How to view search query statistics. Analysis of the "search queries" report

Landscaping and planning 21.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

This article is intended for beginners in SEO, as well as site owners who have chosen keywords for promotion, but do not know if these are frequent queries.

So, let's begin.

Request frequency- this is the number of queries or phrases typed by the user in the search engine in a certain period of time. Methods for determining the frequency of a query in search engines are different. In this article, we will look at the frequency of queries in the most popular search engines - Google and Yandex.

From this article, we will learn the following:

1. How to determine the frequency of queries in Yandex

1.1. Word selection service in Yandex

To determine the frequency of queries in Yandex, there is a simple and convenient "Word Selection Service in Yandex" or, as it is also called, Yandex Wordstat.

By driving a query into the selection line, we get the following picture:

It is noteworthy that now we see the overall picture by impressions per month, but you can see the query frequency separately by the type of device (tablets, mobile phones, computers) from which users searched for a query.

So, we see that 269,733 of the total impressions were on phones.

1.2. Types of frequency in Yandex

So, we learned that the query [plastic windows] had 1,006,660 impressions per month - this will be the base frequency of the query.

In total, Yandex Wordstat distinguishes three types of frequency:

  1. base frequency- indicates the number of impressions for all queries with the desired key query. In our case, this is the request [plastic windows]. When collecting the base frequency for this query, all possible word forms were taken into account, as well as query options [buy plastic windows], [prices for plastic windows], etc.
  2. Phrase frequency- to define it, you need to take the query in quotation marks. This will allow us to find out the frequency of the request for the phrase of interest to us.

As you can see from the screenshot, the phrase frequency is much lower than the base frequency, since word forms, cases, different endings can be taken into account in the phrase frequency, but additional words are ignored (for example, the request [buy plastic windows] is not taken into account when collecting phrase frequency).

  1. Accurate frequency- to define it, you need to put the query in quotation marks and put an exclamation mark before each word in the query.

In this form, we will find out the number of impressions per month specifically for this request.

1.3. Geodependence

In addition to the different request frequency, we can find out the request frequency in different regions. To do this, instead of the “By words” item, check the “By regions” item.

The screenshot shows the total number of requests, as well as their number specifically by region. For example, in the Moscow region there are 13,847 impressions, the regional popularity is 206%.

What is regional popularity? Yandex answer:

"Regional popularity" is the share that a region occupies in impressions for a given word, divided by the share of all search results impressions that fell on that region. The popularity of a word/phrase equal to 100% means that this word is not highlighted in this region. If the popularity is more than 100%, this means that in this region there is an increased interest in this word, if it is less than 100%, it means a lower one. For fans of statistics, we can notice that regional popularity is an affinity index.

You can also set the region when collecting the frequency. By default, the fee for all regions is set.

Choose a region.

Thus, when searching for the exact frequency of a query for a specific region, you can find out how many people are looking for the query you are interested in in the specified region.

1.4. How to determine the seasonality of a query

Yandex Wordstat has another function of interest to us. To use it, you need to check the item "History of requests".

Thus, we see what was the frequency of the request by month in different periods. Using this information, you can roughly predict the fall / rise in traffic on the site.

1.5. Plugins for ease of use of the service

The Wordstat service is useful, but not very convenient, so in order to make my life easier, when working with it, I use the Yandex Wordstat Assistant plugin.

This is how it looks in the Wordstat window:

The first thing that catches your eye is the pros about requests. By clicking on them, we add requests to the column on the left:

This is very handy, since you usually need to highlight each request and its frequency in order to copy it. Moreover, you can safely switch to other queries, and the list of queries added to the column will be saved.

Also, this plugin allows you to sort requests directly in the column by frequency or alphabetically, and then copy these requests with frequency to the document you need. I recommend using the plugin for the Chrome browser, as there is a more recent version that is constantly updated. There is also a plugin for FireFox, but it has not been updated since April 2015, so not all functions work correctly.

2. How to determine the frequency of queries in Google?

If everything is relatively simple with Yandex, then it will be more difficult to find out the frequency of a request in Google. Google does not have a service like Yandex Wordstat, so you have to use the Google AdWords contextual advertising service. You will need to register for it. After registration, a panel will appear in front of you.

Open the "Tools" menu tab and in the drop-down menu find "Keyword Planner".

This will open the scheduler page. On this page, you need to select "Get query and trend statistics". There, type in the request you are interested in and indicate the region.

Click on the "Find out the number of requests" button. You will get this result:

Due to AdWords limitations per query, the average number of queries per month ranges from 1,000 to 10,000. To get more detailed information, you need to create and run a campaign.

With a paid campaign running, the query frequency will look like this:

3. Programmatic collection of request rate

The methods for manually collecting request rates have been described above. With a large number of requests, collecting their frequency manually is very inconvenient, so I use special programs.

3.1. Program "Slovoob"

After setting up the program, you need to run it and, in the same way as in the case of Slovoyob, add queries, specify the Region and click on Yandex. Direct".

Key Collector, unlike Slovoeb, parses data using Yandex. Direct, which greatly speeds up the parsing process. Click "Get data" and get the result:

The program allows you to collect frequency for Google using Google AdWords. To do this, you need to configure it. The settings can be viewed on the official Key Collector website. Then you will need to click on the button "Collect Google statistics. Adwords", which is located next to the "Yandex.Direct statistics collection" button.

4. Online request rate collection

Sometimes there are situations when your favorite instrument is not at hand, but you need to collect the frequency. In this case, you can use online services to collect the frequency. I will consider 2 services that I use myself. One will be under Yandex, the other - under Google.

4.1. Online frequency collection tool from SeoLib for Yandex

All you need to do is open the "Keyword Analysis" tab and copy it into the request form or attach a list of requests of interest as a separate file. After that, you need to select the required frequency and region, if necessary, specify additional parameters. Then click on "Start Analysis".


The tool is paid, but the prices are democratic. For example, a list of these 7 requests for all types of frequency cost me 5.3 rubles.

4.2. Ahrefs Online Frequency Harvesting Tool for Google

The service has a tool "Keyword Analysis".

In the form, you need to add keywords separated by commas and specify the region near the "Belt" button.


Go to the "Metrics" tab:


Work with the Yandex:

  1. If there are several requests, you can view them manually through Yandex Wordstat. In this case, I strongly recommend installing the Yandex Wordstat Assistant plugin - it greatly simplifies the process;
  2. If you have a list of queries and need a quick one-time check, use SeoLib's "Keyword Picker" online tool;
  3. If you are constantly working with requests, I recommend buying Key Collector. Slovoeb, although free, parses too slowly, and the time you save on parsing queries in Key Collector will more than recoup the costs. "Slovoeb" can be used if you work with a small list of queries and use it infrequently. I myself used it when I started working in SEO, but when I bought the Key Collector, I regretted that I had not bought it earlier.

Work with the Google:

  1. If there are several requests, use Google AdWords;
  2. If you have a list of requests, it will be more convenient to use the Ahrefs online service or set up a Key Collector.

I have listed the services that I myself use to collect the frequency of requests. Perhaps you use other services? Then indicate them in the comments, I will be glad to get acquainted with them!

That's all for now, I wish you good positions on frequency queries!

Which is compiled by the webmaster using keywords, phrases and links. A competent specialist knows that before saturating the site with content, you need to understand what to include in it, namely, what the user is looking for through the search engine, in other words, to analyze the search query. To give step-by-step instructions for its implementation, you need to understand what a search query is.

Keyword and search term

A keyword or phrase is what we enter into the Google or Yandex search bar. According to this key, the search engine ranks sites and gives out those that are most relevant, i.e., match the search criteria. The position of a resource is determined by its regular updating, relinking, volume of reference mass, and much more. But the key role, of course, is played by the fullness of the site with competent relevant texts with popular key phrases.

Analysis Tools

How to understand what, where and when the user is looking for, and what keys to use in text content? You can take a notepad and write down the most suitable options, in your opinion, that the user can "drive" into the search bar, or you can simplify this stage and use keyword generators from leading search engines:

  • for Google -;
  • for "Yandex" -;
  • for Rambler -;
  • for Mail -

Analysis of search queries and site competitors begins with this step - compiling a list of keywords.

Search for keys

Having determined for yourself the search engine where you want to advance, you need to go to one of the services indicated above. For example, if you are analyzing search queries in Yandex, then you need to go to the website, specify the region that interests you (a specific city, country, or select all regions) and enter a keyword in the search bar. "Yandex Analytics" will display 2 lists for us - the first will indicate everything that was searched for with the entered word, the second - synonyms and queries similar to those that you are looking for. Plus, each line will indicate how many times such a request was entered during the month. You select the most popular and close in meaning to your key and on their basis make up the semantic core of your site, that is, write texts using these key phrases.

Google Search Analytics works in the same way, except that you need to register as an advertiser to view statistics here. But you will be able to view not only the most popular queries, but also the level of competition for the searched keywords, as well as the approximate cost per click for advertising.

It is important that the analysis of the search query is carried out for each product, if we are talking about an online store. For example, on a site with a construction theme, it is not enough to track statistics only for the word "hammer". This must be done for each item in the range.

Compilation of the semantic core

It is important to correctly enter the received keys in the text:

  • they should occur quite often in various word forms, including in direct and diluted occurrence, in the modified case, using synonyms;
  • images must contain a caption for the key request;
  • the key must occur in headers and enumerations;
  • there are phrases highlighted from the text in bold or italics.

The above points indicate that the text is adapted to the average user who will read it. This means that a site with such content will cause more confidence on the part of the search engine, which will allow it to occupy the top lines of the search query.

Working with search

So, we have a site filled with high-quality popular content. Is it possible to stop there? Of course not. Search query statistics are extremely dynamic and constantly changing under the influence of such factors as demand, seasonality, trends, etc. Therefore, the analysis of search queries requires regular traffic assessment and work with search.

So, you should evaluate how the position of the resource has changed after the inclusion of the keys. To do this, they turn to monitoring services - LoadImpact, Energoslon, etc. They will show what place the site occupies in the search results for a particular key phrase. For example, for the query "construction store Moscow" - 5th place, for "buy building materials Moscow" - 3rd place. And so it is desirable to do for each selected key. Only in this way you will understand what is in demand and what texts you need to finalize.

Efficiency mark

The most effective way to analyze search queries and an advertising campaign is Yandex.Metrica. What can we learn from it?

  • Direct summary. From it, we will find out which keyword (product, service) the user searched for most often in percentage terms. For business development, you can put more emphasis on a popular position, and do not waste energy on promotion on an unnecessary one.
  • your audience. With the help of Yandex-Crypt, it conducts a thorough analysis of site visitors - their gender, age, social status (we often fill out this data in registration forms), which sites they visit, what they are interested in in the search.
  • Work with regular visitors. By installing the "Yandex.Metrica" ​​counter, you can track certain users, for example, those who reached the cart, made a purchase, or spent at least 3 minutes on the site, etc.
  • "Metrika" gives a full analysis of revenues, both general for a certain period, and private (a specific user or a specific region). So you can understand who is more profitable to target search queries.
  • Analysis of search query statistics must be carried out in tandem with an assessment of the budget that you spent on advertising. With the help of "Metrica" ​​you can evaluate the conversion by clicks and advertising campaigns.
  • targeted calls. With this feature, you can carefully monitor which advertising channel brings you the most visitors, which means that this is how you optimize your budget and use only effective promotional tools.
  • Approximately the same criteria can be used to analyze search queries in Google.

Simple competitor analysis

A fully optimized resource, analyzed up and down with the help of metrics and other assistants, filled and regularly updated, may, despite all efforts, not bear fruit and not get into the TOP of search queries. Why is this happening? Perhaps because there is someone better than us. Is it possible to track such sites and, without their consent, conduct a thorough analysis of the search queries of competitors? Of course yes.

There are two ways - easy and difficult. The first is very simple, but sometimes effective and does not require large time and financial costs. By your key phrase, you need to find the top 5 TOP sites through a search engine and evaluate them according to 2 criteria - content quality and usability. The content implies interesting, readable, informative, useful texts, high-quality images or multimedia and other things that the site is filled with. Usability is the general appearance of the resource, the convenience of the location of the keys, clear feedback, the ability to pay on the site, the buttons for connecting to social networks, the mobile version, that is, everything that tells the user: "We want to provide you with a convenient and pleasant shopping experience." Even the readability of fonts and page backgrounds can affect whether a user stays on your site or moves on to competitors.

If you have evaluated competitors according to these criteria and come to the conclusion that everything is in order, you need to move on to the second, deeper way to evaluate someone else's site.

Deep assessment of competitors

To do this, you will need special services and scripts, such as Inserp, Yazzle and others. With their help, you can evaluate all the qualitative and quantitative showed competitive sites - TIC and PR site, the number of pages in the index, domain age, backlinks and much more. Knowing this data, you can conduct the same analysis as for your own site, and also understand whether you can compete with this resource.

See yourself through the user's eyes

Search query analysis will be ultimately successful if you are able to adequately evaluate your own resource. First, forget that you are the owner (webmaster) of the site, and try to evaluate it according to the following criteria:

  • Does the resource load quickly when accessed?
  • Do you like the design, is it convenient to use, is it clear where to click?
  • Is there a favicon (icon on the browser tab) that makes the site more noticeable and more solid than the rest?
  • How is the site displayed in other browsers, on different monitors?
  • How is the site displayed in the mobile version?
  • Read all texts. Are they understandable, do they carry an informative load? Are you interested in reading? Is the font comfortable, readable, contrasting against the general background of the page?
  • Is it easy to find your contacts, terms of delivery and payment? Is the sitemap clear?
  • Is there navigation? While on the same page, will the user be able to return to the root directory?
  • How to ask a question, leave a review? Is there a feedback system?
  • Are the benefits of the products highlighted? Do you want to buy them?
  • Are the images good enough? Do they reflect the appearance of the product?
  • Are prices indicated? Often users leave the site because they cannot evaluate whether it is more expensive or cheaper here.
  • Have you added news about promotions, new arrivals, or are they out of date? Maybe then we should remove them so as not to give the user the impression of a dead site?


Looking at yourself through the eyes of a consumer and evaluating all the possibilities of competitors, you can radically change your position in the TOP of search results. How to do it? To begin, make a list of what the identified search query analysis showed to be deficient. Try to fix this as much as possible. Write down those aspects of the competitors that seemed to you advantages. Try to apply them in your practice. For example, change the design, change some texts, add images or prices.

Within a month or two, analyze your own resource again for its place in the search, using metrics, evaluate how much user growth has turned out during this time. See how the result changes.

Instead of a conclusion

Analysis of search queries for seo-optimizers is the surest way to promote a site to the TOP. Only by understanding how "pumped" the site with popular and sought-after keys, texts, links, images and other content, how user-friendly it is, how different it is from competitors, you can achieve successful results.

When I first created the blog, I had no idea how to select search queries, and even more so I didn’t know that there are special keyword statistics services. I just wrote unoptimized posts about wordpress plugins and templates, participated in relay races, did blog reviews. Yes, thanks to the announcements of these posts, I had some attendance, and plus, I found new online acquaintances.

But, as you may have guessed, in order to have constant attendance, I had to constantly write to the blog, make announcements every day (by the way, it took me at least 10-20 minutes a day to make announcements), in a word - I was attached to the blog . Yes, and what to hide at that time, like many novice bloggers, my desire was much more than the desire to increase the number of visitors from search traffic. How stupid I was :). If I had been writing posts for search engines then, the blog traffic would have been much greater than now. Well, that's okay. Thanks to the fact that we learn from our mistakes, we become more experienced :).

Therefore, my dear friends, if you have started a blog, from the first days of its existence, work on its attendance (you can read how to do this in the article “How to increase site traffic by + 105.11% in a month?”)! To do this, using the statistics of Google, Yandex or Rambler search queries, compose the semantic core of your site (well, if you can’t do this, you can always order from me), and write articles of the size no less than 3000 characters without spaces. Large articles are good because they can bring you a lot of visitors due to low-frequency queries (you can read more about these queries). I’ll tell you about how to write optimized posts in new articles, but now I’ll go directly to search query statistics services.

I want to warn you right away that these services do not show quite accurate information about the number of search queries per month. They show the number of impressions of contextual advertising ads for a specific query:

That is, if the user goes to the second page of search results for the query "plastic windows", the ad will be shown 2 times and, accordingly, the statistics service will show us that this query was searched not 1, but 2 times. Therefore, in practice, the real numbers will be somewhat smaller than those shown by various services.

Google search statistics

I use the statistics of Google search queries most often, as I try to advance specifically for this search engine in the first place. It is easier to get promoted on Google, as it is more predictable than Yandex. For Google, it is enough to optimize the article, buy as many PR links as possible for it, and voila - you are in the TOP! Yandex, on the other hand, constantly has new algorithms that constantly shuffle search results like a deck of cards.

To use Google query statistics, go to the page. Let me give you an example of choosing keywords for a culinary site.

First of all, you need to enter the main query, on the basis of which keyword options for the future semantic core of the site will be selected. I entered the query "how to cook".

The next step is to choose the match type. There are 3 types of match: broad, phrase, and exact. I advise you to choose the exact one, as this option will show the most accurate information on request. And now I will explain why.

Broad match This means that impression statistics will be shown for all the words that are in this query. For example, for the query "plastic windows" it will be shown for all words that include the word "plastic" and the word "windows" (plastic, window, buy windows, buy blinds for windows, pvc windows prices). In a word, there will be a lot of "garbage".

Phrase match means that statistics will be shown for the words in the exact order in which they are specified. Along with the specified word combination of words, other words may be present in the query. For the query "plastic windows", the words "inexpensive plastic windows", "plastic windows Moscow", "how much plastic windows cost", etc. will be taken into account.

Exact match means that statistics will be shown only for the specified query without any other words in the query "plastic windows". This option is just what we need.

Well, now let's move on to the third step in the selection of keywords: choosing the target region and language and .

Here are the results of the service:

We are most interested in the indicator "Number of requests per month (target regions)" and "Approximate cost per click" (if we are going to place Adsense ads on the site pages).

Search query statistics Yandex (Yandex)

Very often, Google statistics alone are not enough to get a complete list of keywords on the desired topic. Therefore, in such cases, I use, which provides Yandex query statistics. The Wordstat panel is made a little simpler than its counterpart in Google: here you will not find match types, you will not be able to save matched queries to your computer, you will not be able to find out the cost per click, etc.

To obtain more accurate results, you need to use, with which you can clarify the queries of interest to us.

If you just enter a query how to cook, we get the following statistics:

This is equivalent if we chose "broad match" in Adwords.

If you enter the same query, but already in quotes, we will get more accurate statistics (analogous to phrase matching in Adwords):

Well, to get statistics only for a given query, you need to use the "!" operator:

"!how to cook"

To get even more accurate results, you need to specify the region under which the site is being promoted:

Also in the top panel of Wordstat there are tools with which you can view the statistics of a given query by region, by month and by week. With the help of the latter, by the way, it is very convenient to analyze the statistics of seasonal queries.

For example, after analyzing the query “how to cook”, you can find out that it is most popular in the months of December (it’s not surprising - everyone is preparing for the New Year):

In general, the service is quite convenient .. if you need to select queries for writing a specific post. But what if you need to make a large semantic core from Yandex search query statistics?

In this case, you need to download the free Slovoeb program:

He will collect all types of frequencies in Yandex, and analyze their seasonality and geodependence, determine the approximate cost and period of promotion. The software is what you need!

Search query statistics Rambler (Rambler)

Hope this post was helpful to you :).


p.s. For a snack, today I suggest you watch another video by Rand Fishkin (SEOmoz) about promoting sites on social networks:

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The reason for writing a new article about the most popular word search tool was its recent global update, which led to a number of innovations and improvements. In addition to a short story on this topic, I will dwell in detail on the correct use of Wordstat operators and other features of the service.

How to find out the number of requests in Yandex?

To start, a little background, Yandex Wordstat( is a tool for selecting keywords based on user queries, which displays statistics on the frequency of use of the specified word (first column), as well as on words from similar topics (second column). With the help of Wordstat, both advertisers and SEO specialists can find out the number of queries in Yandex.

The principle of operation is that you indicate the word or phrase for which statistics are of interest. Next, the system shows all key phrases, in which the word you specified is used, and its frequency is located nearby. Each of the following phrases aggregates information. The minimum frequency is 3.

The information is updated once a month. The date of the update is indicated in the upper right corner.

New Yandex Wordstat. Update from 08/07/13

If you have previously used Wordstat to check requests in Yandex, then you probably encountered wild problems in the speed of the interface. I think that a lot of complaints have been written to the support service about this. Not only this has changed in the new version:

  1. The speed of the service has been increased - according to my feelings, the service has become several times faster.
  2. The architecture of the service has been changed - earlier, when using the service, the URL changed and it was possible to go to the 20th page in one click, replacing one of the parameters. Now there is no such possibility.
  3. Separate parts of the interface have been revised - the pivot table by region has been merged with the data on the map, and Yandex query statistics by month and week have been grouped on one tab.

About automatic Wordstat parsers

As the saying goes, there is a fly in the ointment in every barrel of honey. And this time, the fly in the ointment was a complete ban on access to the interface for checking key phrases by third-party programs, which are very popular with contextual and SEO specialists. We all sincerely hope that our favorite services will restore their work as soon as possible. Here I provide a pivot table that reflects data for popular Wordstat parsers as of the current moment. Information will be updated as services are restored.

Service nameStatus
SiteAuditorDoes not work

How to use Wordstat?

Most people make mistakes when using the service, as a result of which incorrect data appears in the statistics, and further actions for or promotion in search engines are completely meaningless. In addition, there is often an artificial increase in the number of requests for keywords. Below I have collected the main recommendations for working with Wordstat with detailed comments that will be useful to both beginners and pros:

Refine phrases using operators

Operators for Yandex Wordstat are the same as in Yandex Direct. More about them - I told in the article "". Main Operators:

OperatorA commentExample
< — >Minus signRequest frequency excludingBuy a moped -bu -moscow
< «» >Double quotesWord or phrase statistics by phrase match"modem cost"
< ! >Exclamation pointFrequency for a given word form!vase price
< + >plus signForced consideration of prepositions+How Yandex Direct works
<(|)>Parentheses and forward slashesGroups statistics by queriesAir conditioning (car | car)

If the first four operators are popular, since they are very often used in Yandex.Direct, then almost no one uses the fifth one. Although in skillful hands it brings more benefits than others, and the speed of choosing words with it increases significantly. To give an example, in order to collect statistics for an advertisement for a bow tie store, you can use the following query:

As a result, we will receive information simultaneously about such requests as:

  • order a men's bow tie;
  • bow tie price;
  • how much does a female butterfly cost, etc.

Thus, using the grouping operator, statistics are collected in one click. The range of application is quite wide, for example, in the above sample, you can check the frequency for transactional keywords.

Choose the right keywords

Don't forget to indicate region to check the frequency of requests and do not focus on the frequency of words in broad match, i.e. without using operators. Look at the huge difference:

  • Buy online store — 811 430
  • "Buy! Internet! Shop" - 1 362

When you select keywords for the site, then each word must be further specified to check the frequency by exact match, since empty phrases are very common.

Analyze query statistics by month

Using the "Request History" tab, you can assess the seasonality of demand, as well as see its dynamics depending on the season. Also monthly statistics helps with a high degree of probability to determine the naturalness of the frequency of the word. With the naked eye, a sharp jump in the graph for words with artificial wrapping will be noticeable, while the number of low-frequency speakers will remain at the same level.

Use automatic word selection (programs - parsers)

Automatic services for selection of keywords I listed above. Their use allows you to significantly reduce the amount of monotonous work and the time to check the frequency with and without operators. In the near future I will publish an article about my favorite program for Wordstat - Slovoeb. In order not to miss the release of the article, I recommend subscribing to my updates!

Sincerely, Alexander Golfstream!

You can select search queries for website promotion through statistics services. Yandex uses the Wordstat system for this task, available at In our article, we will tell you how to find out the frequency of search queries using the Yandex service.

The Wordstat tool was created for people who want to place contextual advertising. It works like this: you enter a word or phrase and get a list of words and phrases with their frequency. But this is not the frequency of a particular request, but the frequency of all requests in which the specified words or phrases occurred.

Let's look at an example (see the picture below):

In this example, the frequency for the word "air conditioners" is 1,741,974 - this is the total frequency of all queries that include the word air conditioner. But this does not mean at all that a request from one word “air conditioners” is entered so many times - in fact, no.

How to see the frequency of the request?

To see how many times the search query "air conditioners" is entered, consisting of one word (without taking into account word forms), you need to put this word in quotation marks. If you need to check the frequency of a query of several words, then you quote the whole phrase.

See example below:

The number 64 981 means the frequency of all requests consisting of one word "air conditioners".

How to determine the most popular query form?

How to find out how many times the query "air conditioners" (plural) is asked, and how many times the query "air conditioner" (singular) is asked? We set the query in quotation marks and put the sign “!” in front of the word form.

See an example of checking the frequency of a request consisting of one word in the plural:

The number 50 368 means the frequency of a request from one word in the plural.

Using a similar scheme, you can check the frequency of a word in the singular and compare the frequencies of different forms of the request. This will select the form with the highest frequency.

To check the frequency of a multi-word query containing stop words, you need to put the phrase in quotation marks, put an exclamation mark next to each word, and a “+” sign before the stop word.


How to find out the order of words in a query?

Unfortunately, there are no special operators for this in the Wordstat system, but by default it displays, as a rule, the most popular word order.

Also, to find out the word order in search queries, you can buy contextual advertising and see what queries will lead to the site more often. It is expensive, but if you want to assemble the most complete and high-quality semantic core, the costs will be justified.

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