Two-story bath project. Turnkey two-story baths A brief description of the design features and materials used for a two-story bath

garden equipment 20.06.2020
garden equipment

Two-storey baths especially attractive because they allow you to use the second floor as a living space. This is suitable for those who do not live in the country permanently, but only come for weekends and holidays.

Projects of two-story baths can be divided into simple and complex.

simple projects- allow you to get everything you need for high-quality hygiene procedures and good rest, while using small area site. In this case, the first floor is given over to the steam room and washing room. And on the second, you can equip a living space.

- complex projects of two-story baths are designed for people who want to emphasize their well-being. Here, the comfort and convenience of users is at the forefront of everything. The first floor of such a bath includes a steam room, a washing room, a relaxation area, which can be equipped with a pool (photo). Various utility rooms - firewood, vestibule, bathroom, laundry, etc. Often a small gym. On the second floor it is convenient to have bedrooms, a billiard room, an office.

Two-story baths have obvious advantages, such as:

  • more usable area and simultaneous preservation of the area of ​​the site;
  • reduction in heating costs. On the second floor it is warmer due to the influence of hot air that rises from the steam room;
  • presentable appearance.

It should be noted that the second floor is being designed simultaneously with the first. Since the design must take into account the standards allowable loads. In addition, you need to think through all communications: install plumbing, arrange ventilation in the bath and much more. It is more difficult to carry them out in a two-story building than in a one-story building. After all, the structure should be not only multifunctional, but also, first of all, safe and durable.

By choosing one of finished projects or by creating your own together with the architect, you will get a bathhouse and living quarters, thus combining both pleasant and useful.

Projects of two-story baths: simple and complex projects, photos

Two-story baths are especially attractive because they allow you to use the second floor as a living space.

Projects of two-story baths: convenience and comfort

Today, many summer residents and owners of suburban areas prefer not only to wash and steam in the bath, but also to relax. A full-fledged leisure is impossible without comfortable conditions- Availability of a bathroom, kitchen, living room. Projects of two-story baths involve the combination of several functions.

Two floors - practical for small areas

More recently, baths have come into fashion, where on the first floor there is a full bath complex, bathroom and kitchen. And on the second full-fledged living quarters - bedrooms and a living room. Why build two one-story houses on the site and leave less free land for a garden and vegetable garden when you can build one.

The advantages of two-story baths

Photo of a full-fledged living room on the second floor

Starting construction, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the project. If the area of ​​​​the site does not allow the installation of several outbuildings and a residential building, then a two-story bath is an excellent way out.

It has a number of advantages:

  • It takes up less space on the site, but it is more functional and accommodates large quantity premises;
  • Low costs for heating the second floor - hot air from the steam room rises and heats the rooms;
  • The building has a presentable appearance;
  • You can install a small pool inside, it's easy to find a place for it.

Numerous projects of a two-story bath suggest the presence of a full-fledged communication system. That is, you can live in the house, if not permanently, then for a short period of time, including in winter.

Features of the placement of communications

The price of such a project depends on the level of staffing.

The engineering communications system is very different from that applicable to an ordinary bath or house.

Many factors are important here:

  • Organization of ventilation of the second floor;
  • Installation of heating - most often used radiators, evenly installed in the rooms. They can work either electric boiler or from sauna stove when not in use;
  • The drawing should suggest the presence of a boiler room.

The project of a two-story bath with a terrace provides that the bath complex, located on the ground floor, is adjacent to the garage and has with it common wall. Required element– internal staircase between floors.

Bath with small terrace

Note! To get rid of Wastewater you need to install a septic tank or connect to the collector. If sewer waste is located close to the source drinking water they will pollute it with waste.

Stages of construction of a two-story bath

You can assemble a bath with your own hands

After a suitable place has been chosen on the site, it is time to start multi-stage construction. It must be approached very seriously and responsibly, strictly observing the technology. After all, the bath is not built for one year and must be assembled correctly.

Construction includes the following mandatory steps:

  • Design. The durability of the structure will depend on compliance with all norms and requirements;
  • Holding preparatory work and selection of building materials. The wood for the bath should be well dried and processed. protective compounds, not have resinous areas and knots;
  • The construction of the foundation - tape or columnar. It is laid to the depth of freezing of the soil, the type depends on the material. The project of a two-story frame bath, due to the ease of construction, requires, for example, a simple columnar foundation made of asbestos pipes;

Basis - asbestos pipes

  • Assembling a log house on the site. The work is carried out according to the numbering indicated on the logs, profiled or glued beams;
  • Preparation and installation of the roof;
  • Insulation of the floor and walls in the bath with jute, hemp or linen;
  • Installation of the chimney, while taking into account such indicators as corrosion resistance and fire resistance. It is also important to ensure full traction;
  • Bathroom doors and windows are being installed. For safety reasons, all doors must open outwards;
  • Treatment of the bath with an impregnation that prevents the occurrence of a fire, the appearance of insects that can damage the wood;
  • Interior decoration of premises - installation of a heater, fine finishing of the bath complex, decoration of living rooms.

The project of a two-story bath 6x6 with an attic

Bath two-story of foam blocks

Bath from foam blocks

A two-story bath made of foam blocks is somewhat inferior in terms of environmental friendliness to wooden log cabins.

However, it has some advantages:

  • Quickly erected;
  • Has a light weight;
  • Not afraid of fire;
  • Interior decoration is easier to carry out than in buildings made of brick or concrete.

The project of a two-story bath 5x8 from foam blocks

The instruction to the building material says that it is not necessary to build a powerful foundation. A tape version is suitable, since the design is light in weight. To protect the structure from moisture coming from the soil, roofing material is used. The external walls of the building definitely need to be finished, since foam blocks do not belong to decorative materials.

Note! A foam block stove is suitable for any stove. You can buy ready-made in the store or fold the heater yourself from bricks.

First, think carefully about the floor plan.

A two-story bath is a great option for those who want to combine comfortable rest and hygiene procedures in one place. No shower cabin can replace bath procedures.

Why build two separate buildings on the site, when everything can be combined in one, and even arrange a pool inside.

Projects of two-story baths 5x8, 6x6 with a terrace: frame, do-it-yourself video installation instructions, photo

Projects of two-story baths 5x8, 6x6 with a terrace: frame, do-it-yourself video installation instructions, photo and price

2 storey baths made of logs or timber: projects, photos, drawings

When you decide to build a bath, the question inevitably arises: “Maybe it’s worth making it a two-story one?”. If the budget allows and there is a desire, you can build two floors: with a slight increase in cost (by about 25-30%), you get almost double the area. Why almost? Because a considerable piece - at least two squares - will be "eaten" by the stairs. However, by moving the rest room to the second floor, you can do the rest bath rooms more spacious. But such a solution has a minus: legs from habit after running up the stairs can “buzz”. Because, probably, the rest room on the second floor is located infrequently. Usually there are residential or guest rooms.

Projects of two-story baths

For everybody best project- mine. We all have different habits and ideas about how to properly steam in the bath. Someone prefers a dry-air sauna and needs a small steam room: it heats up faster. And someone prefers a non-hot Russian steam room, and it’s good to work with a broom. There should be more steam room here.

The same goes for washing. There can only be a shower and a pouring bucket, and then big square to nothing. And sometimes fonts are installed in the washing room, some even of considerable size. And there are also sinks with high temperatures - about 30-40 ° C. They then put wooden trestle beds, such as shelves, and rest in the humid and warm air, without going out into the cool (relative to these rooms) rest room. Then the areas should be appropriate.

How can you change the layout based on your preferences. This is a 6 by 3 bath project, and in large sizes even more opportunities

But there are a few rules that are universal:

  • If you plan to use the sauna in winter, the front door should not lead directly to the rest room. There must be a closed vestibule. It can be attached, shielded on the veranda or in the rest room. The dimensions are quite small - open the doors and go in, but so cold air gets into the room much less.
  • Doors in the steam room and washing room should open outward.
  • For a Russian bath, the steam room must have windows. That's right: two windows. One is opposite the door measuring 50 * 50 cm, the second is small under the shelf. These windows are needed not so much for lighting as for ventilation. Between visits to the steam room, it is necessary to open the main window and the doors to the steam room, ventilate. Then again prepare the steam room. And the window under the shelves helps to ventilate the problem area itself after the bath, where problems usually begin.
  • The washing window is also necessary. It also serves for ventilation, and also for evacuation. So here the dimensions should be slightly larger. If you are embarrassed that they will look into them, put patterned or opaque glass. And the problem is solved.
  • On the second floor, when planning the premises, you first need to determine where the chimney will pass, and how to enclose it.

Based on these rules, you can make your own from any project more or less suitable for you. perfect option bath plans.

The project of the first floor of the bath 6 by 6 + terrace

In this version of the layout of the bath, the vestibule is already fenced off. It will be possible to make or put a wardrobe in it for storing outerwear or bath accessories. The ladder is in the far corner of the rest room.

The project of planning the first floor of a two-story bath from a bar

The areas of the premises are as follows:

Plan of a two-story bath 6 by 6 with two entrances

An interesting bath project, suitable for placement on the wide side of the site. There are two porches attached vestibules. One is used as a boiler room - a sauna stove is heated from there, the second - for entering the rest room. The only negative in this layout is that the washing room from the steam room is located through the vestibule. Not the most the best solution: having undressed, you will have to go through the room naked, and even the room is cold. To eliminate it, you need to make the boiler room longer, and move the vestibule to the washing place. This will also eliminate the possibility of a strong draft coming from two opposite doors.

An interesting project of a 2-storey bath with two entrances

In this layout, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises is as follows:

  • steam room 5 m 2;
  • washing 5.6 m 2;
  • vestibule 1 - 3.9 m 2;
  • vestibule 2 - 2.5 m 2;
  • rest room 21 m 2;
  • terrace 12 m 2 ;
  • bedroom on the second floor - 34 m 2;

The layout of the bath from a bar 5 to 5

Due to the fact that it takes 20 cm each to create connections in the corners, “in its pure form” the size of the interior will be 5 by 5 meters, and on the outside, for the foundation - 5.4 * 5.4.

In this project, the steam room has a decent size - 2.4 by 2.2 meters. In this embodiment, you can put a corner wide shelves. One person can lie down and two more can sit. The stove is heated from the rest room, one of the walls goes into the washing room. The rational arrangement allowing to heat all rooms. The only thing is that the power of the furnace will need to be taken with a decent margin.

The project of a two-story bath

The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises in this version of the bath:

  • steam room 5.3 m 2;
  • washing 3.6 m 2;
  • vestibule - 3.6 m 2;
  • rest room 15 m 2;
  • bedroom on the second floor 25 m2

Features of two-story baths from a bar

Before starting the construction of a two-story bath, you will have to think through not only the standard set of questions about insulation and waterproofing, but more new ones will be added:

The second floor of timber or logs does not have to be done completely. Having driven it to a certain height, the rest can be “acquired” by the roof. Get a bath and a half floors ...

  • How to make heating the second floor. The most common option is from the pipe of the bath stove. But this stove is heated only from time to time, so a second source of heat is needed. This may be a second wood-burning stove, but already a heating one. Moreover, the chimneys must be separate, otherwise the smoke from the upper furnace falls down. As a result, both floors are smoky. Often, electric heaters are used as a heat source, but this is if there are no power outages.
  • Consider a ventilation system or a sealed hatch. If you have a Russian bath, both are better. The steam rises. It must either not be allowed into the second floor (hatch) or effectively removed (ventilation system).

And you'll have to decide what you'll do full second floor - expel the walls to their full height. After all, you can make an attic - part of the wall will be made of timber, and part will be covered with a roof. The first option is more expensive, but the second floor is the same area as the first. The second - with an attic - is more economical, but the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises due to the roof slopes will be less.

So you need to fasten the walls so that they do not lead during shrinkage. Instead of an iron beam, they put another wooden

If you decide to make an attic, you can also do it in different ways - lay several crowns - three to five, and “get” everything else with a roof. But then the roof should have a more complex broken structure. The second option - one and a half floors - is when a wall of a meter and a half is erected from a bar, and only then does the roof go. Here you can make an ordinary gable roof, but with a large slope.

There is an even more economical option: make the first floor from a log house, the second - from frame technology. And there will be a tree in the bath, and the load on the foundation will not be so big. And it will be warm. Excellent, and inexpensive option 2 storey bath.

Another advice based on practice: it is better to make frame partitions inside. In any case, the one through which the stove will pass (if it is heated from another room). Otherwise, the entire beam will be cut into small pieces, because most often the doors to the steam room go further. As a result, the entire partition consists of small segments, and fastening them so that the fasteners do not interfere with shrinkage (to make a casing) is still a hassle.

Layout of a two-story bath

According to the experience of many bath owners, the most optimal size wooden bath- 6*6 meters. The point is the size of the lumber: it is six-meter bars, boards and other lumber that are considered the standard. Therefore, there are no problems with materials. And the waste is also minimal.

The second plus of such a bath is that the rooms will turn out to be more or less spacious. It only at first glance seems that there will be a lot of space. In real life, putting everything on paper on shelves, taking into account the thickness of the walls and partitions, finishes, you will be amazed that the rooms turn out to be quite miniature.

The staircase will take at least two square meters

When developing the layout of a soy bath, do so. Draw a large scale plan of the bath. On the same scale, draw piers and walls, enter a staircase, draw a stove. And then calculate how much "in pure" form the area will remain. So that it would not be an unpleasant surprise for you upon the fact of construction.

But not everyone can financially “pull” such a construction site. Then, based again on the size of the material, there will be less waste in a 6 * 3 m beam bath. There are projects for this option, only in this case you will either have to make a combined steam room with a washing room, or transfer the rest room to the second floor.

On the other hand, you can save on building materials if you build, for example, a 6 * 4 or 6 * 5 bath. All sawmills that are shorter than 6 meters are considered non-standard. But this length is also obtained quite often. And this non-standard is sold at prices much lower. What is characteristic, the quality of the wood does not deteriorate.

This is how bowls are formed from timber

However, quality material of non-standard length must be sought. If you are not afraid of the need to conduct searches, you can quite significantly save. Just one point: it is desirable to buy a standard and a non-standard at the same sawmill - the parameters of the timber or board will be the same. It's no secret that there are certain errors in the geometry of lumber, not all manufacturers can withstand the dimensions with an accuracy of a millimeter. So if part of the material is purchased at one enterprise, and part - at another, there may be problems with docking.

Projects of two-story baths from timber and logs: drawings, photos, layout

If you already build a bath from a bar, then a two-story one: with a slight increase in price, you get almost the same amount of space. We will help you choose one of the options

A selection of projects of two-story baths

A one-story small bathhouse with a steam room and a dressing room? It's already past. Today in the bath they want to see a place where they improve their health, have fun and spend their leisure time. Therefore, construction modern bath today, it has significantly departed from any patterns - comfort has become the main design criterion. And functional and economical two-story baths have firmly come into fashion, where a standard bath complex is located on the first floor, and a rest room and other living quarters are already located on the second.

And really, why build a separate bath and a house, if they can be easily and with great profit combined into one thing? So, many projects of two-story baths provide for such a steam room design, in which you can safely make a whole full-fledged housing on the second floor. On the ground floor: steam room, washing room, bathroom, kitchen and utility rooms, and on the second - a living room, bedrooms, a home office and a gym. The possibilities are unlimited if the second floor of the bath is done really thoroughly.

What are two-story baths good for?

So what are projects for? What are the benefits for the steam room gives the second floor? And here are some:

  • A two-story bath has a much greater compactness of the premises and takes up much less space on the site than a one-story bath of the same total area.
  • The second floor of the bath is much easier to heat than the first - all thanks to the rising hot air from the steam room.
  • The appearance of a two-story bath is much more solid and presentable than an ordinary one.
  • The most popular today is the option of a two-story bath with a pool - after all, it is in such construction that a place is easily found on it.

In general, the advantages of the project of a two-story bath made of timber are undeniable - but you only need to choose it from ready-made ones, developed by professionals. After all, this is the second floor, which means interfloor overlap and certain building codes. That is why the only project that you can draw up on your own is the project of a two-story foam block bath due to the lightness of the material, and even then this is undesirable. Ready, and only ready.

Features of the placement of communications

All engineering and communication systems in a two-story bath are seriously different both in their complexity and in their purpose from those that are an ordinary steam room. This time, every little thing is important: how the ventilation for the second floor will function, where exactly the bathroom will be located, where the drainage will go, how and how such a bath will be heated. By the way, such a second floor is heated not due to the warm floor due to the hot steam rising in the steam room - there is no longer the same interfloor ceiling as when equipping the attic. In this case, radiators are most often installed, which can work alternately from a common sauna stove and during its non-use - from an electric boiler, for example. To do this, the project must necessarily provide for the presence of a separate boiler room, and it is desirable that the entire heating system in such a bath was controlled using a remote control.

But the following were recognized as the most rational options today: the first floor is directly a bathhouse and a garage, which have one common wall and in themselves occupy a lot of space. But the second one is already a full-fledged residential building, with a small terrace on the second floor and internal stairs for the first. All in one - and rational, and economical, and modern. In Finland, for example, a residential building and even city ​​apartment I simply can’t imagine myself without a good sauna – and in Russia this is becoming normal.

Projects of two-story baths from timber and logs: a selection of options

Everything about the design of two-story baths: subtleties and nuances, a large photo gallery of ready-made free projects and tips on their selection. Projects of two-story baths and much more.

A spacious bath is the dream of any lover to take a steam bath. The dimensions and dimensions of the building largely depend on the free space on suburban area or cottage.

A popular size for spacious home gardens is a 6x6 m bath.


The 6x6 m bath project is quite simple and unpretentious. However, outwardly such an object looks solid, spacious and “our way”. The resulting building is functional inside, it is made with the possibility of dividing into several isolated rooms, including a walk-through recreation area.

The advantages of the dimensions of the bath 6x6 m are:

  • large roomy recreation area up to 17 sq. m.;
  • the ability to build a spacious steam room with a separate furnace room and utility block;
  • a separate vestibule or hallway, which will allow you to comfortably undress, keep warm in the bath itself;
  • possibility to furnish the building outdoor terrace, where in the summer you can arrange comfortable chairs, hammocks, tables, winter time stand in the fresh frosty air, remaining under a canopy;
  • the presence of a separate bathroom, as well as a shower or washing.

For a bath of this size, you can think of a project with an upper attic floor and a balcony, which will allow you to allocate a room for a guest room or, for example, a billiards table. This bath size is optimal and comfortable. for the simultaneous use of several people (up to 8).

If you count on the frequent use of such a bath by a smaller number of people (for example, if we are talking about a young family), it is important to consider that the bath must be constantly heated. The larger the room, the longer it will take to heat it up and waste the fuel resource.(wood or gas with water supply system).


When choosing a material, its availability should be taken into account, as well as the characteristics of the building. The choice is wide, the technology of erecting a bath depends on the choice of material.

log cabin

At all times, the most popular material for the construction of baths in Russia was natural wood. From the logs of round timber, a log house was folded, which possessed all necessary qualities for a real Russian steam room.

These include:

  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • environmental friendliness and safety of the material for human health;
  • low shrinkage;
  • good sound insulation;
  • low weight of the structure, which saves on the foundation.

Chopped bath has a pleasant aesthetic appearance and smell when heated inside. This material allows various projects, including the attic floor. Wood has good level natural ventilation, such material "breathes". In this case, there is always the opportunity to purchase a finished log house. Of the minuses of the log house, several negative factors can be distinguished.

In addition to the increased risk of fire, wood releases moisture over time:

  • Vapors disappear from wood for a long time, they tend to linger in the structure of the material, which leads to rotting and mold.
  • It is necessary to carry out additional work to seal the seams and gaps between the elements.

To reduce the influence of negative factors, the tree is subjected to special processing. Mold antiseptics, rotting impregnations are used before construction begins.

To create a certain stylistic unity on the site, the log house can be finished with decorative building materials. For example, it can be plastered, bricked, laid out with stone. Rustic or country style does not need external transformation.

Frame bath

But such an object has a number of negative factors:

  • required additional work for insulation and quality finishes;
  • foundation shrinkage can be up to 10 cm within 2 years;
  • due to significant shrinkage, many Decoration Materials for the facade they lose their presentable appearance (they crack, break off).

For insulation and insulation of floors, it is necessary to use special expensive foam plastic and cotton wool, which do not emit toxic substances with strong heating, and also not afraid high humidity. The insulated foundation should be covered quickly, otherwise, under the influence of the environment, it may lose its properties and deteriorate.

One person cannot take part in the construction of the bath, as many elements are quite voluminous and heavy. Frame baths can't be called budget option, even due to the absence of significant expenditure on the foundation. However for those who are in a hurry to complete the construction and start steaming in the finished building, this option is ideal.

from brick

Not the most popular brick baths. Assessing the pros and cons of such buildings, it is rare when the choice is in favor of such building material. Before you build such a bath, you should evaluate the positive and negative sides.

The advantages of brick and buildings from it include:

  • strength and resistance to mechanical damage;
  • long service life;
  • heat resistance, no negative impact for sudden changes in temperature;
  • presentable appearance, as well as the possibility of erecting unusual architectural elements;
  • a simple technology for the construction of buildings of different heights.

This building material does not support fire. Mold and fungus are not bred on the brick, so it is not required to treat it with special antiseptics. Such buildings do not rot; these baths retain heat for a long time.

Disadvantages of brick baths:

  • the high cost of the material;
  • a solid foundation is required for the construction;
  • the need for interior decoration;
  • building a brick bath for a long time.

The brick heats up for a long time, it will be necessary to heat such a bath in advance or it is necessary to think over an internal thermal insulation system, which is another costly work. If you have access to cheap material, and also want to build a complex architectural design, the construction of a brick bath is justified. In any other case, it does not seem appropriate.

Aerated concrete blocks

Reviews of block baths vary. Some masters recommend a similar alternative in construction, but many are disappointed in the end result. To decide on such a building, it is worth evaluating its advantages and disadvantages.

Consider the pros:

  • Due to the porous structure, which is achieved by gas bubbles in concrete, the blocks are distinguished by excellent thermal insulation.
  • This material is affordable, cheap, its purchase will not hit the budget.
  • Aerated concrete blocks are larger than bricks in size, so construction does not take much time.
  • This material is strong and dense, however, it is easy to cut.

  • Aerated concrete does not emit toxic and toxic elements when heated, it is considered an environmentally friendly building material.
  • The aerated concrete walls of the bath will not rot, mold will not appear on the surface and base.
  • These blocks do not have heavy weight, so they are easy to work with alone.
  • Due to the lightness of the material, a reinforced foundation is not required.

It also has disadvantages:

  • Due to the fact that the structure of the material is porous, the blocks absorb a large number of moisture, and then dry for a long time.
  • To dry an aerated concrete bath, additional windows are required, even in a steam room this inevitably leads to heat loss.
  • This material is not considered breathable, so inside such a bath it may be less comfortable than in the chopped variety.
  • It requires interior and exterior finishes.

Waterproofing is required inside, however, the composition of the sealant in most cases contains chemical elements, which from strong heating can become volatile and poisonous.

Considering such subtleties, a spacious bath 6x6 m is better to build from a material more suitable for this. Aerated concrete blocks are a relatively young material, it is difficult to fully assess the performance of such baths and their durability.


The construction of any bath should begin with a plan. There are many options on how to organize a partition scheme in a 6x6 m bath. To draw a drawing diagram, you should decide on architectural style and desired fullness.

There is a list of premises that must necessarily be included in the layout, these are:

  • restroom;
  • steam room;
  • washing.

If you properly manage the space, you can include other rooms that will expand the functionality.

Single storey

This is the simplest project standard set premises, it may include a terrace or a terrace and a bathroom. For the convenience of changing clothes, the building can be equipped with an entrance hall or a covered veranda. You can expand the space inside, thanks to the rejection of the terrace in favor of a small porch.

For one-story building perfect hip hip roof. The process of installing such a roof is not too simple, but it will perfectly withstand a large mass of snow, is resistant to strong and hurricane winds, and looks good. The building will not be high, thus it will not clutter up the site.

With attic or second floor

You can get additional area if you properly manage the space under the roof. On the attic floor you can place one or two guest rooms, an open space for a billiard table, a large plasma TV and comfortable armchairs and sofas. The presence of sleeping places expands the functionality of the building, allows you to accommodate guests, and if the main residential building is still under construction, the bathhouse can become a temporary home for the owners. Two-story bathhouses are not uncommon today.

Given these parameters, it is possible to plan a convenient building for these purposes, which will include the following premises:

  • on the 1st floor: entrance hall, toilet with shower, rest room (combined with kitchen, including stove and sink), steam room.
  • on the 2nd floor: large bedroom, hall, dressing room.

To save space, a spiral or corner staircase can lead to the second floor. For the attic floor is better suited gable broken roof. For a two-story building, a hip roof is preferred.

Additional rooms or objects in the baths can be:

  • swimming pool;
  • font;
  • balcony;
  • pantry;
  • fireplace in the living room.

An excellent option for a steam room in a small summer cottage or near a private house will be a 2-storey bathhouse made of timber. Eco-friendly building material is suitable for any region of the country. A fairly compact building is being built in short terms and looks spectacular.

Building material for the first floor

1. Give preference conifers. Choice based natural properties such wood

  • dense plexus of fibers;
  • sufficient degree natural humidity;
  • the presence of resin that preserves the tree from drying out and rotting;
  • pleasant aroma of such a composite.

2. The logs are dried in vivo which prevents the material from cracking.

3. The formed bars are ground and impregnated with antiseptics. Such solutions penetrate the material, killing possible bacteria and preventing new harmful formations. The composition used for processing is non-toxic, which guarantees the absence of harmful fumes during turnkey construction in the Moscow Region and during further operation.

4. Additional coverage protective layer varnish makes the building material resistant to a humid environment, which prevents rotting or molding of the walls of the bath.

wooden beam is lightweight, which significantly speeds up the workflow at the construction site. The brigade will not need expensive equipment or special equipment, which greatly reduces the cost of the estimate. The beam has profiled edges that are perfectly "adjusted" in the process of laying out the walls. The advantage of this construction is the absence of gaps in load-bearing structures and partitions.

Construction of the second floor

To reduce the pressure on the foundation and reduce the cost of construction, the company's engineers have developed projects with a frame superstructure, which allow you to buy a two-story house inexpensively in the author's design. The second floor erected according to the frame method does not exert strong pressure on the ceiling and the foundation itself. This eliminates subsidence of the soil and deformation of the bearing walls.

The advantage will be a lightweight base, which does not require much time and material costs:

  • a shallowly buried strip foundation is often used;
  • screw piles allow construction on any soil;
  • a pile foundation made of bricks or foam blocks is quickly equipped.

For the frame, a processed board of larch, linden, aspen is used. The material has a very dense fiber structure and minimally absorbs moisture. The latter condition is an important factor for the design of the bath. Be sure to perform waterproofing of the walls of a turnkey two-story bath. The price from the manufacturer for such work will compare favorably, since the organization makes purchases of building materials using discount cards.

Living outside the city in your home has a number of undeniable advantages: dust-free air, no noise. An important role is played by the arrangement of the bath on the site, because it is an additional source of comfort.


The optimal dimensions of such structures are usually in the format of 6x6 meters. On such an area you can easily place the most necessary things. The bath area of ​​6x6 meters can be called the ideal format for a bath. Such parameters allow you to arrange everything necessary premises, put necessary furniture, as well as heating equipment. Such dimensions of the room provide a good rest at the same time for 8-10 people.

The construction of an object begins with determining the place where the structure will be located.

The bath includes the following rooms:

  • steam room;
  • shower room;
  • bathroom;
  • dressing room;
  • restroom.

The most commonly used material is wood, timber or logs.

When drawing up a project, it must be taken into account that the interior space is always smaller than the area of ​​​​the building along the external contour. Most often, the bath is adjacent to the main house.

Material selection

During construction, the following materials are also used:

  • stone;
  • brick;
  • shell rock;
  • cinder blocks;
  • foam concrete;
  • aerated concrete.

Logs or beams are used in a diameter of 25–35 cm, which are chopped “into a cup”. Inner dimensions the premises will be about 30 square meters, which is quite enough to arrange all the necessary premises and even make covered veranda. The easiest and cheapest way to make a foundation for a bath is to screw piles. On them is placed the frame of the object, made of timber or logs. pile foundation in terms of strength, it is in no way inferior to the tape base, its advantages are as follows:

  • economic expediency;
  • simplicity;
  • durability;
  • does not require much time to shrink.

You can build a bathhouse by making a frame from a log house or a box of stone blocks. Interior spaces it is necessary to finish only with wood that is not impregnated with any primers or varnishes. Wood in this case is an ideal material and it is almost impossible to find a replacement for it. Its main advantages are the following:

  • does not emit any harmful substances;
  • has perfect thermal conductivity;
  • has the required expansion coefficient.

Usually used in couples wooden lining from linden, cedar or birch. Now the abachi tree is in fashion, indeed specifications this tree are good. Abashi grows in warm countries. It does not deform under the influence of high temperatures. cladding made of this material makes it impossible to store heat in the room. The tree also releases various beneficial substances that have a positive effect on the body.

Linden is inexpensive, it is ideal for lining the walls of the steam room. The material does not deform from high temperatures and excessive moisture.

Cedar is also a valuable material and is well suited for cladding a steam room or relaxation room. During operation, the tree for long period time releases resins that have a beneficial effect on the human body. The smell of cedar is pleasant, but there is only one danger: the resin can be abundantly released and its temperature can reach hundreds of degrees Celsius, which can lead to burns on the skin.

Of the heaters, technical wool is most often used, which is reliably laid with waterproofing. This material is environmentally friendly, not affected by the environment, mold or fungus does not appear on it, it is not included in the diet of rodents.

Aspen is the cheapest material. In terms of thermal conductivity, aspen is inferior to cedar or abachi. If the wall is sheathed with aspen, then this is not the worst option. The floor is made of tiles or boards, the service life of a plank floor is noticeably lower. At wood flooring often use a grooved board.

Design subtleties

When drawing up a project plan, you need to remember the essential details. The layout is divided into several areas, the options may be different, but usually the following rooms are always available:

  • steam room;
  • shower room;
  • bathroom.

Rooms are made according to individual project, each homeowner knows better how many people will have a rest at the same time, how best to plan a rest room and a steam room. For more rational planning log cabins use some traditional techniques. The furnace is located near the wall, which is adjacent to corner room recreation. At the same time, one should not forget about fire safety. The furnace hole is usually displayed in the dressing room.

The vestibule is very important, because it allows you to save heat in the cold season, and also belongs to the free area.

When developing a drawing diagram of a 6x6 meter bath, the following details should be taken into account:

  • it is allowed to do from any part of the object;
  • the sewer pipe is located next to the drain pit;
  • the steam room is designed much more than the washing room;
  • the pool is often done in the rest room.

An area of ​​​​6x6 meters is not very difficult to plan for a bath. A sink is being set up in the steam room itself; a wood-burning or electric stove is made. Wide wooden shelves are knocked down from the beam, the dimensions of which are not less than fifty centimeters. The toilet should be next to the washroom. The dressing room is traditionally reserved for the household unit, it stores firewood and coal, bath accessories, and you can also change clothes in it.

The lounge is a place where you can have dinner and watch TV. The walls of this room are sheathed with wooden clapboard, and sometimes stainless steel sheets with a thickness of 2–3 mm are also used. Such a bath will hold perfectly optimal temperature, which will save cubic meters of firewood or coal.

The room size of 6x6 meters is more than enough to accommodate everything in it. important elements. It is rational to heat the rest room with the help of the stove, which is adjacent to this room. In the dressing room, they usually place everything you need for a pleasant pastime - tables, chairs, kitchen cabinets, a fireplace. Often there is also a kitchen with a refrigerator, gas stove and microwave.

During project development, it is important to consider the number of people who will typically be in the room. For the 6x6 meter format, you can count on 8-10 people. The base figure is taken in this way: one person can borrow usable space about 1.15 square meter. Knowing this coefficient, it is easy to calculate the project and the rational location useful areas various premises.

Often a double-glazed window is installed in the rest room. It improves air exchange.

It is impossible not to mention the room, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate - this is the washing room. Typically, water is heated using a water heater that is in close contact with the stove. A shower cabin is also often placed in the washing room.

The factors that influence the layout of the bath rooms are as follows:

  • the size of the furnace and its functional features;
  • the space between the stove and objects in the room;
  • the total number of vacationers;
  • amount of furniture and equipment;
  • the dimensions of the doors and in which direction they open;
  • parameters of wooden shelves.

Double storey

The bath can also be made in two floors. Its roof can be any. Often they make similar objects with roofs in the form of a tower or hips, which look quite original on the site. On the second floor, rooms are made for the night, and a terrace can also be placed there.

Single storey

The presence of a veranda is important point in the bath industry. The veranda can be a good place for vacationers to gather in the warm or even cold season. The walls of the terrace can be insulated, double-glazed windows can be installed in the window openings. Terrace in the summer on the ground floor can effectively protect from rain.

with attic

The second floor can be made in the form of an attic. It is not difficult to build such a structure with your own hands. The attic is actually an attic, which is adapted for useful needs.

The construction of the attic is economically beneficial, it simultaneously plays the role of a roof and is a room.

Construction stages

The construction stages are divided into the following phases:

  • building a foundation;
  • frame installation;
  • roof construction;
  • interior decoration.

The banya is so Russian, sincere, that we are no longer amazed when we see it on someone's site. Why be surprised? Need to build!

The layout of the bath 6 × 6 begins ... No, not with the purchase of timber or bricks, but with the preparation of brooms. Looking at them, and the work goes on, and time runs faster, and the thought of a steam room warms the soul. Well? Already want to steam?

If you managed to allocate a place on the site for a future steam room, you can arrange a classic bathhouse, a sauna, and a hammam there. Although they have one purpose - to relax the human body, warm up, remove all ailments and ailments. What kind of bath will you have? Without an attic or with it? Perhaps with a terrace, a veranda, a pool inside. With such an area, you can afford almost everything.

What should we build a bath? What would it be from?

Yes, I want it to smell in the steam room itself, in the rest room natural wood. Then a wooden lining, wooden panels help you.

If you need a bath urgently, you can buy ready-made frame structure. Outside it is lined with stone or brick, and inside it is trimmed with wood. But in this case, you should not even think about building a second floor - the walls will not withstand.

Did you see? Pass by

What materials for the construction of a bath should not even be considered?

  • Synthetic materials for the walls will not work.
  • Plastic panels should not be used.
  • Raw tree. Even if you yourself chopped logs, they need to dry in natural conditions for a year or two.
  • Wooden walls must not be varnished or painted. Drying oil also cannot be used, no matter how the seller in the store assures you. It is a product of oil refining. So, from natural there is only a bank - that is, nothing. And its contents will harm health.
  • Any materials containing synthetic ingredients.

Do not hesitate to ask for quality certificates for the purchased products.

Zoning a bath

Developing different kinds 6 × 6 bath layouts: with an attic and a toilet, with a pool, dressing room, veranda or without it, it is worth remembering that the dimensions of 6 meters are the external parameters of the building. Depending on the type building material the internal area will decrease to a lesser or greater extent.

An example of the layout of a bath 6 × 6 on one floor

The design of the 6x6 bath gives more options for fantasizing than the 6x4 sizes. But they have the same layout.

  • dressing room;
  • washing or shower department;
  • steam room;
  • restroom;
  • terrace;
  • bathroom;
  • pool room.

You can find a place for the furnace zone, where a supply of firewood will be stored or there will be a mini-boiler room, a water-heating tank.

Sauna 6×6 s big room recreation

The steam room is the heart of the bath

If the frame of the bath is strong, you can immediately consider the layout of a two-story bath 6 × 6. Equip a rest room and a billiard room on the second floor, and all other rooms on the first floor. Now you can receive and entertain a much larger number of guests and friends.

It's all in the details

Sauna stove and water tank

Baths need to be heated and hot water.

In a 6×6 bath, it is practical to use a stone oven. Metal heats up quickly and cools down just as quickly. Therefore, its heat is not enough for all rooms.

The pool in the bath is a dream

If there is a second floor, the pipe coming out of the stove must be lined with bricks like a Dutch stove (for 3 wells).

In addition to the oven, you will need a boiler or water heater. Often, wanting to save on footage, they combine a tank for hot water and the oven is very reasonable.

Tank types:

  • combined. The stove heats up the water. True, because of this, it gives a little less heat to the rooms;
  • pipe. Stove separately, tank separately. And the tank can be placed indoors above the stove to be closer to the chimney;
  • remote. They are equipped in the shower compartment and require the installation of a heat exchanger.

When choosing a tank, roughly calculate how many people will be steaming in the bath at the same time. 10 liters are needed for 1 person. And for 6 - at least 60-75 liters.


If it is located on the second floor, there is a place in it for a billiard table, and for a bar counter, and for a couple of cozy sofas.

Does the layout include a balcony or terrace? Take out and there a couple of chairs with a table. Note that the internal area will decrease in this case.

Accommodation on site

6×6 is a decent size for a building. But the bath should not block the entrance to the house or immediately attract attention.

It is better if she stands at some distance, hidden from prying eyes by a hedge, a fence. Then next to the steam room it will be possible to put a large barrel or equip an artificial pond for contrasting procedures. This is if there was no place for a pool inside.

The layout options for 6×6 baths presented below will tell you in which direction to move. Or donate a dressing room, combining it with a dressing room. This will allow the steam room or pool itself to do more. Or to allocate space also for the kitchen. And then you get a small residential house with an additional highlight in the form of a steam room. And so, and so good.

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