Finished houses with a bay window. Two-story houses with bay windows: pros and cons, projects and layouts: interior options

reservoirs 05.06.2019

Bay window is a German word that means "lantern". This is due to the fact that such a ledge from the wall of the house, illuminated from the inside, really resembles a lantern. The facades of buildings that are built with such ledges look solid and solemn. This solution allows you to add appearance home of originality. Projects two-storey houses with a terrace and a bay window are particularly attractive.

In addition to the original appearance, such elements are quite practical. Due to the implementation of the protrusion increases living space. This is quite relevant for owners of apartments and private houses. small area. In addition, the presence of a bay window prolongs daylight hours in the room.

Various architectural solutions

Bay window goes well with many architectural solutions. For example, it can be combined with a terrace attached to the house. Such an element is the dominant element of the facade. Usually the original protrusion is combined with the following designs:

  • Balcony - this solution looks quite original for two-story buildings. The construction of the element begins from the foundation, which has a ledge for the bay window. The protruding part of the facade is built on the ground floor. On the second, it smoothly turns into a balcony. It can be glazed or open. Houses with a balcony and a bay window look very impressive.
  • Attic - this solution is more suitable for small houses. Buildings with an attic and a bay window are quite compact and cozy.
  • Two protrusions - they will look organic only in the case of enough big houses. It is better if one protruding element is placed on 2 floors at once, and the second - to occupy only one level. When choosing such an architectural solution, it is worth considering many subtleties.

Bay windows may have different shape. The most common option is a square element. It is easy to implement, and the work does not require the creation of complex diagrams and drawings. At the same time, when installing a bay window, the value of the house increases.

Round bay windows are also called "Venetian". They look the most aesthetically pleasing. However, such designs require the most thoughtful solutions both in the exterior and in the interior. Otherwise, the Venetian ledge will resemble a lurid spot.

The multifaceted models of bay windows look quite interesting. They are a kind of compromise between square and round elements. Projects country houses with a bay window and a terrace fit perfectly into almost any landscape.

Bay window in the interior

The functionality of such an architectural element depends on its location in a particular room. Possible various options the location of such structural elements in the interior. For example, if the bay window is located in the living room, this solution will be the most optimal. In the recess, you can place a sofa or armchairs opposite each other.

The bay window in the dining room looks original. In this case, the space is also zoned quite rationally. Placed in a cozy corner dinner table round shape. To save space, narrow benches are usually placed around it. Visually round table and small benches will be most harmoniously combined with the cooking area.

When placing a bay window in a bedroom in a recess, you can organize a reading area. There should be a minimum amount of furniture here. If the bay window is placed in the nursery, it is better to equip it with a personal space for the child, a play area or workplace.

Important! When glazing a bay window, you should be careful. It is necessary that the protruding part is as insulated as possible.

Favorably look at home, equipped not only with a bay window, but also with a terrace. Such buildings have originality and special appeal. It is better if the project of the house is completed by professional architects and designers.

Terrace houses

The country house, equipped with an open terrace, serves great place recreation. Here you can gather with friends, arrange festive dinner with my family. In addition, on the terrace it is convenient to sit in an armchair and enjoy the view of the garden. For the extension, you will need to have certain knowledge. It is also worth thinking about the rules for its arrangement. Projects of houses and cottages with a terrace are often chosen from standard options. You can also build a building according to your own drawings.

The terrace is an area where you can comfortably spend time. Thanks to the presence of such a place, you can be at the same time both in the house and on fresh air. Such a building acquires special significance in the presence of a beautiful landscape on the site.

In addition, thanks to the arrangement of the terrace, you can significantly expand the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. The terrace is able to connect surrounding houses landscape and living space. Being on it, you can feel home comfort while being outdoors. You can also create a plan summer veranda which turns into a terrace.

Features of the device terraces

In the presence of a two-story country house, an extension to the house can be two-level. Great if most of it is open to the garden. With this decision, the terrace attached to the house on the ground floor will be covered with a canopy.

When the house is located near the sea or in the mountains, it is worth doing outdoor terrace. In this case, it is better to choose furniture from glass or metal. In this case, items will not be subject to negative impact weather events. Houses with a large terrace are usually arranged in a large area.

If the house has unusual shapes, it is better to make the flooring designer. It can strongly protrude from the facade of the building. When the house is located in the southern latitudes, a deep terrace should be made in which it will be easy to protect from the sun. Also, such a building can be equipped next to the kitchen or living room. Flooring attached to the house can also be private. Projects of houses with an attic, with a balcony and a terrace have a rather complex structure, which must be designed by professionals.


Houses with a bay window and a terrace look beautiful and original. Such buildings usually have 2 floors and differ large area. When constructing such buildings, it is worth considering many architectural features. Houses with a bay window and a terrace are usually built in areas with a beautiful landscape. The view from the terrace is better to make the garden or mountains.

There are also a lot of interior solutions with a bay window. It can be equipped in the bedroom, in the living room and even in the kitchen. Usually the bay window becomes a place of solitude where you can safely read or listen to music.

Cottages with a ledge on the wall decorate any suburban area. They create coziness, comfort, help save electricity. A house with a bay window is built on one level or two-story. If the area of ​​​​the site allows, a house with two bay windows is installed. They are located at opposite points of the building or on the same wall.

What it is

The German word "orker" means a ledge on the wall. This design decision has been known for a long time. In the Middle Ages, it was used to defend fortresses. Today it is being built to create additional internal volume, to give the building a unique look. Houses with a bay window are more difficult to design and build than ordinary ones. But the result is worth it.

What are bay windows

Experts have created a classification of bay windows according to several criteria:

    in form(rectangular version, semicircular, multifaceted);

    by number of storeys(single-storey, two-storey, multi-storey);

    at the place of installation(corner bay window, wall-mounted, inscribed in a corner).

This architectural element can be located on any side of the house, there can be several of them. Depending on the room in which the bay window is located, its functionality and design are thought out.

    Rectangular the bay window form is the most common. It is easy to design and build.

    Semicircular option requires larger and more accurate calculations. erection round walls more difficult from a technical point of view.

    multifaceted the model makes it easier to work with the walls of the bay window. This option is quite popular.

Two-story house with two bay windows. A two-level ledge is built into the corner of the building, a single-level ledge has a wall position

Before creating a house project with an extension, they decide how many floors the bay window will occupy. The simplest option is a one-story extension. It will take less materials and effort to build it. At the same time, he will give the building unique look. The construction of a two-story bay window ledge will require more financial and time costs. But such a building will acquire more useful internal space, a more original appearance.

Multi-story bay windows are being built in high-rise buildings. They can be installed on all floors of the wall or limited to a few levels.

Most often, designers design wall bay structures, placing them on one or two walls. Corner bay windows protrude forward a short distance.

A building with one round corner bay window and several wall

The bay windows inscribed in the corner do not protrude forward - it turns out, as it were corner balcony- it looks original and significantly expands the view from the room.

Bay windows are designed classic and combined with a balcony. It can be on the side, on top.

Pros and cons

Like all design solutions, bay windows have positive and negative sides.

To positive qualities such speeches include such factors:

    natural illumination premises, which reduces energy costs;

    added volume rooms;

    creates a beautiful panoramic view out of the window;

    it becomes possible to create a special zones in the room;

    getting better ventilation;

    the building looks Beautiful.

Projects of houses with a bay window at the upper level must take into account the load on the floor. In such options, reinforcement of the lower part of the extension is provided. A big plus of these models is that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises increases without building a land plot.
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The house with a bay window is two-story, the project with a ledge on the second floor looks original, but requires more attention when developing:

Wooden house with a bay window on the second floor is reinforced at the bottom

Bay windows have fewer disadvantages, but they must be taken into account:

    when building a structure, additional calculations for roof and walls;

    houses with bay windows expensive ordinary;

    the risk of cold air entering the room increases, which means that additional warming.

Projects of houses with a bay window

Corner bay structures are installed at one or more points. Such projects are carried out for walls made of any building materials. Wooden houses with a bay window, they are most often built from profiled timber, since a house made of such material retains heat better.

Most Popular wall variant bay window. The shape of the protrusion is chosen at the request of the owner.

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Most of the two-level bay windows are not made on the classic second floor, but in the attic. Houses with a bay window and an attic allow you to save on construction. If you equip a corner bay structure, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house will not decrease, but construction costs will be reduced.

The roof of the ledge can be combined with the roof of the house or be autonomous.

The floor of the bay window can serve as the roof of the garage, if the latter is equipped under the building or is located next to the house.

How many windows to install

Most often, the project provides for the installation of a bay window module on the south side of the house. This allows you to provide maximum illumination of the room with natural light. For the southern regions, where the average annual temperature is high, windows are made on the entire protruding wall.

For the northern regions, they are considering options for installing windows, depending on the situation. This can be one window in the center of the structure with blank side walls, or a separate window is installed on each wall. The height of the window opening is chosen at will. It can be from floor to ceiling or put ordinary windows.

House 8x9 with two bay windows

House 8x9 belongs to the category of small buildings.

Plan of the 1st floor of the house 8x9 with 2 ledges. The entrance to the building is located in the wall of the bay window.

Bay windows allow you to increase the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building without special financial costs. The annex serves as an entrance vestibule. Due to the equipment of the ledge, it is possible to zone the premises, make them more functional.

Interior options

Choice interior design design depends on the functionality of the room.

Video description

An example of decorating a house with a bay window, see the video:

Choosing furniture

In the bay window niche of the children's room they arrange working area where the child does homework, plays.

Arrange in the living room winter Garden, a place for tea drinking, solitary conversations. In such a bay window, a small table with chairs is installed, a sofa with large quantity pillows.

In the additional space there is a recreation area

The kitchen bay window allows the hostess to be distracted from cooking without leaving their premises. In this segment, you can arrange a dining room, visually separating it from the kitchen.

A bedroom with a bay window looks especially intimate.

It has become fashionable to equip a bath in a bay window. This option is designed on a wall located in the inner part of the courtyard. This allows you to combine relaxation and hygiene procedures.

You can not block the ledge with bulky furniture - cabinets, headsets. They will make the room uncomfortable and dark.


Bay window curtains require special attention. For a variant with a round or semicircular perimeter, special cornices are ordered or a strong wire is pulled. Cornices are hung on walls with corners for each even segment separately.

Curtains for a bay window extension are selected in one color scheme with room design. For the kitchen, light, functional curtains are appropriate. Bright kitchen curtains will make the room more original and memorable.

Dense curtains of noble shades are hung in the living room, roleta are neutral in light shades.

In the bedroom, pastel-colored curtains are appropriate. They can be transparent, but in this case other elements are installed on the windows - roller blinds, Roman blinds, blinds.

What to consider when building

The construction of walls for a bay window ledge requires competent laying of bricks or blocks. Windows should fit well into such a facade. This is especially important for round and semicircular structures. Despite the fact that outwardly the bay window is a decoration of the house, the design of a two-story house with a bay window extension should take into account that its walls are load-bearing. The strength calculation for them is done in the same way as for the rest of the walls.

Specific roof installation. For bay window ledge required additional elements- valleys, roofing material, supporting beams. The protruding position of the bay window makes the roof vulnerable to gusts of wind. To cover the roof of the bay window, a separate calculation of the angles of inclination is made, the margin of safety is calculated. Joints with the main roof are treated with sealant.

Video description

What can be the nuances when installing a roof near a house with a bay window, see the video:


Bay windows are an original architectural solution that allows you to decorate a house and expand its usable area. Existing models are designed for different financial possibilities, taste, area of ​​​​the site, construction material. But if you want to build a two-story or one-level house with a bay window, you must take into account that this will inevitably lead to a complication of the project and an increase in the final cost of the house.

Almost every house of an old building is decorated with an original ledge. This ledge is called a bay window. We see him in the photo. The main advantage of bay windows is the ability to let through a large number of sunlight. In addition, in this recess you can place a beautiful winter garden, create an office or arrange a recreation area. Today, projects of houses with a bay window are also very popular. As a rule, the bay window is located in the living room or bedroom, which allows you to expand the space of the rooms and use the space more rationally.

Features of use

It is impossible to say that a bay window project has only positive or only negative qualities. These designs have both sides.

Positive properties

  • Extension usable area in the house.
  • Plenty of sunlight thanks to multiple windows.
  • Opportunity to survey the excellent view of the city streets.
  • Unique design that enhances the beauty of your home.

A house made of timber with a bay window looks unusually beautiful. In such a building, a special climate is preserved, which creates a homely, cozy atmosphere.

Negative qualities

  • The complexity of the structure increases, compared with a simpler project.
  • The number of corners in the house increases, which leads to a weakening of the rigidity of the structure.
  • A house with a bay window requires additional insulation.

If you want to have a home with a bay window design, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will take a little more effort to achieve comfort than in a typical house.


Perhaps, against the background of all the pros and cons of such a building, the most basic positive property one-story house with a bay window, is that in the cold northern parts the globe, this construction allows you to skip maximum amount sunlight into the room, where you can arrange a bright and warm area for receiving guests. This option can serve as a replacement for the veranda. This is convenient, because in especially cold countries, building a house with a veranda is an undesirable solution.

Variety of projects

"Double Design"

The project of a two-story house with a bay window in the photo is suitable for those who cannot imagine their life without a comfortable stay. The design of the building suggests the presence wide balcony along the facade on the second floor. Two exits from the bedrooms lead to the balcony, one of which is equipped with a bay window. Moreover, the protruding structure does not end on the second floor, but smoothly passes to the first floor. Thanks to the presence of volume additions, the house looks soundly and elegantly.


The design of this building stands out against the background of other inexpensive buildings. The project involves an entrance hall, a kitchen, a living room with a bay window and a spacious bedroom on the second floor. As a result, a two-story building made of timber has a total area of ​​36 sq.m, but thanks to the three-dimensional structure, the house looks original and cozy.

Building with a bay window and an attic

A small and financially advantageous design - a design of a house that assumes the presence attic room and bay window. And although the construction of such a building requires certain financial investments, this combination is very common. Two-story houses with a bay window look beautiful and original, which have a luxurious attic on the top floor. Thanks to this design, home owners have the opportunity to create in attic a spacious, bright study, and on the ground floor there is an original winter garden.

When creating the design of houses with a bay window, it must be remembered that this design must be designed as accurately as possible. The slightest mistake can lead to the distortion of walls and ceilings, which will lead to a decrease in the strength of the structure. You also need to know that it is not necessary to build a bay window at the same time as the house. The structure shown in the photo can be attached to the main building at any time.

Types of bay windows

In their appearance, bay windows can be:

  • Corner.
  • Wall.
  • Inscribed in a corner.

Most of the bay windows have the usual geometric shape. However, this does not mean that the structure cannot have an arbitrary shape. Of course, the creation of non-standard projects requires very considerable financial costs from the owners of the house. If you need to create separate room, which will be bright and spacious, it is recommended to give preference to corner views. The corner bay space is perceived as a separate area, not connected to the rest of the housing area. This is an excellent relaxation room.

Modern house designs have many different variations and interesting features. Including stylistic elements of the past are often used, such as, for example. The presence of a bay window at the house makes the building original, unusual, a little vintage, and very cozy.

In addition, the bay window is functional, it expands the usable area of ​​the house, and the rooms with this element are distinguished by their unique elegance. In the article, we will consider the features of two-story houses with a bay window, find out what their advantages and disadvantages are.


A bay window is a protrusion of a building that protrudes outward, giving the house an original, slightly old look. A huge plus of this element is its ability to let in an abundant amount of sunlight into the house due to panoramic glazing.

It is very convenient to have a bay window in the house: in this niche you can equip a comfortable, bright workplace, use it for relaxation, arrange a winter garden: many other applications are possible. The presence of a bay window significantly expands the room: both visually and in reality.

On the video - a variant of the house with a bay window:

Usually, in a two-story building, a bay window is built into the wall of the first floor, and its roof is a balcony of the second. This option is the most popular solution in private housing construction. But sometimes the bay window has a length of two floors and a separate small roof. It's over original solution, and it allows you to significantly improve the lighting of interior spaces.

Pros and cons

We will find out what advantages and disadvantages are inherent in two-story buildings with a bay window.


  • Thanks to the bay window, the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house increases, which is important.
  • Due to the almost complete glazing of these architectural details interior spaces are literally flooded with light: especially if there are several bay windows in the room.
  • The ledge provides a panoramic view of the surroundings. This fact is of particular importance if the house is located in a beautiful natural area or on a scenic street.
  • This stylistic detail gives a unique look to the house, distinguishes it from many boring analogues.
  • The presence of a bay window adds coziness to the interior.
  • Such a glazed ledge may well replace the veranda, which is also very convenient.
  • The presence of this element makes the ventilation of the building more thoughtful, allowing you to improve the internal microclimate due to this.

On the video - the advantages of a house with a bay window:

The bay window is able to give an aristocratic noble look to the building. Its presence enlivens the appearance of the house, giving it an original, sophisticated look. The very appearance of such a building speaks of the material wealth and status of its owner, makes a favorable impression on guests and everyone who sees it.


Considering the positive aspects, it is necessary to pay attention and existing disadvantages: let's consider in more detail the negative aspects of such projects.

two-storey houses with a bay window - projects are complex: their development, as well as construction, can only be entrusted to competent specialists. Due to the complexity of the task, the cost of the project also increases significantly, which sometimes becomes an obstacle on the way to such a dream home.

Due to the increase in the number of corners, the house somewhat loses its rigidity, loses its strength characteristics.

Due to the ledge and its panoramic glazing, rooms with a bay window become vulnerable to cold penetration. Therefore, additional insulation will be required, which also leads to costs.


These architectural elements differ in their structure and location on the building. Consider what types of bay windows are.


AT this case bay windows are located at the corners of the building. Most often, not in all corners, but in two opposite ones.

Two-story house with a corner bay window

This option is ideal for creating light indoors, solar space, its visual extension. In such a room it will gorgeous room for relax. But what exist standard projects houses from foam blocks, and how their construction takes place, is described in great detail in this


The most common variant. Here, bay windows protrude from the wall of the building, replacing the windows.

With wall bay window

Inscribed in a corner

Such details also belong to the corner, but they do not protrude, but are neatly built into the building. They represent a very original architectural design.

Two-story house with a bay window inscribed in the corner

Usually the bay window is strictly geometric and symmetrical: in this way it most advantageously fits into the overall appearance of the house. However, there are structures of atypical shapes and sizes: however, in this case, the development of individual project sometimes very costly. But how to do it yourself frame house With shed roof will help to understand this

The form

This decorative architectural element can have several forms - let's take a closer look at the features of each of them.

Square and Rectangle

This is the most simple form, it is also the easiest to implement. Despite their simplicity, square and rectangular bay windows look great, making your home more comfortable and stylish.

With square bay window

A circle

The round ledge is an exquisite solution for real aristocrats. This is the so-called European version. More often it is located in the corners, but sometimes on the front of the building.

With round bay window

If the building is built of wood, it is impossible to build such a round ledge: it is suitable only for brick or foam block buildings. But what exist, and how they look, you can see in this video.


This ledge gives a special elegance to the house. A detail of this form requires especially careful and accurate calculations: one cannot do without the help of a professional architect.

With a semicircular bay window


It is very beautiful, but also the most complex shape. Usually it is chosen if the building is being built from timber.

With a multifaceted bay window


Consider some popular projects of two-story houses with a bay window, and get acquainted with the features of these buildings.

With a balcony

The project of a two-story house with a balcony and a bay window is quite complicated, but it can provide real comfort. The balcony is located on the second floor and has a fairly decent area.

With bay window and balcony

The protrusion in this case serves as an additional stylistic decoration, and gives the appearance of the house a decorative original look. Most often, the bay window leads to the bedroom, making this room truly sophisticated. Thanks to the balcony, such a building looks presentable, solid and beautiful from the outside.

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House 6x6

A structure of such a modest area can also be equipped with a bay window, and even be two-story. Such a project is ideal for one person, and if the site has a limited area.

House size 6 by 6

Despite the fact that the parameters of the house are only 36 m2, its internal premises include everything you need: a kitchen, an entrance hall, a studio, and on the second floor there is a bedroom. And here, how to choose desired material this article will help you understand.

Then two glazed ledges on the facade of a residential building will help to make the project spectacular and stylish. These ledges are called bay windows. The very word came to us from German language. The bay window has two meanings - 1. Ledge in the wall, 2. Lantern. The bay window resembles a lantern when lit from within.

Project and layout of a cottage with two bay windows and an attic

If the master is interested in various options for architectural solutions for his home, he will be able to choose the most suitable project as a result of his search. The bay window has many functions:

  1. Increase in usable area. This option is considered relevant not only for small private buildings, but also for apartments.
  2. Savings on the consumption of electrical energy. Big square glazing allows you to maximize the daylight hours in the room. The room is filled with natural light.
  3. aesthetic appeal. A beautiful home will stand out from the rest of the houses on the street.
  4. Spectacular. Separate the recreation area from the work area.
  5. Opportunity to contemplate beautiful view. From here you can see the picturesque surroundings.

    The project of a two-story house with two bay windows

  6. Uniqueness. takes on originality. Above the bay windows, the roof looks different. It gives the building aristocracy and restraint.
  7. What are the projects of residential buildings with two bay windows

    The owner of a house with bay windows should be prepared that his creation from a bar will always be in the spotlight. This element can transform appearance building. It is often used to decorate country houses.

    The bay window goes well with other elements on the facade of the building:

    1. With a balcony. A bay window is being built on the ground floor of the building. On he goes to the balcony. The ledge is recommended to be erected from the foundation. The balcony can be fenced, glazed or covered.
    2. With attic. it optimal choice for land plots with small sizes. The use of a bay window is organic. This element can be located on the ground floor and in the attic.

      Log house project with attic

      The first accommodation option is considered traditional. In the second case, a room with such decorative element placed under the bedroom. Effective elements better . with two protrusions is developed with particular care. Bay windows located on different height. At the same time, it is important to maintain overall reliability. Such projects are suitable for large country cottages. Externally, the houses look like medieval castles. must be strong and durable.

    3. A popular bay window remains square or rectangular. It is easy to erect. The cost of the building increases slightly, but the exterior of the building is in a winning position. Houses from a bar with a bay window of a square or rectangular shape differ in practicality and convenience.

      Layout of a cottage with two bay windows

    4. A round bay window made of timber is modern solution. They call it Venetian. The place for the dominant element may be different. If the design project is drawn up correctly, then the bay window fits perfectly into the overall architectural ensemble, being in the center or on the corner. The roof over the bay window should also not differ much from the style of the building's covering.
    5. The multifaceted bay window makes interesting additions to the design. A complex project will require precise calculations.

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