type of walls and building materials is the presence of bathrooms (woeful wage, etc.), which means the need to arrange the quality heat insulation of the enclosing structures (walls).

If a single-storey building is designed, then the best acquisition will be materials having a gaseous structure, such as slag-, foam, and gas blocks. When choosing an embodiment of a bath in the form of an extension, you can give preference to a log design or a construction of glued timber.

Depending on the acquired materials for walls, the list is determined. additional workassociated with waterproofing and protection against the negative impact of atmospheric influences.

The list of this type of work may be:

  • painting facade;
  • applying decorative protective plaster;
  • installation of facade designs from siding.

Arrangement of roofing

Regardless of whether a new building will be built or to be attached, it will be necessary to build a roof. Its construction on an extension must be calculated taking into account the conjugation of existing and future walls. For the newly under construction, the roof device must be designed.

For both roofing structures, the installation of rain drains and connecting them to storm sewerexisting on the household plot.

Location of premises in the construction

If the project provides that there will be under one roof garage-lathe kitchen-bath, there should be location in the layout of the premises:

  • observation pit;
  • entrance gates;
  • passage from the garage to the bath;
  • cellab for storing home preservation and vegetables;
  • economic block for instruments and various equipment, solid fuel for the furnace;
  • heating unit or boiler;
  • parling, recreation areas, washing, pre-bankers, pool;
  • sewer system and toilet room.

Design engineering communications

Usually, the construction of Bani-Hozblock-Garage under one roof is performed on the site, where communication systems were previously carried out, and therefore project documentation You need to reflect the connection to the following objects:

  • water supply network;
  • power supply;
  • sewage;
  • gas pipelines, subject to heat supply of the main part of the building from the gas heating unit. See also: "How to build a bath with a summer kitchen - what you need to take into account."

Performance of construction work

After the development of the project and the required calculations, the construction is proceeded.

You can build a building:

  • ordering services from a company specializing in this type of work;
  • turning to the brigade of the so-called "Shabashnikov";
  • on your own.

One who at least once hired workers to fulfill construction or repair services, knows how difficult it is to find conscientious and highly professional contractors.

Tips for finding brigade of masters and organization of their work:

  1. It is necessary to use the services of construction organizations that have proven themselves from the positive side.
  2. When hiring workers with them should be concluded.
  3. It is advisable not to make an advance payment. It is better to divide the entire scope of work on the steps and at the end of each of them to pay earned money.

The procedure for compiling estimates

Acquire all the necessary materials for the construction of the Hozblock with a garage and a bath must be in accordance with the estimator in which there is a list of works. It is advisable to do it yourself.

It is advantageous to buy construction materials and a tool in large trading specialized centers where promotions are held, sales, discounts, bonuses, free shipping services and unloading goods can be provided.

Organization of the construction process

The annex to the contract should have a schedule of work and it is necessary that the Contractor strictly followed him.

In the case where the Contractor constantly admits a lag from the deadlines, it is necessary to terminate the contract and look for new workers.

At the unfinished stages should not be issued advances, since it will not end with nothing.

At the end of construction, it is necessary to make acceptance of acceptance documentation and fill out the act of work performed.

It is necessary to carry out careful control over the construction of the construction, not launching everything on samonek.

A traditional view of construction involves a separate accommodation of a bath, arbor, relaxation rooms and summer cuisine. However, a person tends to strive for perfection, so today this look is definitely outdated.

You can easily find a variety of summer kitchen projects with a bath "In one bottle", moreover, you can include a garage, a gazebo and even a living superstructure. This solution is not only more convenient, but also more profitable.

Advantages of combined projects

Savings and convenience

As can be seen in the photo, not only the bath and summer kitchen are assembled under the same roof, but also a terrace with a living room. What is the advantage of such projects?

And there is a lot of advantages:

  • Construction is conducted on one general foundation, which is cheaper than several separate;
  • All rooms have a common roof, which is significantly cheaper than several separate roofs;
  • Much less building materials is spent than during the construction of a separate bath, gazebos and summer cuisine. And therefore the price of the goods purchased in fewer is reduced;
  • There is no need to build a system of tracks connecting separately worth the construction;
  • In the summer, the terrace turns into the kitchen, prepare on which much more pleasant thanks to the outdoor;
  • Building stylistically and architecturally integral, which is not always possible in the construction of two or more buildings;
  • The overall heating system saves energy;
  • You do not need to go to another room for tea drinking, recreation or sleep;
  • It is convenient to receive guests, especially in the summer;
  • It is much easier to ensure water disposal and sewage system;
  • General electrical network;
  • Total water supply;
  • It requires a much smaller area of \u200b\u200bland than in the construction of individual buildings;
  • Saving time required for construction and finishing work.

Availability of project documentation

Note! We live in an era of the accomplished information revolution, and today virtually any information is available. Therefore, there is no longer necessary to overpay the impressive means for the design.

You can do this:

  1. Independently examine the principles of working with architectural graphics editorswhich perform the lion's share of routine work on calculating the compatibility of elements, loads, location carriers, selection of types of roof, etc. As a result, you can create a building completely from scratch.
  2. Find a typical project to you in the network and use it. This is a win-win option, as you can find reviews of people who have experience implementing such a project and find out what awaits you and what are there any deficiencies.
  3. Hire freelancer designer. This will allow working with a specialist directly, which are at times cheaper than through an intermediary represented by a construction company. You can also hire a consultant who will follow the construction, if you decide to build with your own hands.

Accessibility of communication

Another advantage of the century of information technology is an incredibly developed communications network. On the Internet you can find thousands of thematic sites with a publicly accessible forum, where you can ask questions and receive answers online.

Moreover, competent specialists and experienced builders are often found, the opinion of which is expensive. And all this is completely free! Agree, we live in amazing time, but do not fully understand what opportunities are open to us.

In addition to live communication, you can find a lot of useful information on such resources: it can be a training video, step-by-step instructions with photos, a successful construction report. At the same time, you will most likely be able to ask questions you are interested in directly to the authors of these materials.

Features of modern projects

In addition to affordability, modern projects are characterized by another feature: With the seeming complexity and external beauty, they are all as simplified as much as possible and unified. The roof of the "envelope" covering the steam room, terrace, a rest room and an entrance hall, a frame on an aluminum profile, valves for protection against mosquitoes or sun, wooden floor, warming legs.

All elements are thought out, taking into account the experience gained by man in construction country houses and cottages. Buildings are designed taking into account modern requirements for energy efficiency and functionality, everything is at its optimal place, there is nothing superfluous.


The times when knowledge was transmitted from the Father to the Son, irretrievably left. Today you can buy any information, and at a reasonable price. Moreover, it can be found completely free of charge in general access.

This also applies to construction: no longer need to pay huge fees construction companies, You can hire people directly, use typical projects, consult real-time with builders on forums and chat rooms. Of course, this approach will not work for a serious project, but for construction dacha house, summer kitchens and baths are what you need.

Sometimes I want to get into the bath, get out of it and immediately to the kebab. But with some summer cottages it is very problematic to imagine. Although there is a way out. Combine a steam room with a kitchen.


About them is popular today, a kitchen has been popular. People in their sites combine the premises. It would be a useless thing if there were no many positive advantages.

  • First, this union will save free space on the site.
  • Secondly, financially beneficial. Due to the design features, the cost of Pa Building will noticeably decrease.

On holidays or weekends you can get together with friends or in the warm family circle. Sit on the summer veranda. While one is busy cooking on the table - another can get into the bathhouse, which is located nearby. Convenient and practical - this is perhaps another one of the advantages of this building.
In this project, the kitchen occupies the role of an extension, a pre-banker. It is at the same time for the wage. Both rooms are located under the same roof. In some dacha options, also combined and bathroom. In this case, the sink should be done so that the runaway walks immediately into the sewer. To avoid unpleasant odors, the hydraulication should be built.

When building this building, you need to choose a suitable place in the country area. Will be good, build bath-kitchen Not far from the reservoir, since then there will be no water problems. It is worth considering the spring bottling, because of which the room will have to be better to hydroize.

Design combination

To build any structure, you need a project. It needs to be developed and write. This can be done independently, but best to do this together with a knowledgeable specialist.
As mentioned above, you need to decide on the location of the structure. Then, it is required to solve the issue with tools and material. Also, you should think about the size of this design, it is about equipping from the outside and inside.
The next, important stage in the construction is her entrance. It must be the main and proper planning of it, can make even more in the bath - the kitchen useful space. You can log in in the form of an additional - small terraces, or veranda. It is best to have an entrance from the south side.
You can build a smoke bath, but at the same time it will be necessary to calculate all the distance - from residential premises, to the boundaries of the site. Minimum distance Usually - 12 meters. Also, you need to remember that the construction must be from the side of the neighboring houses.

Photo: Be sure to calculate all distance

For the construction of a smokeless bath, all the same requirements must also be taken into account. The minimum distance in this case is 5 meters.
To get an excess of heat and heat the entire room, the water tank is combined with pipes. A single roof will force the site, and rain water merging into the main tank will be needed in the future for washing or watering the country area. Good bath lighting will be able to provide competently located windows. They must be on the southwest or the northwestern side.
In order to not arise unpleasant odors in the bath, which is usually the cause of high humidity, all sanitary and hygienic standards should be observed. Also, it may appear if the premises cannot be opened. It is necessary to properly ensure the construction of ventilation, waterproofing and sewage system. If everything is competent, then comfort, comfort and convenience are provided in this room.
At very high temperatures in the bath, the walls of the room will dry up as quickly as possible, and therefore will not rot. If it is competent to equip the place for washing, then the water used will fire directly into the sewer and the sewer well, which is behind the house. In that well, the waterproofing should be installed, in order to avoid embossing odors in the bath. With good heating, it will clean the air, which is useful for human health.
In the bath it is better to prevent frequent water from the stones, because They should be dry and hot. It depends on better air purification. Baths with dry steam, are also very useful. They can be operated instead of residential premises. The most basic thing is to comply with fire safety and isolate the floor.

Bath, Kitchen and Greenhouse

Interestingly, this construction is the fact that the kitchen is here as a pre-banner, and the furnace on it is a stove one. Pipes from baths pass through a greenhouse, providing it with constant warmth, while cooking or in the bath, someone is steaming. The distance from the residential premises to this structure is at least 5 meters.

Modern bath


This building has a wide roof. It plays the role of baths, kitchens, arbors, dining room at the same time. The bath can include a font and swimming pool. Open veranda Located from a residential building. The use of natural materials is recommended as finishing materials: metal, wood, stone. Larch clapboard should be seen from inner walls. It is required to do only on the outside.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe room - 3.5x9 sq.m. For the room it will be required area 3x2.5 sq.m. It organizes a small pre-banker. Right behind the prebaters are built, combined with washing, steam room. The construction of the ceilings is better made of the material - an aminous board. Steam finish need to do from wooden lining. The rest of the area goes on the summer kitchen and terrace. The roof is recommended to do a two-tie so that in winter it was not a special accumulation of snow on the roof.

- Very comfortable and cozy room. Many advantages, minimum design costs, saving free space. This construction is very popular in summer cottages. Also, good and other, the above types of compliance.

Video: Bath with summer kitchen

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IN Hot day to cook in the house is uncomfortable: hot and stuffy. But it is at this time that the hostess spends more time at the stove, because in addition to the usual cooking, it is waiting for her ordering canned food. Easy the task and turn a mantle to pleasure will help lightweight, summer kitchen in the country. Projects, photos and a variety of ideas for the design of this cozy corner will help the home master to independently embody the dream into reality.

For seasonal design, a canopy and concrete site

It is not difficult to build a temporary dining room independently, the main thing is to reasonably approach its location on the site and the choice of building materials.

Preparing the project

First of all, you need to explore the plan of the site and determine the place for optimal location Buildings. This platform must meet the following requirements:

  • be close to the main house so that we can bring dishes and products;
  • have convenient suitable ways so that there is no obstacle to moving out of the house in the construction;
  • it is desirable to provide the proximity of the site to the main communications: water, sewage and electricity.

Helpful information!An ideal option would be to the presence of a natural or artificial reservoir.

Deciding with the place of construction, you need to measure its area. The size of the temporary design is a separate question. If it is additionally carrying the dining room function, you will have to provide an additional place to install the table and place chairs or shops. The presence in the dining furnace or mangal also dictates the need to add square meters to separate the hot workshop from the dining group.

Even with the complete absence of artistic skills, it is easy to draw a plan for a future kitchen using a ruler and a cell paper. On scale you need to portray all the basic objects that will be located in the construction: washing, work surfaces, stove or oven, table. If the hostess has assistants - the room is better made stretched to work comfortably to work several cooks immediately.

The placement at the dining table should be comfortable, the chairs need enough space for ticking.

Helpful advice!If the area area does not allow you to place a temporary kitchen with a dining room, you can abandon this idea and move the dining group on or in a gazebo.

Open or closed summer kitchen at the cottage? Projects, photos, advantages and disadvantages

Easy building can be with or without walls, have a roof or spaced under open sky - It all depends on the wishes and fantasy of the owner.

Important!From the option of the kitchen in the open air in the context of Russian latitudes it is better to refuse. Roast sun, rain and hail can be presented to unpleasant surprises.

The walls of the country canteen, in principle, are not needed. Its main task is to give the possibility of cooking outdoors, so it is quite enough can coop and supports. Another thing, if the structure will be used in the autumn-winter period. In this case, it will have to provide walls and glazing to protect against weather and cold. Dignity open buildings:

  • fresh air access;
  • convenience of moving;
  • the possibility of cooking not only in stationary, but also on the portable mangal;
  • small construction costs.

There are disadvantages:

  • the inconvenience of cooking and receiving food into windy weather and the cool time of the day;
  • accessibility of storage of dishes and products for domestic and wild animals.

Closed building


  • the ability to enjoy the kitchen for any weather;
  • on a closed platform, you can place equipment that is sensitive atmospheric moisture.


Open summer kitchen at the cottage: projects, photos, materials

An open dining room can be temporary or stationary. The temporary structure is more mobile, it can be placed every year in a new place and remove for the winter. All equipment will also have to dismantle every time and look for a place to store it.

Closed and open summer kitchens at the cottage: projects, photos - all these materials give a reason to put the sleeves. In such a building freely accommodate the Russian oven, mangal or cauldron.

Building materials for such a project can be selected the most diverse:

  • forged openwork elements are expensive, but will delight the eyes for a long time.

Examples of closed structures

Glass and wood are the most popular materials for the construction of closed summer kitchens at the cottage. Projects, photos of similar buildings created by professionals and lovers are available to everyone. Brick in combination with, which can be opened - practical and durable solution. Such a structure will reliably protect against bad weather. It can be operated all year round.

For your information!It is possible to fully assess the advantages of the closed country building with a brazier or a stove in the New Year holidays. Fabulous view of the snow-covered garden and fire in the mangale - what could be better for the Christmas evening?

Article on the topic:

Last decade, log structures beat demand records. Summer dining room in the Slavic style, with a furnace and appropriate furniture will be a favorite destination party with close friends.

A list of building materials for such projects is very wide: and OSB plates, lining, stone. Photos and projects of closed kitchens on the cottage demonstrate the fantasy of homemade craftsmen. They offer to use a foolish, leaning material - glassware, plastic bottles And even firewood.

Video: photo ideas of summer kitchens

Phased construction of summer cuisine in the country with their own hands

  • Preparing drawing. It can be done yourself or take ready.

  • Preparation of the site. The platform is cleaned of garbage and vegetation, make marking.

  • Foundation arrangement. The base for the summer building must comply with the project. For an open structure, it is enough to fall asleep with sand, reinforce the metal grid and pour the platform with a concrete layer in 10 centimeters. Before filling the base, a canopy racks are installed. Closed canteen from brick or stone requires bookmarks. Under the construction of a bar or logs install.

  • Installing a frame. For an open dining room or the installation of vertical supports will be required. Their location depends on the project. The main thing is that the pillars are reliable and could withstand the weight of the roof and the wind load.

  • Construction of walls. In the embodiments of closed cutlery walls are laid out from different material. Without having experience, it is better not to take for. Laying timber and logs require less construction skills, but also has its own characteristics. If the seasonal structure is bought as a finished product from the manufacturer, you can try to assemble it with your own hands. Frame walls will master even a novice master.

  • For a stationary stove, a solid foundation will be required. The masonry is performed from refractory bricks. To avoid accidental fire, the space around the mangala is laying out with ceramic tiles. For the furnace it is better to order from the master. He will tell you what height the pipe must be installed for a good thrust.

Photo Summer Kitchen Projects at the cottage with barbecue Mangal:

  • Arrangement of work space. So that the summer building was comfortable, everything should be in it, as in the real kitchen. It will take a comfortable car wash and a work surface for processing products, storage boxes for storing dishes.

  • Accessories and design space. Each kitchen is a business card of the hostess. For summer buildings, any fantasies and experiments are allowed.

In order for the seasonal building to become a favorite place to travel, not only the hostess, but also of all households, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

What type of summer kitchen construction to choose?

The kitchen is in the country with your own hands, the photo examples of which could be seen in this review - a reason for inspiration. It is not difficult to choose any format for yourself. Closed or open design with a brazier or a cauldron will be and a place for cooking, and a favorite corner of a garden for friends and loved ones. Dining room can be built or invited professional masters. In the first case, it can be saved to significantly, in the second - to achieve a guaranteed result.

Video: Summer cuisine in the form of a gazebo with a barbecue and barbecue

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