Vasily Belov "The usual business" - analysis by A. Solzhenitsyn

Engineering systems 24.09.2019

business as usual

A peasant Ivan Afrikanovich Drynov rides on wood. He got drunk with the tractor driver Mishka Petrov and now he is talking to the gelding Parmyon. He is carrying goods from the general store for the store, but he drove drunk to the wrong village, which means that he only went home - in the morning ... It's a common thing. And at night, the same Mishka catches up with Ivan Afrikanovich on the way.

Still drank. And then Ivan Afrikanovich decides to woo Mishka his second cousin, forty-year-old Nyushka, a livestock specialist. True, she has a thorn, but if you look from the left side, you can’t see it ... Nyushka drives her friends away with her grip, and they have to spend the night in a bathhouse.

And just at this time, the ninth, Ivan, will be born to Ivan Afrikanovich's wife Katerina. And Katerina, although the paramedic forbade her strictly, after giving birth - immediately to work, seriously ill. And Katerina recalls how, on Peter's Day, Ivan with a lively wench from their village, Dasha Putanka, and then, when Katerina forgave him, joyfully exchanged the Bible inherited from his grandfather for an "accordion" - to amuse his wife. And now Dasha does not want to take care of the calves, so Katerina has to work for her too (otherwise you will not be able to feed the family). Exhausted by work and illness, Katerina suddenly faints. She is taken to the hospital. Hypertension, stroke. And only more than two weeks later she returns home.

And Ivan Afrikanovich also recalls the accordion: he had not even managed to learn how to play the bass, as it was taken away for arrears.

It's hay time. Ivan Afrikanovich in the forest, secretly, seven miles from the village, mows at night. If you don’t mow three haystacks, there is nothing to feed the cow: ten percent of the hay mowed on the collective farm is enough for a month at most ....

A peasant Ivan Afrikanovich Drynov rides on wood. He got drunk with the tractor driver Mishka Petrov and now he is talking to the gelding Parmyon. He is carrying goods from the general store for the store, but he drove drunk to the wrong village, which means that he only went home - in the morning ... It's a common thing. And at night, the same Mishka catches up with Ivan Afrikanovich on the way. Still drank. And then Ivan Afrikanovich decides to woo Mishka his second cousin, forty-year-old Nyushka, a livestock specialist. True, she has a thorn, but if you look from the left side, you can’t see it ... Nyushka chases her friends away with her grip, and they have to spend the night in the bathhouse.

And just at this time, the ninth, Ivan, will be born to Ivan Afrikanovich's wife Katerina. And Katerina, although the paramedic forbade her strictly, after giving birth - immediately to work, seriously ill. And Katerina recalls how on Peter's Day Ivan spied with a lively woman from their village, Dasha Putanka, and then, when Katerina forgave him, to celebrate, he exchanged the Bible inherited from his grandfather for an "accordion" - to amuse his wife. And now Dasha does not want to take care of the calves, so Katerina has to work for her too (otherwise you will not be able to feed the family). Exhausted by work and illness, Katerina suddenly faints. She is taken to the hospital. Hypertension, stroke. And only more than two weeks later she returns home.

And Ivan Afrikanovich also recalls the accordion: he had not even managed to learn how to play the bass, as it was taken away for arrears.

It's hay time. Ivan Afrikanovich in the forest, secretly, seven miles from the village, mows at night. If you don’t mow three haystacks, there is nothing to feed the cow: ten percent of the hay mowed on the collective farm is enough for a month at most. One night, Ivan Afrikanovich takes his young son Grishka with him, and then, out of stupidity, he tells the district commissioner that he went with his father to mow in the forest at night. They threaten Ivan Afrikanovich with a lawsuit: after all, he is a deputy of the village council, and then the same commissioner demands to “suggest” who else mows in the forest at night, write a list ... For this, he promises not to “socialize” Drynov’s personal haystacks. Ivan Afrikanovich negotiates with the neighbor's chairman and, together with Katerina, goes to the forest to mow someone else's territory at night.

At this time, Mitka Polyakov, Katerina's brother, comes to their village from Murmansk without a penny of money. A week had not passed before he got the whole village drunk, barked at the authorities, Mishke betrothed Dasha Putanka, and provided the cow with hay. And everything seems to be similar. Dasha Putanka gives Mishka a love potion to drink, and then he vomits for a long time, and a day later, at Mitka's instigation, they go to the village council and sign. Soon, Dasha rips off a reproduction of Rubens' painting "The Union of Earth and Water" from Mishka's tractor (it depicts a naked woman, by all accounts, the spitting image of Nyushka) and burns the "picture" in the oven out of jealousy. In response, the bear almost throws Dashka, who is washing herself in the bathhouse, with a tractor right into the river. As a result, the tractor was damaged, and illegally cut hay was found in the attic of the bathhouse. At the same time, they begin to look for hay from everyone in the village, and Ivan Afrikanovich's turn comes. It's business as usual.

Mitka is summoned to the police, to the district (for complicity in damaging a tractor and for hay), but by mistake, fifteen days are given not to him, but to another Polyakov, also from Sosnovka (there is half the village of the Polyakovs). Mishka is serving his fifteen days right in his village, on the job, getting drunk in the evenings with a sergeant assigned to him.

After Ivan Afrikanovich is taken away from all the secretly mowed hay, Mitka convinces him to leave the village and go to the Arctic to work. Drynov does not want to leave his native place, but if you listen to Mitka, then there is no other way out ... And Ivan Afrikanovich decides. The chairman does not want to give him a certificate, according to which he can get a passport, but in despair Drynov threatens him with a poker, and the chairman suddenly droops: “Even if everyone scatter ...”

Now Ivan Afrikanovich is a free Cossack. He says goodbye to Katerina and suddenly shrinks from pain, pity and love for her. And, without saying anything, pushes her away, as if from the shore into the pool.

And Katerina, after his departure, has to mow alone. There, during the mowing, the second blow overtakes her. Barely alive, they bring her home. And you can’t go to the hospital in such a state - he will die, they won’t take him.

And Ivan Afrikanovich returns to his native village. Ran into. And he tells a slightly familiar guy from a distant lakeside village how it was with Mitka, but he was selling onions and did not have time to jump on the train, but he still had all the tickets. They dropped off Ivan Afrikanovich and demanded that he go back to the village within three hours, and they would send a fine to the collective farm, but they didn’t say how to go, if nothing. And suddenly - the train approached and Mitka got off it. So here Ivan Afrikanovich prayed: “I don’t need anything, just let me go home.” They sold the bow, bought a return ticket, and finally Drinov went home.

And the guy, in response to the story, reports the news: in the village of Ivan Afrikanovich, the woman died, there are many children left. The guy leaves, and Drynov suddenly falls on the road, clutches his head with his hands and rolls into a roadside ditch. He thumps his fist into the meadow, gnaws at the ground ...

Rogulya, the cow of Ivan Afrikanovich, recalls his life, as if wondering at her, the shaggy sun, warmth. She was always indifferent to herself, and her timeless, immense contemplation was very rarely disturbed. The mother of Katerina Yevstolya comes, cries over her pail and tells all the children to hug Rogulya and say goodbye. Drynov asks Mishka to slaughter the cow, but he can't do it himself. The meat is promised to be taken to the dining room. Ivan Afrikanovich sorts out Rogulin's giblets, and tears drip on his bloody fingers.

The children of Ivan Afrikanovich, Mitka and Vaska, are sent to an orphanage,

Antoshka - at the school. Mitka writes to send Katyushka to him in Murmansk, only it hurts too little. Grishka and Marusya and two babies remain. And that is difficult: Evstolya is old, her hands have become thin. She recalls how, before her death, Katerina, already without memory, called her husband: “Ivan, it’s windy, oh, Ivan, how windy!”

After the death of his wife, Ivan Afrikanovich does not want to live. He walks overgrown, scary and smokes bitter Selpovsky tobacco. And Nyushka takes care of his children.

Ivan Afrikanovich goes into the forest (looking for aspen for a new boat) and suddenly sees Katerina's scarf on a branch. Swallowing her tears, she inhales the bitter, familiar smell of her hair... We must go. Go. Gradually, he realizes that he is lost. And without bread in the forest skiff. He thinks a lot about death, weakens more and more, and only on the third day, when he is already crawling on all fours, he suddenly hears a tractor rumble. And Mishka, who saved his friend, at first thinks that Ivan Afrikanovich is drunk, but he doesn’t understand anything. It's business as usual.

... Two days later, on the fortieth day after Katerina's death, Ivan Afrikanovich, sitting on his wife's grave, tells her about the children, says that it is bad for him without her, that he will go to her. And he asks you to wait ... “My dear, my bright ... I brought you mountain ash ...”

He's shaking all over. Grief plasts him on the cold, not overgrown with grass earth. And no one sees it.

The peasant Ivan Afrika-novich Drynov rides on wood. He got drunk with the truck driver Mishka Petrov and now he is talking to the gelding Parmyon. He is carrying goods from the general store for the store, but he drove drunk to the wrong village, which means that he only went home - in the morning ... It's a common thing. And at night, along the way, the same Mishka catches up with Ivan Afri-ka-no-vich. Still drank. And here Ivan Afri-ka-novich decides to marry off his three sister, forty-year-old Nyushka the livestock specialist, to Mishka. True, she has a thorn, but if you look from the left side, you can’t see it ... Nyushka chases her friends away with her grip, and they have to spend the night in the bathhouse.

And just at this time, the ninth, Ivan, will be born to the wife of Ivan Afrika-no-vich Katerina. And Katerina, although the feldsher strictly forbade her, after giving birth, she immediately went to work, seriously ill. And Katerina recalls how on Peter’s Day Ivan with a lively wench from their village Dasha Putanka and then, when Katerina forgave him, exchanged the Bible he got from his grandfather for an “accordion” - weight-pour wife. And now Dasha doesn’t want to take care of the calves, so Katerina has to work for her too (otherwise you won’t feed the family). Exhausted by work and illness, Katerina suddenly faints. She is taken to the hospital. Hypertension, stroke. And only more than two weeks later she returns home.

And Ivan Afri-ka-novich also reminisces about the accordion: he didn’t even have time to learn how to play the bass, as it was taken away for shortfalls.

It's hay time. Ivan Afrika-novich in the forest, secretly, seven miles from the village, mows at night. If you don’t mow three haystacks, there is nothing to feed the cow: ten percent of hay mowed on the collective farm is enough for a month at most. One night, Ivan Afrika-novich takes his little-year-old son Grishka with him, and then, out of stupidity, he tells the district magistrate that he went with his father at night to mow the forest. They threaten Ivan Afri-ka-no-vich with a lawsuit: after all, he is a deputy of the village council, and then the same authorized officer demands to “prompt” who else mows in the forest at night, write a list ... For this, he promises "not to generalize" Drynov's personal haystacks. Ivan Afri-ka-novich negotiates with the neighbor's pre-se-da-tel and, together with Katerina, goes to the forest to mow at a foreign territory at night.

At this time, Mitka Polyakov, Katerina's brother, comes to their village from Murmansk without a penny of money. A week had not passed before he got the whole village drunk, barked at the authorities, Mishke betrothed Dasha Putanka, and provided the cow with hay. And everything seems to be similar. Dasha Putanka gives Mishka a love potion to drink, and then he vomits for a long time, and a day later, at Mitya’s instigation, they go to the village council and sign. Soon, Dasha rips off a reproduction of Rubens' painting "The Union of Earth and Water" from Mishka's tractor (there is a naked woman depicted there, by all accounts, the spitting image of Nyushka) and burns the "picture" in the oven out of jealousy. In response, the bear almost throws Dasha, who is washing herself in the bath, with the bath directly into the river with a tractor. As a result, the tractor was damaged, and illegally cut hay was found in the attic of the bathhouse. At the same time, they begin to look for hay from everyone in the village, and the turn comes to Ivan Afri-ka-no-vich. It's business as usual.

Mitka is summoned to the police, to the district (for complicity in damaging the tractor and for hay), but by mistake they give him fifteen days to another Polyakov, also from Sosnovka (there is half a village of Polya -kovy). Mishka, on the other hand, is serving his fifteen or twenty days right in his village, on the job, getting drunk in the evenings with the sergeant assigned to him.

After all the secretly mowed hay is taken from Ivan Afri-ka-no-vich, Mitka convinces him to leave the village and go to Zapolyarye to work. Drynov does not want to leave his native place, but if you listen to Mitka, then there is no other way out ... And Ivan Afrika-novich decides. The chairman does not want to give him a certificate on which you can get a passport, but Drynov, in despair, threatens him with a poker, and the chairman suddenly droops: “Even though everyone ran away -te...”

Now Ivan Afri-ka-novich is a free Cossack. He says goodbye to Katerina and suddenly shrinks from pain, pity and love for her. And, without saying anything, pushes her away, as if from the shore into the pool.

And Katerina, after his departure, has to mow alone. There, during the mowing, the second blow overtakes her. Barely alive, they bring her home. And it’s impossible to go to the hospital in such a state - if he dies, they won’t take him.

And Ivan Afri-ka-novich returns to his native village. Run over. And he tells a slightly familiar guy from a distant lakeside village how it was with Mitka, but he sold onions and didn’t have time to jump on the train, but he still had all the tickets. They dropped off Ivan Afri-ka-no-vich and demanded that he go back to the village within three hours, and they would send a fine, they say, to the collective farm, but only how to go, if nothing, - didn't say. And suddenly - the train approached and Mitka got off it. So here Ivan Afrika-novich pleaded: “I don’t need anything, just let me go home.” They sold the bow, bought a return ticket, and finally Drinov went home.

And the guy, in response to the story, reports the news: in the village of Ivan Afri-ka-no-vicha, the woman died, there are many children left. The guy leaves, and Drynov suddenly falls on the road, clutches his head with his hands and turns into a roadside ditch. He thumps his fist into the meadow-wine, gnaws at the ground ...

Rogulya, the cow of Ivan Afrika-no-vich, recalls his life, as if surprised by it, by the cosmic sun, warmth. She was always indifferent to herself, and very rarely her timeless immensity contemplation was violated. The mother of Katerina Yevstolya comes, cries over her pail and tells all the children to hug Rogulya and say goodbye. Drynov asks Mishka to slaughter the cow, but he can't do it himself. The meat is promised to be taken to the dining room. Ivan Afri-ka-novich is sifting through Rogu-lin's giblets, and tears are dripping on his bloody fingers.

The children of Ivan Afri-ka-no-vich, Mitka and Vaska, are sent to an orphanage,

Antoshka is at the school. Mitka writes to send Katyushka to him in Murmansk, only it hurts too little. Grishka and Marusya and two babies remain. And that is difficult: Evstolya is old, her hands have become thin. She remembers how Katerina, before her death, already without memory, called her husband: “Ivan, it’s windy, oh, Ivan, how windy!”

After the death of his wife, Ivan Afri-ka-novich does not want to live. He walks overgrown, scary and smokes bitter rural tobacco. And Nyushka takes care of his children.

Ivan Afrika-novich goes into the forest (looking for aspen for a new boat) and suddenly sees Katerina's scarf on a branch. Swallowing her tears, she inhales the bitter, familiar smell of her hair... We must go. Go. Gradually, he realizes that he is lost. And without bread in the forest skiff. He thinks a lot about death, becomes weaker and weaker, and only on the third day, when he is already crawling on all fours, he suddenly hears the rumble of a tractor. And Mishka, who saved his friend, at first thinks that Ivan Afrika-novich is drunk, but he doesn’t understand anything. It's business as usual.

Two days later, on the fortieth day after Katya’s death, Ivan Afrika-novich, sitting on his wife’s grave, tells her about the children, says that it’s bad for him without her, that he will go to her. And he asks you to wait ... "My dear, my bright ... I brought you mountain ash ... "

He's shaking all over. Grief is plaiting him on the decrepit, not overgrown with grass land. And no one sees it.

A peasant Ivan Afrikanovich Drynov rides on wood. He got drunk with the tractor driver Mishka Petrov and now he is talking to the gelding Parmyon. He is carrying goods for the store from the general store, but he drove drunk to the wrong village, which means that he only went home - in the morning ... It's a common thing. And at night, the same Mishka catches up with Ivan Afrikanovich on the way. Still drank. And then Ivan Afrikanovich decides to woo Mishka his second cousin, forty-year-old Nyushka, a livestock specialist. True, she has a thorn, but if you look from the left side, you can’t see it ... Nyushka drives her friends away with her grip, and they have to spend the night in a bathhouse.

And just at this time, the ninth, Ivan, will be born to Ivan Afrikanovich's wife Katerina. And Katerina, although the paramedic forbade her strictly, after giving birth - immediately to work, seriously ill. And Katerina recalls how on Peter's Day Ivan spied with a lively woman from their village, Dasha Putanka, and then, when Katerina forgave him, to celebrate, he exchanged the Bible inherited from his grandfather for an "accordion" - to amuse his wife. And now Dasha doesn’t want to take care of the calves, so Katerina has to work for her too (otherwise you won’t be able to feed her family). Exhausted by work and illness, Katerina suddenly faints. She is taken to the hospital. Hypertension, stroke. And only more than two weeks later she returns home.

And Ivan Afrikanovich also recalls the accordion: he had not even managed to learn how to play the bass, as it was taken away for arrears.

It's hay time. Ivan Afrikanovich in the forest, secretly, seven miles from the village, mows at night. If you don’t mow three haystacks, there is nothing to feed the cow: ten percent of the hay mowed on the collective farm is enough for a month at most. One night, Ivan Afrikanovich takes his young son Grishka with him, and then, out of stupidity, he tells the district commissioner that he went with his father to mow in the forest at night. They threaten Ivan Afrikanovich with a lawsuit: after all, he is a deputy of the village council, and then the same commissioner demands to “prompt” who else mows in the forest at night, write a list ... For this, he promises not to “socialize” Drynov’s personal haystacks. Ivan Afrikanovich negotiates with the neighbor's chairman and, together with Katerina, goes to the forest to mow someone else's territory at night.

At this time, Mitka Polyakov, Katerina's brother, comes to their village from Murmansk without a penny of money. A week had not passed before he got the whole village drunk, barked at the authorities, Mishke betrothed Dasha Putanka, and provided the cow with hay. And everything seems to be similar. Dasha Putanka gives Mishka a love potion to drink, and then he vomits for a long time, and a day later, at Mitka's instigation, they go to the village council and sign. Soon, Dasha rips off a reproduction of Rubens' painting "The Union of Earth and Water" from Mishka's tractor (it depicts a naked woman, by all accounts, the spitting image of Nyushka) and burns the "picture" in the oven out of jealousy. In response, the bear almost throws Dashka, who is washing herself in the bathhouse, with a tractor right into the river. As a result, the tractor was damaged, and illegally cut hay was found in the attic of the bathhouse. At the same time, they begin to look for hay from everyone in the village, and Ivan Afrikanovich's turn comes. It's business as usual.

Mitka is summoned to the police, to the district (for complicity in damaging a tractor and for hay), but by mistake, fifteen days are given not to him, but to another Polyakov, also from Sosnovka (there is half the village of the Polyakovs). Mishka is serving his fifteen days right in his village, on the job, getting drunk in the evenings with a sergeant assigned to him.

After Ivan Afrikanovich is taken away from all the secretly mowed hay, Mitka convinces him to leave the village and go to the Arctic to work. Drynov does not want to leave his native place, but if you listen to Mitka, then there is no other way out ... And Ivan Afrikanovich decides. The chairman does not want to give him a certificate, according to which he can get a passport, but in despair Drynov threatens him with a poker, and the chairman suddenly droops: “Even if everyone scatter ...”

Now Ivan Afrikanovich is a free Cossack. He says goodbye to Katerina and suddenly shrinks from pain, pity and love for her. And, without saying anything, pushes her away, as if from the shore into the pool.

And Katerina, after his departure, has to mow alone. There, during the mowing, the second blow overtakes her. Barely alive, they bring her home. And you can’t go to the hospital in such a state - he dies, they won’t take him.

And Ivan Afrikanovich returns to his native village. Ran into. And he tells a slightly familiar guy from a distant lakeside village how it was with Mitka, but he was selling onions and didn’t have time to jump on the train, but he still had all the tickets. They dropped off Ivan Afrikanovich and demanded that he go back to the village within three hours, and they would send a fine to the collective farm, but they didn’t say how to go, if nothing. And suddenly - the train approached and Mitka got off it. So here Ivan Afrikanovich prayed: “I don’t need anything, just let me go home.” They sold the bow, bought a return ticket, and finally Drinov went home.

And the guy, in response to the story, reports the news: in the village of Ivan Afrikanovich, the woman died, there are many children left. The guy leaves, and Drynov suddenly falls on the road, clutches his head with his hands and rolls into a roadside ditch. He thumps his fist into the meadow, gnaws the ground ...

Rogulya, the cow of Ivan Afrikanovich, recalls his life, as if wondering at her, the shaggy sun, warmth. She was always indifferent to herself, and her timeless, immense contemplation was very rarely disturbed. The mother of Katerina Yevstolya comes, cries over her bucket and tells all the children to hug Rogulya, to say goodbye. Drynov asks Mishka to slaughter the cow, but he can't do it himself. The meat is promised to be taken to the dining room. Ivan Afrikanovich sorts out Rogulin's giblets, and tears drip on his bloody fingers.

The children of Ivan Afrikanovich, Mitka and Vaska, are sent to an orphanage,

Antoshka - at the school. Mitka writes to send Katyushka to him in Murmansk, only it hurts too little. Grishka and Marusya and two babies remain. And that is difficult: Evstolya is old, her hands have become thin. She recalls how, before her death, Katerina, already without memory, called her husband: “Ivan, it’s windy, oh, Ivan, how windy!”

After the death of his wife, Ivan Afrikanovich does not want to live. He walks overgrown, scary and smokes bitter Selpovsky tobacco. And Nyushka takes care of his children.

Ivan Afrikanovich goes into the forest (looking for aspen for a new boat) and suddenly sees Katerina's scarf on a branch. Swallowing her tears, she inhales the bitter, familiar smell of her hair... We must go. Go. Gradually, he realizes that he is lost. And without bread in the forest skiff. He thinks a lot about death, weakens more and more, and only on the third day, when he is already crawling on all fours, he suddenly hears a tractor roar. And Mishka, who saved his friend, at first thinks that Ivan Afrikanovich is drunk, but he doesn’t understand anything. It's business as usual.

Two days later, on the fortieth day after Katerina's death, Ivan Afrikanovich, sitting on his wife's grave, tells her about the children, says that it is bad for him without her, that he will go to her. And he asks to wait ... "My dear, my bright ... I brought you mountain ash ... "

He's shaking all over. Grief plasts him on the cold, not overgrown with grass earth. And no one sees it.

A peasant Ivan Afrikanovich Drynov rides on wood. He got drunk with the tractor driver Mishka Petrov and now he is talking to the gelding Parmen. He is carrying goods from the general store for the store, but he drove drunk to the wrong village, which means that he only went home - in the morning ... It's a common thing. And at night, the same Mishka catches up with Ivan Afrikanovich on the way. They drank more. And then Ivan Afrikanovich decides to woo Mishka his second cousin, forty-year-old Nyushka, a livestock specialist. True, she has a thorn, but if you look from the left side, you can’t see it ... Nyushka chases her friends away with her grip, and they have to spend the night in the bathhouse.

And just at this time, the ninth, Ivan, will be born to Ivan Afrikanovich's wife Katerina. And Katerina, although the paramedic forbade her strictly, after giving birth - immediately to work, seriously ill. And Katerina recalls how, on Peter's Day, Ivan with a lively wench from their village, Dasha Putanka, and then, when Katerina forgave him, joyfully exchanged the Bible inherited from his grandfather for an "accordion" - to amuse his wife. And now Dasha does not want to take care of the calves, so Katerina has to work for her too (otherwise you will not be able to feed the family). Exhausted by work and illness, Katerina suddenly faints. She is taken to the hospital. Hypertension, stroke. And only more than two weeks later she returns home.

And Ivan Afrikanovich also recalls the accordion: he had not even managed to learn how to play the bass, as it was taken away for arrears.

It's hay time. Ivan Afrikanovich in the forest, secretly, seven miles from the village, mows at night. If you don’t mow three haystacks, there is nothing to feed the cow: ten percent of the hay mowed on the collective farm is enough for a month at most. One night, Ivan Afrikanovich takes his young son Grishka with him, and then, out of stupidity, he tells the district commissioner that he went with his father to mow in the forest at night. They threaten Ivan Afrikanovich with a lawsuit: after all, he is a deputy of the village council, and then the same commissioner demands to “prompt” who else mows in the forest at night, to write a list ... For this, he promises to “not socialize” Drynov’s personal haystacks. Ivan Afrikanovich negotiates with the neighbor's chairman and, together with Katerina, goes to the forest to mow someone else's territory at night.

At this time, Mitka Polyakov, Katerina's brother, comes to their village from Murmansk without a penny of money. A week had not passed before he got the whole village drunk, barked at the authorities, Mishke betrothed Dasha Putanka, and provided the cow with hay. And everything seems to be similar. Dasha Putanka gives Mishka a love potion to drink, and then he vomits for a long time, and a day later, at Mitka's instigation, they go to the village council and sign. Soon, Dasha rips off a reproduction of Rubens' painting "Union of Earth and Water" from Mishka's tractor (it depicts a naked woman, by all accounts, the spitting image of Nyushka) and burns the "picture" in the oven out of jealousy. In response, the bear almost throws Dashka, who is washing herself in the bathhouse, with a tractor right into the river. As a result, the tractor was damaged, and illegally cut hay was found in the attic of the bathhouse. At the same time, they begin to look for hay from everyone in the village, and Ivan Afrikanovich's turn comes. It's business as usual.

Mitka is summoned to the police, to the district (for complicity in damaging a tractor and for hay), but by mistake, fifteen days are given not to him, but to another Polyakov, also from Sosnovka (there is half the village of the Polyakovs). Mishka is serving his fifteen days right in his village, on the job, getting drunk in the evenings with a sergeant assigned to him.

After Ivan Afrikanovich is taken away from all the secretly mowed hay, Mitka convinces him to leave the village and go to the Arctic to work. Drynov does not want to leave his native place, but if you listen to Mitka, then there is no other way out ... And Ivan Afrikanovich decides. The chairman does not want to give him a certificate, according to which he can get a passport, but Drynov, in despair, threatens him with a poker, and the chairman suddenly droops: “Even though everyone scatter ...”

Now Ivan Afrikanovich is a free Cossack. He says goodbye to Katerina and suddenly shrinks from pain, pity and love for her. And, without saying anything, pushes her away, as if from the shore into the pool.

And Katerina, after his departure, has to mow alone. There, during the mowing, the second blow overtakes her. Barely alive, they bring her home. And you can’t go to the hospital in such a state - he dies, they won’t take him.

And Ivan Afrikanovich returns to his native village. Ran into. And he tells a slightly familiar guy from a distant lakeside village how it was with Mitka, but he was selling onions and did not have time to jump on the train, but he still had all the tickets. They dropped off Ivan Afrikanovich and demanded that he go back to the village within three hours, and they would send a fine, they say, to the collective farm, but they didn’t say how to go, if nothing. And suddenly - the train approached and Mitka got off it. So here Ivan Afrikanovich prayed: “I don’t need anything, just let me go home.” They sold the bow, bought a return ticket, and finally Drinov went home.

And the guy, in response to the story, reports the news: in the village of Ivan Afrikanovich, the woman died, there are many children left. The guy leaves, and Drynov suddenly falls on the road, clutches his head with his hands and rolls into a roadside ditch. He thumps his fist into the meadow, gnaws at the ground ...

Rogulya, the cow of Ivan Afrikanovich, recalls his life, as if wondering at her, the shaggy sun, warmth. She was always indifferent to herself, and her timeless, immense contemplation was very rarely disturbed. The mother of Katerina Yevstolya comes, cries over her pail and tells all the children to hug Rogulya and say goodbye. Drynov asks Mishka to slaughter the cow, but he can't do it himself. The meat is promised to be taken to the dining room. Ivan Afrikanovich sorts out Rogulin's giblets, and tears drip on his bloody fingers.

The children of Ivan Afrikanovich, Mitka and Vaska, are sent to an orphanage,

Antoshka - at the school. Mitka writes to send Katyushka to him in Murmansk, only it hurts too little. Grishka and Marusya and two babies remain. And that is difficult: Evstolya is old, her hands have become thin. She recalls how, before her death, Katerina, already without memory, called her husband: “Ivan, it’s windy, oh, Ivan, how windy!”

After the death of his wife, Ivan Afrikanovich does not want to live. He walks overgrown, scary and smokes bitter Selpovsky tobacco. And Nyushka takes care of his children.

Ivan Afrikanovich goes into the forest (looking for aspen for a new boat) and suddenly sees Katerina's scarf on a branch. Swallowing her tears, she inhales the bitter, familiar smell of her hair... We must go. Go. Gradually, he realizes that he is lost. And without bread in the forest skiff. He thinks a lot about death, weakens more and more, and only on the third day, when he is already crawling on all fours, he suddenly hears a tractor rumble. And Mishka, who saved his friend, at first thinks that Ivan Afrikanovich is drunk, but he doesn’t understand anything. It's business as usual.

... Two days later, on the fortieth day after Katerina's death, Ivan Afrikanovich, sitting on his wife's grave, tells her about the children, says that it is bad for him without her, that he will go to her. And he asks to wait ... “My dear, my bright ... I brought you mountain ash ...”

He's shaking all over. Grief plasts him on the cold, not overgrown with grass earth. And no one sees it.

Option 2

Drunk Ivan Afrikanovich Drynov is driving with products from the general store for his shop. It was decently drunk, therefore, having mixed up the turn, it moves to a strange village. Now he won't arrive home before morning... It's business as usual. Drynov begins to woo his 40-year-old sister Nyusha to Mishka, a tractor driver, who has arrived. As a result, they sleep in the bath.

Drynov's wife, Katerina, gives birth to their ninth son. She immediately runs away to feed the calves, since Dasha Putanka has ceased to take care of them. Katerina recalls how her husband once fornicated with Dasha, but was forgiven by his wise wife. The work exhausted her ailing body, and Katerina fainted. She recovered from hypertension only after half a month.

The hay season is coming. It is necessary to mow three stacks of hay for Ivan Afrikanovich's cow. He does it secretly at night, because he is a deputy of the village council. One day his son Grishka got in touch with him. As a result, they were going to start a criminal case against Ivan Afrikanovich. With the consent of the chairman, the husband and wife mow hay in an outside area.

Soon the brother of Katerina Mitka arrives. Having drunk the whole village, he mowed hay for the cow, and betrothed Mishka to Dashka Putanka. Soon they will get married. The couple are arguing. Dasha burns a painting by Rubens, jealous of Nyusha, Mishka demolishes the bathhouse with a tractor. And in the attic of the bathhouse there is hay mowed illegally. They check everyone in the village, as a result of which hay is taken away from Ivan Afrikanovich ... It's a common thing.

Mitka manages to escape punishment for complicity, and Mishka is serving his 15 days under house arrest. Ivan Afrikanovich decides to go to work in the Arctic to avoid a trial. He receives his passport and prepares to leave. He understands that it is hard for him to say goodbye to his beloved wife. To feed the children, she mows the grass alone. Overwork leads to the death of the mother of nine children.

On the way home, Drynov communicates with a fellow traveler who tells him terrible news. He is grieving the death of his wife Catherine.

Evstolya, the mother of the deceased Katerina, and Ivan Afrikanovich decide to slaughter the cow Rogulya. He is unable to kill her on his own, asks Mishka for help. Meat is sold in the canteen. Few men's tears flow down Drynov's cheeks when he butchers his wet nurse Rogulya.

Drynov's two sons end up in an orphanage, the eldest is sent to a school, Katyusha was sent to his uncle Mitya in Murmansk. The head of the family is raising four small children. Unfortunately, Evstolya is already old, and she is not able to help raise the children. She told her son-in-law about the last minutes of her daughter's life, as she called her Ivan.

Life is not sweet to Drynov without his beloved wife, he fell into depression. His sister, Nyusha, takes care of the children. Looking out in the forest for logs for a new boat, the protagonist sees Katerina's handkerchief. He smells like his own wife. It's time to leave, but Ivan Afrikanovich does not remember the way home. There was no food with him, he barely got to the field where the tractor was working. There, Mishka had already saved him, at first believing that his comrade drank it. It's business as usual.

Forty days after Katerina's death, her husband comes to the grave and talks about the achievements of the children. How he can't bear to live without her. He lies on the cold ground, shaking all over. No one can help him cope with grief.

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