How best to cook stuffing cutlets. Meat cutlets for lunch, dinner or festive table

Decor elements 21.10.2019
Decor elements

Mainfast cutlets are perfectly combined with any kind of garnish, be it spaghetti, rice, potato mashed potatoes or buckwheat. The meat dish most often prepare for the everyday table, but it can be used for the holidays. Experienced hostesses allocated a classic recipe, brought it to perfection and created no less tasty variations. You can add cheese, greens, zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin, potatoes. Cooking technology does not represent difficulties, consider important nuances in order.

Features of making minced meat

  1. So that the fibers of the meat retain their juice, skip it through a meat grinder or a blender several times. Even if you use the purchase of mince, before cooking, grind it again.
  2. To get a lush and gentle kitlet, mix the scrolled mince with bread. Choose a bit of the oversized, and not fresh baking. Before mixing ingredients from bread, a crust is removed.
  3. In the cooking of minced meat for the kitlet there are its own characteristics. For example, adding fresh bread makes the basis of adhesive. Eggs will give me the rigging meat and partially take the juice, so they do not belong to the obligatory components.
  4. You can seasoned mince favorite spices to create a spicy taste. The most suitable granular and fresh garlic, mustard powder, hops-Sunnels, coriander.
  5. To preserve softness, pomp and juits, add creamy oil to meat. It must be pre-melt, then introduce into the composition. Analogue serves fat based on beef or pork.
  6. If you feel about people who are loving experiments with food, prepare cutlets with minced meat and potatoes, zucchi, pumpkin, beet, carrots, greens, bran. Add a little kefir or sour cream to save an air consistency.
  7. Many hostesses make a mistake when they roasted the cutlets on a strong fire on both sides. After turning the cakes, cover the dishes with a lid, the product is tomitically before readiness. It is easy to define it, a transparent juice must be cooked from the kitlet.

Mask cutlets on milk

  • garlic - 5 teeth
  • onion onion - 3 pcs.
  • milk - 245 ml.
  • minced pork - 0.6 kg.
  • egg chicken - 1 pc.
  • baton (flesh) - 160 gr.
  • such for breading - 50-70 gr.
  • vegetable oil - by fact
  • ground pepper - 7-8 gr.
  • salt - 15 gr.
  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, heat on the stove, but do not boil. Remove the crust from the baton, you will need only flesh. Soak her in milk, leave a quarter of an hour.
  2. At this time, clean and grind onions. Mix it with minced meat and move it into a bowl, frowned with your hands. Add a softening loaf, skip the mince between your fingers.
  3. Skip garlic through the press, add to the main composition. Summarize the egg, pour the pepper, salt. Mix mince to homogeneity as possible.
  4. Divide the meat into pieces, make the ball from each of them. Alleep in the cake, cut in breading. Pour oil into the frying pan, split it.
  5. Lay out the cutlets into heat-resistant dishes, fry on medium heat on one side. When turning the cakes, cover the frying pan with a lid.
  6. Determine the readiness is simple: pour the cutlet fork, look at the juice. If it is transparent, add a fire, fry the dish for 2-3 minutes. When the cutlets are submissive, turn off the stove.

  • spinach - 185-200 gr.
  • onions - 120 gr.
  • pork minced meat - 450 gr.
  • minced beef - 500 gr.
  • petrushka fresh - 60 gr.
  • flour - 80-100 gr.
  • dill fresh - 40 gr.
  • salt cook - 12 grams.
  • garlic - 5 teeth
  • ground black pepper - 5 gr.
  1. Clean the onions, destroy it into 4 parts, grind the blender. Mix with minced meat, scroll through the meat grinder several times. Wash dill with parsley, remove the legs, leave the leaves, add to the main composition.
  2. Skip garlic teeth through the press or use seasoning in granules. Add to the minced meat, salute, pepper. Form the cutlets thick no more than 2 cm. Pour oil into the pan, warm it up.
  3. Obravel the cakes in the flour, lay out onto the roast. Prepare on medium power until the cutlets are twisted. Head the cake with a fork: if the juice is transparent, proceed to tasting.

Cutlets with pumpkin

  • onions - 1 pc.
  • salt - 12 gr.
  • minced pork-beef - 280 gr.
  • pumpkin flesh - 475 gr.
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • flour or crackers for breading - 80 gr.
  • milk with fatty from 3.2% - 145 grams.
  • manka - 60 gr.
  1. Mix the pumpkin flesh with the onions, skip through the meat grinder. Add minced me here, repeat steps. Sung wash this mixture, pour pepper (optional), break the eggs.
  2. Machine the mass until uniformity, gradually enter the semolina camp. Heat the milk in the microwave, do not bring to a boil. Pour the composition to the mince.
  3. Skip the composition through your fingers, wrap in the food film, leave 1.5 hours in the refrigerator. Such a move will allow meats to thicken, it will not crack in the process of frying.
  4. After the specified time expires, form the cakes from the minor, cut break in flour or breadcrumbs. Fry cutlets on vegetable oil, readiness is determined by pressing: if transparent juice is released, turn off the burner.
  5. Some hostesses prefer to bake the stuffing cutlets in the oven. To do this, heal the device up to 180 degrees, lay out the cakes on the lubricated baking sheet, prepare a third.

  • onion - 60 gr.
  • garlic - 4 teeth
  • salt - 10 gr.
  • white cabbage - 380 gr.
  • manna Cropa - 50 gr.
  • flour - 60 gr.
  • farm pig - 225 gr.
  • minced beef - 250 gr.
  • egg chicken - 1 pc.
  • pepper crumpled - 5 gr.
  1. Patch the cabbage, clean the teeth of garlic, send the components to the meat grinder. Turn them into porridge, get rid of excess juice. Do the same with the onions onions.
  2. Add vegetables to minced meat, miss the meat grinder again or go well with your hands. Spread the egg to the mixture, pour pepper, salt. Season the favorite spices as desired, add greens.
  3. Cook from minced meal. Mix the semolina with flour, this mixture will be used for breading. Cut the cutlets, lay out on a split frying pan with butter.
  4. Prepare a dish on medium power. First, fry the cutlets on the one hand, then turn over to the other and cover the dishes with a lid. Touch until the readiness, then cut over a strong fire.

Cutlets with tomatoes and cheese

  • tomato - 2 pcs.
  • gray bread or black - 40 gr.
  • sunflower oil - 100 gr.
  • ground pepper - 7 gr.
  • bread crushers - 80-90 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt - 10 gr.
  • dill - 20 gr.
  • milk - 50 ml.
  • petrushka - 20 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 4 teeth
  • solid cheese ("Dutch", "Russian") - 170 gr.
  • beef mince - 250 gr.
  • pork mince - 350 gr.
  1. Wash dill and parsley, clean the bow. Grind components. Rinse tomatoes, charge cubes. Skip garlic teeth through davke, mix to other vegetables.
  2. Heat the milk, soak bread in it without peel, leave for 10 minutes, press. Put the cheese cubes, mix with minced meat. Here, add greens, tomatoes, breadfall, onions, garlic, all.
  3. Pour pepper and salt, break the egg. Mix the base until uniformity, remove the excess juice. Take me out of minor cakes, cut break in breading.
  4. Heat the frying pan, pour oil into it. Put the cakes for frying, bake to ruddy crust. Willingness to determine easy, it is enough to push the cutlets for a fork.
  5. If translucent juice is highlighted, turn off the burner. Serve a dish with mayonnaise or sour cream, combine with any side dish. You can also bake the cutlets in the oven.

  • egg chicken - 1 pc.
  • salt - the amount of taste
  • seasonings any - 15-20 gr.
  • onions - 40 gr.
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • beef - 200 gr.
  • pork - 350 gr.
  • garlic - 3 teeth
  • flour - in fact
  • manna Cropa - in fact
  1. First of all, it is necessary to cook mince. Rinse beef and pork meat under the crane, soak in warm water for 10 minutes. Next, dried with napkins, remove the films and excess fat.
  2. Put the meat with small pieces, skip through a meat grinder or blender. Clean the garlic from the husk, send it to the dft and add seasoning to meat.
  3. Put the onions with cubes or grate, add to beef and pork. Pour pepper, salt and favorite seasonings (at discretion).
  4. Rinse the carrot, soda it on a grain with a shallow section, add to the bulk. Spice a chicken egg into the mixture, start intensely knead the stuffing with your hands and knock about the cutting surface.
  5. Mix flour and semolina in equal amounts to get a mixture for breading. Form from meat minced meat cakes, cut them in composition.
  6. Prepare a grid from a slow cooker that is designed for cooking for a pair. Lubricate it with butter, put ready-made cakes into the bowl.
  7. Stop the device "Ferry Processing" function, prepare 40-50 minutes. During this time, the cutlets will disappear, if desired you can additionally fry them to get a crust.

Chicken Cutlets with Mushrooms

  • sunflower oil - 45 ml.
  • chicken fillet - 350 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • fatty milk - 30 ml.
  • such for breading - 60 gr.
  • dried mushrooms - 15 gr.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • salt - 5 gr.
  • black ground pepper - to taste
  1. Wash the chicken breasts, pour into cubes, skip through the meat grinder. If not, send meat to the blender. Touch the bow, grind it into porridge, mix for a chicken.
  2. Swelling and stick to the minced meat, please add breadcrumbs opened in the water. He will make the cutlets to the air. Pour into mince warm milk, skip through your fingers.
  3. Divide the meat basis for portion parts, of which the cutlets will further form. Start cooking. To do this, soak dried mushrooms in drinking water, leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Next, drain the liquid, send to the pan. Add chopped onions here, fry until goldenness. Sunday thin cakes from the minced meat, put a stuffing on the center.
  5. Secure the edge of the kitlet, warm up the dishes for frying. Observe every cake first in the egg, then in breadcrumbs for breading or flour. Fry on medium power.

The base of the minced meat is beef, pork, bread and chicken egg. Try to prepare a dish on the milk by classical technology. Take care of recipes that suggest adding pumpkin flesh, tomatoes, solid cheese, greenery, carrots. Create your unique dishes by varying the number of spices and other components.


In cooking, one of the universal products is meat minced meat. It can be used for a variety of dishes and side dishes - soup, potatoes, pasta, rice or homemade cakes. The latter are especially delicious and are fundamentally different from purchased. Want to try? Then recommendations and recipes are lower at your disposal.

Minced meat

The condition for creating appetizing cutlets is the correct preparation of minced meat. It can be any - pork, chicken, turkey, beef, fish or mixed immediately from several species. Other ingredients such as mushrooms, vegetables, cheese, spices or greens are added additionally. In stores, the minced stores are sold in kind fresh form. No additives in it. For this reason, instructions are needed how to cook mince for meat:

  1. Swamp meat with a meat grinder. Add some water.
  2. Onions, too, crushed with a meat grinder, having previously cutting into 4 parts. You can slightly fry.
  3. Connect crushed products, add baton or bread thrown in milk.
  4. Drink 2 eggs, add salt and pepper, mix.

How to make minced meat

Before you cook the cutlets from the minced me, you need to defrost it. Do it better at room temperature. Next, the mince is mixed with the products according to the recipe, form chatters and produce them - roasted in a frying pan or in a slow cooker. You can cook for a couple or baked in the oven. For each case, its instructions are used how to prepare minced meat. It is important to carefully warm the pan and oven, observe the time of the roasters of each side and some more nuances.

How to fry in a frying pan

If you have already been able to cook the cutlets, then you can only fry them correctly. To do this, you will need a pan and vegetable oil that needs to be distributed over its entire surface. Next, you can use the instruction, how to fry chumps from minced meat:

  1. Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan, distribute it over the entire surface, rolling, after which the fire is reduced to the average.
  2. Next, lay out the cutlets, fry each side before obtaining a delicate ruddy crust, i.e. About 10 min.
  3. Then add quite a bit of water, stew under the lid another 5-10 minutes. until readiness.

In the oven

To prepare juicy stuffing cutlets in the oven, it is important to observe one important criterion - baking time. On average, it is 30-40 minutes. at 180 degrees. The baking sheet is predetermined by oil. You can also use foil or parchment. After that, the cutlets lay on it. You are not required to turn them into the process. As a result of the baking of the cakes, the cutlets are obtained by non-fat, so they can be done even for dietary food.

In a slow cooker

That is good Multicooker that in it the cutlets can not only fry, but still cook for a couple, because of what they get much more useful. In the main bowl of the device, it is necessary to pour some water. The cakes themselves are laying out in a special multi-ware container for steam processing. Next includes a special mode. It is called "Cooking for a couple" or "Steamer". The timer must be set for 20-30 minutes. At half, it is necessary to turn over the products. How to fry the cutlets in a slow cooker? You can prepare them in the "quenching" mode, "Cooking for a couple", "frying", "Multiprob".

Farsh cutlets - recipe with photos

You can cook cutlets in many recipes. Simple and fast, bread or without bread, with flour or semal, schnitzels, homemade, with cabbage, in-Donbass or Pozhars' is only a part of all options. Whatever recipe for delicious meat minced meat chosen, you should follow the instructions so that the dish is really juicy and appetizing. You can buy meat ingredient both in the store, and cook at home from a whole piece with the help of a meat grinder.


One of the popular types of meat is chicken. Compared to the rest, it has a soft gentle taste. In addition, the meat of this bird is considered a dietary product, so chicken cutlets can be prepared for the everyday menu of losing weight. Baby food is also not necessary without such a dish. Any child with pleasure bursts a chicken cutlet or even two. Try and you! A recipe with a photo will help you in the question, how to cook meal cutlets.


  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • chicken breast - 200 g;
  • pepper, salt - to his taste;
  • garlic - 1 teeth;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • wheat bread - 50 g

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the breast, to dry, separate the fillet from the bone and grind in the meat grinder.
  2. Wash the bread with boiled water, after a couple of minutes, squeeze, mix with chicken.
  3. Next add chopped garlic, chopped onion, knock the egg.
  4. Season with peppers, salt, mix.
  5. Sleep not too voluminous cakes, put them on a baking sheet, covered with foil.
  6. Send into the oven for half an hour. The optimal temperature is 180 degrees.


Using the recipe for a beef minced meat, you can easily prepare another option of appetizing lunch or dinner. Cooking technology is extremely simple. The main thing is to choose not too dry and not very fatty meat. Further, the scheme is normal - to drive the testicle, add to the okay, the exhaled bread and spices to taste. It remains only to fry the cutlets and serve on the table with a side dish and potatoes or other vegetables.


  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • beef - 800 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • black ground pepper, salt - 1 tsp;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Meat together with a bow to cut and process together in the meat grinder.
  2. Next, drive the egg, deliver salt and pepper, mix.
  3. Baton Soak in milk, then give and add to meat mass. Thoroughly knead the minced meat, you can even throw a product about the table or right in the bowl.
  4. Next with wet hands to blind balls, a little to shake them and send a frying pan to heated with oil.
  5. Fry every side to a golden crust.

From turkey

No less useful are chicketers from turkey stuffing. They are also low-calorie, therefore, they are also suitable as a dish for the dietary menu. Turkey contains a minimum fat, which is why is light food for the stomach. Even doctors recommend to use such meat at least once a month, especially since the cakes from it are distinguished by a special tenderness and aroma. Be sure to try, and step by step instructions with photos will help you.


  • flour - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • salt - to his taste;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • turkey minced meat - 900 g;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • adzhika - 2 tbsp.;
  • pea flakes - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • white bread - 200 g;
  • pepper, salt - to his taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Add Adzhika, sour cream and chopped onion from turkey, mix.
  2. Bread to leave for a couple of minutes to mock in milk, then squeeze and also send to meat.
  3. Machine minced. In 3 different bowls put eggs, peas flakes and flour.
  4. To take the stuffing hands, sculpt small balls. Owl first in flour, then eggs and flakes.
  5. Next fry on hot oil on each side of 7-10 minutes.

In the oven

Baking in the oven is always useful than frying on vegetable oil. This host is known. In addition, when baking, you do not need to stand and follow the cutlets. They are simply sent to the oven for a certain time. Then it remains only to wait. As a result, a delicious fragrant dish is obtained, for example, a beef beef cutlets in the oven.


  • bread - 2 slice;
  • beef - 300 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • spices, salt - to your taste;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • butter - a small piece;
  • egg - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Bow with beef twisted using a meat grinder.
  2. Slices of bread crumpled, soak up milk, after which you give and add to the mince.
  3. Drink egg, season to taste salt and pepper. Many stuff hands.
  4. To form small pellets, put them on the washed baking tray. You can slide a little sour cream.
  5. To withstand in the oven at 180 degrees of half an hour.

Mixed minced meat

Very juicy and appetizing mixed minced meatballs are more often prepared from beef in combination with pork. Almost any side dish is suitable for them, be it simple potatoes, pasta, rice or buckwheat. You can roll up more cutlets, and some of them freeze for later. It is convenient, because to the next dinner will only get the workpiece and fry them.


  • beef and pork - 0.5 kg;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - 2 tbsp.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • baton or white bread - 150 g;
  • vegetable oil - a little for frying;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • breadcrumbs - 150 g;
  • pepper, salt - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Pumping bread with milk, hold 15 minutes, and then squeeze.
  2. Beef and pork cut into small pieces, along with a peeled bow and garlic to skip through a meat grinder.
  3. Add bread, sour cream, salt, fill with pepper, mix.
  4. To blind oblong cutlets, cut every in breadcrumbs.
  5. Fry both sides of blanks on a hot frying pan with oil.


The feature of the schnitzel is that the meat layer in it is thinner than in ordinary cutlets. Still the workpiece is necessarily collapsed in flour or breadcrumbs. For the roasting, a large amount of oil is used - the schnitzel must be completely shipped into it. This is a feature of the preparation of such a kitlet. Often they are preparing a strangle schnitzel pork. It turns out very satisfying and even slightly fatty.


  • pepper, salt - to his taste;
  • pork - 1 kg;
  • cream - 2 tbsp.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • ground coriander and bay leaf - to taste;
  • breadcrumbs - 1 tbsp.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Washing and dry meat cut into slices. The same repeat with the bow. Skip both products through a meat grinder.
  2. Pour chilled cream, pepper, add salt and egg. Thoroughly knead the minced meat, repeat a couple of times.
  3. To form subtle layers, to keep in breadcrumbs, leave for 5 min.
  4. Next, immerse the oil into the frying pan, fry 5 minutes. On each side.


A classic recipe is home-style cutlets. Almost any adult recalls this dish with spiritual warmth. Only moms and grandmothers knew how to prepare such homemade cutlets. If you do not repeat their recipe, then at least approach it is quite possible. The feature of the dish is that two types of meat are taken - pork and beef. Their combination makes the cutlets are gentle and at the same time juicy.


  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • pork, beef - 0.5 kg;
  • bread - 200 g;
  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • sukhari breading - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. From meat to remove all bones, rinse, cut into slices, crushed using a meat grinder. The same repeat with the bow, mix both products.
  2. Bread leave to mock in milk for a couple of minutes, and then give and send to the mince. There you can drive the egg, mix everything.
  3. Hands to wash, but do not wipe, and so with wet to blind small backs, then everyone is pretty to try in breadcrumbs.
  4. In the frying pan heat the oil, fry on it the blanks on each side of 5-7 minutes.

Fish Cod

To whom meat dishes have already fed up, will definitely like the way how to cook fish minced meat. They are literally melting in the mouth, and are also dietary. Fish is suitable for different varieties. The main thing is that it is not too dry. The optimal version is a cod, ket, pike, polytai, salmon or society. These low-fat varieties of fish will not give fried cutlets.


  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • onions - 4 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • pike fillet - 1 kg;
  • baton - 200 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • pepper, salt - to his taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Maximize the dice from the pulp of fish, rinse it, cut, after which grind into the mince with a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Add Egg, Worked in Bread Milk.
  3. Onions with carrot pass on the oil until golden color, then mix with minced meat. Season with pepper, salt.
  4. Raw hands roll balls, flatten them, each frying on the oil to a golden crust on both sides.

With a semolina

In addition to the standard options, how to cook stuffing cutlets, there is one more, more original. It uses a manka. It is convenient when the flour suddenly ended or was not under hand breading superstars. The cereal is added to the cutlets themselves or roll in it. In any case, the product is extremely tasty and gentle. In preparation you will help you detailed instructions, how to make cutlets with a semit.


  • fresh greenery - 1 beam;
  • meat minced meat - 0.5 kg;
  • sunflower oil - a little for frying;
  • mayonnaise 2 tbsp.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper - 1 pinch;
  • manna Cropa - 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Clear onions, finely chop.
  2. In the deep bowl mix meat with egg and chopped greens. Add mayonnaise, salt, pepper. All mix and repel stuffing about the table.
  3. Leave the product to stand up the croups to swell.
  4. While the oil is warm in the pan. Next, fry all the workpieces on it, spending about 10 minutes for each side.

Delicious stuffing cutlets - Cooking secrets

You can highlight several basic recommendations, how to cook domestic stuffing cutlets. If you do not miss the bow through the meat grinder, then it must be very finely cut. Otherwise, the cutlets can fall apart. When using low-fat meat and chicken, add some cream oil. So the cutlets will be better to keep the form and will not be too dry. In addition to these basic tips, there are other secrets:

  1. Bread for cooking is better to use not the most fresh, but a little worn, so that the cutlets do not get lush and not too sticky.
  2. The taste of dishes can be changed by adding different spices - hops-Sunnels, Coriander, mustard, cinnamon, etc.. The same will work if you use additional ingredients, such as beets, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, greens, zucchini or cabbage.


One of the traditional dishes of Russian cuisine - cutlets. They are able to prepare almost every mistress. At the same time, the mince for the beef kitlet and the porks are made by the classic recipe. However, if you wish, you can enter a new product, which will be positively affected on the taste of the finished dish.

How the cutlets appeared

Before you know, from mince beef and pork - juicy and fragrant, it is worth plunge into history. How did such a dish appear? It is worth noting that the cutlets looked and prepared initially not as now. The dish first appeared in France. And not surprisingly. After all, this country is considered to be the birthplace of numerous culinary delights. Cutlets were pieces of meat, not separated from the ribs. Around them, several layers of pulpidat like cakes were turned around. The bone had to be necessarily. After all, it was convenient for her. Do not forget that in the past times, etiquette did not provide for the use of a fork and knife when eating meat dishes.

Today, the cutlet is made of mushrooms, vegetables and fish. After some time, recent dishes appeared, for example meatballs, steaks and so on.

How much need bread

Why do some owners of cutlets get tasty, juicy and fragrant, and other dish is rigid, dry? To get and pork juicy and soft, you should follow several non-hard tips. They will help achieve excellent results.

You should not add a lot of bread and other components to the mince for the beef kitlet and pork. Such additives are not used to save products, but to obtain an extraordinary structure of the finished dish.

Potatoes and bread allow you to make cutlets juicy and air. However, such components should not be in mince more than meat. Otherwise, not only taste will suffer. Such cutlets can fall apart or be too dry. By the way, many professional cooks are recommended for the preparation of such a dish using this will avoid stickiness.

Fragraf products

So that mince for the beef and pork boiler was good, it is worth choosing fresh and high-quality products. We should not forget that from the tasteless ingredients it is difficult to do something good and useful. Therefore, it is not worth buying in the store minced dubbing quality. It is best to cook it yourself.

Most often for the manufacture of minced meadows, hard parts of the carcass are used, where there are films and cartilage. In addition, the pulp with the blades, the fillet, neck and sternum will fit perfectly. If you want to connect a lented beef and fatty pork, then it is necessary to observe the proportions 2 to 1. The result is more juicy cutlets. If necessary, you can add a little sala. The mince of this component should be no more than the fourth part of the beef volume.

Before grinding, the meat should be cleaned from cartilars, veins and films. Thanks to this, the mass will become pleasant in texture and more homogeneous.

Add bow correctly

If you add a onion onions, then delicious stuffing mefax beef and pork are obtained. However, here are their features. Do not add large pieces of onions. It is worth skipping it through the meat grinder. In addition, the proportions should be taken into account. For 1 kilogram, minced is required about 200 grams of Luke.

Secrets of delicious Cotlet

If you are preparing an independent mince for a beef and pork boiler, then you should remember a few secrets of a delicious dish:

  1. In the finished mince it is worth adding several spoons of water, preferably cold. You can also use a piece of ice. As a result, ready-made cutlets will be more juicy, since water will evaporate in the cooking process, not juice.
  2. Cream made of cream will give airiness.
  3. With chicken eggs should be careful. This product allows not only to keep the products form, but also makes them more rigid. Do not put on 1 kilogram of meat 3 eggs. Replace them better on grated potatoes.
  4. It is possible to enrich the taste of the kitlet in a very simple way - adding a zucchini, potatoes into the mince, or carrots. These products will make the dish softer.
  5. So that the minced is "drig", you can beat it off about the surface of the table. This manipulation will allow you to saturate the product with air, which will make ready-made cutlets lush and gentle.
  6. Press the dish spicy flavor will allow various spices added to the mince for a beef and pork kitlet. Recipe with photos, alas, it is not able to convey the fragrance. Cooks recommend using parsley greens, sweet paprika, a mixture of various peppers, nuts nutmeg, mayoran, thyme, garlic, and so on.
  7. As fat for frying, it is recommended to use foam butter. If such a product is not affordable, then you can apply sled. But if necessary, you can fry the cutlets and in vegetable oil, but without smell.
  8. To get an appetizing crust, first it is recommended to fry products from minced meat on medium heat. They must be twisted. Until readiness, you should bring on a small fire. Under the end of cooking, the flame can be increased.

Knowing such secrets, you can proceed to the preparation of minced meat. There are a lot of recipes like this dish. This requires the preparation of different minced mela.

Classic cutlets

How to make classic homemade stuffing cutlets? Pork, beef and other ingredients must be high quality. For cooking required:

  • 1 kg of mixed minced meat (beef and swamp).
  • Bread or Baton, preferably worn and dry - 200 g.
  • Raw egg - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 3 pcs.
  • Room temperature water - 1.5 glasses.
  • Pepper and salt.


To begin with, you should cook mince for a beef and pork kitlet. The recipe is step by step involves the following actions. First of all, it is worth laying out bread into a deep bowl and pour it with water. Also for these purposes you can use milk. When the bread softens, the liquid must be merged.

Onions need to be cleaned and skipped through the meat grinder or choking finely. If you wish, you can fry it, but only on creamy oil. In a container with softened bread, you must lay out mince and chopped onion, drive the egg. Do not forget about spices and salt. When all components are in a bowl, mix them well. That's all, mince for the kitlet is ready. It remains only to shape the cutlets and fry them. After the dish is ready, you can pour some water in the pan and disappear all for 10 minutes.

Cutlets with greens

To prepare stuffing beef and pork stuffing with greens, you will need:

  • Mixed minced meat - 600 g
  • Onions - 1 head.
  • White bread - 3 pieces.
  • Fresh milk - ½ tbsp.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Parsley and dill - 1 bundle.
  • Garlic - no more than 2 teeth.
  • Ground pepper, salt, flour for breading.

Cooking process

To begin with, it is necessary to cook mince, chopping beef and pork with the help of a meat grinder. But if desired, you can take a ready-made mass in the store. The main thing is that the purchased mince is fresh. Milk costs a little bit, and then pour them pieces of bread. They must soften.

The greens of dill and parsley are recommended to chop. From bread should merge liquid, and then add to the container with minced meat. This is also necessary to add greens, onions, egg, salt and spices. Mixing mince for the kitlet should be hand. That's all. Mass is ready. It remains only to make billets of oval shape, cutting them into flour and fry.

Cutlets made of minced beef and pork "juicy"

To prepare such cutlets, you will need:

  • 1 kg of minced beef and pork.
  • 100 g of cheese solid.
  • 2 bulbs.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 4 Slice of Baton or Sugari.
  • Pepper and salt.
  • 100 g cream oil.
  • 1 pack of bread and breadcrumbs.
  • Flour for breading.
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of dill.

Stages of preparation

These cutlets are prepared with filling. To do this, grate cheese on a shallow grater. Creamy oil should soften. After that, it must be confused by a fork, mix with chopped dill and cheese. From the resulting mass you need to roll small oval balls. Stuffing is ready.

Now you can cook mince for beef and pork kitlet. Without eggs do not do it. Sugari bread should be cut into pieces, and then pour them with cold water. When they become soft, it is necessary to drain the liquid. Onions should be cleaned and then crushed. It can be finely cut or grate onto the grater. Pork and beef is worth twisted on the meat grinder. In the deep container, put minced meat, crackers, eggs, spices and salt. Components need to mix well.

Now the mince is divided into portions and fill in it. Billets should be cut into flour, omitted in a whipped egg, and then rewind in breadcrumbs again. After that, you need to fry the cutlets on medium heat.

Cutlets "Hercules"

In this case, the eggs do not add eggs. They are replaced by oat flakes. To get juicy stuffing meal beef with pork, you will need:

  • 1 kg of mixed minced meat.
  • 300 ml of milk.
  • 140 g of oat flakes.
  • 2 bulbs.
  • Pepper, salt.
  • 100 g of flour or breadcrumbs.
  • Bunch of greenery.

How to cook

Beef and pork should be separated from bones, cartilage, vein and films. After that, the meat must be crushed. You can do it with the help of a meat grinder. In the finished mince, milk should be pouring, preheated to room temperature. The onion should be cleaned and grate into a small grater or chopped finely. The resulting cleaner is worth shifting into a container with minced meat. Here you need to add salt, greens, pepper, oat flakes. The last component is recommended to grind with a coffee grinder.

Machine for the kitlet should be mixed, and then put for an hour in the refrigerator, having previously closed with a plastic film tank. After the specified time, you can form the cutlets and fry them. Finally, it is recommended to swipe them.

Recipe with rice

Mince for the kitlet can be prepared with rice. This will require:

  • 1 kg of meat minced meat.
  • 200 g rice, preferably round.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 2 bulbs.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • Salt pepper.
  • Flour.

How to make cutlets

To begin with, rinse rice in cold water. Now he needs to pour it into a pan and pour boiling water. At the same time, 2 part of the rice requires 2 glasses of water. Onions and garlic should be cleaned, and then skip together with minced meat grinder. You need to add rice, salt, spices to add the mixture, and then mix well. From the mixture it is worth shaping the cutlets and fry them on vegetable oil.

Fast Cottlets

If you wish, you can cook stuffing beef, pork and chicken. In this case, the dish is obtained with an extraordinary structure. However, only pork and beef is most often used. To quickly cook the cutlets, you will need:

  1. 600 g of mixed minced meat.
  2. 4 eggs.
  3. 2 raw potatoes.
  4. Green bow bundle.
  5. 50 g mayonnaise.
  6. 3 tbsp. Spoons of flour.
  7. Spice.

Cooking method

Green onions should be finely chopped. Potatoes should be cleaned and then grate on the grater. After that you need to cook mixed mince. In the resulting mass you should add pepper, potatoes, salt and green onions. All ingredients need to mix well. After that, add to the mixture of flour and mayonnaise. After stirring from the mass, it is necessary to form workpieces, and then fry them on the oil.

In conclusion

Cooking the right mince for a beef and pork boiler is only half of the case. It is important to make it easy, air and gentle. To do this, it is recommended to make a ready-made mince to be placed in a fridge for about half an hour. Stir the components is recommended by hand. This will allow to determine the consistency of the mixture, as well as remove all lumps. When forming, the kitlet is often stuffing sticks to the hands, so that this does not occur, you can moisten them in cold water.

Cutlets at home - simple at first glance everyday dish. True, many mistresses complain that the cutlets are obtained by rubber, rigid or simply fall apart during frying. But our article will help you cook juicy, air and very tasty cutlets.

The recipe for a homely kitlet can be found in the culinary book of each mistress. The taste of a meat dish largely depends on the quality of the minced. Many buy it already in the finished form, but still do not be lazy and twisted the mince yourself, because it is possible to be confident as a product.

To cutlets get juicy, but not fat to use pork and beef.


  • on pork and beef pork (kilo finished minced meat);
  • baton;
  • egg;
  • three bulbs;
  • 300 ml of pure water.

Cooking method:

  1. Slices of white bread omit in water or milk.
  2. The pieces of meat are twisting on the meat grinder together with the bow (there are several pieces of garlic for piquancy and aroma);
  3. In the finished mince, we drive the egg, put the soft bread (pre-pressed from extra liquid) and spices to taste, mix.
  4. From the minced me, we make the cutlets and roast to ruddy color, then we pour some water and steamed for 10 minutes under the lid.

In breadcrumbs

Homemade minced meatballs can be failed in breadcrumbs. Such a meat dish becomes worthy of a treating family or festive dinner.


  • 450 g mincedi;
  • baton;
  • egg;
  • crackers for breading.

Cooking method:

  1. In the minced mellow Melko chopped onions, clumsy in water (milk) Baton and spices to taste.
  2. From the minced me, we make cutlets, pack them in breadcrumbs and fry to an appetizing crispy crust.

From chicken minceda

Today there are several options for cooking meat kitt. Many hostesses choose chicken meat for mince. Chicken cutlets are preparing faster, they do not get so fat and very tasty. We offer you an original recipe for cooking a diet meat of poultry.


  • 750 g of chicken minced;
  • two bulbs;
  • polka milk;
  • baton;
  • two chips of hops-Sunnels and paprika;
  • two spoons of tomato puree;
  • five spoons are sour cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Through the meat grinder I miss the bread and bow in milk.
  2. The resulting mass with salt and pepper mix with minced meat.
  3. In principle, you can already fry the cutlets in a pan, but there is a more interesting way.
  4. We take a baking sheet, lubricate it with oil, lay the cutlets and put it in 20 minutes (180 ° C).
  5. From sour cream, tomato paste, as well as paprika and hops-Sunnels make a tummy. We take out the cutlets, water their fragrant sauce and return to the oven for another 20 minutes.

Juicy Cutlets home-made fish minced

From the meat of fish you can also cook delicious cutlets, which are good, both hot and cold.

Sea or river fish suitable for cooking, pike perch, cod, polytai, cobster and other types of white fish are used.

The most important thing is that there are no bones in meat, otherwise the dish will be spoiled by an unpleasant surprise.


  • 1 kg of fish fillet;
  • sugar spoon;
  • 50 g Manka;
  • dill.

Cooking method:

  1. With the help of a meat grinder, grind fish fillet together with the bow.
  2. In the crushed mass we add a semolina, sweetener, chopped dill, salt and pepper. If the minced meter turned out to be liquid, then you can add another mankey.
  3. From fish minced meat, we form the cutlets, sprinkle them with breading and fry to rosy.

From beef and turkey with semi

For all fans of dietary food, there is also a recipe for a delicious boiler. From meat, we will use beef and turkey.


  • 600 g of beef and turkey meat;
  • two bulbs;
  • garlic;
  • 60 g Manka;
  • 50 ml of water.

Cooking method:

  1. We twist the beef and turkey on the meat grinder, the bulbs and garlic lobes are also crushed on the meat grinder or just use the grater.
  2. In the minced meat, potatoes, of course, you can use the bread or grated potatoes in milk, but it is a manka that hold the shape of the kitlet better.
  3. Together with the semi, add salt, pepper, you can and other seasonings for your choice, mix and retard half an hour.
  4. Next, we form the cutlets, sprinkle with flour, first fry for three minutes on each side in a pan, then there are ten minutes in a saucepan with water.
  5. Finished homemade stuffing cutlets are served with sour cream sauce.

Preparing in Kiev

Cutlets in Kiev is a real classic of cooking. Such a dish conquered many gourmets with its juit, aroma and crispy crust. This is a restaurant dish, as it is not so easy to prepare it, but if you try, you can master such a culinary masterpiece.

Good afternoon dear friends. Let's talk today about the cutlets, more precisely we will analyze the recipes of the juicy meat cutlets of a different look. It would seem that there is a complex, mince, bread, egg all this and fry.

But it does not always work out as it is necessary. Especially serious young housewives. It is necessary to make a lot of time before it turned out to be lush and juicy cutlets, so that they like the whole family.

That's why we tried to collect not just recipes, but also to reveal the secrets of cooking delicious cutlets or bokings, as they are also called.

Also on the festive table almost always there are cutlets. Without them, it is sometimes no usual lunch or dinner. They can decorate any festive table. Each housewife wants to prepare anything interesting and unusual. And it's great. You can make your own recipe and tick the guests and so on.

But before you cook, you need to know a few simple rules. They were not invented simply so, it is the experience of many housewives of all time. Let's deal with more details.

How to cook juicy and delicious cutlets?

Cutlets must be very tasty, it does not dispute. But you need, just that they are not dry and lush. It depends on many factor. Such as the choice of minced meat, the mixing method of stuffing, the ingredients are additional and so on. And of course experience.

Now we will analyze the recipes of the juicy stuffing boiler, or rather first the preparation of minced meat.

By the way, it is best to make mince with your own hands. I never advise you to buy it in the store, as you never know what and how it is mixed. Usually from the purchase of minced meat, good home cutlets do not work.

Choose meat for the kitlet.

First of all, you need to decide what meat will make the cutlets. Usually I have this: what meat is, from that and I do. But not always because. If we want to surprise guests, or even just our family for dinner, then we think everything in advance.

On calorieness, the choice of meat also affects. This is how the meat can be stripped by calories:

  • The most juicy and calories are obtained precisely pork choletts. Calorie is located in the area of \u200b\u200b350 kcal / 100 g (290 kcal / 100 g during cooking per pair).
  • To do mix of pork and beef minorThe caloric content will be around 267 (190) Kcal / 100 g. Pork mince is better diluted on 2/3 beef minced meat.
  • When using clean beef minced meat Calorie and is less: 235 (172) Kcal / 100 g.
  • The dieties are cutlets from chicken. There is a calorie content of about 145-125 kcal / 100 g. But they are obtained dry. Therefore, in such cakes there are fat or other additives, which increase calories.
  • Minced Turkey - The most ideal option is not only for those who follow the figure, but also for the kids. The turkey meat itself is quite juicy and calories are not high: 180 kcal with frying in a pan and 140 when cooking for a pair.

No need to forget that such additives as breadfall, egg and oil with frying increase calorie. But without this, the cutlets are usually not obtained, and it all depends on what we want to prepare specifically.

How to choose the meat for minced meat.

Do not forget that the recipes of the juicy stuffing boiler will turn out with a bang only from homemade minced meat. You need to choose the right meat and make it yourself. Then the success is waiting for you unequivocally.

The main argument is fresh meat

  • When choosing meat, it is necessary to inspect it and sniff. Meat should smell fresh meat. No extraneous smells, acids or other odors pointing to old meat or sealing.
  • Meat should be elastic and elastic. If you press the meat with your finger, then the fossa should soon be aligned.
  • The color of meat should be pinkish red and wet. There should be no tanted sections or mucous surfaces.
  • The lamb is better to take the thigh or zelzok.
  • If you buy pork, beef or veal, then it is better to take: rear eyelid, neck, cutting or bladder part.
  • When choosing poultry meat, we pay attention to the ham (the shin and thigh). Then the cutlets are obtained more juicy. Breast is suitable - less high calorie part, but dry.

Subtleties of cooking meat.

First of all, I want to note that it is best to scroll through the meat through a small grid, preferably 2-3 times. So the cutlets will turn out more lush. Some recipes of juicy stuffing boiler directly indicate how many times you need to twist and not always through which mesh.

Many claim that it is better to scroll through a large grid. They are right, on the one hand. Then the meat is obtained by large pieces and gives less juice, which means less fat. But if you want to get lush cutlets, it is better to twist through a small grid, even better use a blender.

What you need to take into account when cooking a kitlet:

  • When adding the ball in the mince, you need to take bread wheat varieties. Desirable yesterday's bread, because the fresh will give not the necessary consistency and excess calorie.
    Also, for 1 kg of meat, approximately 150-200 g of the ball.
  • Mookat bread is needed in boiling water, and not in milk, as many believe. Milk deprives compatibility cutlets. But the meaksh sweep in water will give pomp and airiness.
  • Fragrance juits gives onions. It can be used 300 g per 1 kg of meat. The bow will not spoil the mince, only on the contrary, will be tastier and more.

    But the bow can not be scrolled through the meat grinder, all the juice lies. It is better to cut it with a knife and add to the mince.

  • If you want to get delicate gentle cutlets, then mayonnaise can be added to the mince, but a little bit, not more than 50 g.
  • So that the cutlets do not fall apart and were more lure, you can add potatoes, racing it on a shallow grater.
  • If you use eggs into mince, then you should not just add them to mince. First prepare the minced meat fully: add everything you need, spices too. Fuckly knead. And only at the end add eggs in this way:
    Separate proteins from yolks. Squirrels whip up to lush foam. And already in the finished mince slowly pour the protein, stirring upwards.
    Try and you are such a way and immediately mark how the cakes will take a magnificent shape right in your eyes.
  • Spices and salt add to your liking. There are no restrictions. A lot of greens are better in fish cutlets.

How to properly and how much do you need to fry chutters from minced me?

Catching out the recipes of juicy chickened mefax for its festive table, stumbled upon a little write in the recipe, how to fry the cutlets.

  1. It is necessary to form the cutlets, make enough thick and not very flattering. Hands are better to moisten with cold water to make it easier to sculpt.
  2. With proper frying, you can avoid loss of juits in the cutlets. But usually use breading. She is well holding back the juiciness inside. Sukhari or salted flour are usually used. But the manka, and Japanese cornflakes will fit well.
  3. The frying pan needs to warm up on medium heat. Pour oil for frying and then lay out our cutlets cut into breading.
  4. After 3-5 minutes, we turn our cakes, we remove the fire to the smallest, and cover the frying pan. So fry for 15 minutes. During this time, meat and onions are drawn, and it does not disappear.
  5. Now open the lid, we increase the fire to the average and bring to the appetizing crust.
  6. The oil is better to change with each frying.

On average, cooking one batch in a pan takes a decent 25 minutes. But it's worth it.

How else can you cook the cutlets.

In addition to the traditional ways, the recipes of juicy minced meat are offered to fry a couple and in the oven and in the microwave. That's how much time it takes:

  • In a slow cooker who fell in love of a housewife, in the "frying" or "baking" mode, the cooking of the kitlet also takes 20-25 minutes.
  • In a double boiler or multicooker with such a function, 25 minutes will be required. In this case, less calorie and also very tasty.
  • If you use a steam nozzle for the microwave, you can prepare cobblets in 15 minutes. Only first cook for 5 minutes, then we turn over and 7-10 minutes cook.
  • If you use an oven for baking, then at 180 ºС it will take 30 minutes.
  • In the 800 W microwave, you can cook cutlets in 7 minutes.
  • In the aerogrile, the cutlets are baked in 20 minutes.

Here look at the option of lush cakes:

The best recipes for juicy and lush meat cakes.

And now we consider with you various recipes of juicy meal. At the same time, do not forget about the subtleties described above. We will not repeat in recipes.

We will try to consider different recipes, with different types of meat.

Recipes of juicy stuffing meal - classic with bread.

Sometimes such cakes are called "home assorted". For such a recipe and the truth of the cutlet, more delicious and normal juits are obtained. We prepare such often for lunch or dinner.

We need:

  1. Pork meat - 300 g;
  2. Beef meat - 300 g;
  3. Bread meakish - 90-100 g;
  4. Egg - 1 pc;
  5. Onion - 2 pcs;
  6. Garlic (optional) - 2 teeth;
  7. Flour - 150 g;
  8. Vegetable oil;
  9. Salt to taste;
  10. Spices to taste.

Step 1.

We cook mince, twist meat pork and beef on a thin grid of a meat grinder 2 times and a blender. Onions immediately finely chinch. Add to mince.

Step 2.

Bread meaks We send in boiling water to be soaked. While squeezing garlic, salt and pepper to taste. We add bread to meat, skipping through the meat grinder and mix thoroughly.

Step 3.

Now the egg, separating proteins and beat. Add to mince, mix thoroughly.

Step 4.

Now I will form meat balls with my hands and slightly slightly. At the same time we wash in cold water so that the minced meat sticks to them.

Step 5.

Now we cut the cutlets in the flour or you can use any other breading.

Step 6.

Now everything is as described above. First, one side fry on medium heat, then we reduce the fire to the small, turn the cake and cover the lid. After bringing to readiness and ready.

Chicken minced chicketers in the oven.

As we said, such cakes are very dietary, perfectly suitable for those who are on a diet. The kids are so very loved by such cakes. Instead of chicken meat, you can use turkey. Then the cutlets will be more juicy.

We need:

  1. Chicken breast - 200 g;
  2. Wheat bread - 40-50 g;
  3. Egg - 1 pc;
  4. Onion - 1 pc;
  5. Garlic - 1 teeth;
  6. Salt to taste;
  7. Spices to taste.

Step 1.

We rinse the breast, wearing and separate from the bone. Fillet pass through a meat grinder or blender.

Step 2.

Bread scam in boiling water, after a couple of minutes, press a little and add to mince. Solim, Perchym to taste, squeeze garlic, finely shining onions, adding into mince and mix well everything.

Step 3.

Now the case is behind the egg, more precisely protein. We whip and add to the mince.

Step 4.

We put a heated oven at 180 ºС. Meanwhile, put the bastard on the baking sheet. We form out of the minced meat, not very thick pellets and put on the baking sheet.

Step 5.

Bake the cutlets in the oven for 30 minutes. Preparedness can be served on the table.

Cutlets made of beef minor.

Recipes of juicy meat cutlets made of beef or other meat simple enough. Almost everything is preparing for one recipe. Now consider the simplest recipe, the main thing is to choose meat correctly so that it is not dry.


  1. Beef meat (veal) - 800 g;
  2. Onions - 2 pcs;
  3. Bread - 140-150 g;
  4. Egg - 1 pc;
  5. Salt to taste;
  6. Spices to taste;
  7. Vegetable oil or butter cream.

Step 1.

We twist the meat. Onions finely shining and add to mince.

Step 2.

Wheat bread, yesterday, soaked in boiling water. Press and add to mince. PERSIM, Solim to taste and mix.

Step 3.

Separate protein in the egg, whipped and add to mince.

Step 4.

We form meat balls with wet hands, slightly and ship and send it to a preheated frying pan. I use vegetable oil, but you can fry on creamy oil. So the cutlets will be more juicy.

Fry technology described above. Preparedness can be served with a vegetable garnish.

Here is a beautiful recipe:

Another recipe for beef cakes, but with a lulled.

Usually, the cutlets are served with a vegetable side dish or pasta. So I always love to make a gravy to the cutlets. So tastier and more. Many recipes of juicy meal boiler allow you to make a filling right away, not separately from the kitlet and together .. Having tried one day, you will always do it.

We need:

  1. Beef - 500 g;
  2. Potatoes - 2 pcs;
  3. Egg - 1 pc;
  4. Bay leaf - 1 pc;
  5. Onion - 1 pc;
  6. Flour for breading;
  7. Salt and spices to taste;
  8. Greens.

Step 1.

Preparing mince. Meat omit 2-3 times through the meat grinder. Onions finely shining and add to meat. Three potatoes on a small grater and also add right away. Solim and Pepper. Greens of finely shlish and also in minced meat.

All thoroughly mix and then add whipped protein.

Step 2.

Now we form with wet hands. Beautiful bokings. Call them in flour or other breading.

Step 3.

Fry we will be a little different. Fry on a preheated pan from two sides to a golden crust.

Salmon himself. Pour the cutlets in a frying pan with water, but a little to the slightly covered the cutlets. Add a bay leaf, salt, spices to taste and simply close the lid, let it be stealing about 20 minutes on a small fire. Then the cakes will give their own taste and flavor, it will simply be awesome.

To the lulfasium turned out to be thick, it needs to add flour if you want. Then you need to add a couple of flour spoons in 1/2, stirring and pouring into the gravy. We will mix and let it be stretched a couple of minutes. Then you can remove our cakes with a dill aside.

Juicy chicken minced chickens with cheese filling.

Some recipes of juicy chicketer supplied stuffing. You can experiment with different fillings. We love more cheese stuffing, we present you such a recipe.

We need:

  1. Chicken meat - 550 g;
  2. A piece of baton - 120-130 g;
  3. Garlic - 4 teeth;
  4. Onion - 35-40 g;
  5. Egg - 3 pcs;
  6. Solid cheese - 120 g;
  7. Salt and spices to taste;
  8. Dill and parsley to taste;
  9. Vegetable oil.

Step 1.

I boil 2 eggs by screwing, cool, we clean and squeeze on a shallow grater.

Step 2.

Cheese apply a thin straw.

Step 3.

All the greens are well promoted, the dried and finely sash. Now egg, greens and cheese connect and mix. This is the filling turned out.

Step 4.

Making minced meat. Chicken meat pass through a meat grinder or blender.

Step 5.

We put breadfish in boiling water in boiling water and in a couple of minutes we will pull out, add to mince. Garlic squeeze through the press into mince.

Step 6.

Onions shining finely and also add to mince. Add salt and spices to taste. All thoroughly mix.

Step 7.

Separate egg protein, whipping and mixed with minced meat.

Step 8.

Now we make thin pellets from the minced meat, put our filling in the middle. After wrapped in mince, a little awesome. Give the shape of the cutlets. Do not forget your hands to wet so that the meat does not stick.

Step 9.

Now heat the frying pan and fry our cakes.

Cutlets in a batter with filling.

This recipe is a bit more complicated than those described earlier, but the taste of ignition and look very beautiful on the festive table. We continue to consider the recipes of juicy stuffing meat, now in the batter.


Step 1.

We make mince first. You can take any, you can assorted. I use 2/3 beef and part of the pork. It is best to take no fat meat, as there will be enough oil.

Ground meat through a meat grinder. Finely shining onions, add to meat. Salt and pepper add to the taste. Thoroughly mix everything. You can add a little water, if very dry meat it turned out.

Step 2.

Let's make a stuffing. We rub the cheese on the grater. Pineapples are finely cut and mix with cheese.

Step 3.

Now mince must be divided into equal parts. Rock balls from them - future cutlets.

Step 4.

Make a cake from the balls, put a spoonful of the filling and a piece of butter on the middle of the creamy oil. Close as pies. Now we make the shape of the cutlets, correct so to speak.

The resulting cutlets are still removed in the refrigerator. Making Clar.

Step 5.

In a deep bowl, drive eggs, mayonnaise, soda and salt. We whip well. Then gradually interfere with the flour stirring. It is necessary that the dough happens like on pancakes.

Step 6.

Give the cake. In the pan melts fat. You can simply fry on the vegetable oil. I lower the cakes first and then on a preheated frying pan. Leave the distance between the cutlets so that they do not stick.

When one side was twisted, turn over. Frying until all sides will be twisted.

Step 7.

After the frying, it is advisable to put the cutlets for a while on a paper towel to an excess fat stack. After you can serve with a side dish.

In fact, these are the same cutlets, but make them thin. Also the difference is that there is a lot of oil. You need to immerse completely cutlets there. Traditionally, the schnitzel is prepared from pork. But you can do from another meat. Let's look at the recipes of juicy minced meat in German.

We need:

  1. Pork - 1 kg;
  2. Cream - 2 tablespoons;
  3. Egg - 2 pcs;
  4. Onion - 1 pc;
  5. Breadcrumbs;
  6. Salt and pepper to taste;
  7. Coriander Ground and bay leaf to taste;

Step 1.

Washing meat pass through the meat grinder. Onions finely shining and add to meat.

Step 2.

Pour cream into mince, there are pepper and salt to taste. Drive eggs there entirely. Thoroughly mix mince, it is desirable to even repel it.

Step 3.

We form thin pellets with moistened hands, we take pain in breadcrumbs and leave on the table for a couple of minutes.

And here is an interesting recipe and very beautiful:

Fish cakes with a semolina.

In conclusion, consider a simple recipe for fish meat kitlet. For those who are tired of another meat - the recipes are suitable for juicy meat minced meat. It also turns delicious cutlets. In the rebell, there are a lot of useful substances, especially phosphorus. You can cook from any fish. We will prepare from Mixed.

We need:

  1. Fish any (Mixtai I) - 1 kg;
  2. Onion - 1-2 pieces;
  3. Bread or Baton - 150-200 g;
  4. Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  5. Salt and pepper to taste;
  6. Manka for breading;
  7. Vegetable oil.

Fish clean, cut into small pieces. Bread scams in water and press. Onions finely shining and fry in a frying pan to a beautiful golden color. We definitely cool.

Step 2.

Now through the meat grinder I miss the fish fillet, bread and roasted bow. Solim and pepper minced taste. Mix everything thoroughly.

Step 3.

Wet hands form balls and slightly slightly. Heat the frying pan, cutlets collapse into the semoline and put on the pan. He fry on both sides, reducing the fire, cover the lid and let them shake a little.

Step 4.

After frying, we lay out the cutlets in the saucepan. We bring water to a boil, put a tomato paste there, a bay leaf. You can add more any spices to your taste. Cover the lid and cars for 2-3 minutes.

Then remove from the slab and slightly cool. You can serve on the table.

I have everything on this, I hope for you our advice and recipes. Enjoy your appetite, everyone is before the meeting. Do not forget to leave your comments and share posts on social networks.

Recipes of juicy minced meat and secrets of their cooking. Updated: December 8, 2017 by the author: Subbotina Maria

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