Business on drilling individual wells for water: a business idea. Water well drilling business idea

Site arrangement 12.10.2019
Site arrangement

The main target audience: summer residents, owners of cottages and houses in the private sector. Value to the consumer: providing the ability to extract water within their site.


There is an objective need to drill a well for water in places where there is no central water supply. This business has a pronounced seasonality. This is easy to see on Yandex Wordstat statistics for the query "water well" (follow the link and click "show").

As you can see, drilling demand peaks in May. Significant growth begins in March, and a clear decline occurs at the end of August. This picture tells you exactly when to "prepare the sled". It is quite obvious that if you decide to start this business, then you need to start organizing it in the fall or in January-February, otherwise you may miss the wave of demand. The surge in pre-orders for drilling starts in March (which part of Russia you live in matters, of course).

Notice the volume search queries on this topic. This suggests that many potential customers are looking for a performer on the Internet and by March you need to master everything.

Calculation of the profitability of a well drilling business

Initial data

  • Average price per 1 meter of well: 1800 rubles
  • Average well length: 21 meters
  • The commercial cost of the well is 37,000 rubles.

Let's take a drilling rig as an example (depth 50 meters, 220 volts, weight 150 kg). With a set of rods, two drills, a motor pump, sleeves, it will cost 180,000 rubles. These are capital costs. Now let's estimate the cost of consumables:

  • Casing 21 meters will cost 7500 rubles,
  • Well filter 4000 rubles
  • Salary of two workers 2000 rubles
  • Transportation costs 1000 rubles

The total cost per well is 14,500 rubles, the income is 37,000 rubles. Net profit from one well is 22,500 rubles.

With this calculation, it is necessary to drill only 8 wells. That's 2 wells a week. If you find at least two clients per week - you will recoup your investment within the first month!

Looks tempting. However, this is an ideal vacuum model. If you want to engage in this business, then you should take into account the peculiarities of your region, study drilling equipment more closely. Much will depend on the price for 1 meter of well and your ability to sell this service.

Another free but promising niche– well drilling as a business. We will describe its advantages and disadvantages in order to objectively assess whether it is worth doing such a thing and how to organize the whole process in such a way that short time get your investment back.

By purchasing relatively inexpensive equipment, it is possible to recoup investments in one summer season, reach a net profit and, at the same time, satisfy the socially important needs of the population in newly built-up cottage settlements.

Business features

Well drilling is most often used to extract water resources from the ground. This issue becomes relevant mainly in suburban areas, in summer cottages where there is no centralized water supply. After all, a natural source of water in the form of groundwater flows is everywhere, only located at different depths.

The prospect of the idea lies in the fact that today few people can offer well drilling services to solve the everyday problems of the population. This segment is relatively free, there is almost no competition, although its presence depends on the specific region. But the demand for the creation of individual wells is increasing.

Almost every region of our country has its own plans for building cottage settlements, summer cottages, suburban areas. And everywhere you need a clean natural water.

An attractive factor for a novice entrepreneur are the prices for this species services. So, depending on the specific area, the cost per 1 meter of the well ranges from 1900-3250 rubles. And to create a full-fledged well, an average of 20 meters is required.

True, this type of business has its drawbacks. For example, well drilling activities are carried out only in summer period when dry and warm. This seasonality makes one look for additional ways income at other times of the year.

In order for the project to bring stable and high profits, you must first study the market. To do this, consider the following factors:

  1. Development and volume of private construction in the district.
  2. Are there developed state programs of local importance that promote development.
  3. How important are drilling services for the population to extract water.
  4. Is there any nearby competitive firms, offering the same services, what are their working conditions, quality, prices.

The documents

Well drilling business requires careful preparation and correct design. It may make sense to hire a specialist who will go through the bureaucratic stage for you. This, although it will require additional payment, but the nerves and time are significantly saved. Get ready for the fact that the process of registration and collection of documents will take a long time, so you should start in advance so that all the papers are ready for the season.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, only legal entities can engage in such work. This means that you will have to apply for the creation of an LLC (limited liability company). For this you need authorized capital, internal documentation of the company, bank account and payment of state duty.

The next step is to collect permits. Well drilling and subsoil work require licensing. In order to go through this stage the first time and not pay for it twice, it is better to use the help of an experienced lawyer.

Please note that some documents will have to be completed before each order. And although in some cases clients themselves can deal with obtaining permits for drilling and operating wells, it is still better to provide such a service from a company that performs this type of work. So, you will attract more customers.

For each project you need to get:

  • coordination in the RCGSEN and the Geological Center of regional significance;
  • permission to drill in a specific location;
  • license to create and operate a new well.

And although all the documentation is associated with difficulties, this part of the work quickly pays for itself.

Do you need a room?

One of the advantages this business is that the owner does not need to rent or build any building for the operation of the enterprise. After all, all activities are carried out at the customer's site, and preliminary communication can also take place by phone.

You just need to find a suitable place to store the equipment and transport itself. For this, a warehouse, garage, car depot building or any part of an unused production complex will do. It is only important that there is a convenient transport interchange nearby.

But there is also such an option for organizing a business when you rent a room somewhere in the central or business districts of the city. When opening a reputable company that works with many clients, it makes sense to take orders in your own office. Then the office of an accountant, lawyer and manager is equipped here.

Specialized equipment

But what you can’t do without is professional equipment. It is advisable to purchase it together with a person who is well versed in all the nuances of the work.

For maximum efficiency, the following elements will be required:

  1. Drilling rig.
  2. Generator direct current.
  3. Consumables - special pipes, casing strings and filters for wells.
  4. Picobur.
  5. Motor pump.
  6. Sleeves.
  7. Welding machine.
  8. Truck to transport all equipment.

Cost and quality are highly dependent on the model and manufacturer. It is not always necessary to overpay for individual elements, but this should not affect the work itself. Only thanks to fast and high-quality service, you can count on good profits and a constant growth of the client base.

Water well drilling technology

If you do not have experience in completing this process, then you should hire a qualified driller for a permanent position. It is very important to work according to all the rules. The following steps usually go through:

  • Examine a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bland for the presence of groundwater. You need to find out their depth, quality and calculate a better place for drilling.
  • After evaluating the geological data, it is possible to compile detailed plan works, paint the estimate, clarify all the details. Also at this stage collect permits.
  • Create a hole required size and install the pipe.
  • Structural joints should be connected with welding machine or clutches.
  • All parts are treated with sealant and the pump is installed on the top.

Experienced drillers first make a deepening only 50-60 cm and determine the desired direction. Every half a meter, the drill is cleaned from the extracted rocks. When seen natural humidity soil, realize that they have reached the aquifer. But in order to achieve a good influx of clean water, you will have to go even deeper to the water-resistant layer.

If, when pumping out the liquid, mud continues to go through 30-40 liters, then they decide on additional drilling for another 1-2 meters. And only when a clean source is obtained, a well or other system is installed to permanently supply the house or site.

Of course, in order to save money, you can do without expensive professional equipment and perform the procedure manually using a plug filter and a burner. But then the whole work will last much longer. And the main disadvantage of such work is the restriction on the depth of the well to 15 meters. And since a deeper hole is most often required, this will not suit customers.


For a full-fledged activity, you will need to hire staff:

  1. Hydrogeologist - responsible for the first stage.
  2. An experienced driller - manages the entire process and monitors the equipment.
  3. 2-3 low-skilled workers, a smaller number of people cannot be dispensed with, since the drilling rig weighs at least 200 kg.
  4. Truck driver.
  5. Accountant.
  6. Account manager - it is on him that the number of orders depends, and hence the profit of the entire enterprise, therefore it is impossible to save on this staff unit.

To reduce the cost of wages, you can independently perform any of the functions. It already depends on your skills, experience and knowledge. It makes sense to outsource bookkeeping.

Earnings from drilling wells are quite high. But in order to achieve a stable profit, you need to constantly look for customers. After all, such a procedure is performed once during the construction and arrangement country house. There are practically no regular customers here.

In order to attract as much as possible more people all should be used available funds:

  • Post ads in printed publications regional significance.
  • Leave noticeable advertising on billboards close to new buildings and future cottage or holiday villages.
  • Create a website and promote it online. Here you can describe your activities, the benefits of cooperation with you, leave phone numbers and company address. While doing quality work it makes sense to make a page with reviews of satisfied customers.
  • Distribute business cards to all your friends, leave them at related enterprises.
  • It makes sense to cooperate with construction teams and other firms. They will recommend you to their clients and vice versa.

Today, this market segment is poorly covered, there is no competition as such. But that doesn't mean you can do the job any way you like. If you create a good reputation and responsibly approach each order, then soon a good rumor will quickly spread throughout the region. Thanks to word of mouth, new customers will constantly contact you, without any additional effort on your part.

Here you can download for free as a sample.

Project profitability

To assess how profitable it is to open a well drilling company, all the numbers should be taken into account. To do this, make a business plan.

Even if you fulfill two orders per week worth 20 thousand rubles, you can already get at least 160,000 in a month. Thus, the initial costs will fully pay off in a season, taking into account all items of expenditure. If you achieve more frequent and bulk orders, then the profitability will increase to 50%.

But remember, in order to be able to do the work in the desired amount during the peak season, you should worry about preparatory stages. That is, to issue documentation, obtain permits and licenses in the winter, and launch an advertising campaign in March.

Video: ready business- Drilling wells for water.

Drilling of the wells- this is an almost empty market niche at the moment, since this type of activity has not yet become firmly established in everyday life. This business idea, combined with the growing pace of private construction and the lack of central sewerage in many residential areas, creates promising prerequisites for building a successful business.

Small start-up costs production activities and uncomplicated technological process make it attractive in the eyes of many aspiring entrepreneurs.

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business concept

The essence of this type of activity is to establish, with the help of special equipment, access to groundwater. It should be borne in mind that water is present almost everywhere, so even without special soil studies, drilling results can be achieved. As a rule, water is located at a depth of 5–6 meters, but a deeper (15–30 m) location is possible. Therefore, it would still be best to conduct a study of the level of groundwater location.

A feature of well drilling as a business is its pronounced seasonality. You can start a marketing campaign already at the end winter period, however, it will probably be possible to start fulfilling orders no earlier than March.

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Market research

However, in order to open a well drilling business, it is necessary to conduct appropriate research, including:

  • analysis of indicators of development of private construction in the region;
  • availability government programs stimulating construction;
  • the demand for this type of service in the region;
  • the presence of competitive organizations and the level of their service.

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Water well drilling technology

The production activity of this type of business includes several stages:

  • Studies are being carried out on the location of groundwater.
  • The quality of the found water is being investigated.
  • The soil is drilled in a certain place.
  • Pipes are installed in the resulting hole.
  • Pipe joints are fixed with couplings or welding (if there is access to electricity).
  • Sealing is carried out (silicone is used as a sealant).
  • A pump is mounted on top of the drilling rig.

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Choice of production scale

Alternatively, a simplified (manual) technology can be applied: instead of a drilling rig, a plug filter and a burner can be used.
In this case, you can rent equipment with minimal initial investment. Thus, the profitability and payback of the well drilling business will be very high, and the risks are minimal. However, there are also disadvantages - with such equipment it is impossible to drill a well more than 15 m, so the number of potential customers will be lower.

Registration actions

Registration of well drilling activities is the most difficult organizational stage in the formation of an enterprise of this type.

In addition to the usual registration steps legal entity(IP or LLC, opening a bank account, registering with government agencies), licensing of activities is required here. It should be remembered that this process can take six months, so you need to start collecting documents in advance. Your best bet would be to have a licensed licensed by a professional, which will save you time and hassle.

The main stages of licensing activities for drilling wells for water:

  • Obtaining a license for geological exploration.
  • Development of a project for geological exploration.
  • Estimation of groundwater reserves.
  • Obtaining a license for the use of subsoil.

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Equipment selection

To organize a water well drilling business, you will need the following equipment:

  • drilling rods;
  • drills - working plus spare;
  • motor pumps;
  • sleeves.

Due to the significant weight of drilling equipment, it is worth purchasing vehicle for easy transportation and greater mobility. However, this can be done when the activity has already gained sufficient momentum.

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To organize drilling of wells, a large staff will not be required - two workers will be enough. It should be noted that the equipment has enough big weight(approximately 200 kg).

In addition, the key functions of an enterprise management manager can be entrusted to a professional who is guaranteed to provide orders to the enterprise. However, if funds do not allow, you can do this work yourself.

Financial plan

For the proper organization of work, it will be necessary to create a business plan for drilling wells for water.

It may include the following items:

1. Description of the proposed technologies, their features and key points.

2. Estimated volume of services during the season, taking into account market research.

3.Volume of capital expenditures:

  • the cost of registration actions is 20,000 rubles;
  • purchase of a drilling rig - 200,000 rubles;
  • expenses for the promotion of services - 50,000 rubles;
  • other expenses - 50,000 rubles.
    Total: 320,000 rubles.

4. In addition to one-time (capital) costs, fixed, i.e. monthly costs should also be taken into account:

  • salary for workers - 50,000 rubles
  • casing string - 15,000 rubles;
  • well filter - 10,000 rubles;
  • marketing expenses - 10,000 rubles;
  • payments to the state (taxes, contributions to the Pension Fund, etc.) - 20,000 rubles.
    Total: 105,000 rubles.

5. On average, the cost of drilling one well is 20,000 rubles. If you fulfill at least 2 orders per week, then the planned revenue will be about 160,000 rubles per month.

7. Based on this, the return on initial investment in this activity will be: 425,000 (total initial costs) rubles. /55 000 rub. = 7 months.

8. Thus, the profitability of the project can be calculated as follows: 55,000 rubles. / 425 000 rub. * 100% = 13%

9. All data received is reflected in a special section of the business plan - a summary of the project:

  • initial investment: 425,000 rubles;
  • monthly costs: 105,000 rubles;
  • monthly revenue: 160,000 rubles;
  • monthly profit: 55,000 rubles;
  • project payback: 7 months;
  • project profitability: 13%.

Service promotion

To do this, you can take the following steps:

  • place ads in printed and electronic thematic publications, as well as in popular advertising blocks;
  • use advertising banners in private construction sites that do not have central system water supply;
  • order business cards with their subsequent distribution through customers and enterprises with related activities;
  • create your own website, which will describe in detail the proposed technologies, features and nuances of drilling wells for water, as well as the advantages of ordering these services from your company.

Free download business plan for drilling wells under water (.rar file):

Commercial offers

If you are a manufacturer or supplier of equipment, an expert or a franchiser in this field, then write to us through the Contacts page.
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Water is needed everywhere. But, unfortunately, not everywhere there is an opportunity to bring a centralized water supply. And even where it is, interruptions often occur.

That is why today it is very promising business- drilling wells for water (read about the technology of the process:), because having your own well makes it possible to use water always, regardless of accidents or "preventive repair work" on the line. In addition, it allows you to save a lot on payment. But today there is a steady trend of citizens moving to summer cottages!

Of course, over time, the demand for the services of drillers will decrease - when it is mostly satisfied, but today drilling as a business is very promising, and even despite the fact that this service is seasonal, provided from late March to mid-September , and even later - until the frost hits.

What will be needed to implement the idea?

To implement a plan to start a water well drilling business, you will need to purchase equipment and hire competent specialists.

The required equipment is:

  • + truck on which it will be installed. Most often, ZIL-131 is used for these purposes. Such an installation will allow you to perform deep wells in almost any soil.
  • : designed for wells up to 50 meters deep. It is lighter than a rotary drill and can also be transported on a trailer passenger car, and in the Gazelle. It is cheaper in operation, but has a limited drilling depth, and may not be used for all types of soil.
  • Drill rod sets: the length of pipes depends on the depth of future wells (the cost of a two-meter pipe is about 3-4 thousand rubles).
  • Drill sets are a kind of consumable, because the drills break down from time to time. Different drills are used for different types soil, and depending on their variety and quality, it can cost from 25 thousand to 100 thousand rubles or more. To get started, you need to purchase several sets, and then you will replenish their stock as needed.
  • Motor pumps that are used to pump water.
  • Drilling hoses for supplying water under pressure, they are also different (depending on the tasks), their cost is from 8 to 35 thousand.
  • Casing strings are consumables. Such a column forms a well and remains with the owner. You need to have a small supply, and in the future just replenish it.
  • Another “consumable” is a filter for a well, and for the first time they also need to be bought with a margin.


Two employees are enough to perform a well up to 100 meters deep: a driller with experience and a qualified hydrologist.

On the wages you should not save money, because in this case it will take less time for each well (and, therefore, you will be able to complete more orders), and the equipment will not fail longer. The presence of highly qualified specialists will allow you to create an appropriate reputation for your company, the number of customers will increase over time.

To perform deeper wells, you will need laborers. In addition, a driver is needed for a vehicle carrying a rotary unit.

Where to advertise?

First of all, it makes sense to carry out outdoor advertising in those places where drilling services may be required: in holiday villages and cooperatives, in villages where there is no centralized water supply.

The nuances of a business plan

A business plan for drilling water wells will help, if necessary, to obtain a loan for the purchase of equipment.

It is necessary to indicate the cost of equipment in it (by the way, you can first purchase used equipment, especially for a rotary unit - it will work for some time, and its cost may be 40-60 percent lower than a new one), all necessary components, advertising costs, as well as the drilling rates you set (they should be set taking into account the prices of competing organizations), the expected income and payback period.

It should be noted that drilling one meter is currently 2-3 thousand rubles for different soils, and that your business can pay off both in 2 years and in 2-3 months: depending on how correctly you approach it implementation.

Among other things, you will need to contact a competent lawyer.

A useful video on the topic is below.

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The need for water is the basic human need, since ancient times, any locality occurs only near natural sources drinking water, but now there is active suburban development. The question arises whether to deliver expensive water of dubious quality there through rusty pipes or drill a well on your site and drink the purest water, which you don’t even have to pay for. It seems the choice is clear!

Well drilling is a promising business!

In this article, we present to your attention a business plan for drilling wells under water.

Legal aspect

Perhaps we should start with the legitimacy of such an enterprise. In order to start a business of this kind, you need to register an individual entrepreneur and nothing more. However, drilling of wells must be coordinated, and usually a lot of other papers need to be collected, but, as a rule, no one does this. Before you get started, you need to develop a clear business plan.

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Everything you need

Also, to start drilling, you will have to purchase everything necessary equipment, namely: pumps, filter nozzles, pipes and so on. You can buy it at enterprises, but if you have enough money, you can buy a ready-made drilling rig. You will also need a car with a fairly roomy trunk, because the drilling rig takes up quite a lot of space.

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hired personnel

It’s not worth implementing such a business plan alone, and it won’t work, because if you haven’t done anything like this before, then the technology of such a process as drilling will not be very easy to learn, so it’s worth hiring a couple of people who understand this. Well drilling equipment weighs about 150-250 kg. Therefore, without helpers you definitely can not cope. And it would also be nice to hire a marketer, because in order to make money on this, you need to find customers, a lot of customers, and the more of them, the more your income.

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For starters, you can simply put up ads in the private sectors, garden cooperatives and gardening farms. The business plan will work, and calls from the first customers will not be long in coming. And you should not bypass places where there is already a water supply network, because many people drill wells for irrigation and pools, and it is very expensive to use ordinary water for these purposes. To find more clients, you can advertise in the newspaper or simply create your own website. The main thing is to describe how profitable and useful the service you provide will be.

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Drilling technology

No matter how complicated the drilling technology may seem at first glance, its essence is quite simple. All you need to do is drive pipes into the ground at the work site, and so on until one of them reaches the aquifer. In the presence of electricity, the pipe joints are connected by welding, and in the absence of it, a coupling is used. After that, silicone is sealed, and a pump is installed on top of the pipe. Drilling completed. You can make a well exactly in the place where the owner of the site will show, because water is available almost everywhere, but in case of failure, your costs will be $ 40-50. Therefore, it is better to immediately make sure at what depth in this region you can mine ground water, for this you need to find another well or well near the site and measure the water level in it. As a rule, the aquifer is reached at a depth of 4-6 meters, I think it will not be difficult for you to find it.

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