Elecampane - medicinal properties, benefits and contraindications. Description, types of plants, preparations with elecampane and their application

Landscaping 12.06.2019

It is also known under the name of Christ's eye, in Latin the name of this plant will sound as follows: Inula oculus christi L. As for the name of the family of elecampane ocellar, in Latin it will be: Asteraceae Dumort.

Description of elecampane ocellar

Elecampane is a perennial herb, the height of which will fluctuate between twenty-five and forty centimeters. This plant will be quite densely covered with white hairs. The root diameter will be about one to three millimeters, this root is horizontal and creeping. The stem of the elecampane ocellar will be straight and simple, and in the upper part such a stem branches out slightly. The length of the lower leaves will be about twelve to fourteen centimeters, and the width is about one and a half to three centimeters, such leaves will be blunt. The upper leaves are lanceolate, their length is two to six and a half centimeters, and the width does not exceed two and a half centimeters.
The diameter of the baskets of the elecampane of the eye will be about three to four centimeters, they will be in a thick shield. The ligulate flowers will be three-toothed and they are painted in yellow tones, their length is slightly more than one centimeter. The diameter of the five-toothed tubular flowers will be about seven millimeters. Achenes are ribbed, pubescent and brown. Flowering of elecampane ocellar falls on the period from June to August. Under natural conditions, this plant can be found in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Belarus, Central Asia, as well as in the European part of Russia: namely, in the Volga region and the Black Sea region. For growth, elecampane eye prefers steppes, places among shrubs, as well as steppe grassy dry slopes. It should be noted that sometimes this plant also acts as a weed, and this plant is also decorative.

Description of the medicinal properties of elecampane ophthalmic

Elecampane is endowed with very valuable healing properties, while it is recommended to use the herb of this plant for medicinal purposes. The concept of grass includes stems, flowers and leaves of elecampane ocelli. The presence of such valuable medicinal properties is explained by the content of alkaloids and sesquiterpenoids in the plant. The aerial part of this plant contains rubber, essential oil, flavonoids, coumarins and aromatic compounds.
This plant can be used as a very valuable wound healing agent, as well as its beneficial properties are used for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The leaves and flowers of elecampane are endowed with antifungal, antibacterial and antiprotozoal properties. Crushed fresh leaves or dry powder based on them can be used topically to treat a variety of cuts and wounds.
For the treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, as well as the rectum, it is recommended to use a fairly effective remedy based on elecampane ophthalmic: to prepare it, you will need to take one tablespoon of crushed herb of this plant in one glass of water. The resulting mixture should be boiled for three to four minutes, after which such a mixture should be infused for two hours and filtered thoroughly. To achieve the greatest efficiency when using such a tool, you should strictly follow not only all the rules for the preparation of this tool, but also all the norms for its reception. Such a remedy is taken on the basis of elecampane ophthalmic one third of a glass or half of it three times a day before the start of a meal.

Elecampane is a perennial herb of the Compositae family of Compositae, the size of which reaches 150-160 cm.The root of elecampane is thick, fleshy, short with few adventitious roots, and the stem is furrowed, erect, pubescent with white short and dense hairs down, the upper part of the stem is short-branched. Leaves elecampane are large, alternate, slightly wrinkled on top and velvety-gray-tomentose below, uneven. The plant blooms in July-September with golden yellow flowers, and the fruits of elecampane are 4-5 mm tetrahedral brown achenes with a tuft.

The birthplace of elecampane is the Caucasus, Western Siberia and Central Asia. The plant grows in clearings, forest edges, groundwater outlets, tall grass meadows, along the shores of lakes, rivers and mountain streams.

The elecampane genus has more than 90 species, the most common and famous of which are:

  • Elecampane Altai;
  • Elecampane spread wide;
  • Elecampane German;
  • Elecampane high;
  • Elecampane of Christ's eye;
  • Eastern elecampane;
  • Elecampane root-headed;
  • Elecampane is willow.

Indications for use

In medicine, rhizomes and roots of elecampane are widely used, which contain 1-3% of essential oil, inulin, unstable polyenes, resins, pseudoinulin, phytomelan, stigiasterin, saponins, mucous and bitter substances, dihydroalantholactone, Fridelin, dammaradienyl acetate and dammaradienol. Medicines based on the plant have anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects, reduce increased secretory and motor functions of the intestine and are used in the treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis, non-infectious gastroenteritis and diarrhea. The essential oil included in elecampane has an antihelminthic and antiseptic effect.

In alternative medicine, elecampane juice, decoctions of elecampane rhizomes and roots, and infusions of elecampane grass are widely used. To prepare the broths, you need 1 tablespoon of chopped rhizomes and roots, pour a glass of water, put on low heat and bring to a boil. Then the liquid is cooled and taken 1 tablespoon every two hours in a warm state. Also, a cough decoction can be made on the basis of dry British elecampane herb.

In bronchial asthma, the use of elecampane juice with honey (in a one-to-one ratio) is effective.

For gastric diseases, take a tablespoon of a ready-made decoction of Altai elecampane rhizomes three times a day 20 minutes before a meal.

For skin diseases, it is known to use elecampane in the form of a decoction of fresh rhizomes, used to wipe the affected areas of the skin.

The rhizomes and root of elecampane are used in the fish and canning industry as a substitute for ginger and as a spice.

In industry, based on the roots and rhizomes of elecampane, mixed with potassium carbonate, a blue paint is obtained.

Contraindications for use

In most cases, the use of elecampane is safe, but in case of an overdose, side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions and paralysis are observed.

The use of elecampane is contraindicated in:

  • Allergies to ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, etc.;
  • Lowered blood pressure;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Diabetes mellitus.

Elecampane should be used with caution during surgery, as the plant affects the central nervous system and can cause drowsiness. There is concern that the combination of elecampane with anesthesia and other medications before or after surgery may lead to increased drowsiness in the patient. You must stop using elecampane at least two weeks before your planned surgery.

It is also known under the names: Elecampane officinalis, Wild sunflower, Elecampane, Decampane, Oman.

Elecampane has been known since ancient times. Even during the reign of Emperor Ivan the Terrible, many healers and sorcerers considered elecampane a plant against all diseases.

The soldiers at that time took a bunch of elecampane with them on campaigns and it was believed that by putting it on the wound, during sleep, the plant was able to heal the wound and give the patient a second life.

Elecampane is a plant of the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family.

The height can reach 2 m.

It has a thick rhizome with long, numerous roots. Stems are angular, erect, branching closer to the upper part of the plant.

The leaves are uneven, alternate, twisted, dark green above, at the bottom - felt, gray-green, oblong at the base narrowed into a petiole, the lower ones are petiolate, but the upper ones are semi-embracing, sessile.

The flowers are yellow-golden, collected in baskets, which are located on the cones of stems and branches.

The fruit is an oblong, brown, tetrahedral achene.

Elecampane is distributed throughout Europe and Asia, as well as in Central and North America.

Elecampane prefers light areas, has good frost resistance and dry resistance. Not susceptible to the level of radiation in the atmosphere.

Elecampane leaves are cut from young plants into baskets or special devices. After collecting them, they are laid out and sorted out, discarding dry and spoiled leaves.

Leaves are dried in the shade in the open air, stirring from time to time, to obtain high-quality dried raw materials.

The roots of elecampane are dug up in early spring or late autumn, when the shoots have already died out or have not yet formed. For medicinal purposes, the roots and rhizomes of plants that are older than three years are used. Up to three years, the plant takes root and accumulates all useful substances and minerals.

The dug roots are washed with water and cut into rings, 5-10 cm each. The cut roots should lie in the open air for several days, after which they are dried in well-ventilated, warm rooms. It is best to dry the roots of elecampane in dryers, at a temperature of 30 to 40 degrees.

Elecampane is one of the few plants that grows well in almost all soils.

The plant prefers sunny places in the garden and in the garden.

The plant is stretched with seeds and shoots. Elecampane tolerates drought well and has good frost resistance.

To grow a plant, you must first dig up the soil well and fertilize it with minerals or rotted manure.

Seeds must be placed on wet cotton wool or sown in pots. In the process of seed germination, a sprout is formed, which can be transplanted at a height of about 5-10 cm. A hole is dug, 10 cm deep and about 20 - 25 cm in diameter. You can sow several shoots in one hole, filling it with water almost along the edge. Wait until the moisture is almost completely absorbed and then sprinkle with earth until the first leaf.

Elecampane sometimes needs to be tied, as the stems begin to sag under the weight of many flowers. It is necessary to break through the plant almost every week, removing the grass.

In the fall, when the plant is already beginning to prepare for winter, and the stems begin to dry out, it is recommended to cut the upper part at the root, since then it will spoil the appearance of the entire site.

Elecampane there are about 110 species. Only 40 species grow in Ukraine. The most famous such types:

Inula rhizocephala Schrenk - Elecampane root-headed
Inula royleana - Elecampane Royle
Inula salicina - Elecampaneus willow
Inula orientalis - Eastern elecampane
Inula oculus-christi - Elecampane of Christ's eye
Inula ensifolia - Sword-leaved elecampane
Inula crithmoides - Elecampane crithmoid
Inula helenium - Elecampane high
Inula germanica - Elecampane Germanic
Inula magnifica - Elecampane magnificent
Inula hirta - Elecampane rough or Elecampane hairy
Inula caspica - Elecampane Caspian
Inula britannica - Elecampane British
Inula conyzae - Spread elecampane

Useful and medicinal properties of elecampane

For medicinal purposes, the leaves and roots of elecampane are used.

Substances contained in elecampane: vitamin E, vitamin B and bitterness, organic acids, pigment, saponins, gums, helenin, alkaloids, proazulene, resins, inulin, mucus, pseudoinulin, essential oil, helenin, inulicin, alantol, alantone camphor, helenin.

Elecampane preparations improve expectoration of sputum, reduce the secretory activity of the intestine, normalize metabolism, stimulate the formation of bile, increase urine output, and has antimicrobial and antihelminthic properties.

Inside, elecampane drugs are used for chronic and acute bronchitis, enterocolitis, functional diarrhea, colitis, for chronic and acute pharyngitis, for gingivitis, tracheitis, difficult healing wounds, periodontal disease.

As a medicine, infusions are used, but most often decoctions.

Small, dry leaves of elecampane are poured with a glass of boiling water. They heat in a water bath for half an hour and remove. Filter as it cools. Consumed warm, 15 - 20 g half an hour before meals.

2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials (leaves) are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Put on fire and boil until 1/3 of the water evaporates. Then insist 1 - 2 hours and filter. The resulting broth is washed in the mouth 4 to 6 times a day. Helps with stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontal disease.

An essence is made from fresh rhizomes and roots, which is used in homeopathy. It turns out that the drug has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and capillary-strengthening effect, as well as accelerates the renewal of the gastric mucosa.

The very first color in the world is a primrose,

The very first is he, the primrose,

And the first in this world - no.<…>

And yet, that was the strength,

I love elecampane.

Mikhail Savoyarov, "Without counting" (from the collection "Not in plants"), 1913

Eurasia and Africa. Perennials, less often annuals with whole leaves. Baskets are yellow or orange, solitary or collected in racemose or corymbose common inflorescences. Blooms in summer. Spring reproduction - autumn division of bushes and seeds. Sowing before winter or spring.

Inula acaulis

Inula acervata

Inula acinacifolia

Inula acuminata

Inula anatolica

Inula aspera Elecampane rough

Inula aucheriana Elecampane Oche

Inula bifrons

Inula britannica D. British

Inula candida D. snow-white

Inula cappa

Inula caspica Elecampane Caspian

Inula clarkei

Inula conyzae D. splayed

Inula crithmoides D. crithmoid

Inula cuspidata

Inula decurrens

Inula dysenterica

Inula ensifolia D. sword-leaved

Inula eupatorioides

Inula falconeri

Inula forrestii

Inula germanica D. Germanic

Inula glauca

Inula grandiflora

Inula grandis

Inula grombczewskii

Inula helenioides

Inula helenium Elecampane high

Inula helianthus-aquatica

Inula helvetica

Inula heterolepis

Inula hirta elecampane hairy

Inula hissarica

Inula hookeri

Inula hupehensis

Inula japonica

Inula koelzii

Inula lineariifolia

Inula macrolepis

Inula macrophylla

Inula magnifica D. magnificent

Inula mariae

Inula montana

Inula montbretiana

Inula multicaulis

Inula nervosa

Inula obtusifolia

Inula oculus-christi D. Eye of Christ

Inula orientalis Oriental elecampane

Inula oxylepis

Inula pterocaula

Inula racemosa

I. rhizocephala D. root-headed

Inula royleana Elecampane Royle

Inula rubricaulis

Inula sabuletorum

Inula salicina Elecampaneus willow

Inula salsoloides

Inula schischkinii

Inula schmalhausenii

Inula sericophylla

Inula spiraeifolia

Inula stewartii

Inula subfloccosa

Inula thapsoides

Inula verbascifolia

Inula viscosa

Inula wissmanniana

Elecampane stemless Inula acaulis

Herbaceous perennial. Rosette leaves, obverse-lanceolate or spatulate, 3-6 cm x 1.5 cm. Peduncles 2-5 cm tall, rarely about 20 cm, unbranched. Flower heads are daisy-shaped, single or two, 3.5-4 cm in diameter. The ligulate flowers are yellow, the disc flowers are brownish.

Elecampane rough Inula aspera

Rhizome up to 3 mm in diameter, horizontal, short, knotty. The stem is straight, ribbed, 30-45 cm tall, densely leafy, up to the very top covered with rigid semi-erect upward directed multicellular, at the base with tubercle-widened hairs, rarely glabrous. Leaves are pressed to the stem, leathery, dull, oblong or broadly lanceolate, 1.5-4 (5) cm x 0.4-1.5 (2.5) cm, shortly pointed, whole-edged or indistinctly toothed, along the edges with frequent and short spinules, sessile, stalk-embracing, at the base, cordate-auricular, glabrous, but more often along the nerves or along the entire surface on both sides, they are seated with scattered hard hairs, sometimes with thick short yellow glands. Baskets up to 3 cm in diameter with sparse shields or single, with a tiled envelope 1-1.5 cm in diameter. The leaflets of the envelope are appressed, densely ciliate at the edges, often reddish-brown and hairy in the upper part. The outer ones are oblong with a herbaceous, rounded-spatulate apex, almost 1/3 shorter than the inner ones, linear 0.7-1.1 cm x 1.0-1.3 mm., Pointed, membranous. Reed flowers are yellow, up to 2 cm long, 1.5-2 times as long as the leaves of the envelope, with smooth, linear, 3-toothed, with 4 reddish veins, reeds. The median tubular flowers are inversely conical, smooth, 5-toothed, slightly longer than the crests. Achenes are linear-oblong, 1.3 mm x 0.2 mm, glabrous. The fly is white with numerous serrated hairs. Stony and meadow steppes, forb-cereal and saline meadows, fallow lands, gravelly slopes, rarely pine forests, birch groves and their outskirts.

Inula aucheriana Elecampane Oche

Inula auriculata D. auricular

Elecampane Ínula britannica

Herbaceous perennial. The whole plant is more or less fine-woolly-shaggy. The stem is straight; leaves are lanceolate, whole-edged or finely toothed; lower - narrowed to the base; stem - with a heart-shaped stem-covering base. Flowers form yellow heads of rather large size, collected by a shield; the heads are wrapped with linear-lanceolate pointed leaves. The fruit is a fluffy achene, consisting of one row of rough hairs. Distributed in central and southern Europe, in southern and central Russia. It grows along river banks, in wet fields and meadows. It is used in folk medicine and in cooking as a yeast substitute.

Elecampane Snow White Inula candida

The plant is about 30 cm tall, densely silky-white-hairy. Basal leaves are ovate or lanceolate, 3-9 cm long. Flower heads 1-1.5 cm in diameter, single or in spike-shaped inflorescences. The ligulate flowers are shorter than the wrapper.

Elecampane Caspian Inula caspica

Perennial 45-72 cm tall. Stem single, erect, branched from the middle or only in the upper part, finely ribbed, glabrous or protrudingly hairy, violet-purple at the base. Leaves are lanceolate, up to 12 cm x 0.4-1.2 cm, the uppermost linear 5-6 cm x 0.5 cm, pointed, entire, glabrous, glaucous, with one median vein on the underside, rough along the edges from very small, hard, obtuse spines, sessile - pierced, with a cordate base, except for the lower ones to the base, sometimes narrowed into a short petiole, sometimes hairs on the tubercles on the underside. Flower baskets are numerous, 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter, at the top of the stem, collected in loose shields. The inflorescence twigs 2-5 cm long are densely covered with bristles stiff on tubercles and white multicellular hairs. Wraps up to 1.5 cm in diameter, linear, gradually pointed, rigidly ciliate along the margin, glabrous, only reddish in the upper part and sometimes deflected. The outer ones are lanceolate-linear 0.6 cm x 1.3 mm wide, greenish, leathery, usually shorter than the inner ones, narrow-linear 1 cm x 1 mm., Membranous, in the lower part with numerous yellow sessile glands. The flowers are yellow, sometimes the outside is covered with yellow sessile glands. The reed ones are 1/3 larger than the leaves of the envelope. Achenes 1.0 cm x 0.5 cm wide, brown, ribbed, long and appressed hairy. The fly is white, consisting of single row, numerous slightly unequal setae, 3-4 times as long as achenes, finely upwardly serrated, slightly fused at the bases. Deserted steppes, alkaline meadows, sedge bogs.

D. splayed inula conyza

Homeland - Britain. Biennial up to 60cm tall. Straight purplish stem with low branches. Dark green narrow oval leaves with solid and jagged edges. Numerous dark yellow rounded flowers.

Elecampane Inula crithmoides.

Homeland - Britain. Biennial up to 30cm tall. Straight, low stem. Narrow fleshy leaves. Large yellow chamomile flowers

Inula dysenterica

Homeland - Europe. Perennial up to 60 cm tall. Straight pubescent stem. Dark grayish-green oblong heart-shaped leaves with irregularly dissected wavy edges. Bright yellow flowers, collected in large apical inflorescences.

Sword-leaved elecampane Inula ensifolia

This perennial can often be found on chalk and limestone mountain slopes, in light forests on mountain slopes and in the forb-cereal steppes of Europe and the Caucasus. Low, 15-30 cm tall, compact plant with numerous thin strong stems, weakly branched in the upper part. Leaves are narrow, lanceolate, up to 6 cm long, all sessile. Baskets are usually single, 2-4 cm in diameter, ligulate and tubular flowers are yellow. Blooms profusely from early July to late August. The seeds ripen in late August - September. In culture since 1793.

Elecampane Germanic Inula germanica

Perennial 30-80 cm high with a creeping rhizome covered with scales. The stem is straight, leafy, scaly at the base, branched at the top, silky pubescent. Leaves are oblong-elliptical or lanceolate, short-pointed, whole-edged, rigidly pubescent on the upper side, pubescent on the lower side with long hairs with glands; the lower leaves taper into a petiole, the upper leaves are sessile, with a cordate base, semi-embracing. Baskets are collected in an apical inflorescence, small, about 1 cm in diameter; the wrapper is cylindrical, tiled, the outer leaves are wider, the inner ones are narrower, softly pubescent at the ends, bent outward. The flowers are yellow. Achene glabrous, furrowed. Blooms in July and August.

Inula glauca Elecampane gray

Elecampaneus grandiflora Inula grandiflora

Herbaceous perennial 40-70 cm tall. The whole plant is covered with sparse white or sometimes reddish multicellular hairs extended towards the base. The stem is single, longitudinally ribbed. Leaves are oblong-elliptical, 5-10 cm x 2-4.5 cm, lower to the base narrowed, upper cordate-stalk-embracing, along the edge with small rare teeth, ending with glands. Basket up to 9 cm in diameter, single. The wrapper is multi-row, 2.5-4.5 cm in diameter. The envelopes are narrow-lanceolate, up to 1.3 cm long, finely pointed, with scattered yellowish-orange long cilia. The flowers are yellow-orange. Achenes are cylindrical, up to 0.2 mm long, brown, longitudinally ribbed, with a crest 2.5 times as long as the achene.

Inula grandis

Elecampane high Ínula helénium

Perennial, native to Europe, Asia and Africa. Popular names, according to the "Botanical Dictionary" NI Annenkov: Oman, nine-force, elecampane, wild sunflower, marvel. The rhizome is thick, short, fleshy, with few thick roots extending from it. Rhizomes and roots are brown outside, yellowish inside. Stem erect, furrowed, pubescent with short dense white hairs, 100-175 cm high. Leaves are alternate, large, uneven, velvety-gray tomentose below; basal leaves are petiolate, elliptical or elongated-ovate. Inflorescences are baskets, 6-7 cm in diameter, located singly at the ends of stems and branches, together forming an irregular scutellum or raceme. The envelope leaves are tiled; internal - membranous, linear, smooth, medium widened at the end; the outer ones are ovoid, grayish-tomentose, resembling small leaves. The flowers are yellow, with an off-white tuft of hairs instead of a calyx; marginal - pistillate, ligulate, with a linear limb of the corolla, median - bisexual, tubular, with five teeth. There are five stamens, with anthers fused into a tube surrounding the column. Pistil with a lower unilocular ovary, a long thin column and two straight stigmas. The fruit is an oblong, tetrahedral brown or brown achene with a tuft twice its length. Blooms in July-September. The fruits ripen in August-October. It grows in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the Caucasus, Turkey, the Middle East, Central Asia, Mongolia, China. On the territory of Russia, it is found in the Caucasus, in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the European part, in Altai and in Western Siberia. It grows in deciduous and pine forests and shrubs, in forest-steppe and mountain forests (at an altitude of up to 2000 m), in meadows, glades, along the banks of rivers, lakes, mountain streams.

Roots and rhizomes have a peculiar aromatic smell, they taste bitter, pungent. In the food industry, elecampane is used in the manufacture of confectionery and drinks. Roasted roots can serve as a substitute for coffee. In the alcoholic beverage industry, rhizomes are used for flavoring and coloring wines. The essential oil contained in the roots and rhizome is used to flavor fish, culinary products and food concentrates; it also has bactericidal, especially fungicidal (antifungal) properties.

Garden forms of elecampane are used for planting and decorating wet places in parks, forest parks, along highways and railways. Mediocre summer honey plant.

Elecampane tall refers to the ancient medicinal plants that were used by the doctors of the era of Hippocrates, Dioscorides, Pliny. The plant was used in the practice of Avicenna. Preparations from fresh roots and rhizomes are used in homeopathy. In domestic and foreign folk medicine, rhizome tinctures and extracts were used internally for malaria, edema, urolithiasis, migraine; decoctions as an expectorant for whooping cough, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, as a hemostatic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory agent for skin diseases, tachycardia; seeds - for some female diseases. Tincture of fresh root on wine (port and Cahors) was used for hypoacid gastritis. In Kazakh folk veterinary medicine, rhizomes were used to treat glanders in horses. Allanton preparation is obtained from rhizomes and roots, which is used for treatmentstomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer

Inula helvetica

Inula heterolepis

Elecampane hairy Inula hirta

Perennial, pubescent with hard hairs, 10-50 cm high with a creeping branched rhizome. The stem is straight, with 1-3 branches each bearing one basket. Leaves are oblong, densely on both sides, roughly pubescent, whole-edged, short-pointed; the lower ones are narrowed towards the base, the upper ones have a rounded base, sedentary. Single baskets, 2-5 cm in diameter; the wrapper is broadly ovate; outer leaves of the envelope are lanceolate, pointed, leathery at the base, rough-hairy at the top; internal linear-lanceolate, pubescent. Marginal ligulate flowers are golden yellow, 2-2.5 times longer than the wrapper. The fruit is a naked achene. Blooms from June to October.

Inula hookeri

Inula japonica

Inula macrophylla

Elecampane magnificent I. magnifica

In nature, it grows only in the subalpine belt of the Caucasus. It is not without reason that it got its name. It is a majestic, powerful, spreading plant up to 2 m high, with a thick furrowed stem. A real perennial. Basal and lower stem leaves are large, oblong-elliptical, up to 50 cm x 25 cm, narrow at the base and turn into a petiole 30-60 cm long. The upper leaves are sessile and smaller than the lower ones. Flower baskets are yellow, up to 15 cm in dm., On long, up to 25 cm, peduncles, single or 2-4 in rare shields. Blooms in July-August, profusely. The seeds ripen in August-September. After flowering, the leaves turn yellow, the plant loses its decorative effect, so it is better to cut it off.

Inula mariae

Elecampane Mountain Inula montana

Plant up to 30 cm tall. The leaves are alternately lanceolate. Basal leaves on short petioles, the rest are sessile, and all pubescent. The peduncle bears one disc-shaped flower head. Ligulate flowers and disc flowers are yellow. Fruits 2-3 cm, fluffy, with a crown of hair.

Elecampane of Christ's eye, ocellular Inula oculus-christi

The taxonomic name was first published by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. Known from Belgium, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Romania, Hungary, Montenegro, Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Albania, Turkey, Macedonia, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Russia (center and south of the European part, North Caucasus), Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Iran, Syria, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Iraq and Algeria. Occurs in the steppes, on rocky and steppe slopes and among bushes. Perennial 15-50 cm high, rhizome, rosette. Stem with glandular pubescence. Leaves are oblong, petiolate, glandular-pubescent. Inflorescences - baskets with golden flowers; the leaves of the envelope are linear-lanceolate. The fruit is a pubescent achene. Blooms from May to July. Grown as an ornamental plant. The plant is listed in the Red Data Books of the Voronezh and Saratov regions of Russia and the Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine

Eastern elecampane Inula orientalis

Caucasus, Asia Minor. Perennial with straight stems up to 70 cm tall. Leaves are oblong-spatulate. Inflorescences - baskets 9-10 cm in diameter. Ligulate flowers are dark yellow, very thin, long, tubular - yellow. Blooms in July-August. Bears fruit.

Elecampane Inula oxylepis

Elecampane Root-headed Inula rhizocephala

Mountain meadows. Eastern Siberia, Central Asia. Stemless plant with a rosette of oblong-obovate leaves with yellow densely crowded baskets in the center of the rosette. Blooms in June - July. Light. Loose soils. Seed reproduction. Gives self-seeding.

Elecampane Royle Inula royleana

Himalayas. Perennial up to 60 cm tall. Leaves are oblong, up to 25 cm long. Baskets 4-5 cm in diameter, ligulate and tubular flowers are bright yellow. Blooms in July-August for 30-35 days. Bears fruit. In culture since 1897

Inula sabuletorum D. sandy

It was first really described in the work of Evgeny Mikhailovich Lavrenko, published in 1926.

Known from Bulgaria, Russia (European part, North Caucasus), Transcaucasian countries, Romania, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Hungary. Found in sandy steppes.

Herbaceous perennial plant 30-60 cm long. Creeping rhizome. Leaves are leathery, pubescent; narrow-lanceolate stem leaves. Inflorescences-baskets with yellow flowers. The fruit is a brown oblong-linear achene, the appendage is a white bristled crest. Blooms from late June to August. Sandy elecampane is listed in the Red Book of the Saratov Region of Russia. In this region, the population of the species is located in the Krasnokutsk district and is under threat of extinction due to habitat disturbance as a result of grazing. Grown in the Botanical Garden of the Saratov State University, protected in the Dyakovsky reserve.

Elecampaneus Inula salicina

Perennial up to 80 cm tall. Rhizome is creeping, branched. Stems ascending, straight, more often simple, densely leafy, hairy pubescent. The middle and upper stem leaves are leathery, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 5-8.5 cm x 0.8-2 cm, acute, with veins protruding from below, semi-stemmed, with blunt ears at the base, along the edge with sharp teeth and bristles , glabrous or ventrally along the veins with scattered bristles. Baskets 2.5-4 cm in diameter, solitary or 2-5 in each corymbose common inflorescence. The bracts are numerous, support the baskets, similar to stem leaves, and imperceptibly pass into them. The wrapper is about 2 cm wide, hemispherical, 4-row. The flowers are golden yellow, glabrous. Marginal flowers ligulate, 1.3-1.7 cm long with linear ligules, 3-toothed above. The flowers of the disc are tubular, with a corolla 0.9 cm long, 5-toothed.

Inula spiraeifolia

Elecampane mullein Inula verbascifolia

Perennial. Leaves in a basal rosette, broadly lanceolate, on petioles. Leaves on stems are sessile. All leaves are densely white-hairy. The stems branch somewhat at the tops and bear flower heads at the ends. Flower heads are small, yellow.

Inula viscosa

Elecampane ordinary - Inula vulgaris

Biennial, 40-120 cm tall, fine-tomentose. Rhizome woody, knotty; the stem is finely and finely ribbed, green, straight, branched in the upper part. Leaves are elliptical, lower 10-13 cm x 3-4 cm, upper 6-11 cm x 2-4.5 cm, almost sessile. Baskets 0.5-1.2 cm in diameter, numerous, on peduncles 0.3-0.8 cm long, collected in a branched corymbose panicle 10 cm long, 12 cm wide. Marginal flowers are multi-row, 8-8.5 mm long, ligulate, few in number, with three teeth; median - tubular, brownish, five-toothed; achenes are cylindrical, brown, 2-2.5 mm long, 0.2-0.3 mm wide. Blooms in June-July. Distributed in the European part of Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus. It grows in clearings and deciduous forests, on limestone and rocky slopes and along river banks.

For medicinal purposes, herbs (stems, leaves, flowers) and leaves are used. The plant contains rubber.

Decoction, infusion of herbs are used for jaundice, flatulence, as a diaphoretic and wound healing. The smoke obtained from burning leaves is an insecticide for flies, bugs, fleas, mosquitoes.

  1. 1 tablespoon of chopped dry herb in 1 glass of water, boil for 3-4 minutes, leave for 1-2 hours, drain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times daily before meals for jaundice, as diaphoretic.
  2. 3 tablespoons of chopped herbs per 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, drain. Use in the form of lotions, compresses, as a wound healing agent.

Elecampane is a well-known and widely used medicinal herb in folk and official medicine. The plant grows in vast areas of forest-steppe, forests of the Crimea, Central Asia, the Caucasus. Blooms in the second half of summer - early autumn.

The herbaceous perennial of the Astrov family has a hundred species. Large inflorescences in the form of a basket are located singly on the stem, up to 2 meters high.

Often collectors of nectar are collected in paniculate or corymbose inflorescences. The rhizome is thick and long.

Leaves of different shapes:

In Russia, it was believed that the use of elecampane infusion gives a person 9 strength. In China, healers claim that Inula (Latin for elecampane) helps in the treatment of 99 diseases.

Flowers in different species differ in shape, structure, as well as gender (there are male and female). The most popular product in medicine is rhizomes and roots. The use of leaves and seeds is not excluded.

The herb is rich in substances from the group of polysaccharides, including inulin (the content in the underground part reaches 44%).

In the study of the composition, experts determined: the volatile concentrate (alanthic essential oil) in the rhizome and roots contains up to 4.3%, in the grass - up to 3%.

Chemical composition

It was determined in a laboratory - oil-like liquid with a characteristic strong odor and taste contains such substances determining the medicinal properties of this complex mixture:

In addition, the roots contain:

  • resin;
  • gum (lowers cholesterol, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • traces of alkaloids (have a mild invigorating effect);
  • complex nitrogen-free organic compounds from glycosides of plant origin saponins (increase the secretion of bronchial glands);
  • strong antioxidant tocopherol;
  • vitamin C;
  • alantopicrin.

Studies have shown that elecampane works well in the treatment of non-scarring ulcers in chronic diseases of the stomach and the initial part of the small intestine (duodenum 12).

The common drug "Alanton" contains sesquiterpene lactones with a wide spectrum of biological activity (antitumor, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, etc.).

Elecampane high (Ínula helénium)

The most famous and widely used for healing diseases is Elecampane tall.

Its use in medical practice is described in the "Medical Canon" (1024) by the Persian scientist, physician Avicenna (980-1037). Ancient Greek warriors in Sparta raised their stamina by drinking wine infused with inula roots.

Inula helenium is popularly called "bear's ear", wild sunflower, Lenin's grass, etc. The most medicinal type of perennial is distinguished by a dark brown color with a voluminous rhizome with long roots.

The upper part of the stem (grows up to 1.5 m) branches shortly and is “dressed” with leaves shaped like an oblong egg. At the top of the head, the organs of air supply are covered with hard hairs, below - with velvety felt. Fruits are tetrahedral achenes.

Elecampane British (Inula Britannica)

In Elecampane British rhizome is thin, the stem is single, low, straight. The heads of yellow flowers are 3-4 cm in diameter, collected by a shield, there is a wrapper of linear-lanceolate pointed leaves. The fruit is a fluffy achene (a row of rough hairs).

Such elecampane has many medicinal properties, therefore it is used in the fight against all sorts of inflammations, if necessary, to take disinfecting measures.

It is a diaphoretic, wound healing, analgesic, laxative, diuretic. Medical practice shows: tinctures are effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids, diarrhea, bleeding, cough.

Doctors pay attention! A mass of crushed fresh leaves, applied to wounds that are bleeding and the surrounding tissue is inflamed, helps in the fight against the appearance of cloudy exudate (pus).

In folk practice, the substance is used, if necessary, to disinfect and anesthetize the bite of animals, snakes, insects.

Elecampane swordsman

The elecampane is a low-growing sword-leaved representative of the genus (h = 15-20 cm) rapidly growing in width. Thin stems of the plant are weakly branched.

Not every soil is suitable for development. It is important that the soil is sufficiently dry, well-drained, alkaline. It is widely known as an ornamental plant.

"Elecampane premium"

The therapeutic and prophylactic agent is produced by the companies "Parapharm" and "Devyasil-P".

The tablets are packaged in 100 pieces, consist of Elecampane high rhizome powder with vitamin C.

The drug "Elecampane Premium" is used as:

  • prophylactic agent for colds;
  • expectorant, diaphoretic;
  • improves digestion (the medicinal properties of elecampane are especially useful with a low concentration of acid in gastric juice);
  • antiseptic;
  • choleretic;
  • calming;
  • regulator of ovarian function, if necessary, to align the menstrual cycle and other gynecological diseases.

Elecampane "Christ's Eye"

"Eye of Christ" - so called Elecampane(Inulaoculus-christi) among the people. It is found in different countries, including Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Russia (listed in the Red Book in the Saratov and Voronezh regions).

Stem 15-20 cm high, with glandular pubescence. The flowers are yellow, with compound-ligulate petals along the edge, tubular in the middle. Used when decorating plots.

Useful properties of the medicinal plant Elecampane for the body

Decoctions and tinctures are made from roots and rhizomes. Pharmacologists recommend them as an expectorant, if necessary, stimulate urine flow, to increase the efficiency and vitality of the body.

In the annotations to the products containing the processed plant, it is indicated that they are indicated for diseases of the stomach, gallbladder, enterocolitis, and constipation.

In folk medicine, a steep broth is used to lubricate skin rashes (itching subsides, weeping wounds dry up). Elecampane is used for jaundice, dropsy, hemorrhoids, tumors.

Useful properties of elecampane honey

Elecampane honey is a rarity. The product is dark yellow with a brown tint and has an unusual taste and aroma.

Experts believe that honey helps to stimulate metabolic processes in the body, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, relieves cold symptoms, increases physical endurance.

Collecting and harvesting elecampane at home

To use a remedy at home, you should know the rules and methods for collecting and preparing it.

When to pick flowers, leaves, seeds

Leaves are collected and dried in early spring, when the plates are very young. The autumn harvest (flowers, seeds, roots, rhizomes) should end before the onset of frost.

Harvesting is carried out in places of intensive growth of inula. No foreign particles are allowed to enter the collection.

When to dig and how to dry the roots

Digging rhizomes at least 2 years old, at a time when the ground part of the elecampane almost died (autumn).

Having separated the remains of the stems, the roots are shaken off from the adhering earth, washed, short roots (less than 5 mm) are cut off. The rest is cut into pieces of pores 10-15 cm. Before drying in the oven, they are dried in the sun (for 2-3 days).

The oven temperature is set at 40 ° C. As a result, the raw material should be white at the fracture and yellowish-brown on the outside.

Release form, instructions for use

Elecampane goes on sale in different forms, each of which has certain advantages and disadvantages.

Rhizomes and roots of elecampane

Available in packs of 50 g, as well as in filter bags containing 1.5 g of raw materials (50 bags per package). Price - 50-90 rubles. Assigned to adult children over 12 years of age, as an expectorant.

Cooking method:

  1. 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dried herbs (or 2 sachets) in an enamel bowl are poured with boiling water (200 g).
  2. Insist 30 minutes. on the "water bath".
  3. Cool for 10 minutes.
  4. Filter by squeezing.
  5. The broth is brought to 200 g by adding boiled water.
  6. A warm drink, half a glass each, is consumed an hour before breakfast, lunch, dinner. The course is 2 weeks.

Elecampane pills

The solid dosage form is packaged in jars of 90 tablets. Price - from 150 rubles. It contains elecampane root.


Take 2 tab. 2-3 times a day, 30 min. before meals for 12-18 days, as a preventive measure.


Liquid with the addition of vitamin C of medium density, yellowish-brown (to brown). Taste is bittersweet, characteristic smell. Produced in bottles of 125-200 g. Price - 67-120 rubles.

It is made from the roots and rhizomes of elecampane. Give to children in 20 minutes. before meals, 1/2 teaspoon three times a day with:

Herbal tea

Available in boxes of 30 sachets. Price - from 80 rubles.

Cleansing herbal tea with elecampane is drunk in the evening to normalize bowel function.


Available in tubes of 75 g. Includes additives (celandine, turpentine). Depending on the composition, it is used for skin diseases, back pain. Price - from 65 rubles.

Elecampane powder

Powder (powder) is packed in filter bags. It costs 150 rubles. The substance contains essential oils, used as an expectorant.

Plant seeds

Seeds can be bought in specialized stores ("everything for the dacha"), in bags of 0.03 g, the price is 15-17 rubles.

Overdose and side effects

The drugs are contraindicated in pregnant women, people suffering from renal diseases, with a tendency to high blood viscosity.

In case of an overdose, symptoms similar to those that occur with poisoning occur- nausea, vomiting, dizziness. Allergic reactions may occur.

Interaction with other medications

Healing based on the healing properties of elecampane is also relevant in the 21st century. Elecampane-containing forms combine well with other drugs, no cases of serious complications have been recorded to date.

Recipes for use in traditional medicine

Elecampane, whose medicinal properties have a positive effect on all systems of the human body, is often found in traditional medicine recipes.

Elecampane for male strength (potency)

With the help of decoctions and infusions of elecampane, you can improve many aspects of the sexual life of men.: erection, spermatogenesis, sperm quality.

For these purposes, mainly the rhizome of the plant is used, where the maximum amount of nutrients is concentrated.

Recipes for male potency:

  • Decoction from the roots. To get rid of male infertility and improve sperm production, you need to do the following: pour hot water (500 ml) into a container with 3 tbsp. l. roots, bring mixture to a boil and keep on fire for 10 minutes. Ready warm broth is drunk in small doses (1 tbsp. L.) 3-4 r. per day. The procedure takes 3 days. Then take a week break and repeat the cycle.
  • Powder from the root (1 tbsp. L.) Brew 1 tbsp. hot water. For maximum preservation of useful properties, the solution is not boiled. Reception is carried out 4 rubles. per day every 2 days 1 tbsp. This scheme is followed for a month. On the days of taking the tincture, you should refuse sexual intercourse. During the breaks, intimate relationships are shown.

When menstruation is delayed to call them

Elecampane, whose medicinal properties strongly affect the restoration of the female cycle, is recommended for use even by gynecologists.

Elecampane contains phytohormone, similar in composition to the hormones of the female reproductive system, due to which the processes in the uterus and ovaries are activated. However, the concentrations of decoctions and dosages when taken orally are adjusted by the attending physician individually.

Recipes for calling menstruation:

  • Crushed roots (1 tsp) are immersed in water (1 tbsp.). The mixture is boiled for 15 minutes. over low heat. Leave for 4 hours, covered with something warm. After straining, the broth is drunk 2 r. per day exactly 50 ml.
  • This infusion is more concentrated: for 300 ml of mountains. water accounts for 1 tbsp. l. ground roots. The solution is languished for no more than 15 minutes. over steam, insist in warmth and filter. It should be used in 1 tsp. 4 p. per day. Menstruation usually occurs on the first day of taking elecampane.

Elecampane has a very powerful effect on the female body and can harm it. That's why before using the plant in order to restore menstruation, a pregnancy test should be done as the delay may be caused by this.

It is also necessary to refrain from taking elecampane during menstruation, since the components of the plant provoke increased bleeding.

Elecampane with radiculitis, bruises and joint pain

Pain Relief Recipes:

Elecampane with thyroid

For the treatment of the thyroid gland, an infusion of rhizomes is used.

Pour 2 tbsp into a mixture weighing 200 g. alcohol and let stand for a week in the dark and cool. Drink infusion 1 p. per day on an empty stomach, diluted with water.

Elecampane for gastritis with high acidity

Also, with gastritis, a decoction from the following collection helps:

  • roots of elecampane, comfrey, lovage, mallow;
  • leaves of coltsfoot, celandine and peppermint.

Take 10 g of each plant. 300 ml. boiling put 1 tbsp. l. ready mix. The broth is recommended to drink at 3 tbsp. per day.

To prepare the broth, you need 100 g of crushed roots and 300 ml of water. Next, the broth should be left warm for an hour. Children - take 1 tsp. liquid before meals, adults - 1 tbsp. l. Recommended time of admission - 4 r. per day.

Elecampane with burdock for hair loss (with baldness)

Pour 500 ml into a container with crushed burdock and elecampane roots (1: 1). alcohol.

After thorough mixing, the solution is placed in a dark place, wrapped in warm clothes, and left for 14 days. Then the broth is rubbed into bald patches with massaging movements. The procedure is carried out at night for 8-9 months every day until hair appears.

Elecampane with psoriasis

For the treatment of skin problems, ointments and infusions from the roots of the plant are used. The ointment is prepared according to the recipe: 2 tbsp. l. roots are diluted with 50 ml. water and kept in a water bath for 20 minutes. The finished mass must be mixed with grease.

The ointment is applied in a layer of 1-2 mm. for 1 hour, then thoroughly washed off with laundry soap.

To prepare the tincture you will need: 250 g of ground rhizomes and 2 p. more alcohol. The solution must be left for 14 days. For eczema, psoriasis and neurodermatitis, drink infusion 20 drops together with filtered water 3-4 r. per day.

Elecampane in gynecology - "Women's gathering"

To maintain women's health, an infusion of roots is used, which is prepared in this way: 1 tsp. dried powder is poured into 1 tbsp. boiling water and steamed for 20 minutes. The mixture is infused for 4 hours.

The recommended daily consumption rate is 1 tbsp. l. 4 p. half an hour before meals. The drug is taken only in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle.

Elecampane with uterus prolapse

When the uterus descends, an infusion of elecampane rhizomes should be used, which is prepared on the basis of 60 percent alcohol (1: 2).

The mixture is infused until precipitation occurs. Shake the solution before use. Tincture is accepted 2 r. in a day.

Elecampane versus kidney stones

Due to its diuretic properties, elecampane improves kidney function, cleanses them of toxins and toxins. The removal of stones from the kidneys is facilitated by a tincture of dried roots.

For the recipe you need:

The mixture must be stirred and allowed to stand in the dark for 2 weeks. For 3 days they drink the infusion, increasing the dose from 1 tbsp. l. up to 3, then from the 4th to the 7th day, the dosage is gradually reduced to 1 liter. The entire cycle must be repeated until the solution runs out.

Elecampane for diabetes

For the treatment of diabetes, a cold infusion is prepared: take 2 tsp. roots and 600 ml. water, leave for 8 hours and filter. Doctors recommend taking an infusion of half a glass of 3 r. per day at least 30 minutes before the start of the meal.

Elecampane for weight loss

Elecampane is used as an effective means for losing weight due to its diuretic properties and acceleration of the intestines.

To this end, you need to make a decoction of 1 tbsp. spoons of rhizomes and 1 tbsp. water. The solution should be boiled for 2 minutes and left for half an hour. Nutritionists recommend drinking 3 tbsp before meals. l. 4 p. per day.

Elecampane for cough for children 2 years old

Elecampane when coughing for children

With a strong cough 1 tbsp. l. powder is poured into 1 tbsp. water and heat for half an hour. Babies from 3 to 7 years old are recommended to give 1 tbsp. l. in 40 minutes before meals.

Children of the junior school. age (7-12 years) the dose is increased to 2 tbsp. spoons. Children over 12 years old take the infusion in 5 tbsp. l.

Elecampane for schizophrenia

With the manifestation of increased aggression, the patient must be given half a glass of the collection of thyme, mistletoe and elecampane roots 4 r. per day.

For cooking, you need 3 tbsp. l. Pour 1 liter of all ingredients. boiling water. The solution is placed in a thermos and infused for one night.

Elecampane from alcoholism

Elecampane is used for intoxication in 1 tbsp. l. 4 p. per day. At 2 tbsp. l. roots need a glass of boiling water. The infusion must be covered and left for 20 minutes.

Elecampane for bronchitis

Elecampane for bronchitis is used together with anise and thyme (1: 1). Add 1 liter to a container with a ready-made collection (2 tbsp. L.). water, boil for 15 minutes. and leave for 4 hours. The mixture should be drunk at 1 tbsp. on an empty stomach for 2-3 days.

The plant Elecampane, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which must be studied before use, is actively used in folk medicine to restore immunity and improve well-being.

Elecampane for diabetes

Elecampane roots in the amount of 50 g are poured with 300 ml of boiling water and cooked over steam for 30 minutes. The infusion is filtered and consumed in 150 ml 3 r. per day 40-60 minutes before meals.

Elecampane with pancreatitis

With pancreatitis, you can use both an infusion and a decoction, or apply a powder from the roots and rhizomes of elecampane. The infusion is consumed 4 r. a day for half a glass, a decoction of 3 rubles, and a powder of 1 g twice a day.

Elecampane with hemorrhoids

The following recipe helps with hemorrhoids: 1 tbsp. l. roots must be filled with 600 ml. boiled and cooled water and leave for 8 hours. The solution is drunk before meals, 250 ml.

Properties and uses for men

The medicinal properties of elecampane have been known among the people for a long time, due to which the plant is widespread in folk medicine.

The herb is popular in folk recipes for formulations that help to activate the function of activating sperm in men, because it boosts immunity and enhances the secretion of the seminal glands.

Applying the grass roots one month before the intended fertilization helps to increase sperm motility. To do this, you need to brew 2 tablespoons. funds 2 tbsp. boiling water in a thermos.

It is necessary to use the broth 8 times a day in equal doses for 1 month. During this period, you should refrain from having sex. After completing the course of admission, it is necessary to actively engage in fertilization for a couple of days.

Elecampane is also widely used for the treatment of male infertility, improving the quality properties of sperm and increasing the likelihood of conceiving a child.

To do this, it should be 400 ml. add 2 tbsp of water. spoons of herbs. You need to cook for 15 minutes. The broth is poured through a sieve into a container and consumed daily for 1 tbsp. l. 4 to 6 times within 1 month.

Need to know! After using elecampane, a second course of its use is possible no earlier than 30 days.

Contraindications to the use of herbs for men:

Properties and application for women

In the treatment of gynecological diseases, elecampane has become widespread, namely:

  • in the fight against infertility;
  • in the event of inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages;
  • with various infectious lesions of the vaginal mucosa.

The benefits of elecampane for women are undeniable. The ancient Romans, Greeks, peoples of Tibet knew the healing properties and contraindications.

Tincture of the herb is widely used for disruptions in the menstrual cycle, inflammation of the pelvic organs.

It is used internally, and tampons are also impregnated with it. To prepare the broth, 2 tbsp. spoon elecampane add to 0.5 liters. vodka and leave to infuse for 3 weeks.

The dosage of the reception is 2 times a day, 50 ml., Pre-shaking the tincture. During a night's sleep, sterile tampons soaked in elecampane are placed.

In case of regular irregularities in the menstrual cycle, a decoction from the roots of the plant is used.

To prepare it, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped rhizome and 1 tbsp. steeply brewed water. Next, you should mix everything. It takes 5 minutes to cook. Next, the broth is infused for 30 minutes and taken twice a day, 50 ml. a course of 10 days.

Attention! It is necessary to take the product in strictly specified proportions. Exceeding the dosage is fraught with bleeding and intoxication.

In case of infertility, it is recommended to drink a decoction in 3-4 doses during the menstrual cycle after ovulation. The daily rate is 1 tbsp. spoon. As a result, a fertilized egg will have a significant increase in the chances of attachment to the wall of the uterus.

Occasionally, the herb is used as a means of provoking miscarriages, which is categorically contraindicated by specialists in the field of gynecology, due to the high probability of bleeding in the uterus.

Contraindications to the use of elecampane in gynecology are:

  • features of the process of bearing a child;
  • lactation period;
  • profuse menstrual flow;
  • changes in blood clotting.

Elecampane for women with infertility

The healing properties of elecampane are often used for conception. The collection includes finely chopped elecampane rhizomes, dandelion and burdock roots. Each ingredient is taken in the amount of 2 tablespoons. 0.5 l of 70% alcohol is poured into the mixture.

It is important to let the drug brew for 21 days, shaking daily. When a white precipitate appears at the bottom of the container, the mixture is ready for use. The infusion is recommended to drink 50 ml twice a day.

Properties and contraindications for children

The healing properties of elecampane are applicable to children, but there are also contraindications. Alcoholic herbal tincture is contraindicated for children. Therefore, it should be treated only with root tinctures.

To prepare it, you need to add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the plant in a saucepan, into which you first pour 1 glass of water. Cook for 30 minutes. The cooled and strained broth should be diluted with boiled water so that 200 ml is obtained at the exit. liquids.

You need to drink it during the day in 3 doses, starting from the full years of the child. To reveal the medicinal properties, the herb should be taken in certain dosages.

Contraindications for children:

  • the child is not 3 years old;
  • allergic reactions;
  • intolerance to the broth.

How to brew, infuse and apply decoctions

A decoction of elecampane helps to reduce the secretion of mucus from the respiratory system and the expectoration of phlegm in case of a cold.

Due to its medicinal properties, has a positive effect on the digestion process, increases appetite and improves metabolism... And this, in turn, reduces catarrhal phenomena, contributing to the transfer of cough in mild tuberculosis.

Decoctions from the roots of elecampane are useful for disorders of the digestive system. It is used for scanty menstrual flow due to its properties to enhance uterine contractions.

Also the herb treats inflammation of the larynx and oral mucosa with regular rinsing. Removes the broth and microorganisms that cause infections present in non-weeping wounds.

Prepare a decoction of elecampane as follows: mix 1 cup of boiling water with 1 teaspoon of rhizomes, chopping them before that. Then cook for 15 minutes. and leave to infuse for 4 hours. It must be taken a couple of times daily for 1 tbsp. spoon.

How and how much to drink broth

The medicinal properties of elecampane broth are used for multiple diseases in folk medicine:

  • Decoction from 1 tbsp. spoon elecampane and a glass of water use as mouthwash... Dosage daily - half a glass 2-3 times before meals;
  • For the treatment of weakly healing dry wounds- a decoction of 100 g of grass root and a liter of water is used for washing, lotions, compresses, baths;
  • With lethargy stomach- a decoction of 30 g of herbs per 1 liter of water. You should drink 30 g twice a day before meals;
  • With stomatitis reception of 1 tbsp will help. spoons 4 times a day a decoction of 20 g of roots in 0.2 liters of boiling water.

How to make a tincture on alcohol, vodka, wine

Not the last place is occupied by recipes for herbal tincture on vodka, alcohol and wine.


Plant storage rules

Before use, you should always check the correct storage of the herb.

Opened packaging should never have an unpleasant odor, which is not typical for grass. The appearance of the plant must correspond to what is stated in the instructions.

It is imperative to check the raw materials for the presence of insects, rodents or their waste. If such are identified, the use of the plant is unsafe for health!

Medicinal properties and contraindications of the plant Elecampane:

Recipes and rules for using elecampane:

Recommended to read
