Calculator calculating the rafting system of a holmic roof. Calculator for calculating a holm roof

Garden technique 26.06.2020
Garden technique

Planning the future of the roof of the house is almost always resting in the problem of checking the designed rafter system for strength, rigidity and stability. Very beautiful and elegant four-tight, tents, broken, hip and semi-walled structures in practice require a knowledge developer and understanding how to calculate the Walm roof in the most understandable and affordable way. The more difficult and intricate the roofing design, the harder it is to calculate its characteristics and get a reliable result.

What does it mean to calculate the roof

There are several basic techniques that allow you to calculate the hollow roof of the house with a relatively small error. All of them are widely used in everyday design and repeatedly verified in practice. For a private non-professional developer, you can use three ways to calculate the roof parameters, owning knowledge within the School Course of Mathematics:

  • A tabular method of calculation, the most beloved and widely used in the design of hip and any other standard roofing schemes. It allows you to calculate the main parameters of the roof design, using the tabular data enabled to reference books and methods;
  • Calculate the parameters based on trigonometric formulas and the simplest model of the holm roof. The graphic construction and drawing of the future hip design on an enlarged scale can be obtained all the necessary information about the roof parameters by simply dimension;
  • Using ready-made software and online calculators. Make a similar amount of work manually, calculate the strength and geometry of the roof without basic education and training in another way it is almost impossible.

Specialized programs There is an excellent set, and often correctly select the correct software complex for today is much more complicated than calculated with its help the hip roof geometry.

For your information! The full-fledged software complexes have high configuration flexibility and allow you to calculate the most difficult options, for example, make the calculation of the hip roof with the erker.

As with any other program, when working with aspsk, you need to understand the essence of the calculations, if necessary, be able to perform the test calculation of the hip roof angle using school trigonometric formulas. To date, almost all more or less complex calculations are performed using only three main techniques. Even experienced and confident design engineers and architects prefer to carry out the calculation of a four-tie hip roof with a mandatory recheccancy, which is called "on a piece of paper."

What is a hip roof, and why you need to calculate it

The hip scheme is currently used in 90 cases out of 100 in the construction of new and repair of old houses. Four-tight roof, holm or semi-haul scheme, has a whole glad benefits:

  • The design is obtained quite compact, with good resistance to horizontally wind load, pressure of rainwater and snow reservoirs;
  • The fleeing roofing scheme reduces to a minimum of heat loss through roofing and eliminate the waterproof through the frontones than the two-tie roofing schemes often suffer;
  • The weight of the rafter frame and roofing material of the holm roof is less than that of traditional two-tie structures, but the cost of assembly and arrangement is much higher.

If you calculate the roof over all the rules, the cost of the roof arrangement is only slightly exceeds traditional single-table and two-tie structures. As a result, having spent some resources to calculate the optimal parameters of the holm roof, you can maximize the costs, and at the same time get the most durable, warm and durable roofing design.

Features of the use of various methods for calculating the hip roof

In addition to the strength and stability of the design, important information is the consumption of materials, especially expensive, long bar and logs, insulation and roofing coating. Before calculating the selected option on the rigidity and deflection of terry beams, perform a preliminary choice and calculation of the corner of the holm roof. Depends on this parameter:

  • Selection of the height of the skate and the nature of the roofing material, which is planned to use in the design of the holmic roof;
  • Relying on the angle value and roofing material, you can calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe holmic roof and the size of the power elements.

Knowing the roof parameters, elements of the rafter frame, it is easy to calculate the total weight of the hip design and the cost of materials. You can calculate the cost of building the roof and the pressure of the wall and the foundation of the building.

The simplest calculation of the geometry of a hip roof

To pre-calculate the carcass of the holmic roof, you can use the simplified model shown in the figure below.

As initial parameters, we take the size of the roof or box of the building. Before calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe holm roof, it is necessary to resolve the angle of inclination. Usually, the customer offers several roofing options, for each of them there is a optimal angle of inclination. The second factor that needs to know is to correctly calculate the carriage of the roof, is the maximum thickness and weight of snow cover. For higher latitudes, the valve roof angle is chosen at least 30 o and even 45 o, which makes it possible to not take into account the pressure of the snow mass on the rafter.

Important! The simplified model of the tent roof can be used to calculate any hip design. For example, to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe classic version of the roof with two short hips and two elongated hollow rods, it is enough to add to the area of \u200b\u200bthe tent roof the value of the surface of the rectangles of the skate, formed by the skate beam and the long ordinary rafter foot.

After selecting the angle, it is necessary to calculate the hip roof cover, this is easy, according to the sine or tangent formula of the rectangular corner. Using trigonometric formulas, it is possible to calculate the length of ordinary and angular rafters, but in practice most often the dimensions of individual elements of the rafter frame are simply recalculated by coefficients from the tables. Knowing the angle of inclination and the length of the rapid rafter, you can calculate the angular and intermediate values.

After the preliminary values \u200b\u200bof the size of the skate, change and ordinary rafters became known, it is necessary to make an accurate drawing of the holmic roof, on which the graphically can be calculated and more accurately measure the resulting details of additional power elements. In this way, the calculation of wooden custodes, bridges, complex structures of buildings from stone and wood for several centuries, until modern mathematical methods appeared.

When using a sufficiently small scale, approximately 1: 7 or 1:10, you can calculate the graphical method on the finished drawing absolutely all parts of the holm roof. Oddly enough, but the accuracy of such a calculation is only a little higher than the standard value adopted for ordinary engineering calculations. Moreover, in the preparation of detailing and calculating the size of the blanks for specific parts, for example, under the rafter beams or soils, the length and section are chosen with the required allowance to trim or grind the surface of the bar.

Only after the drawing drawing drawing can be started to perform the very responsible stage - carrying out the calculation for strength and rigidity, or most often - the maximum value of the deflection of the rafter, the skunk beams, sinks and other structural elements. The easiest way to calculate the roof parameters using the ready-made program.

Method for calculating a holm roof using programs

In the simplest case, perform an check and calculate the preliminary information and the characteristics of the holm roof can be using an online calculator. Companies that provide online software complexes use ready-made modules in which the basic requirements of the construction norms and the rules of "load and impact" are laid, as well as the defining provisions of the TCP 45-5.05-146-2009. True, only the simplest version of the hip roof will calculate this calculator.

To calculate, you will need to introduce only a limited set of basic information about the roof design:

  • The size of the base or Mauerlata roof;
  • The angle of slope;
  • The length of the end and side skes;
  • Materials for the manufacture of bearing elements and roofing;
  • Step of rafting feet and crates;
  • Data on wind and snow load for a particular region.

At the output, the Calculator program issues a fairly large amount of information. First of all, the correspondence of the indoor inclination angle of rafted the selected material for roofing is checked. The second item program will try to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof, taking into account the sinks and the overall load on the rafter system at the specified corners of the hip and side slopes, separately for pure roofing material and separately under the maximum layer of snow.

At the second stage, the parameters of the rafter system are issued:

  • The length of hip, corner and ordinary rafters;
  • The amount of rafter feet on each part of the holm roof;
  • The total weight of the rafter frame and the recommended section for each of the rafters.

As a result of the program, you can additionally find out the volume of sawn timber and roofing area. The data obtained allow you to calculate the costs and cost of materials for the manufacture of the roof. In some calculators, you can receive several options for calculations, but most often it is necessary to calculate the cheapest and durable option. On average, to obtain the most optimal inclination scheme and sizes, it is necessary to work out at least 30-35 different options. The cost is usually added 10-12% on the costs associated with the preparation of construction and delivery to the construction site.


A simplified disadvantage of such calculators is a simplified scheme for which the parameters of a holm roof have to be calculated. A simple online program does not respond to the main question - how stable and rigid will be the framework, and what will be the magnitude of the maximum deflection of rafters and crates in the most adverse conditions of loading. Therefore, complex options for roofing structures are best calculated using Specialized Software Software Aspsk.

The roof of any house is considered one of the most important components. Protecting the building, it creates comfort inside it, perfectly complementing the architectural composition. Before each builder is a responsible task, how to calculate the height of the roof correctly, taking into account all the moments that affect its durability and appearance. The main factors determining the height of the roof design are:

  • the angle of slope;
  • number of skates;
  • roof shape;
  • applied materials;
  • wind power;
  • average annual precipitation;
  • building height;
  • wishes of the owner of the house.

The correct calculation of the height of the roof allows you to calculate the required number of main building materials. In addition, it should be immediately taken into account the need for insulation, the installation of snow-holders and other components of the roof. One of the elements that will require additional calculation is a horse, the configuration of the rafter system depends on the height.

Types of roofs and features of their calculation

Roofs are classified as follows.:

The procedure for calculating for each type may thoroughly differ, which should be taken into account to obtain the right results. The easiest is the calculation of a single-table design, but the development of the method of counting the parameters of the two-tie roof will also not cause special difficulties. The angle of slope of the bartal roof in the conditions of the European part of the continent is taken in the range of 30-50 °. At a more acute corner on the roof, snow will accumulate, and with a wider load, the wind load will significantly increase. The calculation of the height of the structure passes by the formula: the width of the house, divided by half, is multiplied by the tangent angle of the slope.

The highest mechanical strength has a four-piece roof. This type of roof is divided into tent and holm. In the case of a house, ideally symmetric, square shape, they say about the installation of the tent roof. It is featured aesthetic appearance, and perfectly withstands wind load. For holm roofs, the complexity of the construction and the possibility of obtaining a comfortable and comfortable attic. One of the disadvantages of the holmic roof is the complexity of the design and the use of expensive building materials. The calculation of the holm and tent construction is carried out according to the same formulas as the two-tie, but additionally should calculate the length of the rafted and skate. It is mainly due to a more complex design and responsible selection of materials.

A mansard roof is called a two-bundle roof with a breakfast on two slots, which gives the whole design "broken" view. With the help of this pretty simple admission, the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe attic (attic) is significantly increasing. The calculation in this case is also similar to the calculation of a two-tie roof, but taking into account the selection of the necessary magnitude of the corners of the skate and the skate. In this case, the most optimal option is the application of the Rules of the Gold Section: the roof circuit must be entered into a circle. Thanks to this simple rule, it is possible to avoid the main lack of mansard structures - not enough aesthetic species.

The correct calculation of the roof and skate in height guarantees the optimal costs of building and roofing materials, long-term and reliable operation, aesthetic appearance of the house. For beginners in construction, these calculations constitute a greater problem, so it is better to trust this business to a professional designer with work experience.

How to calculate correctly the height of the roof of the roof of the house. Learn to count the height of the roof of the house, knowing the main sizes of the roof

How can I calculate the height of the roof of the house?

The construction of the roof is one of the responsible building processes, the performance of the roof itself and the whole building directly depend on the quality of the execution of which. Construction should begin with the calculation and design of roofing design on paper. One of the most important data for calculation is the height of the skate, in connection with the angles of the slope, the type of roof and the number of building materials. We will understand how to independently calculate the height of the roof of different design types.

Preparation for calculations

Creating a roof plan and calculating a number of its parameters is important for subsequent installation. Additional calculation helps:

  • In advance, calculate the number of necessary building materials and not guess when buying it in a large or smaller side.
  • Even at the design stage, we consider and distribute various systems, such as drainage, snow supporting, etc., and determine their place in the future project.
  • dimensions of the house;
  • plans for the use of a subframe;
  • the planned shape of the roof and the number of its slopes;
  • the angle of slope;
  • load on the roofing design: wind, snow, etc
  • view of roofing.

In this article we will look at how to correctly calculate the height for the three most common roofing structures.

Calculation of the height of the bone roof

Two-screw type of roof is easy to design and erection. The design of this species implies the presence of two planes that stand on opposite carrier walls and, closing on the skate, form a triangle with equal sides.

The calculation of the height of the rope of the bartal roof is directly dependent on the magnitude of the angle of slopes.

The choice of bits of the roofing rods should not be arbitrary. Its value depends on the wind and snow loads, the rules for determining which is regulated by SNiP. The recommended bias for the regions of Central Russia is 30-45 °. Also, the selected roofing material is influenced by the selected roofing stuffing.

Deciding with the slope of the skates, you can calculate the height of the roof of the house. Its value is calculated according to the well-known geometric formula:

where A is the desired value, B is the value of half the width of the house, TG α - tangent of the selected angle, which can be found in a specialized table.

When the slope slope is 45 °, the elevation of the skate beam will correspond to the width of the house.

Calculation of a four-page design

The roof with four slots is the most resistant to wind load. There are two varieties of a four-page roof:

  • Tent - all the skates converge at a single point on the top of the design.
  • Walm has two triangular and two trapezoid skate, the latter are connected on top of the skating timber.

Calculate the height of the skate for both types of roofs is possible by the formula used for a bunk design. However, to carry out a more thorough calculation and drawing up a detailed scheme, it is also necessary to calculate the lengths of the rafted, and for the hollow roof - the length of the skate beam.

Dersightened roof design

An attic or broken roof also has two skates whose feature is a characteristic break. It allows you to increase the space under the roof and makes a broken design of one of the most adapted to create an attic.

The calculation of the height of the roof of the broken type begins with the calculation of the angles of inclination of all shelter surfaces. Experts in the field of construction recommend determining the angles of the attic structure by the practical method using the golden cross section rule. To do this, it is necessary to enter a sketch of the future roof in the circle. This method will help to avoid such constructive defects, in which the broken design looks not aesthetic.

Design and calculations are important and fundamental stages in the creation of the roof. Their competent and proper execution is the key to the construction of a reliable and aesthetically attractive roof, which will serve for many years.

Calculation of the height of the roof of the house, we calculate the height of the roof

Recommendations for preparing for the design of the roof are given, examples of calculating the height of the skate for the most common roofing structures are given.

Four-sheet roof calculation: Detailed work with numbers

During the construction of the house, questions arise as, for example, the calculation of the material on the roof, which are directly related to its architectural form - the number of skates, the presence of attic, etc. When drawing up a design design, all its parameters must be carefully adjusted to ensure reliability and security.

The four-tight roof is characterized by two triangular rods (hips) from the end sides. It is classified mainly as a Valm, or as a tent. The hollow consists of two triangles and two trapezes (side skates - an isolated triangles, and the frontal - the correct trapezoids). If its skates do not reach the eaves at the bottom point, it is called the half-haired. Building box in this case has a rectangle shape. If it is represented in the form of a square, perform a tent roof, four triangular skate of which converge in a single vertex.

How to calculate a four-tight roof: base size, slope

Knowing linear size of the base and an angle of inclination of its slopes, you can calculate the four-page roof. As a rule, it is carried out according to the following principle: the skates are divided into several elements, each of which is calculated separately, after which the results are summarized. Thus, you can calculate the total area of \u200b\u200bthe four-page roof.

The carrier design of the four-sheet roof has a complex frame. The central rafters included in it create an excessive load. In addition, rafters must withstand the load of the roof covering, as well as snow and wind. Therefore, it is necessary to additionally calculate the parameters of a four-piece design, for example, the weight of roofing and finishing materials, the climatic features of the region.

Obviously, any inaccuracy in counting may have serious consequences, so they are carried out with great accuracy and taking into account all possible options.

At the same time, the following indicators must also be taken into account:

  • results of the calculation of the step of the rafter,
  • cross sections rafters
  • power spans
  • the results of the analysis of the bearing capacity of the foundation and supports.
  • type of rafters (hanging or voted).

The competent calculation of the four-page roof requires accounting for data of meteorological services of the area of \u200b\u200bresidence. To accurately determine the necessary height of the roof and angles of inclination of all four slopes, the following data are required: indicators

  • the strength and speed of wind in the area of \u200b\u200bthe house under construction;
  • precipitation intensity;
  • used roofing material.

Design and calculations: We make a project using the drawing

Before starting work on the arrangement of the roof, it must be designed, calculated and perform a drawing of the future four-piece design.

The slope slope slope depending on the purpose of the attic, atmospheric loads and the type of material for the roof ranges in the range of 5º-60º.

In regions with frequent strong winds or with a small amount of precipitation, the slope slope is small, and in areas with significant snow loads and frequent rains - significantly more than 48-60º.

In turn, based on the angle of inclination, the material for the roof is chosen:

  • 5º-18º - Rolled coating,
  • 14º-60º - roofing metal, asbestos cement sheets;
  • 30º-60º - Tiled.

The height of the ridge of the four-tie roof with this slope of the skates is calculated on trigonometric formulas for rectangular triangles.

The project of the house with a four-piece roof is starting with the calculation of the rafted. Their cross section depends on the angle of slope and the total value of the expected general loads: the weight of the construction of the rafter, roofing pie, snow and wind loads. The minimum storage margin of the timeline should be 1.4.

With the help of calculations also define:

  • step rafters and their bearing capacity,
  • what to use rafters - ulissive or hanging,
  • the need for additional elements: DRAKS, promoting a reduction in load on rafters, or tightening, protecting the design from loosening,
  • the need to increase the length of the rafters or dowd by the beams for their amplification, etc.

When designing, the truck system is calculated:

  • for strength - rafters should not break;
  • the degree of deformation with certain parameters, for example, the deflection of the rafter for the attic roofs should not exceed 0, 4% of their length.

Features of the calculation of the load on the rafter system

The rafter system is under the influence of constant and temporary loads.

The first is ranked with a lot of roofing, crates and counterclaims, runs and rafters themselves, and the second - wind, snow and useful are the load from ceilings, water tanks, ventilation chambers, and other, suspended to farms.

When the slope slope, more than 60 ° does not take into account the snow load, and with a slope of less than 30 ° - the wind is not taken into account. The parameters of these loads can be adjusted by the existing correction coefficients in which local climatic conditions are taken into account. The total weight of the roof is calculated based on the construction area and the materials used.

Calculation of the Walm Roof: Online Calculator

The calculation of the materials necessary for the construction of the roof is carried out by taking as a basis the correct count of the roof area.

Regardless of the form of a four-piece design, the calculation of this area is reduced to calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe simplest geometric shapes - a chained triangle and trapezium. For example, in the case of a tent roof, everything comes down to calculating the sum of the area of \u200b\u200bthe four identical triangles.

Special programs are also used to calculate the roofs - online calculators. With their help, you define almost all the parameters you need:

  • the volume of materials for roofing, heat and waterproofing,
  • the number of crates,
  • rafter system
  • skate slope and other.

Having calculated the amount of material, in addition to the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate, is also taken into account:

  • the magnitude of the overlap;
  • waste with strip;
  • the magnitude of the outskirts of the eaves and frontones.

Calculation of a four-page roof: load parameters, slope, material

To make a four-tie roof calculation, it is necessary to consider a number of important parameters: load on the rafted, bias, amount of material, frontal, cornese

Calculation of the roof of the house: Calculate Simple and Complex Roofs

One of the most important components of any building is its roof.

It not only protects the wall of the house and its inner space, but also performs the most important decorative function.

No matter how beautiful the walls of the house are beautiful, without a beautiful elegant roofing of the finished appearance will not work.

It is from the shape of the roof that it depends on how much and aesthetically look at the whole of your structure.

Therefore, before proceeding to the installation of the roof, it is very important to make the correct calculations, simulate the roof parameters and its appearance.

And at the same time, a very large number of parameters should be taken into account.

Several main factors affect the height of the roof:

  • roof shape;
  • number of skates;
  • tilt corners of the slopes;
  • materials that are planned to be used to create a roof;
  • wind power in a specific region;
  • the amount of precipitation;
  • the height of the built building;
  • wishes of the developer.

Types of Roofing and Features of Calculation

And for each type there is its calculation procedure.

After all, the design of the roofs, with all the apparent the same, is significantly different different from the other.

Naturally, the most simple is the calculation of a single one.

Although the calculation of the bartal roof is difficult to name.

With the correct calculation of the height of the roof, the costs of roofing and building materials will be optimal, and the design is reliable.

Calculation of the height of the bartal roof

The height of the roof is directly connected with the angle of inclination of the rafted.

The greater the slope of the tilt, the higher the roof will be on your home.

It should also be measured the length and width of the building and understand which there will be an angle of inclination.

The angle may have values \u200b\u200bfrom 11 to 30 degrees.

And it depends, first of all, on which material will be used for the roofing device on the house and climatic conditions.

The larger in the area where the house was built, snow falls in the season, the greater the angle of inclination.

For this there are special tables.

The wind loads are also taken into account in the same way.

Now we carry out a simple geometric calculation

The height of the skate is a triangle cathe.

The second catat is the width of your home, divided by half.

By the way, with this calculation, you can also calculate the length of the hypotenuse.

It will be the length of the rafter feet of your roof.

To determine the height of the skate, you must multiply the length of the category on the tangent of our tilt angle.

To determine the tangents and sinuses, there is a finished table:

For example, let's calculate the duplex roof.

The width of the house is 6 meters.

The house has two skates.

The angle of slopes of the slopes is the same and equals 40 degrees.

We look at the table and find out that Tangent 40 degrees is 0.84.

6/2 x 0.84 \u003d 2.5 meters.

The height of our roof is 2.5 meters.

The main thing is to measure the most accurately!

Until the last centimeter.

Calculate the height of the four-page design

After all, the roof with four slots exist different.

The easiest way to count the roofs, having skates in the form of the right trapezoid, triangle, and there are no fussions on the skates.

However, now most of the four-tight roofs are Valm with a large number of rifle rogue, rectangle and other geometric shapes.

Well, with the calculation of the height of the four-page roof it is clear - it does not differ from the calculation of the height of the roof of the two-tie.

But with other calculations more difficult.

It should be started with the compilation of the roof plan.

If the roof is in different levels, then the drawing is displayed where what height.

After the detailed drawing is drawn up, the roof should be decomposed on separate geometric elements.

When calculating the roof, comply with certain rules:

  • the drawing is broken into several geometric shapes. Each figure is made on a separate drawing. All sizes are also transferred;
  • the length of one slope is determined. For this, the distance from the skate to the eaves is measured;
  • expand each scat. To do this, get the figure of the figure and then multiply its value to the cosine of the angle of inclination;
  • if the skate is an incorrect rectangle, then it, in turn, must be divided into several correct figures, and separately calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach of them, and then folded the data obtained.

Let's calculate the four-sheet roof for the example.

Suppose that our roof consists of two right trapeziums and two ineffective triangles.

The angle of inclination will be equal to 30 degrees.

We look into the plate, and find out that the cosine of such an angle is 0.87.

In the trapezoid skates, the sizes of the parties are 10 and 7 meters, and the height is 3 meters.

The triangular slides of the two sides each each sides each by 3.34 meters, and the length of the third party is 4.8 meters.

We find the square of the trapezium.

To do this, add the length of the two horizontal sides, sharing on 2 and multiply to height.

It looks like this in our particular case:

S \u003d ((10 + 7) / 2) x 3 \u003d 25.5 kV. meters.

Now the number obtained is multiplied by 30 degrees on cosine:

25.5 x 0.87 \u003d 22,185 km. meters.

And the resulting number is rounded into the biggest side.

We get 22.5 square meters. meters.

Now we calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe triangular slopes:

S \u003d ((7 x 4.8) / 2) x COS 30 degrees \u003d

16.8 x 0.87 \u003d 14.7 square meters. meters.

Now all areas must be summarized:

S total \u003d 22.5 x 2 + 14.7 x 2 \u003d 74.4 kV. meters.

And rounded in the biggest.

Total 75 square meters. meters.

Calculate roofing material

After the roof area has become known to us, you can calculate the required amount of roofing material.

The view is that the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof in the drawing and the area of \u200b\u200bthe roofing material is equal, erroneous.

After all, the whole thing is in the so-called "allen".

After all, the roofing material of the junction in the joint does not fit.

More about mounting metal tile with your own hands.

About how to fix metal tile with self-draws, by reference. On the size of the screws and how many of them are required for one square meter of the roof.

On the use of a flat slate for beds here. How to build a high bed of slate.

Next is being done to roofing.

In addition, the magnitude of the allen in each material its own.

Therefore, the consumption of material increases.

For a simple roof it is easy to calculate the amount of material required.

For example, calculate the number of slate on our roof.

To begin withdrawing the proportion:

In this proportion:

S - Area of \u200b\u200bour roof,

X is our stock in the amount of 15 percent.

After calculating the value X, add it to our received area.

As a result, we get the area of \u200b\u200bour roofing material.

X \u003d 15 x 75/100 \u003d 11.25. Rounded up to 11.5.

Area of \u200b\u200bour roofing material

11.5 + 75 \u003d 86, 25 square meters. meter.

It should be known that with directly performing roofing work, material waste can increase.

In some cases, another 20%.

That is, the proportion in which x is the flow rate is compiled.

Add the result to the square.

Knowing the area of \u200b\u200bone sheet is easy to get the desired number of sheets.

Calculate paro and waterproofing

Actually, the area of \u200b\u200bthese materials is equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate, to which it is necessary to add 15% to the overwest of the materials of the materials.

That is, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate is equal to 40 square meters. meters, then the waterproofing area is 40 + 15% \u003d 60 square meters. meters.

With vaporizolation all the same.

Online calculations and calculation programs

It is very easy to perform calculations of the roof parameters and the amount of roofing material if the roof is simple form.

And what to do if the form of the roof is complicated?

Or very complicated?

In fact, everything is done a little easier than it seems.

Because in the age of computerization is invented special online - calculators and programs for calculations.

Online - the Calculator from the program is characterized by the fact that it is not required to download on his computer.

You just need to go to the site and there, in a special shell, you all count.

More complex detailed calculations make specialized programs.

Such programs need to download and install on your computer.

The lack of them is one - most of these programs are paid.

Therefore, refresh the geometry school in memory and proceed to measurements and calculations.

Well, if nothing helps, use the programs.

Calculation of the roof of the house (calculator): Double, four-page

The correct calculation when creating the roof of the house is a guarantee of the strength, reliability and efficient operation of the roof. Therefore, you should not hurry, but do all the calculations

The construction of a hip-ropted roof construction is considered one of the most complex embodiments and arrangement due to the presence in the framework of numerous non-controversial coupling units. Before the moment the construction of the rafter system, it is necessary to make a common calculation with the drawing, and only after that it will become a clear situation, how massive and heavy will turn out the construction of the rafter.

What is the calculation of a four-page roof

In any design of the four-sheet roof, from the simplest, tent, to the complex hip roof of the broken type, the calculation is performed according to the same scheme:

  • A sketch design of a holmic roof is performed with her own hands according to the construction of the construction and the project task;
  • The main drawing of the hip roof is being developed;
  • The calculation of the holmic roof, the most loaded parts of the frame of the four-tie hip roofing;
  • Specify the size of the main parts of the soling system, perform detailed drawings of individual nodes.

For your information! Only after the calculations and detail you can make the estimate and consider the cost of building a beautiful four-tie hip roof.

In this case, the technique of manually calculating the wooden frame and the rafter system of the roof is given. The method and the main stages of the calculation do not represent a special complexity, perform design and understand the calculations are completely forces even to schoolchildren. If a person owns a method of calculation, then it has a clear understanding of how the rafter, skating and supporting beam works, where the fetasic fourth roof links are located.

To determine the sizes, you can use any online program or system of automated design, but sometimes the assessment of strength and stability has to do what is called, "on the go."

Walm roof device

Structurally, the classic four-tie hip roof consists of two main rods and two side valves. To calculate the lengths and sections of the bar, it is necessary to make a maximum accurate sketch, or better. Using the schemes with different design of the angles of inclination and height of the roof, you can draw and calculate various options for the roof layout, and most importantly - determine the geometric dimensions of the most loaded framework parts.

The main elements of the fourth roof design are:

  1. Private rafting beams forming two main skate. The rafters are exactly the same in form and execution as in a conventional two-tie roof. Skates have the form of an equal trapezium;
  2. Hip corner, called yet by the covered or diagonal rafters, are located in the corners of the roof skeleton and form the so-called hollow rods in the form of symmetrical iscessed triangles;
  3. Petrogen rafters, of which the plane of holmic rods is formed;
  4. Vertical racks on which the skating beam is based on and all four slides.

In addition, a large number of auxiliary elements are used in the design, designed to increase the rigidity of the entire four-page frame. These are all sorts of struts, struts, shpregels, installed as the support elements of the rafted, photos.

The longest rafters are called the angular, the most short - narcent.

Calculation of roof frame parameters

Under the conditions of the task, it will be necessary using the drawings, to perform the estimated calculation of the most loaded elements of the rafter - vertical support rack and the rapid beam of the four-tie hip roof. In addition, it is necessary to calculate their size and the position of the lines washed under the supporting surfaces on Mauerlat and the skate run.

Typically, schemes with a single skate run, as in the drawing, are usually used, but if the underlining space is planned to be used as a attic or an attic room, in this case the four-tie roof is built according to a two-circular scheme. This option is significantly more expensive, but allows you to obtain a more stable and rigid hip design in the event of a roof building with a large surface of the skate.

Both variants of the four-tie roof use the utilization rafters with the fixation of the rafting beams on the Mauerlat and the support of the skate run. Calculation of both holmic roofs is performed on the same technique.

To fulfill the calculation, we will need:

  • Determine the loads acting on the frame of the holm roof;
  • Check for strength and stability vertical support rack;
  • Calculate the deflection and strength of the ordinary and diagonal rafting beam.

To perform the calculation, a simplified circuit of the four-tie hip roof is used, which is shown below.

All elements of the frame of a four-tie hip roof can be divided into two groups - beams, including racks. The first work under the conditions of the deflection or under the action of the bending moment. The second group of power elements relates to simpler cases, they operate in linear compression or stretching. In this case, the calculation of the carrying capacity of the compressed rack is determined from the conditions of static stability under the compressive load.

Methods for calculating the stability and strength of vertical supports and subposses

At the first stage, it is necessary to determine the strength of the vertical rack, based on the known vertical load value. Pressure force on vertical racks is calculated as the sum of the three components - the mass of roofing roofs and weight from the maximum snow cover. Since the skates are arranged at an angle, then the final vertical pressure perceived by the roof can be roughly taken as half the weight of the wooden structures of the four-piece design and the mass of snow, calculated, based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe roofing coating, multiplied to the maximum weight of 1 m 2 of the snow cover for this Region.

The strength of the vertical support is determined from the following relationship:

σ \u003d p / s ≤ m with, where M C is the specific strength to compress the specific breed of wood, p is a vertical load under the action of the weight of the four-tie frame and the snow mass, in kilograms, S is the total cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200ball vertical supports in this design. The value obtained from the division should not be greater than the M C, the reference value that can be taken from the directory or lowering №ii-25-80. For example, a dry pine stand, with a cross section of 120 cm 2, withstands a huge vertical load of almost 16 tons, so the calculation of strength does not have a determining value.

Almost always calculations of vertical racks are performed on the stock of stability or support ability to perceive the effort without deformation and bending.

To classify the flexibility of the support, the concept of flexibility λ is administered for the cube for cube, for most real wooden supports, its value can be from 40 to 100 units.

The formula for calculating the stability of a long wooden rod, which is the support of the four-page roof, looks like this: σ \u003d p / φs ≤ m with, where φ is the coefficient of longitudinal bending, determined according to the provisions of SNIVA No.II-25-80 by the formula:

  • For values \u200b\u200bλ less than 70 units φ are calculated by the formula: φ \u003d 1 - 0.8 (λ / 100) 2;
  • At values \u200b\u200bλ, more than 70 units φ are obtained: φ \u003d 3000 / λ 2 .

The practical value φ varies from 0.3 to 0.7.

The easiest to use a graph, which allows the dependence of λ - φ and the ratios of the length to the support diameter to obtain the exact value φ and perform the test calculation for stability.

Strength of the rafal beam

The calculation of the carrier vertical supports is usually the verification, since in reality the margin of the strength and stability of racks made from the standard bar 100x150 mm, for most hip roofs are always greater than required in reality. It is much more important to check the strength of the rafter diagonal beams, which are often broken under the weight of snow due to the insufficient stock of stiffness.

To verify the strength of the lifting beam on the load, the standard formula is used - (P / φs) + (m z / w z) ≤ m y. , where :

  • P is the total load on the weight of the design of the hip roof, the snow cover and the vertical component of the pressure from the stream of the wind in kg;
  • S is the size of the cross section in cm 2;
  • W z and m z is the moment of resistance and the value of the bending moment of the rafting beam, respectively;
  • M y - reference value of the resistance of a specific wood beam wood bending effort.

For your information! At the angle of inclination, less than 27 o, the magnitude of the wind load on the frame of the holmic four-sheet roof can be neglected, but at the same time the component of the snow and additional weight of the crate.

All calculations for strength are made from the assumption that wood beams used for rafted a holmic roof has no defects and damage that in practice it is not always true. In addition, the boards from different parts of the tree trunk have different strength, so the rafters for a four-tight hip roof are performed by composite, in the form of a package of dried two or three boards 50x150 mm. Calculations of such a rafter according to the standard scheme.

Calculation of the geometry of the elements of the hip four-sheet roof

The design of the hollow four-sheet roof can be represented as a spatial set of rectangles and trapezium.

The initial values \u200b\u200bare the dimensions of the rectangle of Mauerlat, which will be calculated by all the elements of the fetal roof frame.

Initially, you need to calculate the height of vertical support racks. For this, the value equal to half the length of the side wall is used, minus ½ wall thickness of the house s. Knowing the angle of inclination of swells A, it is easily determined by the height of the vertical support of the skate bar according to the formula: H K \u003d 0.5 (L BC - 0.5S) * TGA.

Taking the fact that L OQ \u003d L Do, we can determine:

  • The length of the horizontal projection of the angular rafter beam according to the planimetry of L OC \u003d 1.22 * L DO and, accordingly, the size of the diagonal lump of L AC, using the Pythagorean theorem and the Roots L OC and H K;
  • The length of the skate run, as the longitudinal size of the building of the building, minus the double-length L DO, L AK \u003d L CM -2L DO.

In addition to the sizes of the frame, it is necessary to perform the calculation of the seats climbed ordinary and diagonal rafting beams.

To do this, at the bottom edge of the ordinary rafter, the size of H AD is delayed by calculation, after the width of the Mauerlalate is postponed at the angle of inclination of the slope and the wedge-shaped washed, as in the figure.


For competent operating, certain knowledge is required in construction mechanics and concomprise, especially in the strength and stability of structures. Nevertheless, for simple schemes, for example, for a gazebo or shed, the strength problems are not so critical. It is enough to know the rules for the geometrical calculation of the fetal roof of the hollow type, and for the most important support and rafting elements, use a ram with an increased margin of strength.

The roof of the house in its classic version has only two skates and frontones along the ends. More modern and practical is a hip roof, which additionally has slopes along the ends. To date, there are a lot of varieties of the hip (four-page) roofs that differ in its operational characteristics, squares and structures. Competent, the correct calculation of the holm roof will be able to ensure the optimal consumption of building materials. We give a few basic types of holmic roofs:

  • the semi-haul construction, where the hips close the top of the rods, covering the frontones;
  • tent roofing, where all the skates have the same shape and area, is used to overlap buildings with a square shape;
  • a broken roof consisting of a large number of rods of various sizes, composed at various angles; This type of roofing house is erected only by professional installers who have many years of work experience and high qualifications.

Walm roofing design

Consider the main structural elements of the four-tie hip roof:

  • the skiing timber (horse) is located directly in the center of the roof and serves as the main bearing element to which other wooden elements of the roofing system are adjacent;
  • the covers (angular) rafters are attached to the skit with one of their end, and the other rests on the edge of the building (in some cases they go for it); Corner rafters are the main supporting structures that perceive the bulk of the roof;
  • central rafter system, passing from the skate timber over the entire height of the skates;
  • intermediate rafting elements attached to the skate and skates; serve to give a rafter system of stiffness of construction and increasing its reliability;
  • short rafters of different lengths; These truck elements do not have fastenings with a skate and adjacent to the angular rafyles under the same angle.

Basic rules for the construction of the Walm Design Roof

The construction of a hip four-sheet roof must be accompanied by calculation and markup. Calculate the hip four-tight roof is the best way to significantly increase the economic effect when planning the construction budget. To find out the area and the length of the rafted holmic roof it is necessary to perform the following operations.:

  • place the axial line on the top of the cornice from the ends of the house (determine the location of the skate bar);
  • after that, it is required to calculate half the thickness of the skate and place the position of the very first structural element of the rafter system;
  • the next step is the use of a measuring rail, one end of which is placed on a pre-placed line, and the other on the side wall line; With this simple operation, the installation site of the intermediate rafter is determined;
  • to calculate the length of the rafter swap, the measuring rail is also used; Its end is installed on the outer wall, and the other is on the edge of the sink formed; The next element of the system is determined by the movement of the slaughter on the side wall and the markup on it places to install the rafter;
  • we repeat the above actions for the remaining three walls, after which the place of installation of all rafters and the skate timber will be known.

Getting Started with the construction of a hip four-sheet roof, you need to be patient. Work starts with marking, taking into account all the basic rules for the construction of the roof. The use of the measuring rail greatly facilitates the work, reduces the measurement error and increases the productivity of the process.

In most cases, the measuring rail is made independently, for which the phaneer or metal strips are used by approximately 50 millimeters wide.

To facilitate the calculations of the valve roof, use a special table of coefficients, which takes into account the ratio of the roof of the house, the length of the angular and intermediate rafters.

Using the data of the table, you can quickly calculate the length of the rafter and lay these numbers to the construction budget. The calculation of the geometric parameters and the area of \u200b\u200bthe holm roof of the house is performed in square meters. To increase the accuracy of the calculation, a calculator is used, which allows you to more accurately and quickly perform all mathematical operations. Knowing the roof area, the roofing is calculated to increase the efficiency of the use of money and optimizing costs.

When calculating the system rafters for houses with a harsh climate, coefficients are used that take into account the amount of precipitation and wind speed.

Features of the construction of a holmic roof

When erending a holm roof, you must follow the following recommendations.:

  • the skiing bar and the system of the rafter is made from materials of the same in thickness;
  • for attachment of short rafters, adjunctions to the angular rafters are used, and not to the skate bruus;
  • the hollow roof must have an optimal height, low roof will require additional supports, and high increase the area of \u200b\u200broofing materials;
  • the long service of the holmic roof is possible only when used in the construction of dry bars from the coniferous rock tree, which has passed the preliminary antiseptic processing.

Walm Roof Construction Formations

The area of \u200b\u200bthe roof and the geometric dimensions of the house are defining factors in determining the methods of strengthening. Main fortifications:

During the construction of a hip four-sheet roof take into account that a large area of \u200b\u200bthe roof increases not only the flow of roofing materials, but also lumber walking on rafters, crate, Maurylalat and other elements of the design.

Calculation of the Walm Roof: Square and rafted

Calculation of the rafter system of the holm roof. How to calculate the area and rafters of a hip four-sheet roof. Basic Rules and Features of the Construction of the Roof Walm Design

Calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof

The correctness of the calculation in the planning of new construction or repair allows you to significantly save on basic and consumables. Roofing cake - one of the key nodes of the house. In the process of its design, you need to know how to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof, be able to calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach item. For this there are special computer programs. But, unlike the machine, the calculation "manually" gives a more accurate result, since it allows you to consider the nuances of further laying of roofing material.

Geometric roof forms

The diversity of geometric shapes of the top of the house determines the complexity of the calculation of its area. The most common skate figures:

The calculation of the roof area is quite simple if it has one, two or four slice. The more items - the more difficult, the more you need to do measurements and mathematical actions.

Calculation can be made in two ways:

  1. Calculates based on the top of the cottage. It is necessarily prescribed all linear dimensions of each slide. It remains only to calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach element and find their sum.
  2. Remove the "live" dimensions from the finished roof and make mathematical actions. This option is more accurate, since an absolutely accurate match of the real dimensions of the top and its plan happens very rarely.

In both cases, you need to pay attention to symmetrical skates. First of all, this refers to elements of a two-or four-tie roof.

Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bsingle and double roof

These two kinds are the simplest, since the rods of a single-table and two-tie vertex are usually rectangular. Calculation of their square can be performed even without a detailed plan. It is also fairly easy to remove the size.

The slicer of a single roof is equal to the area of \u200b\u200bone roofing rectangle:

A and B - respectively, the width and height of the slope.

These parameters can be found even without lifting to height. It is enough to know the length and width of the house and add to them skes of the top at home. Next, you need to measure the height of the roofing pie and on the Pythagora theorem calculate its length. Now you can multiply the options received and get the desired result.

According to such a scheme, the area of \u200b\u200bthe two-tie roof is calculated. It can always be represented as two single one. Accordingly, the dimensions of this type of roof are removed. If the slopes are symmetrical, you can remove the parameters of only one of them. Knowing the length, you can calculate the fronton area of \u200b\u200bthe two-tie roof, especially if it is planned to be a wall-made professional flooring or siding.

The result for each element of the roof is determined by the same rectangle area formula:

Upon learning of the area of \u200b\u200bboth items, the usual summation is calculated with a general value for a two-screw roofing surface.

Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Tent, Walm and the Semi-Walm Roof

These roofing options have a more complex configuration, so it takes more time to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic roof. All of them are four-page, and therefore, measurements need to be held more.

The type of roofing surface made up of two trapezes and two triangles is called Walm. In most cases, its opposite parties are equal, and triangles are equally chaled. For such a symmetric hip roof, it suffices to calculate the value only for two adjacent elements and the result is multiplied by two. If the dimensions of each of them are different, you will have to measure the entire roof.

After the measurements performed, you can calculate the value for each element. For trapezoidal elements, you need to use the following formula:

a - width on the bottom scene,

b - the width of the skate,

For triangular elements, the formula is used:

a - the width of the slope on the bottom scene,

h is the height of the skate.

Well, at the end, as in previous cases, the sum of the results of the calculation of all elements is calculated.

The half-walled design differs from the holm in that it is instead of the trapezoidal elements there are hexagonal, the lower part of which is in the form of a rectangle, and the upper trapezium. Accordingly, the measurement process is slightly different. In a hexagonal element, it is necessary to measure the two components separately, and also separately make calculations. Formulas can be viewed slightly higher in this article. Again, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe half-range roof is the sum of the results of the calculation of all its elements.

Traditional tent top is equipped with four-sized triangles. It is usually symmetrical, so it is possible to measure measurements only on two adjacent elements. It is necessary to know only the height of each of the rods and their width along the bottom scene. Further on this slightly higher formula is calculated by each element and the final calculation of the tent roof is performed.

Calculation of the roof area with slopes with complex geometry

The multicate roofs with elements with complex geometry are no longer surprised. These are so-called dome and multiple designs. These solutions for the top of the house are very attractive. The calculation of the roof area of \u200b\u200bsuch a configuration is much more complicated than in the case of conventional four-tight options. But the accurate calculation is necessary because there is a large number of skates, each of which has a different form. The construction of such structures is quite expensive and the slightest error will inevitably lead to additional consumption of money and time.

The main complexity in the process of calculating the multi-circuit roofing surface is the dimensions of the dimensions, and the more elements in the design, the more difficult to make measurements. There is no way to do without raising the roof. In any case, it is necessary to make the drawing of the roof and measure each scat. For each one individually, it is necessary according to the formulas above, calculate the area, then, by summing the data obtained, find the total area of \u200b\u200bthe roof.

To the question of calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof, it is necessary to approach very scrupulously. After all, roofing materials are quite expensive and errors in calculations will be further costs. It should be remembered that when buying roofing materials it is necessary to make a small margin, because they are stacked by the brass, and it is not taken into account when calculating the roof area.

Calculation of the parameters of a four-page roof

To calculate, it will be necessary to know the length and width of the base and the angle of inclination of the slopes (it is assumed that the angle of inclination of all 4-strands is the same). As a result, the calculator calculates the length of the diagonal (hollow) rafting legs, the length of the transverse rafters, the height of the roof at the highest point and the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe roof. Details of calculations are immediately behind the calculator.

Calculation of 4-pitched roofs

1) The tent roof is the base of the square, the side faces are the same, or how congruent-free maths would be told (on the first figure).

2) The fleece roof is the base of the rectangle, two side faces are an equally chained triangles, other two faces - trapezoids (on the second figure).

  • The ratio of the height of the roof (H) and the distance from the central point of the base to the nearest roof edge (b / 2) corresponds to the tangent of the angle of the slope. From here, knowing the angle of inclination, you can express the height of the roof:
  • Similarly, through the cosine angle of inclination can be expressed by the length of the side rafters (E):
  • The length of the diagonal (holm) rafters (D) can be calculated twice using the Pythagora theorem as follows:
  • Finally, the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof we will find as the sum of the area of \u200b\u200b4-triangles for the tent roof plus an area of \u200b\u200binserts from 2 rectangles for long trapezoid rods in the event of unequal faces of the base:

Online calculator: Calculation of the parameters of a four-page roof

Online calculator. The calculator detects the length of the rafter, the height and area of \u200b\u200bthe roof of a 4-pitched roof.

How to calculate the roof area? Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof of a four-sheet roof

Before you begin the construction of the roof, you must compile the appropriate project. This will save money and avoid unnecessary alterations. To calculate the desired amount of material, it is possible to conditionally break the roof on the simplest geometric shapes. Next is the area of \u200b\u200beach element. The results are folded. Let's look at how to calculate the roof area of \u200b\u200bone or another, more.

Rules for measuring the roof

First of all, you need to decide with the angle of inclination. It is its value, as well as the width of the frontone and the length of the skate, in most cases are the main values \u200b\u200bused in the calculation formulas of the desired amount of roofing material and the elements of the solo system. If the latter has already been erected, additional measurements should be made. This will make it possible to more accurately determine the amount of the desired roofing material, the vapor and waterproofing film, as well as the insulation.

To begin with, we will understand how to do the frozen roofs. The rules for conducting work in this case are as follows:

  • The length of the skate is measured from the highest point of the skate to the lowest side of the cornice.
  • Horizontal measurements are made not by the facade, but on the eternity of the roof itself.
  • The correctness of the measurement of the skates is checked by making the measurement diagonally.
  • Record the results on paper with the roofing scheme drawn on it.

How to find out the area of \u200b\u200ba single bed

  • K \u003d √a 2 + in 2, where a is the width of the span, in the height of the rack under the rafter. To the resulting result K add the length of the sink and obtain the length of the rafal
  • C \u003d t x m, where C is the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof, M - the length of the cornice of the skate.

If the height of the rack is not known, the length of the rafter is often found a little different: the width of the span is multiplied by the cosine of the angle and add the overhang.

Square of the bantal roof

The question of how to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe two-tie roof, is also no particular complexity. The area of \u200b\u200bthe duplex roof is located just like a single one. Formulas are used the same. The only difference - the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate must be multiplied by 2. Sometimes the frontones of such a roof are roofing with roofing material. In this case, the calculation is carried out according to the Formula of the Square of the Triangle:

  • C \u003d 1/2 H x A, where H is the height of the roof, and the width of the span.

On the question of how to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe two-tie roof, there is another answer. If the height of the roof is not originally known, the calculations can be made along the corner of the slope of the skate. In this case, the Formula of the Triangle Square will look like this:

  • C \u003d 1/2 A X in X sinus A, where a is the width of the span, in the length of the rafted, and the angle of inclination of the skate.

Square of the broken banta roof

The bartal broken roof consists of four planes. Previously need to calculate their area. To do this, we first find the length of the ultimate or hanging rafter (K \u200b\u200b\u003d √a 2 + in 2). The following is the formula of the rectangle area, that is, the result is multiplied by the length of the eaves or run, respectively. At the final stage we put all the numbers obtained.

How to find a 4-piece roof area

The most difficult thing to make the calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof of a four-sheet roof. The calculation method primarily depends on the features of the construction of the charter system. To begin with, we will understand with the calculations of the tent roof. It consists of four triangles of the same area. This design is used most often. Therefore, in this case, we use the same formulas that we used to calculate the frontone area of \u200b\u200bthe two-tie roof.

The calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof of a four-tie roof Walmova is carried out taking into account that it consists of two triangles and two trapezium. The area of \u200b\u200btriangles find the formula:

  • C \u003d 1/2 H x A, where H is the height of the triangle, and the length of the riglel. The resulting result is multiplied by 2.
  • C \u003d (a + c) X H: 2, where a is the length of the top run, in the length of the lower, H is the height of the roof.

Thus, the result obtained is multiplied by 2 and add the area of \u200b\u200btwo triangles to it.

Nuances calculating sheet roofing material

How to calculate the roof area, we figured out. Next, we will deal with how to find out the amount of the desired roofing material. Of course, in order to find out the number of sheets required to cover the roof of the sheets, you need to know their length and width. In addition, when calculating should consider the length of the back of the eaves, as well as the width of horizontal and vertical adhesive. Usually they are equal to 15-25 cm. The area of \u200b\u200bthe pipe and ventilation exits in the case of the use of sheet materials from the total area is not deducted. In addition to the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof in this case, it will be necessary to find out the required number of skate elements and funds. The calculation of the rolled soft material is performed according to the same rules. The only thing in this case should take into account the width of the allen on the skate and in the endowes.

How to calculate the required number of piece roofing material

When calculating the roof of the ceramic tile needed to cover its length and width. Useful width is indicated by the manufacturer. Useful length is calculated taking into account the adolescence, which at different angles of inclination of the roof can be different. It will first be necessary to calculate how many tiles will be needed to cover 1 m 2 roofs. The result is multiplied by the roof area.

Sometimes the roofs are covered with such an interesting material like a wooden tile. The calculation in this case is performed in the same way as for the usual one. However, the elements of this roofing material are most often stacked in three layers. Thus, the result obtained should be multiplied by 3.

Calculation of waterproofing material

The waterproofing film is mounted on the roof with an overlapping strips at 10 cm. When calculating it must be considered. Powders for cornice and frontal sows will have to be 15 cm. It should be borne in mind that the film is almost always laid with an indent of 30 cm from the skate. This place is closed with a special insulating tape. Among other things, scattering the waterproofing film must be performed in the Enda and Pipes area.

Finally, let's give a couple of useful tips on how to calculate the roof area and the amount of material. After completing all the necessary calculations, be sure to add 10% to the resulting result. The fact is that losses during the work on the cover of the roof are inevitable. Almost all roofing materials are sold by parties. And this means that choose additional sheets of exactly the same shade as the already used for the coating will be impossible. If the roof has a complex configuration, the stock should increase at least up to 13%, since the number of cropping in this case increases. Especially a lot of waste remains when weaving the frontones and triangular rods. In the event that there are many such elements in the roof design, more than 13% of the material should be additionally purchased.

Thus, you now know how to make the calculation of the roof area correctly. Work is pretty complex and requiring accuracy. However, it is quite possible to make it yourself. Especially if the roof has a not too complicated design. The same applies to the calculation of the roofing material.

In order to determine the number of necessary roofing material, you should know how to calculate the roof area. The procedure this is quite complex and requiring accuracy. When calculating, the formulas for finding the area of \u200b\u200bsimple geometric shapes are used.

The construction of the house is a very responsible and expensive project, while one of the most complex and costly stages is the construction of the roof. The correct calculation of its area can significantly reduce the costs of its construction. In this regard, it is necessary to clearly realize the order and methodology for the calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof. First of all, you need to determine the type of roof for which the calculation will be executed. Everyone who is looking for an answer to the question how to calculate the four-tie roof our article will be useful.

Today there are the following types of roofs that are distinguished by their design.:

  • single;
  • two-screw;
  • four-page;
  • half-haired;
  • mansard type;
  • tent roof;
  • 4-scope styling.

Regardless of the type of roof, when purchasing building materials, the accuracy of the calculations produced is crucial. Given the trend towards the permanent increase in prices for all building materials, the exact definition of the roof area will become an effective way to save money. And the estimated method is not so complicated itself, it requires care, knowledge of the school course geometry, knowledge of the geometric parameters of the building and the skate, as well as the correct names of the elements of the roof design.

Four sheet roof area

The most popular roof option is a four-page, which involves the presence of 4-strand at an angle to the base. To calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe four-page roof we will need:

  • calculate this value for each slope;
  • fold together the obtained values.

It is very important to check the results of your calculations several times, otherwise you can ultimately get surplus or a shortage of building material.

In most cases, all construction and design companies have a roof projection as source data, that is, the base area under it. Before the start of the settlement works, we break the projection zone on simple components of the shapes: trapezoids, triangles, rectangles and squares. The formula for calculating the area of \u200b\u200beach of these figures is familiar with each schoolchild, so it will take some time to get the result using the calculator. Taking into account that each element of the projection is at an angle, you should multiply its area to the accepted cosine of the angle of slopes. After adding all the results obtained, we obtain the area of \u200b\u200bthe four-page roof. As can be seen from the description, it will not consider this amount will not cause special difficulties in people with an average level of knowledge of the school course geometry. For this reason, many builders impose functions to fulfill such responsible tasks on their production workers: pro-workers, technical supervision workers and other engineering and technical workers.

One of the important conditions is the production of the calculation on the cornisic scene, and not the edge of the construction, otherwise the result will be incorrect.

The 4-piece roof area is calculated in compliance with the following rules.:

  • it is necessary to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe following elements: ventilation channels, chimneys, attic and its windows;
  • the length of the skate is measured from the bottom of the skate to the top of the eaves;
  • for parapets, soles and firewalls should be added 5% of length;
  • in order to calculate the required consumption of building material, you need to know the type of roofing, as each of them has its own expenses;
  • when coating with bitumen tiles or rolled materials, the length of the skate will decrease at least seventy centimeters.

It should be known that the rolled materials are the most economical optional of the roof coating with a complex form. They perfectly lie on almost any surface, their installation does not cause difficulties and passes in the shortest possible time.

Calculation of roofing materials

The acquisition of roofing materials is accompanied by significant financial spending, the optimization of which will be able to save huge amounts of money. For this reason, when calculating the 4-pitched roof area for the purchase of roofing material, the following features must be taken into account:

Using an easy method for carrying out calculations on the above formulas, it is possible to obtain a reliable result, which, with a competent approach, is converted to the money saved on the purchase and roofing materials.

How to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe four-page roof. Calculation of the amount of material for a four-page roof. Necessary formulas for calculating area

How to calculate the roof area? Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof of a four-sheet roof

Before you begin the construction of the roof, you must compile the appropriate project. This will save money and avoid unnecessary alterations. To calculate the desired amount of material, it is possible to conditionally break the roof on the simplest geometric shapes. Next is the area of \u200b\u200beach element. The results are folded. Let's look at how to calculate the roof area of \u200b\u200bone or another, more.

Rules for measuring the roof

First of all, you need to decide with the angle of inclination. It is its value, as well as the width of the frontone and the length of the skate, in most cases are the main values \u200b\u200bused in the calculation formulas of the desired amount of roofing material and the elements of the solo system. If the latter has already been erected, additional measurements should be made. This will make it possible to more accurately determine the amount of the desired roofing material, the vapor and waterproofing film, as well as the insulation.

To begin with, we will understand how to do the frozen roofs. The rules for conducting work in this case are as follows:

  • The length of the skate is measured from the highest point of the skate to the lowest side of the cornice.
  • Horizontal measurements are made not by the facade, but on the eternity of the roof itself.
  • The correctness of the measurement of the skates is checked by making the measurement diagonally.
  • Record the results on paper with the roofing scheme drawn on it.

How to find out the area of \u200b\u200ba single bed

  • K \u003d √a 2 + in 2, where a is the width of the span, in the height of the rack under the rafter. To the resulting result K add the length of the sink and obtain the length of the rafal
  • C \u003d t x m, where C is the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof, M - the length of the cornice of the skate.

If the height of the rack is not known, the length of the rafter is often found a little different: the width of the span is multiplied by the cosine of the angle and add the overhang.

Square of the bantal roof

The question of how to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe two-tie roof, is also no particular complexity. The area of \u200b\u200bthe duplex roof is located just like a single one. Formulas are used the same. The only difference - the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate must be multiplied by 2. Sometimes the frontones of such a roof are roofing with roofing material. In this case, the calculation is carried out according to the Formula of the Square of the Triangle:

  • C \u003d 1/2 H x A, where H is the height of the roof, and the width of the span.

On the question of how to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe two-tie roof, there is another answer. If the height of the roof is not originally known, the calculations can be made along the corner of the slope of the skate. In this case, the Formula of the Triangle Square will look like this:

  • C \u003d 1/2 A X in X sinus A, where a is the width of the span, in the length of the rafted, and the angle of inclination of the skate.

Square of the broken banta roof

The bartal broken roof consists of four planes. Previously need to calculate their area. To do this, we first find the length of the ultimate or hanging rafter (K \u200b\u200b\u003d √a 2 + in 2). The following is the formula of the rectangle area, that is, the result is multiplied by the length of the eaves or run, respectively. At the final stage we put all the numbers obtained.

How to find a 4-piece roof area

The most difficult thing to make the calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof of a four-sheet roof. The calculation method primarily depends on the features of the construction of the charter system. To begin with, we will understand with the calculations of the tent roof. It consists of four triangles of the same area. This design is used most often. Therefore, in this case, we use the same formulas that we used to calculate the frontone area of \u200b\u200bthe two-tie roof.

The calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof of a four-tie roof Walmova is carried out taking into account that it consists of two triangles and two trapezium. The area of \u200b\u200btriangles find the formula:

  • C \u003d 1/2 H x A, where H is the height of the triangle, and the length of the riglel. The resulting result is multiplied by 2.
  • C \u003d (a + c) X H: 2, where a is the length of the top run, in the length of the lower, H is the height of the roof.

Thus, the result obtained is multiplied by 2 and add the area of \u200b\u200btwo triangles to it.

Nuances calculating sheet roofing material

How to calculate the roof area, we figured out. Next, we will deal with how to find out the amount of the desired roofing material. Of course, in order to find out the number of sheets required to cover the roof of the sheets, you need to know their length and width. In addition, when calculating should consider the length of the back of the eaves, as well as the width of horizontal and vertical adhesive. Usually they are equal to 15-25 cm. The area of \u200b\u200bthe pipe and ventilation exits in the case of the use of sheet materials from the total area is not deducted. In addition to the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof in this case, it will be necessary to find out the required number of skate elements and funds. The calculation of the rolled soft material is performed according to the same rules. The only thing in this case should take into account the width of the allen on the skate and in the endowes.

How to calculate the required number of piece roofing material

When calculating the roof of the ceramic tile needed to cover its length and width. Useful width is indicated by the manufacturer. Useful length is calculated taking into account the adolescence, which at different angles of inclination of the roof can be different. It will first be necessary to calculate how many tiles will be needed to cover 1 m 2 roofs. The result is multiplied by the roof area.

Sometimes the roofs are covered with such an interesting material like a wooden tile. The calculation in this case is performed in the same way as for the usual one. However, the elements of this roofing material are most often stacked in three layers. Thus, the result obtained should be multiplied by 3.

Calculation of waterproofing material

The waterproofing film is mounted on the roof with an overlapping strips at 10 cm. When calculating it must be considered. Powders for cornice and frontal sows will have to be 15 cm. It should be borne in mind that the film is almost always laid with an indent of 30 cm from the skate. This place is closed with a special insulating tape. Among other things, scattering the waterproofing film must be performed in the Enda and Pipes area.

Finally, let's give a couple of useful tips on how to calculate the roof area and the amount of material. After completing all the necessary calculations, be sure to add 10% to the resulting result. The fact is that losses during the work on the cover of the roof are inevitable. Almost all roofing materials are sold by parties. And this means that choose additional sheets of exactly the same shade as the already used for the coating will be impossible. If the roof has a complex configuration, the stock should increase at least up to 13%, since the number of cropping in this case increases. Especially a lot of waste remains when weaving the frontones and triangular rods. In the event that there are many such elements in the roof design, more than 13% of the material should be additionally purchased.

Thus, you now know how to make the calculation of the roof area correctly. Work is pretty complex and requiring accuracy. However, it is quite possible to make it yourself. Especially if the roof has a not too complicated design. The same applies to the calculation of the roofing material.

In order to determine the number of necessary roofing material, you should know how to calculate the roof area. The procedure this is quite complex and requiring accuracy. When calculating, the formulas for finding the area of \u200b\u200bsimple geometric shapes are used.

How to calculate the fourth roof area - Rules and sequence

Four-sheet roof of the house

Four-tight roofs are the most popular option in modern private construction. Often, developers have a question: how to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe four-grade roof. It is necessary to determine the amount of roofing material, waterproofing and insulation.

Today it is possible to make the calculation using computer programs intended for any kind of roofs. This has its advantages: high accuracy, the possibility of choosing various design options, convenience. However, some builders prefer to hope for their mind, without spending money on what they can do on their own.

Before proceeding to the calculation of the roof area, a detailed plan should be made, where all sizes will be applied. It is impossible to miss a single roof element. In addition, at the stage of design, the house should determine the choice of roofing material, as the roof slope depends on it. The sharper the angle of inclination, the longer the rod of the roof. And therefore greater consumption of material. In addition, each roofing material is individual. For example, the profiled metal sheets requires a much larger flaw during installation than, say natural tile.

Having an accurate calculation of the roof area of \u200b\u200bthe house, it is possible to choose the roofing material as much as possible, as well as the insulation, steam and waterproofing.

Four-tight roofs may differ in shape:

  • directly four-tight;
  • half-haired;
  • walm;
  • four-tight forceps.

The most simply calculated areas of the roofs whose rods are the correct trapezoids and triangles and do not have any fades on the rods.

However, in modern construction, hospital roofs are increasingly erected, with a lot of rocks, the surface of which can consist not only of triangles and trapeats, but also rhombuses, rectangles and other geometric shapes.

That is why, before starting the calculation of the four-tailed roof, it is desirable to refresh my knowledge at school geometry.

Independent calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe four-tight roof

As mentioned earlier, first of all the full roof plan is compiled. If there is no project of the house or the rafter system already installed, the roof plan will have to be on the existing framework. This requires only a roulette and angle. With this tool, all lines of the roof are measured, from the skate to overlaps. If the roof is multi-level and consists of various heights, then the drawing needs to be reflected, where what height. It is also desirable to make a roof plan in the projection. This will help most clearly present the picture. However, it is necessary to draw up the roof projection only if there is a drawing skills.

Making a detailed drawing, will not be difficult to decompose the roof into separate geometric components. This is necessary for more accurate calculations.

Remember that the size of the roof cannot be limited only by its perimeter. It is also necessary to add the length of the oops of the roof where it is assumed.

The rules that must be followed when the four-tight roof is calculated:

  1. It is necessary to split the drawing into separate geometric shapes. Release each of them for a separate picture. Transfer all sizes.

The easier the figures are, and the more parameters you will know, the easier it will make the calculation.

  • The length of one slope is determined by measuring the distance from the extreme line of the cornice to the skate.
  • Each incidence of roof is calculated as follows: The area of \u200b\u200bthe figure is multiplied by the cosine of that corner under which this roofing element is located.
  • If any scat is an irregular rectangle, it must be divided into correct geometric shapes. And also to carry out the calculation of each separately.
  • After the calculations of each element are made separately, the obtained digital values \u200b\u200bare summed up.

Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Walm Roof

For example, we give the calculation of the roof of the four-tone roof.

Suppose our four-piece roof consists of the following elements: two correct trapezoids and two anaidic triangles. Roof raids are located at an angle of 30 °. The cosine of this angle is 0.87.

The trapezoidal skates have the following parameters: one side is 10 m, another 7 m, height 3m.

Triangular Skats: Two sides of 3.34 m, one side 7m. The height of the triangle is 4.8 m.

We proceed to calculations.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe trapezium is as follows: we summarize the length of horizontal sides, divide on 2, multiply to height. That is, in our case: S \u003d (10 +7) / 2 x 3 \u003d 25.5.

Do not forget that the resulting number must be multiplied by the cosine of the angle, in our case by 0.87. As a result, the area of \u200b\u200bthe trapezoidal skate is equal to 22,185. Rounded into the biggest, up to 22.5 meters.

The final stage becomes the sum of all areas: S \u003d 22.5 × 2 + 14.7 × 2 \u003d 74.4. Round up to 75.

Thus, the area of \u200b\u200bthe four-grade roof, in our case, will be 75 m?.

In the process of calculating, various small elements are subtracted from the total area, such as: hearing windows, ventilation channels, chimney pipes, parapels or anti-aircraft lights. Since their small area, they do not entail special financial costs. In addition, it is quite possible to make a mistake when calculating.

Calculation of roofing and other materials

After the calculation of the four-grade roof was calculated, and the total area is calculated, you can start calculating the necessary pattern of roofing material. It is erroneous that is the opinion that the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof drawing and the area of \u200b\u200bthe required material coincide. The bottom line is that all the elements of the roofing material must be mistaken in the outbreak. In addition, for each roofing material, its technical indicators of the fattest magnitude. Accordingly, the costs of materials increase significantly.

When calculating the required amount of roofing material for a multi-level roof, it is advisable to seek help to a computer switched. It will make calculations faster and reliable.

But make the calculation of the desired material for a simple roof, you can independently. It does not entail special difficulties.

We give an example of calculating the number of slate for our four-grade roof, the calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bwhich we have previously produced.

To do this, we need to make a proportion:

X - 15%, where S is the roof area, X is a stock equal to 15%.

After the X is calculated, the resulting number must be added to S. S. As a result, the area of \u200b\u200bthe required amount of material will be obtained.

So, in our case, the proportion will look like this:

X \u003d 15 x 75/100 \u003d 11.25. Round up to 11.5.

11.5 + 75 \u003d 86.25 (m?) - The area of \u200b\u200bthe required roofing material.

Calculation of roofing materials

In addition, when calculating the required material, it should be remembered that waste will remain, they may need even up to 20% of the material. That is, again, it is necessary to make a proportion where x is now consumption. The result adds to the square.

When erecting a complex roof, we should take a stock of the material not 15%, and not less than 20%.

The calculation of soft roofs is carried out according to the same formulas as the calculation of slate. Consumption depends on the type of roofing material and its laying technology. Endov and skate areas are considered and ordered separately, since their measurement is not conducted in square, but in the route meters.

The length of the roofing sheets defined in the height of the skate is calculated by the size of the roof of the house. As a rule, metal tile is produced up to 8 meters long. In this case, the thickness of the sheets is from 0.2 to 0.4 cm. As a result, long metal sheets begged very much. This may make it difficult to transport the process, since the sheets can be broken on the road. Therefore, when the metal tile is ordered, take into account the roof area, roofing sheets, choose the most suitable dimensions. It is also necessary to take into account the qualifications of workers who will be engaged in laying the roof. Thus, with the roof area up to 150 m? It is recommended to purchase roofing sheets up to 2 m long. at the roof area up to 250 m? Preferred roofing sheets up to 4 m long, with a roof area over 250 m? Sheets are more than 6 meters long. Metal sheets, more than 6 meters long in laying, since they are very much better. For their installation, it is necessary to hire experienced roofers.

When transporting long roofing sheets, the process of loading, transportation and storage of the material should be monitored.

Since the material consumption is great on complex roofing. Preferably acquire piece material. Stuffed material is soft roofing coatings, such as bituminous flexible tile. Thus, waste is minimized by small elements. But with a competent calculation and the responsible approach, the installation of the roof can be carried out in such a way that it is possible to avoid high costs.

We draw your attention to the fact that the soft roofs require the organization of solid doors, as well as additional installation costs. At the same time, the prices of these types of coatings are significantly higher.

Thus, the calculation of the four-grade roof allows you to timely calculate the coming costs for the purchase of roofing material, insulation and waterproofing.

How to calculate the area of \u200b\u200ba four-page roof without attracting third-party specialists? What are the main parameters to know to calculate the roof of the four-page roof, two-tie? An example of calculation - in our article.

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