How to make a broken mansard roof with your own hands. Do-it-yourself mansard roof How to build an attic roof at home drawings

reservoirs 26.06.2020

Many male people, finding a family, sooner or later think about purchasing their own home. Someone takes an apartment on a mortgage, and someone saves money for. But not many people manage to save up for a big house, and the alternative would be to build a house with.

What is a mansard roof

The attic can be built from or from a suitable material for you.

It will not be difficult to build an attic, but patience, diligence, suitable materials and the availability of a tool are necessary.

The shape and design of the roof must be included in the design of the house in order to avoid incidents during further operation.

You can take a typical project for building a house or order it from professionals. In such documentation, you will be able to understand where to start and choose the right materials for construction.

Now you can buy everything you need, but first equip a place to store building materials and tools. The storage area must be dry and free from rain or snow to damage the building material.

Also, under a canopy, it will be possible to equip a small workshop for the manufacture of some parts of the house or roof. For a house from or who does not have the opportunity to build a full-fledged second floor, choosing a mansard roof would be the best option. House from will be a budget option. Next, we will consider the attic device.

Structural elements of the attic in design are practically no different from gable roofs.

Materials required for the construction of a mansard roof

The roof is the outer covering of the roof, it protects the inside of the attic and can be made of various materials.

For roofing, as a rule, such materials are used:

Stages of building a mansard roof with your own hands

After getting acquainted with the names of the roof device, we can continue to further disassemble the construction in stages.

First stage

The construction of the attic always begins with Mauerlat mounting.

When building on a stone box, you need to think about fixing with studs or anchors at a distance of no more than two meters.

At the locations of the anchors, the beam is marked, a hole is made in it and put on the anchor, then the Mauerlat is fixed with nuts to the wall.

To simplify the marking, it is necessary to put the beam on the anchor and lightly walk with a hammer on top, after these manipulations there should be traces, they will be places for drilling holes.

Second phase

The second stage in the construction of the attic will be the installation of floor beams.

Actions must be consistent.

First of all, the extreme beams from the ends are installed, then the intermediate ones. Between the intermediate and extreme beams, it is necessary to pull a nylon cord or scaffolding, or you can still use a level. These devices are needed to indicate the plane.

Third stage

We install, align in a vertical position and fix the support posts.

We strengthen with jibs and make horizontal runs.

It should be borne in mind that the racks are placed in equal numbers with the floor beams on two parallel sides of the attic.

The rigidity of the supporting structure is provided by horizontal runs.

Fourth stage (truss system)

The details of the truss structure prepared according to the template are installed according to and fixed to the vertical supports.

Elements can be fixed using boards or metal plates with holes.

Fifth stage (pediments and crate)

we sew the gables, leaving room for, we attach the sheathing boards all over the roof. This is the easiest work in the construction of the attic.

Sixth stage

So we have almost come to the end of construction and this is the insulation of the mansard roof with our own hands.

In modern construction, a variety of materials are used for insulation and you can purchase them at any hardware store.

final stage

Use the entire possible area, give the house originality and significantly reduce heat loss through the roof - these are the tasks that the attic solves. If there is a certain margin of safety at the foundation, in this way it is possible to turn a one-story house into a two-level one. It is also attractive that a do-it-yourself mansard roof can be built even without special building skills. It is important not to make a mistake with the choice of materials and do everything according to the rules.

Windows in the usual floor are located in the walls. There are no or almost no walls in the attics. Roofing replaces them. That is why windows are made special: they not only have to let in enough light, but also withstand wind and snow loads, which are much more on the roof than on the walls.


When planning an attic, it is worth considering the recommendations of SNiP. They recommend that the window area be at least 10% of the floor area. So if the attic is divided into several rooms, each should have a window.

Of all the methods shown in the photo for arranging skylights with an attic, the inclined installation is the easiest to implement. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the proper degree of waterproofing of the junction, as well as to use special models with a reinforced frame and reinforced glass - the load on the surface can be significant.

Benefits of a sloped roof window:

  • more light, not so sharp borders of light and shadow;
  • the roof surface remains flat, its relief is not complicated;
  • relatively easy installation.

When planning such a window, it must be remembered that its area increases with an increase in the angle of inclination. At what height is it more convenient to install such a window and how its height in centimeters increases depending on the slope, see the photo.

The steeper the slope relative to the floor, the lower the height of the window should be.

The width of the window frame should be 4-6 cm less than the pitch between the rafters. Then it can be easily installed without disturbing the structure of the frame. If the window is wider, it is necessary to make a reinforced beam above it, calculate the load.

If you need to have a larger window, it is easier to put two narrow ones side by side. They look no worse than one big one, and there will be fewer problems.

When installing a dormer window, the geometry of the roof becomes more complicated: a valley appears on top and on the sides. Because of this, the truss system becomes more complex in both planning and assembly. The complexity of laying roofing also increases. All valleys are the places where leaks are most likely to occur. That is why it is necessary to do everything very carefully. In regions with a lot of snow, it is advisable to install snow retainers above such windows: so that they are not blown away during a sharp descent.

The device of a vertical window-dormer in the mansard roof

The advantage of such a window: near it you can stand in full growth. But they let in less light, the terrain becomes more difficult and the roof becomes more problematic.

A recessed window is usually used if an exit to a balcony is made through it. In other cases, this method of arrangement is not the best option: there is little light, the shadows are very deep, which is tiring for the eye, the geometry also becomes more complicated, although not to the same extent as in the previous version.

The easiest way is to make a window in the end part of the attic. In this case, a reinforced frame or reinforced glass is not needed. Quite simply high-quality glasses are enough. It is this option that can most often be seen in country attics: this is the most inexpensive option, which is easily implemented with your own hands.

truss system

With the independent construction of private houses with an attic, usually a sloping roof is chosen. It allows you to get a room of a significant area, larger than under the gable.

With an equal width of the base (house), the attic room under a sloping roof is larger than under a conventional gable. The truss system is getting more complicated, but a gable roof with an attic under a sloping roof is still more popular.

The design of the sloping mansard roof is such that the overhangs can be lowered quite low, giving the house an interesting look. But the long overhang of the roof is not only a decorative role. They also cover the upper part of the wall from precipitation and divert the bulk of the water away from the foundation. Although when planning, you need to keep in mind that in strong winds they increase the windage. Because of this, it is necessary to use more powerful boards and beams. Therefore, the size of the roof overhang is chosen based on several considerations, the main of which is weather conditions.

Tilt angle

It depends on the roofing material, but most of all - on the region and weather conditions. The classic version is shown in the figure: the lower slopes in relation to the plane of the attic floor are inclined by 60 °, the upper ones by 30 °. Based on these data and the parameters of your building, all lengths can be calculated. Just keep in mind that according to SNiP, the ceiling height in the attic cannot be less than 2 m. Then, by definition, this is an attic. A person will feel comfortable if the ceiling is raised to a height of at least 2.2-2.3 m. Based on this, according to the rules of geometry, calculate the required lengths.

In the classic version, the load from precipitation on the side surfaces may not be taken into account. Precipitation can only be held on the upper part, the angle of inclination of which is less than 45 °.

In general, the slope of the side surfaces usually ranges between 45° and up to 80°. The steeper the slope, the greater the windage it has, this must be taken into account: in regions with strong winds, it is better to make flatter roofs. Then the wind loads will be perceived much better.

Types of rafter systems of broken roofs

The design of a broken mansard roof is one of the options for the truss system (the most common)

For the manufacture of a sloping roof frame with their own hands, pine lumber is most often used, the grade is not lower than 2. The choice of the section of timber and boards depends on the size of the roof, the selected roofing (its weight), wind and snow load in the region, the installation step of the rafters. All these parameters are taken into account in the calculation. The technique is prescribed in SNiP 2.08.01-89 and TCP 45-5.05-146-2009.

One of the options for building a frame with hanging rafters

Above in the figure is a drawing of a frame with hanging rafters. It can only be implemented if the base of the upper triangle is no more than 4.5 meters (in this case, this is the width of the attic room). If more, you will have to make layered rafters, which should rest on the load-bearing wall in the middle (the attic will turn out to be divided into two parts by a row of beams).

Another version of the upper part is shown in the photo below (the picture is clickable). In this case, the side rafters are reinforced with struts. They significantly increase the rigidity of the system.

There is a second way to achieve a similar effect - to set contractions - in the figure they are only outlined with barely visible lines. The length of the side rafter leg is divided into three, contractions are set in these places. They will be needed if the roofing will have a solid weight.

A variant of the rafter system of a sloping roof - with struts that increase the rigidity of the system

For a building that is small in size, the roof frame can be generally simple: at the top there are two hanging rafter legs, a puff, floor beams, racks and side rafters (pictured below).

The device of the truss system of a broken mansard roof for a small house

How to calculate a sloping roof

The mansard sloping roof of a small house (width no more than 6-7 meters) has been built so many times that, based on experience, we can say what materials should be used. Many parameters are dependent on other materials. For example, the installation step of the rafters is tied to the parameters of the insulation. To ensure that there is as little waste as possible during insulation, installation is easier, it is necessary that the distance from one rack to another is slightly less than the width of the insulation (by 20-30 mm). So, if you are going to use mineral wool, its width is 60 cm. Then the racks must be installed so that the clearance between two adjacent ones is 57-58 cm and no more.

The width of the board for the rafter leg is again determined based on the insulation. For the central zone of Russia, the required thickness of basalt wool is 200-250 mm. That's not all. In order for the thermal insulation to dry out, a ventilation gap of 20-30 mm is required (without it, the condensate will gradually rot the wood and render the mineral wool unusable). In total, it turns out that at a minimum the width of the rafter leg should be 230 mm. The thickness of the board is at least 50 mm. This is in regions with mild winds and not very heavy snowfalls. Summing up, for all rafters - ridge and side - a board of 230 * 50 mm is required.

If lumber with such characteristics turns out to be too expensive, it will be possible to make insulation in two directions: part along the rafters, part, stuffing the crate, across. You can lay a minimum of 100 mm of basalt wool, therefore, you can take a standard board 50 * 150 mm and leave it on the ventilation gap of 50 mm, or order a non-standard 130 * 50 mm. See what is more profitable in terms of money.

For racks and beams, it is better to take a beam of at least 80 * 80 mm, better - 100 * 100 mm. Especially in areas with difficult weather conditions - with heavy snowfalls or strong winds.

For a more accurate estimate, ask the experts. This is a long process, consisting of the collection of loads from the roofing material, the structural elements themselves, wind and snow loads. After that, according to a certain formula, the elements are selected. For more information on how the calculation is carried out, see the following video.

Do-it-yourself mansard roof: installation procedure

The Mauerlat device on mansard roofs is no different from the standard version. If or logs, you can use the upper crown as a Mauerlat. It is only pre-treated with impregnation with high protective properties.

If the wall is made of foam blocks, a reinforced monolithic belt is arranged on top of it. On a brick wall or made of shell rock, other similar materials, the device of such a belt is optional. Waterproofing is laid on the wall in two layers, and on top - a timber treated with an antiseptic - 150 * 150 mm or a log. It is fixed with embedded studs.

When assembling all elements, long nails are used - at least 150 mm long. In the most critical places, it is better to connect three or more elements with bolts or studs with double-sided threads. It is desirable to strengthen all joints with steel plates or corners.

First way

The installation of mansard roof rafters is done in two ways. First: parts are assembled on the ground, then they are lifted up in finished form. There, the first to expose the extreme structures that will become the gables. They are placed vertically, fixed. It is often more convenient to fix them with long bars nailed to the wall (temporary). The following assembled structures are inserted into the prepared recesses in the Mauerlat (they are made with the required step). They are set strictly vertically, carefully fixed. If necessary, install additional temporary spacers that fix them in the desired position. Side rails are installed.

How to build a sloping roof in this way, collect nodes, see the video below.

Second way

The second method - the construction of a sloping roof is carried out by sequentially collecting elements right on the spot. This method is more convenient if the structure is large and when assembled it can only be lifted using special equipment (crane).

First, floor beams are laid. Racks and puffs are attached to them, temporary struts are placed to hold them in the vertical direction. Next, the rafters of the upper and side legs are assembled, puffs and jibs are installed.

During installation, the following sequence of actions is observed: first, the extreme elements are installed and set in the desired position, securely fixed. If necessary, use temporary spacers. Between them, a fishing line, rope, lace is stretched, which will serve as a guide for the installation of all subsequent elements. This simple move allows you to get the perfect geometry (do not forget to check the slope angle, verticality or horizontality).

Puffs are attached over the racks - bars, to which the side rafters are then fixed and on which the puff of the upper triangle is installed. Puffs are attached with metal corners. Since the beams are long, they sag. This is further eliminated - after the installation of the upper rafter legs - using vertical beams of a fixed or adjustable height. And temporarily they can be propped up with racks (so as not to pull the entire system).

To make it easier to maintain the desired angle when installing the side rafter legs, templates are made according to which the cuts are made. But since the geometry of DIY buildings is rarely perfect, adjustments may be needed. To check the resulting angle of inclination from several boards, another template is knocked down, which checks the correct installation.

If the standard length of lumber - 6 meters - is not enough, either order the required length (expensive) or increase it. When building up, two boards with a size of at least 0.6 meters (30 cm on each side of the junction) are nailed to the junction. They are nailed on both sides or bolts are used.

A reliable way to build rafters. The length of the "patch" - at least 60 cm

After installing the side rafters, it remains to install the top ones. A template is also made for them, it is first sawn on the ground, and installed at the top.

The top part can be done in different ways. Its structure depends on the width of the base. See the photo below for how to make it.

Since the device of the mansard sloping roof does not provide for the presence of a ridge, a beam is stuffed into the puff in the middle, to which the slopes are attached, fixing the triangle in the required position.

Nodes and their drawings

When installing the truss system, questions may arise regarding the assembly of nodes - the intersection and connection of several structural elements. In the photo you see drawings of key connections.

The second option is to connect the side rafters and the upper triangle. Bolts are used for more secure fastening.

How to make a do-it-yourself fastening of the upper triangle and rafter leg on a mansard roof

The methods for attaching the rafter legs to the Mauerlat or, as in this case, to the side beam are shown in the figure below. To make it easier to mount a heavy element, a stop board (bar) is nailed to the rafter from below, which limits its movement: the board rests against the edge and prevents it from sinking lower.

During the operation of a private house, a country cottage or a country house, the question of increasing the living space often arises. It is usually solved by means of an extension or add-on.

Building a house is a tricky business. In addition, the residential extension has one significant drawback - it “steals” the usable area of ​​the site.

Therefore, a popular way to expand the living space of an individual house is to build a second floor or attic, i.e. attic roof. The design of the mansard roof allows you to use the resulting space as a living space.

What is better attic or second floor

The following facts speak in favor of the attic: lower construction costs, better insulation of living space, less load on the foundation. In general, the attic is the highlight of the house, giving it a certain flavor.

If in essence, then a full-fledged 2nd floor is more practical and easier in terms of implementation than an attic one. It all depends on the situation, if the house is being designed, then it is better to immediately provide for the second floor, because. arranging an attic is a more troublesome task. And if the house is residential and has a mansard-type roof, then it would be reasonable to equip a living room in it instead of an attic "for the right things."

Types of mansard roof

The optimum angle of inclination is 40°. The slope should be located on the leeward side. Allows you to equip a small attic above the attic. Due to only one acute angle, the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room increases.

Double pitched mansard roof

A simple gable (pitch or gable) consists of two slopes connected at a certain angle. The advantage of a gable roof is the ease of manufacturing the rafter part and finishing. The disadvantage is the appearance of a "deaf" area (at the junction of the roof to the wall), which is usually not used. Often attics with a gable roof are erected along with the walls. A 45° pitched roof is ideal for houses up to 6m wide.

Asymmetrical gable roof. A private house with such a roof will be original and functional at the same time.

The complexity of building a roof with asymmetrical slopes is to carry out calculations.

Broken mansard roof. Its difference is that each slope has two components. The sloping roof device allows you to get a higher attic space. And also reduce the unused area. Such roofs are the most common, due to the possibility of attaching a garage or a summer kitchen under one roof.

Four-pitched mansard roof

Hip mansard roof. In this design, the roof slopes play the role of walls.

One of the varieties of the hip mansard roof is the Danish hip roof. Its construction is distinguished by the presence of gables, which allow you to mount ordinary windows (dormer windows) rather than roof windows.

Semi-hip mansard roof (two-slope, four-slope). A complex design, low slopes protect the gables of the house from precipitation.

Pitched roofs can be single or multi-level.

Non-standard solutions are also quite possible for a mansard roof. Their device requires careful calculation of loads, stability, etc. Without special education, installation is difficult, so the cost of work is higher compared to classical designs.

Some examples of the original mansard roof are in the photo.

We have decided on the types, the question remains how to make a mansard roof with your own hands.

Brief instructions contain the main stages of work and draw your attention to some of the nuances of their implementation.

Stage 1 - Design and calculation

The choice of the appearance of the mansard roof, and the calculation of its parameters is made taking into account such factors as:

  • slope angle;
  • finishing material;
  • A reliable assistant in the calculations will be SNiP 2.01.07-85 "Loads and Impacts".

    Nuance. The greater the angle of inclination, the lower will be the height of the attic room (the minimum ceiling height of the room on the attic floor is 2.2 m). Accordingly, the smaller the angle of inclination of the mansard roof, the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will be. If the slope is insufficient, then precipitation can collect on the roof, which will lead to additional loads on it.

    Closer attention is paid to the calculations if a non-standard mansard roof is being built. For example, an asymmetrical gable mansard roof has a displaced center of gravity. This affects the uniformity of load transfer to load-bearing walls and foundations.

    At this stage, such an issue as a way to access the attic floor is also solved. The choice of the location of the stairs to the attic is an important decision. The internal location allows you to use it at any time of the year. External allows you to save the usable area of ​​the lower floor.

    Advice. Ceiling folding ladder for the attic floor is the most economical option, but the least practical.

    Mansard roof truss system

    The choice of truss system is influenced by:

    1. attic dimensions;
    2. span parameters;
    3. roof shape;
    4. construction of the first floor;
    5. location of load-bearing walls and additional supports;
    6. roofing weight.

    Mansard roof truss system design

    There are two types of roof rafter system with an attic:

    • hanging rafters. The walls of the house serve as the basis for the rafter legs. During the construction of hanging trusses, a mauerlat is not always installed (depending on the wall material);
    • layered rafters. In this case, it is necessary to build an additional support. Which is used as a ridge run or an attic wall reinforced with reinforced concrete. The device of a layered truss system is allowed with a distance between the bearing walls of up to 7 meters.

    The structural difference between the device of the roof with hanging and layered rafters is shown in the diagram.

    When building a mansard roof, a combined type is more often used - hanging rafters on top of the system, and layered on the sides.

    At the same time, drawings are necessarily made indicating the location of individual elements and the distance between them. An example is shown in the figure.

    The material was prepared for the site

    Calculation of the rafter leg for the mansard roof

    The choice of wood species and the rationale for its optimal thickness.

    The amount of material required for the truss system depends on its type and all the factors listed above.

    Nuance. The gap between the rafter legs depends on the lumber used.

    The step of the rafter legs under the mansard roof will be 60-90 cm.

    As a material, glued timber (80x80, 100x100 mm), a board (for slate and metal tiles section 50x150, for ondulin 50-200) can be used.

    Nuance. The length of the spans increases the diameter (section) of the rafters or reduces the gap between them.

    As for the breed, it is recommended to use pine. Its wood is characterized by high strength, flexibility, ease of processing, and the absence of knots. Commercial wood must be at least grade 2. Solid beams can be replaced with glued timber, it has higher quality characteristics.

    The thickness of the board for the manufacture of rafters (section of the rafter leg) must be at least 50 mm. The width of the board for the rafter leg is from 150 mm (if the length of the rafters is up to 6 meters, if more, then 180-200 mm). On the one hand, this requirement is due to the fact that it has a load, on the other hand, a heater is placed between the rafter legs.

    Council - any construction or restructuring must be legalized in the relevant authorities.

    Stage 2 - Installing the Mauerlat

    Mauerlat - additional wooden trim along the upper perimeter of the building.

    The purpose of the Mauerlat is to create conditions for secure fastening of the lower part of the rafters. As well as the redistribution of the load, which is created from the pressure of the roof on the load-bearing walls and the foundation of the building.

    Installation of a simple gable mansard roof requires the installation of a Mauerlat only on those walls on which the rafter legs will rest. A four-pitched roof requires its installation around the entire perimeter of the building.

    Advice. In a wooden frame, the role of the Mauerlat is played by the upper crown. This can be done, but subject to the installation of rafter legs on sliding fasteners. Because due to the load on the rafter system (wind, snow), horizontal pressure is created and the upper logs can move outward. In addition, if the material for the truss system is not properly dried, then over time, with rigid fastening, the roof is deformed.

    Nuance. A stone cottage and house requires the arrangement of a Mauerlat around the entire perimeter of the outer walls. In brick, you can install its links only under the rafters.

    Mauerlat parameters for logs - diameter 150 mm, for timber - 100x100 mm.

    The breed is pine, but larch is better.

    The Mauerlat mount must be reliable, because this is the basis for the entire truss system.

    There are several ways to fasten the Mauerlat: with anchor bolts, studs or reinforcement (fixed at the base of the load-bearing wall);

    Advice. If the building is erected from foam concrete or other porous material, only long bolts or reinforcement can be used, the length of which is 3 times the width of the Mauerlat beam. This is due to the fact that any other fasteners are pulled out very easily from a porous material.

    • annealed wire (embedded in brickwork);
    • wooden dowel (used when installing a Mauerlat in a log house).

    Nuance. To prevent the destruction of the Mauerlat, it is necessary to provide proper waterproofing, for example, put roofing material, and treat the beam itself with antiseptic solutions.

    If the width of the attic matches the width of the house, the rafter legs rest on the base of the load-bearing wall. But, it’s better to install a Mauerlat anyway.

    Stage 3 - Mansard roof construction

    Mansard roof frame device

    Cover beams. Installed on the Mauerlat. In the future, they will serve as the basis for the device floor in the attic.

    Mansard roof truss system

    For a simple roof, the manufacture of rafter legs consists in the formation of simple triangles. They can be assembled on the ground and installed in the form of ready-made triangles.

    For a gable sloping roof, a U-shaped frame is first attached, and the rafter part is already fixed on it in a hanging (for the top) and inclined (for the sides) way. The diagrams below show this more clearly.

    The lower ends of the rafter leg must be sawn down and attached to the Mauerlat with nails or metal staples (movable fastening).

    Nuance. Wash down the legs must be very accurate to ensure a snug fit to the Mauerlat.

    Rafter legs are installed at the same distance from each other. Otherwise, the load on the system will be unevenly distributed.

    Installation starts from the extreme legs. Then between them you need to pull the rope. So the horizontal will be maintained when installing the intermediate legs.

    After all the rafters are installed, they are interconnected. The step of the lathing depends on the chosen roofing material.

    Advice. Places intended for the installation of roof windows are reinforced with a transverse beam. Thus, the window will be securely fixed.

    With a significant width of the mansard roof, you need to install a ridge beam. It will serve as an additional support. And part of the load (from the weight of the roof and snow) is redistributed to it.

    With a considerable length, the ridge beam is supplemented by a support.

    Mansard roof waterproofing

    A hydrobarrier film is attached to the crate. The peculiarity of its fastening is to make an overlap of 100 mm. Most manufacturers mark the overlap with a bright stripe.

    The waterproofing film is fastened with a construction stapler. And in case of rain, it will reliably protect the structure even in the absence of roofing material.

    Mansard roof insulation

    The insulation is placed under the waterproofing. Professionals recommend using flexible heaters for these purposes - mineral and basalt wool. Their advantage is flexibility, the ability to fill any voids.

    Laying the vapor barrier

    The vapor barrier film protects the roof insulation from steam penetrating into it from the attic living quarters.

    Advice. It is important to provide the necessary gaps between the roofing material and the insulation. Their presence and parameters are determined by the type of insulation, the class of films used and the roofing material.

    Mansard roof construction - video

    Stage 4 - Installation of skylights

    The area of ​​windows, for sufficient daylight penetration, should be at least 12.5%.

    Due to the design features of the mansard-type roof, special roof windows are used for glazing. The installation technology provides for the installation of windows before finishing work. At the same time, windows must be opened to allow fresh air to enter. In bad weather, they, of course, should be closed.

    Stage 5 - Mansard roof roof

    The mansard roof makes it possible to significantly increase the total living area, while financial investments will be minimal. The most common option is a gable broken structure, which is easy to build on your own.

    How to make a mansard roof yourself

    Under the mansard roof, you can equip rooms for housing. The shape of the building may be different, but in most cases the attic is equipped under a roof with two slopes. The optimal solution, which allows you to get a significant area of ​​\u200b\u200bliving space, is a broken structure.

    A sloping roof is the best option for arranging an attic

    Drawings and calculations of a mansard type roof

    The first step is to decide on the scheme of the frame. Rafters can be layered or hanging type. Sloped rest on the walls of the building. They are mounted in structures where the distance between the walls is less than 6.5 m. Hanging rafters are placed on fillies and Mauerlat. If the width of the spans is large, then the rafter system will need to be reinforced with auxiliary ligaments.

    The main condition for the comfortable construction of the attic is the level of the ceilings - it must be above 2.5 m. To ensure such a height, the break line should be placed at a height of more than 2.8 m, taking into account the thickness of the layer of material for insulation and sheathing of the structure. It is also important to consider the thickness of the floor.

    An example of a drawing can be seen in the image:

    The minimum ceiling height of the mansard roof is 2.5 m

    To calculate the expected snow loads, you will need to apply this formula: S \u003d Sg x µ, where S is the snow load, Sg is the weight of the snow cover per 1 m 2 area, µ is a value that depends on the slope of the roof (1.0 - for a flat design with a slope of 25°, 0.7 for a design with a slope of 25–60°).

    The parameters Sg and Wo can be found in the relevant SNiP, in the "Rafter systems" section. If the roof has a steep slope, then the snow load can be ignored.

    Roof device

    The frame structure includes the following details:

    • mauerlat - a support bar that transfers the load from the rafters to the walls of the building;
    • racks - supporting parts that support the rafter system in a vertical position;
    • floor beams - planks that form half of the attic and the ceiling of the lower floor;
    • rafters - slats that form the main contour of the roof;
    • runs - horizontal support parts for rafters;
    • lathing - slats or plywood sheets that are intended for laying roofing material;
    • filly - planks that are attached along the axis at the bottom of the rafter legs.

    The frame consists of a mauerlat, racks, girders, floor beams and other elements

    The sloping roof differs from the usual design with two slopes. The difference is that the slopes that are placed opposite each other have a special shape: they do not form a straight line, but consist of several slopes that are fastened to one another at an obtuse angle. The design is also symmetrical.

    The extreme part of the rafters is mainly exposed at an angle of about 60 °. Racks for support, which hold the rafters, form the frame structure of the inner walls. The upper part of the rafters is mounted at a small angle, it can be from 15 to 45 °. This makes it possible to reduce the consumption of materials, while maintaining the functional properties of the roof and resistance to snow loads.

    Vertical racks, which abut against floor planks, girders and crossbars fastening them, form a parallelepiped. The design limits the dimensions of the attic from the inside. To give the product additional rigidity, struts should be installed between the floor slats and the lower rafter legs.

    If the roof span is more than 8 m, then you will need to install struts

    After mounting the upper elements to fix the truss and prevent sagging of the crossbars, it is necessary to install suspended support elements - headstocks. For auxiliary fixation of the lower rafter legs, they must be pulled together with racks using tacks. Parts are fastened with nails and bolts.

    Stages of self-construction of the attic

    If it is decided to make such a design yourself, it is important to provide for the use of such materials in the project:

    • roofing material;
    • vapor barrier;
    • waterproofing;
    • material for insulation.

    The choice of insulation affects such a parameter as the pitch of the rafters. To reduce the amount of heat insulator, it is best to place the rafters so that the slab or mat fits snugly between them. The type of lathing and its pitch will depend on the choice of material for covering the roof. You need to pay attention not only to the choice of high-quality material for insulation, but also to the creation of an effective ventilation system.

    Ventilation is equipped by preparing technological gaps

    The construction of the rafter system must be carried out using fireproof materials. All parts should be treated with fire protection. You will need to prepare the following elements:

    • wooden bars with a section of 100x50 mm;
    • slats 50x150 mm;
    • unedged boards;
    • building level;
    • self-tapping screws;
    • nails;
    • steel wire with a diameter of 4–5 mm;
    • plumb;
    • roulette;
    • hacksaw;
    • axe;
    • hammer;
    • sharp knife.

    Drafting a project

    One of the most important parts of the job is drafting a project. It is very important to analyze the features of the layout of a private house. It is necessary to determine the dimensions and shape of the structure being erected, as well as to provide for the placement of windows and a balcony.

    All structural elements should be marked on the project

    In the process of drawing up a project, the following requirements must be taken into account:

    1. It is important to decide in advance what height the attic should be. It should be remembered that the distance from the floor base to the highest point of the structure must be at least 0.5 m.
    2. It is recommended to take into account the heating area and the main elements of the interior.
    3. The attic scheme should be expanded. If you plan to install windows, then they must be indicated on the drawing.

    Drawing up a drawing must begin with the choice of shape, determining the cross section of the rafter legs and the step of their placement. To determine the size of the rafters, the following parameters must be taken into account:

    • bias;
    • roofing material;
    • climate features in the construction region.

    It is also important to provide for the required number of rafters in the project. They can be layered or hanging type.

    Rafters can be hanging or layered

    At the end, you should determine the number of parts for fixing. In the figure below you can see some of the data needed for the calculation, however, drafting a project is a complex process. This work is recommended to be entrusted to qualified specialists.

    Mauerlat installation

    The device of the mansard roof rafter system should be selected based on the type of roof, as well as on the prepared project of the attic. A simple option is a design with two slopes.

    The main details of the roof truss system with two slopes are:

    • linear elements (column, bar system, beam);
    • planar details (plate, flooring, panel);
    • spatial elements (arch, shell, three-dimensional detail).

    Before performing work, you will need to dry the wood thoroughly. The first step is the marking and installation of the Mauerlat. It is attached to the walls of the building. The part can be made from a bar or a powerful rail. If it is planned to build a roof with two slopes, then the Mauerlat is laid on the long walls of the building. The element is necessary not only for reliable fixation of the lower part of the rafters, but also for the correct division of the load on the walls and the main part of the building.

    To fix the Mauerlat, metal studs should be used, which are mounted in a monolithic concrete beam.

    To fix the Mauerlat, you need to install metal studs

    The beam should be carried out in the upper part of the wall. It is also possible to use steel wire embedded in brickwork.

    To fix the Mauerlat to the upper crown of the wooden wall, you need to use wooden dowels. auerlat requires high-quality waterproofing of timber timber. Therefore, it is necessary to use roofing material or other material with a water-repellent property.

    Before installing the Mauerlat, the base must be covered with roofing material

    Mauerlat installation is required if it is planned to erect a roof frame, the rafters of which rest against the upper part of the wall with beveled ends or prepared cutouts.

    If you plan to make an attic, the width of which corresponds to the width of the building, the rafter legs should rest with their lower ends against the extended support parts. As supports, it is possible to use powerful beams laid across long walls. The number of supporting elements corresponds to the number of rafters. The beams must be fixed to the walls in the same way as the Mauerlat.


    Frame construction

    The frame of the mansard roof consists of floor beams, rafters, girders and racks

    Softwood bars 200x100 mm are often used as a material. Floor slats are placed on top of the Mauerlat with a 30–50 cm indent beyond the surface of the walls or in prepared grooves in the masonry. In the first case, the parts are fixed with the help of corners and self-tapping screws.

    Fixing the beam to the Mauerlat can be done using steel corners

    To make an even overlap, the strips should be installed in this sequence:

    1. First of all, the extreme details are laid according to the level.
    2. Next, pull the cord and install intermediate elements along it.
    3. The step of the beams should be from 60 to 100 cm. A distance of 60 cm makes it possible to mount insulation boards without sawing.
    4. To level the beams in height, they can be hemmed. Another option is to use plank linings.
    5. If the beams are inserted into prepared pockets, their extreme parts must be treated with liquid waterproofing and wrapped with roofing material.

    Racks must be placed on the extreme slats:

    After installing the racks, crossbars and girders, you can get a reliable design that will limit the interior rooms of the attic. To increase its strength, in the future it should be fixed with struts and tacks.

    Installation of rafters

    At this stage, the installation of the lower rafters is carried out:

    After that, the upper elements are installed:

    1. The first step is to mark the central part of the roof. This can be done using a rack that was previously attached to the Mauerlat and puff from the end of the roof. The extreme part of the board should run along the center of the roof. On this board you need to align the rafter legs.
    2. Next, you need to prepare a template from a 150x25 mm rail. It should be applied to the extreme part of the mounted rail at the required level and to the run on which the lower rafter legs will rest.
    3. You should mark the top and bottom cuts and cut out the template. The device is applied in turn to two sides of the roof. This will make it possible to check the accuracy of the layout of the central part. If the rows of racks are placed in parallel, then there will be no difficulties in fixing the upper elements - they will have identical dimensions.
    4. According to the preparation, it is necessary to prepare the required number of rafters. The parts are placed on the runs and connected in the upper parts with the help of overhead iron plates or scraps of planks. In the latter case, self-tapping screws are used as fasteners. In the run, the rafters rest against the cuts and are seized with iron corners. In order for the parts to stand straight, they are fastened with struts mounted on the bottom of the puffs. All rafters are installed in this way.
    5. Suspension racks are fixed - pieces of planks 150x25 mm. The upper part of the rail is attached at the place where the rafters are fixed, the lower part is attached to the tightening.

    Video: mansard roof truss system

    Installation of struts and gables


    Construction lathing

    The crate is needed for:

    • distribution and transfer of the weight of the roofing material to the rafters;
    • performing additional fastening of the rafter system;
    • grounds for fixing roofing material.

    The crate can be made in one or two layers, solid or with a vacuum.

    The crate can be solid or with a vacuum

    The installation method depends on what material is planned to be used to cover the structure. If a roof of slate or metal tiles is being erected, the lathing should be made of slats, which are attached to the bars of the rafter legs with nails. In this case, the installation step of adjacent planks can be 27–30 cm.

    A solid crate is used in the case of fastening soft material in rolls.

    A solid crate is necessary for a soft roof

    In this case, moisture-resistant plywood sheets or particle boards can be used. It is allowed to use pine wood material - edged planks.

    It is important to take into account the fact that when constructing such a crate, the material to be laid must follow the contours of the outer base. Therefore, the frame structure must be strong and leveled.

    In the process of laying out the material, you should use a cord with which the slats or slabs will lie flat. Parts must be placed parallel to each other. Before fixing, the material must be treated with an antiseptic composition to protect it from decay, fungus and dampness. The blanks must be even and of high quality. It is recommended to give preference to wood grades 1 and 2. It should not have knots. To prevent the boards from warping, they must first be dried.

    The sequence of actions for installing the crate:

    Mansard roof waterproofing

    The material for the roof does not have thermal insulation properties, so you will need to prepare a quality material that will be environmentally friendly for human health. Quite often, mineral wool or glass wool is used. Both materials have excellent sound and heat insulation parameters. It is also important to consider that if the roof is made of metal, when the insulation gets wet, all its qualities can be reduced to zero. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the device design.

    It will not work to insulate the attic without laying waterproofing material, so the process should be considered as a whole. Step by step guide to waterproofing a structure:

    Practice has shown that it is better to protect the insulation with the help of modern materials, for example, Tyvek or Izospan. The use of ordinary polyethylene film gives a poor result, as condensation may appear. Experienced craftsmen believe that it is not necessary to waterproof the structure with roofing material.

    Before proceeding to work, it is necessary to decide on the heat-insulating material.

    Mineral wool is a fairly popular material used for roof insulation.

    The most commonly used heat insulators are:

    • glass wool;
    • mineral wool;
    • Styrofoam;
    • foamed glass;
    • wood shavings;
    • straw.

    It is necessary to choose a material taking into account four parameters.

    1. Thermal conductivity index. For roof insulation, 0.05 W/m*K or less is optimal.
    2. Water resistance. The higher the score, the better.
    3. Fire resistant.
    4. Environmental Safety.

    The insulating qualities of mineral wool deteriorate significantly after a while. Also, the material can be damaged under the influence of mechanical loads. However, mineral wool has a low cost, so the material is used quite often. Polyfoam is not afraid of water and has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. If you plan to build a house only from environmentally friendly materials, then you can use foam glass or straw.

    Roof insulation step by step guide:

    Laying roofing material and installation of window openings

    As an example, the installation of metal tiles will be considered, since this material is used quite often:

    The number of windows is determined by the ratio of the usable glazing area to the floor base 1:10. For example, if the attic area is 100 m 2, then the glazing should be approximately 10 m 2. When installing windows, it is necessary to take into account such nuances:

    Attic decoration

    The interior decoration of the attic can be done with wood or plasterboard sheets. If the latter option is used, then after installation, the sheets must be pasted over with wallpaper or painted with water-based paint. In some cases, the attic is divided into several rooms. This can be done using plasterboard partitions.

    If you plan to use the attic often, then the floor and walls can be additionally insulated. This can be done using, for example, mineral wool.

    Interesting design options for the attic room

    The attic can be made cozy by symmetrically placing sofas on both sides In the attic, you can place a long sofa In the attic, you can arrange a place to relax by hanging a hammock In the attic, you can make not only a living space, but also a bathroom On the attic floor, you can even make a kitchen If on the territory there is no way to place a hammock, then this can be done on the attic floor One of the parts of the attic can be completely glazed The attic can be a great place to create a home library The walls of the attic can be faced with brick In the attic you can equip a full-fledged living room On the attic floor you can equip a relaxation room If the house is located in a beautiful area, the roof can be made panoramic The bed can be placed facing the window In the attic you can make a bedroom with high ceilings In the attic you can place a hanging chair. This will make the roof more comfortable

    Video: making a mansard roof

    Recently, a mansard-type roof is quite popular among owners of private houses. In order to feel all the positive aspects of living in a building of this type, it is necessary to pay due attention to the insulation of the building.

    The attic design provides an opportunity to significantly expand the living area of ​​​​the house and give originality to the structure. It is relatively easy to build a mansard roof with your own hands, subject to the construction technologies. There are several options for the design of the attic.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    A house with a mansard roof, as a rule, has a complex roof structure. The upper segment is usually gentle, while the lower segment is steeper. This ensures the convenience and comfort of the interior. The latter can be used both for economic purposes and for permanent residence.

    This design has a number of positive qualities:

    • a house with an attic in construction will cost less than a full-fledged 2 floors;
    • unlike two-story construction, the load on the foundation is reduced, which saves money;
    • the house looks aesthetically pleasing and original;
    • with proper arrangement on the attic floor it will be very comfortable to be;
    • the attic significantly expands the living area;
    • in the construction, the design is not complicated, all work can be done by hand;
    • during the installation process, the mansard roof must be insulated, which significantly improves the thermal insulation characteristics of the house.

    However, there are some downsides:

    • the ceilings have a sloping configuration, so the walls are low, which makes it difficult to select furniture;
    • it is necessary to use high-quality heat and waterproofing materials, the cost of which is relatively high;
    • building an attic is somewhat harder than a traditional gable roof.

    Design features

    An attic can be built in almost any private house, whether it is a large cottage or a small country house. The shape of the structure can be different - triangular, broken, symmetrical or asymmetric. The attic part can be located both on the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, and on its part.

    The dimensions of the attic are limited by the perimeter of the house. When drawing up the drawings of the mansard roof, it is necessary to take into account the bearing capacity of the walls and foundation.

    The structure may protrude slightly beyond the outer walls. In this situation, it is necessary to carry out overlappings at an appropriate distance. The latter will serve as a support for the mansard roof. You can make a large takeaway, while you have to build supports.

    The minimum height of the mansard roof is 2.5 m. If the structure is lower, it will not be possible to make a comfortable living space.

    There are increased requirements for windows. They must have a high-strength frame and tempered glass panes. This entails additional costs.

    It is possible to insulate both the entire attic, and only that part of it that is used for residential purposes and is heated. The rafter system of the mansard roof must have a high bearing capacity. Therefore, it is necessary to use strong rafters, the cross section of which is determined based on the angle of inclination of the slopes.

    But, the minimum section is 50x150 mm for a step of 1 m. If the angle of inclination is 45 °, a step of 1.4 m can be applied. In this case, climatic conditions must be taken into account. If heavy rainfall is typical in winter, the pitch of the rafters should not exceed 0.8 m.


    All mansard roofs can be classified into 4 categories with different designs. At the same time, such attics are single-level or two-level. Building a single-level attic is easier. As a rule, such a design involves the construction of a conventional gable or sloping roof.

    Two-level attics are more difficult to build. This design involves the construction of 2 rooms at different levels. In this case, the method of combining supports is used.

    In the photo of the mansard roof, you can clearly see the options for the execution of such structures. Additionally, a balcony can be provided. It is constructed by analogy with a window opening.

    But, this possibility depends on the bearing capacity of the walls. If it is not enough, a balcony can be built using additional supports.

    truss system

    There are two types of truss system for the attic - hanging or layered. It is necessary to determine the type of rafters based on the method of installation on the walls of the building.

    The easiest way to fix hanging structures. This is the best solution for houses in which only external walls perform a load-bearing function. The latter act as a supporting structure.

    There are no intermediate support elements. In such a situation, it is impossible to make too large (more than 6 m) the distance between the walls. If it is necessary to increase the size of the span (more than 9 m), it is necessary to build struts, grandmas.

    Laminated rafters, as a rule, are used if the design of the house provides for 2 spans (in the middle there is another wall that performs a load-bearing function). This option involves 3 support points for the truss system - 2 external and 1 internal wall.

    Construction technology

    To build an attic, you need to mount the rafters, lay heat-insulating and waterproofing materials, make a crate and carry out roofing work. Key steps and procedure for how to make a mansard roof:

    • After the construction of the load-bearing walls, a rafter system should be built.
    • If the house is frame, it is recommended to assemble the roof structure at the bottom, and then lift it up and mount it on the walls.
    • Bars corresponding to the height of the room along the length must be fixed on the lower bar according to the marks made according to the dimensions of the structure.
    • Next, a bar is mounted that performs the ceiling function.
    • The middle of the ceiling bar is determined, where the rafter support is mounted.
    • On a vertical bar, you need to mark the middle and mount the rafters protruding as roof slopes. Next, you need to make a roof ridge.
    • The resulting design needs to be mounted to us by the Mauerlat at one of the ends of the house. Using a similar technology, you need to assemble the remaining elements of the truss system, installing them in accordance with a predetermined and marked step.
    • The frame must be sheathed with waterproofing material.
    • The waterproofing layer is fixed with beams on the rafters.
    • Insulating material is laid on top (usually mineral wool is used).
    • An additional waterproofing layer is laid on top of the insulation.
    • The entire roof structure is sewn up with OSB boards or other building materials. The main task is to level the surface.
    • Roofing material is laid.

    On this, the construction of the attic is considered complete. Then you can proceed to the installation of the ceiling (attic floor), if it has not been completed in advance, and finishing work.

    Mansard roof photo

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