Bath 4x4 turnkey. The layout of the baths with a separate location of the sink and steam room

The buildings 20.06.2020
The buildings

Among the many projects of baths, the 4x4 size is one of the most popular. The point is the square shape of the structure and small size. At the same time, the bath is spacious and functional. About how to build a 4x4 bath with your own hands, the features of the project and its price in one article.

Sauna 4x4 from logs with a small terrace.

Typical bath plan 4x4 m

The 4x4 m bath project is worthy of the attention of users for its good spaciousness. The standard one-story building contains the layout:

a steam room, a washing room, a bathroom, a dressing room and a relaxation room or a terrace under a common roof. A 4x4 m bath project can be one-story or with an attic. Upstairs in this place a full-fledged room for guests or for relaxation. Due to its small size, the box fits easily on a small suburban area or near a private house.

You can assemble a 4x4 m bath from a bar, a simple or rounded log, brick or cinder blocks. The simplest option from a bar, since correct form buildings and timber with ease allows you to assemble a box with your own hands.

At their summer cottage, a project with an open or covered terrace. After taking the procedures, it is pleasant to go out into the air and breathe. BUT common roof makes the terrace protected from wind and rain.

Main characteristics standard project baths 4x4 m:

  1. The foundation area is 21.60 m2.
  2. The area of ​​the inner part is 11.50 m2 + 2.7 m2 terrace: steam room 4.14 m2, washing room 3.59 m2, terrace 2.7 m2, dressing room 3 m2. You can reschedule the interior in your own way, so if you remove the terrace, then the dressing room will increase. Fit a full rest room.

Bath 4x4 is purchased as a finished box or made independently. The easiest option is to buy on a turnkey basis, the price for this starts from 450,000 rubles. This is without finishing and insulation. A finished box, for assembly with your own hands, for comparison, costs starting from 300,000 rubles. One of the 4x4 baths can be seen on the video:

Bath construction

The construction of a 4x4 bath is carried out according to the selected project. You can make it yourself or take a typical one, for example, in this article. All stages of construction include:

  1. Installation and selection of the foundation.
  2. Box construction.
  3. Roof.

Each of the steps can be done by hand. But if there is no skill in assembling a bath, then you can reduce the cost of construction by preparing the foundation. In this case, the box is assembled by professionals. Consider all the assembly steps in more detail.

Foundation installation

The choice of foundation for a 4x4 bath depends on the material from which it will be built:

  1. Beam - lightweight strip foundation, columnar or pile.
  2. Brick, blocks, log - a full-fledged strip foundation or monolithic.
Tape lightweight foundation for a bath

The easiest way is to make a lightweight strip foundation. The choice of design depends on the level ground water. If the occurrence is high, then use a pile or screw. We will consider the usual tape.

For do-it-yourself installation, you need to choose a place under the bath and make markings. A trench 50 cm deep will be dug along it, the bottom is covered with a sand cushion. From above, formwork is mounted from edged board and for strength, a reinforced frame is attached. Next, the foundation is poured and left to stand. Do not forget about doing it separately. It is good if the finished foundation will stand for more than 6 months, so it will fully mature and shrink.

Box assembly

Assembling a bath box from a bar

The bath box is assembled according to the plan. We will consider a bar.

The first link of the bath is laid on top of the foundation. The first link should be slightly larger, made of wood resistant to moisture. Suitable aspen or larch. The price of timber will be higher, but over time, the bath will not begin to rot. The fact is that the tree is hygroscopic and water from the foundation easily rises up the beam. And about the combination of wood and water once again not worth talking about.

The walls are assembled in stages. It is easier to use a profiled beam, it is easily connected with a lock - a spike and a groove. A jute tape insulation is laid between each link.

Between themselves, the timber is connected with wooden dowels. They can be made from scraps of building material or bought ready-made. We do not recommend using iron connecting elements, over time the walls will dry out and the pieces of iron will become visible. The bath will lose its aesthetic appearance.

If the bath is collected from ordinary timber or logs, it is necessary to caulk the walls after assembling the box. Caulking is carried out along the perimeter of each row of logs. You can’t caulk first one wall then another, the bath will warp.

Internal partitions easier to assemble. Window and door openings can not be left, they are cut out at the very end of construction.

bath roof

You can assemble a gable roof with your own hands.

The assembly of the roof of the bath 4x4 m can be from any comfortable material, even from spliced ​​boards. It is necessary to assemble the roof clean or rough. A bathhouse assembled from chamber drying material is immediately covered with a clean roof, natural humidity must wait 1 year.

The roof structure for a 4x4 m bath is suitable for a single-pitched or dual-pitched roof. It’s easier to assemble a single-sided one with your own hands. It all depends on the imagination of the owner. Let's just say what simpler design, the more reliable the roof will be.

From above, the roof is covered with any material you like: corrugated board, slate, andulin, tiles. We have already discussed the advantages and disadvantages of these materials.

Interior decoration and landscaping.

A 4x4 m bath is easy to finish from the inside with any material you like. The square shape allows the use of all types: lining, imitation of timber, ceramic tiles etc. The main requirements for the material for interior decoration:

  1. Environmental friendliness.
  2. Fire resistance.
  3. Ease of installation.
The lining in the bath is attached to the counter crate, on top of the foil insulation.

The use of lime or aspen lining is optimal. The lining is fixed with their own hands on a crate made of timber with a section of 40x40 mm. But first it is necessary to insulate the walls of the steam room. For thermal insulation, mineral wool, ecowool are used. Inside, the steam room is sheathed with foil. It will reflect steam and thermal insulation will be higher. The ceiling of the bath must also be insulated with sawdust, expanded clay or mineral wool.

Next, the stove is installed and displayed chimney. For small bath 4x4 m, you can make both an internal and an external chimney. The choice depends on the perseverance and experience of the owner. The stove is suitable for a low-powered 3.5–5 kW or wood-burning stove.

Bath price

The price of building a 4x4 bath depends on what kind of work the owner is ready to do with his own hands. For our readers, we present average cost works and materials in the form of a table, it is easy to calculate how much a bathhouse will cost on average.

In order to save some of the work, you can do it yourself, the price will be much lower. Do not save on material and foundation. They must be reliable, if there is no skill in building a 4x4 m bath with your own hands, we advise you to buy a finished box made of profiled timber. Even a beginner can assemble one with his own hands. But in general, a 4x4 m bath project, quite budgetary and convenient for do-it-yourself construction.

The desire to acquire a bathhouse in which you can take a steam bath with the whole family, or mentally spend time in the company of friends - is born immediately after the happy acquisition land plot where you can make your dream come true. Those developers who completely entrust the construction and landscaping to a contractor or guests from the Central Asian republics, delve into the essence of design for the first time - at the stage of choosing a beautiful house / bathhouse, drawn in Photoshop, the second - when the picture is in glossy magazine critically does not coincide with the creation of the hands of hired builders. To avoid such a traumatic discrepancy, you can independently prepare a 4x4 bath project and proceed with its implementation, spending a minimum of effort and money, since such a project will take into account not the interests of the designer and the inevitable margin, but the preferences of the owner, who carefully saves every penny.

Bath 4x4

Project, plan, drawing - what's the difference?

For many developers who first encountered the need to prepare a project for a simple structure on garden plot, is a revelation that a plan is different from a drawing, and a project is not only a set of pictures with dimensions, but something much more! It is not difficult to develop a 4x4 bath project even for an owner who is unprepared and far from construction, the main thing is to understand that the project is not a sketch on a piece of paper, and not even a neat drawing. A project is a set of sequential actions that includes all stages of preparation, planning, construction, connection to communications and subsequent maintenance of a future building.

AT project documentation everything counts!

Starting with geodetic survey of a site and geological surveys, ending with the calculation of the cost of hardware - studs and staples for a stapler, which may be needed during the construction and decoration of the sauna of your dreams.

Choice of planning solution

A 4x4 bath is a small structure, but this does not mean that it can be placed anywhere on the land.

Layout option 1
Layout option 2 Layout option 3

During the operation of the bath, it is necessary to use an open combustion source - a stove. Therefore, comply with the requirements fire safety. When choosing a place where to place a bathhouse, it is necessary to proceed from the following requirements:

  • The location from the border of the site is at least 1 meter, if it is a one-story building without a foundation - the rarest case of building a panel sauna with an electric fireplace. Or - 3 meters - in the event that the bath has a foundation, the building itself can be classified as residential. All requirements for the placement of the building can be studied by reading the following documents:

  • Communications - essential requirement when choosing a place to build a bath! It is unlikely that anyone will be pleased - before taking a steam bath on a frosty evening on the eve of Christmas, wear for several hours ice water from a well located at the other end of the site or completely beyond its border. The bath should be located near the source of water supply and collection system Wastewater(septic). Otherwise, a situation is possible when, after bathing procedures, the beds with your favorite strawberries are flooded with soapy water or the apple tree begins to wither, which has delighted the owners with its fruits for decades.
  • Coordination with neighbors. Subject to SNiP, it is usually not necessary to coordinate the 4x4 bath project with the owners of neighboring plots. Exceptions are cases when the site is burdened with an easement. If there is a path to the neighboring site along it, a water supply system has been laid, there is a single entrance, etc. In this case, it is necessary either to change the location of the planned bathhouse, or to transfer easement encumbrances to another location.

Foundation design

In theory, the design of laying the foundation begins with geological surveys. Determine the structure of the soil, the depth of soil water, the depth of soil freezing. Based on these data, the optimal foundation design is chosen. Most developers ignore these requirements and build the foundation on the principle of maximum cheapness, forgetting about the saying: “Cheap cheese only happens in a mousetrap!”

IMPORTANT! Neglect of the foundation device turns into thousands of costs to eliminate the flaws made during construction!

columnar or pile foundation At first glance, it seems the simplest and cheapest option. In fact - drilling pits or renting a unit for twisting screw piles can cost much more than the strip foundation from FBS. The second minus of the pile foundation is the cold floor! The cost of insulating the basement and firewood for the firebox of the bath will “eat up” all the savings when laying the foundation!

4x4 pile foundation project
Foam block foundation

Log house design

Bath 4x4 can not be called small. If it is built on the principle of a Russian steam room, then this is quite a sufficient area. If you build a sauna, it will be cramped because you have to divide 16 m2 into three rooms:

  • steam room;
  • washing;
  • Dressing room.

Agree that 5.33 m 2 for each of the rooms is a bit cramped even for one person, not to mention any company or a joint bath for the whole family.

It is rational to build such a small bath according to the classical Russian layout - a single space combining a steam room with a washing room. The steam in such a bath is humid, rarely above 70 ° C, but on the other hand, it is healthier, easier to tolerate by women, the elderly and children, and the bath, in addition to its hygienic functions, can be used for household needs - as a room for washing and drying clothes, drying autumn preparations, as a backup living quarters in emergency situations.

Roof design

Modern lightweight finishing materials make it possible to easily arrange an attic or a second unheated floor, which is operated in the warm season. Depending on the imagination of the developer, the roof can have the most diverse look.

The simplest - gable with a small elevation angle attic space used only for drying brooms or storing inventory. Less popular shed roof. Her inconvenience affects winter time- if you arrange a slope angle that ensures independent snow melting - the bath will look ridiculous, and if you make the angle flat - you will have to clean the roof of snow several times during the winter.

Proportions gable roof baths

Hip and semi-hip roofs near the baths are a rarity. Usually, when designing, they strive for maximum cost reduction, and a hip roof is difficult to build, requires certain skills and is large in area, which affects the price of roofing material.

Drawing truss system hip roof

mansard roof- the most common solution that gives the building the look of a hearse! Unfortunately, the functionality does not match the aesthetics. When designing a bathhouse with a second floor, think about how often you will have a desire to go up to the second floor after the steam room to feed the mosquitoes there.

Mansard bath roof

Drawing up a budget for the project

The hardest part of the job is budgeting. Bath 4x4 - a fabulously beautiful dream begins to take on a material shape when the developer calculates how much it will cost him to spend a wellness pastime in the steam room.

The main mistake of an inexperienced developer is that he considers only the cost building materials. Without taking into account the costs of designing, paperwork, transport services for the delivery of building materials or the rental of special equipment: a drilling rig, a manipulator-loader, hiring workers to perform labor-intensive work.

Often the project does not take into account such "little things" as:

  • Pipes for the device drainage system baths.
  • Materials for electrical wiring.
  • Thermal insulation materials that serve to ensure fire safety.

IMPORTANT! If the sauna is equipped with an electric heater, the energy costs can be comparable to the monthly energy consumption for the rest of the household!

Many owners of private houses sooner or later catch themselves thinking about what is on the territory. it great idea, the bath itself, the steam room and the sink, the layout of which can be the most diverse, will give a lot of pleasant emotions and many hours of relaxation. Of course, the construction of such a structure on the territory should be carefully prepared. The bath has a special atmosphere and safety requirements, so you need to think through everything to the smallest detail.
The design and layout of the bath with a washing and steam room

It is very important to take into account many factors that will become decisive in the question of which steam room to be on. These questions are the following:

Interior design and design of the rest room in the bath

These are just some of the facts that must be taken into account in the process of preparing for the construction of a place where you can steam, swim and just have a good time with intimate conversations.

It should be understood what should be in the bathhouse. It:

  • steam room;
  • or shower;
  • Toilet;
  • locker room;
  • A place to rest (usually located in the dressing room).

Layout with the size of the bath with a rest room
Everyone can adjust these spaces by adding something of their own. However, each of the rooms must be in the bath, you can only add an additional one.
In addition, the building should be built taking into account safety requirements, namely, fire safety.

An example of the decoration and design of the washing room

What materials for construction can be chosen

Most often it can be found on the territories of private plots. However, depending on what will be or other sizes, the choice of materials may vary.

Bath layout option 4 by 6 meters

A selection of options for planning a steam room in a bath
Most often, they rely on the following types of raw materials for construction:

Read also

Ways to eliminate condensate in the dressing room

Each of the materials presented is worthy, to serve as the basis for the construction of a bath. The main thing is to follow the rules and requirements for self-construction of a building.

What must be in the sink

The layout of a 3x5 bath or other parameters must necessarily have in its open spaces such premises as a sink and steam room, a bathroom, a locker room.
Of course, at will, each owner of the land allotment can independently make a decision on supplementing the space with minor premises. For example, billiards, a recreation room and much more that can only come to mind.
The washing must be present:

  • Pool or shower with cold water;
  • Washbasin.

An example of placing a sink in a steam room

These are the attributes that you cannot do without in a washing room. The main thing is to make the layout correctly so that all the details are located in the right places and are comfortable for use.

Sauna layout with sink and terrace

It is also worth taking care that in the washing were predominant coatings that are resistant to moisture and high temperatures. It can be a tile covered with special wood solutions.

An example of tiling a sink in a bath

As a rule, a shower room or a pool are placed in such a way that it is convenient to enter them after warming up in the steam room, that is, next to the steam room.

What should be in the steam room

If the open spaces of the bath are three by four meters, then you will not accelerate too much in the process of considering the layout of the room. In small baths of the minimum size, the dressing room, a small sink and the steam room itself are also quite compact.

In the steam room for comfortable use this room there must be niches on which you can sit down. Often this design is made in the form of steps.

Drawing and layout of a compact steam room

This makes it possible to accommodate even in the smallest space on the territory, a lot of people. The layout of the steam room is usually standard. Usually in the far left or right corner are the heating sources. That is, firewood or stones on which special mixtures are poured to achieve indoor desired temperature. Heat sources are laid on a special heat-resistant surface, making it possible to observe safety precautions.

The layout and design of the steam room in a wooden bath

Niches are located under the wall, usually "V" shaped. In the middle of the steam room, as a rule, there is a wooden stand, which provides comfort when leaving the steam room.

A small bath measuring 4x4 m is great solution for small area. Despite the compact size of the room, it is possible to arrange all the components for a good rest. To do this, you just need to correctly plan, take into account all the nuances and features of the bath.


Any planning of premises begins with the designation and marking of the main rooms. So, for a compact-sized bath, it is necessary to take into account the location of the steam room, sink, dressing room and, if desired, a rest room. An important role in the design is played by the material of manufacture. If the bath will be built from the most popular material - logs, then it should be borne in mind that the dimensions interior rooms will decrease somewhat.

In order for the room not to be too small, it is necessary to calculate in advance the thickness of the logs and the way they are cut.

There are important points to be considered.

  • Competent separation of the main premises in the bath. To do this, it is worth dividing the entire area by two large square. One part is a dressing room or rest room, and the second is the place where the main actions take place. For further convenience, it is also better to divide the second part into two sections: a sink and a steam room separately.
  • Dimensions of the main parts of the bath. As a rule, the dressing room is a small room in area where you can leave your things. If it is also used as a place to relax, this part should be expanded so that a table, benches or sofa can fit freely. The steam room and sink can be either the same size or different. This is due to the desire of the owners and the number of people visiting the bathhouse at the same time. If there are more than 4 people in the company, then it is more convenient to make the steam room more spacious than the washing part.

  • Furnace installation. Currently, it can be installed in any part of the bath, not necessarily in the steam room. It is only worth adhering to all fire safety norms and rules during its construction and objectively assess the effectiveness of the placement.
  • The main entrance to the bath room. In general, it can be located on any side at the request of the owners, but the most common and appropriate is the entrance to the dressing room. In this case, you should take into account the distance from the bathhouse to the house, so that you can easily and quickly get to the living quarters.

Types and features of planning

A comfortable stay in it depends on the choice of one or another layout of the bath.

Basically, there are several types.

  • The bath consists of one room, which is both a dressing room, a steam room, and a sink. Basically, in this layout, the oven (electric, brick) is installed in the corner to save space. Along the wall there are two- or three-level shelves for the steam room, as well as a shelf for the washroom.

The main disadvantage of such accommodation is the lack of a rest room or dressing room where you can go to relax after a hot steam.

  • Standard planning with separate rooms for dressing room, steam room and sink. AT this case the dressing room can also serve as a rest room, and not just a place to store firewood and change clothes. It is better to install the stove in the steam room close to the wall of the dressing room. Then the heat from the steam room will be transferred to the vestibule, which will make it comfortable to be in it. In this option, the main area is allocated to the steam room, and only a shower stall can be installed in the washing room. Another option is being considered, where the stove is in the washing room, and the door is in the dressing room. This option is economical when warming up the room in cold weather.

  • Bathhouse with an annex in the form of a covered terrace. Or as a bath house. This option is the most comfortable, but also more expensive. But if funds allow, then you can install a two-story bath, where the first floor is reserved for a steam room and a sink, and the second floor is for a rest room. In this case, on the second floor, you can install either a mini-bar, or a small dining room, or a billiard room.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site allows, you can attach an attic, which will become great place for a good rest and storage of bath accessories. In this case, it is worth considering the entrance from the terrace immediately to the dressing room. This design will allow you to enjoy bath procedures and rest after it at any time of the year. At the same time, even on the most compact terrace, you can place a table and chairs for a comfortable stay.

Decoration Materials

One of the important components of the interior decoration of the bath is not only the aesthetic side, but also safety. To do this, it is worth choosing the right material for finishing. The leader is wood, which meets all sanitary and fire safety standards and rules. Besides given material is natural and environmentally friendly. Has good thermal properties without singling out harmful substances. Consider the main types of wood for finishing the bath.

Probably, every person who lives in a private house or has a dacha outside the city dreams of building his own bathhouse, even if it is of a very small size. A compact and at the same time practical and comfortable bath with a size of 4x4 m will be the ideal solution in this case. The main thing is to carefully consider the location of all necessary premises, then as a result you can get a comfortable and functional bath.


When drawing up the layout of a 4x4 m bath, first of all, it is necessary to indicate where all the key rooms will be located: a steam room, a washing room and a dressing room.

In this case, a number of nuances must be taken into account:

  • If you plan to build a bath of small size, best solution will divide inner space into two equal parts. In one of them, you can equip a rest room, and the second part should be divided into two more parts, in which the steam room and the sink will be located separately. You can take a little under the steam room more space, reducing the size of the washing room.

  • The stove can be installed in any of the rooms, however, very often, in order to save free space, it is installed near the wall in the rest room. In this matter, it is very important to comply with all fire safety rules.
  • It is advisable to supplement the layout of the bath with a small vestibule, which will ensure a comfortable stay in the steam room in winter. Here you can install a stove, thus saving free space in other rooms of the bath.

  • The entrance to the bath can be equipped from any side - it depends mostly on interior layout, as well as from the location of the bath on the site.
  • Transitions between the rest room, washing room and steam room should be as convenient as possible and ensure quick movement from one room to another.
  • There are no special requirements for the plan of the steam room and washing rooms. However, for the convenience of deriving drain pipes it is better to arrange these rooms in such a way that the washing room is closer to the sewage pit.

  • In the bath, it is also necessary to provide for the presence of windows. One window opening in a small bath 4x4 m in size should be placed in the steam room and in the dressing room, you can choose any window size. Another window can be located in the washing room - it will also act as additional ventilation.

The dimensions of all bath rooms are determined by the available free space. It is better to make a steam room a little more spacious than washing room, since several people are often in it at the same time, while the washing room serves only to rinse the body and is visited in turn.

There are also requirements for the steam room.

  • The dimensions of the steam room should include at least 1 sq. m of space for each person who will sit in this room. The space required for the installation of interior items and the organization of passages is not included here - it must be provided separately.
  • The height of the room should be at least two meters to ensure a comfortable stay in the room for people of different heights. Also, this height allows for optimal heating of the room.

The bath can be additionally equipped with a terrace or a porch - these designs are optional and are carried out at the request of the owner.

Construction materials

The selection of the foundation of the bath is carried out based on the type of soil. Most often, for the construction of a small bath, in which 4 people can be at the same time, a columnar brick foundation is enough.

The walls of the bath can be made of logs. Suitable timber size 150x150 or 150x100 mm.

The roof is best made of metal tiles.

Interior decoration

For finishing the dressing room, as well as the washing room, coniferous lining made of pine, cedar or larch is excellent. And as finishing material for a steam room, you should choose a lining from deciduous trees: linden or aspen.

For walls made of profiled timber, you can not use any additional finishing at all.

When performing the interior decoration of a steam room, it is very important to perform high-quality wall and ceiling insulation in order to minimize heat loss in this way.

Fulfilling interior decoration, you can use the owner's imagination to the fullest and create unique design bath interior.

Exterior finish

If the walls of the bath are made of timber, then to get a beautiful appearance it needs to be sanded and the wood treated with a special substance that will protect wooden material from decay and fire.

Exterior finish can be done with siding. Such material will serve perfectly for many years, and the walls will be reliably protected from environmental damage.

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