Calculation of drywall on the walls. Calculation of profiles for drywall and determination of the number of required components How to calculate square meters for installation of drywall

Landscaping and layout 30.08.2019
Landscaping and layout

Calculation of drywall is a mandatory step before sheathing the walls or ceiling of the gypsum board. Without a competent calculation of the material, fasteners and profile, even an experienced gypsum plasterboard worker finds it difficult to make high-quality repairs, not to mention real budget savings.

For example, let's take a wall with one doorway, on which a 2.5x4m gypsum board is mounted. Two types of profiles are used for wall mounting: UD-27 (guide) and CD-60 (ceiling).

The UD-27 profile is fixed along the perimeter of the walls, taking into account the doorway. We calculate the perimeter: P = (5 + 3) x2 = 16 m; subtracting the doorway (0.8 m), we get a final result of 15.2 m.

The height of the walls in the example is 3m, so it is enough to purchase 2 profiles of 3m each and fix them vertically along the edges of the wall.

The sum of the lengths of the two sides minus the door is 5 + 5-0.8 = 9.2 m, the dimensions of the opening are 2.1x0.8 m, the perimeter is 2.1x2 + 0.8 = 5 (excluding the floor). Total - 9.2 + 5 = 14.2 m. Since the profile size is 4 m - 14.2: 4 = 3.5 or 4 pieces (after rounding). The sections of the profile remaining after cutting can also be used.

So, for mounting drywall on a 3x5m wall with a 2.1x0.8 doorway, you will need:

  • profile UD-27, 2 pcs. 3 m each;
  • profile UD-27, 4 pcs. 4 each (1.8 m in the remainder).

Calculation of the frame profile CD-60

The CD-60 profile has the form of a grid with squares of 0.6x0.6 m. This size is the most popular, but not at all obligatory. Variants of deviations in the dimensions of the side of the window can range from 10 to 20 cm.

It is important to consider: what more squares, the less the rigidity of the frame, and, consequently, the strength of the plasterboard wall.

CD-60 profiles consist of a frame profile and a lintel, and this type should be mounted only along the perimeter of the gypsum board. Depending on the location of the sheet (horizontally or vertically) and the profiles are positioned and calculated in the same way. Most often, the sheets are mounted vertically.

Since the width of the gypsum board is 1.2 m, the frame profiles are mounted vertically with a step of 0.6 m. If the wall has an opening, then it is difficult to calculate the number of the profile absolutely accurately. Maintaining an interval of 0.6 m, all the profiles must be slightly shifted (by about 0.1 m) so that the first profile is 0.5 m away from the edge of the wall, the rest according to the standard.

Profile calculator

If the base wall is sheathed with plasterboard, then the surface of the frame is covered on one side, laying mineral wool or other insulation under the gypsum board.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • The guide profile, laid along the floor and ceiling, is duplicated with sound-insulating tape.
  • With a step of 0.4-0.6 m, rack-mount profiles are mounted.
  • Insulation is laid between the profiles, then the wall is sewn up with drywall and putty under wallpaper or painting.
  • If there are communications in the wall or a layer of insulation that is too thick, then 2 rows of racks are pushed apart a few centimeters and tied with jumpers.

Calculator can make calculations easier plasterboard structures, which can be easily found on the Internet.

So, if you focus on the calculator, then for 1 m² of the wall you need:

  • drywall -1.05 m²;
  • guide profile - 1.1 m;
  • rack profile - 2 m;
  • self-tapping screws - 17 pcs. 25 cm each;
  • putties for joints - 0.45 kg;
  • reinforcing tape - 1.1 m;
  • dowels for floor and ceiling guides - 1.6 pcs.;
  • soundproof tape - 1.5 m²;
  • primers - 0.1 l;
  • insulation - 1 m²;
  • final putty (if necessary) - 1.2 kg.

Calculation of materials for the ceiling, calculator - video instruction

Calculation for walls

For example, take standard sheet drywall with dimensions 3x1.2x0.0125 m.

Wall plates with a thickness of at least 1.25 cm are suitable for wall mounting.

When installing, the sheets are mounted sequentially, from left to right, without displacement. From the picture you can understand that the first two sheets are fixed without waste, strictly along the contours metal frame... The sheets that cover the opening are cut into 2 parts according to the photo. For now, you can close your eyes to waste. So, for the installation of a 5x3 m wall, 4 sheets of drywall are required.

Finally, a few more tips:

  • To fix the profile on the wall, a dowel 6x40mm is required (the size depends on the thickness of the wall).
  • Dowels for profile connection hammer in with a step of 0.3-0.4 m. To mount the profile to the suspension, you need 4 self-tapping screws.
  • The crab can be fixed 4 dowels.
  • Profile with connector fixed with 2 dowels.
  • Drywall with metal frame connected with self-tapping screws MN 25/30 in increments of 0.25 m.

If the room is completely finished with drywall, it must be borne in mind that the frame with jumpers reduces the area of ​​the room, and, therefore, the amount of material will be required less than the area of ​​the walls and ceiling on the base surface. In such cases, the calculation of drywall sheets is carried out according to the frame, and the installation of the frame mesh, in turn, must be coordinated with the dimensions of the gypsum board.

In our example, 2 sheets of drywall did not fit entirely, so the cut pieces must be included in the calculations as additional material... In this case, all the trimmings will be in business. To reduce waste, the sheet is cut lengthwise, then using each half.

Of course, in order to calculate the amount of materials for repair, there are other counting methods. For example, a universal formula for calculating the surface area of ​​a room: S = 2ah + 2bh + ab, where a, b, h are the length, width and height of the room. If the ceiling or separate wall do not sheathe GCR, remove one of the terms from the formula. Nevertheless, the best calculations will be those that are understandable and accessible even home master when renovating by family forces. It should be noted that all data are indicative and are presented as an example. A specific amount of building materials will help you calculate sketches and a calculator program for drywall.

Partition on both sides in two layers of plasterboard on a metal frame.
To give a structure - a partition of increased rigidity, drywall can be mounted in two layers.

Online calculator calculation of drywall for partitions. Calculator of drywall consumption for a partition. Calculation of components for the installation of partitions.

If you decide to change the configuration of rooms, create an arch or divide the space into several work areas with your own hands, most likely you will prefer to use drywall as a working material. But before you start building, you need to know how much materials you need for your purposes. As a rule, an accurate calculation is a painstaking work and in order to carry it out correctly, you need to know and take into account many subtleties of the assembly process. To facilitate this task, drywall calculator which allows you to calculate the exact amount Supplies even before their purchase and installation and to avoid the situation when after the repair remains a large number of unused materials. Use the proposed calculator for calculating drywall for partitions very simple - you need to enter values ​​for the height and width of the object. Based on this data, you will receive information about the number of drywall sheets required to complete your work. But besides this, the calculator will help you find out what other materials and in what quantity will be useful to you for the construction of a structure when renovating an apartment. Having calculated the area of ​​the wall, you will find out how much profile, dowels, screws and other consumables are required. Using a calculator not only saves time, but also takes into account all the little things so that your partition is made in accordance with the standards, which means it is stable, reliable and durable.

Drywall consumption calculator for a partition Is a convenient and easy-to-use tool that allows you to calculate the volume of all necessary consumables, as well as their estimated cost, without special knowledge.

During installation false ceiling from the gypsum board, it becomes necessary to correctly determine how much material is required to carry out the work. There are different calculation methods, and meticulous masters combine several calculation methods at once. In order not to get confused, avoid mistakes and test yourself, it makes sense to use special calculators for calculating the amount of drywall on the ceiling, which are presented for free on our website.

Components taken into account in the calculation

For erection suspended structure you will need not only drywall, but also numerous fasteners, as well as means of preparing the surface for finishing. Therefore, the calculation - independent or with the help of a calculator - includes:

  • Plasterboard sheets (plates). As a rule, the material is laid on the ceiling in one layer, and is sold in whole sheets.
  • load-bearing and ceiling. They are available in lengths of 3 and 4 meters, therefore, when purchasing, a selection is required to minimize waste.
  • Vertical hangers, various connectors.
  • Dowel-nails for fastening profiles to walls and ceilings.
  • Self-tapping screws for metal, fastening the profiles to each other.
  • Reinforcing mesh-serpyanka and putty for sealing joints.

Mr. Build recommends: Purchase all materials with a small margin. Surplus will come in handy for others renovation works Oh. But the lack of components, for example, due to errors during installation, often leads to significant time costs: it is not always easy to find the missing material in the nearest stores.

Methods for calculating drywall on the ceiling

  • Mathematical method. The number of parts is calculated in stages, according to the installation steps. It gives the most accurate result, but is difficult to understand.
  • Knauf technique. A well-known German manufacturer of drywall and fasteners to it offers its own calculation method. A special table contains the number of all parts per 1 m2. It remains only to measure the area of ​​the ceiling and multiply each position in this table by the number of resulting square meters. Below we have posted an online calculator based on this technique.

GKL ceiling accessories calculator

Please note: we have signed the components with numbers so that you can find them on the diagram.

The construction of drywall partitions is not the most difficult work, not the most dusty and not too time-consuming. It can be performed not only by a specialist in the field of construction and repair work, but also by anyone with straight arms. All you need is a couple of free weekends, desire, patience, and availability necessary materials and tools.

Materials and tools

In your work, you will need the following materials: Guide profile (UW) - for mounting the partition frame; Column profile (CW) - also for mounting the partition frame; Dowels - for fastening profiles to the floor and ceiling (selected depending on the material of these surfaces); Plasterboard sheets - to form the actual partition (frame sheathing); Self-tapping screws LN9 or cutter - for attaching drywall sheets to the guides; Soundproofing materials (edging tape, mineral wool, polystyrene and others) - optional. While working with these materials, you will need the following tools: Level - to form the plane of the partition; Roulette - for measuring the required segments; Plasterboard knife or disk cutter - for cutting gypsum board; Jigsaw - for cutting complex shapes (zigzags, arcs, etc.) - if necessary. Protective equipment stands apart: goggles, mask / respirator. If you have to make curly partitions or cut out niches in partitions, protection of eyes and lungs from dust is extremely desirable.

Baffle thickness

Before buying material, you should decide on the purpose and desired thickness of the future partition. A decorative partition made for the purpose of zoning the space in the room can be quite thin, while the interior gypsum board wall should look solid (and be so), especially if there is a doorway. Both profiles and drywall sheets are produced in several standardized sizes: Guide profiles: 50 * 40mm / 75 * 40mm / 100 * 40mm; Plasterboard sheets: length 2m / 2.5m / 3m / 3.5m / 4m (the most common length is 2.5mm), width 0.6m / 1.2m, thickness 6.5mm / 9.5mm / 12.5mm. The thickness of the manufactured partition can be varied using guide profiles different widths... So, if it is necessary to mount a wall with a thickness of 100mm, a 75mm UW profile is installed, to which sheets of drywall are attached on both sides (12.5 * 12.5mm = 25mm). If you need a stronger and wider partition, a 100mm profile is taken. Plasterboard sheets can be attached in two layers (moreover, both on both sides, and only on one), which will also add to the thickness of the structure being erected. In general, there are many variations.

Frame installation

So, from the guides and rack profiles, we need to mount the frame of the future partition. To reduce sound conductivity, the guide profiles are glued from the outside edging tape... The location of the future wall is marked on the floor, the guide profile is attached to the floor on dowels with an interval of 40-50 cm between them, then the wall plane is measured using a plumb line and another profile is attached to the ceiling in the same way. Further, starting from the wall, by simple insertion into the guides with a step of at least 60 cm, rack profiles are mounted, cut to the height of the room. The joints are fixed with self-tapping screws for metal or a cutter. If the load on the future partition is expected, it is recommended to mount horizontal lintels at least in the middle part of its height, strengthening the frame rigidity. The lintels can be made in three ways: 1. A section of the guide profile of the required length is cut in height at an angle of 45 °, the notched edges are bent down and the lintel is fixed by them between the rack profiles of the frame on self-tapping screws. 2. In the section of the guide profile, V-shaped notches are made in height, the edges are bent up, interconnected for greater reliability and the jumper is also fixed between the rack profiles. 3. The section of the rack-mount profile is fixed between two small sections of the guide profile, then the whole structure is attached to the frame in the same way as described above.

Sheathing of the GKL frame

Large plasterboard sheets are pre-cut to the height of the room with solid sheets. If the height of the room more size sheet of gypsum board, you will have to additionally cut the canvases of a small size, which takes time, and also makes the cladding more labor-intensive. In the case of large and large canvases small size sheathing is done in checkerboard: a large sheet of gypsum board is attached with the lower edge to the frame on the floor, and a small canvas is attached above it. An adjacent large sheet of gypsum board is attached with the upper edge to the frame at the ceiling, and a small segment is attached under it, and so on. In this case, it is necessary to have additional horizontal bridges along the entire length of the frame at a distance of the height of a large drywall sheet from the floor and ceiling. Adjacent sheets of drywall should be attached to the same rack profile. Self-tapping screws should be screwed in at a distance of at least 25-30 cm to each other. After one side of the frame has been sheathed, soundproofing material (glass wool, mineral wool, polystyrene, etc.) is placed inside, if desired. Then the second side of the frame is sheathed. If, when erecting a partition, it is planned to use two layers of drywall on each side, you need to remember that upper layer should be attached to the lower one also in a checkerboard pattern, that is, the joints of the lower layer should fall on the central parts of the gypsum board sheets attached from above. This method of installation helps to avoid the appearance of cracks on the partition in the future at the joints.

The nuances of installing a partition with a doorway

If the partition is mounted "from wall to wall", we are faced with the question correct installation doorway. At the attachment point door frame the frame must have increased rigidity. This problem can be solved with the help of materials at hand, for which the rack-mount profiles along the perimeter of the doorway are pre-connected into a box by inserting one into the other and fastened with self-tapping screws or by cutting. To increase the rigidity, you can lay a block of wood inside the box on the side on which the door will subsequently be hung. It is advisable to cut the doorway itself in a whole sheet of drywall in order to avoid joints in the place of fastening of the door frame, loosening of the structure due to the load and the appearance of cracks at these joints. For the same reason, if for some reason it is not possible to make a doorway in the whole sheet of gypsum board, it should be done at least between two sheets, cutting an opening in them so that the joint of these sheets runs vertically above the center of the future door frame ... It is impossible to make either side of the opening along the edge of a whole sheet of gypsum board, despite the fact that technically this option is the least laborious. After sheathing the frame, you can proceed to finishing works: Putty putty and then paint the wall or wallpaper.

Recently, everyone has been trying to do something with their own hands when designing and arranging an apartment. Moreover, this is done on the basis of an unspoken division of labor: women are busy with interior design and design, and men perform the tasks of construction workers, independently make decisions on various issues. This concerns the quality of work with minimal financial losses.

Scheme for calculating drywall on the wall.

In this case, it is necessary to carry out accurate calculations, for example, when installing drywall on walls or ceilings. What do you need for this? Below you will find tips and recommendations, based on which, any interested person will be able to correctly calculate the drywall for the walls.

Flat configuration and small footprint

The scheme of fastening a metal frame for drywall.

Let's say you need to block or rebuild a partition or wall. To do this, you need to find out the required amount of drywall. You also need to make a calculation supporting materials... It is desirable to do this with the smallest error.

What do you need? To equip the wall you need to have:

  1. GKL sheet.
  2. Guide profiles.
  3. Vertical type slats
  4. Dowels 6x40 mm.
  5. Flea screws 3.5x9.5 mm.
  6. Self-tapping screws for metal 3.5x25 mm.
  7. Heat insulating material.

If you need to make walls, then use the UW and CW profiles, which are available in widths of 5, 7.5 and 10 cm, on which the price of the material depends. If you just need to level the surface of the ceiling or wall with sheets of drywall, then it is recommended to use profiles of the UD and CD type.

Types of drywall plugs.

For the partition, we choose strips with a width of 7.5 cm, then the total thickness of the resulting wall will come out equal to 10 cm, since it is necessary to take into account the sheets of drywall. If the wall has a decorative character, then it can be mounted from 5 cm profiles.

Payment the right amount materials must be produced in several stages. For example, let's take a wall cladding with dimensions of 300x600 cm.

First, you need to determine the perimeter of the structure: (300 + 600) x 2 = 18 m.

Then the resulting number is divided by the length of the UW profile, which is selected depending on the height of the partition. In this case, it is equal to 300 cm or 3 m: 18/3 = 6. This figure means that you need six pieces of UW profiles.

Now you need to calculate the CW strips. They are usually mounted every 60 cm along the length of the room: 600/60 = 10. But 1 must be subtracted from this number, since one profile is superfluous. The result is 9 CW bars.

How to calculate drywall?

Glue application scheme for drywall walls.

The standard sizes of one sheet are as follows:

  • length - 250 cm;
  • width - 1.2 m.

Since the projected wall has dimensions of 3x6 m, its area will be equal to 18 m². It is easy to calculate that 6 full sheets are needed on one side of the partition. But the wall has two surfaces in reality, so the figure obtained must be doubled. As a result, we get 12 sheets of drywall. There is material in the markets with other dimensions, but it is more suitable for covering large halls.

Calculation of fasteners

Types of self-tapping screws for profiles.

Dowels are usually fixed in 40-60 cm increments in UW profiles. Since the calculations turned out to be 6 six-meter rails of this type, the total number of dowels is: 18 / 0.6 = 30 (sets).

Let's move on to metal screws. To strengthen one sheet of drywall, 50 such screws are needed. Then the entire wall will need at least 600 pieces. The same number of "flea" screws is needed.

As a result, it turns out that for a 3x6 m wall you need the following amount of material:

  1. Drywall sheets - 12 units.
  2. UW profile - 6 pieces.
  3. Reiki CW - 9 pcs.
  4. Dowels (with their own screws) - 30 units.
  5. "Fleas" and self-tapping screws for metal - 600 pieces each.

Flat configuration with large area

Types of drywall joints.

To create a structure, you need materials such as:

  1. Drywall sheets.
  2. UD profiles.
  3. Reiki CD.
  4. Straight hangers (so called EC brace).
  5. Dowel screws.
  6. Fleas.
  7. Self-tapping screws for metal.
  8. Heat insulating material.

Let the surface be 12x5 m.

The perimeter is calculated: (12 + 5) x 2 = 34 m.

UW profile 3 m long: 4/3 = 1.2 (units). The nearest integer is selected - 12.

You will also need this four-meter piece: 34/4 = 8.5 pieces. Choose 9.

When choosing the length of the elements, one must focus on the convenience of transportation and installation, the minimum price.

CD Reiki is calculated using the formula above for CW: (10 / 0.6) - 1 = 16.5.

But it must be taken into account that the height of the wall is 5 meters, and the length of the profiles is 3 or 4 m.

In order for the rails to be enough, they choose 17 three-meter units, but they will not be enough. So, you need to add a few two-meter ones. Their number is calculated by the formula: (17 x 2) / 3 = 11.3. Choose 12 pieces.

There are 29 CD racks in total.

Now you need to calculate the number of such parts by 4 m.

We need 17 whole and the same one-meter. After performing calculations similar to the above, we get: (17 x 1) / 4 = 4.25. Accordingly, 5 rails are selected.

A total of 22 CD strips are needed. Now we need to find the number of EC suspensions.

This part serves for fixing sheets of base material to the wall surface. You can adjust the length of the hangers according to the level, and they themselves are attached to the CD profile. The EC installation pitch is 100 cm, so 55-65 pieces are needed for the given design.

Calculation of drywall

Since such a wall is more complex than the first option, the number drywall sheets calculated in this way:

  1. A standard sample with dimensions of 2.5x1.2 m is taken as a basis.
  2. The length of the room is divided by the width of the sheets: 12 / 1.2 = 10 pieces.
  3. If you take into account the height of the room (5 m), then you need 20 sheets on one side.

With a more complex design, when there are cutouts or niches on the surface, for correct calculation the number of elements must be drawn on paper a plan of the wall. Calculations are carried out according to the drawing, which allows you to immediately find out the number of sheets of material. In this case, it is desirable to take into account all the bends of the structure. If fixed shelves are installed inside the niches on the walls, then they can also be closed with sheets of material, but you will have to take into account their sizes and select part of the strips to close the ends.

The required number of hardware

Installation of butterfly dowels in drywall.

They can be calculated using the above formulas for fasteners. As a result, the following figures are obtained:

  • dowel screws: 34 / 0.6 = 57 (pcs.), for work it is better to take 60-70 .;
  • Fleas - 900 -1100 units;
  • self-tapping screws for metal - 20 x 50 = 1000 (pcs.).

From the calculations, you can deduce the result:

  • UD profile - 12 and 9 (3 and 4 meters, respectively);
  • CD slats - 29 + 21;
  • gypsum plasterboard sheets - 20 pcs.;
  • pendants - 55-65 units;
  • dowels - 30 pcs.;
  • Fleas - 1100 units;
  • self-tapping screws - 1000 pcs.

When calculating, you may need the following tools and fixtures:

  1. Calculator.
  2. Roulette and ruler.
  3. Pencil.

It is always better to buy 10% more than the result obtained: this will correct the shortcomings that can still be with the most accurate calculations.

This will increase consumption slightly. Money and will give you confidence that you don't have to run on construction market or to the store due to the fact that suddenly the materials ran out, and the construction was not yet completed.

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